Ali Albarghouthi – Manners of Seeking Knowledge – Part 2

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The importance of patient and good intentions in obtaining knowledge for suing pleasure is emphasized in the call. The need for patientism and consistency is emphasized, as well as the importance of staying patient and staying patient among students and teachers. The importance of patient preference and testing and identifying symptoms early in the disease process is emphasized, as well as the need for testing and identifying symptoms early in the disease process. The current COVID-19 pandemic is a temporary phenomenon and is not ready to be killed yet. The potential treatments for COVID-19 and preventing future infection are discussed, including testing and identifying symptoms early in the disease process.
AI: Transcript ©
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So we're continuing in shall This is the second lecture, where we're commenting on keytab with dalaman with the alemu started last week.

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And last week, we talked about what the book is about the importance of manners in general. And in particular, why do we need manners of luck when we're seeking knowledge for suing the pleasure of Allah azza wa jal through learning. So why do we need manners and we talked about the book a little bit, the author a little bit, the reason for writing it and the virtue of knowledge and inshallah This is the second chapter. And the second chapter is about a near finished if you had a dialogue, that is, what intention Do you have when you're learning and this is one of the most important chapters in the book and in fact, in any human endeavor because he talks he says the manabu domina

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Nia is Amanita alumina, that is when you're learning you must have an intention. Because it is the basis of all actions. So any human endeavor In fact, when only when we're talking about fallible, em seeking knowledge, but in anything that you want to do your Salah, your Salah, FCM, fasting zeca had your Amara,

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but also what we can call non religious acts as well. All of them are determined by intention because the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam says, where we you see that the scholars begin their

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books with enamel Amma Robinette, indeed, actions are determined by intentions or by intention, meaning their success and failure depends on their intention. Where do you go with your action? where it takes you?

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Depends on an intention. And that is basically asking yourself, Well, what is the goal behind

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this action? So he says, Why is that the case? I mean, why is it important because Kim and I met in Utah. So what are you sort of Emily Dunia sumaiya, zero behistun, a neodymium allyl apheresis how many actions and on the exterior, it looks like a nonreligious act, an act belong into this world, but because of a good intention, it becomes an ad belonging into the hereafter. And also he says and how many actions they look on the exterior to belong to the Hereafter, but with a bad intention, they belong to this world.

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So think of an example of an action that belongs apparently on the exterior to this world. But in fact it is for the hereafter. Give me an example if you can think of someone with one thing. Many that could be many. But think of an example.

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teaching Quran, so that's an action that apparently looks for the hereafter. Because teaching the Quran is a bother, right? So that's an action for the hereafter. But how can it turn out to be for the dunya not for the hereafter?

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Now I'm

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sorry. So here so when it's not done for Allah, but done for this role, let's say for bragging, I want to improve my recitation, so that I can impress people, or is that people say he's a good teacher of the Quran. So, that is an action that is for the Hereafter, but then by the intention it becomes belongs to this world. And so, a lot as the origin for that person, what will Allah say to him?

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Or to us, if we do it, what will Allah say?

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no reward for you, because you already had sorted in this dunya you are given that maybe not but you were given that you look for it here. And you were given that in here, I have nothing for you. Now, the opposite, what is an action that apparently on the exterior belongs to this dunya but with a good intention could be the I belong to the earth era

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sadaqa sadaqa is a better

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working, so you can be working any type of work? Why manual labor, right, an office job, whatever it is, whether it's very simple or very sophisticated, but what is I'm sorry, helping helping people right can apparently could be done because you're a good neighbor, right? Okay, but how with a good intention, it can belong to the actions of the hereafter when it's done for a law surgeon. So I'm working but I'm working for Lila azzawajal. So that makes it for the hero. So seeking, seeking knowledge is an action of the hereafter or action of the dunya.

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Hereafter, because it's a burden, seeking knowledge, religious knowledge, is there a better way? So if the person does not have the good, the good intention behind it, that person will be punished on the day of judgment because Allah will tell him you took a bad day of mine

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You learned why? Because you are seeking people and not seeking me. Whether it is learning the Koran or whether it is learning the Hadith. And by the way, it does also affect what you get out of it. It affects how you read a book, what is your intention? What is your goal behind it, that is if I am going to seek knowledge, but my intention is what I want to be able to argue with people, you know, like, I don't want to sit and look dumb. They tell me this and tell me that they have this evidence that evidence when I want to sit, I want to memorize all the evidence, so I can engage in discussion and in winning the argument. So if I do that, what I will be learning is how to argue.

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That's what I will be learning. If I'm reading a book. And out of this book, I say, because you can have a lot of intentions behind reading a book. Okay, even if a non religious book, but what's your goal behind it? If I say, Well, I want to impress people with how much I know. So the way that you're going to be learning the book, or learning from the book, how you will read it is different. You look at everything that is strange, peculiar, people don't know. That's what's going to stick in your mind. So you learn that and you're going to go on impressing people, oh, did you know about this? Did you know about that? So that people will say Mashallah, he has vast knowledge. And you

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continue to read because of this, I'm seeking my reward in this dunya. And I'm getting in from people's pleasure and adulation. But if my intention is different, if my intention, let's say, I want to solve problems through reading this book, then I'll read this book looking for solutions, right? If I say I want to understand this book, because I want to be able to relate it to myself to relate it to other books in the field, I'll be approaching that book differently. So even just to study, ask yourself, what's the goal behind this book? In fact, what's the goal behind choosing this major in college or university? Because what I'm talking about here, or what the chef is talking

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about here is not just only irrelevant to halaqa, it's relevant to any pursuit of knowledge that you have. So why am I choosing this major and not that major? So if you're a person, let's take medicine if you want to study medicine to be rich, that's very different than if you want to study medicine to help people. Yeah. What do you study? How much you study? What are you going to focus on where you specialize, how you treat your patients, what do you get out of it is all very different. So all that is based on what intention.

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So the

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virtue of an act, especially religiously, but even non religiously, is all determined by intention. So what can you have what type of intention good intention you should have, when you are seeking knowledge, he says we embody. That is he must do what have these intentions and actually, the more the better, the more the better. The pleasure of Allah and seeking the hereafter. What is a little generally unnecessary and removing ignorance from himself and from other people. We're here to deal with Islam and reviving this religion and protecting Islam, because Islam stays through knowledge. And he cannot be a person of taqwa and zewde while ignorant.

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So see here the string of intentions that he has, and by the way, the more intentions you have, the better when you do an act, because Allah rewards you, according to how many good intentions you have, if you have more of them than even better and better. So he says here for Allah azza wa jal,

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meaning that I know that when I'm doing this, this brings me closer to Allah. I know that when I'm learning this, and as we said, there are different levels of pursuing knowledge, we said, attending the hobo with the proper intention. That's the level and being an halaqa. That's all about listening to lectures online, like a series of lectures online that's tolerable in attending Holocaust.

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weekend seminars, that's the level so different levels. So even at the very basic level, he asked yourself, why am I attending this hotel bar? Why am I attending this? halaqa? What do I want to get out of it? The more that you have, the more that Allah will give you. So if I learn this, I will be closer to Allah. If I learn this, I'll climb higher in general. If I learned this, I will remove ignorance because we are born ignorant. Do we know anything? No. until Allah teaches us, and if I don't know something, then I'm prone to make mistakes. How am I going to worship Allah I do not know how do I avoid haram? I do not know. How do I fix my marriage? I do not know how do I raise my

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children I don't know how to avoid the haraam. When I study when I sell when I buy I do not know until I learn. So when you learn you protect yourself and you no longer ignorant or as ignorant as you were before.

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So removing ignorance, that's a good intention from yourself and then from others, meaning if I know this, I want to share it with people.

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And when we do this we protect ourselves from fitna because the fitna when it comes now, what's the problem? Why? Why is the unknown one of the reasons that the oma Muhammad sallahu wa sallam is divided is what? There is, however,

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where we know, but we like something else. So we don't follow what we know there is that.

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But there's also what ignorance. I don't know, a hadith it's authentic or not, I follow all the weak or fabricated Hadith that's ignorant or not. That's fitna. So we're divided because of this. I don't know what the meaning of the Quran is. Or I assign a meaning to it for my own self. That's fitna, and that's division among the oma. I don't know what the consensus of the Omar Mohamed Salah lolly or psyllium is. So I say out of my own mind, this is halal. And this is haram or this shouldn't be like they're this like this, but that should be like this. And it contradicts centuries and centuries of what the scholars have said, This is what it should be. That's ignorance. So the

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division of the oma also happens because of ignorance. That's why he says Also, we're here to deem reviving the religion and the omo Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam will never regain its strength until it gets back what aim

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and it lost its strength when it lost what aim and then Jehle that ignorance started to spread and superstition as a result started to spread. If you go 100 100 200 years ago, and use you know, scan the Muslim lands, is full of superstitions, they believe or we believed anything and everything, right? And why is that because we didn't have

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so when you spread in when you gain it, you protect yourself when you teach it to others, you protect them as well. So because Islam as he said, the revival or the continuity, Islam is with him and you cannot have Taqwa with ignorance. And he said also, a piece of poetry two verses beautiful also, facade on caviar on great ignorance. argument with the hottie con a scholar who is sending a scholar whose sinful walk about a woman who and a greater corruption of that Jay hillmorton, a sicko, that ignorant, who is worshipping Allah xojo. So these, he says, Are prob two problems. Who am I fitna? Donnellan, Amina otamatone, they are a great fitna to people if a person is trying to

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hold on to Islam.

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So what is he presenting here? He says, He says, these two individuals, or patterns in life are very scary and very corrupt. One is a scholar who knows but what doesn't follow contradicts his actions with his deeds. Ansari contradicts his knowledge with his deeds. So people will look at him and see what then whatever he's saying is not right. Because if it was right, he'd follow it.

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And they will start suspecting everybody, every religious person and every knowledgeable person because they'll say, Well, he was a hypocrite. If he believed in it, he would follow it. But since not all of them are hypocrites. So that is a fitna, a person who has knowledge but does not follow it. So be aware be an A Be wary of not being a fitna yourself.

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If you know, especially like within your family, within your community, you could be the person who is more now most knowledgeable you could be so it Don't be a fitna to your family. Meaning that you know, and they know that you know more than them. But your behavior contradicts your knowledge. You become a fitna to them right.

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And the bigger fitness and that is Jehan omotenashi co is an ignorant person who's trying to worship Allah xojo. Because where is the corruption there?

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Does he know how to know good intention? But you do every mistake and everything wrong because you don't know what's right and what's wrong. So if there's a bidder, it looks like so now if it's Haram, it looks like * out because I have no idea. And when people where's the fitna there when people see him, they admire him because they think that he's religious. So they follow everything he says, and everything that he does. So that's a fitness. So how would you solve both of these fitness? The alum who knows needs to do what practice

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and the ignorant, who practices needs to

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learn. And only when you have these two, you have right balance, right? Right type of dakhla you have must have alien, and you must have Amel. If you miss one of them. That becomes a fitna and he says and also he you know a good intention to have

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To thank Allah azza wa jal for the his NEMA, the name of Aquila Nemo of sight, the Nemo of hearing to use it in things that Allah azza wa jal, the NEMA of health, whatever, you know, we be here and he should not seek the intention of what I want people to know me. I want people to listen to me, and not also seek the dounia from it. See, I want to be rich because of it. I want to learn, especially religious knowledge, non religious knowledge, if you learn it to be rich, that's fine. You want to be a doctor, to be rich. You know, go into business to be rich, that's fine, as long as you're not greedy. And you don't this displease Allah Subhana Allah to Allah with the nightmare that

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you have, you're allowed to be rich, but you're not allowed with religious knowledge to seek it. So that you'd be rich.

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And not to be honored by people or honored by the Sultan, and so on and so on. And he quotes here Mohammed Hassan Rahim Allah just to showcase

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independence, and how the scholars are before and Mohammed hasn't is a student of Abu hanifa scholars have before, we're not interested in people's praise or not dependent on them. He says, I'm humbled when it hasn't. He says, if all people were my slaves, and I owned everybody I had, in a sense, I controlled everybody. In a sense, I own them as my slaves, I would free all of them and not ask them for anything in return.

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Meaning that he was saying that if I had such or amount control over people, would I use them for my own good? He says, No, I would free all of them, and not ask for anything in return afterwards. So in other words, right, if we want to translate this for today that I would give but never ask anything for return. Because I do not need anything from them. What do I need it from? I want it from Allah as though I don't want from them. And by the way, when a person is like that,

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a lot of sigil gives him if you're not seeking it from people, but from Allah, Allah will provide for you, even if it's not a lot, but allow would provide for you. But if you are going to seek people's pleasure, you're going to have to sell what you have to please them. And then he says with Erica, why you shouldn't compromise your knowledge, religious knowledge, whatever it is, for people's sake, he says the enema noted that la mujer melebihi Kala mirboo humor in the nurse he says if you really find and taste the beauty of knowledge and applying it and practicing it, you will seldom see what people have because what people have is very insignificant and bitter compared to

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the sweetness of knowledge. As if you taste it, if you happen to learn the Quran, and really taste the beauty of the Quran, clone the Hadees and really taste the beauty of the Hadith. You've never smelled this for dollars. Ever. Because this is far too precious for it to be sold for dollars, or for gold or for silver. Because you can buy with it what?

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You can buy it with a Jenna, why would you sell it for dollars? Or somebody smiling and say Masha Allah, you know, what do I do with that? You'll say to what do I do with that? If he loves me today? And tomorrow? If I say something that upsets him, he hates me. What do I do with your praise? Can I take it to the bank? Can I cash it doesn't benefit me? Can I take it to the mirror and say Allah so and so praise me put me in gender doesn't doesn't help. But if Allah at this moment is happy with you, that is something that you can trust. That is something that you can bank on? Yes, that's something that is going to save me. He says, You should think about it, that your knowledge should

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only buy you the hereafter because you spend a lot of time and effort learning

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a lot of time and effort learning do not sell a cheap.

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Just like what is there any the most exhausting major that you can think of being a doctor or a lawyer or whatever. And then after you go and you pass the bar, and you take this exam and you get certified, and you say I'm going to open a shop in the street, right? And just whatever you want to give me give me right? Well, why did you learn for 10 years or so? Right? So simply you can you know, open your own shack and just do that? Or did you want to actually have your own office, I'm not promoting right, you know, prestige in that. But I'm just saying that you you study for what? For the title, we go on the money, you want the office, you want the respect among your peers, not

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to sell it cheap. And so the knowledge that you're going to seek that his religious knowledge, it's actually far more precious than medicine. Far more precious than being a lawyer or an engineer on all of this and all these majors are needed. By the way.

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Way to not put them down. They're needed, especially today. But religious knowledge is far superior to that because it buys the hereafter.

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And he says also

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the tolerable, I should not be greedy. But be contented with what Allah azza wa jal had provided for him. Because if you are greedy, you're going to humiliate yourself, you'll be looking for money, you'll be looking for wealth, he will be liquid, who can give you on who will be who will deny you, he says, Don't be greedy, be contented with what Allah azza wa jal had given you and be humble.

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Be humble, because also one of the problems when people seek knowledge, religious knowledge and non religious knowledge, is that when you begin to learn, it gives you the impression that you know,

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and when you have the impression that you know, and you really do not know yet, but when you have the impression that, you know, you become what?

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arrogant Shut up, you don't know what I did, I studied you didn't study, right? But that is a phenomenon of the ignorant who has not yet known, but he's starting to learn. Okay.

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I'm trying to remember exactly that saying he says you know, L or L Mr data to a shabar you know, lm is of three portions, or three thirds 123 when you enter the first third of it, you do not know but you think that you know,

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when you move on to the next third,

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you know, that you do not know,

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when you move to the last third, you know, that you will never know, something like that. That is the more that you know, the more that you discover that you do not know, ah, the more they actually discover how ignorant you were in the beginning. That is this knowledge is a See, and it never ends in the beginning. You know, okay, I don't know anything. And I may be less used to listen to this discussion, that discussion, I read one book effect, okay. You think I know everything. I start arguing and condemning. I know, this is right. And no, this is wrong. And I now I think I'm filled with knowledge. But you read and read a more, you know, books more in depth with more analysis,

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comparing opinions. You say, wow, this is complicated. Because the book that I read was simple. Now, this is really complicated. You go into a more complicated book, and fifth and you save panela. This is way way beyond what I thought. So the more that you study, and the more complex matters you receive, the more that you'll know that you really do not know. So a person in the beginning shouldn't rush and think that Oh, I know now I understand everything. Allah azzawajal says woma ot two minute me Illa Allah, Allah, you've only been given a little bit of knowledge. So, a camino keep with you, that whole character of humility. Never dismiss someone who knows less than you. And never

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argue with someone who knows as much as you and never tried to argue also, as someone who knows more than you, but keep listening, and keep learning with the intention that I don't want to argue. But I want to discover the truth of what Allah azza wa jal has said, and what is ever His Prophet sallallahu wasallam has said not for the sake of argument, not for the sake of

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raising yourself above other people but simply because you want to learn

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and he also says, you know, last point in this chapter I want to talk about he says Abu hanifa says holiday as hobby he Altima emo como su mama como una macabre, delicately, Allah used to have a new LA, he says Abu hanifa It is reported about him from him or her to lie, a lie that he said to his students

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sort of aggrandize your turbans make them bigger, and also your sleeves. And so he says, explanation of what why that he said he says they allow us to have ability to lay so that people do not belittle the people of knowledge, so that the masses do not belittle the people of knowledge. So basically, what Abu hanifa was saying there, Rahim Allah is that distinguish yourself or actually dress? Well. If you are a person of knowledge, right, you don't need to distinguish yourself with a specific garment or attire. That's not from the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. Right. So that's important. It's not from the Sunnah, that if I'm an alum or a knowledge, I put a particular type of

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Imam, a turban, and that distinguishes me from everybody else. That's not from as soon but what Abu hanifa wanted there is that part of a steaming knowledge itself, is that when you're going to come when you're going to teach when are you going to leave the Salah press well

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dress well so that people respect you. And through you really respect what, Ellen. So this dress well, that's what he is saying right?

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The next chapter he says 50 year old me will you study with Sheree Kiba theory says in selecting

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not the knowledge of the type of knowledge that you need to seek and your teacher and your partner companion and seeking knowledge and your close, how do you select them? So he says and it's important for the seeker of knowledge to select the best of knowledge and what he needs in his Deen now and in the near future. So he learns first about the heat and learns the evidence of toe heat. So what is important here to you know to note is that, as we said in the first lecture, right, knowledge is like the seat, where do you begin? What do you study? So it says, What are you going to begin something as we said in the last

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class, last lecture, what do you select, we said, you select what you need right now, what's an obligation on you right now. And once you fulfill the obligations at this moment, then you move on to the recommended or move into areas that you're interested in. And then he says, once you finish now once you finish the obligations, you want to select from among the recommended because now you want to even know more and more. He says you select from that knowledge, the best. Now what is the best?

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He said enomoto Hey, you begin with knowing Allah subhanho wa Taala and of course this is even more needed today. This is more he needed needed even today, because people in general are distant from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you hear a lot of doubts about the existence of Allah, Ya Allah azza wa jal create, does Allah azza wa jal care about humanity, etc, etc. And because people don't have answers and have doubts, they are deviating and straying away from religion altogether. So you need to have answers to this first for your own self. So you need to understand that the hate of Allah as though did in detail and in evidence, how did Allah presented in the Quran? How did the profits of a

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lot It was hidden and presented? What is the hade? Why do we believe in Allah azza wa jal? What do we know about the hereafter? What do we know about auto encoder? What do we know about the limits of our own knowledge, understanding these things is important today. So from coulier, element escena. Right. And also I'll add to that, also, in addition to the best among all knowledge, Also, consider what you will be proficient at, because that is sometimes you study for an and there are basics that we need to cover in all branches. But sometimes you study the Koran. And sometimes you find yourself Subhanallah, it's easy for you, if it's easy for you continue doing it.

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Sometimes you study and for some people, they find it difficult

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after after covering the basics is difficult for them, but they excel in handy.

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So the road or the path of Hades study is easy fix not so much. or grammar. No, it's something that they crave. They really want to study Arabic grammar, but not so much you know, that discipline of Quranic study, they don't Excel there, but they excel here. So also seek what Allah as though did had made beloved to you, whatever Allah is that it has made had made easy for you because there was a reason behind it. So after you cover the basics, after you cover the obligations, you seek the best, but also coupled with the past, what is it that you're interested in? And what is it that Allah did had made easy for you, because there might be a sign in it that this is the thing that

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Allah xojo wants you to focus on. So that's why among the odema, you find what specializations so this is a scholar of Hadith. This is a scholar of fic. And even in filk, you have specializations. Even in Hadeeth you have specializations. Even in Quran you have specialization. So it's very fast, vast, and you cannot be a scholar proficient in all of these fields. That's very difficult today. So you want to focus, cover the basics, but then focus on something and if Allah has given you ease in it, then allow yourself to study because maybe you will be able to benefit yourself and others through that field. And he said, we are to Kaduna Alma d'etat and you seek that traditional old

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knowledge not the innovative knowledge. That is you look at the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. How did the Sahaba understand Islam? This is really important. How did the Sahaba understand Islam and practices What did they emphasize?

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The tablet a tablet in the image of Islam those who follow the footsteps of Andrew sunova. Gemma, what is it that they focus on? Says follow that not what had been innovated because they innovated, though it is panela sometimes it's interesting. Anything that is innovated, controversial, trendy, it will be interesting, but not necessarily beneficial. So at his time he says what yeah can distantly that'd be Heather G. Dan, Olivia Valhalla, Adam Carolla cabaret. He says do not occupy yourself by studying studying dialectic theology, absolute killer Elmo, Khalid Kalam, the people of Kalam, who would base their knowledge on reason only and arguing What if this happens, what if that

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happens, right? So it's basically all dialectic meaning you give me an answer, I give you another and it's only based on reason. So their Islam, their athletes, their practice is purely rational or almost rational, based on discussions and reason not based on Quran and Sunnah says do not occupy yourself with that type of pursuit. Because that type of pursuit happened after the death of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam and the favored generations and the blessed generations. This is an innovation that happened in Islam, it will waste your time and will not grant you anything and it is one of the signs of the Day of Judgment is the spread of ignorance. So Subhana Allah, what is tragic

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is that you would find that the omo Mohammed sallallahu Sallam doesn't know the religion of Mohammed, or sometimes what's even more tragic is that when they want to go and seek knowledge, they seek knowledge in the wrong way and they end up being ignorant as they started, because the path is not the right path. So it says do not waste your time trying to seek it in a path that is not going to give you

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so where do I find this type of knowledge? A type of knowledge that is based on the author? That is what the result of lies olalia was seldom said How did he interpret the Quran? What is his authentic Suna? How did the Sahaba of the Allahu unharmed understand that and interpret it and live it? How do they tab it into that tab, you can do that and then the scholars who came after you, right, Bella Shafi, Malik, Abu hanifa, and so on, all the way till today, but they follow the guidance of those colors. So don't follow or be attracted to what is trendy and controversial and new.

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Because if it's new, it means that it is not from the goddess of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. It's attractive, but it's not beneficial.

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So he says this is how you select this knowledge. This is how you select this knowledge and remember, and he will say here also, you will use consultation and istikhara for that as well. If you want to choose your your teacher is going to say this. But when I also add and say when are you going to choose? What do you want to study? What book you want to read, consult and praise taharah? Right. Why not? say okay, I want to study with our I want to study to hate or I want to study the discipline of Quranic studies or Hadith studies, or what books should I use?

00:33:22 --> 00:33:35

What, what discipline should I choose? Well, I'm not 100% Sure. So I'll praise the heart and ask Allah to guide me. And after I praise taharah I'll ask one to three people that I trust,

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who have the knowledge to actually guide me, and then they will tell you, okay, so stay hora en

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misura a consultation. It says also when it comes to seeking your teacher, that's very important for Emily and your thought I love our our our lesson, he is choose he should choose the most knowledgeable and the most pious and the older from among the scholars. Right? So the most knowledgeable, is obvious, right? And the most pious, that's obvious too, right? So and the older we're gonna say you comment on the older whites the older. So when you're going to see you want to seek the person who knows the most. Right?

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So today in today's world, when we listen to people, and when we take from them, and when we learn from them. What criteria do we actually apply in practice?

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Do we actually seek the more knowledgeable as now I'm not talking about you in particular, talking about us as Muslim masses? Do we seek the most knowledgeable who do we see? The popular ones?

00:34:56 --> 00:34:57

No, we seek the most popular or

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

the ones who are popular

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

Right, the good speakers,

00:35:04 --> 00:35:05

the controversial ones.

00:35:06 --> 00:35:29

And the media highlights someone, that's the person we listen to. And the piece of that video has a lot of views and the person is famous, we listen to that. Right? And that's in a way that's like, that's any in a sense, I understand that's human nature. Have you ever been, you know, walk in the mall? Or you know, shops and you find people lining up for one shop? What do you do?

00:35:30 --> 00:36:04

You say, Wait, what's there? Maybe I should go and stop. I don't know what they're selling. But maybe I should stand in line? Because they're standing in line for a reason, right? Maybe I don't need anything there. But maybe I do. Right? Maybe it's like an incredible sale, I'm gonna stand on line. That's what I feel right? I'm gonna stand in line because there must be something there. So of course, right? If there's a video that has 10 views, 100 views, and a video that has a million, which one are you going to click on? I see you're right. He's honest, the million of course, that's the one is going to attract even more and more people. So there's a difference between being curious

00:36:04 --> 00:36:05

and learning.

00:36:06 --> 00:36:38

There should be a difference between being curious and learning. And also, there should be a sort of a filter that I have. Okay, before I click on this, okay. And there is click baiting, right, there is a title that will entice you to click OK. And a lot of times, it's fake and exaggerated. But anyway, it will entice you to click but before I click, am I ready? Because that person may share with me type of information that may confuse me. Am I ready? If you're not ready, don't click.

00:36:39 --> 00:37:16

Because you get I get sometimes somebody forwards a video to me and say he said something confusing? Can you can you let me know? You know, what's the answer to this? And I want to like take a stick and hit them and say, you know, why did you listen to it in the beginning, right in the first place? Because they say you suck. It's really confused me. So why did you listen to this night become my problem not to solve your problem, right? But why did you listen to it? Because at times, yeah, it's easy to refute some of these claims. But other times, I can, or another person can do everything in their power to refute it. But already that doubt has settled in your head

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cannot be easily removed, you'll continue to struggle with it for years.

00:37:23 --> 00:37:29

And that's why safety is the easiest. And the best policy, I'm not going to listen to it until I have enough.

00:37:30 --> 00:37:43

So if you are seeking knowledge, seek it from people who know, not someone who's popular just because they are popular. Not someone who everybody listens to and so you decide that you want to listen to it. So how do you know that a person is happy?

00:37:44 --> 00:37:45

How do you know?

00:37:47 --> 00:37:49

That's for you know,

00:37:52 --> 00:37:54

the old man. So the Obama endorsed him.

00:37:55 --> 00:38:12

So other people have knowledge, right? It's the same thing like you know, okay, you get sick, you want to see a specialist? Suppose that I know, we don't have a choice. But suppose you have a choice. And you can see a number of specialists and a number of specialists. How do you choose?

00:38:15 --> 00:38:53

I mean, like you, you could choose? Exactly. So if you ask other doctors, who among those five specialists is the best? Right? They'll tell you which one is the best. Or, you know, sometimes you go online and Google will read them for your ideas, these ministers these many stars, if it's right, then you choose based on the ratings right? You know, maybe the old Mr. Could have that right? No, right? No, it won't be really reliable anyway. But other people, right? But especially people who have knowledge, who say, he's an island, he's an island, he's an animal, so they testify to him, you know that he is a person of knowledge. That's the easiest,

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or, you know, sometimes qualifications, where did he graduate from? what degree does he have? Where does he teach, that tells you that he has the credentials, but you still need the testimony of other scholars. So don't go and listen, you know, randomly, but choose the most knowledgeable. And now on top of most knowledge, well, the second one is harder to ascertain. How do I know he's more pious, as far as I can tell, as far as I can tell, that person applies what he knows.

00:39:25 --> 00:39:57

So you follow that person. And if a person clearly contradicts it, or is not following the sooner in his appearance in his speech, then you know that his knowledge is not very deep, or he may not be able to benefit you. So you don't follow that person. You could benefit from him possibly, but you don't follow or you don't make him your teacher. The teacher that you take from and he says also the oldest and why the oldest, he says the most knowledgeable, the most pious and the oldest. Why the oldest

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because wise

00:40:00 --> 00:40:38

He has experience he's wiser and he has experience and also shower to Shabaab, the desire of the youth has probably left him. Right. So he's not going to be as tempted or easily tempted as a young person. So if a young person is still may have the fantasies of, I want to be this and I want to be that but when you get older, these fantasies start leaving you because they begin to replace by reality, by experience and by wisdom. So, that person is not seeking now, they are the dunia as much but is seeking the hero in addition to he had time to amass a lot more knowledge and a lot more tequila also with him.

00:40:41 --> 00:41:22

And he says here, Abu hanifa equals this is important the importance of Shura meaning should I listen to so on. So should I study with so and so, the importance of Shura. So Abu hanifa says, I heard from a wise person from the wise people of summer camp that one of the students of knowledge, asked me, who should I go to and study with when I go to Bukhara? And then I told him, so hanifa here is saying that this is a model for a student of knowledge, I want to travel and study with so and so or I'm here on our study with this person or that person attend this halaqa should I does it benefit me? Is he reliable ask and it's not LIBOR. But here as the people of knowledge, it's not

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LIBOR for a knowledgeable person to say about another person. No, he's not knowledgeable, don't take from him. As long as the intention is advice, right? Not competition, but advice. Right.

00:41:34 --> 00:42:16

And he says, and this is beautiful, he says, and so he should consult in all of his matters. Because Allah azza wa jal commanded His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to consult, in all matters, and no one was smarter than Mohammed Salah lauretti was right, you could not come up with someone smarter than him and more pious than him. And yet Allah command and MSE will share with him filmer and consult them in matters. So this command to him sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he says, He used to consult with him to his companions. And you can see in his suit, I used to do this often, he used to consult with his companions, and almost everything, right unless I can do command came from Allah is

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even in household matters, he would talk to his wives, and he would consult with his wives. Because, as he says, here,

00:42:25 --> 00:42:42

some someone else I'll even be taller, he quotes I'll even not be thiolate what are the other one, he says, men, or we can say people are of three types. A person who is a full person, a person who's a half person, and a person who is a no person.

00:42:43 --> 00:42:48

So the person who is a full person, a person who is wise, and he consults.

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A person who's a half person is a person who is wise and does not consult and a person who is a no person who is a person who is foolish and does not consult.

00:43:00 --> 00:43:03

So as you want to be a full person, what do you do?

00:43:04 --> 00:43:38

You'd be wise. If you're not wise, what do you do? ask Allah for wisdom, right? If you're not wise, ask Allah for it. So you're wise. But you also don't forget to what? consult and if Allah azza wa jal did not give me and you that wisdom, or that experience, to be able to know right from wrong and what to do. At least, don't forsake consulting, because you will add people's experience to your own their mind to your own. And that's why you will be smarter whenever you consult, but of course, who do you consult?

00:43:40 --> 00:44:04

I just grab somebody from the street and say, What do you think? All right. So I just come to salah and he I find who's right next to me, I have a problem. Does that work? I need to select. So your selection also is a sign of your own wisdom. Who am I asking? Because the person who you're asking that the only the tougher person will give you the quality of the response. So you need also to select

00:44:06 --> 00:44:30

No. And that's Jaffa Rosada. He said, shower America Latina Shona, Allah azza wa jal, it says consult those who fear Allah. Consult those who fear Allah. So fear Allah, why because, first of all, they will be afraid that if they give you the wrong advice, they'll be accountable. So they're not going to say something that will hurt you, or say something out of ignorance or say something just to sound smart.

00:44:32 --> 00:44:34

And if they don't know, they'll say we do not know.

00:44:35 --> 00:44:45

And that's also part of knowledge as well. If somebody comes and consults you, when somebody comes and asks you a question, and you do not know, what are you supposed to say?

00:44:46 --> 00:44:51

I do not know. Because if you say something that is not true, you're going to have to answer to to

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a lot of xojo first, that you lied about me You say this is what Allah wants or this is what Allah hates.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:06

Just by conjecture, one, and you're going to have to answer that person that you give him bad advice.

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And sometimes when you give bad advice, you could destroy a person's life. So, if you're going to consult, consult the wise and if you are consulted, only speak about what you do not know. And then he says, you know, when you're seeking knowledge do not yet know when you're seeking or seeking knowledge is of the most important and more difficult things to do. So of course, it needs consultation more than anything else. And same thing you know, when you go to college or university, you want to pick a major, make sure that you consult and make sure you talk to people talk to professionals, who are working in that field so that you understand what do you want to do with it

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when you graduate? so that you have a better idea. So when your child you think, Oh, your child I want to send him to college university is not just simply just performance, he has to go she has to go for what what do you want to do with it? You have to ask, what do I want to do with it? So I when I graduate, I graduate to do what with it. So you consult people who are in it, they're studying it, consult people who have graduated, consult people who are working with that degree, visit them, visit that facility, work it as an as an internship, for instance, in the summer so that you'll understand what it means to work with that profession or in that profession. And then you'll know so

00:46:19 --> 00:46:23

that's also a type of consultation with people have experience.

00:46:26 --> 00:46:35

And he says Rahim Allah, He says, and when you pick your teacher, he says you'll be patient with them. And he'll talk in sha Allah about

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about how you should be how do you honor your teacher, but that will be inshallah for next week. But he says, If you pick a teacher, you have to be very patient with them and very patient in seeking knowledge as a principal because he says, while I'm in the Sabra with about Muslim Kabir, on feed me a little more, a very foundational principle and all matters is consistency and patience. And he says, as it says, in this in this verse of poetry, Luca Lin Elijah, Baraka to lock in our lock in season two, he says, everyone wants to be better, and plans to be better aspires to be better. In fact, they could take steps to be better. But the people who are consistent and patient in that

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pursuit are very few. And that's the difference. in you, all of us. dream about being better, don't we? I want to learn this, I want to earn more, I want to you know, learn this thing and live thing, excel in this and excel in that so all of us have these grand, you know, ideas about what do we want to do, but all of us have them, but those who take the actual steps towards it are fewer or less than the totality.

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And among those who take steps towards it, take a class attend to Holocaust start reading a book. Those who stick to it and are consistent are patient are among the fewest of the few. That's why people who are accomplished will finish a book who finish a degree who accomplished and they become accomplished scholars are not the majority of humanity. But the few among humanity because consistency is dear is precious. It's not available to all patients is dear and not available to all. So he says you must persevere and you must be patient. And then you will attain as it is was he says he's a healer Misha, it says what is bravery. He says subbaraj sabrosa. being patient for an

00:48:41 --> 00:48:43

hour for one extra hour.

00:48:44 --> 00:49:00

And what is bravery? hyla, shujaa sobremesa and primes. That's why it's nice. A shujaa sobremesa. To Be brave is to be patient for one more hour. So what is the difference between a coward and a brave person?

00:49:01 --> 00:49:38

One hour, right is one hour? Because the coward says what when you see a person you know, and he's coming and he growling and he seems fierce. And you decide what better I run away. Right? save myself save my skin, you run away, you run away. But if you stand to face them. Again, that's not an invitation for anybody to fight. You say after Ayesha is going to meet somebody in the parking lot. We're going to start a fight just to prove that I'm going to apply what I learned. Right? That's not an invitation for confrontation. But I'm saying that when it's inevitable, what is the difference between a person who runs away and the person who wins is the person who wins the person who's brave

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decided to stay.

00:49:40 --> 00:50:00

So that's the difference. That's what wins battles. So where does this support comes from? Well, because there's a goal there's something that you want to accomplish. So if you know that you want to accomplish something, you know, okay, it's difficult to read this book. What Why did I start reading it? Because there's benefit behind it and the pleasure of Allah zildjian is at

00:50:00 --> 00:50:41

The end of it, I'll continue to read. But if I'm someone who's not serious about it, the first page second page is difficult, I'll just quit. Because it's easier to quit, because there's nothing to tied me to it. So if I believe that there's benefit, there's a goal behind what I'm doing, I can be patient. So you have to see the goal behind tolerable while you're doing it. And so you need to be patient for it. And if you have a little bit extra patience, then you'll be able to accomplish what you want, where others have failed. And he says he continues to learn from so and so and does not quit just because he's tired and impatient, and continues to read in a book and does not quit

00:50:41 --> 00:51:01

because he's tired and impatient, and continue to study in a field that does not stop because he is tired and impatient. Because if you keep moving from one book to the other one teacher to the other one discipline to the other, you're not going to learn. So you need to be consistent. Like for a person who's taking a class is difficult. I'm going to drop it take another class, it's difficult, I drop it, do you graduate?

00:51:02 --> 00:51:33

No. But if you force yourself to stay, then you will finish that class then you have one class then if you take the second and the third, and so eventually you will graduate. So it's the same principle and application. If you keep moving from one to the other without finishing any you're not gonna learn anything. William Bailey and yes, VIERA amatory tahuna souhan, he needs to struggle with his knifes, his desire, his weakness. Well, okay, I'm reading I mean, the halaqa. But I'd rather be playing outside.

00:51:34 --> 00:52:15

Because that's nice. But what is that going to give you? So this is what you need to tell yourself and ask Allah azza wa jal for patience, it is not easy to sit and read a book today. Sorry. And it's not easy to be in halaqa to take the attractions outside are so many and so glamorous, that it's just Subhanallah sometimes you're in the masjid and you're thinking about the outside. So and then sometimes you're in the masjid and would be there with you on your phone inside. So it's very difficult not to be tempted by all of that. So how do you stay, you need that patience, and you need to ask Allah to grant it to. So patience with reading a book patience to be in a halaqa patience to

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be in the masjid, patience and seeking knowledge. And you have to keep reminding yourself of why you're doing all of this. Why are you leaving the dunya for the Hara?

00:52:25 --> 00:52:30

Right? Why are you leaving the dounia for the healer. And some panelist sometimes we think that,

00:52:32 --> 00:52:36

that if we leave the dunya, for the hero, we've lost the dunya.

00:52:37 --> 00:52:53

Right? Like, if we leave the dunya for the hero, we lost something outside, we're missing out. But if we say outside, then you will move one everything. But the reality of it is that if you leave the dounia for the theater, a lot of ground to the theater,

00:52:54 --> 00:53:07

and the dounia together, they will come to you in the best way. And if you leave the F here for the dounia, you've lost the earth era and the dunia has to do with Earth here. You lose both of them.

00:53:08 --> 00:53:16

And so the Sahaba were civilize olalia send them if you want to exam an example, when they were in Mecca, some of them were rich or not.

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Some of them were poor, but some of them were rich. So under sort of lies, a lot of them told them that Allah had commanded them to migrate, what did they take with them? Nothing. So they left their all their property and left to Medina poor, the rich among them, they left poor, or nothing had with them. So they sacrificed everything. So this is a huge rod like a refugee, actual refugees, right? Because they left with nothing. But in Medina, because they were patient, and patient and patient. And in the beginning of tolerable, we need to be patient like that, but patient and patient and patient, what did Allah make them, they became richer, not the rich. In fact, not only that, they

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become rich, as they said, this person became the provincial leader of Iraq. That person, the provincial leader of Damascus, that person is the head of Mecca. That person is the head of Medina, the Sahaba, had left this and others had caravans and caravans of money. Because Allah wanted to show you through them that if you leave the dunya, for my sake, I'll give you the dunya. But in the beginning, He'll test you to see what are you sincere or not? That is if you leave if what happens, and this is, by the way, is general, right, General for everybody. If you leave something for the sake of Allah azzawajal in the beginning is going to be hard.

00:54:42 --> 00:54:54

And you may be tested. And that's why he also says we have to be a little manual beta and you'll be patient with adversity. In the beginning you'll be tested so Allah wants to see are you sincere? Or are you going to quit at the first sign of trouble?

00:54:56 --> 00:54:59

If you quit the first sign of trouble then you are not serious.

00:55:01 --> 00:55:14

And when the next and the next and the next test, you're not going to actually be firm, so you're going to collapse anyway. But if you decided to be firm, and patient, then after the initial test Allah will give you

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the dunya and the euro.

00:55:18 --> 00:55:41

So, the people of the people have knowledge, especially the pious among them, right? The Salatin, the Sultan, would come to them, and ask for the consultation. And they will ask them, What can I give you? What can I give you? Right? And he's some of some of the hollyford maybe one of the best maybe hold on Rasheed.

00:55:42 --> 00:56:18

So he would go to Hajj. And of course, you know, how Ron or anybody else right, he would go to Hajj, of course, and for people to give him you know, path, he would have his guards and the guards would give them away, you know, allow the halifa to pass, allow the halifa to make the laugh and all of this. And then the mother of that halifa once stood she was you know, I mean by the halifa. And he she was in Mecca, and she heard some noise. She looked outside, and she saw a lot of people. And she said, Who and so and so and I think it was I thought I think if I'm right, but a lot of them. And they said this is a thought

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a thought is from the author is coming and the people are around them and they're clearing the way for him. She said, Well, law he says by a lot. This is milk, not the milk of heroin. This is power. This is being a king, not the kingship of heroin. Because the kingship of heroin and heroin was of the best qualified by the way and this is not a condemnation, but the kingship of heroin needs, guards. Needs power, needs might to be established. I thought when he walks his Elm paves the way for him his clues the ways that he can make the law not that he has asked people for it. But people out of love, they say a thought has come clear the way for him clear the way for him. Until today we

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do that with our own Ummah, isn't it? We find the island who fears Allah azzawajal whom people had loved when he comes, this person wants to carry his bag, this person wants to open the door for him he had not had and does not ask for it. But this is an expression of people's love.

00:57:16 --> 00:57:57

So this is it, this is it. You should never seek knowledge, you know demanding this or expecting that. But if a person seeks it for a lot as though did not wanting anything but the pleasure of Allah, then Allah as the total grant him this, so the dunya and the airhead as long as he does not ask for the hero. So he says and this is what insha Allah will end with this in sha Allah He says that in one minute, Allah cannot see the man. So he says the treasuries of Allah's bounties will come, but after a lot of adversity, so penalty will be hand that people will be tested a lot. So if a person is doing I am seeking knowledge for the sake of Allah as origin, don't expect it always to

00:57:57 --> 00:58:30

be easy. Always to be you know, pave your path paved with roses. It's not going to be like that. For some time, you will be tested for some time it is going to be difficult. It's difficult to be a pious Muslim today. But if you are consistent and you're patient and you ask Allah for support and you need to do that, then allows the Jew will give you from his bounties will give you from his treasures because Allah xeljanz sees that you're honest. And if you're honest, Allah will grant you the anila right. So inshallah we'll stop here and we'll see in sha Allah. If you have

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