Ali Albarghouthi – Softeners of the Heart #04

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The importance of competition in the culture of the world is discussed, including the negative impact of competition on people's mental health and body. The responsibility of a prophet responsible for the OMA is also emphasized, along with the importance of shaping behavior to fit into a certain culture. The use of keys in Islam is discussed, and the importance of practicing Islam and avoiding competition is emphasized. The conversation also touches on the negative impact of wealth on individuals and the importance of practice and moderation in people's behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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was Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he was early he or sahbihi wa salam Mahama in the curricula Shoukry ko Hosni balletic.

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We continue

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with the praise of Allah azza wa jal and thanking him. We continue and the explanation of Peterborough recall from say hello Harry the softeners of the heart

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and we've reached

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chapter number six Babel Mallya. Hello Romans arati dunya, what tener for sci fi.

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This is about warning against the beauty of the world and competition in it. So Zahara to dunya Zahara is some sort of like a flower and it's used here to designate or denote beauty. So when we say Zahara Dunia as if we're seeing the flower of the world, meaning what the beauty of the world, Zahara to dunya

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because on a plant, the most beautiful part of it is the flower. So Zahara to Dunia is that beauty of the world. So warning against the beauty of the world and competition in it. So we understand. From this heading inside Hello Buhari that competition for the world is discouraged.

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It's not recommended, meaning competing for the dunya

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competing for the akhira is

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recommended. Right.

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But competition in the dunya meaning for its sake is discouraged.

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And so you'll find that most of our competition,

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meaning humanity, and Muslims, even today, as well, most of us compete for

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what the dunya very few among us compete for the athlete really, because the Acura is not a goal. Or if it's a goal, it's not the primary goal. So it's as if it's guaranteed that we have something there, so we're not competing. Meaning, you know, assured in the belief that when I die, I'm going to go where

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Jin Nyan you. That's it. And it's kind of guaranteed for us. So there is no need for competition, nor a desire to excel over there.

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But for the Dounia, all of our competition is in it. So you find that if my neighbor has a house, I want a house bigger than my neighbors, or better or more decorated, decorated or more upgraded. If I find somebody at bar choose, I want what as soon as they see it to buy something similar or better. Bags similar or better. If a person had a new job or a better job, I'm thinking, why don't I have the same thing. So my competition is only for the dunya I want to just exceed others here.

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And that is a problem and we will see why it's a problem here.

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So it says here in the first Hadith that rasool Allah is Allah Allah wa sallam had sent, I will obey them no giraffe to Bahrain, to bring it's Jizya

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so that means that the people will Bahrain, how to treat you with the prophets, Allah Allah you early you will sell them with the Muslims upon which they pay Jizya to Muslims, meaning money to Muslims. So you sent a beta to all Bahrain in Bahrain is not in this terminology specifically, is not that tiny island in the Gulf. And Bahrain is the whole eastern coast or western coast of the Arabian Gulf, the Eastern Saudi Arabia, all of that is Bahrain. So he sent away the giraffe to bring the jizya and he says we're gonna Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam called hula Sol Halal Bahrain here a treaty with annual Bahrain and he had put as a chief there other have not heard Rami. So I will

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obey that came with that money from an Bahrain

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sent him he came for semiotic Ansara eco do me so I'll answer meaning some of the unsolved heard that about obey ADA came

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fo of her tool so that the superhuman Rasulillah so the Met meaning Abu Zubaydah, his arrival, happened to be at the time of morning prayer with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they came to see the prophet at that time. So that will fetch salatu Sohi

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Halophila mon sarafa, meaning when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam finished the Salah and stood up and wanted to leave to a radula who they stood nearby

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so the point

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All Islam recognized right that they want something. Khalifa terbesar Mahina or home so he smiled when he saw them

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well kinda Avenue calm Sameer Tomiko do me IBO obey though Anna Houda Ibtihaj Asus I think that you heard that will obey that came back and he brought some money with him

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hollow agilely rasool Allah if they say yes or messenger of Allah ColorFabb shuru Amuro Maya Surah Kumi says Maya tsukkomi says Feb shuru he says expect good news or receive good news and expect the best.

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Right expect or hope for the best for Allah he says by Allah Melfa Cora Asha Alaikum, he says, I don't fear for you poverty, that you become poor. But what I fear for you, that the Dunia would be given to you in abundance, as it was given to those who were before you and you will compete for it as they competed, and it will divert you as it diverted them. And in another written narration, it will destroy you as a destroyed them.

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So here, the unsought or some of the unsolved were poor.

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And they needed money. So they heard that some money came from behind so they stood next to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam after solitude Feder in order to request some of that money they were in need. So what the prophets Allah who sent them when he saw them? What did he do? He smiled.

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And how did he greet them? Or how did he receive them? He says EB shuru, were Amuro, Maya sobre como, he says, expect the best, and hope for the best. And that here if we just pause a little bit,

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this attitude and this reaction from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi. wasallam is truly a reaction of a prophet

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who is not disgruntled because of the fact that he has to give, and people come and ask him. And he's not burdened by the fact that he carries the burden of the OMA on his shoulders, that if can you imagine having that type of responsibility? And still smiling?

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Right? You follow? Right? Like, some of us, we have a couple of kids only I'm not saying you know, nine or 10, a couple of kids only, and you meet us and what what happens? We're sad and distressed, why we're always thinking and tired and we're exhausted. Here. He's a prophet responsible for OMA, everybody comes to ask him. And yet when also those people come and as he does not frown in their face and said, again, people want something from me. Again, people want money. No, he doesn't see this, he smiles. And he says, expect the best and hope for the best. And of course, that cheers that person up who comes here to you to ask, and he knows that asking is difficult. So that's a man or

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that's an adverb that we take that as small as far as as much as you can be cheerful in, in, in meeting people, especially those who are asking for your help.

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But it's not easy to do this. Unless you have Eman and unless your relationship with Allah is so strong, that you can continue to smile despite hardship, despite many responsibilities, and a lot of people wanting your help. And those who've tried this, understand it, tried that burden or tried the burden of serving people and not being burnt out. You understand what I'm talking about because you can easily be burned out the prophets of Allah Allah was alum was not.

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And that in itself is something incredible. Then here that that segment that relates to our topic today is what for Allah He Melfa Asha alikoum, he says By Allah, I don't fear poverty,

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to come to you. It's not I'm not worried about poverty.

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But I'm worried about what the dunya coming to you, not poverty, but the dunya coming to you, and that it will be given to you in abundance and when you see it, you will compete for it. And it will distract you and then destroy you.

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they say that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and indeed he also said it he is like a father to all of us. He said in a hadith intimate and abdomen zealot LED or Lemo calm. He says I am like a father teaching you.

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So typically a typical father.

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Would we relieved if his children if he's about to leave his children he would be relieved if his children are rich. Right

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he'd be extremely anxious if he thinks they're not going to have enough to eat. If he dies, and they don't have enough money, am I right? That's typically the case that he says, If I'm going to die, at least I love them that many 1000s in the bank, at least I can die, comfortable, meaning that they're not going to go around asking people. Whereas if he dies, and he believes that he they don't have enough in the bank, he dies. Anxious.

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They said, the prophets of Allah Islam is the opposite of this is the opposite. The very thing that distresses a typical father doesn't distress him. And the thing that comforts a typical father distresses him.

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That's because the prophets, Allah, you send them sees what beyond beyond what we see, we see just a couple of meters in front of us. The prophets already said Lim sees what, lightyears ahead.

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Right? So

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what does he say? He says, I don't feel poverty for you. Because poverty, if it's going to ruin something, if LaRue and your dunya

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you don't like going to have enough to eat, maybe you're going to be hungry, not going to have a good vehicle and this and that difficulty in the dunya. But it typically doesn't touch the Ophira doesn't ruin your Acura, right? But if you give him wealth, the temptation of wealth is greater than the temptation of poverty. So when you have money,

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what happens? Especially in abundance? Are you going to say enough? Or will you compete for more? start competing for more? I want more of it and more of it, and it changes you? And he says, What will he come it will distract you. So you won't be thinking about the euro and Jen and haram and halaal and Quran and the Sunnah these things will be the furthest from your mind, you will be thinking about the stock market, how do I invest my money? How do I protect, how do I buy the most expensive car and then the most expensive car then what so and so has a more expensive car than mine than you want that. So it will totally suck you in.

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And you won't be able to resist it. And that is the temptation of the dunya. Right? That is the temptation of the dunya, but an ephah Suha. And he said fat enough as to how you will compete for it like they did. And that tells you that competition for the sake of the dunya is discouraged. You can compete in the dunya for the affair.

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Right? Meaning you want to compete to find a the latest vaccine but not in order to sell it at a high price and make a ton of money

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is an order to save people.

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That is dunya. But for the sake of what Ophira so you can compete in the dunya for the sake of the earth here. But if you compete in the dunya, for the sake of the dunya that distracts you, and that kills you.

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And so

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it has that power to distract and to

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the word that I'm using is to be which the dunya is to be which. And notice in societies in general. And even with people, the more humbler society is when you visit them. Okay? You find that the people are close to nature, they're still generous. If they don't have as many mental or health issues. They're not really struggling with as much depression and anxiety and what have you as other people, and their manners are close to the fitrah. Right, humble still.

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If they become rich in time, what happens to them is that they lose that generosity, they lose that FITARA and they will be stricken with a lot of mental health issues that the simpler societies don't have.

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Or look at an individual and trace their projection or trace their travel from humble beginnings into fame, fame and riches. In the beginning when he was humble or she was humble, they were still naive, naive in a good way.

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Humble the way that they speak is natural than Trey's them as they gain more fame and gain more power and gain more money. How they become more arrogant,

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how they become more on

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unbalanced have they lose all those good qualities that they have?

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And that is the corrupting influence of wealth because they did not know how to handle it.

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The second Hadith

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it says in it that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came out one day

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for salam ala Holly, Jordan salata who hadn't met yet, he said, he said he preyed

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upon or for the people of God meaning the martyrs of the Battle of a hood, that funeral prayer. So this means maybe one of one of two things. One is that he made two out for them because you don't pray janazah for a Shaheed

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so he just made the DUA not an actual salah or it means, you know, he actually made that salah. They say kill more dead, and he prayed funeral prayer for those monitors, kill him over there as if he's saying goodbye.

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Right, as if he is saying goodbye from Onsala Phelan, minbar, and then he went to his member. Then he said spoke to the people who are in need for auto comb, I will precede you, I will call before you meaning to the health and we know a health right, that fool from which the prophets Allah Allah wa sallam will be standing and from which he will be giving people water to drink and if you drink from it, you'll never be thirsty after he says an authority local meaning I'm the first to arrive there. Be Waiting for you to come and drink from it. And the thought out they say is the person who arrives first and prepares that area for those who will come later. So he says Anna Farah to come

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out will arrive first there were no Shahidan Aleikum, our will be witness upon you. Meaning either for you or against you I will say they followed or did not follow. We're in New Allah who Allah healer unburrow Isla howdy en he says an AI by Allah, I can see my health at this moment.

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So is this physically Can he see it physically?

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Oh, yes.

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Yes, because if he says Allah He

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I can see my house right now it means he can physically see it meaning Allah azza wa jal allowed him the ability to look at his health and see it at that moment only he can.

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So he says I can see it at this moment. Right? We're in Nicaragua or three Timothy haha, in in Oregon, I was given the keys for the Treasury treasuries of this earth, or my 30 hold or, or the keys of this earth, meaning the bounties of this earth, the gold and the silver, whatever, right, all of these are in there, as if they are in, you know, behind closed doors, and the prophets are using them was given those keys, meaning those keys that will be given to the people after the whole effort that will come after and will, they will open this land and this land and this area and that area, and they will gain control over it is I've been given these keys the keys of the earth. So

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that gives you an idea that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, right has an idea of where Islam is going to spread and the riches that are there. And that in a sense, when you have a key of something, you have control over it, but at the same time, you don't desire it. Right? And he says what neola Hema for our equiment to Schuco body, we're lacking a half Aleykum antenna for Sophia is on by Allah I do not fear that you will have or commit shirk after me, but I'm afraid that you're going to compete in it. So to speak into the Sahaba is saying I'm not afraid that you will commit shirk when I leave. What I'm afraid is uh, you will see this dunya and compete in it.

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And if the prophets Allah, Allah, Allah wa sallam was afraid that the Sahaba would be vulnerable to this, then how about us?

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Follow them, he raised them, and he knows them. They are his students. They saw him and how we behaved with the Dounia. Their Eman as we will see is the greatest level of ima. And he the best people after Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are home for Sahaba meaning even inhumanity all of it. The best generation of people who have ever lived are the Sahaba of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. If he says I fear the dunya for you, it means that this is serious.

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And when he said I'm not afraid that you're going to commit shirk after me, he's speaking to them. Right. But of course the Omo Maha

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But SallAllahu wasallam has to be very careful when it comes to shit. Because there are other Hadith where the prophets Allah Allah is Allah prophesizes and predicts that there will be schicke in this ummah will be there will be shared in this ummah.

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So they will be shipped in this summer, but when he says I'm not afraid about ship, it's specifically about the people that he was talking to. So, again competing for this dunya this is something that you should note, if you find yourself doing, you should stop.

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And you should if you want more of this dunya it should have a value in the hereafter. That is, if you want let's say a better that you if you want to have a degree link it to the effort, what is it that you want to do with that degree? Yeah, it's hella that you want to get a job and have a wife and this and that. But can you link this to the Akira to helping people to finding something you know, useful that can help most Islam and Muslims or people in general? Can you link your work to easing hardship, or to earning money so that you can take this money and spend it on things that Allah loves, link it to the earth and also that you can avoid competition for the sake of the dunya

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if you don't do this, that the Dounia will steal your way.

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Especially the more prestigious and rewarding a profession is the more that you will do this, right

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the other Hadith the next Hadith

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and this is and this is a good one in sha Allah to keep in mind to remember that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in ACTA Rama Ahafo la Kuma hurry to Allahu Allah comin baraka to are the thing I fear most for you, is what Allah is going to bring out for you from the blessings of the earth.

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He was asked, What are these blessings of the earth? He says Zahara to dunya the beauty of the dunya meaning the thing I feel most for you is the beauty of the dunya that you will see after me.

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I'm worried about this, he said.

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So a man asked him, * yeah, tell her you will be sure. He says does good bring evil.

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This good bring evil meaning this that you fear for us? Which is the beauty of the dunya he's saying it seems like it's good. Does this good bring evil?

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Be so because you're worried about it? Does it bring evil color for someone maybe he says the profits are a synonym was quiet.

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Like quiet for a while, had the oven and who used to play until we believe that he was receiving revelation? So he was quiet? He didn't say anything.

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And there is is a lesson right? You don't always need to give an answer. And if the profits are listening, imagine the profit. Because sometimes you get an answer and you know from someone and you say, how can I say I don't know? Or how can I say give me some time to think about it.

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So you just give something

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and if the Prophet sallallahu sallam was quiet and didn't say anything, and he's the most knowledgeable about religion, more than any other philosopher who will speculate more than any other prophet of Allah, even if he's the most knowledgeable, but he was quiet. Then remember that and say, uh, sometime we need to be quiet. And I don't have Gibreel la salaam was gonna come and tell me what to do. I Be quiet until I go to what he knew. So Alia Salam and ask and find out so I go to the Hadith or the Quran, when somebody who knows so here the prophets artisan was quiet and said until we believe that he was receiving revelation on a *. Em So Angie beanie, and then in the new

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started wiping off the sweat from his forehead.

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And that means what that's a sign of what he was receiving revelation. Well, Allahu Allah. He was receiving revelation keys, he would sweats a lot. He was alone when that would happen. For Karla aina. Sally says, Where's the questioner? So he said I and Abu sir Aiden, the narrator said, Look at Hubbard. Now he Natale either. Like he says we praised him when he came forward and said I. Why they said because of Allah who Adam, when he asked the question, and the Prophet did not answer, they started blaming him. Why did you ask this question? They thought maybe he had upset the Prophet with this question. But when the Prophet said was the questioner and it seemed like he's gonna give an

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answer. They praised him for that, because you've asked a really good question, and it's really a good question.

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So that's also the value of asking good questions for the sake of knowledge.

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There are some not so good questions for the sake of argument only, but this is a question for the sake of

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knowledge than he said lie till Hierro Illa Bill hire good only brings good

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in handle morale how the rotten halwa is this money is beautiful and sweet how the law means green and green means beautiful

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so he says it's beautiful to the eye or for the eye to see and sweet

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when you taste it meaning all around it's what very attractive when you see it it sparkles it's very beautiful and when you have it there's a sweetness to it you with me? That's what money is

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then he says then he's going to give this image what you know coulomb and better Robbie yuck to help out on a limb and he says and whatever the stream and this is the sort of the image and whatever the stream of water brings out of plants on the side it will kill the animals that eat it or about to

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what is he talking about? You have to have Bata oh you limb it kills it when it's over stuffs itself. What is that image? So think of me Go Go transport yourself to Arabia.

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And there's a running stream and there are not a lot of plants and vegetation in the area but that stream or that small river on both banks you have beautiful plants green tasty so when the animals see this

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and it's not common when the animal see this, they eat and it's sweet. What do they do?

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They eat and they eat and they eat and they eat there's a possibility and they eat until what yuck to habita they eat so much that they stuffed themselves and they die

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that it's a possibility that they do this because it is so attractive that the overstuff themselves to the extent that they kill themselves because of that eating or about to

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an example from us for instance, have you ever had a meal and you're so hungry that you kept eating and eating until you threw up or heard of someone who did that ate and ate until you got a stomach ache? At least you got a stomach ache because he ate so much right? So you can do you can have so much greed for what you are is in front of you that He can take so much of it that it starts hurting that's what he's talking about. But here the animal kills itself or about Illa archaelogical how the raw except the animal that eats Ulladulla it's a particular type of vegetation particular type of plant

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Okay, let it eats it had a them to the Casa lotta when it becomes full, its sides are extended meaning they expand right? The stomach expands that the Caseta when it notices that this is happening to it is stackability shims it goes and stands in the sun

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for sheeted rot, and then it ruminates, it brings back the food that it ate and it chews it again. What salatu Bala then it defecate and urinate? So what does it do? Does it keep eating? No. What it does is that it stops eating goes to the Sun stands in the sun to heat up because that prey that helps us process the food and digested then it brings that back the food again that it eights choose it again so it can work be digested even better than it defecate and urinate, gets rid of it and then goes back in eat.

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We're in the huddle, Mariela Halawa and this money is sweet man aka the who'll be happy he will although I hope you had the heath and amendment owner to who if you take it right fully, and you place it or spend it rightfully, it is the best assistance. It's the best helper that you would have been the one who takes it he continues Omaha the hobo lady had to be the one who takes it unrightfully he'll be like the one who eats but is never full and satisfied.

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So that here is an answer that had come from Allah azza wa jal about that question.

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So here's the thing. Is money good or bad?

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It depends on what you do with it.

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So it's not entirely good. And it's not entirely bad. It's a fitna, it's a test. That's why he said, Good only brings good but money if you don't do good with it, it's a disaster.

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So somebody will

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Winning a million dollars. Do you say that's great?

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Depends on what you got to do with it. I got a raise. Is that great?

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What are you going to do with it? If it leads you to Allah xojo linea it's an AMA something to, to thank Allah for it, if it's going to take you away from Allah Azza this wasn't good for you. And it wasn't good for you because he didn't know what to do with it.

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So it tempted you. So

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here, the animals that eat with so much greed is like someone who's earning money from everywhere. And he keeps it

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right keeps it doesn't spend it does not give us a God does not give sadaqa but keeps it all to himself. And that becomes like food that kills you just like the food that kills those animals. You have to take it, but take it with moderation and know when to stop and then giveaway.

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That's the animal that survives. So that animal it eats Yeah, it's eating. But when it knows that it's not good for me to continue eating, it stops. And now also it says I need to get some of that thing out or it will kill me.

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So when you fail to spend for Allah sake, it will kill you that money will kill you. That greed, that selfishness it will kill you. And when you keep eating and eating and eating, it will destroy you as well. So the In and the Out need to be controlled. So the prophets Allah Allah wa sallam said, this is this money is sweet.

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That's why for some people, it is easier to stay away from it, rather than deal with that temptation.

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Right, as you will see, as some of the Sahaba horror saying that you when we were tested with poverty, we were patient. But when we were tested with money, we couldn't be patient. It's the greater fitna. That's why the Prophet was worried about it. So he says, Man, aka the whole be happy. If you take it, rightfully, that's the first step take it rightfully, not from anywhere. If it goes in into your pockets into your house from the Haram, then that thing is a disease. It has to be rightful ties to be halal. Okay, then you took it from the halal? Well, although I hope you help them and you spend it rightfully, meaning you're not stingy with it, and you're not wasteful.

00:32:40 --> 00:33:10

You spend it on halal, the things that you need and what pleases Allah Zota, at least on what is not sinful. Then he says it's the best helper. Why is it the best helper because you don't need to ask people for anything. You don't need to beg. And if you need something, he can pay for it. It can satisfy your needs. So if you do this with money, it's a great help. It's a great assistance, money for you that in that case, is anathema.

00:33:12 --> 00:33:17

But if you take it without your help, if you take it from Allah fold means

00:33:18 --> 00:33:25

Can I can lay the cooloola ashba I'd be like a person who eats and never gets full. It's like it's feeding.

00:33:27 --> 00:33:33

You know, someone even What's the expression, I've lost the expression right now anyone bottomless pit.

00:33:34 --> 00:34:00

It's a bottomless pit. So you throw and never satisfies, it's as if I have nothing. What else I want more, I want more. It's like 1 million is not enough. I want 10. And then you're thinking about what the 100 million, and you're thinking about the billionaires and you think about and you always want more and more. And if you want more, Nothing satisfies you, except venturing into the haram orielle. So you can bring all that money from

00:34:01 --> 00:34:22

it's not easy earning halal. So you have to cheat and you have to lie and you have to deal in interest, you have to do all these things. So you will never be satisfied. So if you find yourself panting after the Dounia like, I want this and I want this, I want this, I want that you have to stop yourself and say, When will it be enough?

00:34:24 --> 00:34:30

I don't want to compete for the dunya because as long as you are competing for the dunya you're what?

00:34:31 --> 00:34:32

You're unhappy.

00:34:33 --> 00:35:00

You'll never be happy. But as soon as you say in Hamdulillah this is enough for me. I don't need more than that. Then you'll start experiencing comfort and serenity. Because you don't have to run anymore. This is enough for me. And when you do that Allah xojo will put satisfaction in your heart. Even if you don't have as much but you'll put satisfaction and how many lead this is. This car is enough. This house is enough.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:32

This food is enough. You'll find satisfaction and joy in what you have. But it is not enough because you always want more even what you have is enough innovate enough. The food is not good enough the house is small, the car is slow, that clothes are old, nothing that you have will be good enough. You're always looking for the next thing and when you get that next thing you're looking for the next step, the thing that follows and you lose interest in that what you have, you'll never enjoy it. So that's why he said Salatu was Salam Kanika Liddy yet Kulu wala yeshiva

00:35:35 --> 00:35:38

so maybe we'll mention one Hadith and then

00:35:39 --> 00:36:02

yeah mentioned one Hadith insha Allah and then we'll adjourn inshallah. So the prophets Allah Allah wa sallam said, Hi eurocon Ernie fumar Latina you Luna home from Allah Dena Luna home, it says the best of you is my generation, then those who follow and then those who follow so that that first portion of the Hadith

00:36:03 --> 00:36:23

tells us about the best of generation. So if anybody asks you who is the best in the OMA Muhammad Ali was, the more the best. He say, Ernie, the generation of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam those are the Sahaba through Medina, Ilona home then after are those who come after them. The Tabby,

00:36:24 --> 00:37:12

then after them are those who come after the tambourine. Tabby a tabby in so 123 The first three generations and this statement comes directly from the prophets of Allah Islam. So that's why we say that if you want to see how to practice Islam, what to believe. Look at the those generations the best of generations beginning with the Sahaba then the debate in the debate, Debbie, then he says to Maya Kuno back to the home, then they'll come after them. Coleman Yes, hello, Nevada used to shut down people who will testify without being asked to testify why a whole new Noah EUTM unknown and they will betray, and they will not be trusted. Why n Lunala foon. And they will vow but not fulfill

00:37:12 --> 00:37:42

their vows, while the whole of him was *, and they will be any and then among them, they will spread fatness meaning they will be fat, right? Or that is something that will spread among them. So he says that these generations are the best of generations in manners and creed and practice and all of this. Then corruption starts that he says what type of corruption he noted some of it, but at the home Omonia shadow now allow us to shadow and they'll testify.

00:37:43 --> 00:38:29

But no one is asking them to testify. Now why do they do this? Because they don't understand the gravity of testimony. Or when you testify. You say I saw I heard this is very serious, because you can settle. You know, you settle disputes that way. You move property that way. So when you testify, you have to be absolutely sure of what you're saying. But without them being asked. They say yeah, yeah. And they've volunteer without understanding the gravity of that, that deed. So that's one thing well, Yahoo known Allah, He was a man when they betray, and they cannot be trusted. So no one trusts them. And then they vow and they do not fulfill. And that tells you that

00:38:30 --> 00:38:49

when you vow, he need to fulfill your vow. If you promise, you need to fulfill your promises otherwise, right? You fall into the category of those people of the prophets of OLALIA cinema talked about who are losing their morality if you if you say that you're gonna do something, you do it. Right.

00:38:50 --> 00:39:36

And then well, the Hopi whom was *, and then they become also fat. That is an indication of what love of the dunya and love of food. Now if someone if they are overweight, and the reason for that is biological, that's not criticized. Right? If someone is biologically overweight, they're born like that, or they were biological causes for that thing. That's not something to be criticized. So that will put aside so that I don't want someone who's overweight who hears this and says, I'm being condemned in the Hadith. No, that's not it. What is the prophet Johnson I'm talking about? It is those categories of people who deviate from his path. Love the dunya so much that they start

00:39:37 --> 00:39:41

swallowing food and that leads to their

00:39:42 --> 00:39:43

you know,

00:39:44 --> 00:39:59

overweight or fatness. So that is criticized. So that tells you that moderation and food according to how the prophets, a lot of you sell them on the Sahaba and those who followed Lao. They lived

00:40:00 --> 00:40:24

moderation his food is recommended and greed in food and seeking it I'm not saying you know, if you'd like to cook, don't cook, but excessive or obsessiveness with food is not to be, you know recommended right? Eat Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen But don't over eat and don't over eat to the extent or if it's a reflection of excessive love for the dunya

00:40:25 --> 00:41:04

this food and that food and this thing and that thing you know as if Subhanallah there's you know, as you haven't seen food before, every every meal is as if you haven't seen food before and you eat and you eat and you stuff yourself. And when you're done, you're thinking about the next meal and you plan for the next meal. So your life revolves around food, that is the thing that be criticized, but to eat and enjoy food in itself is not sinful the Prophet sallallahu Sallam loved particular types of food, we remember when we talked about a Shema and we mentioned this like particular types of food and he enjoyed them and they knew that about it, but he did not indulge it was not

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excessive. So that is Insha Allah we will stop and we will continue even a lot of Bill Alameen with the same chapter from the same book insha Allah next week we need our beloved enemy

00:41:17 --> 00:41:19

let me know in sha Allah if you have questions

00:41:34 --> 00:41:35

wait what

00:41:39 --> 00:41:40

no I'm not I'm not

00:41:59 --> 00:42:09

Nom nom nom No. Missionaries Baraka law fix. So the brother is adding here that sometimes poverty can destroy your akhira if you're impatient with it,

00:42:10 --> 00:42:24

if you are jealous, if you start doubting Allah's wisdom or if you sell your religion for the sake of money if missionaries come and they invite you to change your religion so in some cases, and this is true, what you said

00:42:27 --> 00:42:34

now I'm not a 10 that it can lead it can lead right to disbelief of a person is so

00:42:36 --> 00:43:03

victimized by it that they just give up. Right? They just simply give up and they start blaming, you know, their fortune and they blaming Allah azza wa jal for it. That is definitely the case. But at a low fee, right? That's definitely the case. So it can be we're not saying that it's not a fitna, it can be a death of definitely a fitna and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did seek Allah's refuge from it from poverty right

00:43:07 --> 00:43:08

now yes

00:43:25 --> 00:43:28

so if you let's let's repeat that again.

00:43:30 --> 00:43:31

Repeat the question.

00:43:34 --> 00:43:42

Yeah, insha Allah so for the for the first brother. He was just had a comment. So I repeated his comment as he said, I'll repeat your question, but can you tell me the question again?

00:43:54 --> 00:44:37

Right, so if you reflect and you find yourself that you are indeed competing for the dunya, what steps can you do to return to Allah azza wa jal is, first of all, to realize that you are doing this, that you're competing for the dunya and that this is a mistake, and the effects that this is how the effects of this has on you. Like what what has this caused what the has this made you a more anxious person, a more materialistic person, a more angry person, a ruthless person that just reflect on the fact of what how this has affected you. So if you notice it, then shift first of all, to shift your intention. Say I don't want to spend my life competing for things that will not last,

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let me compete for things that will last that will also bring me the Dunia as well meaning when you compete for the akhira Allah will give you the Dooney as well, but it will be for the sake of the Acura and not only for the dunya. So you say okay, what is a new objective that I can compete for? What is a new goal that could have so I competed let's say for instance because I wanted a better job or a higher

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Job a paying job. But what is it that I want to do with this job? That is I can compete for a better job. Because I can be in a position where I can be on again, help more people, not because I want more power, or I want more money, just simply that, but I can help more people. So if that is the case, then let that be your objective. So find within the dunya that you're in a path that Allah azza wa jal likes, if you want to be for instance, you want to have a bigger house, you ask yourself, why you do I want to have a bigger house is simply for it to be bigger, or do I need it? Or am I gonna do things in it? If it's bigger than please Allah azza wa jal? If not, then I'll keep

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my current house. So when always you put Allah as a factor in your decisions, then you will understand whether that competition is worthwhile, and you should do it, or you should stop competing and then redirect your energy somewhere else. Right? So a new a new thing has dropped in the market. And all the people are buying it, then you feel left out if you don't buy it, but then you ask yourself, Do I need it? Why am I buying is it just imitation is Emilie competition, if you see if you think I don't need it, my current thing that I have is satisfactory, it's serving me well, and I don't need to compete with other people, then you will save your money, I will say I'll

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spend it somewhere else. So reflect upon why you're doing it and find other ways in sha Allah to be any productive inshallah Yeah.

00:47:04 --> 00:47:44

Now um, so he's asking that sometimes you go to a restaurant and you get served a lot of food, and you can't finish it all. And some people feel that they don't want it to go to waste. So they just keep eating and eating. So does that fall under the category of now it's not haram to be full from time to time. Right? It's not haram, or even mcru to be full from time to time, and there's evidence for this. What we're saying is discouraged and not recommended is for that to be a habit. It's always the case, if you want to a restaurant and there's extra food and you want to eat, you're not going to do this every day. Right? So that's the thing that we're talking about. So from time to

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time you overeat or you you just there's food that you like, and you eat more than you eat usually, that's okay. Insha Allah, but the issue is that obsessive attachment to food, right where you need to eat and you eat a lot every day. That's where we're talking about Allah.

00:48:06 --> 00:48:19

So I think I don't see any more hands up, please. Baraka low frequency in sha Allah next week at the same time Subhanak Aloma behind the shadow Allah Ada heyland desta, Furukawa to you

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