Ali Albarghouthi – Manners of Seeking Knowledge (3)

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The importance of pursuing knowledge and support is emphasized, including physical and mental health. Personal development and personal development are emphasized, along with finding a friend and respecting people. Learning to be more purposeful and intentional is emphasized, along with a need for a better understanding of the natural world and a better understanding of the natural father. Personal development is emphasized, along with a need for a better understanding of the natural world and a better understanding of the father.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah while it was Savio Salaam

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in Al Hamdulillah Hina do wanna stay You know, when is the Euro one oh the villa him in Chateau de un fusina who see it Amanita Maja de la philomel de la la, la, la de la,

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la la, la la la la la, la la sharika. One Omaha Mohammed Abu hora sudo. Solo it early wasapi was hillam.

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Last time we talked about a we, you know, began the chapter on selecting fifth era me selecting the type of knowledge that you want to learn and selecting your teacher and then selecting your companion. And we did not reach that part about selecting your companion. So this is the part that we will cover in sha Allah today, then move on to the next chapter. And for anyone who has the book and is interested to know we're on page 26, if you have the book in Arabic, so before we go into the selection of the companion, there is a two verses of poetry attributed to Alibaba Vitaly, one of the Allahu anhu where he says Linton Allen my ABC 13, sonika and memori Habibi, and he says, You're not

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going to attain knowledge until you have six things and I'm going to tell you what they are.

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So he says the crown were Harrison was the Baron were Bulava, tonewoods shadowstep, then moto Luiza money, this is his look at the car on intelligence, that you have this aptitude to learn that that's something that is natural. But that even that natural thing can be cultivated can be enhanced with knowledge with learning. As you memorize, you'll be able to memorize better as you reason you'll be able to reason better. So there is this natural aptitude, but at the same time, right it can be enhanced. Well, Harrison eagerness that he must want it. So you have this natural aptitude but at the same time, you must want to learn, if you don't want to learn something, you're not going to

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learn it even though you have the ability, you know, you can be able to learn it was the bouton

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patience. So you may be able to physically mentally, you may want to but if you don't have patience, you're not going to learn a Tina gonna be able to stick it out to learn anything. That's anything any type of knowledge. And by the way, whatever we are talking about applies to all types of knowledge religious and non religious, though our focus is religious knowledge. But you can take all of that and apply it to non religious knowledge as well. So if you're not patient, let's say with math, with science, you're not going to learn it, even though you say I like it. But I don't have the patience to stay with it to understand its complexities, you're not going to learn it will have

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gotten provisions that you have enough to live on. So that physical part that I have enough money, and I'm going to come back to it in Sharla minute, at least a minimum, they'll be able to eat, be able to drink and then devote the rest of my time to learning or seeking this knowledge, what you share Do you step in, and the directions of a teacher. But the teacher will tell you read this book, not this book, study this first, the second and then the third. So that is going to ease you into knowledge rather than trying it on your own. So whenever you have a professor, whenever you have a teacher, that professor and teachers knowledge and experience will be able to ease you into whatever

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you want to learn rather than if you try it on your own. He may not succeed

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well to lose money, and then length of time. So if you start seeking knowledge, today, you're not going to graduate as a scholar today. And if you started this week, by the end of the week, you're not going to be a scholar. And he may say to your cell phone when and I'm tired. If you're impatient, you say okay, I'm tired. I've already you know, studied one book, but it had I had one field that I have enough knowledge yet. If you think that seeking knowledge, any type of knowledge is just a matter of days or matter of weeks, you're gravely mistaken. It should take years and years. But at the end of those years, you'll notice enough accumulation of knowledge that you say I

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have enough. So you have to be patient patient to be able to stick with a book but patient also to persist upon the path until you attain that knowledge. So it's a combination of your own natural ability but also eagerness patience and outside help and to be able to continue to learn until he'd be able to accumulate this knowledge. And the thing that I said I wanted to go back to when he said well Bulava provisions that you need to have enough to eat enough to drink enough money. So some of the aroma of the past and you want to see how this you know applies to David some knowledge on how the past were able to live and dedicated

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their entire life for because they inherited money, they were, you know, more or less rich, or at least they had enough to spend on this person had a property had a house, they could just go and sell this, the father had left them property money, they were able to spend it on seeking knowledge, spend all of it, but they spent it like that. Others they were not rich. So so they actually went through really difficult times they lived on a subsistence level of living or less, they would go hungry for days. So that also is another option that our person may not have enough. But they have such love for him, that they could live right on, you know less what an average human being doesn't

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go hungry for days not complain, in order to be able to accumulate this knowledge. Now, of course, this is more and more difficult today. Because life today puts on you a lot of obligations and gives you a lot of burdens. So what people were able to do in the past is not necessarily something that you can do today. So you have to balance between religion and the dounia. And understand your own obligations. where you stand. That is if I have a wife and I have a children, I cannot see why I'm going for knowledge seeking Take care of yourselves, right. I can't say this. I know I have elderly parents who need someone to take care of them. I can't say you know, I just want to study Islam, you

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take care of yourselves. That's not right. So you need a balance. And some of us have Hannah law are not here. And they're not there yet. And if they're not out there pursuing non religious knowledge college university, we're earning working, earning degrees earning money. So they're not there. But they're also not really dedicated seekers of knowledge. But we are in the margin in the in between. Some of us feel out of place. That is, the outside world is you know, we don't fit, it's scary, it's uncomfortable. So we don't want to be there. So we retreat into the masjid, the comfort of the masjid. And we say I just want to do what I just want to report on, I just want to learn, which is

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good that you want to learn is good that you want to report on. But you're not really serious seeker of knowledge, you're not really dedicating your life to it, you don't have a plan, you're just hanging around

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wasting your life.

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So if you're really serious about seeking knowledge, seek it in its proper place in its proper manner with the proper teacher, and have a plan that in three, four or five years, we'll be able to do this. And then with that, I'll be able to do that. But don't let the hour or the masjid or the seeking of knowledge become an escape. I don't fit over there. And it's really comfortable and it is comfortable here. So I just want to be here. And then somebody else is supposed to support me. Okay, so the best policy is that you seek knowledge, while also being able to support yourself or if you're rich and hamdulillah. That's, you know, a blessing. But if not, you're supporting knowledge,

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you're seeking knowledge, and you're supporting yourself or you can live off very minimum, the very minimum without asking, without asking, right? So a balance is required. So that's why he said also said, well, Bula you need that. And otherwise the panel very few people can learn and memorize when they're hungry. Okay, it'd be thinking about food, so you need enough to be able to sustain on fuel you.

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Then he says, What mattiello shediac. Now he moves on to selecting

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your companion, your friend. What mattiello shediac heno. So you are supposed to select your companion and Majid do awario meaning the one who is serious, the one who is pious, the one who wants to understand the one who wants to study and you run away from the lazy The one who only talks, but doesn't do anything, the one who wants to play but is not serious about their life. So he's saying that when you want to seek knowledge

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you have to also you'll naturally have a companion with you, you must have is that companion will support you and you'll be able to support them. You typically do not seek knowledge on your own. So you'll have a companion so who is this companion? It says you seek you select like have you selected your teacher, you're going to select your

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study partner

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or the study group. So when you select Listen, for instance, you want to select your major and you go and select your major but then you go then and you select your classes and courses and you select your professor at a college or university. But then after you go and after you attend, don't you need to study Okay, I need to study so some people are okay with studying on their own but others

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No, I need a study partner. So what who is the study partner? Well, you're going to study them based on what you want out of that partnership. If you want to be an A student, what do you look for?

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The person who's going to help you become an A student, the one who's serious about it. But if you're interested in only being a B student, you look for B student, if you want a person who's going to study with, but at the same time, have fun with, well, that's your credit criteria, then. So he is saying here that if you are going to seek a partner, a friend, that friend should be one serious about this knowledge, so that the ad could rub off on you. So that that that partnership can teach you something, you can teach them, but they can teach you as well. And you have to run away from that person who wants to waste their life, because that, you know, you can absorb that as well.

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And he says the poet had said,

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and then more electives lattice cell alata cell waltzer Corrina, Corrina Carini activity. It says don't if you want to ask about someone, don't ask about him ask about his friend, because he is going to be copying his friend. You're going to be copying whoever your real friend is. Right? If you're in Canada, they're szerint Virginie Busan, he says if that person produces evil or is an evil person is a corrupt person, then quickly run away from him. When Canada Hayden foolhardiness it, but if you find him to be virtuous, then seek His companionship and you'll be guided. So as your friend, you're going to be even if you begin to be or originally you're okay, you originally your righteous

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you originally you're dedicated. But if your friend is otherwise and is different, you are going to be like the friend that you've adopted, no matter what the character of that friend. Because a lot of people's nature, we steal things from each other, how he talks, and how I talk. After a long time of companionship, we're going to start sounding like each other, using the same words, same jokes, same expressions, what I focus on in life, what he focuses on in life, after some time, we're going to be alike. So we're going to be merging together wide because that companionship is going to acquire allow us to acquire from each other things, whether we like these things or not, but we're

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going to be acquiring from them things especially interest in life and goals.

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So, he said you know,

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in another you know, verses of poetry, he says latas ibicus, Nana, etc etc. He says I'd already the the Jedi the sorry, item, he says the inflict infection right. So the non serious or the

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bellied you know, the one who is you know, lacks understanding, it says he can infect you easily if you if you're smart. He can infect you very easily. Like he says like a hot piece of coal, if you put it among the ashes, it dies out.

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So you could be like that hot piece of coal. If you put it on wood, and or on material that is flammable, is going to produce fire. But if you put it and bury it in sand, it's going to die.

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So whatever in you, whatever interest whatever potential you have, your environment is also going to determine what's going to come out of it. You may have all the potential. There may be great things lying ahead waiting for you. But then your surroundings Where did you put yourself who is around you? What are they telling you? Where are they directing you or misdirecting you that is going to affect you so selecting a friend is nothing to be taken lightly. He says also uncontactable Allah Allahu ocea he the newhope Iran yahiro Anika AB Fattah a lot of OBS Mati, whatever it is so heavy, so heavy, he says if you want to know or you want to really seek knowledge, and you want something

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to tell you what you know, I present thing that will tell you about what is hidden, he'll tell you that there are gonna be as many as you want to know about a piece of land, even before you visit it. Consider its name.

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So for instance, you know, a piece of land is called a garden or a bluestem.

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You know, what about it? Its fertile has a lot of plants in it right? Hello, maybe a lot of animals just from the name garden. I know that piece of land is called a desert before you visited What do you know about it?

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And there's nothing there. So in fact, I've been in our lobby as Maggie had the name of Atlanta tells you about the nature of that land. That's why we call it such and such what type it is Sahib is sahibi and consider the companion to be evidence of that companion. The other person that you have not seen

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tells you about is nature some sometimes for instance,

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Since you don't know about a person who is he? What type of person is he?

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He comes in, he wants to know your daughter, you don't know much about him, you can ask about his friends, not ask his friends, you can ask his friends about him. But even before that, find out who his friends are. Because if you understand who the friends are, you know who that person is. Right?

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So this is why it's important that you select the people that will help you and bring you closer to Allah as a surgeon.

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Before we leave here, there was a question that I was asked,

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which you know, relates to selecting your teacher, which is that if there is a person whose athlete is not proper,

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can I ask can I go and seek knowledge with them? So that person's al Qaeda is not proper? Can they teach me for an can they go and ask them to teach me Koran, meaning Karanja? Neither tafsir with the Quran, or the explanation in the Hadith?

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So can I go and seek knowledge with them?

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So the answer to this is that unless it is a necessity, unless it is a necessity, when there's no one else to teach you, and there is no other way for you to learn? No, you shouldn't go and learn from them. Why is that? Because a person may say, Well, I mean, they're not just teaching me to have C. And Heidi, they're not teaching me aqeedah. Right.

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Well, where does that data come from?

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Quran and Hadith. So if a person is teaching you to see it and Hadith, they are also teaching you what?

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I pay them. Right. Right. The teaching your arcada. It's not called the title is not aqeedah. But they're teaching your Akita, if they're teaching you to see. And if they're teaching you how to say, Okay, what if they're not teaching me to see it, and they're not teaching me Hadith, but they're teaching me to do it.

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very technical. And they're teaching me grammar now, which is also very technical. How about that?

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We'll say okay, for those things, yet they are Yes, they are technical. But by the way, even when a person teaches you grammar, through the examples that they will be using, they can also be teaching you religion, and they could also be teaching your athletes. But let's suppose that is very, very technical. Again, the same rule applies, unless it's a must you can find this anywhere else, and you have to learn this, do not learn from that person. Why is that?

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why did why do you think?

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Because Yeah, because he's your teacher. And after some time, right, he's going to impress you, especially if that person has knowledge. And you begin to copy them begin to like them, and you're going to be can begin to ask them questions about this and about that. So relationship is going to develop between you two. And then it may start only with grammar, but it's gonna eventually graduate into other things. So we say that, if you are not ready, if you don't know right from wrong, you don't go and seek that person, as a teacher, learn the basics, get immunized, know what's right and know what's wrong. And then maybe, if you don't find it with anybody else, then maybe you can go and

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learn it from this person or learned from that person. But then, you know, you have all the ammunition that you need to protect yourself from Disha bohat. From doubts about al Qaeda, right. So is that clear? Okay.

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Yeah, it is related. Absolutely. Right. It is absolutely related. Now.

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Now. So now we move on to the next chapter. And this is about the Mona Amy, what la This is venerating and respecting L. and its people, so knowledge and its people. So he says that

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Bollywood films are the seeker of knowledge is not going to attain that knowledge and not find it beneficial until he venerates in and venerates the people of knowledge and venerates his teacher, and he respects him. And he quotes he says masala masala 11 huruma. He says, the person who has reached heights of knowledge only were able to reach it by employing respect by being respectful of the subject that they're studying, and the person who's teaching them and of course, the book, that is the medium of that knowledge. So that's topic itself. They respect it. And they respect the book that is carrying this knowledge and they respect also the teacher that is teaching them all of this.

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And he says, to hire aminata says respect is better than obedience. He says, Don't you see that? A human being does not disbelieve by simple

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disobedience. But he just believes if he leaves with respect. That is a person and what he's saying here is right once it's interpreted, it says it for instance, a person knows that alcohol is haram

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but unfortunately he we he's weakened he drinks it.

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Is he worse or better than a person who disregards the prohibition of alcohol and says alcohol is hella?

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Though he doesn't drink it, but he says alcohol is halal, but doesn't drink it. This person says alcohol is haram, but he's weak and he drinks it. Who is better?

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The person who drinks here is better than the person who does not drink. You agree? Right. So apparently like what is happening, this person could be even an alcoholic, that other person is sober. He has not, you know, had a sip of alcohol in his entire life. But then they believe that that person has is corrupt and is more corrupt than the practice of that person is that person is weak in practice, that person is flawed in his belief. So he when it comes to the command of Allah azza wa jal, which is very clear in the Quran, and the Sunnah, and there is consensus about it. He disregards all of this disregards the authority of the Koran, the authority of the sooner the

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authority of all the scholars and their consensus and says, No, it is Hillel. But he doesn't touch it. The other person respects he has respect for the Koran, respects for the sinner respect for the odema respects for knowledge, but then when it comes to his own weakness and his own, you know, desire, he's weak against his own desire. So that's why it's important to respect and honor and venerate the ame especially the book of Allah zoelen, the son of his prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And then he says, there are a couple of verses of poetry here, skip over those, he says, for Islam, and Allah Maka whorfin. ya da da, da da da da buka Deen. He says, if somebody teaches you some things, that's just one sentence or one word that you need religiously, he becomes, in a sense, your father, just like your father, religiously. So you have two types of parents. You have your biological parent who had given your life and you have your religious parent who had given you a life, maybe not one person, right, maybe last several around, but who had given your life religiously taught you what you were supposed to do. From early on, maybe when you were five, six,

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or seven, and you went there, and he taught you the Arabic alphabet. And then he taught you know how to read the Quran, and you memorize Quran with them, and he taught you and so on. And you continue, you know, to study with this shape and that shape. So all these shoe that have taught you are to you like a father, and you should ought to treat them like a father. there even you know, his handle, of course, your biological father, there's only one and you owe him more than you owe anybody else. But you also owe this father, religious father a lot, because he has given you religious life. So biological life, you have biological life, and you have religious life. Right? Which one is more

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important, by the way,

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religious life, or biological life, religious life, because biological life, of course, is essential, otherwise you would not be alive, physically alive. But what is biological life without being religiously alive? Without knowing Allah azzawajal that existence is doomed. That's existence as if it's non existence. In fact, the person while he's living like that, is earning the Wrath of Allah Zoda unless he's ignorant, if he's ignorant, no, he's exempt. But if a person willingly rejects Allah azzawajal and that type of religious life while he's physically alive, He is earning the Wrath of Allah azza wa jal. So this is worse, a better off being dead. But if a person has

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religious life, he has the best so religious life is the most significant one. So if somebody even Subhan Allah, you know, someone who was you know, long dead, but you open a book and you read it and that book changes your life. Oh, that person has a favor upon you. Maybe sometimes more than the favor of your own biological father because that person brought you out of the dead

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out of the dead Danny spiritually out of the desert into

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life. So that is very significant. So this is how a person is supposed to teach her our to venerate his teachers.

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And he that he quotes somebody here, which is an interesting sort of advice. He says, If you want your son to be a scholar, honor and respect other scholars, especially you know, it

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They are strangers. So straw scholars, strangers that are out of town, and they come and they have no one to host them, no one to feed them and so on. It says take care of those people, and honor them and feed them and host them and so on. Because then Allah zone will reward you, with your son becoming a scholar, or if not your son than your grandson becoming a scholar. So that's not a hadith or anything, but this is simply a recommendation from one of the odema that is, if you want your son to be a scholar, or if you want to see that in your lineage, be good to the scholars, be good to the scholars and respect them and honor them. So then Allah zodion may actually reward you by having or

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putting a scholar in your own family.

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And he says also a mental Kirill Malini, and this is interesting, he says, out of respect for your teacher, you're not supposed to do the following, or you're supposed to do the following. And am she a mama who you do not walk in front of him? When he's walking, you don't want to walk in front of him, what I used to do Sue McKenna, who he does not sit in his place, what I have to do will will kill me in the evening and he does not start speaking while in his presence until he gives him permission while a solution in the modality and he does not ask him a question. When he notices that that person is bored, his teacher is bored, doesn't want to talk while you are a locked and he

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observes his time.

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What I call baba baba spirit a look at a future ista. And he does not knock on his door, but he's patient until that was stabbed, the teacher comes out. So notice here, and some of these actually apply to your own parents. Some of this adapt applies to your own parents. So the first thing it says Liam, she, Mama, you don't know what ahead of them. So if you're walking with your teacher, you don't walk ahead, a sign of respect is either by his side or back. Right, either by his side or back. Same thing, actually, with your father. With your mother, you don't walk ahead, just because you can walk faster, you walk ahead of them a sign of respect, is that you walk either behind or

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beside. Okay, when I need you to swim acana Whoa, same thing for the parents, you don't sit in the Replace. So if your father and your mother they have a specific place at home, this is their chair, you don't go and sit there and deny them their place their favorite place. That's their place. Same thing for the teacher that was stabbed. So if he has a place in the Haleakala say, right, and he sits in that place, you don't go first come first and you occupy that place. Now that's his, so you leave it for him. That's also a sign of respect.

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And of course, of course, if you're visiting someone that applies as well, if you're a guest in someone's home, and they have a particular place, or they sit, you don't sit there unless he gives you permission that's in the Hadith. That's in the Hadith, you don't sit in that in his favorite place until your host allows you to sit well, I update it will kill me in the hotel lobby isn't and he says he does not begin to speak in his presence until he allows him to. So because the teacher right when he collects these students, he collects them to start speaking, he says, okay, don't start talking. Because that is going to upset him. And that's going to be interpreted as you being

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rude and liking manners. You don't start talking. Let him start talking. Let him say who has a question? And then you start. But don't start talking until he talks. Right?

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What are your solution in the modality? He says, and don't ask him something when he is bored? And he's tired? Right? And he's going to be talking here about how you're supposed to be patient with your teacher. He's gonna soon in Sharla mentioned, it's how you're supposed to be patient with your teacher. And some of the LMR here Oh, no, we got to understand something about human nature is that even if a scholar is a scholar, Does he ever escape being human?

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No, right. So humans get angry or no. And they get upset, and they get bored, and they get tired and they get sleepy and they get hungry. Right? So it's the same thing a scholar and some of the scholars of the past if you read about them, right, some of the scholars of the past were difficult, difficult any that students had to go back them please teach me one Hadith, just one Hadith like because just he had it that day, or the scholars just simply does not feel that he wants to teach his board is not going to replace the Teach me one heading one heading. This is no not even one head. He just closes the door.

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So as collar, yes, he's a scholar and he's an alum and he has a lot and if you're not patient with him, you're not going to get what he has. So you have to avoid upsetting him. You have to avoid upsetting him and understand that he may have a character he may have specific, you know, likes and dislikes. So you must understand that so when you know that he's

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When he's angry, when he's sleepy when he's tired, don't go and call him. Don't go and ask him Don't go and stop him and say, because he's going to be fed up after some time, and he's not going to answer any of your questions. So you got to also out of respect, but also out of wisdom, know when to ask, and how many questions etc, etc. Well, you're, I'll often also observe the time, right? So if he has said, for instance, I'll teach from this time to that time, or you can call me from this time to that time. Okay, you can call me at eight. For questions. That's not 805.

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Follow me. Eight o'clock is what? Not 805? Not eight. Oh, 10. Not 820. Not 839 o'clock. That's not it while you're at a locked, so if he tells you, you can meet me now, at seven, it's 7701. You're late.

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Right. And if we were living back then with a scholar was really strict. They say under the punishment for you a whole week, you're not gonna learn anything from just to learn discipline. And it's important to actually today we can do this, right? That's hard to do this today. Because you say, Oh, look at this irlam and what he is, and he should have manners in Buddhism manners. Where are the matters of the province of OSI means you're gonna lose, you're gonna lose if you do this today. But you know, really, like, effectively, you should be very punctual. Right, very punctual. So if you say he says, you know, meet me at this time, talk to me at this time, you have five

00:31:27 --> 00:31:29

minutes, you have 10 minutes. That's it.

00:31:30 --> 00:31:56

All right. And as some of the some of the shoe up on some of the shoe to the ground shoe, he will tell you and He will tell you, okay, five minutes, was the five minutes are done, done. You cannot ask him anything. You have one question. Right. You have one question, you asked him one question and have another he says no, that's it. I told you one question only. That's it and done. Because he has other people, right? And yet other things, you know that he's thinking about what to pull back? But yes, we do have a fiduciary standard, and he says he doesn't knock on his door.

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But he's patient until the teacher comes out. And this is what if not a best of all, the Alon who used to do.

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And he from his, from his biography, from what he said about himself, when he was very young, he would go and seek the knowledgeable among the Sahaba, the senior Sahaba keys as a hobby himself, but he would go and seek them. And he would if he goes and he finds that the door is closed, and it's time for he made, they may be sleeping, he sits by the door. And it's hot, and it's windy, and it's dusty. But he sits by the door until that teacher comes out until that's the hobby comes out. And he finds there.

00:32:35 --> 00:32:36

Even though a bass,

00:32:37 --> 00:33:21

the cousin of profits a lot isn't. So it says you should have called for me, right? That's what he's saying this hobby, he should have called for me I would come to you, he says no, we are commanded to do this. So he sits and he waits for this teacher to come. And then when the teacher is ready, and he comes out, then he talked to him. Right? So though that is, you know, part of the job that you should have with his dad and cultivate with his dad and he says, you know, you know, in summary, that he tries to please Him and tries to avoid displeasing him, and listens to him and obeys him as long as he does not command him to disobey Allah xojo. So if he asks him to do things, and that's

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not a Masia, and that's not a sin. He complies, and he does what his teacher is telling him.

00:33:27 --> 00:34:07

And he says here, you have two pieces of poetry. Interesting, too. He says, teacher in NY named Bobby Bakhita, whom he says the teacher and doctor, both of them lie on suhani either home eukroma, they are not going to give you good advice if you do not respect them and honor them. First badly that occur in your photophobia who he says so if you displease your doctor, just be patient with your sickness. Right? Right. If you're patient with your doctor, your doctor is not going to give you any good advice. And I'm going to give you any good medicine, no good prescriptions, and I'm going to listen to you so be patient with your sickness, what can I be janica mgf of the mollema.

00:34:07 --> 00:34:47

And be patient with your ignorance if you displace your teacher. So because you need both of them, so I need the doctor, right? I don't know if they can do this today, but you need your doctor. So I need to please my doctor and make sure that he's in a good mood so that he gives me the attention that I need. And so he gives me the medicine that I need. Otherwise, go go to another doctor. That's it. And the teacher is the same thing. You want to extract the best from your teacher the best from your doctor, you have also to be your best. And he says he tells us a teacher tells a story of the halifa Harun Rashid Rahim Allah. He says when he said he sent his son to a last mile and last mile

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is a great scholar, the Arabic language. So he sent his son that so Harun is the halifa and the whole effort had this habit of sending their

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Children, to teachers. It's like your special tutors. And those special tutors were supposed to teach them. But in a sense, in a way it is also grooming for them to become what future qualified future killers. So they are being groomed, they are being trained, they are being educated. So that's a special type of education for them. So he sent to one of his children to asthma so that He will teach him literature at that poetry and so on. So one of those days, he says, He saw how long he saw.

00:35:36 --> 00:36:20

He saw a loss, marry, making window and the son of the halifa was pouring water. And last night he was making with with that water. So he said he was, in a sense, he blamed the last May, when he talked to him, he went and talked to last man, he said, he blamed him and he said, I sent him to you, so that you will teach him and discipline him and teach him at the manners. Why didn't you not ask him to pour the water with one hand and wash your foot with the other hand? That is you don't even need to do anything. That is, though he is the son of the halifa. And this is something that is missing today. missing data. What if some, if someone is rich, you know, their father, son, their

00:36:20 --> 00:36:33

daughter, they don't do any manual labor at all right? They don't know the meaning of manual labor, they get spoiled. And sometimes you don't even need to be reached rich. A person is well into his team's well into his 20s. And still, who does the laundry?

00:36:34 --> 00:36:47

Parents who cooks? parents, who does the grocery parents and then he said Why are they not independent? Why don't they have a job? Why don't they are now married is because there's still What?

00:36:48 --> 00:37:26

Babies All right. They're still babies, big babies, but they're still babies. They don't know how to do any of these things, right? We spoil them. But you don't want to spoil them from from an early age they have to know what it means to do all of these things. They must This is how you build character. So later on, you don't have to teach them this is how you lose the washer. This is how you will no no this is already ingrained in them. They know how to do it organize their time. There's discipline in their life. So here he said what he says he is supposed to learn how to respect his teachers. This has to be ingrained in him. So I don't want him to be taught simply pour

00:37:26 --> 00:37:43

water and you're making although he has to although you in essence, right? He has to make for you. Especially like feed Washington feed may not be so easy to watch. Reach your feet, especially if you're older and whatever. He washes your feet with one hand he's boring the water with the other he's washing your feet What is he learned from that?

00:37:45 --> 00:37:51

To welder? humility, humility. Why am I doing this to that person? And my father is who?

00:37:53 --> 00:37:54

Do you know what my father is?

00:37:55 --> 00:38:25

Do you know my father is the halifa but he's the one who's telling me you have to do this. So that you don't say Do you know who my father is? So you understand that this for who your teacher is always going to be your teacher is going to always have a favor on you is always you know gonna be someone that you need to respect no matter how old you get. So that manual labor that respect which you know is panela break breaks someone's ego allows you also to be humble and to recognize that value of what you are learning.

00:38:27 --> 00:38:33

And he says women thought the mill ama says and also a part of venerating knowledge no is now moving to the book,

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he says is to venerate and to respect the book are part of venerating knowledge is to venerate and respect the book for him, but it's only with me Allah hudl kita Illa with O'Hara, he says he should only handle a book while in a state of what

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we'll do. Now this is of course not a must.

00:38:57 --> 00:39:06

But it's recommended or according to some scholars an obligation that when you handle the Quran, you should have what we'll do. And why do you do this? Because you're handling what book

00:39:08 --> 00:39:35

a book of Allah as the origin. So part of feeling, feeling, and sometimes sometimes the feeling is there and it get translated into action. And sometimes the action produces the feeling, right? Sometimes the veneration itself produces the feeling. So when you have a person so suppose for instance, there's a king and he wants people to respect him, what does he do?

00:39:36 --> 00:39:37

bow to me.

00:39:39 --> 00:39:56

He will say bow to me, why bow because the more that you do it, the more that you will have feelings of submission to that King and respect to that King. This is the body teaching the heart. So when you are handling the Quran, and you have what do you learn to respect what

00:39:57 --> 00:39:59

the Quran says bye

00:40:00 --> 00:40:40

Because these books also contain commentaries on the Quran, not saying is a necessity but because they have these extended explanations of the Quran, the Hadith have Allah's names in it. He says, part of that respect is that when you want to handle a book like that, you do it with Shahada. And he quotes here somebody who says about himself, he says, I was able to attain this knowledge, by respect, because I've always when I handle these papers, I always had, the harder I always had will do in me, that tells you about the amount of respect that a person has to what is inside the paper, that paper itself is meaningless. It's just paper, but what's inside that paper is important enough

00:40:41 --> 00:40:50

that the person will only touch it if they have the Hata similar universe of analog to email, MADI Rahim, Allah is that if he wants to give a

00:40:51 --> 00:41:23

there's a lesson about heddy from his water, that's mainly what he was doing, he would only do it upon the huddle. And only though before he does it, he goes into his home, he puts on perfume he puts on nice clothes, and he comes doing this, why does he do that? Because of the subject, because of the subject, right? Otherwise, you can come up you know, with as we said, you had a stained clothes and whatever and smelly clothes. And you can do and it could be you could say the same thing, but it will not have the same effect on you on on the people when you do that. So it's not part of respect.

00:41:25 --> 00:41:31

If you if you don't pay attention to how you're handling the book, and how also you know how you're dressed.

00:41:32 --> 00:42:15

And he says he quotes another person. And that person says about himself, he says kanima tone and fee Laila, he had stomach pain, something like a diarrhea or something, or gas. And one night, what can you get it and he used to repeat, either sit, you know, to repeat what he had memorized, or repeat, reading parts of his lesson. And he said he made that night 17 times, because he used to repeat what he's supposed to memorize, to study. And of course, he had stomach pains. So he would break his will do make will do again and study and then breakers will do and so on. So he said he did it in one single night, 17 times of will do because he would only repeat it whatever he had

00:42:15 --> 00:42:29

memorized or wants to study only upon the hotter. And he says because this knowledge is light, and will do is light. So if you have will do, the light of knowledge only shines brighter.

00:42:30 --> 00:42:36

Right? So if you have will do. And if you're doing it right, this knowledge only will shine brighter.

00:42:37 --> 00:42:40

And he says also Amina talim, or radziwill alum

00:42:42 --> 00:43:25

or before the book, it says also part of the veneration is that if you have a book, you don't extend your feet towards it. Right? You don't extend your feet towards it. And he puts the book of Tafseer above all other books out of respect, and does not put anything on top of that book, or the books of knowledge. So if you have a book of knowledge, part of respect is what if it is lying on the floor, you don't extend your feet towards it, right? And if you're stacking books, you don't stack anything on top of it. You put it on top, and what's the last thing he said Oh, when you don't put anything else on top of that book. So there is something you have a special relationship to the book itself.

00:43:26 --> 00:43:27

And he says also

00:43:29 --> 00:44:12

hokey and so on. So he says in no other mokara Medina, Medina woman, Todd Nadeem, no woman, no common Latina. He says there were some reasons for his regret in dealing with a book and what he was writing on the book he says mopod Medina, Medina, he says, When I'm when if we wrote on the margins of the book write in a cramped style. There's a very small letters. It says later on, when we did that, we regretted that we've done that because it was hard to what see it later. So layered, like sometimes when you're young, and you're writing on the margins, the book top side bottom, and you're writing very small, is now you know now you can see it later on when you need glasses and you're

00:44:12 --> 00:44:51

older you can't see it's so we regret it writing in that fashion. And he says woman to have dinner in the demonizes when we were writing summaries, or when writing notes on the side, it says when we were summarizing without an explanation. Later on, when we came to read it, we did not understand it, because that had lacked an explanation in it. And I don't know if you take notes when you're writing or not, whether it's on the side of the book or on a different in a journal. But sometimes because you just studied this is still fresh in your mind. You may write a summary of it one sentence, that sentence may not be even complete. Come back a month later you read that sentence you

00:44:51 --> 00:44:59

want to understand what you wrote. It's only then that you understand it. But now you forgot that lesson. You're looking at what you wrote and it doesn't make sense. What is this?

00:45:00 --> 00:45:40

All right, it's like an even it's getting complete. So he says into hudna, if you want to select write complete sentences. And in a way that later on, if you were to read it on its own, you'll understand what you actually wrote. Right? And he says, What marlim no kaabil nadina. He says one on COVID-19. net, that is if we wrote something, but if we did not cross check it with something else, compare it with the original I, then we will regret it later, because our whatever we wrote, or whatever we have selected would be inaccurate. But it's interesting about what that is, when you are reading actually part of the what's advisable, recommended to do when you are reading is to take

00:45:40 --> 00:45:40


00:45:41 --> 00:46:24

whether you can do and you can do it in two ways, right, as you are reading on the margins, right on the side, you take notes, and that note could be one, a summary of what that paragraph has said, or a very interesting point in it that he did not find anywhere else, or something that is, you know, not understood, mysterious, and you need someone to explain it to you, or a mistake that you found. So you make that you leave it on the margins of the book, The second phase, the second phase of it is that you go after you finish that chapter, or if after you finish that book, and you collect it all, and you put it in the front or in the back so that everything that is ever of importance in

00:46:24 --> 00:46:52

that book is available to you. So let's say for instance, this book, right? You take notes, and there are some important points in it right after you finish this whole insha Allah course, you go back and you take those important notes, and you put it on one page. So that way, later on, when you can come back and visit this book, you can just turn to one page, and it can tell you about the important points in it. Write a summary of what you found interesting, or,

00:46:53 --> 00:47:34

you know, questions that need to be answered. And then later on, there's a third phase, if you wish to even go further. You take what is here, and you put it in one book. In a journal, you collect it all in one journal. So one journal, for instance, for benefits that you found. One journal is for the questions, one journal is for the mistakes, and so on later on, if you want to ask a person a question, you have two, three pages full of questions. Or if you find benefits, you want to consult those benefits back, you can only have an all you have to go to one place, and all of the benefits that you found the lessons that you want, all of them are arranged in one journal, so that inshallah

00:47:34 --> 00:47:46

facilitates you seeking knowledge, right? But then when you write began in big make sure that what you're writing will last well less than the sense of you can read it later and you'll be able to understand it later.

00:47:49 --> 00:48:07

No, and then he says, you know, and from honoring knowledge is to honor your companions and respect them and honor the lesson and the one who would that you learn from and he says with the middle docoments mo Manila Futala built in a thermal lock theory means you know, to be humble, be nice, be kind.

00:48:10 --> 00:48:37

Yanni tolerate someone's insults or bad manners, he says that top of the milk he says it's, it's in other areas, it's humiliation, and it's not needed. But in seeking knowledge to be tolerant to be patient with somebody who's you know, ill treatment, if he is your teacher, as long as there's no harm in it. But if he is your teacher, he says it's still praiseworthy, because you are seeking a lot from him.

00:48:41 --> 00:48:42


00:48:43 --> 00:48:44

Then he says,

00:48:48 --> 00:49:18

No. Then he says that he thought he would tell me the secret of knowledge. He says he should listen to him to knowledge and to hikma with respect, whether he's listening to it for the first time, or listening to it for the 1,000th time. Whatever is the first time or 1,000th time he should listen to it with respect. And he says if you do not respect it at the 1,000th time, the way that you respected it the first time you heard it, then you're not really a person of knowledge.

00:49:20 --> 00:49:47

So sometimes you may hear an idea and its explanation, or a hadith and its explanation. And you say well, I've heard this so many times that I already know it is is no even though you already know this, you still while you are sitting if you are sitting and if you choose to sit, you need to respect that setting and you need to respect the knowledge that is being delivered Even if you say I would

00:49:48 --> 00:49:49

know it

00:49:50 --> 00:49:59

because that you owe that respect to the Quran. And you know that respect to the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam and to the statements of the people of knowledge you owe them that

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Respect, even if you say I know all of this. And if they said if has not had that has not settled in your heart, that you need to respected that there is Baraka simply sometimes in listening, if that has not settled in your heart, then you're not of the people of knowledge. Because that knowledge did not benefit you. It will only benefit you when you start to esteem the name of Allah when the name of Allah is being mentioned Hadeeth, who was the one that mentioned over a civil license? Lm is there that you start listening? That's when you know that that knowledge has started to benefit you. But when you're talking, just like in halaqa, let's say, right, it happens with the sisters, more

00:50:37 --> 00:50:39

than it happens with the brothers. You know why?

00:50:41 --> 00:50:41


00:50:42 --> 00:51:21

Because they're secluded, right? There. They're hidden. But if it's there, here, they won't do it, right. But they're secluded. So that's why sometimes it's easier for them. I don't know if they're listening to me or not, but it's easier for them right? To start talking. While there's a * of a lot going on. Well, that's no excuse. If you are present in the halaqa, then you were present what in the * aka if you're not no want to be in the halaqa? Then you do what you exit is part of the respect that you owe to the name of Allah as the origin to the name of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is that you listen and you venery? Even if, as you say it's simple, and I know this and that, okay?

00:51:21 --> 00:51:44

No, not, it's not, because maybe Allah zildjian First of all, may bless you, because you're listening this particular time. You heard it 100 times before, but Allah bless you, because and forgive you because you're listening at this particular time. Second of all, maybe because you decided to respect the words of Allah and His Prophet, that Allah will give you extra knowledge, just this case, simply because you have listened.

00:51:45 --> 00:51:57

How many times maybe, I don't know if you had that experience or not. You've read an idea. And you read this I how many times and then one of those times you reading this idea, and you discover something new in it?

00:51:58 --> 00:51:59

Does that happen to you?

00:52:01 --> 00:52:42

So this is an example of if you did not respect it at that time, I was not going to give you that knowledge in it. Right? I'm going to give it to you. So when you decide, there's something in it, I want to listen, I'm looking Allah gives it. So out of respect Allah zodac gives knowledge if you like it, and knowledge is going to run away from you, because you did what you ran away from it. So that person should approach knowledge whenever he hears it with Tallinn with huruma Oh, someone somebody is talking about a lot of time talking about his prophet, listen, if I don't have the ability to listen, then I exit because I don't want to, in a sense, desecrate desecrate that place.

00:52:44 --> 00:52:49

Then he says, you know, to him online, he says, you know, this is going back to the teacher. And going back to the

00:52:52 --> 00:53:28

types of knowledge he says, Don't try to select knowledge yourself. But you follow the law that was static, meaning you go to your teacher, and you tell him what type of thing I should study? What type of book should I begin with? Because your teacher has experience. teacher has tried this book and this book and that book and that book, so he can actually direct you to what is going to save you time rather than you going through one thing and the other and going through obstacles unnecessary. He is going to save you time. Yeah, that's it. All right. Make the road easy for you the path easier for you. And we'll tell you what to do. So he says try to refer that back to your

00:53:28 --> 00:54:15

teacher. And he says also Emily to me and he said is Angela demeanor that secret of knowledge should also avoid bad manners. Because he says because they are metaphorical dogs, metaphorical dogs. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says that the angels do not enter a house where there is a dog or a picture. Right? So he's saying, indeed you are learning through an angel. Right? You're learning through an angel, right? Because you always have an angel beside you as there is an ash a thong beside you. There's also an angel, there's always beside you. So you're only learning through an angel. And if you have bad character, this bad character is like these metaphorical dogs that will

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not allow the angel to teach you.

00:54:18 --> 00:54:52

It's like especially arrogance and pride. So if you're a proud person, how can you tolerate your teacher? How can you see and learn from them? You better be humble. But in general, right? In general, bad manners are an obstacle. If you're not patient, if you're not thankful, if you're not, you ask Allah for forgiveness constantly. If you're not good to your mates and companions, if you're not good to your teacher in general, if you all have bad manners, and that is an obstacle between you and me.

00:54:53 --> 00:54:54

And if you are seeking,

00:54:56 --> 00:55:00

you're seeking knowledge and it's not helping you improve your

00:55:00 --> 00:55:04

manners, then you must understand that that is not benefiting you.

00:55:06 --> 00:55:14

Because what is the benefit of this? And by the way, we talked this about, right? We talked about this and I think maybe the first, what's the benefit of whatever we are learning? What is it?

00:55:15 --> 00:55:16

What do you want to do with it?

00:55:19 --> 00:55:36

To obey Allah azza wa jal apply it to take it, and you apply it. So if you're learning the Quran, and the Quran, and the Hadith and learning, you know, the fifth and all of this, but you only are storing it here in your mind, but it's not translating into anything physical, you know that there is a block.

00:55:37 --> 00:55:56

And then your your obligation then is to remove this block not to go and keep learning for more accumulating and accumulating what you already know. But you're not applying that. But understand why is there a block maybe you need to learn more to unblock this block, but you need to understand why is there a block that is stopping me from I know that lying is haram, but I lie.

00:55:57 --> 00:56:37

And why am I doing this to you? I know I should respect my parents, and in all their Hadeeth, but I disrespect them constantly. Okay, so why am I doing that? I know, for instance, that I'm supposed to be humbled, but I'm anything but humble. I know that I'm supposed to pray on time, but I don't pray on time. So okay, what is the benefit of whatever I'm learning? If it's not making me a better Muslim closer to Allah zodion. So as we said that that knowledge becomes what? A hedge against you evidence against you with Allah xojo done with people, but he may mainly with a lot. Am I taught you all of this, where's the application? There is none. So we're saying that that type of knowledge is

00:56:37 --> 00:56:42

not real knowledge. So that's why luck is the greatest reflection.

00:56:44 --> 00:57:22

I want to say it's the greatest reflection that you are learning, and you're learning the right thing. And what you're learning is benefiting you. And if you notice that you're on a path where you are learning or supposedly you think that you are learning, but your life is getting worse and worse, that you're getting harsher and harsher with people and you're looking down or whom you consider it to be in the masses. Meaning we you consider yourself We are the Knowledgeable and everybody else is ignorant and dumb. If you look at people like that, so you don't have Rama, you don't have mercy. So as your what you think your knowledge is expanding, your Rama is shrinking. And

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rather than focusing on what unites the Mohammed sallallahu wasallam, you're just interested in bickering and fighting and discovering who's wrong and why they are wrong and so on. And this is the benefit of your knowledge that you're finding and you're backbiting so and so and suspecting so and so and spent is spreading groundless accusation about so and so that's your main thing. When you're becoming religious. then guess what? You're not really becoming religious or you. You just look like you're becoming religious. And sooner or later, whatever you're doing is going to collapse. Because it has no no substance to it. You get what I'm saying? Because what you're doing is actually harming

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harming others, but it's harming you, and you won't be able to maintain it. Because it's empty here. You'll only be able to get how many years Can you keep you know, backbiting, backbiting, backbiting, maligning, accusing, so on so on, so on? How many years could you do this, after some time, you'll find that you're empty here, I can go on and see if collapse, you will collapse. So that's not the type of person you know, that's not even at all. So you should always measure and check what you're learning by your application and by your manners and by your luck and how you are with the people around you. And you find that Oh, it's it's not really bearing any fruit you need to pause and say

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is the problem with what I'm learning with my teacher with that friends that I have around me or with my me with my own application that it's non existent. There's there's a problem and one of these areas and we should also

00:58:57 --> 00:59:40

try to see what what the cause of that problem is. The last thing inshallah that will mentioned, he said, he says, you know, just to illustrate or drive home the point, that arrogance and knowledge they do not come together. It doesn't add any more horrible lil fatale Medallia is his knowledge is the enemy of the arrogant of the young, who is arrogant kaseylee How to burn mechanical alley, like water, or like the stream of water is an enemy to the Highlands, you know, to the mountains and to the hills. So water doesn't settle there. But it goes and leaves and goes down and leaves them and so if you're hottie and you are arrogant, also knowledge will leave you like water leaves a hill and

00:59:40 --> 00:59:50

a mountain. So it's the same matter. So in order for you to be able to gain knowledge to gain and you got to be humbled, first of all with your teacher and also with your

00:59:51 --> 00:59:59

friends and companions and study mates who are learning from you and also respect the book itself. Shall

01:00:00 --> 01:00:03

Think. Let me see. I don't want to take us all the way to Asia.

01:00:09 --> 01:00:17

Let's see insha Allah if we have questions, and maybe if we have no questions we can do just a little bit more in shalvis let's see if we have questions.

01:00:24 --> 01:00:25

ramping up with the pictures

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