Ali Albarghouthi – The Will of ibn Qudamah – Episode 01 – Seize Your Life

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary ©
AI: Transcript ©
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smell out him that he loves so that was Salam ala rasulillah while he was happy he was

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alone melanoma and found out now and finally Montana was in Marbella me

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so I thought in Sharla as we resume the series The halaqa do something a little bit different like a digression a detour

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and we will see in short life you are interested in we can return to real solid hey no do something else but this thing that I chose is not long it's short.

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It's a small book by no pradana and mark this year, Rahim Allah

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and it's called was sia to ignore pajama there was sia the will the advice is no pajama.

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I didn't know Madonna before we go into the book, we have to understand who the author is. And the author is a famous even if we don't really know about him, but those who are

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into Islamic history and in Islamic scholarship will never fail to realize coordinate mme and muchness he is a person of distinction we lived in the sixth century Hijri.

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And was of the eminent scholars of that century.

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One of the books that he left, in fact, you know, underneath like a subtitle in the book and the book, and it's in Arabic, unfortunately, it's not in English, no worries, because I'm going to translate most of it in Sharla, twist the meaning I'm going to transmit to you in English, but that copy is scanned copies available. I've shared that with on Facebook. So it actually says that in the title as a subtitle, Sahib Mohini, the author of a movie,

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and more than he is one of the famous books of the entire history of Islam. There really are some books of fit, that stand out. And one of them is the book that is called unmoving. It's not only a book in hand, but it

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is far more than that. And it's exhaustive book that talks about other methods, consider considers evidence goes through detail. And it's deep. And it's many, many volumes. And the distinction of this book is only a reflection of the distinction of the person who wrote it.

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And to the extent and all those of you who've read if you have gotten your hand on the RV, copy, and you read a little bit about the author, it tells you that an author such as the sidama scholars as such, as

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one of the famous sayings of his, he says, I was not comfortable giving federa until I obtained a copy of that book, which is the book of a movie. And somewhere else, I mean, related to this, but it's not mentioned here, he says like there are three books in Islam.

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And if a person gets them, studies them and understands them, that person can get better.

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So he says the book of money, and the book of mohalla by Edna hasn't sold the movie by you know, Kodama mahalo, who hasn't and if I'm not mistaken, he says, A Sunil Cobra, while by hustings, I think he mentioned that, or have he added a pseudonym Cobra, and by that he says, if you have these, you're set.

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So that tells you about how grounded how established ethno Kodama was in knowledge.

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Now, the reason

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that Madonna is distinguished is not only because of how much he knew, but we also suppose that he is one of the people who also combined Edelman among we suppose, knowledge and action both together. Because you can have only knowledge.

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You can memorize a lot. And you can know a lot, but you can apply very little.

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You look at the biography and the life history of Madonna. And you'll notice that he knew a lot. But you look at him throughout the day, what his routine was teaching, writing, sitting with people, answering their questions, filling his time with a bad guy between negative and Asia and after Asia. They say about him that when he would sit and talk to people, and even when he debates, he'll be always smiling. That always tells you about the good nature of this person, and how much he has or could happen. She has in his heart, in his heart and in her heart, that they're always smiling even in the face of someone who's trying to disprove their position.

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But so he was a person

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combined both, we think as an admin, and a person of distinction

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and Subhanallah I mean, his children maybe did not reach his level but still followed on his footsteps of being immersed in scholarship. So his great grandchild is the one who abbreviated when how to Constantine. So if you know about Mufasa, Roman haddrill Casa de, he is his great grandchild who abbreviated that, and it's a famous book, more well known among the public that and movie but the movie is a far more benefit when it comes to understanding Islam and the practice of Islam.

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So inshallah, what we want to do inshallah, is to go through this book, and as I said, it's a small thing, it's not a big thing.

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Go through it with commentary, understanding, additions, reflection, this is what we want. So there's a brief introduction, I want to start with a brief introduction. and in it he tells you about him, although why he wrote the book. He says that a brother, a righteous brother came and asked me write me an advice

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that I can take benefit and read.

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And in the beginning, he says, I didn't want to do it. I declined. Why did he decline? He says, because

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the IMEI rosto, since enough, see while I am in India, marionberry because I know that for myself an imperfect.

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Not only that, I am imperfect, I don't follow the advice that I give.

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And I do not apply what I need to apply. So how can I give advice to someone else? If I am a self look at myself and five that I'm flooded?

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And here there's a lesson inshallah, come back to it. There's a lesson or a couple of them. But obviously, he reconsidered and why did he reconsider? He says, but I reconsidered out of hope that Allah will reward me for fulfilling the need of my brother, answering his call, and fulfilling his request. And that that he may make for me, and that Allah will grant me a reward because of what I have done. Because I'm guiding people to the truth, even though I may fail to follow it myself. But when I guide them to it, it will be written as if I've done it.

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So on is to consider as a panelist, his motivation for writing it and his initial reluctance.

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The mark of a true taqwa and true knowledge,

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is not believing that you're the best.

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In fact, at any stage where you believe that you have bought the best that you have reached, perfection, that itself is a sign of imperfection. When you believe that you have you know it all. That is a sign that you don't know enough.

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You don't know anything. Because the most important thing that you should know, especially when it comes to Islam, is how insignificant you are in your knowledge compared to Allah azza wa jal, and how much he knows not only how much he knows, but how much also the servants and the slaves of Allah on this earth No. So when you're comparing yourself to others, and you think that you're better than them, and you know more than them, that is evidence of my ignorance and your ignorance if we believe this. So here, Rahim Allah first he exhibits humility, and not affected fabricated humility, or pretend that you're modest, so that people say that you're modest, even though you in yourself,

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you'd normally believe that you're that modest. It's not that, but in fact, believing, indeed, that you're not as good as other people. And you're not as knowledgeable as other people, because he could know more verses of the Quran. But the other person who knows less could follow them better. And in the scale of knowledge, who's better?

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Who, the person who knows more but does not follow, or the person who knows best, less, but follows what he knows who's better. The second, and that is a person who's truly knowledgeable. Now, the first. The second is a person who will be counted as a truly knowledgeable person, not the first. So it's not only how much you know, so he Rahim Allah, He says, indeed, I know and I recognize myself that I am not up to the level where I could give advice Subhan Allah, I cannot and you always have to think of yourself as that. See yourself as that as this imperfect human being, who's sinful, before Allah has his origin and Subhanallah this knowledge, right? is like the sea in Islam is like

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this. See? The more that you go in it, the more that you realize that it is what deep, varied

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Deep, very complex, and that you cannot reach its end. Unless you expect, you can expect that you can swim to the other end of the sea,

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you cannot reach its end, you can give it all that you have

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meaning Yanni all seconds of your life and you will not reach it. So that the more that you know that actually the more that this proves our own imperfection. And then the more that you compare what you do to what others have done throughout the history of Islam, and also to how much you owe Allah, you'll realize that you're not doing much, not doing much. Right?

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So this is why when he looked at a Mr himself, he says, No, I'm not going to give it but then he said, let me then give it. Let me give this advice. Why though, even though I am imperfect in myself, I am expecting I'm hoping from Allah that when I'm doing it, I'm helping my brother, am I helping my sister, and a lot of rewards for that. And maybe when I help them

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during my life, or afterwards, somebody will make do out for me. And that is also another benefit. And the third one is a W allosteric effect, meaning the one who guides to goodness is like the one who does it. That is there. One of the greatest motivations from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even though you may find yourself unable, for whatever reason, whether we have excuses or not unable or unwilling to do something, even if you find yourself physically, spiritually another that level to perform that thing that you know, that should not stop you from First of all, recognizing that this is the truth, and sharing that with others. So it does not die.

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So you can spread it and propagate it. And the Prophet said, If you guide somebody else to the truth, it will be counted, you will get the reward of the person who has done it.

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Isn't that great?

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You see how easy it is?

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Actually, it's not easy.

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guiding people to the truth is not easy. I tricked you to see how easy it is, it's not easy. Alright, some parts of it are easy. Brother, this is the sooner This is the harder This is the iron sakala hair, this and that hamdulillah. Other parts of it are difficult.

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Because there is resistance and friction.

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And rejection sometimes No, this is what I know not you're wrong. So people will fight with you and criticize you and all of that. But still, if you at least convey that knowledge to people, there will be someone who will follow.

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If not now later, it will be someone who will follow it. And at least you will be like someone who has preserved this knowledge, even though he's not applying it, preserved this knowledge and then transmitted this to another person. I don't want this to be an excuse. Oh, okay, I'm not going to do anything. But you know, at least I'm gonna just gonna transmit, okay, somebody who was just complaining.

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A couple of hours ago, when I was talking to him, he says, I received through social media, so many dollar clips, I just fed up right? Like people just start keep, you know, forwarding to me forwarding to me, I don't have time to watch all of this. And I told him, it's probably the case that they even themselves, they haven't watched all of that. But what is that what they're doing is that whenever they find something they find okay with it, maybe this is useful, they send it, they send it, they send it right, we have to be moderate about how much you send, otherwise, all of them cancel each other. So just be selective. But that is sort of the idea is that if you're unable,

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right, you have a foreign right and you're not really come on please read from the Koran, but also right if if you have an extra copy, don't keep it there, give it to someone who is going to read it. You have extra money that you can buy, you don't like to read, but you know somebody who likes to read, buy them the books that they can read, so that they can gain knowledge, you know, have a good lecture, have a good mother have a good series, and you're not going to listen to it, but you know that it's really beneficial. You share it with others, selectively you share it with others at Eldorado theory cafe, and this is the way that good spreads, they propagate the advertised

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falsehood, you know how much money is spent on falsehood, how much money you're all all that entertainment right? Is by falsehood for falsehood. So you need to be an advertiser for good $1 allocated effectively. So send it share it talk to others about it is this is the way that you saturate the airwaves so that everything or most of the things that you hear, relate back to Allah azza wa jal, not to the disobedience of Allah but to Allah.

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And that is that is the saturated environment of Eman. What is the difference between one of the main differences of living in a Muslim country in a non Muslim country is the saturation level of the saturation level where you will find a lot or hear about a lot more often. That makes a difference. Versus Muslim living in a place wherever that place is. That does not

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have much of that.

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So, the first chapter, and this is what he begins with. And the title that the editor had chosen for it as a noble aim and hastening to do good things. And the subtitle is a Dunia furusato tanima, this life is an opportunity to take advantage of it.

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Interesting, he's going to mention one very interesting thing. He says this dunya

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This world is like your farmland.

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It's like your business. And you're in it the farmer and the businessman. It is here that you collect your harvest. It is here that you do your transactions and get your profits. And it is this profit and that harvest that you carry with you to win.

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What do you take it

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to the hereafter? Mr. Abdulla Hera momager baffi How old are the CDs daddy minha that is if you're going to travel on unique provisions, foods and drinks, your dad, your food and drink comes to you from this dunya you're not going to get it in the Pharaoh and Pharaoh there is no action anymore. But your provision comes from the dunya and your money comes from the dunya money for the AFA and your crop and your harvest comes from the dunya so he said take advantage of it because it is because of this dunya that those who are successful, were successful. And those who have reached the finish line reached the finish line and those who have failed failed.

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It's because of this. Then the interesting thing he says and know that this life is the wish of the people of the hereafter whether they are in gender or in health I

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say when it's framed this way you say Wait, I'm like always thinking about the time I want to leave right? I can't wait to go to generate I want to leave this place let me go to gender let me go to gender then he comes and tells you that the people of gender are wishing for this life and you have to sit Okay, how is that? But not only the people of gender, but also the people of Hellfire it's easy to understand why the * period people of Hellfire want to come back right. Then he quotes a couple of areas of home yesterday hoonah he opened a listener normal society handle regular ladies and gentlemen. He says they will be screaming in Hellfire obviously screaming in Hellfire yeah Allah

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take us out of it. So that we will do something good deeds righteousness better than what we used to do.

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So the people of Hellfire obviously are asking and pleading with Allah azza wa jal Dr logistique us out so that we can go back to the dunya and do something differently. And Allah also mentioned that even before they get into it, or doTERRA is looking for other naughty Sacagawea like to not do what you can do a big European acuna minimoon it says, what would happen or what imagine the scene What do you will see them standing

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right next to Hellfire, knowing that they're gonna go to Hellfire, your follow, they will say, we wish that we would be taken back where to this dunya and that we would not deny any of the Ayat of Allah and would be among the believers. So all of the people have hellfire. Their wish is geologists take us out of here and send us back to the denier says that the same for the people of Jenna.

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He says in the Hadith

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that the martyrs Shahada, they will have their souls inside, you probably know this inside what in general, green birds and they will fly

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wherever they want. In general, Allah will give them that freedom that wherever they fly in general, and then they will find and go Go to foreste.

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In lanterns beneath the throne of Allah zildjian So see how high they are. This is the highest thing that is the highest level. So the throne of Allah has lanterns these birds will fly, fly, fly, fly, eat wherever they want. These are the Shahada, you're carrying the Shahada, then they will come back to these lanterns and says as they are doing all of this, Allah azza wa jal will look at them and address them and he says, Ask me for whatever you want.

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It's an open wish.

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Anything in general, anything that you can think about anything that you can imagine anything that your heart's desire, just asked me and the only thing that they ask Allah subhana wa tada a lot of return our souls to our bodies, so that we will go back to the dunya so that we will be killed again for your sake.

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So the highest people of gender we're talking about the Shahadat the highest people of gender the best of the people of gender. Their only wish in gender is what

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what is it

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To come back were here to be sent back here. Because they see so much of the honor of Allah azza wa jal, and how much they are celebrated, that they want to wish to experience this again and also add to it. Add to that honor add to that kurama add to that love that they're receiving from Allah azza wa jal and he says he Rahim Allah He says, brother No. Brother may Allah be merciful with you know, Allah knows that this is what they're going to ask. And he knows that he's not going to send them back to the dunya. He only wanted to let the believers in this life know that this is their wish, so that people in this dunya will push harder.

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So you've got you want to ask yourself, I know that sometimes a brother and a sister will ask, okay, did Allah know that they're going to say this? Why is he asking them? Because Allah azza wa jal wants to show them and us something meaning this, see what they're saying, here. This is what they're saying. learn something from it, but they want to be here when you are here.

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And then he says he quotes Ibrahim with Tamia Rahim Allah, He says he imagines and this is by the way,

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a beautiful exercise, if you can do it, the fucker, we're gonna go we're gonna do it, and inshallah he's going to talk about it but difficult, difficult. I mean, I imagined myself Ibrahim would tell me, he says, I imagined myself in general, sitting in general, imagine yourself right, sitting in general. And you have this big house, and lush big trees palaces. And you know, the rivers and the jewelry and the gold and the silver and all of this. Then if you ask yourself, what is it that you want? Because everything is all here? What is it that you want, your self will tell you, I want to go back to the dunya. So I can do more, so I can earn more of this. more of this. So he says Fine.

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Then he says, When I imagine myself in Hellfire,

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and I'm inside, this fire being bit burned from left and right, given this drink, that will melt and panela take away all of your all of your inside, melt them away, burn everything on the inside.

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And the ugly scenes the ugly, tortured, then what do you what do you want? What do you want at this point, he says just to leave to come back to this dunya so that I could do one thing that could save me from it.

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So he says to himself, enough sofa anticolonial the family he says oh self, you have your wish, is if you imagine yourself being transported to those two homes. And then what do you wish here? What do you wish there? And it's the same wish it says okay, self, you have your wish, now come back that you have your wish, now do something about it.

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It's a panel of transports yourself now and do something about it. He says some of the sort of some of the early ancestors. He says, I'm not I'm not going to recommend this. But anyway, at least is something that he has done. He says he had dug himself a grave.

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Maybe inside his home, I don't know where he dug it. But he dug himself a grave.

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And he he felt tired

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of worship lazy. He comes goes down to that grave and he lies down.

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And then he says to himself, imagine that you're dead, and you're being robbed. And you're inside here. What do you want? He says to go back to the junior that I would do something useful. He says okay, now you have your wish stand and do something useful.

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So I'm not going to recommend right that you go and find a piece of land and you dig your own grave and you lie down they're not going to recommend this. I need this is wasn't not not something that the profits of a lot of us in them did. But

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you do something similar to it. What is similar without digging anything? Getting close to what can you do?

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Visit the graveyard Yeah.

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Okay, so visit the graveyard. If you find that your heart is really hard, wash the dead volunteer, wash the dead once in a while and see, see how it feels. See that this is the one person lying in front of you was just living maybe a few hours ago. And now that he's dead, visit the sick.

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Come close to the afflicted and needy and those who are in Subhanallah in distress, feel their pain and that will tell you that will tell you that will revive me being beaten into that energy that you will have to worship Allah Subhana Allah

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and he says no Rahim Allah Adam Rahim Allah, that the people of the graves there in their wish is for one of them to see what is behind that and they can increase this Hashanah or that to be able to repent from one sin that will forgive him one of his sins or that he will

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Do one rocker that will raise him one level. This is their wish. And he reports hear his story. Hello Adam if it happened or not, but what's important is the benefit in the moral of the story. He says that I, It is reported that a person prayed to like us next to a grave. Now, obviously the grave and the cemetery is not a place for you to pray. It just happened. I mean, it's not recommended. It's not suitable for you to pray in the graveyard. So anyway, he prayed to rock as next to a grave and then he reclined on it. And then he slept.

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He saw the person of the grave crown who's dead in the dream while he was asleep, he sign he says, move away. You're like you harmed me move away. Okay.

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And then he told him

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what law he that those two rock as that you prayed, if they were to me to belong to me, their most precious more precious to me than everything on the face of this earth.

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In a contaminant Allah tala moon, it says you're doing but you have no knowledge. When noona Allah Allah when we know but we cannot do.

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He says we know. Because we've seen, we've seen reality where we can do anything about it. So Pamela says, this is a last test. Once you see reality, the truth, certainty, you can't work anymore. It's done for you. Right? And once you see the angels of Allah azza wa jal, Nicolas Isabella to terraform is here, you see the interest of Allah. Sorry, it's done. Because now it's certain for you that you know that this is true. That's not what Allah wants from you. He wants compliance love, before you see that certainty. So he says you're doing but you have no knowledge, your knowledge of it is very weak, or you're very ignorant. And what you're so what you're supposed to do is what? To increase

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your knowledge so that your actions follow that knowledge. So But notice what he said, Those two are guys that you pray,

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I wouldn't exchange them for anything on the face of this earth.

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You see, the two records that we pray after method,

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we don't even pay attention to them. Guilty as charged, right? We don't even pay attention to them. Because after a shock as we don't pay attention, you just pray and you just go on, you pray and you don't pay attention to them. He says if only those two records,

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I don't want anything else from the junior if I could have them because nothing else transfers, except those two.

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And give you an example. Imagine you're taking your currency

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1000s of dollars in your pocket. You go to a country.

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You look at it and you seem sorry, we don't know what this is, we can't really exchange this currency. What is this worth 1000s of dollars, they're nothing. You're walking like a poor person, maybe somewhere else. But like a poor person, Can someone help me this is what this is paper No.

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But maybe maybe subpanel life, you had a piece of gold with you a piece of silver with you, or that would be worth something. So there's some currency in this dunya that does not transfer to the euro. And there's some currency that transfers. So houses, cars, golden silver does not transfer stops, stays with the people of doing it. Even if you get you get buried with it, it doesn't really go with you. The only currency that transfers is your Avada. That's why he says I don't need anything else from the genie. I know it doesn't benefit me to workers. That's enough. So imagine yourself so Pamela, the next time you pray to workers.

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Imagine yourself like that person in the grave and say to yourself, do I really should I not pray them in a way that I believe will benefit me when I'm in my grave? Let me pray them in this way. And if you're a better is like that, right? If more of our data is like that Subhan Allah, or a better will be different. And our relationship with Allah azza wa jal will be different.

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He says something in sha Allah that I would like to read and translate because I think it's beautiful. He says, know that well, a number that the hierarchy can do that your life is very limited.

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And your breath that you're taking, is also counted and limited.

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Every breath that you take takes a part of you away, part of you goes away with it.

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And all of this life is short. All of this life is short and what is left from your life is even shorter than the short write all of this life is short and what is part of this life is even shorter than the short and every part of it every second of it as like an invaluable piece of jewelry, an invaluable diamond Joe Houghton Nafisa, della Hola. Hola. Femina. Nothing is equal to

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And nothing can compensate, if it is lost. Because in this small thing that we call this life, you will gain eternity in the Hereafter, or eternity, and eternity in general or eternity in Hellfire with punishment. It says if you try to compare these two, you will know that every breath that you take is better than 1000 1000 1000 years in a blessing that has no limit to it. And what is it like that has no equal value on this earth? That is his counts trying to approximate is every breath that you take is better than a billion years. Actually, it's more, let's just stay with a billion more than a billion years.

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Because you would earn with it. Eternity is saying Subhana Allah Alhamdulillah Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allahu Akbar, earns you so much. That is better than a billion years.

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Because you're buying with it. What cannot be bought, except with this hassle, not in doubt those sayings, right? So he says do not waste those incredibly priceless jewels without any act any every span of life, you think about it?

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And maybe does He say it here? Okay, so he said, I'm not going to repeat it. Let me read it, and then we'll come back to it. It says what are the value of a while don't waste it without some compensation that will come back to you. And make sure that no breath that you're going to be taking oil is going to go away, except that it is mixed with an obedience of Allah azza wa jal, or something that will bring you closer to it. Because we're lying. He's saying that if you have a jewel of the jewels of this dunya and you lost it, you will be incredibly sad because of that. He says not even that if you had a DNR what $100 let's say you had $100 and you lost it. You blame

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yourself? How did I How did I lose it and where did it go on everybody? Come on, and let's look for it. And times your life, you waste them, and you're not sad, because you're wasting them. And nothing can compensate for your life. You can lose money and earn money back.

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But you cannot lose life and earn life back what's gone is gone.

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So Subhana light Yanni, as the scholars and he has said, the thing that is most, you know,

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the priciest thing that you have, the most valuable thing that you have is your life is your seconds, and minutes and hours and days. And the thing that is easiest for you to waste without any sorrow is Utah.

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That's the irony of humanity. That's the RNA of humanity. We are sad because of losing this dunya. And I'm not telling you not to be sad, and not to have emotions about it. But compare the level of sadness.

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I don't wake up for failure. And I miss it. Cuz I was negligent, my fault, right and then just oversleep my fault. When I wake up in the morning, do I feel that I really lost something. I delay my son delayed delayed delayed very close to the end. And sometimes I miss it and it goes into the other center. And sometimes I miss I prayed five minutes before, do I feel that I lost something?

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Or is it just as usual life as usual, I feel nothing inside of me. Or as if somebody comes in tells me right that they have a flat tire my day is ruined for a flat tire. If somebody comes and tells me you lost a little bit of the dounia my week and month is ruined. But you and I do not feel sad because of the app here because we do not appreciate it. So we're really easily wasting it. Let me kill time.

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So panel like said very few of us, all of us are guilty of this, I want to waste some some time I'm tired and this and that. Let me waste my time, an hour, two hours, three hours, six hours go you count how many hours a week that you spend on something beneficial versus something that is wasteful. And then you think to yourself, and I want the highest levels of gender. Right? It's like going to a student. And he says I want to be an A student graduates among the top students in my school in my college in my university, and you look at him and he's playing games and going out with his friends. So you can be you're not really serious about all of this, you either devote the time

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you either feel that every a deserves an hour and days from you or you be honest with yourself you can see be seeking the dunia and the Acura both without really working for the Acura but only for the dunya that does not work. And he says he gives an example

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takes few pages so I'll just summarize it for you. He gives an example and we are

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at 25

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I'm sorry,

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820. As you can see, there's some things.

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He says,

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imagine that people that were on a ship,

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and they were forced to take refuge on an island on their journey, right, they had to dock in an island. So they tell told all the crew, all the passengers on that ship, you have 24 hours on this island. And then we're going aboard, and then you're gonna leave.

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And then they did find on this island, some jewelry, buy expensive gold, and silver and diamonds and all of that. So the crew or the captain said to the people, and the passengers and everybody else, try to gather as much valuable as you can, and bring them back to you at the end of the 24 hours to the ship.

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So he said, then people were divided into four categories. The first category were the people who started collecting diligently with all effort, as much as they can have these valuable, right? gems and stones, taking as many of them as they can. And if they get tired, they say to themselves, it's only 24 hours.

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And if they are sleepy, it's time for them to sleep. They say to themselves, what

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is only 24 hours, stay up only 24 hours you can sleep when

00:36:28 --> 00:36:52

you go back to the ship, rest when you go back to the ship. But now, it's not time for you to rest collect as much as you can. So the collect and collect and collect these are that's the first category. The second category are people who weren't collecting these stones, precious stones. But then when they got tired, they sat down and relaxed. And when it was time for them to sleep, they slept. Then they went back to the ship was something but it's not like the first.

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The third, rather than collecting these valuable stones, they went and collected rocks, wood. That's what they collected, then they came back with that. And the last, instead of collecting anything, they started building homes. Right.

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And you know, working on the fields. And then when the 24 hours were done, they had to come back. So they took everybody back to their home. And the king interviewed all of them. He said to the first what have you collected, he said this and this industry, this qualifies you to be a king like me. So you made them kings, each one of them with all with their own soldiers with their own palaces and this and this and that.

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The second cavalry he comes in, he asked them, What did you have? He said we have this he says Weren't you with them? He says yes. On the same Island. Yes. had the same time. Yes. What happened to you? He says we were late.

00:37:48 --> 00:37:48

We were late.

00:37:51 --> 00:38:01

They had been collected stuff, but not as much. And then he tells them look at those kings, you could have been one of them. If you just had pushed yourself

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the third category or the imbeciles meaning what would you brought with you? What is this? What was the best thing that you had?

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And the last category are the most stupid, right? They were building in a place that they knew that they cannot inhabit and that cannot cannot stay in.

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So that is the example of this student. This is what he says that's the example of the dunya Allah azza wa jal puts you on it and asked you work for the earth Hello, because your time here is limited. And then the captain of the ship is going to call you back. Come, your time is up. So he says, Now think about it. Every time you get tired and lazy and you say to yourself, I don't want to do any of this anymore. Say to yourself, it's only 24 hours. So only 24 hours and you're gonna leave. This haraam is so attractive, I cannot stay away from it and say to yourself, just wait 24 hours, then you can aboard the ship and you can have to go and leave it. I want to build this great

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thing and this great thing and then I'm just going to consume all of my life.

00:39:13 --> 00:39:24

And I'm not gonna have time to collect any of those stones say to yourself, build a little bit here a little bit there but spend more of your time collecting those stones. It's only 24 hours. How much do you want to enjoy here?

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Those who those who enjoyed it before you towards the end of their life go and talk to them. It's just passes like a dream as if it wasn't so only 24 hours. So

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Allah azza wa jal subhanho wa Taala gives you these parables whether they are in the Quran and the Sunnah, or through the odema to tell you that you should work for the theater and think about how valuable it is and then the last part of this

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chapter and Shall I want to read it because it's valuable

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This was impelled by Kelsey crostini Amina Hitesh, Cora. He says, force your heart, let it adhere to thinking about the name of Allah, the boundaries of Allah upon you, so that you can thank them and to think about your sins so that you can ask Allah to forgive him. What he's a free thinker and you're in your transgressions, so that you will regret that.

00:40:24 --> 00:40:26

So what should you think about his saying,

00:40:27 --> 00:40:36

because this year, you can think about anything in this world. It says I want to recommend things to that you would think about, think about all the other Allah had given to you.

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And if we are sometimes blind to the narrowness of Allah, look at those who are less fortunate, and you will discover your netmarble upon you.

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Sometimes you need to seek them.

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Sometimes you need to seek them, to find them. And then you will appreciate the name of Allah upon you. So think about the name of Allah, and then you will appreciate them and then you will thank Allah not be thankless for all the things that you don't have but thankful for So, so many things that you have. And think about your since I disobeyed a lot that time I disobeyed Allah subhana wa tada with this thing, when you remember this, that this brings regret. So you will regret those things and ask Allah to forgive those sins and protect from arrogance. Well, he must do it. No, he will. He can. He literally felt automata who were hypnotized. And think about the creation of Allah

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azzawajal in the heavens and in the earth, and about what he had deposited in them where he can write how he had created them, so that you understand his greatness and his wisdom.

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Because observing how Allah created and the wisdom that he deposited in these things that you see around you, and in yourself tells you about the wisdom of Allah azza wa jal. So this means that you have to take that time. So bardiani brothers and sisters, sometimes you think of a bad day as what salah and cm and fasting and coming to the masjid and this is all a better and have the best of a brother, but he's talking also about another type of a better that I think is neglected. Think about a last creation. And how many of us does that? How many of us spend time thinking about a last creation so that this can increase your taqwa.

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Think about the harmony that is in it the laws that are in it the hikma of a lot that is in it observing it, so that you can increase your email just looking at the sky looking at the moon looking about how great it is. Look at about how small

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the ends, you know the insect that Allah had created and how incredible they are, and that would increase your

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admiration respect for Allah azza wa jal. So think about all this so that you will recognize a lot of greatness and wisdom and in what lies ahead.

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The hereafter, and death and what are what leads to it so that you would get ready for it? Okay, or about things that you need to know such so that you would learn it? And he says, and let your tongue in here, and stay close to the remembrance of Allah azza wa jal and his

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and asking you for forgiveness, and the reading of the Koran, or knowledge or teaching people or commanding good or forbidding evil or fixing and mending relations between people.

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He's giving you the supply.

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He's giving you the supply. base your mind. That's the first paragraph busy your mind with thinking about these things and now busy your tongue with the worship of Allah azza wa jal. So there is the worship of the mind and the heart of the difficult.

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And there is also the worship of the tongue, as much as you can let your tongue move with the vicar of Allah has diligently with asking for forgiveness, with reading the Quran, with learning, or with teaching, or directing people to the good that they should do or the harm that they should away from the sensor they should stay away from, or having that intention. I'm going to fix what has right what is broken between people I want to bring them together.

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And then mind and heart, then tongue. Now he says, Why should the Giovani Huckabee part and let your now limbs and body be busy with the worship of Allah azza wa jal and let the most important of them be the obligations on their time, in the best way Performed, to be performed in the best way. So he says now your body also needs to move in the worship of Allah azza wa jal what is the best?

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What's your priority?

00:44:46 --> 00:44:48

obligations for

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the compulsory deeds on time meaning Don't delay them, in the best of ways, because this is why Allah azza wa jal made them an obligation. This is why Allah had set a time for them.

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Someone may have to identify who you know. And then after that, what its benefit reaches other people.

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This is of the best of deeds. So Pamela Walton with Alec, Amanda home PD and him and the best of that is what benefits them in their religion, like teaching them the deen and guiding them to the straight path. So he see what he's asking you to do. Mind, tongue, and then with the body and he emphasized two things. I'm going to stop in Charlotte, he emphasize two things.

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The obligations, take care of them and don't neglect them. And then think about ways that you can benefit and help other people with your life. How, how can I help other people with it, guide them to the truth.

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That's the best thing. If not helping them with money, helping them with whatever guidance, advice, you know, just given them a shoulder that they can cry on listening to their problems, all that is good and wonderful. If you can rise to the level where you're teaching them, you're their religion. This could include your spouse, your children, your family and extended family, you could be their teacher, if you can do that. Then by Allah azza wa jal, we hope that you are among the selected few that Allah had chosen to transmit his religion. Sharma and I want to stop here in sha Allah.

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And as I said, it's not a big book in sha Allah, Allah Allah may not take us maybe a month or lesson Sherman will finish it. The next chapter is about move Siddhartha man, what invalidates the deeds after you do them, what invalidates the deeds? And inshallah before I take any questions if there are any questions, I do believe that next Saturday will be what

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what's next Saturday? I showed up my right Okay, so here you have an option you still have the halaqa or you can have a condensed halophyte give you time to eat inshallah and then we can have it or we can cancel it so let me know what you want

00:47:00 --> 00:47:15

keep the halaqa Do you want us to condense it So to give you time for us to eat and then come back and have a shorter halaqa you want to do this or you want to have you say oh no I'm a trooper I'm going to stay and not eat till after it's not up to you it doesn't then what do you want

00:47:16 --> 00:47:22

keep it keep it this length. So how many people wanted to participate for it to stay between Marvel and Asia?

00:47:24 --> 00:47:30

Okay, and how many people want it to be shorter so it will talk in about maybe 30 minutes to 20 minutes

00:47:31 --> 00:47:44

Okay, so the first that Okay the first people when the first one so inshallah is going to be is going to be inshallah full length inshallah. Sorry for the other team that did not want the next step.

00:47:45 --> 00:47:50

Any quick questions shall and I'm not expecting that there will be questions we're not talking about something technical, but yeah.

00:47:52 --> 00:48:00

Unfortunately, the book is not translated it looked for it in English, but it's not translated. If anybody's interested in translating it let me know I can work with you insha Allah on it.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:07

But it Baden Li and at least the gist of it, I'm giving it to you.

00:48:08 --> 00:48:08

At least

00:48:10 --> 00:48:24

inshallah, so fair inshallah. So I think we're good and hamdulillah so we'll see you next week Baden alarge as a common law hero for attending and listening. botica lo fi comm szczepanik alone behind the Chateau La Isla Vista, Furukawa

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