Ali Albarghouthi – Softeners of the Heart #12

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The importance of trusting Allah for guidance and protecting oneself is emphasized in the segment on the importance of knowing one's beliefs and not giving too much attention to certain things. The speakers also emphasize the need for healing and seeking help for people with certain diseases. The negative impact of waiting for important events, such as Mother's Day and Easter Day, on women's engagement is emphasized, along with the benefits of taking time for processing and feeling empowered through the process. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of finding the right person to ask for and what is the right thing to do.
AI: Transcript ©
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mumble and I mean,

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the last two chapters were about hope and fear, or Raja or mental health when we said how we're supposed to have a balance of hope and fear in our lives, and sometimes we need to increase the dose of hope and sometimes increase the dose of fear, depending on how we are with Allah azza wa jal if we are motivated, if we are procrastinating if we are lazy, if we are

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the need to change the dose because it's medicinal, it's medicine, and also based on what motivates you to get closer to Allah as and we don't also talked about patients and how patients is and what is patients and patients to stay away from the sins that Allah azza wa jal hates. The chapter for today is about Tawakkol.

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And it's as if Al Bukhari or himolla is saying that you need that to be able to achieve all of that meaning on your way to Allah azza wa jal, even in patience, staying away from the Haram, doing what Allah loves, you must have a basic Tawakkol and the greater your telecoil the greater your success is. So the chapter he titled it, Rahim, Allah baboon, oh Allah He to Allah or Mejia they work in love Allah He for her husband, Allah saying, and he who relies upon Allah and trust has to work Quran Allah azza wa jal Allah will be enough for him.

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Allah will be enough for him. For he follows that by saying kala Ravi Ragna Hussain, he says rabbinical theme was a tablet he said, mean Cooley Medaka. Elena's meaning ALLAH will be enough from him for him in everything that is hard on people. And every tight spot you find yourself in Baka island as a tight spot, Allah has zodion will be sufficient for you will take care of you, if you rely on him.

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This is of iman, right? If you really know him, you trust him. Right?

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And what is this knowledge that we're talking about and think of a human being if you know that this doctor is really a good doctor, then you do trust, the advice that they give to you. Right. And if you go to them, or if you get sick, you know that he or she is a person that you can go to, and consult about your ailment, and that they will be able to help you. So you have that security, that if something happens, I can go there. Or if we want to talk about wealth, if you have a rich parent, or a rich relative, and they are generous, you know that if I'm in need, I can go there to them, and they'll help me see you have that peace of mind. Right? That if something bad happens, they'll

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assist. So you don't feel lost, you don't feel anxious. Allah xojo Of course, is greater

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in all matters, that any human being that you can rely on. Allah has wisdom, Allah has power, Allah's guidance, all of that. So if you know this about Allah, you feel secure in the case in the sense that if anything happens, I can go back to Allah as zodion I can lean on him, I can ask him to assist me to help me. And Allah will be the best helper. Right? So I will not be in distress.

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And in fact, the greater that you rely on Allah, the greater the assistance that you will receive.

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That is, it's in proportion.

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It's in proportion, the more that you trust Him, the more that he will come to your aid, the better you are as a worship of Allah xojo The more that Allah will guide you and protect you.

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And the more that you feel that you need him, the more that he will be with you. And if you feel that you don't and that you are distant, what happens, you'll receive less assistance, because you did not ask for it.

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You understand how that works. You didn't ask for it. So it didn't come. He didn't feel that you needed it. So it did not assist you. But you really feel helpless. And you feel that you truly need him Subhana Allah to Allah to push away that harm, whatever that harm may be,

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to assist you to achieve what you want, whatever that objective may be. If you bring Allah in, then you are stronger than the stronger the strongest human being.

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That's why Muslims in general, when they were more trusting and believing in Allah as they could be few in numbers,

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and less have less weapons.

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And you know, less machines and less weaponry in general to be able to assist them to defeat their enemy. And their enemy would be doubled, tripled their numbers and more 10 times their number yet they would triumph.

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Although there are few in number, why would they triumph

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because they put their trust with Allah as origin. And when Allah assists you, you become stronger than the strongest human being.

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So that's why they say if you feel that you are weak, or you're unable to do something, or stay away from something, rely on Allah, and he will give you strength. So I want you to think inshallah about any problem that you're facing. Or you know, someone who's facing a problem. And he or she, they say, I can't overcome this. So this is way too overwhelming, too difficult for me, is say, telecoil, Allah, Allah, and Allah will be sufficient for you meaning what what is sufficient mean?

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You don't need anything else. Like this is enough for you, meaning you don't need anyone or anything else. Besides him. subhanho wa taala. And

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when we say that we don't say that you don't need to rely on the means. Meaning, don't take medicine. Don't go to the doctor, don't study, relying on Allah azza wa jal and trusting him does not mean that you exclude these things. But it also means you don't trust them. They are the things that help but they're just what away for the help of Allah azza wa jal to flow. So it's not the medicine meaning that if you find a good doctor, and you think he cures me, that becomes a deficiency. intercooling or the medicine that I'm taking, that's the thing that cures me that becomes a deficiency into a con because your heart becomes attached to

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the medicine, forgetting about Allah azza wa jal who facilitates the workings of the medicine, or Allah has voted who had guided this doctor. So it's important not to be so caught up in the means, right, because they are so physical and in front of you, that you forget about the one who is behind all of these. So Tawakkol is to also remind yourself that No, Allah azza wa jal is the real actor here. These things have power, but Allah deposited power in them. Medicine has power, but Allah deposited that power in it and only works by the will of Allah azza wa jal. So don't be so fixated on the material and the physical forgetting that this entire world is being driven by guided by a

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power than greater than it is. So don't forget about that power and that power is Allah as his origin. So any tight spots you find yourself in now or in the future, you don't have to face it by yourself.

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Bring Allah zoodle in and let him help you and Allah will assist you. So there's one Hadith here

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it is where are the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam said yet hold on Ginetta mean oh Medusa, Runa elfin be lady, he said, he said, there will be 70,000 from my Alma who will enter Jannah without an account, meaning they will not be stopped and questioned about how many sins Do you have? How many good deeds you have? They enter Jannah without passing through all of this without questioning.

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Hola Hola, Deena Hola. Yes sir cone. They are the ones who do not seek or ask for Rukia wala toto your own do not believe or act on omens were allowed to be him yet our cologne and they trust and rely on Allah azza wa jal.

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They have to work on. And these three things are all based on Tawakkol. The ones that talked about there is Tawakkol. And because of it, they don't ask for Rukia. And because of it, they don't believe or act on omens.

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So let's explain that Sabrina elfin Vera. Yeah, he's up 70,000 without questioning means that this category of believers are extra special. So they don't stop.

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Right. And if you want to think of an example think of an VIP.

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Traveling reaches the airport, you don't have to stop by the usual counters directly to the plane. How good is that? No waiting in line, right? No waiting in line. No question. No one bothering you. What what are you going What are you going to be doing? How long are you going to be staying? Show me your ticket VIP directly to the plane. How beautiful is that? This is VIP.

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Why are they VIP? What what what is it that they've done that is so special eight is Tawakkol.

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So part of the Tawakkol The first thing is La yester Kona, they don't ask for Rukia.

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Now, there's a difference between giving themselves Rukia and asking for rakia. Meaning that if they are sick,

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they can read look it on themselves for themselves and they give can give Rukia to others. So what is real clear by the way, in case someone does not know what is real clear.

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Anything from the Quran and the authentic sunnah that is recited for healing. Right? Give me an example. Just a couple of examples. What can you use as Autopia? It's not complicated.

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AYATUL kursi

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what are we that the last three these and then there are some authentic supplications do that the prophets I seldom used to read and you can actually take that that is really so they can give Rukia to others. They are sick, they can do that. And they can wipe it over their body that is perfectly fine. doesn't contradict this. But what is the thing that they do not do? They don't ask for Rokia. Why is that?

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Although by the way, it's not haram to ask for rakia is it? So if you say you know, brother, sister, and they can read the Rokia, they say, this hurts, that hurts. Can you read up on me? It's not haram. Of course, if somebody volunteers, that's even better. But why is it that they don't ask for Rukia?

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Because they are relying on Allah azza wa jal, so they don't want their hearts to be attached to you or him or, or she.

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They don't want their hearts to be attached to somebody else. Because what happens with Rukia and you can't help it. If somebody is known to be a good Rati you part of your heart gets cut the subject to that person's presence. You feel attached that he can heal.

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He can heal, there's something special about him. So if you feel sick, so where is he? You want to go and see him? Although you can read rocky for yourself, but but do you feel that he can help? So part of your heart relies on him?

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Right. So because of their complete goal.

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They don't ask for Rokia. They give it to themselves. And if somebody volunteers it and gives it to them, they accept it. But I'm not going to ask for it. Right? I'm not gonna ask for it. And that is tomorrow, called the complete debacle that they have. When Allah azza wa jal. The next one is Willa yet aka your own, they don't act on omens, good or bad. So that word to tell you

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is in Arabic coming from birds,

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a bird. And the Arabs had this method of determining whether they should do something or not, there will be a bird that they find or they would bring, and they would yell at it, scream at it. And they will see and he has Judo plate. And they want to see after they yell, where does the bird fly, just the method that they come up with, where is the bird going to fly? If it's flies to their left, then that means this is a bad trip, I'm not going goes to the right than this is a prosperous trip. So they will go that is totally your because they use the birds for it. And because of that that word was borrowed for any kind of Omen called data your

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people different cultures, right have different methods of determining a good or bad omen. And some of these things are known as some of them, they are cultural, right? So examples would be what a crow or a an owl or a bird that you know lands on your window and the rim knocking.

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Passing or walking under a ladder.

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Opening an umbrella indoors, different cultures have different indications of this is gonna be good or this is gonna be bad good omens and bad omens. So some of that is cultural gets inherited, has kind of no logic to it, but it gets inherited and gets believed. And some of it is individual. Meaning you start believing that something is good luck or bad luck. So you take a path to work one day and you get in so much trouble at work that you somehow begin to develop the idea

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that this route is really bad, it's bad luck for me. Or you go to a job interview and you buy a new shirt and it goes so well that this shirt is my lucky shirt. So whenever you want to do something important, where's my lucky shirt now it's, it's something on the inside speaks to you that there might be something extra special about that shirt. extra special about that coin, extra special as I met so and so in the morning, right? Then some vendors have that in some cultures, which is that the first buyer determines what happens the rest of the day. So if it goes well, then this is going to be a prosperous day. So if I meet you, and you're my first buyer, is just I just want to sell to

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you, I want you to buy from me because if you buy from me, the rest of the day is going to be prosperous is good. If not, then the rest of the day is going to be terrible. So you individually, you can also develop this on your own, just something that speaks to you that this is bad luck.

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The day is not gonna go well. Or this is good luck. The day is going to be wonderful. So you have to catch yourself. And there's a statement I believe it's from one of the Sahaba

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where he said all of the Allahu Anhu imam in Illa. Well, I can Allah you the Hebrew who actually says every one of us experiences that feeling of bad luck, good luck inside.

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But Allah azza wa jal eliminates it with tokkuri.

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That is, you don't really believe that? Maybe a black crow somehow is terrible luck. But somehow, for some reason, you're about to leave to work and it comes and it lands on your car.

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Now what did the shutdown start saying to you? I know I don't believe in it. But what if?

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What if maybe I shouldn't go today call in sick, somebody else drives me something else. I just don't want to. If you do that, then you have succumbed to omens. You've accepted them? What should I do then when I see that?

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To what Quran Allah says, don't believe in it. Don't let it stop you. That did Allah as they'll tell you that the color of a specific bird, or any particular bird is an indication of what is going to come next. They ever say that? Absolutely not. But the problem with it is that if you believe it, what happens

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you'll interpret everything that happens the rest of the day, as you see.

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You see that bird had predicted all these terrible problems I'm having today. So it will settle in your heart whereas if you say, I trust him, Allah as the origin and I will rely on him and don't pay attention to it, it goes away. It goes away from your heart. So that's why he says wala Tata urine, it doesn't feel doesn't mean that they never feel something on the inside. It means that they dismiss it. And they rely on Allah and they don't let that stop them or determine their actions. While yatta yatta goon where a lot of behemoth our cologne and they rely on Allah azza wa jal meaning they rely on Him in all of their affairs.

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And everything that they want to achieve even especially worldly stuff, but also religious stuff.

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So there's that famous Hadith where the prophets Allah Allah Azza wa sallam said though under come, there were calluna Allah Allah Hakata Cooley de la Raza con gamma Yasuko Playa del Hamas on water rowhill retana He says if you were to trust Allah and rely on him as he deserves, he would provide you as he provide for the birds he provides for you as he provides for the birds. They fly early in the morning, empty with an empty stomach, and they come back with stomachs that are full.

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So a bird doesn't have a job. Right? Who guarantees its food? Allah's origin but no one says to the bird today I'm going to feed you this this this this no the birds do what they fly searching for food so Tawakkol and work on don't contradiction

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to what cool doesn't mean that you don't do anything and doing something doesn't mean that you don't have to work oh no, you do. You fly and the birds have to work or they fly but their toggle is on Allah xojo I'm flying but finding that food is through Allah nonmeat now my effort so you go to your job, you do your work, but Allah is the One who gives me Allah is the One who provides when you do that, if you really

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really have to work on Allah will give you,

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Allah will provide for you. And so that tells us that in risk, especially in risk, we must have to work on Allah as noted and see him as the True Provider. Then it is easy right? Not to feel pressured by your work or by the demands of the world or today to do haram for the sake of money.

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Because why why do we do haram for the sake of money other than loving the Haram and wanting to be rich, is sometimes we feel that we have no choice if I don't do this not going to get money. So if you truly believe that Allah azza wa jal is the provider, you're not going to worry about where the money is going to come from it comes. But that requires what? To what good and not everybody has that. And also to have to work well in the worship of Allah azza wa jal, and that's the higher even form of Tilak good. So in your Salah and fasting in reading the Quran, Allah Allah helped me to be able to read the Quran helped me to be regular in my salah helped me to stay away from the haram. So

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to ask Allah for that, and to feel that you need his assistance, and that He's beside you assisting you and to ask for that help wherever you need it, and in fact to keep asking for it. So what Quran Allah azza wa jal is essential, if a person is to reach him Subhana who were to Allah and to be among the 70 1000s who will not be questioned, do you need to push your Tawakkol to its perfection? Allah Allah

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the following one is he titled The following chapter Babel, my ukara hoomin. Kedah will call

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it is what is disliked or hated. When people engage in key Dawa call it was said and he said, and we'll explain what that means. So it's disliked, to engage in he said, and it was said, so

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why are we

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all the Allahu Anhu cutover either movie or a hero to a movie era? Right To me a hadith that you heard from the Prophet salallahu Salam? Can you send me something that you heard from the Prophet? sal Allahu Allahu Allah wa salam, and that is how the early believers were, that they were eager to learn and why we know the Allahu Anhu is a Sahabi. So he wanted to learn a hadith on the prophets, Elijah Salam that he didn't know about from about Sahaba who had heard it.

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So Elmo Vera wrote to him, he said, I heard him say when he left when he finished his Salah La Ilaha illa Allah who had the hula Sharika hula hula MOLKO Al hamdu Lillahi wa ala kulli che impedir so that's part of the thicker that follows the salah. Right? La ilaha illallah wa the hula sharika lah Hoon Monaco, wala hula hamdu Lillahi wa ala Coalition for the year. So the prophets Allah Allah wa salam had a regular vicar after the Salah, this is one of it. And it's good to know what that vicar is and to try to bring it every time you finish your Salah. And if you're not able to do everything, after your Salah, at least you put a pick one two or three of those Earth car and you'd be regular

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in reciting them after the Salah and then later on, you can build on that.

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So pick that then if you don't have the habit of reading any of the car after the Salah.

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We will see okay, there are books about North Korean at the year

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like his non Muslim, widespread translated to many languages, you go there and you pick one at least, or maybe two or maybe three and memorize that and be regular in reciting that after each Salah

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until it's a fixture meaning you don't leave and you fix him you tell yourself after salah I will not leave I'm not stand up. Whether I'm praying in the masjid and it's easier in the masjid. But whether I'm praying in the masjid, or at home, I will now move from my spot until I say 123 And they take from you about a minute or two

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like they will not affect your schedule and they will not test your patience. But they will increase your connection to Allah as a surgeon and allow you to say even more later on, and it also does something which is to calm you down.

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And one of the things that Salah is supposed to do is to disconnect you from the chaos that is around you from all your thoughts when we all your anxieties from the world that is around you and cleanse you and allow you to calm down, calm your thoughts calm your body and connect with Allah as his origin. So the more that you stay in your place in salah the better that is that for you

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So the ADKAR do that. So one of one of them is that either in Allah whether hula Sharika hula hula cola will hum do or who are unequally che and Fidel, Carla and then movie or Sedwick Khanna and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to forbid

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an and outlaw pedo con it was said and he said, We're cutthroat as to URL extensive asking or asking a lot what you love it man and wasting money woman in her heart and to deny and demand what Oh, Muhammad and being unkind to the mothers well what a deal Bernard and burying little girls.

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So what is all this that and movie that I was relating to my we are the Allahu Anhu. So the first one and that's the title of the chapter can uh, you know, he used to forbid, peed our car. It was said, and he said, what is that? This is unsubstantiated speech that has no basis rumors, gossip, or unusable speech. Just as it as it indicates, clearly our call. He said or it was sent. So when people sit together, and they said, Did you hear the latest, it was said that.

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so and so said this, so and so said that most of the conversation that takes place among a lot of people is of that type. It has no basis no reference. It's gossip, gossip, meaning either that is

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just rumors.

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guesswork, has no reality to it. It may be true, but it could completely be fake. Or it's a it is an intimate delicate detail that should not be discussed, or is of no use to discuss

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clean our color.

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And if you think about it, Subhan Allah and he the prophets of Allah, Allah was Elon was talking about this so long ago.

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But if you think about the wave of unsubstantiated information that we receive today, information that we do not know whether it's true or not, but people share it nonetheless, and talk about it nonetheless. And the damage that this does, you'll understand why it's important to ask for reference, and documentation for what you're saying, What if you know it to be true, then you talk about it. But if you don't know it to be true, you don't transfer you don't share? You don't discuss because it could be sinful or very harmful? Did you hear that? So and So divorced his wife, did you hear so and so? Does this and that to his kids? Did you hear? Where does this come from? Do you have

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any proof? So if you don't have proof, should you talk about it?

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No. Then religiously we ask for references, right? So we say, Allah said, and that's why we're doing this, the Prophet said, and that's why we're doing that. The scholars have discussed it in this way. That's why we're praying this way or fasting that way. But when we receive that information,

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where is the source? Where is it coming from? Because you can easily devolve into? Did you hear that? So and so has embezzled money? Did you hear so and so is corrupt? Did you see that also is involved in theft, but no one is talking about is this all Hush, hush. Did he see that this politician this and you're engaging in what the least of it is that it's not useful?

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The most of it is that you are spreading lies. Right? Isn't it? So someone can ask you? Where did you bring that from?

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And even if it's true, is it useful to discuss all of that? So the prophets Allah, Selim said no to this note to this, and I'm saying that it has really, you know, potential to damage like in some countries, it's a non Muslim country, Muslims will be lynched and killed. Because on social media, there are groups where people share stories. Muslims are doing this than than this and people believe all of that. So they go to the streets and find the next Muslim and they kill him.

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Now Muslims could do the same as well right, ethnically or you know that this particular ethnic group has just destroyed this and that what how could they say you go down to the streets and you kill the next person without asking Where did this come from? So it's important for your religion and for your own safety, to hold that to our card. It was said

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we said it Allah Allah it was said and he said

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So stand that, stop it, and talk about what benefits you. Otherwise SubhanAllah. This person that you're talking about could be your opponent on the day of judgment here. Allah asked him, Why did ACB say these things about me?

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Right? That's one Kathy soil excessive asking.

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This could mean two things. One asking for money without need. Give me money, give me money, give me money. So that is disliked or haram. Because if you're a no need money, you shouldn't ask for it. You shouldn't beg for it. So that's one. But also careful not to excessive asking could also mean what on in a religious way, or a non religious way, non religious way is to ask about what is of no interest to you? That does not benefit you. But you still are too inquisitive. And to curious about it.

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Oh, where did you buy that from? And how much did it cost to embarrass someone like that? Maybe they don't want to tell you where they bought it from? And maybe they don't want to tell you how much it cost?

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When? How much does your house cost? Where do you work? How much do you earn.

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So this type of questioning is invasive.

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And is at least disliked. And if it causes harm to the other person or discomfort, it could be haram as well. So get through to sue. And so if you're a person of a mentality, where you're always asking questions, asking questions about others, than you should restrict that and consider that you may be harming.

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You may be invading their privacy. This is cathartic. And also ask yourself, why is it that I need to know all of this? Like what is the same about me?

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Right? Because if you are a disciplined,

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focused person who has things in his and her life, that are enough for them, you wouldn't be interested in what people have or don't have. But if you're empty, then you need to fill that emptiness. And how do you fill that emptiness? By asking

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what happened to this person what happened? And again, in this in the age of social media, where everybody's private business becomes public, cutthroat, this URL could also mean that going after things that are no non beneficial to you. So what happened with so, so on, so this public figure, and so on. So you know, this famous person, he's fighting with his wife, and she's fighting with him, and they want a divorce, and it's public.

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And because it's public, and because people are interested, you become

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somehow interested caught up in it, absorbed by it. And thing is to ask yourself, Do I need to know all of that? Because that's a form of questioning what happened to him? What happened to her? Okay, do I need to know the latest of this person got pregnant, this person got divorced? This person is suing, though, do I need to ask? Because if you restrain and stop these questions, then you'll save your time and focus on what benefits you so that's gonna throw to another cathro to earn excessive asking is religious to ask about what not does not benefit you to ask for the sake of argument to find fault with people about things that did not happen yet. But simply you'd like to speculate and

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you'd like to ask but have no benefit of no real benefit. So get through to and again, it could be a reflection of a mind that is empty because if you focus on what benefits you you don't have time to ask about what does not benefit you. Then he says what you lie to man wasting money.

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So profits are synonym for bait, wasting money.

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money is a gift that Allah gives to you, man other people don't have it. So when you have it, you're supposed to do what with it.

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At least don't use it in ways that displease Allah. So the first form of wasting money is what user gets in Haram. Even a penny in Haram is a waste. So wasting money is spending it in Haram and spending into Haram is wasting money.

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The next thing is to be wasteful is to spend beyond what you need. Excessive

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and that varies from one person to the other, but some of it is really apparent. A car that costs 50,000 70,000 That could be suitable and fine for you and your family. But you decide you have money and you want to spend 300,000 on a car just because you like the color you'd like the brand you'd like to brag.

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That is what

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a week

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Now I said, there is no definite scale, it could vary from one person to the other. So one person who is rich, and he lives among rich people. And he requires and he needs his profession he needs, let's say, for instance, that you're gonna go to an interview, and you need to have a suit. And that suit may cost you I don't know, 200 300 $400. And that is reasonable for a person in your status. Spending that type of money may not be wasteful, right? Makes sense.

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But for another person who was not in that bracket, 400 $500 is really wasteful, he wouldn't spend that much money. So it depends. But we have guidelines, guidelines that the Haram is always full. And you will know at times when you've crossed the line, when you ask yourself, Do I need to spend that much on this? Or do cheaper, still good quality products? Satisfactory? And why am I spending it on this? Is it for the sake of quality, or bragging, showing off? Telling people that, hey, I've arrived, I have a bag. And this is, by the way, worst among women. Unfortunately, anyone doesn't want to like, single out. But it's worst among women. Because for some sisters for some reason,

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right? When she comes in, and I hear that, when she comes in, she gets scanned, from top to bottom and bottom to top. And not only her, but her and her kids.

00:36:42 --> 00:36:58

Right, her and her kids. That's what I hear. So the shoes were where are the shoes from? And the dress? Where's this dress from? And the hair? Where did you go to make your hair and the kids where did you bring buy their stuff from you, they get scanned and evaluated.

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And that causes people to waste money. And you have to be strong and resist that.

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Because that person if they do this, then it may Allah forgive them for that. But it's also an empty person. The one who's willing to judge you based on what you're wearing on the car that you're driving is an empty person and you don't need their judgment or approval. Because you will never be able to satisfy them. And you don't want to dress in ways just to impress somebody else. Right? You want to be dignified. You want to be noble, you want to be respected, but you don't want to compete just for the sake of pleasing somebody else. So this is a law to man, woman in her hurt to deny and demand. This is a general statement from him Sally was seldom that expresses a personality minute

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into a heart meaning I deny you your rights but I demand mine.

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I deny you what I owe you but I asked him for everything and that's a personality that the prophets Allah He was alum disliked, and asked us not to be like So you find that among spouses you might find that among friends you find that in relationships, or a person who doesn't want to give

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like money doesn't want to give money. Rice doesn't want to give rights but you give me you listen to me. You provide for me so they only think about their own needs but they don't think about somebody else whereas the Muslim is supposed to be what the reverse of this

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to give but not ask.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:47

And how many people do we know in the world today that are like that? It's not a lot especially that the modern world creates this minute and we're

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not going to give you what I want everything from you know the Muslim is supposed to be I will give you

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but Allah will give me I don't want anything back from you.

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So if you're a type of person who doesn't want to give

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stingy with giving, but too demanding we think your personality and rethink your relationship with Allah azza wa jal and why is it that you find it hard to give?

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But so easy to demand? Right.

00:39:20 --> 00:39:28

And then he said, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, failure Maha to avoid it by not being unkind to mothers and also burying little girls.

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And here the prophets Allah alayhi wa sallam is taking care of the rights of the weak in society.

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So the mother Why specifically the mother although you're also supposed to be kind to the Father as well. But why warning against unkindness to the mother suffering the Chi that connections of Rahim with the mother, because the mother typically is what she's more what?

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She's weaker and more attached to the children. She's more emotional. And by the way, saying that the mother or the

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A female is more emotional, that's an acid that she has. Well, that's not that's not demeaning or criticizing the female, you understand. Because if you had a family that had two fathers, that is a terrible combination, because the child will be missing the warmth of the mother.

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And the same thing if if her family has two mothers,

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that's a terrible combination as well. Why? Because it will missing the discipline, and the father had the figure who can guide who can be strong.

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So you need that combination. Some are saying that the mother is more emotional, it's an acid, it's needed. Otherwise, the family breaks the family, the children grow up lacking a complex emotional component. So

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a corporal Omaha being unkind to the mother, mother is specifically bad, specifically bad. So A, any the son or the daughter has to be specific ly good to their parents, and specifically among the parents to the mother.

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Well, what did Bernard burying young girls, whether they are infants or toddlers, and the herbs used to do that, but not all of the Arabs? Of course, right? Otherwise, their progeny would have ended long time ago. But some are observed to do this. And why would they do that? Write that to them. It made sense. Why would they do that for two main reasons. One, was the problem of poverty.

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The Arabs were really poor.

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So another girl is another mouth to feed.

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And of course, right, since she is not as strong as a male, shall not be able to provide as a male. So that is a liability. That's a burden. So for some, not all of them, but for some getting rid of her made sense. That's one thing. The other one is that for some Arabs as well, is that because they were warring tribes, they would raid each other. The female again is a liability because she could be captured and he is captured, she is enslaved. And she if she's enslaved, she brings dishonor to the parents, like my daughter is enslaved.

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So for that, they thought it's easier to get rid of them. Right? So the prophets of Allah, Allah wa salam, and this is something that you you know, when speaking to non Muslims can say, and what prompted Muhammad Sal, Allahu, Allahu Allah, he was ill and to care for the right of the week. The rights of the week in society like that the females, the female, when they are very young, do not kill them. And the females when they're all to take care of them, specifically take care of them, and not abandon them and to be subservient to them. Why did he so Allah Allah is what propelled him to take care of their rights, unless that there was something beyond humanity that was directing

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him. So Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam, because he could have just bypassed all of this. But when he said, take care of them, meaning don't kill them, when they're young, and also take care of them when they're old, Allah azza wa jal, in his infinite mercy was telling humanity, you need to be more merciful with the weak among you, the females. So you will understand the character of a society and the character of a human being in how they treat the weak.

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How do you treat the weak in your society? Because your luck your manners don't show themselves in how you treat someone who's as strong as you are? Because you're compelled to be respectful?

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Or if they are stronger than you? Can you disrespect a police officer?

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Or someone in the military with a machine gun?

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And does that indicate if you respect them that you are a respectful person?

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You could be but that doesn't tell us anything, because you're afraid for your life, or at least to spend the night in jail. So you're not going to say anything. But that doesn't mean that you're respectful. You know, when you go when you travel and the customs officer or whatever. They ask you all those terrible lists of questions, where you're going, Well, how long did you stay and you're answering everything. And in your mind, you want to say what dumb questions you're being asked right here. But you don't tell them that they're dumb and their questions are dumb. Why? You don't want the complication. It's not that you're really nice. Maybe you're nice, but it's not that you're

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nice. It's like, I don't want trouble. So I'll answer all your questions. But then the janitor, how you treat the janitor

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Drew, how do you treat the weak? The one who's cleaning the bathroom? The one who's carrying your bag in some Muslim countries? How do you treat that person that shows you who you are. So the way that you treat the female in your family, your wife, your daughter, and your mother shows your character. So the prophets of Allah SLM is saying, Don't harm them when they're young and don't hurt them when they're old. And that is an indication of the

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Rama of Allah azza wa jal that he sent the prophets of Allah Allah Allah was sitting on with and you're supposed through the prophets, Allah Allah wa salam to exhibit that and to spread it meaning the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he said well my Orissa Naka Illa Rama et al Amin will only send you as Rama

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to all to all Allah me not just that mankind humanity to all. So the animals and the jinn and anything that is living is either mean to all so if you're a follower of Muhammad sallahu wa salam, you're also what?

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What a hammer, right? Like if you really follow him, Salatu was Salam This is he was Rama to all. And you follow his sunnah and life and what he liked and what he disliked and all of that, then you will become a Rama as well. And you were supposed to be spreading that Rama, so your family supposed to see that Rama in you, your neighbors are supposed to see that Rama in you, when you're driving on the road, people supposed to see that Rama in your behavior. Everybody around you should you should radiate Rama. And the more that you follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the more that this will happen. So I don't want us to understand. I think we'll stop here. And the one is to

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understand the Sunnah of the Prophet sallahu wa salam as very specific acts, meaning you know how long your dress is, or how short it is, whether you have a beard or not, how exactly you pray in the Salah. And all of these things are beautiful and important because you want to look as much like him salatu salam as you can. But I don't want us to understand that as only specific minute behavior that we do. And we missed the entire picture of how he was Salallahu Salam, that he was kind to people who are who are around him, he was generous he was he would listen, he would solve problems. And he would do this not simply because he wanted to impress, but because he knew that he needed to

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assist. And Allah loved that. So I don't tell you, assist and help others just because to show them that you're a good Muslim. That's really not sustainable. How long can you do this? No is to show Allah azza wa jal that you're a good Muslim, or Allah, so and so needs my help, needs my advice, needs my assistance. I need to be you know, to be kind and extra kind with this person, especially because of their weakness. So you will do that and then you will really be following the Sunnah of the prophets of Islam in addition to all the other things that we talked about, yes, have a beard. Yes, it has to do this. Yes, do that all of these things, yes, are important. But don't miss also

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the bigger picture of the prophets Allah who sell them and how he lived.

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The next one shall the next chapter we'll leave this in sha Allah because the longer chapter will live this in sha Allah doesn't next time be in the last.

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So if you have questions with Nila, we could take a few before he arrives inshallah.

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Or if not a question a comment that we could also work with that inshallah. So again, just to tell you that you know, in sha Allah, the QR code as you're leaving or entering the masjid, it is there if you scan it so that you will join a telegram group that will let you know in sha Allah a news and updates about the lectures in sha Allah in this messages so Allah so it's a useful service. So let's scan the room once anyone far one has a question because this year he has the answer

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radical salobre

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Walkthrough Part of the rotator

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we consistently

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circle back to the various videos of segments created from YouTube deeper reading

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a specific instructions on what to read.

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When you read and listen to that, seek and help whether you know that I will not whether you like the visitation or not. It's no different than if you were to a specific

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specialist on that. He does for a lot of people and a lot of people will get better after he did that. And I know there's a hazardous answer that yes, I'm seeking out

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was more or less help, but it only works for this guy. So

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doctors, because a person who specialized in this particular particular field, well, these are especially our enemies in Syria. But to what extent

00:50:20 --> 00:50:28

is that bad o'clock that I'm going to a specialist, and there are people who have, let's say autistic and certain diseases,

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and therefore, it was a specific person that most of the world were here in the city, to

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what extent

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so barnacle afek. So the question of the brothers saying that, to what extent I'll just kind of summarize it, to what extent is it bad for us to go to a rocky, who's well known, you know, to be good at what he does and to seek that rookie from him? So is it bad? That's what you're asking? Basically, his well known

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nine gel is that there's so he's upon this sooner, right, he doesn't, he doesn't fabricate he doesn't introduce any innovation in his Rukia. So he's well known. But he's saying to what extent is this bad. And he mentioned an example of you may have kids who had problems artistic or this or that, and maybe in addition to going to the doctor, or maybe the doctors had given up on some cases, you go to the person who reads the Rukia. And you're seeking some help, and some healing that comes from them. And you say, we recognize that there could be some attachment over there. But you try to work with that. But at the same time, is it bad to go to them? No, it is not bad to go to them. Not

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at all. And just as it is the case that it's not bad to go to the doctor and ask for help. It's definitely not the same way, it's not bad to go to karate, and ask for help, especially when you need it. Because there are some cases that are difficult. Some cases are difficult. There are some cases that you would go to, let's call it Western and modern medicine, and they don't know what to do with it, or the path that they seek is not ultimately the best path. Because a lot of times they experiment, they guess and they try this and they try that it works sometimes it doesn't work other times, whereas when you involve the words of Allah azza wa jal, the Quran we know is a Shiva and the

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words of Allah as though it is the greatest type of healing. So it's not as long as the person is following this and it's not bad at all to go and seek their help. As we say, especially if you need it. Especially so there is no Harajuku there is no sin in it. It's not, as some scholars have said, it's not even dislike because there is a need, there is a need. And as you said, the antibiotic Allah fig, there'll be some people who will be known for it. And the reasons what they're known for it is Allahu Allah is that their level of dukkha. And this is what we assume this is what we suppose and that their level of dukkha enables them. So to for the rupee to be stronger and more effective,

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though they the reading the same thing,

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the reading the same thing. And there is this hadith where one of the Sahaba in that famous Hadith where he read the Rukia, and somebody was bitten by a scorpion, and this person was a calf. And he was you know, paralyzed by it are about to die, nothing has it is working and he comes and he reads lupia for him. Now what he read was simply at Fatiha. That's it and that person you know stood up immediately healed from it. So you understand that it's tied to your iman. So for this person has a Sahabi he reads only at Fatiha and it's enough for us, you read al Fatiha 100 times and it still hasn't worked yet. That doesn't mean that Al Fatiha doesn't work, it means that the person was

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reading and Fatiha doesn't have the amount of that Sahabi. So you need to read it 100 times to start seeing an effect. So if you can find someone who is Eman is strong, and also who's more of a specialist. Because with some ailments, some diseases especially when it comes to possession. I'm not saying that all that hurts us is possession. Some there are some cases where there is possession, there is envy, through practice, they start noticing patterns and ways of healing this person and I is that they can read that helps more than others. So there is a practitioners experience and wisdom that they have that the average person doesn't. So that's why we say as long

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as they are following the Quran and Sunnah is not bad at all to go to them and seek their help. And you know, in addition, they will teach you what to do. They will teach you what to do and part of it. Part of the thing that they will tell you in the beginning is that I don't heal. Allah heals.

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So they remind you of that. And that is a perfectly valuable reminder so that as you're receiving it, you don't feel that he's the one. He's just simply like a medium by which Allah has devoted his healing.

00:55:13 --> 00:55:14

Yeah, follow

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intricacies and

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cars of iron.

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Ore makes a lot of profit, especially if that's what he or she does. Because I have an experience where some people does that for cause a child

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hears from you when you record

00:55:42 --> 00:55:42

it's a great amount

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of a target of books and all that prophetic medicine

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and being

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determined determining the scope of localization, you will start to take away goals or tests or whatever I will say yes, there was an INFJ.

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But we'll be doing

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but he was surprised. He was surprised. There is a Domina Amna now

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also taking money in return for the rope here. So some, some scholars allow it and some scholars speak out against it, the speaker it's those who speak out against the speaker against it, because they don't want it to turn into a profession. And towards the to profession, it can be abused. Right. So if it can be done voluntarily, somebody just comes and he assists his brother and sister Sister,

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then they believe that that is best because once as we said, once you turn it into a business, then say no, there's room for it for exaggeration, room in it for manipulation room for it for the non specialists that fake ones to come in and claim that they have power or that they are real Rocky's so it corrupts it all. So that's the concern that they have others allow it simply because also that hadith that we've mentioned that they gave him something in return, that that person right, who read that Rukia they gave him something in return and he took it and the prophets or the seller knew about it and did not dismiss it did not criticize it. So within reason, well, lo Adam, this is

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allowed, especially if the Rocky has to travel or the Rocky has to

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invest time and effort in it. And for some Rocha Willow Adam, you know, as far as I know, and my knowledge of that is not very deep. But some Rocha do kind of experience sometimes backlash, because of what they're doing. And they do talk about it, especially if there is what possession. So there is possession, they get harmed in return. So they are taking a risk while doing all of this. So Allah Allah maybe because of that, and because of what Heidi that we've mentioned, within reason that that should be allowed or lower, I

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know Yeah.

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If you keep listening to the lupia,

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recording of the rakia, then

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will it affect my Tawakkol? Right, so what we say that listening to the Rukia, and I don't want you to stop listening to the Rukia there Now the best thing this was, let's put it this way, the best thing that you can do is read your own Rokia, you may be invested in your own healing. So you did a fatty Hanwa with that, and this and this and this and this. And while you're doing this abstain from the Haram, so that your rookie year would be strong. And don't give up meaning don't just read it once or twice and think that said it should heal me if it didn't heal me, then it's not working. Because as I as we said, because we are weaker, it takes longer time, just like weak medicine takes

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a long time of digest, we're digesting it and taking it for it to work the same thing with our rakia. So that's the best that you can do. Now the second best thing that you can do is to go to our personal reads the Rukia

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if that is not available, the third best is to listen to our recorded rokeya And if you while listening to the recorded Rukia you keep reminding yourself, it's not this person, it's the Quran,

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right? It's not this person, it's the Quran, and it could be you. It could be anybody else. Keep reminding yourself of that and it's the healing power of the Quran and the DUA that you have. That's the thing that is healing in the law. As noted your Tawakkol will remain strong but keep reminding yourself and that's why I say huge need need to be involved because for some people they think if something

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He's wrong with me. I'll just go to the chef he'll fix me.

01:00:03 --> 01:00:37

And they're not invested in their own Rukia No, no, you need to do this. Just like a person you go to the doctor and you say Doctor fix me. They say what can I fix? You need to eat well you need to exercise you need to do things right? They can just come in and fix you. So the wrath you I'd rather than say, you fix me you read on me you give me this and you will make dua for me. Like for some people, and ask him for Da is similar. So somebody may you know come to the shape and you say shake I'm going through this and this in this make it too hard for me.

01:00:38 --> 01:00:40

To say are you making out for yourself?

01:00:42 --> 01:00:48

Because better than my do are you making do out for yourself? You're closer to Allah azza wa jal, because this is your own need.

01:00:50 --> 01:01:09

If you urgently feel that, you know the power of Allah azza wa jal Are you feel the urgency of that demand. So your DUA is the strongest dua so when you make the DUA and you change your lifestyle to be more pleasing to Allah, then Allah is far more accepting of your DUA than is mine.

01:01:11 --> 01:01:16

And then after that, you can ask other people for dua so that's why you say

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be invested in your own rupee just don't just rely on somebody else reading even if it's a recording, and make dua and then play that as well and remind yourself it's not the person it's not the recording that Allah has legit is the hill and then you'll be in Sharla

01:01:38 --> 01:01:39


01:01:42 --> 01:02:26

now moolah diaster cone, they don't ask for rakia. Right? Lie adata your own they don't take an accept omens. They don't believe in them. They don't act on them. And they rely on Allah azza wa jal. So the basic bedrock of all of it right, the foundation is to look good. And their token on Allah is so great that they don't see anything else standing between them and Allah azza wa jal. So if anything presents itself as a good or bad omen, they dismiss it. Because their heart is attached to Allah as though they know that a bird or an animal does not pretend good or bad. It not does not. And so they dismiss it. And they rely on Allah and they go, doing what they're supposed to do,

01:02:26 --> 01:03:06

nothing stops them. And lie Esther cone is they don't ask for nuclear because they don't want their hearts to be reliant on somebody else. They read their own repair. And they give replay a freely, but they read their own booklet on themselves. But when you read it on yourself and for yourself, you're not going to be reliant on yourself, you're reliant on Allah. But when you give it that to somebody else, there is as we said, that chance that a branch of your heart will rely on another person. So that's why so extend that to medicine, extend that to your job, extend that to your studies. These things are important, but they do believe that these things are important on their

01:03:06 --> 01:03:32

own. Allah is behind all of that. And that's why they work. So it's possible that you could study but it doesn't help you could take medicine and it doesn't help you marry, marry and it doesn't work. You want to have children but that doesn't happen. You can do everything but it doesn't happen why? Allah must allow it Allah must make it so. So they fully rely on Allah azza wa jal and because of that, they rise to the very top

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01:03:50 --> 01:04:08

Na Zak Allah here, so if I didn't mention and failed not to confuse right not to confuse things, right? So the prophets, Allah Salam, they said Ghana, you're a Jew who fell he used to like alpha l, what is alpha, it's a good omen related to words that he would hear, but not seek.

01:04:09 --> 01:04:13

They would just happen. So let's say for instance, he was going on a trip

01:04:15 --> 01:04:21

and honor the trip. Somebody's going to bring him let's say food, you say And what's your name? My name is F LA.

01:04:22 --> 01:04:59

Success. They say then our trip is successful. Right in sha Allah. So this is optimistic that you hear a word but importantly, you don't look forward to it. You're not waiting and saying, let me see now who comes in what is his name? We're going to be right. You don't wait. But it just happens. It happens F LA and Jah Salim What's your name? Salim then our trip is going to be safe Insha Allah, right, but you know, waiting for it. And it's a form of optimism that Allah sent that and it's a good

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indicator of what's going to come next. But it's not bad omens. So if he sees you, for instance, and you don't have a good name, it's not going to stop him. Now the Prophet saw this and then by the way disliked bad names, because it takes us into something else. That if something is bad name, the officer doesn't didn't like it.

01:05:19 --> 01:05:20

So there is a

01:05:21 --> 01:05:24

I forgot his name No. Husband, I'm sorry.

01:05:27 --> 01:05:38

How to how to be Zack Allah had herb. So his name is war, conflict, see disliked something like that. It indicates what agitation and conflict in noi there's a

01:05:40 --> 01:06:22

guy that it comes to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and his name is hasn't hasn't it's kind of difficulty. So he said, change that name. So he said, I'm not going to change the name that my father gave to me. So it's not an obligation to change it. It was an advice. So I'm not going to change my name that my father gave to me. I want to still keep the name that my father gifted me so his name is God that difficulty so his son is say it's eight of them was a year of suicide. When I say a father for Missouri at Phoenix, Arizona to ban husband too bad. He says we continue to have that difficulty and roughness in us. So names Subhanallah in a way do reflect or could affect your

01:06:22 --> 01:07:03

character. So also, you have to choose the names of your children carefully. So here that person's name was what hasn't? difficulty. Difficulty now, what the or why did the Arabs do that? Because those were qualities that they valued. Right? Like they could call somebody, for instance, hey, Mr. Donkey, not that common. But donkey, not because donkeys what? Stupid? Nobody would do that. Right? Unless you want to punish your child and scar him for the rest of his life. Because not because of this. But why? Because he's what patient? He perseveres. So you call him that, right? So like he is strong.

01:07:04 --> 01:07:45

Right? It's not a common name by though anyway, right? So hasn't Why hasn't, right? Because you need it to be tough. So you call them hazard or herb. Why? Because he needed to be a war against your enemies, to make them sad. So that's how that's why when the province said, this is a bad name, he says, I'm not going to change it, he didn't change it, is it it continued to affect us and our progeny that we are rough. Right. So again, going back to the Zakka law here to the province, I'd send him if he would hear some beautiful name, come upon a village. And without expecting it without looking forward to it, because if you're looking forward to it, that's a forbidden omen.

01:07:46 --> 01:08:00

Right? Because you're waiting. What is it good or bad? And if it's not good, then it's bad. No, no, you don't wait for it. You don't expect it? Especially and we're really vulnerable. When we're waiting for something to happen, I applied for a job.

01:08:02 --> 01:08:18

And what's gonna happen, what's going to happen and your mind starts playing tricks on you. If you really waited for something or you wanted to get married, and you prayed as to harder, and you're waiting for signs and never wait for signs, but you're waiting for signs, everything that you see becomes a sign.

01:08:19 --> 01:08:39

All right, well, you really want something everybody that license plate on a car becomes a sign, somebody stopping you in the street becomes a sign a product that you see on the shelf and that becomes a sign everything becomes a sign is they don't look for signs. So if you're looking for a sign, you're our prisoner of everything that is around you and your own

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kind of perception misperception So the Prophet SAW sent him was in looking for signs but that in case he comes to a city and the city's name is beautiful, it says then there is ease in sha Allah in this it says optimistic and opens your heart to the good that Allah azza wa jal is going to send Allah

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had Yes. So last question inshallah so that you they can call the other

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there is no recommended

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times or repetitions for the Rukia you do it as long as you need it.

01:09:20 --> 01:09:57

You do it as long as you need it. For some people, you'll start to see an effect after the first they would feel it for some people, it will take them a year or two or three. So never stop if you need it. Keep reading the rakia because guess what, you're not you're not going to lose. You're not going to lose. Okay are the words of Allah xojo The words of Mohamed Salah do you send them when you're repeating it Allah is rewarding you that's one second you're constantly seeking healing from Allah as of jitsu expecting the best from him. And that is a personal one and that is a bad

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and relying

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When Allah is a burden, so you're not losing, and eventually, right, if it doesn't heal this, it heals that.

01:10:08 --> 01:10:22

We mean, if it doesn't heal this, it heals that if it doesn't heal this, it protects from that or further complications. So you are not losing in any way, if you are committed to the rakia, so keep doing it. And Subhan Allah, there are many

01:10:23 --> 01:11:07

Subhanallah illnesses that you think are basically biological. But because you keep reading the rokeya Maybe they're just biological but also sometimes there's another reason supernatural reasons behind them. And you keep reading the Rukia. And Allah Allah blesses that person and the lucky wisdom. So you really never know. I saw a video once of a girl who had lost her sight. I don't know how long ago she lost her sight. But she lost her sight. I just saw the ending of that video where she you know, there was the rocky and then he just sat down and she just burst into tears and just went into sujood she's a young girl. I mean, like, in her teens or whatever, or you know, college

01:11:07 --> 01:11:31

age, she burst into tears and she went into sujood because she could see again, she couldn't see for a while and then reading ropey out of here, okay, I don't know how long it took but it seemed like a while. And then all of a sudden, she could see again. So when you see that it tells you it never give up hope that Allah has Zoda no matter what is happening, Allah azza wa jal could heal it.

01:11:32 --> 01:11:38

And as long as you're doing that you're in a bad so it's a good thing. So you're not losing a child.

01:11:40 --> 01:11:45

But like a lot of you come Subhanak along or behind a shadow Illa Illa illa Anta Safaricom, two very good hamdulillah

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