Ali Albarghouthi – The Story Of the Grand Ascetic Uways al-Qarani

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The history and personality of thecentcent, including his mission to cure a skin disease and use deadly drugs, are discussed. The importance of praying for the Prophet's actions and finding small deeds for small ways to change behavior is emphasized. The segment also touches on addiction and how it affects people's lives, and the importance of being close to Allah and applying his lessons to one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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in Alhamdulillah Muhammad who won a stallion who was the hero when we left him in Cerulean fusina was the RTR Melina Maria de la bella woman you mean Fela howdy Allah.

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Allah Allah Allah. Allah Sheree Cara. Juana Mohammed Abu hora, Sulu, Salam LaValle. He will, he will send them

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in Iran howdy Chiquita Allahu taala. Howdy, howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shalom Auriemma to have a coup d'etat in Baku, libido, Timberland, avocado banana think enough

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today we are going to answer the question of who was always Caronia, Rahim Allah.

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Today by Allah as well, we will hear his story.

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And we will try to learn from it things that we can adopt into our own lives.

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And why is it important to remember and recount the story of always, there are at least three reasons if not more.

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The first of them is that he belonged to the era of a Tabby own. The followers of the companions of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And the Prophet himself. Ali Salatu was Salam said as in Sahih, Muslim in the hierarchy in oral Judo nucala, who always the best of the tiberian is a man that is called a waste.

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So if you imagine the second best generation in the history of Islam, and among them is this human being who is the best of that generation or is among the best is a person that we should know about and try to learn from. And that is why the messenger sallallahu Sallam tells us about him. And there's a chapter in Sahih Muslim that is called Fabiola, always So currently, the virtues have always encouraged so this is one and we need the example of those people and similar people, because our life our environment is filled with examples with people who would err actions, if not with their tongues tell us to do things that might upset Allah subhanho wa Taala may not be on his path.

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So you need to actually to import into your life constantly. And remember these types of examples so that they can counter the other negative examples that are around us that are inescapable. So this is the first one.

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The second one is it's also important to distinguish in his life between fact and fiction because there is a lot of fiction superstition that has been spun around him, for instance, that he had never died, he's an immortal he continues to live till today, etc, etc. Right? So what the problem with this fiction is that it distracts us from the reality that we can learn from, like any fiction, like any superstition that leads us into it occupies us, it distracts us from actually learning what the prophet SAW, he said and wanted us to learn from his life. So to distinguish between this and that, and to offer us an example of a relay over loss of Hannah with dialogue, who is the one you

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have a loss of power without a proper example of it. Right and authentic example of it.

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The third is that this the Hadith about voice count among the proofs of the prophethood of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam della, because he foretold that there is going to be such a person and he described him in such detail and it got filled filled. Now it got fulfilled at the time of Roma, Bali Allah Juan.

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And Omar heard the Hadith from the messenger and he's the one who narrates it inside him.

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And he kept waiting for its fulfillment. So Omar when he was a Caleb

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used to inquire whenever and dead to an alien, reinforce the reinforcement soldiers who come from Yemen. Whenever they come to Medina, he would ask them he can always give your armor Do you have always have no armor among you? And they would say you know, the next year he would ask they would say no until one year they would said yes.

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So we went and met him in person and he said, Is your name always have no and he said, Yes.

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He says, min Quran, the Mirage in some amin Quran he says, Are you from rod, which is a branch from Quran? He says yes, it is a cannabic borrows from further out. Aloha. I mean, who isn't?

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It says, did you suffer from a skin disease Vitale ago, which is the second disease, maybe you've seen it, where your skin turns into white, white patches and keeps spreading? It says Do you suffer from such a skin disease? And you prayed to Allah, and he cured you from that illness? Except like the start of a coin?

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He says yes. He says, Do you have a mother? He says yes. He says indeed I heard the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says the following Yeah, take them away said no, I'm here. Now I'm dead. dedhia Lillian min Maura, the Quran cannot be Hebrew soon. So very, I mean, who is me some older?

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know Oksana Allahu la familia is Papa I mean, c'mon yester Allah.

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He says Salatu was Salam and exactly what Omar had asked him, he said, a waste of na Ahmed is gonna come to you with the reinforcements of the people of Yemen. And he will have a diseased skin he will be from this tribe, and from that tribe from this ranch, and from that tribe of cotton, and he will have a skin disease on him. But Allah would have killed him because he prayed for Allah to cure him Allah would have killed him except like the spot of a coin on his body.

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And he has a mother and he is very kind to her. And indeed this device the prophets continues war he to take an oath asking Allah to do anything along with Android for him. So imagine that, that is if you always were to say, y'all, I swear that you will do this load honor

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Allah, I would swear that he would punish this person or give us victory against our enemies, whatever he will ask Allah with honor to fulfill it. So the Prophet continues. So if you manage to have him pray that Allah would forgive you, let it be so do it. So on copper, the Allahu anhu said, Pray for me that allowed Forgive me.

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So he said, I pray for you that allowed forgive you.

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Then Omar asked him, where do you want to go? He says I want to head to El Kufa. He said Sharon, I tried to the governor of Cooper so that he would know you and take care of you. He says no. akuna Theodora, Ignacio Bula be among the average ordinary week people is more beloved to me. I don't want any special treatment. In other words, now the story goes on. But before we go on with the story, let's learn very briefly what is it that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was telling us about two boys what was so special about him? Very briefly.

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First of all, he was afflicted, he had this skin disease on him. And he prayed to Allah subhana wa Taala until only a spot of it was lifted or lost on his body. And another rewire it says called down to la vida. de l'homme De La Colonia metal la honey. It says I was cured from that illness except for that small spot on his navel on his stomach so that I would remember Allah's favor upon me.

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And it is either that he prayed for that specifically, and Allah cured me from this illness, except leave a spot behind so that I would remember where I was and where I am now. Or that Allah I left it and always read into that this is a reminder from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Whenever you look at it, remember where you were, and your affliction, and your to Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And the funny thing about the human condition all of us suffer from this is that we go to extreme when we are afflicted with something that we hate, we go to extreme and when we receive something that we love and enjoy, we go to an extreme

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Allah Subhana Allah says, Wait MSL insane abou Donnelly, jumpy Alka identificar email.

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He says when a human being tastes affliction, tastes hardship, he would cry out to us on his side, sitting down and standing.

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That means what? constantly

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and if you go back to a situation where you actually were under pressure and you were asking ALLAH, you were praying to Allah subhana wa Taala 24 hours went before you go to sleep. And as soon as you wake up and your salon after your Salah at you wherever you are, wherever you remember it to Allah, take it away, take it away from me, Allah change this to law change this, you continue to pray to Allah subhanaw taala in every condition

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throughout the day and every hour of the day.

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But Allah subhana wa Taala says, that when we take this affliction away from him, for them that is of no animal Dora, maraca Lamia, Dona a robbery masaba when we take this affliction away from him, what do we do? He says he persist in his way, as if he had never called on us to relieve him of a pain that he had. He goes back to his old ways. We go back to our old ways. After you know pleading with a law or law just change this not will be better y'all do this and I will be better. We go back to our own ways when Allah subhanho wa Taala blesses us

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and in another

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area, Allah subhana wa tada says, What? incentive minute, two minutes. I mean, we know who they are awesome. It says when we

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make a human being takes a blessing from us, from us from Allah subhanaw taala. Then we take it away from him, he is desperate and ungrateful.

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That is a common reaction desperate and ungrateful. Desperate in the sense of I don't believe that this is ever gonna go away. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go make another call never accepted from me desperate, this is will never change and ungrateful, ungrateful, as if Allah had never blessed him before. never enjoyed anything from Allah subhanaw taala no good has come to my way. I'm the most miserable human being in this world. This is the mentality, this is the human mentality.

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But when Allah subhana wa Taala gives him a blessing. After hardship, Allah subhana wa tada says, in order

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to receive this blessing, he becomes boastful and arrogant. This is never going to change. I'm rich and rich forever. I'm strong and strong forever. I'm healthy and healthy forever. And you know, go back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is a human condition, except for there's an exception in the living room, except for those who are patient and actually do good righteous deeds or that Allah loves, they will be able to actually withstand these extremes in human behavior, you go back to waste by him online, he said, I always want to remember Allah as favor upon me that I was sick. Allah subhana wa Taala took that away from me. And that is not easy to do. That is not easy to

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persist in doing. So this is one very quickly.

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The second thing he says, Canada who I needed to worry about, he was very kind to his mother.

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And we might look at something like this very likely. Oh, so he's good to his parents.

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But when otherwise known as old as the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. What are the best deeds that Allah loves? He said, prayer on its time, prayer in time. He said, What is the very next thing after this? He says, beware in kindness to your parents.

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They said the thing after that he's a jihad, Missy Kabbalah. So think about this Jihad for the sake of Allah, which is, you know, the top, the top thing the top sacrifice that a person can do when that jihad is legitimate, the tough sacrifice, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam yet put before that being kind to your parents. And it is these what we consider small things that are around us, that are available to all of us, kindness to our husbands kindness to our wives kindness to our children to the neighbor.

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It is these seemingly are small things that can raise us in levels to Allah subhanho wa Taala bring us close to him. So what was his way thing that always has done? He was good to his mother.

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And in fact, one time a person came to us and he had a problem.

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his dog problem was a serious problem. And he said,

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I had proposed to so and so to this lady, and she declined. Another person proposed and she accepted his proposal, and I got so jealous that I killed her.

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Is there repentance for me? So now I best asked him, he says, Do you have a mother? Is your mother still alive? He says

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Know, he says, then just go repent to Allah and be as close to him as you can. So a person a companion took a bath after that man left, he said, What did you ask him about his mother, he says, I do not know of anything that will bring him closer to Allah than kindness to his mother.

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So even if he had killed the person, that is the greatest sin that you can do, after shitcan Allah, it says, if you want to remedy that, it be kind to your mother, you will come to your parents, and if they are dead, you can still be kind to them after their death by making dua to them on sort of on their behalf, etc, etc.

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This is the second thing

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for the thing that always Rahim Allah was known for or was good. And

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the other thing also that strikes us is his humility, Rahim Allah is very humble.

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And he had renounced and left this world behind. We see that in evidence. For instance, when Omar was the one who told him shalom nine right to the governor of Kufa, where you're heading so that he can take care of you so that he can recognize you and honor you. And he said, No, one could have thought himself. Now I have recognition. Now all of the kale is coming from the messenger sallallahu Sallam recognizes me, I can be in Medina, I can be an advisor. I can get grants from Omar, I can get this and I can get that. But he wasn't this kind of person. He had renounced and left this world behind. He wasn't after fame, and love of fame and love of recognition is a killer is a killer. If

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it attacks a religious person, it's the killer if attacks any one of us because we stop working for Allah.

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And we start working for other people under praise for a place in society, for money in society. And that is not what always so heimo law was about.

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In fact, when he went to Kufa and

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Omar the next year receives delegations or delegates from hygine asks, one of the people have always, he says, gave a doctor always How did you leave behind?

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Khalid al Motta, he says, I left him of little worldly possessions, worn out possessions, this is the only thing that he has. That's how I've left him.

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And actually, the story continues.

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Because what makes a race Rahim Allah also great, besides his humility and renouncement of this world, is that he was very patient with people around him, and he used to be hurt a lot. In addition to the affliction, the bodily affliction that we talked about, he used to be hurt a lot by people around him. And we'll give you two examples of it, one in Yemen, and the other one in Kufa, where he was in Yemen, Omar before he met waste, mala, and he was asking about him.

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He met one of his people, one of the sort of notables among the tribe of Quran and he asked him Is there a voice among you? And he said, Commander of the Faithful.

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He's a nobody column and always a woman that he's a nobody. You're the Commander of the Faithful. Who are you asking about? Because I am a nobleman among the tribe, and he's a nobody in our tribe. What is the connection? What are you asking about him? Call away like, Derek. He says, won't you catch him if you can catch him if you can, and he told him what the prophet sallallahu Sallam said about it.

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The man didn't know

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and did not appreciate him. So when that man came back to his people, he said, he did not salute anybody until he went directly to waste. And he said, Pray that Allah would forgive me always said, nevertheless, he says, What is wrong with you? What has changed? What is wrong with you? He said, Omar said this, this, this, this this. So we said, I will not pray for you, except if you give me three things. The first of all, you stop harming me.

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The second of all, you tell nobody about what Omar told you. And he said, and the third and they forgot about the third condition.

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But from that we understand the first one is that he was being heard by the people around him, but the people of his own tribe

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and escaping from recognition again, he said, Don't tell anybody about it. And that is one of the reasons why he left Yemen because people started to know about him. So he moved into Kufa and in Kufa.

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He also had a story an interesting story

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that goes well with also his story in Yemen. And Kufa.

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A man said we used to sit in circles and remember Allah subhanho wa Taala. Here people remind us of Allah. And there was one particular person that when he spoke, at least Leah really left the mark in our hearts. Who is

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So once I missed him, he didn't come to that circle. And I asked about him, Who is this person?

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And the people around didn't know him. So I described him and they knew they said, Yes, this is always so corny said, you know, lead me to him and they lied to him to him. He went to his home, and he came into his home and he said, Brother, why is it that we didn't Haven't seen you today? Are you sick? Is there something to matter? And he said, Rahim, Allah, I am not sick, except that I don't have clothes to wear, to put on to leave the house.

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I said says I have no clothes on. So I cannot leave this house. So he said, for her to Read It For Me too, as I took my coat, and I gave it to him.

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So that he can wear it and go to the masjid because I had nothing else to wear. He said, he turned it back. So I pushed it back. He says he turned it back. And he said, I kept arguing with him. And he said, You know what, if I take this code, put it on and leave. And when my people see it, see me they will say, look at that hypocrite, he continued to go after that man and trick him until he took his code away from him.

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He said, Take it, and I want to go out with you. And I want to see what they will say. So he put the coat on and they left together and what he passed by his people, one of them looked at him and said, look at that hypocrite. He was after this man it continued to took him until he took his coat away from him.

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So that man,

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he said, shame on you. I gave it to him. I forced him to take it. And don't you know that Omar rhodiola knows that this and this and this and this about him.

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So we understand that even in Kufa, himolla people were messing with him, they were hurting him they were insulting him, but he was very patient with them.

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So also this should teach us inshallah, to be patient with people even when they hurt us. And that even if you are close to Allah Subhana Allah, you're not going to escape affliction, affliction that comes in terms of disease, in terms of poverty, and both of them, the waste suffered from and also in terms of people around you, not appreciating you, insulting you, and attacking you. But if you persevere, then Allah subhana wa tada will give you success upon the Holy

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Hamdan Catherine Pavan Mubarak and Fie

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Sunni Mohammed.

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He was about

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after people knew about the waist and Kufa, he also disappeared from it. And people don't know what happened to him afterwards. Some some of them say he was killed in the Battle of Safina fighting alongside olive oil, we thought it would only allow on what others have said he died somewhere else. But the basis or the gist of the story is that here is a man that the messengers a lot he said, he said always have the best of the tambourine or their best. And we have to look at him and see what made him the best. Especially as we look at our own lives, what can we take from a waste of time or law into our own lives, kindness to parents, or people around us? Patience, even if we are attacked

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and maligned proximity to Allah subhanho wa Taala being very close to him, despite what people think, and seeking actually to be close to Allah not necessarily to be praised by people, not recognition by people because fame and recognition actually are the opposite of sincerity opposite of a floss. So when you worship Allah subhana wa Taala you try to worship him or dedicate parts of your worship in secret nobody would know about except you except Allah subhanho wa Taala and to run away from praise and grind away from that tag of false recognition. And also for us to understand that the winner of Allah subhanho wa Taala is possible. The will of Allah to be a friend or one

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who's close to Allah subhanho wa Taala is not necessary to perform supernatural deeds in later years of decay among Muslims right? When illiteracy spread and religious ignorance spread the word I have a liking to be somebody who can perform something miraculous like a magician, right? And people unfortunately we're very gullible. And we're a group of people also took advantage of that for the sake of money for the sake of power etc, etc. So they took advantage of the Masters, the will of Allah subhana wa tada as we see among other ways is to be close to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Even if people around you don't know it, and always was running away from power, was running away from wealth was running away from recognition and position was not seeking them. And that is the true mark of audio of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he wants, what is with Allah, not what is with people.

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So I hope and I ask Allah subhana wa Taala. To make in this story, a good reminder for us that we can learn from it's something that we can apply in our lives. And we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us of those who are very kind to our parents, and to amaze make us of those who are very, very patient when we ever we receive harm from people around us. All I will make us of those who are often thankful they allow for the blessings that you give them all along, we ask you to make use of those who are patient with hardship when hardship visits them, while we ask you for all the good in this life and in the Hereafter. And we seek your refuge from all evil in this life and in the

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Hereafter. And we asked you for heaven and we seek refuge from hellfire. While we may ask you that you make our heart steadfast on Islam. Allah make our hearts steadfast on Islam. Allah strengthen our hearts with Islam. Allah manana cervical highrock una una becoming a Sheree Cooley

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Aloma to be a bit Cubana de Nick Aloha mai kakou Lubin Allah protic along the creek overshoe cricos Nia evatik yahaya Matic and studied Elena and an akula. hawala, tokina and fusina.

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Welcome, sir

Who was Uways al-Qarani? What position does he hold in Islamic tradition and spirituality? This talk recounts the story of Uways, based on early and authentic sources, and discusses some of the lessons in the life of this early Muslim ascetic that we can absorb into our lives today.

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