Adnan Rajeh – Islamic Core Value Refusal of Oppression 4

Adnan Rajeh
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The segment discusses the history of Islam and the importance of protecting one's property and identity. The speakers mention a woman named Alka Mavi who was removed from her land after being
inured by a woman named Mavi and the use of a piano to sing. They also mention a woman named Mavi who was removed from her land after being inured by a woman named Mavi and the use of a guitar to sing.
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He was like a big mean or bad for the he lives with Jamar data to an Arduino to mobile okay you're sending a few Hello Excel I'm gonna salatu Allah say Gideon well we know you have a Sudler. Early he also have been on the other hand coleambally and saw his native Jumuah. So let's add ninth is what a bollock and this named as soon as you increase your salah upon the Prophet alayhi salatu salam and every good deed. Y'all really Ma'am We will hurry up so Hey,

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Omar Rodney, Bobby on the Allahu Anhu Uma, but quite an abuse of Allahu Allah you early will send them right to Hadith today. They're very, very similar.

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Just so that is a full picture of what he's saying here. I think you select those and the first one collection Imam Bukhari read by Ivan Amato, this is within the theme of anti oppression and what we should do and how we should deal with it. And this is a very central part of our deen in our faith.

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Before we talk about any principle in Islam, before you go into any detail of value or ethic, or ritual or practice,

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we stand for what is righteous, we stand for justice and we refuse oppression. That is that is the first line in our book. That's how we that's how we function that's how we think who we are as Muslims is a big part of who we are in the moment. That's not a part of Islam doesn't exist honestly without it. It doesn't just doesn't slam does not exist without that being the corner stone of how we look at things and oppression is about that is that evil, which we continue to resist, refuse, work against and stand against and vocalize against all our lives. We refuse it from ourselves and refuse it from others and that's what we're commanded to do. And he what he said here are the

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assaults was so I sought to surround within this hadith and on a the second one that's similar to a column and other

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oddly shaped and the lady had been pushy Furby he yo Mel Pia, Marathi you know somebody or albinos Sabina Albana.

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Those who take a piece of land that is not theirs, will be brought on the day of judgment and they will continue to fall for seven or 70 Earths in depth with an integer and then when you have to Billa for the piece of land they took. We are winning and I'm watching a female study he recently did Hassan

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and yalla anymore focusing on the Allahu Anhu culpa and the Veolia, southwestern Hadith, similar Hadith and cocina. Akhmed within a reasonable generation were enraged by Yatta even more. And it was he said Alia Solomon other urban bearberry Upton Khalifa. And yeah, Camila Tula her you know, Marcia. So when anyone who takes a piece of land that is not theirs, they will carry the soil of that land,

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piece by piece to marshal the Day of Judgment. I mean, they'll just be moving, just removing it. It's not yours, you're gonna move it all on the Day of Judgment when he had the build up. Twice. He said, he talked to you use the same phrase Allahu salatu. Salam with similar meanings.

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And because of the the, and obviously taking anything that is not yours is a problem. That's not even I don't need to explain that. But why did we point out this article salatu salam twice, it's always something that you should contemplate or think about a little bit, whenever, whenever he chooses something specific within a theme that is generic, taking anything that's not yours as a problem, taking something that's not when he points out land, specifically, because of the impact that has the impact of land on people, how we view the land, that we are born on the land that we live on the land that we are attached to, what that means to human beings. And this is this is

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something historically very, very important. It's not just to us, it's every mammals like that, were your habitat, this is where you were, this is what you're attached to, people don't leave their land unless need and they need unless they are removed, or they can't, they can't live there anymore. Human beings, they're attached to where they where they come from. So when you take a piece of land from someone, even if it doesn't have to be on the scale of what we're seeing, or what we have the mobile, Emma Finklestein, but it can be a smaller skill, something much smaller than that, and the trauma that that will cause those people will continue forever, it will never stop. That's why this

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person will fall into gentleman with us for years for years, because it never is years upon years upon years of pain and trauma that will that is caused by this type of active oppression. Which is why this specific story that we are witnessing, as it unfolds in front of us in this very dramatic manner. May Allah subhanaw taala make it easy for our brothers and sisters and it does allow us inshallah to be on the those who stand by them in a meaningful way. It comes back to the same simple concept. People removed from their land, the land that they were born on the land where their ancestors were born. You can't that doesn't. It's very naive to think you can do that and things

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will just be forgotten. It's very naive to perform something like that. And so yeah, it'll, it'll it'll pass over just it'll never go away. What are you talking about it? The longer it stays the worse, the worse. The Reckoning becomes the worse you just more blood you put them

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or blood into or hatred into it. And I think the world has just decided to draw a blind eye to something that they know very very well.

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Y'all really man we will hurry up here and Abdullah HIV Muhammad Amir Hatami well the Allahu Anhu multiphone and abuse of Allah Allah wa salam, when alpha that out of the shade and the lady helping to Waipahu Of course if I be here to see if I'd be here yo male piano de la Sabina urbosa ElDeen. Where do we even want to study here on the Isla de Morata? soccer field Allahu Anhu an interview of some Allah Allah you are you send them a con man Alka Alden, malaria health and CO live and yeah, Camila Raba. Masha sola, sola Hassan Rouhani so you sent him so baccala Gandhi Shula and stuff to go Salah who Salah Mobarak I'm going to Mohammed about Glyphicon shackles, you know, he has a kind of

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session starting right after sunnah. So if you don't mind praying or setting up quickly or

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