Ali Albarghouthi – This is Love #34 You Will Be With The Ones You Love

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary ©
The importance of love and proximity in relationships is crucial for building a connection. It is a base of everything, and everyone should be selective in their love. It is also important to avoid rejection and avoid missing the heart. It is important to be high achievers in order to achieve greater love for oneself and achieve greater spiritual presence of Allah. It is important to focus on one's love for Allah and not give up on it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Melinda million phone oh and fatten up my LinkedIn was in Monopol Alameen Allah hum in Allah the creek was shook Rica was named by the tick.

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So in sha Allah this is the last session before Ramadan Nila as surgeons just a reminder that this is this lecture series will pause during Ramadan and will resume by the will of Allah as sojourners help after Ramadan Bismillah has xojo and I will have few words to say about Ramadan insha Allah towards the end and trying to connect the month of Ramadan to everything that we've been trying to do and say and learn in sha Allah in the series.

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So we've reached hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen, Hadith 34.

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And this hadith as you will see establishes a connection and an important connection

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that is fundamental and understanding love and how a person is transformed right? By his surroundings and how important your surroundings the people around you are.

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So, in this hadith a man comes to the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and he asked him,

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he said are Raju your hibel? Calmer water? myblu vermelha home?

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He said, O Messenger of Allah What about a man who loves a people but has not matched their deeds? What about a person who loves the people, but he has not reached the level of their piety of their actions.

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For father Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa early was salam and Mauro OMA Amen, I have a person who will be with the people that he loves

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a person is or will be with the people that he loves. Allah Fergana Ennis. And as the narrator of this hadith when he would narrate this hadith he would say, Allah whomever in Ferdinand or hip Booker will know Hebrew Rasulullah he would say after narrating this hadith via Allah, we do indeed love you, and we love your messenger.

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And Al Bukhari adds something else that Ennis would say, he would say, for Anna or hipbone Nebia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were Ababa, Korean War Omar, he says I do love the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam and Abu Bakr and Omar, were do an akuna ma homebuilt ve homeware in them. Dimitri, I'm early him, it says, and I hope that I will be with them. Because of my love for them, even if I did not do what they did.

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Right? So and this is saying what here it says, affirming, in the first narration, indeed, I love Allah and Allah love the messenger. In the second narration, he would say indeed, I love that messenger. And who else and Abu Bakr and Omar, and I hope to be with them, because I love them, because of my love for them even if I have not at their level. Right. So this hadith establishes a connection between love and proximity, love and proximity and that they are connected love and nearness. And the Hadith In fact, as you will discover, I hope by the will of Allah azza wa jal has layers to it, and lessons many lessons from it. And that is from the comprehensiveness of the speech

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of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, because he could just give you that sentence and you could spend time learning from it and deriving from it, multiple lessons, and multiple reflections and understandings.

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We understand if you want to kind of ground the idea of nearness and love you understand that when you love someone or something, you want to be close to them.

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That's evident, right? When you love something, you want to be close to them. So if you love a person, a child, a parent, you want to be close to them and you want to spend as much as as much time as possible next to them. So when you love someone, and then you spend time with them, what that also leads to is that you start thinking like talking to like, you become more like them and they become more like to you even if the match the overlap is not 100% but you start to develop common interests, common ideas, common language, common jokes, right. So you have a background you have a connection. Where did that connection come from? It came first from love, but also being

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around them.

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So this and that are connected. So you become spiritually more like the people around you, intellectually more like the people around you. And that's by the way that is important for social media as well. Because that's a consumption those become like family, or friends that feed you, you feed on them ideas, emotions, interests in life, see become more like them. So if you're following something, you have to be sensitive to how they may be changing you, when you're consuming their ideas. So we become like each other because we are closer to each other.

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And when you admire or when we say when you love someone, so love with admiration or admiration with love, what do you tend to do,

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you start to want to be like them. So you imitate or you adopt their speech, their language, their mannerisms, how they dress, how they walk, where they live, basically, what is interesting, what is important to them gets absorbed into you as well. So if a person simply, uh, you know, says, I love this soccer player, do they stop at the fact that they just love how they play?

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Or does it move beyond that, so they want to dress like them, right, so they start to follow them, they want to dress like them, they buy the same jersey, they would cut or you know, have the same hairstyle, talk a little bit like them walk a little bit. So the greater the love, the greater the, the admiration, the greater that imitation. And it works the other way around, too. Alright, so if you love or admire, you're going to imitate. And if you imitate, it produces love. So if you start to look like someone, or you want to behave like someone that affinity that proximity, that similarity, leads to love as well. Because you're around them all the time. Right. So both of these

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lead to each other, even if you don't have to have love in the beginning. So imitation leads to admiration and love and love leads to imitation.

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if you're, as we said, if you are close to someone close enough to them, or you spend a lot of time with them, even if you initially don't have feelings, you start developing feelings. So you start seeing them more as friends, or more as love interests, or more as this and that. But there is an connection, even with space. Right? If you spend a lot of time around the place, you start to miss it, when you leave it right, your apartment, your home, your neighborhood. Or if it's not, you just move to another place. But you spend a lot of time there. When you leave you miss it while you're missing it. There's an emotional attachment where did this emotional attachment come barring, you

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know, any other incident that makes you dislike that place or that person? So barring that, where does that attachment come from? The proximity to this person? Alright. So, the Hadith of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam can mean both? Right can mean both? In a sense, what the ones that you love, you shall be with

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and also the ones that you will love you are when right now.

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And in terms of the future, which this person was asking about, who came to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, and he said, If I love people, but I'm not as pious as they are, I'm not doing as many good things as they are doing. Then what and the prophets Alehissalaam he said you will that's the future

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you will be with them. Now, on page 358

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Bring a coat in the explanation of that hadith from a leaf sly and man you see how

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he said here? The prophets Allah we sent them for Enola Mia Paul, Elmer OMA Amen. I have Davina salah, Hanaa Hadassah. It says the statement of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam wasn't simply about you will be with the pious specifically

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balaclava who will have her arm,

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but it's a general statement and restricted.

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Yet in our salah, Hina or your asylee him. It encompasses and includes the pious and the empires, right? You will be with those that you love. So then is that only the pious? No, the Hadith was General and again

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That's of how comprehensive and eloquent the Prophet alayhi salatu salam because he gives one answer, but you can then take it and apply it to so many other scenarios. So that means if you are loving or you love the pious for their piety that brings you closer to Allah azza wa jal to them and to heaven.

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That's good news. Right?

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If you have love in your heart towards the pious, what does that bring you? Closer to home to them.

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And it brings you closer to them Allah azza wa jal loves you because because of that brings you closer to Jana and breezy closer to Allah azza wa jal. So this is good news. Now, what's the bad news in the Hadith?

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What if you're loving the Empires?

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The sinners,

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the rebels who rebel against Allah azza wa jal, the criminals, the hypocrites, the disbelievers. What happens if you love them? What does that bring you? closer to them? And if you're closer to them, you're closer to

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the displeasure and the anger of Allah azza wa jal, and you're closer to *.

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So this hadith, though, in the context of the answer, the prophet that is Salatu was Salam was good news, as you will see other narration that the Sahaba celebrated that hadith, but at the same time, it tells you and it warns you that if you love improperly, if your love is sinful, if it's the wrong type of love,

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then that is going to affect you. And that is going to lead you away from Allah subhanho wa taala. So whom we love matters, right. And that's one message from the Hadith, because of the Prophet alayhi. Salatu Salam is saying, and he is indeed saying that you will be with them. Right? That's, then that affects you.

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And that affects your relationship with Allah as xojo. So

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who we are, leads us to the ones that we love.

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So we can say whatever we want to say about ourselves, and we can imagine whatever we want to imagine about ourselves, and we have an image of ourselves, oh, no, I am a pious, I'm a good person. I'm a good person. If you ask yourself, about yourself, no, I'm a good person. And that could be an honest answer. And it could be a very biased answer, because you always think that you're good. Right? But a better question is to ask yourself, Whom do you love?

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Who are you attracted to? Who do you want to be like, Who do you spend your time listening to talk into imitating wanting to be like, because who you are, leads you to the people that you love. So you try to find them, because they match you.

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That's where your heart belongs, right.

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And if we seek people, even if we're not like them yet, but if we seek them, we become like them in time. So who we love shapes us as well.

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So it works both ways, right? You are this. That's why you move there, or you are there, you will move towards it. Right.

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So that's why it's important. And again, your surroundings, your company, your friends, your family, your spouse, your children, whoever is around you or you surround yourself with matters.

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That's why you have to choose the people that you love.

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You have to choose them. And be selective

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in who you accept into your heart. And now, you may say to yourself, but I don't control my feelings. I don't control my emotions. I may like so and so. For whatever reasons, I may understand them or my fail to understand them. But I just like so and so on. I hate zones. Right? Without any

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introductions without any cause. Did it happen to you or not that you just met someone and you'd like them?

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And you met someone and you felt a dislike, maybe I may not call it hate because you don't really know them? But a dislike that there are no cars or you know, discernible physical visible causes. But you do. So you're telling me Well, I don't own my heart. I don't control it. How am I supposed then to be selective in my love? You say no. If the Prophet alayhi salatu salam has said you will be like them if you are around them. It tells you that there's at least a hint there that you have control over the progression of that love, not the initial emotion. Right, not the initial emotion.

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But the progression of that love and what happens to it, and whether it grows or diminishes, so you're responsible for it, and you have a choice. And you must exercise control over what you love and how you love it. So when it comes

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to unhealthy, problematic,

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distress, destructive love, I'm attracted to this. Okay? Suppose, for instance, that your doctor tells you, you have to pursue a particular diet.

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And you have to avoid sugar or fried food, or a particular thing that you're allergic to?

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Would you go and visit the restaurant that serves all of these things and sit and watch the chef and

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everyone consume and produce and eat all that and you're sitting watching that? Would you do that? Would you bring yourself closer to it? And if you were to do that, what are the likelihood that you're going to order the same thing? Even if it's bad for you?

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So you understand then, that I desire it. I like it, I want it. But when it's not good for me, what do you do? You put what?

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Distance, so you don't see it? You don't smell it? You don't hear it. And so your attraction diminishes, at least it's not present. The attraction, the love diminishes. So you have control over your desire, right? Your attractions. And so here we it says, In the same way, exactly the same way, when the love is wrong, it's unhealthy in the attraction is not good for you, then you have to oppose it. You have to fight it. And how do you fight it by initially recognizing that it's not the right attraction? It's not the right admiration. It's not the right type of love. So an example, entertainers, sports figures, all right.

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Influencers, someone who's very famous has millions and millions of followers, everybody wants to be them, everybody follows their news. Now, if you find yourself attracted to this person, and I don't mean in a romantic sexual way, but just simply you'd only want to follow them. You want to listen to them, you admire what they say? Well, you have to ask yourself is what? Are they worthy of it or not?

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Right? That's the first thing, are they worthy of it or not? Now, if they are not worthy of it? What should you do? Continue to admire and love and be attracted and to follow and be influenced by them owed? What do you say, even though I do have this attraction, or call it love or affinity? What do you do is it's wrong. So you stop. So I don't want to be like them, I'm not going to follow them, I'm not going to listen to them. Because if I do this, it will definitely influence me. So that's a wrong type of love, or on top of admiration, you can take them as role models, as stars as people to follow or praise. And the more of course, that we overlook that and we

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prop them by either retweeting or resharing what they're doing or talking about them or buying their merchandise merchandise, we make them grow bigger and bigger, though they are undeserving of that. And more and more people are tempted by that persona or by that effect. So I may be attracted to this, I may be inclined towards it. But if you know it's wrong, you stop.

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And so that tells you that you're supposed to have the right type of love.

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And so who are you supposed to love then?

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You're supposed to love the righteous. Okay, if you don't find yourself attracted to the righteous, what are you supposed to do?

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The righteous that you find in the masjid or

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globally? Well, I'm not I don't like them very well. You had a bad experience when you came to the masjid with one of them, two of them, three of them with one woman who was wearing hijab one where a woman who's wearing niqab, another brother with a long beard or whatever, say, say, I mean, I'm repelled by this? Is that the right reaction? If you know that most of them if not all of them, but most of them are supposed to be striving to be pleasing to Allah as a judge, should you then have those ill feelings towards them that hatred, that repulsion or should you fight it? Should we try to see the good in them?

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That they're trying even though they may have faults and mistakes and who among us doesn't, but you tried to fight that and embrace their love for the sake of Allah as it is. So how do you love the righteous? You try to be close to them.

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Right? You try to emulate them that is if someone is righteous around you

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You forget your personal feelings. But if you said it, you see them sitting reading the Quran or learning the Quran, you take that from them, you see that they're trying to be modest and humble, or learning better matters, you take that from them, you find that they are generous with their time with their money, you take that from them. So you when you're around them, you're learning something and that will cause to things that you will be better because of it and also you will love them because of that, because you will see the good that they are doing so when you are close to them, and when you try to emulate them, and when you

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and and then also, you want to please Allah azza wa jal around them with them because it's easier when the righteous reminds you of righteousness.

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If it's done like that, and you make dua for them, you see someone who's pleasing to Allah as certainly you say, May Allah bless him an increase in in this, this, this this or if they make a mistake, the say, May Allah azza wa jal forgive him or her and allow them to fix this flaw in them, so you're making dua for them. If you're like that, you will learn to love the righteous more and more, and find excuses for them when they make mistakes, and move away from the wicked and the sinners. So you don't give them the love that only should belong to Allah as urgent. And keep in mind, also, that you are fighting the whispers of the shaytaan when it comes to whom you love and

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whom you hate.

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That is, you may find someone who is so far away from Allah azza wa jal, but you're not repelled by them. Why aren't you repelled by them other than what it may say about you, and how much you want to be like them, or how much you actually resemble them, gets us a mirror, by the way. But in addition to all of that, the shaytaan is not causing friction, or trying to cause friction between you and that person, because he likes them, he wants you to be like him. But when it comes to the righteous, he's gonna whisper in your heart and in your mind, to hate them.

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To complicate that relationship, you remember the term when we talked about how the shaytaan will try to convince a man to divorce his wife, and the other way around to, for them to divorce to he wants to break that relationship. So if he does this with man with a man and his wife,

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what did he do this with the pious as well, try to whisper try to ruin that relationship. So you got to overcome the whispers of the shaytaan. And when the shaytaan finds that you are stronger than he is, he's not gonna whisper as much when it comes to that area, because he knows you are wiser. So the gist of it all is you have or we have to be closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala in the sense of what in a sense of selecting the right love and running away from the bathtub of love.

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Now, there's a hadith here, and based on that hadith, I want to kind of extract

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benefits about love and the importance of love, as worship.

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So this is on page 360.

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And in that hadith, a man comes to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And he said, Yeah, rasool Allah who Allah He in Nicola hubco em enough. See,

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we're in that habit, really, I mean, a habit really, I mean, what did he say he came to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And he said, All prophets of Allah,

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by Allah, I love you more than I love myself. And more than I love my family, and more than I love my children. Right.

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And when I'm home, and I think about you, I can't come, I can't wait to come and see, like when I'm home, not around you. And I think about you, I can't wait again, be patient to just come back and see you. And he says, but when I remember my death and your death, and I know that when you enter Heaven, you will be elevated to the station of the prophets. And if I enter heaven, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you. Because of the distance between us. You're way up here, and I'm down here. So I'm going to be separated from you. So the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said nothing to him, until Gibreel at a certain came with a foul following area, when were you to Allah? How are rasool Allah

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for Allah Iike Allah Vina and I'm Allahu Allah He Mina nabina was so the theme is an he who obeys Allah and the messenger will be with those that Allah had blessed from among the prophets and the Saudi.

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Right. So

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this man, I mean, first you

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gotta admire the intensity of the love that they had for the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. Because this was absolutely sincere, he didn't have to come and say this to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, except that he loved him so much. And he said, If I cannot tolerate the separation in the dunya, like I come and see you, and then I believe you and I cannot wait to come back and see you, if I cannot tolerate the separation in the dunya. Right? How can I tolerate it in the next life?

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Right. And if anyone loves someone, the concern that you have is that I will be separated from them. And the greater the love, the greater the anguish, right? Like, if you love someone, your greatest anguish, the greatest trouble

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that you have, is that I could be separated from them. I love them. Yeni Okay, the most in this world.

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And nothing could ruin this except the possibility that I'll be separated from them.

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So anyone who loves another,

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the answer to that anguish is in this hadith.

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Because love in the dunya by its nature does not last you have to be separated. But who can rejoin you?

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Allah azza wa jal on its own love in the dunya has an expiration, it must end you or they will leave. But if you are pleasing to Allah azza wa jal, and they are as well you will be joined together, then you don't have to worry about separation. So this man who loved the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, more than any other human being because he said more than myself and more than my family and more than my children.

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By the way, is this possible today?

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Yes, but it's not the easiest. But it's possible.

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It's possible to live in money. Salatu was Salam. In fact, if you go back way, early to the Hadith that we explained, is actually something that we should strive to have to love him more than anyone else. More than our children and our parents and our spouses. This is something that we should strive. This is our jihad. And as long as we are doing it on trying to do it, Allah will excuse you if you don't reach it. But you cannot sit back and say I'm content with how much I love the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam and it's insufficient. No, you have to live in more than you love your children.

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More than you love your parents, it says difficulty says, Did you make the art for it? Did you ask for it? Did you push for it says no, it says Then you try.

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You keep trying.

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And so this man have reached such a level he says I'll be separated from you. But no, Allah azza wa jal

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secures or brings security and peace to his heart, by reminding him through this ayah that if you obey Allah and the messenger, you will not be separated from them, you will be with them. Maybe not at the exact same rank, but you will be with them. So there is no separation.

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What do you understand also from this hadith is that love elevates from the first Hadith and this hadith is love elevates. Because he said, I love your prophet of Allah. And in the first Hadith, the Prophet sallahu wa salam said, you see, you will be with them, even if you do not match their deeds.

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That love is an act of worship.

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Love itself is an act of worship, when done right.

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So, the actions of the heart and consider this as a principle. The actions of the heart are the basis of the actions of the body, right? Because if you love you move, if you hate, you flee

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religiously and otherwise, the actions or the feelings of the heart, are the basis of the actions of the body and the actions of the heart, are the basis of what you do.

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So if you love, you move based on that love, if you hate you move based on that hate and Islamically the actions of the body, or the actions of the heart are more important than the actions of the body, because they are the foundations. This is not to dismiss the importance of the body and what it does. You still have to pray, you still have to fast his heart I still have to give sadaqa right, but between the to the foundational one and the most important one is the heart and its actions and among the actions of the heart which are considered worship

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Love is at the top. love for Allah sake loving Allah loving Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam, O Allah for Allah sake is right there at the top.

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So we often neglect the heart and its actions as an act of worship.

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We think only, well, I'm just fasting, I'm just praying, I'm just making dua, but you could be sitting at home, but your heart is moving with Allah's love moving with dua for someone, or resisting the temptations of the shaytaan. Or thinking the best of fellow Muslims just the heart on its own, and that is a bother.

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And the word is not doing a thing.

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That's why and though it's

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sometimes attributed to the prophet that is Salatu was Salam as a hadith it is not a hadith. But it is said maybe one of the staff have said it, NIA to loot meanie Hi Roman Amelie. The intention of the believer is better than his deeds.

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They say explaining that is that your deeds may fall short. Your deeds may be imperfect, you may not be able to do this all the time. But your intention surpasses your physical ability or inability. You may not have a lot of money but in your heart, Allah knows sincerely, if you had it, you would donate a lot.

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You may not be able to help people physically you give them advice, but Allah knows from your heart, because it is that sincere and that pure. And that takes work by the way, you can just assume it. You can say I have it takes work and do. But it is so sincere and pure that if I had this, I would help so many people. That is a good intention. So you're sitting, doing nothing, but your heart is moving. And Allah counts that as a good deed.

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You may not be able to pray at times give sadaqa at times do good deed at sign but your intention is continuously

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right, registering with Allah as Zota that this is a pious person. Right?

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And also, you could derive from that as well.

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That the more that you cultivate your heart, right?

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The stronger your body will be and more determined you will be to obey Allah azza wa jal, because that reminds me of another saying, which could be the basis of this saying or at least it's connected to it? Where if no agilon said, he said,

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let me know what to do for you can be

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wha hoo, ha. Alba a. He says the believer has strength in his heart and weakness in his limbs.

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Meaning where's the strength of the believer

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in his heart, even though his limbs could be weak, but his heart is strong. He says Allah thorough, thorough, thorough radula the shape Yakumo Laila, while you're small, however, JIRA what I used to shop with Eric, he says, Don't you see that an older man is able to pray at night, and fast on hot days, and the young men cannot?

00:33:21 --> 00:33:44

Can she see that this man who physically is inferior to the body has inferior body compared to a younger man, but he can pray at night and the young men cannot, you won't be able to doesn't stand, he can get bored gets tired, but not the older man. Or he could fast on hard days. And they agree men cannot. What is the strength here physical?

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No, it's emotional.

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It's about emotion and it's psychological.

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So the believers strength is in his heart.

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So that's really the arena that you want to improve. And when you improve that the body follows.

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Or when you push the body but with an attentive heart as to what you're doing.

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The piety of the heart increases. So it works both ways. And it's important to actually address it on both levels. Say I'm working on my heart. And at the same time, I'm pushing my body to do what Allah has commanded me. So when you do the per the obligations, your body, your heart improves. And when you fix your heart, your worship improves.

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You can wait for one

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and neglect the other. Both are important. But the most important acts of worship are inside your heart.

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And the most important among them, is the love of Allah as Zoa Jen and so when you love Allah, Allah elevates you. And in the following Hadith, which also is narrated by Ennis, which is similar to the main Hadith of the chapter.

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And as sort of the Allahu Anhu this is on page 361 Enniscorthy Allahu Anhu

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said Hala Khanna you are Jubu. Now he said we used to love that a Bedouin from outside of Medina would come, and it would ask the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, a question and we could just listen to the answer. He says, we used to love that. So someone came to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, who is a nomad and RRB a Bedouin and he said, Yeah, rasool Allah, He Mata Pia Musa, he says, Oh messenger, messenger of Allah, when will the day of judgment take place? When is it

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hello Akima to sada. So they called the iqama. Then so the prophets of Allah sin and prayed when he finished his salah. He said, Who? Where is this person who asked about the Day of Judgment? So he says I did, or messenger of Allah. So the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He replied and says, What did you prepare for it?

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What did you prepare for it? He didn't say when he said no one. But he diverted or switched it to something more important than the when, which is what did you do for that day? And he says, My added to the Herman, cafeteria Amory Salatin, mean Amarin, Salah tinola Sia, it says I didn't do a lot for it. Not a lot of Salah and not a lot of fasting. In new himolla or Sula except that I love Allah and the messenger

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for Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and moral moment.

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A person is with the people that he loves.

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Called the * Femara a twin Muslim in her 30 year old adult Islami be che in Marathi Hobi. He is I did not witness the believers, the Muslims happy after their day of Islam as they were happy with this.

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Meaning of course, when they accepted Islam, when they embraced it, that was the happiest day. And they learned a lot of stuff after. And they did a lot of stuff after good things. And they learned a lot of good things. But he said when they listened to this, it made them happiest since the time that they accepted Islam.

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So this tells you already understood how important this was. And model measurement hub. If you love Allah and the messenger, you're propelled upward,

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way high, because of whom you love. And that tells you that love elevates, and that love matters.

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Love really matters. Because as it can take you to the highest levels, it can throw you to the lowest depths.

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And if you love the right one,

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if you love Allah and the messenger, it can compensate at times for a lack of physical deets.

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It can compensate a times for a lack of physical deeds that you could be. And with by the way, this is not a call for us to rely on the minimum and say, Hey, I love Allah and the messenger. Right? Because you understand that Sahaba used to strive physically, to worship Allah as origin, right? night prayer of fasting, a lot of sadaqa

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alternate days of fasting or a lot of days of fasting. It's not that they just said oil of Allah and the messenger. And I will just simply rely on the possibility that I love no love means action. So I want us to understand this before I move to the next point. Love means action. Right? This is true with human beings as well. How do they know that? You will love them?

00:38:35 --> 00:38:38

Oh, Mom, I love you, but you disrespect her. Whereas what does that mean?

00:38:40 --> 00:38:53

Or I love my children but you neglect them? That's not love? How do you know? How do they know that you love them? Besides you saying it? How do they know your actions? Say that.

00:38:55 --> 00:39:32

And actions speak louder. And they are truer than proclamations or I love you know, you love than you do. And you love also you don't do things that contradict that love. So I don't want us to misunderstand. I love Allah and the messenger to mean let me just do whatever I want. And loving Allah and the messenger who is messenger is going to save me. If you love Allah and the messenger, you listen to them. But we're seeing your even though you strive and you haven't reached the levels that you would like to reach.

00:39:33 --> 00:39:53

Your body doesn't help you. Right, your circumstances don't allow it but you're doing the minimum, the minimum of doing the obligations and staying away from the home. And you're striving to do what's voluntary. And you'd sometimes do you sometimes fail. Say,

00:39:54 --> 00:39:59

if you have an honest, sincere sound heart

00:40:00 --> 00:40:14

With minimal proportion, minimum amount of worship, let's call it modest worship. But with a sound heart with a clean heart, that would be better than someone with a lot of worship but with a corrupt heart.

00:40:16 --> 00:40:19

Right? A lot of worship.

00:40:20 --> 00:40:21

But the heart is not good.

00:40:22 --> 00:40:25

Or enough worship, but the heart is clean.

00:40:27 --> 00:40:33

You say why is it because to rock as for a person from a clean heart can take him to Jana, to rock as

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sincere. Whereas the other person he prays 100 Drunk as he's thinking about something else or praying for somebody else. Sincerity is lacking is very weak. So it doesn't have a lot of effect.

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So that was a comment of someone who witnessed

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the Sahaba, the companions and the to their followers.

00:41:00 --> 00:41:07

He said, Your Worship is more than the worship of the companions of Muhammad, Allah His Salatu was Salam, but they are better than you.

00:41:09 --> 00:41:19

And his that is as you as the tab your own and the time your own are the second best generation. So we're not putting them down? No, no, it's just a comparison between

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them and the sahaba. So you're saying your worship and the things that you do in quantity, right, is more than the Companions but they were better than

00:41:34 --> 00:41:39

So why were they better than them because of the quality that they did.

00:41:41 --> 00:42:18

And as someone also commented about Abu Bakr in specific specifically, in comparison to the rest of the Sahaba or let's say the senior Sahaba compare in comparison to the rest of them, where he said, masa Baba home Abu Bakr, Inbee cathro, TCM in wala sada Kotin wala can be che in waka rafiqul Bay, he says Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu was not ahead of them, because of a lot of Salah or a lot of donations, a lot of sadaqa, but something settled in his heart. That's why he was so deep. But of course, you understand that Abubakar at the same time, he was ahead of them big indeed. Right?

00:42:20 --> 00:42:47

But he was noting something here. It says, don't just focus on the external things that Abubaker was doing. No, there was something else that I settled in his heart that made them a Sadiq. See, he wasn't just simply struggling externally, but internally, it's kind of a ruin. No, there is something very deep on the inside that makes him who he is. And when you have that, obedience becomes easier.

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00:42:50 --> 00:43:01

And closer to your soul, is something that you want to love. I mean, it's something that you love, not that you want to love, something that you actually indeed love, becomes part of you.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:15

So the Hadith of the messenger Allah is Salatu was Salam before I got to have a few words about Ramadan. The Hadith of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam tells you what it tells you that look at your circle to understand yourself.

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If you surround yourself with those people,

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you are either them, or you will be like them. It does tell you by it's like an honest mirror. As I said, if you follow them, if you talk like them, if you are sitting next to them,

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you understand that? This is because you're like them.

00:43:39 --> 00:43:48

Or if you're not like them yet, you want to be like them. So you have to choose for yourself, and be honest, who do you want to be like?

00:43:50 --> 00:43:54

And who do you want to be resurrected next to

00:43:56 --> 00:44:08

his didn't he say Alayhi Salatu was Salam, or prophets of Allah and afraid they're gonna miss you in the next life. And he says you will be with the ones that you love. So when you're resurrected, who do you want to be next to?

00:44:09 --> 00:44:15

If you say this person, it would please me to be next to them in the next life, then love them and be next to them.

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But if you say to yourself, I'd be terrified of him next, next to that person the next life, I'd be terrified. Because I know in this dunya, right, okay, fine. But when it comes to it, this person, I don't think he's going to go to the right place. And bless Allah saves him. So I don't want to be resurrected next to him. So if you don't want to be next to him in the next life, are you spending time with him now?

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physically or virtually? Why are you spending right now at nighttime next time next to him? So that is a war. Good news, but also a warning for the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam and also an invitation for us to understand ourselves as well and who we want to be. So if you want to be

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You know, you know that those who are

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high achievers, they surround themselves with high achievers as well.

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Right? If you're a high achiever or you want to be a high achiever, they bring high achievers, so that they could always remind them of excellence, to be dissatisfied with where they are, so that they can strive to be better. So if you want to be high achiever in the dunya, surround yourself with those people, if you want to be lazy, then you surround yourself with those who are lazy. If you want to be pious than find the pious, if you don't care, find him over people you would like to be around.

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Now, the thing that I want to say Insha Allah, about from dawn, like, the whole thing that we're doing is about love.

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And we said that the greatest motivation for the worship of Allah xojo Does one

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and that what we want to get out of our worship is loving Allah subhanho wa Taala

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you can be you could want to be saved from hellfire. And that is a legitimate

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concern and a goal. And you want to also get heaven and that is a legitimate goal. But also you should not stop short, you would also want to through that a bad or to get so close to Allah subhanho wa taala, that you love him more than anyone else.

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That when you want to rely on someone, or when you're in pain when you're lost, when you need something that you find that you don't need anybody except Allah zoton He's enough for you. If you rely on him, he suffices you if you want to ask you ask him, if you need protection, he is your protection. So in cm in fasting, other than the mechanics of it. And it is easy, right? To be to drown in the mechanics of it, or to forget that there's a higher purpose to it. So begin fasting this minute, and you're fast at that minute, I'm going to eat, I'm going to get in my car, I'm going to taraweeh I'm going to stand behind the mom, I'm coming back and then go to sleep and repeat and

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repeat and repeat. So the form is important. But then what are you getting from your fast? What are you trying to get from it? So as you are fasting, you're sacrificing for Allah sake. You have to say I'm doing this in gratitude for Allah Zota he gave me food he gave me water he gave me health now is asking me to stop doing these things. For his sake. I'm stopping not begrudgingly, not reluctantly, but for his sake out of his love. I'm going to stop to find his love. I'm going to stop to be able to detach from this life

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and make room for Allah azza wa jal in my heart and in my life, because life when it consumes you, it takes all of you so Allah as though did in Ramadan, he would ask you to do what fast from the dunya

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to leave space for Allah xojo in your life, in your body and in your heart.

00:48:22 --> 00:48:28

So you want to be fasting outwardly? Yeah, but inwardly as well. What is this for?

00:48:30 --> 00:48:34

I want to fast from anything other than Allah azza wa jal

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from a belief that I need money

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to be saved. You can have money but you're not relying on it. That I need someone a human being to save me or Allah has that it is there.

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That that Allah is insufficient if he makes a promise, or if he sends guidance not ALLAH is sufficient for me. So you strive with their fast I'm doing it this for you, Ya Allah helped me with my problems. Allow me to achieve greater love for you and greater Taqwa. Make me feel your presence and how close you are to me.

00:49:13 --> 00:49:36

Make me love you more than anyone and anything else. And you push yourself through vicar through the app through good deeds, to feel Allah's presence around you. To the extent that while you are fasting, or when you're standing behind the Imam and listening to the Quran, or when you reading the Quran on your own, it's as if you could see Allah azza wa jal looking at you.

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That's the transparency that's the sensitivity. That's the level of iman Do you want to push yourself to that you want to say to yourself I want to feel as if Allah zodion is so close to me that he is the closest he sees me. He hears me he's next to me. He answers my dua. I don't need anybody else but Allah

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Xhosa and you keep pushing yourself to get closer and closer to Allah azza wa jal until you reach the highest levels of iman possible for you in this Ramadan

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so it's not just staying away from eating and drinking right? By staying away from anything other than Allah as noted in your heart

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and asking Allah Zoda to grant you that love of his that is the most precious of all things. And yes, that takes effort striving, sometimes few frustrations, but eventually you keep pushing and you keep asking Allah azza wa jal allows you to reach okay, maybe levels that we have not reached before. And it all depends on what you want, and how strong you are in pursuing it. Allah. So let me stop here Insha Allah, let me see if you have questions. And again in sha Allah, the the Halacha will pass for the month of Ramadan, we'll come back after we meet.

00:51:14 --> 00:51:24

Okay, so no online questions yet. Let me see if anyone has questions related to what we said, or fasting perhaps possible.

00:51:31 --> 00:51:33

So give you a couple of minutes.

00:51:53 --> 00:52:01

And you can take also the Hadith that we talked about, because one of the things that Ramadan gives you is a community, right?

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It gives you a community more so than any other month that you can surround yourself with

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people that come to the masjid, to read the Quran, to be closer to Allah, who have to make do to stand next to each other in taraweeh. So again, that proximity to the pious

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to, we hope are the pious because that's the indication that they've come here to obey Allah as the origin. So proximity to them, transforms you as well. So one of the reasons why Ramadan is easier to fast is because everybody is doing it. So let it be also a practical application of that hadith, surround yourself with people who want to be close to Allah and then also, you would want to be close to Allah. So take that lesson, and apply it in Ramadan, and then take that lesson to outside Ramadan, so that you be selective in the company that you select, and how you spend your time. So you try to locate the pious and you spend more time in the houses of Allah xojo.

00:53:18 --> 00:54:11

So how to not get how to not go through a burn out in Ramadan and stay consistent with an increased level of a Buddha. So so first of all, experiencing levels of intensity. And then lack of intensity, that's normal, right, outside of Ramadan, and then in Ramadan, so the experience itself shouldn't disturb you. That mean the feeling itself or I got tired shouldn't disturb you. The thing that you want to do first of all is anticipated that it is going to happen and then get yourself ready for it. So if it happens if I get tired, what do I do? First of all variety helps a change. So if you're going to a particular masjid, for instance, if you change the routine a little bit and go to a

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different one that could motivate you

00:54:15 --> 00:54:25

if you vary your individual a birder so you read the Quran at a particular time of day, you get tired, change the time change the location,

00:54:26 --> 00:54:34

change the data itself. So maybe at this particular day, you're not highly motivated to read the Quran. So you read enough.

00:54:35 --> 00:54:54

But then go you pick up another book, Islamic book, and you read that a book a biography, a book of Sierra a book of character and manners. And that motivates you. Right? You listen to start a lecture online that can or cannot could motivate you again. You go and do something Halal MOBA

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He charges you because you broke that routine.

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So you get tired doing one I better change it to another Ibadah then try another a better, you're tired of one particular dua use another dua with one vicar use another thicker one location, use another location. And keep asking Allah Allah Zoda decir Allah, I'm tired, I feel fatigue, I feel this and feel that. Don't surrender to it. Ask Allah for a solution. Ask Allah azza wa jal for inspiration, because that's a test as well. And if it's a test, Allah says that it is the best aid. So you see Allah my heart is experiencing a, b and c helped me with that. And Allah azza wa jal gives you a way out. So practical things that you could do, and also relying on Allah as Odin and

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reminding yourself, it's only a few days and it's going to be over. So that happens typically towards the middle of Ramadan, the beginning, it's still new, at the end is going to leave in the middle. That's where you experience the hardest time. That's when you try to be creative. And very, you are a burden, ask Allah xojo to give you opportunities for a better, right, what

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if we love someone for the sake of Allah, but maybe they don't love us, to the degree we love them, how can we increase their love for us and accept this reality? So if you love him for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, there is enough.

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If you are true, in that emotion, and in that feeling, if you love them, for Allah sake, that shot will be sufficient, because you love them, not for them, and not for what they can give you. Right? So understand what this what it means I love so and so for Allah sake, for whose sake because of whom, ye Allah, and because of me.

00:57:06 --> 00:57:17

So they don't love me back as much doesn't matter. It didn't, I did not expect that from them to love me back when I said, I love you for Allah sake. It's not a precondition.

00:57:19 --> 00:57:27

And you could love them more than they love you. Maybe because your Eman is greater than theirs or maybe because personalities really are different.

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But you didn't really love them because of who they are or what they could do to you and they love you. You simply love them for Allah sake. So if someone does not love you as much, that's fine, except that reality, because you don't love everybody equally, and move on to those who love you. Focus on those who love you. So I love you for Allah sake. And we love scholars of the past and in the present for Allah sake. Right? Do they love us back?

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Do we get anything from them other than their teachers? Do we get anything from them any emotional kind of gratification? So you love them? For Allah sake, let's leave it and then ask Allah azza wa jal for someone that you could love and they would love you back even more intensely, right?

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What do we do when we fall short or fall into sin? Shouldn't our love for Allah prevent us from consistence constant sin? Does this mean that we don't actually love Allah to the degree we thought, if the love of Allah azza wa jal was strong enough, you wouldn't commit that sin, especially consistently and constantly. That means that there is love but it's weak or at times it's weak. So if you strengthen that love, you're not going to commit that sin. Right? And you only commit that sin when the love is weaker. So what you want to do is repent, ask Allah for forgiveness and restore your love for Allah and increase it and strengthen it so that you don't go back to that sin. And

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keep fighting with yourself so that you love Allah more than that sin and the joy that you think that sin is bringing,

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or the person that you're sending for their sake. So when Allah has voted is the most beloved is the highest in your heart. You're not going to do that. Alright, so keep struggling and keep fighting and don't surrender and don't say, Well, I'm done with this. I'm too weak and be so pessimistic. It's ordinary for you for you to experience the lows and the highs. You just simply need to understand that when you hit that low, that you guard yourself against that sin and against any disobedience and you seek Allah's protection from straying until you continue on the path towards higher Iman and higher love. So yes, it does indicate a weakness and love and yes, it may say that

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you may have thought that you will love Allah more than

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and reality, but why not keep pushing until reality matches your expectations of yourself right? So you keep pushing and you don't give up?

01:00:14 --> 01:00:23

What is an authentic book about? Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu that we can read. I'm not aware of one at this moment Insha Allah, but be any typically to publishers.

01:00:24 --> 01:00:38

Any Darussalam IPH if the our corner even has any books, about Asia about the Sahaba These are typically good publishers that you can trust Insha Allah, but I'm not aware of a particular book at this time.

01:00:40 --> 01:00:56

What if you don't commit sins but you but only out of the fear of Allah and not necessarily a love? That's fine. If you're not committing a sin simply because you're afraid of Allah, but not out of his love. That is fine, at least you are at that level, protecting yourself from sins and their

01:00:58 --> 01:01:22

disastrous outcome. So that's fine, that's fine. And then you can start adding ingredients of love into your relationship with Allah azza wa jal so that you're also doing it out of love. But you've achieved the Lord if you fear Allah azza wa jal so much that you're not sinning hamdulillah and now start working with more love for Allah azza wa jal.

01:01:29 --> 01:02:05

Is fearing Allah azza wa jal, a type of love. If you mean by fearing Allah, the all and respect that you have, then yes, there is an overlap. If you mean I'm afraid because I have sinned that he will punish me that's different. Right? That's different though it's necessary as an emotion is necessary as a balance but it's different than love. Right? But love in terms of respect and awe right as the angels have that is connected to the love Eliza? Did I answer all of them?

01:02:07 --> 01:02:08

Yeah, okay.

01:02:11 --> 01:02:23

Last chance in sha Allah, not nobody on the brothers side. No one on this sister site here in sha Allah subhana cologne behenic A shadow Allah era hidden stuff it will go to war with $100 Bill Allah means

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