Ahsan Hanif – Tafseer As SaDi #09

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The history and meaning of the title "Art of Jesus" in the Bible is discussed, including its use in various titles like the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the fruit of the
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica incremental nahi barakato

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Samina Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Olathe Batali Motoki Nola Ilana Lolly mean we should do hola hola hola hola hola Shakira hula hula well you know Lafayette in we should do an A B and A Muhammad Abdul who are sued over Mustafa Al Amin la masala was selling Mubarak it who are the early he was r&b he he marine bad. So today's the ninth day in the reading on the commentary of this book of cod Cyril Karim Rahman vtct, Colombian manaan morphemes to notice that the fear of a Saudi by the shahada Rahmani Nasir of Saudi who died in the year 1376 of the Hijra Rahim Allah Tala, Promethean Vasya and we are currently on the to zero Surah Takamoto verse number 18.

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Unreliable Alameen wa salatu salam ala ala Rasulillah he was early he was a big mind a lot more fildena When he showed me you know anyway he didn't know what didn't help at

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all I'm sorry for Rahima who love you to see your coding Allah He Tada bounder our OB la he Mina che it on your lodging, business Bismillah manual for washing cars.

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Okay, if I can be you I know disbelieved, then how will my punishment and my warnings in

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leymarie sold or sold via will mean I've seen was stymied. So we sent against them a furious cold wind

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on an unremittingly in auspicious day.

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Second, oranges were not clean

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and we swept the people away as if they were trunks of uprooted palm trees. Fuck a fucka Neither be ye noodle, then how will my punishment in my warnings while Acorda Yes, some

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kriva and a

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decade we have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember is there any who pay heed? Is there then any who will pay heed? Odd were known weren't well known tribe in Yemen, to whom Allah sent Who are they salaam to call them to affirm the his oneness and worship Him alone, but they rejected him. So Allah sent against them a furious cold when there is a very powerful wind on repeating unremittingly in auspicious day, there is a day that brought severe punishment and misery upon them. unremittingly, the punishment lasted for seven consecutive nights and eight consecutive days, as we mentioned yesterday, Surah to communism Surah, which Allah subhanaw taala speaks about

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the destruction of the past nations who rejected the prophets and messengers, and that's why in all of the turnings of the stories of the prophets, and so little comma, las Panatela only focuses on the destruction of the nations it doesn't speak about the data of the profits, the conversations that they had, doesn't speak about any of that He only speaks about the end result. What was the end result when they rejected Allah? They rejected their profits they were destroyed. So yesterday we finished we mentioned the story of know how to use Anam Allah just spoke about the drowning of his people, the drowning of the people when they rejected know how do you salatu salam and here, Allah

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azza wa jal is speaking about the people of Ireland, and how they will punished also their punishment of the seven days and eight nights of punishment that was sent upon them and they turned away from Allah subhanaw taala. And that's why there are two verses that are repeated multiple times within the surah. The first of them is for Keifa can either be one other than how will my warnings or my punishments when they didn't heed them? Meaning that Allah azza wa jal told them that they will be punished, warn them, told them to pay heed to those warnings. And when they rejected or they ignored those warnings, and the warnings or those punishments or those punishments came along, I was

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asking them a rhetorical question, how do you find those punishments? How do you find those warnings that you had failed to take heed of which kept the people away? Because it was so strong and fierce, it lifted them up to the sky, then hold them down to earth and destroy them. Thus they became as if they were trunks of approved palm trees. That is, as if their body

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After the destruction, or like the hollow trunks of palm trees that had been struck by the wind and fallen to the ground, how was this? How was this people aren't a lot if they disobey His commands, then how will my punishment in my warnings by Allah, it was a painful punishment and the warnings left no excuse for anyone. We have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember, if there is there then any who will pay heed a lot of pieces phrase our mercy and care for his slaves, as he calls them to that which is in the in their best interest in this world and the hereafter and this is the second verse that is repeated multiple times in the Surah wala Katya sundal Quran Allah Vic

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Valmy Medaka we have made the Quran easy, as a reminder, easy to be remembered. So will there be anyone who will then remember it, and it is easy in its remembrance in two primary ways. The first of them in terms of its memorization, easy for people to learn, easy for people to memorize, and that is why more or less every single Muslim in the world has memorized some portion of the Quran. Even though many of them the vast majority, they don't speak the Arabic language and how many from those people have that memorized more than a few songs they memorize a quarter of the Quran, a 10th of the Quran, all of the Quran, half the Quran, from the youngest children to the oldest people. And

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so Allah subhanaw taala has made a book that is easy to remember, even if you don't speak Arabic, you don't know a single word, you can still memorize the Quran. And you can know the Quran in terms of its words, and its rulings of text read and the manner of its recitation. And that is from the miracles of the book of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And then Allah azza wa jal has made it easy in terms of his remembrance, because its lessons and its principles and that which you benefit from. It's easy for those people who are willing to spend some time and learn them and reflect upon them. They're not difficult or it's not a difficult book Allah subhanaw taala says that we sent it to a

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people who the vast majority of the time of the prophets of Allah Allah, He will send them will who illiterate they couldn't read the Quran, right? So Allah azza wa jal didn't make it a complicated book, law subhanaw taala made it easy for people to understand easy to reflect upon easy to practice interaction.

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But moving Moodle, Moodle rejection rejected the warnings for Callooh especially on

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hidden Debbie who in

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Eden life Ebola new as well. They said what are we to follow a single human from among ourselves then we would surely have fallen into error and madness

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will create the crew of a human being in battle who occurred when she has a message being sent to him alone oh all of us may he's an insulin insulin liar

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so yeah, Nemo Nevada um many will get the bull escheated tomorrow, they will know who the incident lawyer is in the room in

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the fitting room followed to people whom was studied

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value we are sending the sheikh ammo as a test for them. So watch them and be patient.

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When a bit home

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of this smitten by you know whom, who lose you to be

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double and tell them that the water is to be shared between them. Each will be allowed to drink in turn for an Erdos or hey Behan, feta is off.

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But they they called their companion and he sees the sheet camo and hamstrung her. Okay, if I can either be one or two.

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Then how am I punishment in my warnings in

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Olson? lamesley Hurting why either? So you had them why did

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she mean to lead?

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Well, We sent against them a single blast, and maybe they became like twice ticks collected to build a pen for livestock.

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What occurred as some call Lizzy kriva handed me the kid. We have indeed made the Quran easy to understand and remember, is there then any who will pay heed the mood, who were the well known tribe in the land of El Hijo, rejected the warnings of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, when he called them to worship Allah alone with no partner or associate and warn them of the consequences if they disobeyed Him, but they rejected his message and were arrogant towards him, they said, out of arrogance and insolence. What are we to follow a single human from among ourselves? That is how can we follow human and non angel who is from among ourselves and not from among others who are greater

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than than us and in people's, you know, as we mentioned before,

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This was one of the accusations or one of the reasonings and justifications that people used to have in rejecting their profits. How come he's been chosen for profit or as opposed to us all clear the cruelty he mean, Bina did Allah gave him revelation and then excluded the rest of us. And that's because usually the prophets of Allah azza wa jal, were not from the leaders of their people in terms of the one that was powerful, when they weren't the most wealthiest and they weren't the most influential in that sense. They were always people that were going to be stronger than them. And that's the Sunnah of Allah azza wa jal, because those were the people then who would oppose them,

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they would be the arch enemies. And so this is what the people of Saudi has saying to him. Why did Allah choose you? Surely if you wanted to choose someone who would have chosen one of the one who's someone was stronger, more wealthier, nobler, more able to lead and so on, and that's like what the people said to the prophets of Allah wherever he was sending him. If Allah azza wa jal was going to send the Quran Lola Newsela, the Quran Allah Rajani minakari A teeny Aleem, if Allah had chosen to send the Quran, why didn't you choose to send it to one of the leaders of the two major nations meaning Quraysh and the people of five the thief, meaning send it to Abuja, send it Ebola, these

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other leaders want Allah choose them, why Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this was often a issue that they had all of the all of the previous nations, this is often one of the things that they had is Allah Azza dimensions here, the saying the same thing about Saudi Hadees or the more he is just one man, then if we follow him in the in that case, we will surely have fallen into error and madness, that is we will be LOST and DOOMED. These words stemmed from their misguidance and wretchedness, for they were reluctant to follow a human messenger, but they were not reluctant to worship trees, rocks and images. And that is the fallacy of the thinking. The man we're not gonna

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follow because he's a human like us will worship the tree will worship the storm, or worship the animal that makes more sense to them than to follow someone who says that I've come to you with Revelation words and science and miracles from Allah subhanaw taala as a message being sent to him alone out of all of us, that is, How could Allah single him out from among us and send the message down to him or makes him so special out of all of us? This is an objection on the part of the disbelievers to Allah, and they kept on presenting this argument and rejecting the call of the messengers on the basis thereof. Allah respond to this species argument by means of what the

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messengers sent to their nations. Their messenger said to them, indeed we are humans, we are human beings like yourself, but Allah bestows a favor upon whomever he wills obviously loves me and says Does it Allah know best as Allah says, Allah in the Quran, Allahu Allah, more hate your child already started that doesn't Allah know best? Who should who's worthy of being His messenger? Allah knows best, the noblest of His creation, the most pious, who's worthy of being as Prophets and Messengers.

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Allah bless the messengers by bestowing upon them sublime attributes and characteristics that made them fit to convey the message of their Lord and be chosen to receive His revelation. By His mercy and wisdom. They were human beings, for if they had been angels, humans would not have been able to learn from them. If Allah had caused them to be among to be from among the angels, who would have hastened the punishment for those who disbelieved in the intention behind these words that the mood said to the Prophet saw, was a rejection of him. Hence they they judged him in an unfair manner, and said, No, he's an insolent liar. That is, he tells many lies and does a great deal of evil.

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May Allah Kristen, how foolish How foolish and evil they were, and how badly they confronted the sincere people with insulting words. It is no wonder that Allah punish them when they went too far in transgression. Allah said that she can, which was one of the greatest blessings that He bestowed upon them. One of the signs of Allah, her milk was sufficient for all of them, as a test for them, that is a as a trial for them. So watch them also. And be patient that is be patient in calling them watch and see what happened to them, and see whether they will believe or disbelieve and tell them that the water is to be shared between them, tell them that the water source from which which they

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drink is to be shared between them, and that she can choose to drink one day and they are to drink another day, according to a set schedule.

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Each will be allowed to drink a turn, that is the one whose turn it is may go there and the one whose turn it is not, is to be kept away. And as we mentioned before the people of Saudi ThermoWood they demanded the sign they asked Saudi Suriname to bring out to Sheikh Kamal to according to some narrations of the books that I've seen from Morocco from the side of the mountain. So Allah azza wa jal granted them this miracle but the miracles of Allah azza wa jal are always a test. The miracle is a test. So now that they have the sheikh camera they are told this is Allah's camel, as Allah says also how the Napa to Allah. This is the Sheikh Hamad of Allah Minister a miracle that Allah

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gave to you. So now you can't harm it. You can't write it. You can't kill it. You can't slaughter it, don't do anything to it. The sheep come on would go to the water source because the water in those lands and

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As in most of Arabian, the olden days was limited. So she would go to the camel to the water spring, and she would drink it dry in a day. So they started to complain. Sloth howdy salatu salam said this is the test from Allah subhanaw taala. It drinks one day, you drink one day, but the day that it drinks you can drink from its milk. So either way you benefit either way you get sustenance but not harm the she camel, but because of their disbelief and because of the arrogance, they would, as you know, hamstring yours.

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But they call their companion who was the one who actually have the she camel. He was the most wretched member of the tribe. And he sees that she camo and have Shankar doing what they instructed him to do. This is also something which we've covered before and that is that it was one man and then a Tulpas disciple. rathas. Allah mentions Allah in the Quran. They're the ones that went first and foremost to harm the camel but Allah azza wa jal as he does here, he mentioned also in the Quran, Fernando they call the companion all of them are complicit, but obviously only a few people can actually kill the camo. whole nation can kill a single camera, it's only going to be a few

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people. So those are the people that Allah azza wa jal calls the most wretched. They're the ones who went with their own hands to go and slaughter that come up. But there are people who are complicit and that's why Allah azza wa jal associate, they call the companion mean all of them were involved. They all agreed that this would be the cause of action.

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Then how are my my punishment in my warnings? They were severe indeed. Allah sent against them a blast and an earthquake that destroy them to the last man, but Allah save Salah and those who believed with him. We have indeed made the Quran easy to understand remember is there then any who will pay heat?

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Get their butts Komu in Moodle, the people of load rejected the warnings in

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name Housley been in

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the Jaina visa how we sent against them a violence coil of pebbles would destroy them or except the family of loot. We delivered them before dawn

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Dena gather Licona Jersey Shaco by our Grace thus do We reward those who give thanks

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well according

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to whom both are short and fat Fatima Hello being Moodle. here indeed warn them of our punishment on slot but they doubted the warnings

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what are called Aura whoo hoo.

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Boy if he felt on Mesna Are you know whom Dooku either be when

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they demanded that he let them have the way with his guests. So we blind to their eyes saying taste my punishment and My Warnings.

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what are called us by whom bukata Neither

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early in the morning a lasting punishment over took them further walk or maybe one or two days my punishment in my warnings, what are called as

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an early victory for a

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decade. We have made we have indeed made the Quran easy to understand. And remember is that then any who will pay heed the people of low to rejected the warnings. When Luth Ali Salam called them to worship Allah alone, with no partner or associate and he forbade them to ascribe partners to Allah or commit shame for these that were unprecedented among other nations. But they rejected him and persisted in their polytheism and evil these to the extent that when people have a lot heard about the angels, who came to loot in the guise of guests, they came rushing, wanting to commit shameful deeds with them, and demanding they're demanding that he let them have their way with them. So Allah

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commanded up ly salaam to blind your eyes with his wing and the Prophet, warn them of the punishment of Allah, but they doubted the warnings. Early in the morning, a lasting lasting punishment overtook them, Allah returned the houses on top of them, turning them upside down, and he followed that with the show of stones of big clay, one after another, specifically marked and kept with your Lord from for even for the evildoers have Allah subhanaw taala mentions that the punishment that came upon the people of loot came upon the morning. And he mentioned in the verse that the people of loot mean the believers literally CERAM and those who believed alongside him was saved at the time of saga, which

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is the time of Sahaja before federal so bless a time as we mentioned, when we were going through sort of the Yet Allah says that the believers use that time to make is still far to seek Allah's forgiveness. And Allah azza wa jal elsewhere says that know how the Illuminati Santa was saved during the night we were told him during the night to leave. And so Allah azza wa jal, sometimes in the Quran, uses the more general and sometimes uses the most specific so the night is a general time which part of the night allows you to specify the the second, the last

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Part of the night just before dawn, because after the sun rolls in the morning, the punishment of the people of loot or descend upon them. But Allah saved loot and his family from that great distress as a reward to them for their great for their gratitude to the Lord and their and their worship of Him alone with no partner or associate

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what are called the

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noodle, indeed warnings came to the people of Pharaoh

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because there will be a Tina Cooley have a hadith now, a hada is easy Mahkota did they rejected all of our signs? So we seize them with the vehement grip of one who is almighty omnipotent, a coup failed or

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to his zoobel or your disbelievers always better than those or or have you been promised immunity in the earliest scriptures. Amigo Luna

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Luna national Jamie

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tell said or do they say we are a united group bow to prevail. So your zamel in general where you will Luna duble this group would be defeated and they will turn and flee.

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But at least to remember where it was to where mo What is more, the our is their appointed time and the owl will be more calamitous and more bitter.

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In moody mean if yield by lightning was

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very the evildoers on Arrow and will be in the raging fire.

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You almost have on

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riada would you do him do coo Masako On the Day when they will be dragged in the fire on their faces. It will be set to them taste the agony of *

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che in color corner who will be Accardo well we have created all things according to a determined measure when

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Wahida to

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Bill bustled. Our command is but single word which is fulfilled like the twinkling of an eye.

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What occurred the last

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decade we have destroyed many nation like yourselves or chorus is there any who pay heed?

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Baku Lucia,

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fou falou visible everything they did is recorded in the books of their deeds work will also be airing like IBM

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telco and everything Smart Grid is written down in the Tina Fijian thing will vary the righteous will be in the midst of Gardens and Rivers. Female God usually they'll be nice. And Emily Kim Mahkota did seated in honor in the presence of a sovereign omnipotent. Indeed, when it came to the people of Pharaoh Allah sent Musa to them and supported him with clear signs and irrefutable miracles and cause them to witness signs that he had never caused anyone else to witness. But they rejected other signs of Allah. So he sees them with the vehement grip of one who is almighty, omnipotent, and drown them in the in the sea, who managed troops. The purpose behind recounting the

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stories is to warn the people and those who disbelieved in Mohamed Salah Salem, and Allah says, Are you disbelievers operate better than those? That is, are these people who rejected the best of the messengers better than those disbelievers whose destruction Allah tells us about and describes what happened to them? If they are better than them, then they could be saved from the punishment and there would not before them, that which befell those, those evil people. But that is not the case. If they are then if they are not worse than them, then they are not better than them either. Or have you been promised immunity in the earliest scriptures that is has a lot given you a purpose and a

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covenant in the scriptures that he sent down to the prophets. So you believe so you believe that you will be saved on a bit on the basis of a promise from Allah. That is not the case. In fact, it's not even possible according to reason or according to the texts for them to have been granted immunity and the divinely revealed books that are based on justice and wisdom. It is not wise for people such as the stubborn disbelievers who rejected the best of the messengers and the rest of them to Allah to be saved. So there is nothing left for them, but to have their own strength by which to prevail. And indeed Allah subhanaw taala tells us that they said we are a united group well to prevail. Allah

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subhanaw taala says highlight the weakness and the fact that they will be defeated. This group will be defeated and they will turn and flee and will have it will happen as he

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foretold, Allah defeated their great gathering on the day of better killed many of their leaders and prominent figures. Thus they were humiliated and Allah granted victory to his religion. His Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam at his party, the believers. This is the Tafseer of many of the scholars for this verse that those people meaning the father of courage to disbelief was a courage said that we are united force, that once you remove the Muslims, these people were united upon what we are upon in terms of our religion, our ways, our traditions, ALLAH SubhanA data says you may be united, but that doesn't give you strength against Allah azza wa jal, and that is why Allah subhanaw taala

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defeated them, despite the unity on the day of battle, as the author mentions here. Moreover, they will have an appointed time where the first and the last of them will be gathered together, as will those among those who suffer who suffered in this world, and those who enjoy the pleasures of life. And so Allah says was more that our Is there a point in time, when they will be required and scores will be settled with them on the basis of justice, and now we'll be more calamitous and more bitter. That is, your will be more serious, more difficult and more distressing than anything one could imagine or that could possibly cause one's mind, Verily the evildoers that is those who committed a

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lot of evil deeds and grave sins such as ascribing partners to Allah and other acts of disobedience, or an error and will be in the raging fire. They are misguided in the world, straying from knowledge and strength from righteous deeds that could save them from divine punishment. And on the Day of Resurrection, they will find themselves suffering upon a painful punish painful punishment in the fire, they will rage around them and burn the bodies until it reaches their hearts, On the Day when they will be dragged in the fire on their faces. The faces don't know but this part of the body where pain is felt more intensely than pain elsewhere in the body. Thus, they will be humiliated and

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disgraced. And it will be said to them, taste the agony of *. There is taste to pain of the fire, and it's anger, rage and flames. Valley we have created all things according to determine measure. This includes all creators in the upper and lower realms. Allah Lord created them, and they have no creator other than him. No one had any share in their creation. But Allah subhanaw taala says that we created everything according to other according to the decree of Allah subhanaw taala and in the Hadith, in Sahih, Muslim overrode the Allah one and said that this verse was revealed when the Quraysh came, and they began to dispute the Quran they didn't believe in pre decree or predestiny.

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So Allah azza wa jal revealed is that everything was created according to the content of Allah subhanaw taala. And I think the author never mentioned the Hadith of the pen that Allah azza wa jal first created, the pendant told it to write, and he wrote down everything. So Allah subhanaw taala has decreed everything that will be and disbelief in the other or denial of the God of the decree of Allah azza wa jal was one of the first major innovations to occur in this ummah, it took place towards the end of the generation of the companions and that's why we have some of the companions speaking against it like Abdullah bin Amara, not the Allahu algumas is shown in the first Hadith in

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Sahih. Muslim because it became prevalent towards the end of that generation of the companions is one of the earliest, one of the earliest innovations to emerge that people denied other than the coder of Allah subhanaw taala that Allah has pre existing knowledge and pre existing abilities prior to that he wrote everything down those levels of honor that they denied some of them or all of them, Allah created them according to the decree of which he had prior knowledge and that had been written by his pen with regard to his timing and predetermined measure, and all of his characteristics and qualities that is easy for Allah. Therefore, he says, Our command is but single word, which is

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fulfilled like the twinkling of an eye, when he was a thing he merely says to it be and it is, as he was, at the twinkling of an eye with no resistance or reluctance on the part of the thing in question and that is well known Allah Allah mentioned this in many verses in the Quran, Allah says configure can be and it is and that is the command of Allah azza wa jal and everything. But we also know within the Quran, within the Sunnah, that there are certain things that Allah azza wa jal didn't command to be, but rather he created them with his own hands. subhanaw taala like our father, Adam, Allah, He said, Allah, Allah, Allah commanded him to be he would have been, but Allah chose to

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create him with his own hand subhanaw taala and some a hadith I mentioned, mentioned also, that Jana was created by the hand of Allah subhanaw taala these things are to show extra virtue for them, to show their honor and their status that Allah chose to create them, even though he could have given the command as he does with everything else, but it is to attach to it extra virtue. We have destroyed many nation like yourselves of the previous nations, who did these such as you have done and disbelieved, as you have did as you have disbelieved is there than any who will pay heed, that is there anyone who will pay heed and realize that Allah's way of dealing with the earlier and later

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generations is the same, and that just as his wisdom, decreed that the evildoers that earlier, evildoers will be destroyed. These people are just like them. There's no difference between the two groups. Everything they did is recorded in the books of their deeds.

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Is that is all that they have done, good or bad is already recorded against them in the books of their deeds, and everything's more great is written down. This is the reality of the divine will and decree that Allah subhanaw taala knows or things that has written them down with him in a local forth, whatever Allah wills happens and whatever he does not will does not happen, whatever before the person could not have missed him, and whatever misses him could not have befallen him. Very the righteous, who fear a lot by doing what He commands and refraining from what he forbids, who avoided ascription of partners to Allah has since both major and minor will be in the midst of Gardens and

00:30:37 --> 00:31:15

Rivers, that is, there will be in the garden, there will be a goddess of bliss in which there is that which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, nor has it ever crossed the mind of men, such as fruitful trees, flowing rivers, lofty palaces, elegant houses, delicious food and drink, beautiful, whole and splendid, God is in paradise, the good pleasure of the sovereign judge and attaining closest to him, and he says, seated in honor in the presence of a sovereign omnipotent, after that, do not ask about what their Lord will, will give them of honor and generosity and what we what he will bestow upon them of immense blessings. May Allah because Allah subhanaw taala already said that

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they have an ordered seat with him. So if someone gives you an honored seating, if you come into a gathering, and they give you the seat of honor, that means that they're going to honor you and they're going to respect you, they're going to welcome you they're going to offer you a return every type of hospitality. So the people of Jannah when they enter Jannah, they will have the honored seats that Allah Allah will give to the meaning that therefore every need of this will be fulfilled, every blessing will be given to them. And Allah make us among them and not deprive us of the best of that which is with him because of our evil deeds, is the end of the commentary of sorts will come

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out or praise and thanks for Allah and May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam his family in his companion abundantly to the Day of Judgment. We now come to the 55th Surah of the Quran, and that is Surah Rahman Surah Rahman. And it is known by this name in the vast majority of the books of the sea and the books of the Sunnah. And it consists of 78 verses and it is according to many of the scholars with the majority of the scholars a mucky surah and that is anointed for some of the companions such as AirAsia and assist a smart and the big bass, but then there were some of the companions who differed, and they said that it was a Madani surah

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and this is also rated a second generation from him in our bass and also it'd be the Mr. Ronald, and Allah knows best because there are verses in it that are mucky. And verses in interrupt Medina, as we said before, that when we this whole discussion of what is the mucky Surah Madani Surah how that works, the extensive discussion in the books of Illumina Quran and the sciences of the Quran. And there are many sources that are considered to be matki or Madani. But within them, they have verses of the other one and McKee Surah present verses that are made in Madani one, that some of his verses are Mackey and so that is common also in the book of Allah azza wa jal and that is why there is many

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differences you will find in the books of steel and aluminum Quran concerning the status of a surah. However, generally, if the majority was taught as Mackey they call it Mackey that the majority was sold as Madani they call it Madani. And so therefore, if the majority said there is McKee, that's what they mean even if there's some verses there may be many the majority of it is McKee.

00:33:22 --> 00:33:33

Is Mila here wash man you're working in the Name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful out of luck man, most gracious our lemon

00:33:35 --> 00:33:36

has taught the Quran holla call

00:33:38 --> 00:33:41

he created Min i lemma who will buy

00:33:43 --> 00:33:54

and time speech as shims who will come out of your house ban the sun and the moon follow their calculated courses one ledger Moon was shadow your student

00:33:55 --> 00:33:59

in this stars and trees prostrate to a lot was

00:34:02 --> 00:34:03

our binding means

00:34:04 --> 00:34:08

he raised the heaven and enjoyed enjoying justice

00:34:09 --> 00:34:11

dot o feelings

00:34:12 --> 00:34:15

so that you should not try to transgress the limits of justice

00:34:16 --> 00:34:19

whatever the moon was nebulously wider to

00:34:22 --> 00:34:26

therefore establish weights and measures with justice and do not give short measure.

00:34:27 --> 00:34:29

Well our Baba Baba

00:34:31 --> 00:34:33

he has spread out the earth for creatures.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:36

We have Archaea to

00:34:37 --> 00:34:39

luda to LACMA

00:34:41 --> 00:34:48

in which they are fruits and the palms with space will have both last fever Roy

00:34:50 --> 00:34:54

and greens with leafy stems and fragrant plants Furby a ye

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

be Kuma to get diba

00:35:00 --> 00:35:09

And then which of the favorites of the Lord will you do? Will you deny? The great Surah begins with the name of Allah Rockman the Most Gracious, which is indicative of the vastness of His mercy and mercy,

00:35:11 --> 00:35:52

the vastness of His grace and mercy, the all encompassing nature of his general of his generosity and the abundance of his kindness and loyalty, then Allah subhanaw taala begins to Surah with this name of ramen, and as we've mentioned before on ramen is according to the scholars of Athena and see, it has two meanings or it can be possibly given two interpretations. The first of them is the general encompassing Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala, that Allah azza wa jal has a mercy that is for all of his creation, believers, non believers, animate inanimate animals, humans, jinn everyone all of it is covered by the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala that is one meaning and the second is that a

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man is his, it is from his essence subhanaw taala that he is a Brahmin and that's why Allah azza wa jal as we know in the Quran is mercy overcomes his anger Subhana wa Tada. So that is also something that is from his, his old attributes that are connected to his essence. And Allah mentioned that which is indicative of His mercy and its impact that Allah causes to reach a slave, such as blessing, both spiritual and worldly. After mentioning all kinds of blessings, Allah has two prominent groups, namely humankind and the jinn to give thanks to Him by saying, Then which of the favours of your Lord, will You deny? Allah tells us that he has taught the Quran, that is, he has

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taught his slaves its words and meanings, and has explained it to them. This is the greatest blessing and mercy that he has bestowed upon his slaves. And he sent down to them an Arabic Quran, with the best words and best meanings, which contains all that is good and deters against all these evil. Surah is a sort of the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala many blessings that Allah azza wa jal has bestowed upon His creation, both in the dunya and the blessings that the believers will receive in the akhira. And that's why some of the scholars say that there are two Surahs in the Quran that are similar Surah Rahman, because he speaks of Allah's blessings, and all that he will give and His

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grace, and the second one is sorted through Mozart, which was the opposite. It was all of his warnings of punishment. And so the scholars often make a connection between these two souls but this Surah it is like the verses of all of it is all blessings. It's all good. It's all blessings and that is why it is reported the idea of the Allahu Anhu is to say that this surah is also the Quran is like the bride of the Quran, because it's all blessings so beauty, it's all blessings and all grace and goodness from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tana, he created He created man in the best shape with a perfect well designed body and faculties and as we already mentioned before, numerous times now

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Allah azza wa jal mentions blessings in Revelation, blessings in creation. But Allah always begins with Revelation underman Quran Allah Collinson, Allah toto Quran, and he created mankind even though Adam was created before the revelation of the Quran. Quran was revealed to the Prophet seldom Adam came generation centuries before that, but Allah azza wa jal begins with what is more important, what is more beneficial, and that is the creation of or the revelation of the Quran. The Creator, the creator perfected the creation of man, and made him distinct from all other living beings by teaching him speech, which is the ability to express what is on his mind. This includes both verbal

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and both verbal speech and writing. A speech by means of which Allah made humans distinct from other creatures is one of the greatest blessings and he has bestowed upon humanity and that is from the greatest specimens of Allah that you can speak that you can communicate that people can communicate to you. So it's easy for you to receive guidance, easy for you to learn, easy for you to teach, and easy for you to write, and to spread that knowledge. And that's what allows you to when we come to sort of the column Allah takes an oath by the column, one milestone and that which they write, and some of the scholars said, That refers to knowledge, what the people write us from the greatest

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blessings of Allah subhanaw taala, that Allah azza wa jal allows you to read knowledge, to seek knowledge, to learn knowledge to write knowledge, so that you have knowledge about your religion, that you don't live a life of ignorance, Sun and Moon follow their calculative courses, there is Allah create the sun and moon and made them to be of service running according to the calculator courses, our mercy and care for a slave for his slaves, and in order to serve their interests thereby. And so that people may know how to count the years and measure time in the stars and trees prostrate to Allah, that is a stars in the heaven and the trees on earth acknowledges the Lord

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prophet to Him, obey Him, humble those who humble themselves and submit themselves to submit themselves so as to be of service to Allah's slaves and benefit them. He raised the heaven and made it for made it from any firmament for the creek for the creatures of Earth.

00:39:48 --> 00:40:00

And enjoy justice that is Allah has enjoined justice in word and deed among people. Hence, he says, so that you shouldn't not transgress the limits of Allah that Allah has enjoined justice so that you

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Do not go beyond the limits of Allah. For if it were up to your own reason and opinions, there would be troubles such as only Allah knows and heavens and the heaven and heavens and the earth would be corrupted.

00:40:12 --> 00:40:56

Therefore, established weights and measures with justice that is, make them based on justice as as much as you can, and do not give short measure and do not be unjust forgiving, short measure is unfair, or just in a transgression. He namely Allah subhanaw taala has spread out the earth, as it has the attribute of being solid and stable, and it has various attributes from one, one place to another. For all creatures, for most among human are among among whom are humans settle on it as it is smooth and plain. Hence, they will be able to build on it to the soil, sow seeds, and dig in it traveled through its roadways and mountain passes and benefit from his minerals and all that is in

00:40:56 --> 00:41:32

it of things that they need. They're not in verse number six, we're just going to go back to verse number six Allah Subhana Allah says when najmul was shelter with your student, the stars and the trees prostrate to Allah subhanaw taala. And remember poverty Rahim Allah Tada the famous imam of Tafseer. In his theory, said najem here doesn't mean the stars he took the other meaning of this word. And that is that a najem refers to those plants that have no trunks. So tree has a trunk. But there are plants that have no trunks, he said, that's what a ninja means in this context, because the verse says, When Najam when Nedjma, was chosen, and the trees prostrate, so he said, The stars

00:41:32 --> 00:42:08

are not the ones that are being mentioned here. But it's in the same context of the trees is referring to those plants, whether they have trunks or they don't have trunks, they all prostrate and submit to Allah subhanaw taala. I just wanted to mention that because when you read the books of the seeds, symptoms you find amongst the Imams of Tafseer, those positions that many, maybe many of the other scholars may have gone to the other position, which is the more more the meaning that comes closer quicker to the mind. When you say the word najem we usually mean stars. But remember, poverty is an amazing imaginative series Bookwalter seal is an amazing resource of the seal. He was

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amazing in his understanding of the book of Allah subhanaw taala. And one of the benefits of his seal is he was dying around the 360s was very close to the time of the companions in the tambourine. And so you often brings generations regenerations and after he mentioned sometimes 20 3040 generations, he will then give his own position what he considers to be stronger based on the Arabic language based on the Quran, art was an Imam, imam in a very different sciences. And remember, even had a method that was named after these to call them the Jedi these are generally some of the follow the methods of evangelical poverty. And so he was an amazing Imam Rahim Allah Tada and that's why

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he's often known as the Imam of them of a serine. Then Allah mentions what is what it contains of essential nourishment, in which there are fruits. This refers to all types of trees that bear fruit that people enjoy such as grapes, figs, pomegranates, apples, and so on. And date palms with space, that is with space that split open to reveal the image of flowers that emerge gradually until they develop into fruit that becomes a staple food that in and stored and used as provision by people when they stay at home and when they travel delicious. And then when they travel, there is delicious fruit that is one of the best of fruits and grains with leafy stems. The hay and straw are used to

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feed livestock and for other purposes, that includes grains of wheat, barley, corn, rice, millet and so on. And fragrant plants.

00:43:34 --> 00:44:13

It may be that what is meant is all kinds of leaves herbs that are eaten by humans, so is following something specific with something general and Allah is reminding us leaves of nutrition and provision in both general and specific terms. Or it may be that what is meant by the word translated here as fragrant plants is best basil in particular, and Allah is reminding his slaves of what he has made available in the earth of all kinds of wholesome and fragrant plants that have a pleasant smell and bring joy and delight to people. The word already Han and Arabic language refers to a fragrant smell like the prophets of Allah while he was telling him about his two grandsons are

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Hassanal are seen humare Hi Natalia with dunya these two are my fragrant flowers in this dunya referring to his grandsons. And so the word Rehan is something which is has a frequent smell. The author says he may refer to all of the plants or he goes to the position that some of this positive seed mentioned in the books and that is that's referring to certain herbs like basil. But that basil it seems an Eliza journals best is an example of the first one. If we say that they're all all reversed all of the fragrant plants that Allah azza wa jal has given some of the positive see the methodology of the sphere is just giving examples rather than explain the term. They give you

00:44:52 --> 00:44:59

examples so you can understand what it means. So someone says RoseMarie, someone says basil, someone says mint, these are different fragrant plants that people like them

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So therefore, they give examples someone says a rose, someone says a tulip, whatever it may be. So that's something that you often find in the books of the seal. Sometimes they specify, just to give you an example so you can understand what's being referred to. And sometimes they speak in general terms, as the author often does. Having mentioned many of his blessings that may be seen and appreciated and because this order is addressed to the two prominent groups, namely humankind and the jinn, asking them to affirm the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala. He says here, then which of the favours of your Lord, we deny those which are the spiritual and worldly blessings of Allah, you

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know, how beautiful was the response of the jinn when the prophets Allah said, I'm reciting the surah whenever he came to these words, than which of the favours of your Lord will you deny? They said, We deny none of your blessings, oh, Lord, to you be praised. This is what one should say when the blessing and favors of Allah are accounted him, he should affirm them and give thanks to Allah and praise Him for them. This hadith is the hadith of Jabra the author just mentioned, the hadith of Jabra, the Allah one clicked into Timothy, the prophets of Allah Allison was sitting with his companions one day and was reading to them Surah two Rahman, and they were listening attentively.

00:46:06 --> 00:46:23

And whenever he would come across these verses for ve, ly Arabic material because it's repeated this verse repeated numerous times in the Surah, they will just remain silent and listen attentively. So the prophets of Allah, Allah will send him at the end. When I read this surah to the jinn, their response was better than your response

00:46:24 --> 00:46:59

is their response was better, you just stay silent, but they responded and they said as author mentions here, we deny none of your blessings of Allah to You Be All praise. This hadith is a Hadith of the scholars differed over in terms of its authenticity. However, the scholars received mentioned Hadith Hadith like this in the books of the seal, because its meaning is correct, and that is why it is the position of a number of the scholars of Islam, that if you have the verse in the Quran, in which Allah azza wa jal asks the question, then you can respond to that question some of this policy even in Salah even in salah they said that you could do it I was in the position of our teacher

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shall have the mean or he might allow Tada. And so it's permissible for you to do that, according to some of the scholars and others said not in the Surah but outside of the Salah, or if it's a Neville Salah you can do it. So for example, the verse at least Allah Who We Are Coming Harkey mean, verses like that what Allah asks certain questions or, or other verses in the Quran, but Allah subhanaw taala ask certain questions and you respond in a certain way, some business model bigger learner, for example, some of the scholars said that you respond by saying Subhanallah block these types of verses in the Quran. And that principle is established by the way in the Sunnah prayers because of

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the Hadith of the prophets of Allah where it was sent him his mind pray, if he came across the verse of punishment, you will seek refuge versus reward. You will ask Allah for his reward a verse of praise, you would praise Allah azza wa jal, so that principle is established, but they obviously then have discussions as to exactly when and how and where that is applied. But this is similar to that and that's why the Scholars of Hadith even though the Hadith may have some weakness in it, they would accept a hadith like this, because it conforms to the general principle that is mentioned in the Sunnah.

00:48:07 --> 00:48:09

Coil call in

00:48:11 --> 00:48:19

solid signing Kalfa Hall, he created a man from dry clay like pottery wahala college

00:48:23 --> 00:48:27

Mary Jean um,

00:48:28 --> 00:48:32

and you created the gene from smokeless fire, maybe a year.

00:48:34 --> 00:48:37

It would be cool to get the best.

00:48:38 --> 00:48:58

Then which of the favorites of your Lord will you deny? This is one of those blessings that Allah bestowed upon his slaves, showing them signs of his mind and beautiful creation. He faded the father of humanity, namely Adam Ali salaam, from dry clay like pottery that is from clay that made a sound like that of pottery that is fired in the kiln.

00:48:59 --> 00:49:36

And he created the gin that is the father of the gin, namely the crystal bliss from smokeless fire, that is from a pure flame of fire, or from that which is mixed with smoke. This is indicative of the noble nature of the essence of the human being who was created from clay and dust which has a characteristic of dignity, solid character and benefits, in contrast to the essence of the jinn, namely, fire, which has the characteristics of immaturity, foolishness, evil and mischief. Having described the creation of the two prominent groups and the substance of each, which is a blessing from him tasting slaves. Allah then says, Then which of the favours of your Lord we deny,

00:49:37 --> 00:49:48

or Buddha Musharaka you are a bull Maori being he is Lord of the two places of sunrise and Lord of the two places of sunset, there be a year

00:49:51 --> 00:49:59

you're a big woman to can the band then which are the favorites of your Lord, will You deny? That is he's a Lord of everything which is sun, moon and stars.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:13

rise and set where they are under his control and care. He mentioned these places in the dual form here so as to reflect the general meaning. The two places where the sun rises in the winter and the summer and the two places where it sets at those times.

00:50:14 --> 00:50:16

Mount Igel rainy,

00:50:17 --> 00:50:29

and he has let those two that he has left. He has let loose the two bodies of flowing water. They meet beno Houma bottle Zoho liability,

00:50:30 --> 00:50:36

but between them there is a barrier. They do not enroll upon one another Febby a year

00:50:38 --> 00:50:40

be Kuma to get the

00:50:42 --> 00:50:47

Then which of the famous of your Lord we deny the Raju Amin whom a low low mountain

00:50:50 --> 00:50:54

of both of them compose and Quarrel Febby a

00:50:57 --> 00:50:59

big comer to get the by

00:51:00 --> 00:51:37

then, which are the favorites of the Lord we did, we didn't know. What is meant by the two bodies of flowing water is freshwater and saltwater they both meet. Then the freshwater flows into the salty water in the mix. But Allah subhanaw taala has created a barrier of Earth between them so that one will not encroach upon the other. And so that benefit may be derived from from each other. Freshwater is used for drinking and irrigating trees and crops. And the salty water keeps the air fresh and provides wells and fish pearls and corals that they enjoy is stable and of service to ships and boats. And so Allah says, while our whole job

00:51:39 --> 00:51:40

to feel that he can.

00:51:42 --> 00:51:46

To Him belong the lofty ships sailing on the sea like mountains Febby, a ye

00:51:49 --> 00:52:21

be Kuma to can veba and then which of the favours of your Lord we didn't we didn't know there is Allah has made the ships that sail on the sea and traveled through it by his leave. And that are built by humans and maybe huge like mountains to be of service to slaves. Hence people embark on them, and their luggage and trade goods are carried on them. They are protected by the protector of the heavens and the earth. And this is one of the great blessings of Allah Henty says, Then which are the favorites of the Lord Who did I call Lumina they have

00:52:23 --> 00:52:30

all those on earth who perish. Wherever kawaji Hoorah bigger duel generally will equal.

00:52:31 --> 00:53:07

But the essence of your Lord will abide forever in all its majesty and manifest since his verse 27 is translation but the essence of your Lord, but see a either a mistranslation or it's a mistake, because Allah Azza says, we apply what drawtube Pick is the feast of your Lord that will you will remain and it is from wiro Toutain from denying the attributes of Allah azza wa jal isn't what the groups did. And we don't normally have this issue in this book, and it's definitely not from the author. This is from the translation of the verses. So the translation that they usually don't normally have an issue with this in this book, but here they seem to have had an oversight and that

00:53:07 --> 00:53:45

is that they often in those books translate the face of Allah to be his essence. And that is one of the ways of denying the attributes of Allah azza wa jal like they say that the Hand of Allah refers to is power and certain things like that, they take those attributes and they give them a different interpretation other than the literal meaning of the word hand and the word face and this is an example of that. And from the from the evidence is there show that is literal in Arabic language is already mammal uzima Rahimullah to elementary mentioned his book Tauheed he has a book called a towhead where he gathered over 1000 iterations on these issues of our feeder. And he mentioned that

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one of the reasons as to why it is literal is because of the word Zoo. We have our job because zoo the possessor of and so it has to be literally literal things possess things. And so he says that Allah azza wa jal is referring to his face and reaffirm for Allah azza wa jal that which he affirms for himself. So I want to just make a correction.

00:54:04 --> 00:54:11

For the Face of your Lord who will abide forever in all its majesty and magnificence, Furby a ye

00:54:13 --> 00:54:54

be Kuma to get the burn, Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny? There is all those on the face of the earth? Will humans join animals and creatures will perish, die and disappear and they will remain? They will remain the Ever Living who never dies, but the Face of your Lord will abide forever in all its majesty and munificence. There is in all its greatness, my and glory, for which he is venerated and honored. magnificence refers to immense bounty and generosity because of which he honors his close friends, the elite of His creation, in all ways. He is the one who's close friends, honor him, respect him, venerate him, love him, turn to Him and worship him. Then which of

00:54:54 --> 00:54:59

the favorites of your Lord we deny? Yes, Allahu Vicenza, you will

00:55:00 --> 00:55:09

Have the mean no affiliation, or those who are in the heavens and on earth, ask of Him every day he has managed to bring about Febby a ye

00:55:12 --> 00:55:51

be Kuma to get veba and then which of the favours of your Lord we deny, that is, he is a self sufficient, who has no need of any of his creation, and He is the most gracious and kind, all creatures are in need of Him, asking of Him all that they need, either implicitly or explicitly, they cannot do without him, or for even the blink of an eye or even less than that, everyday Allah subhanaw taala has managed to bring about enriching poor persons, because only brokenhearted people giving to some people and withholding from others, causing death and giving life and raising and lowering people and status. He is not distracted by one thing from another, and does not make

00:55:51 --> 00:56:28

mistakes. When dealing with many issues. He never worries of the persistent supplication or ongoing request of those who call upon Him. These verses speak about the abilities the powers of Allah subhanaw taala His names and his attributes Allah azza wa jal when everything else will perish. Allah subhanaw taala lives he's ever leaving subhanaw Dallas on the Day of Judgment when everything else falls unconscious, everything else dies, Allah azza wa jal is ever living subhanaw taala never dies. And everyday Allah azza wa jal deals with the first of his creation, how many people make dua, how many different languages to make drying how many different things do they will ask for for the

00:56:28 --> 00:57:01

same time at this one of their needs? Allah azza wa jal deals with them not just the humans, that animals have their needs the fish and the birds have their needs. The Jinn have their needs, the angels have every one of his creations Allah azza wa jal deals with each and every single one of them. And Allah Azza doesn't become confused, doesn't become tired, it is easy for Allah subhanaw taala to manage this as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam done Allah azza wa jal sees the black ant on the black rock in the middle of the black moonless night. And Allah knows what it wants and Allah knows its needs and Allah sees it clearly. And Allah hears its words, as its supplicate

00:57:01 --> 00:57:38

stream Subhana wa Tada as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that's when a man on Easter Nam was once going to call up for the rain prayer and he came with the group of his he came with a group of his people to go out and pray is discard the rain prayer. And as he was walking, he came across an ant that was on its back with all of its legs facing up, and three men could understand the speech of the animals was calling upon Allah cinco Allah we're also one of your creations we also need rain. So Solomon cities people go back we turn it has made enough to ask for all of us. And that is Allah subhanaw taala. Allah azza wa jal knows the needs of every single one of his

00:57:38 --> 00:58:16

creatures and Allah azza wa jal responds to all of them subhanaw taala globally to the Most Great, the most generous, the restore whose gifts and blessings reach all the inhabitants of the earth and the heavens, his kindness encompasses all of creation at all times exalted to be the one who is not prevented from giving by the disobedience of the sinners, or the attitude of those who deny their need for him, and are ignorant of him and his generosity, the matters, the matters referred to when Allah subhanaw taala says that every day he has managed to bring about art his decrees and controls that he will then ordained from eternity, he is still bringing them about as the ordained time as

00:58:16 --> 00:58:55

dictated by his wisdom. This includes the religious decrees of command and prohibition, and the universal decrees that are applied to his slaves for the duration of their time in this earthly realm. Then when this world ends, and Allah causes them to die, and it is his world to requite them, assure them of his justice, grace and abundant kindness, through which they will come to know him and realize that he is one and he will move those who are accountable from the realm of from the realm of tests and trials to the realm of eternal life. At that time, he will attend to the implement tation of these rulings, whose time has now come, this is what is referred to in the

00:58:55 --> 00:58:59

following verses. Center for all you have.

00:59:02 --> 00:59:07

We will attend to you or you two prominent groups he was engine Febi a ye

00:59:10 --> 00:59:11

be Kuma to get the

00:59:13 --> 00:59:34

root of the favors avail all we do know that is we shall attend to your reckoning and requite you for the deeds that you did in the previous world. The loss of Paragon speaks about human piano. So before everything was concerning the dunya what Allah azza wa jal does for the dunya Allah subhanaw taala moves on to the Day of Judgment, we will attend to you meaning all humans in Jin meaning on your microbiome.

00:59:35 --> 00:59:36

Yeah, Mara

00:59:37 --> 00:59:39

Newell, the Minister of

00:59:42 --> 00:59:48

voodoo in Kota, Addis Ababa, it will be voodoo.

00:59:49 --> 00:59:52

Voodoo funa be solo on

00:59:53 --> 00:59:59

OGN and humans if you are able to pass beyond the confines of the heavens and the earth, then do so. But you cannot pass me

01:00:00 --> 01:00:03

unless you have power, unless you have power Febby eight year

01:00:06 --> 01:00:07

bukhoma To get the job

01:00:09 --> 01:00:39

done which of the favours of your Lord we deny, that is when Allah gathers them on the Day of Resurrection, He will, He will tell them of their hopelessness and weakness and have the perfect nature of his power and how his will is always done. You will find in some of the books of the FSI that they see that this verse is concerning the dunya that Allah is saying to the humans, in the jinn, you can't go out of the heavens, that there's no escape for you. There's no place for you beyond Allah's creation, Allah's universe, they say that is to do with the dunya. But as we said, these verses, and this is what you will find in the early work sort of see that these verses not

01:00:39 --> 01:01:12

speak about human piano, that Allah is really speaking to them on that day of judgment. Now that they are under the grasp of Allah and they are going to be punished by Allah azza wa jal, Allah is going to sit and there's no escape for you, there is no way that you can go beyond the realm of Allah subhanaw taala beyond his kingdom subhanaw taala beyond where he was wrong, so Allah has what he was referring to your multicam then he will say highlighting their hopelessness OGN and humans, if you are able to pass beyond the confines of the heavens and the earth, that is, if you can find a way by means of which you can pass beyond the dominion of power of beyond the dominion and power of

01:01:12 --> 01:01:44

Allah, then do so but you cannot pass beyond them unless you have power, you can never pass beyond them unless you have power. And my but how could they have my that could How could they have that when they have no power to benefit or harm themselves or to cause death, give life or resurrect in the place of standing, no one will speak except Allah except by Allah's Leave, and nothing will be heard except whispers in that place of standing, kings and slaves, leaders and followers rich and poor will all be equal. You also said while ecommerce who

01:01:45 --> 01:01:48

mean one who has

01:01:49 --> 01:01:58

to dust on it will be sent against you flames of fire and smoke and you will not be able to protect yourself for maybe a year.

01:01:59 --> 01:02:02

You're a big Ummah to get the buy.

01:02:03 --> 01:02:05

In which of the favours of the Lord we do know

01:02:06 --> 01:02:42

that Allah mentions what he has prepared in that great place of standing, there will be sent against you flames of fire and smoke and you will not be able to protect yourself, then which are the favorites of the Lord's of your Lord we do know that is he was sent against you pure flames of fire and smoke. What is meant is these two frightening things will be sent against you OGN and humans and they will encompass you, then you will not be able to protect yourselves and no one will protect you against Allah. Because his alarming because he's alarming his slaves is a blessing to them and a motive that should punish that we should push them towards the most sublime aims. Allah reminds them

01:02:42 --> 01:03:14

of his blessings, saying which are the favorites of the Lord's? We did We did I was one of the greatest blessings of Allah subhanaw taala is that he saves you from his punishment. He seems you from his punishment. That's what it says in the Quran from Lindsey hein. And now we're all doing agenda for God first, whoever has been saved from the fire entered into Jana. They are the ones who are successful. Allah begins with safety from the fire and that's why much of the Sunnah is about speaking the answer is about seeking refuge in Allah and Allah has protection from his wrath and from his anger and from his punishment

01:03:16 --> 01:03:18

for either God this.

01:03:20 --> 01:03:21


01:03:22 --> 01:03:23


01:03:24 --> 01:03:29

on the heaven is rent asunder and becomes rosy red, molting like Greece, Furby a year

01:03:31 --> 01:03:33

Europe be Kuma to get the

01:03:34 --> 01:03:39

Then which of the favours of your Lord weed and I fail might even

01:03:41 --> 01:03:45

be he in Sioux.

01:03:51 --> 01:03:56

On that day, no human origin will be questioned about his sin Febi a ye

01:03:58 --> 01:04:00

be Kuma to can lead

01:04:01 --> 01:04:35

them which of the favours of your Lord we do know when they have in his rent asunder, that is on the day of resurrection because of severe dread, widespread confusion and the succession of terrifying events, the Sun and Moon will be Eclipse and the stars will be scattered because of the intensity of fear and distress. And the heaven will become rosy red, molting like Greece or molten lead and the like then which are the favorites of your Lord we deny, on that day no human or gene will be questioned about sin, that is, there will not be questioned to find out what happened because Allah subhanaw taala is the Knower of the unseen and the seen the past and the future. And he wants to

01:04:35 --> 01:04:59

require slaves on the basis of what he knows of the of their deeds, both good and evil. People will be given marks on the Day of Resurrection, by which they will be known as Allah says elsewhere on the day when some faces will become bright and some face will become dark meaning that they won't be asked question on that day the humans in the gym meaning that there will be no time for them to give excuses. Not question in terms of why did you do this? How

01:05:00 --> 01:05:30

Did you do this? That's what it means by question not that they won't be an accounting, obviously there'll be held to account for it means that they will be questioned in the way that you if you're confused or you don't know, you want to understand the circumstances, you ask someone, why did you do this? What happened? What else? That's not the larger knowns. And that's why they will only as the author says, There will only be recompense on that day, both the good and the evil will be known. There'll be marked good of the people of God, the lights will be shining, the faces will be shining illuminated and the people of evil, the faces will be darkened and humiliated. And so Allah

01:05:30 --> 01:05:43

azza wa jal will already have marked them because of the deeds that they performed. You all are full, Moon ABC ma'am. Hi there been nowhere else he will go the

01:05:44 --> 01:05:49

wicked will be known by the marks and will be seized by the forelocks in their feet Febby a year

01:05:51 --> 01:05:53

you're a big homer to get the

01:05:55 --> 01:06:41

Witcher the favors of all we deny that we could will be known by their marks and will be seized by the four locks and the feet there is the wicked will be seized by the four locks and fee and be thrown into * and drag them to Allah subhana wa Tada will only question them away by way of rebuke in order to make them confess what they did. He knows better than them. But his aim will be to demonstrate all creatures his ultimate his ultimate proof and great wisdom had he Jehan mo Lottie you can the will be handling majority Moon will be set to them this is how which the wicked used to deny your tofu bean or her whatever what your tofu Anabaena ouabain or Jaime mean. And they will go

01:06:41 --> 01:06:46

to to and fro between in fiercely scalding water. So be a ye

01:06:48 --> 01:06:50

be Kuma to can Viva

01:06:52 --> 01:07:29

then which are the favorite of a lot we deny. That is it will be set to those who disbelieved in the divine promise and warning on the blades of health intensifies. This is how which the wicked used to deny. So congratulations to them for their rejection of it and let them taste his torment, suffering flames and fetters for this the record of the denial, they will go to and fro between it with its various levels and flames and fiercely scalding water that is intensely hot water that has reached the ultimate in terms of heat, then which are the favorites of the Lord we do not have you mentioned that. Have you mentioned what what happened to the wicked alone omitted the reward of the righteous

01:07:29 --> 01:07:49

who feared him in this final passage of solotaroff Man it's an amazing passage beautiful because it describes Jana describes Jana and the different types of or the two different levels of Jana, that the believers will have the higher level and then the lower level of gin. Well, Iman Hof Mr Carmela B Jun

01:07:51 --> 01:07:55

for for him who fears the standing before his Lord there will be two Gardens, Furby a ye

01:07:58 --> 01:07:59

be Kuma two can be

01:08:01 --> 01:08:04

then which are the favorites of your Lord we didn't know. They were

01:08:08 --> 01:08:11

shaded by spreading branches. Furby a year

01:08:13 --> 01:08:16

you'll be Kuma to can veba

01:08:17 --> 01:08:51

which are the favorites of your Lord we deny that is for the one who feared his Lord and standing before him. So you refrain from what Allah forbade, and did what he enjoined. There will be two kinds of which the vessels jewelry buildings and all that they contain will be made of gold. One of the two Gardens will be a reward for refraining from forbidden things and the other garden will be rewarded for doing acts of obedience. Look how Allah subhanaw taala describes these people that will get the highest reward what even half AMACOM for the one who feels the standing before his Lord, meaning the counting before Allah subhanaw taala and because of the fear of the accounting and that

01:08:51 --> 01:09:27

standing in this dunya they worshiped Allah azza wa jal and they were always conscious and mindful, that that they would come and they would stand before the Lord so they prepared for it. As the Prophet said, Son Allah while he was still him to the Bedouin man who came in he said, When is the hour he asked him and what have you prepared for it? So they prepare because they know that that standing will be a terrible standing, and it will be one that is full of terrorists except for those that Allah azza wa jal blesses and gives to them safety. So Allah subhanaw taala refers to them in the form of their standing in the dunya. So in the dunya, they live the life of the fear of Allah

01:09:27 --> 01:10:00

azza wa jal, Swan, Yama, Yama, they will have safety. Those who fear Allah in the dunya are given safety in Africa and those who say from Allah or felt safe from Allah in the dunya. They will fear Allah azza wa jal on that day. One of the characteristics of these two gardens is that they will be shaded by spreading branches that will contain various types of joy and blessings, both visible and hidden, such as No eye has seen no ear has heard, nor has it ever crossed the mind of man. In them, there will be many beautiful trees with five branches in which there will be an abundance of delicious right

01:10:00 --> 01:10:38

fruit or they will contain all types of kinds, all kinds of types and kinds of pleasures and delights last parameter in this passage is going to mention the shade of Jana, the trees of Jana, the food of Jana, the clothing of Jana, the furniture of Jana, the company of Jen and of the people of Ghana. Allah Azza describes an amazing beauty. And Allah subhanaw taala mentions just one aspect of each thing, so that you can understand the rest of the author's done Allah said the word to have known they would have spreading branches, what does that mean? The shade therefore we understand that the trees of gender are going to be big, and they're going to be expensive as the Prophet says

01:10:38 --> 01:11:07

that Allah Allah was sent him a person can write for 100 years and not pass through the shade of a tree. And it's fruit it's going to be low hanging easy for you to reach if you're reclining, you're sitting you're lying down. It's fruitful is fruit will come down to you and you will be able to take from it. And so Jana is amazing in every way but Allah azza wa jal just gives you a glimpse. Just gives you a highlight just gives you one aspect of Jana and then you understand for me the beauty of Jana that particular blessing in Jana hee hee

01:11:08 --> 01:11:09

hee Tajiri

01:11:10 --> 01:11:14

in them are two flowing springs Febi a yo

01:11:16 --> 01:11:18

yo B Kuma to get deep,

01:11:19 --> 01:11:22

which is the favorites of the Lord we do know v

01:11:24 --> 01:11:26

kirtan xojo

01:11:27 --> 01:11:30

in the motorcars of every fruit, Furby a

01:11:33 --> 01:11:34

big comer to can leave

01:11:36 --> 01:12:05

and which are the Face of your Lord we do know in those two gardens there will be two flowing spoons that people will be able to cause to flow however they wish in them or to kind of every fruit of all kinds of fruit to which two kinds, two kinds in two kinds each with its own taste and color that the other does not have with techie ina food ocean bath or you know I mean estaba rapo or Jen and Jen nothing neither.

01:12:07 --> 01:12:14

There will recline on carpets line with Brocade. With the fruit of the two gardens within easy reach, fair be a ye

01:12:17 --> 01:12:18

be comer to can be

01:12:20 --> 01:12:36

which of the favours of your Lord we do know they will recline our carpets lined with Brocade is the description of the carpets of the people of paradise and how they will sit on them. They will recline on them meaning that they will sit in a comfortable and relaxed manner like kings on their thrones.

01:12:38 --> 01:13:13

No one knows the description of beauty of those carpets except Allah subhanaw taala even their linings that touches the ground directly will be made of brocade, which is the most beautiful and finest kind of silk. So how about the tops of those carpets that will be in contact with people's skin with the fruit of the two gardens within easy reach. The word translate here as fruit refers to fruit that is ripe. In other words, the fruits of those two gardens that will be ahead easily picked by one who is standing, sitting or lying down. And here Allah subhanaw taala speaks about how the people of Ghana will relax, how they will be in comfort how they will be reclining or they will be

01:13:13 --> 01:13:48

rejoicing. And Allah subhanaw taala often describes the people of Jannah in that way. And that is because the people of Ghana in the dunya they worked hard and they strove and they had no time for rest because they were trying to earn Allah azza wa jal reward as an Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah Tada said when he was asked when do we rest, he said when you place your right foot in Jannah that's when the believer rests. So the believer works their whole life for the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala you can retire from other things, but you don't retire and restaurant the worship of Allah subhanaw taala so that you can attain this type of rest and this type of retirement where you can relax in

01:13:48 --> 01:13:51

the greatest of the blessings of Allah azza wa jal May Allah grant to soul that

01:13:53 --> 01:13:58

be in call sila to total feel Emile Tom Ethan

01:14:00 --> 01:14:01

Cabela whom

01:14:05 --> 01:14:12

in those gardens will be chaste women who strain their glasses on touch before by any man or Jean Febi a year

01:14:15 --> 01:14:17

ba Kuma to get the

01:14:19 --> 01:14:25

Witcher the favorite of all we do know and no one coup to model

01:14:27 --> 01:14:30

as though they were rubies and pearls. Furby a year

01:14:32 --> 01:14:35

it'll be Kuma to can do

01:14:37 --> 01:14:59

that which is a favorite of you Lord we deny in those gardens will be chaste woman who has trained their glasses that is the only look at their husbands because of their handsomeness and beauty. And because of their perfect love for them. And their husbands will look only at them because of their beautiful Beauty and the joy of being with them on touch before by any man or gene. There is no one human or gene. We have touched them before. Rather there will be virgins

01:15:00 --> 01:15:12

Loving and attentive towards their husbands and very beautiful. And to Allah says as though they were rubies and pearls, because of the pure purity, beauty and glamorous appearance, hello jazz.

01:15:14 --> 01:15:16

Cerny Love

01:15:18 --> 01:15:21

is the reward of goodness anything but goodness for every year.

01:15:23 --> 01:15:25

You're the comer to can the back

01:15:27 --> 01:16:03

then which are the favorites of your Lord we do know that is the award of one who does well in worshiping the creator and showing kindness to slaves anything other than that, you will be treated well rewarded greatly and granted the ultimate triumph, eternal blessing and a life of ease. These two sublime gardens are for those who are close to Allah. Look at how Allah subhanaw taala says and this is a principle in our religion, cultures that when the sun in the sun is the reward of God, anything but God as a principle in terms of the way the believer should be in his dealings with others, someone does good to you. You return that with God, you make too hard for them as collateral

01:16:03 --> 01:16:25

reward them you give them something you return to God in the way that you can to the best of your ability. That's a principle in our religion and Allah azza wa jal, often those principles Allah Subhana Allah has obviously to the most complete and perfect level. And so Allah azza wa jal will see to the people of Jana, you did good in the dunya is there any reward for that goodness except a greater goodness and that is the reward of Allah azza wa jal

01:16:27 --> 01:16:29


01:16:31 --> 01:16:38

And in Besides that, there are two and besides that these two there will be two other gardens for maybe a year

01:16:40 --> 01:16:42

bukhoma took a leap

01:16:45 --> 01:16:48

which of the favours of you and all you deny? Murder

01:16:55 --> 01:16:57

both of Deepa screen Febi IG

01:17:00 --> 01:17:02

P Kuma to get the back

01:17:04 --> 01:17:38

then which are the which are the favorite of your Lord we deny. And besides these two there will be two other gardens of which the structures vessels, jewelry and all that they contain will be made of silver, they will be for those on the right so this is for not like it's not a lesser reward but it is obviously for the ones who are the people have the right. We have the people that are at the forefront, as will be mentioned in the next Surah Surah tilapia, the people who will be at the forefront of Serbia want to save your corn. And then you have the people of the right as the Prophet says that Allah Allah He was telling me to describe Jana there are two gardens one made of gold,

01:17:38 --> 01:18:03

everything within it and the other one made of silver everything within it. And both of them are amazing, each one of them in their own way. So Allah subhanaw taala will give to both of them and as you can see from these verses, the rewards will be very similar, but the reward of those who are closer to Allah, who have the reward of the Serbia con is greater than those who have the lesser levels. Those two guards will be of deepest green because they will be well irrigate irrigated fee may

01:18:04 --> 01:18:06

not bore holes

01:18:08 --> 01:18:11

in them or to crushing springs Febby a ye

01:18:13 --> 01:18:15

be Kuma to can leave

01:18:17 --> 01:18:20

them which are the fields of your Lord will you deny fee

01:18:22 --> 01:18:23


01:18:24 --> 01:18:25


01:18:27 --> 01:18:30

in them are fruits the palms and pomegranates Febby a

01:18:33 --> 01:18:35

big woman to get the back

01:18:37 --> 01:18:52

Then which of the favors of your Lord we deny in them or to costume springs in them or fruits of all types the best of which are dates upon on pomegranate pomegranates in which there are many benefits fee in Euro tune

01:18:54 --> 01:18:57

in them are good and beautiful women Febby a year

01:19:00 --> 01:19:02

big women to get the bar

01:19:04 --> 01:19:06

which are the favorites of your Lord will you deny

01:19:08 --> 01:19:09

muggles who

01:19:10 --> 01:19:11

feel fear

01:19:14 --> 01:19:16

for one secluded in pavilions

01:19:17 --> 01:19:18

for maybe a year

01:19:20 --> 01:19:22

big women to get the bar

01:19:24 --> 01:19:29

and then whichever the favorites of your Lord we deny lamea Thomas one

01:19:32 --> 01:19:32

call the

01:19:38 --> 01:19:42

untouched before any man or gin Febi a ye

01:19:45 --> 01:19:47

be Kuma to get the

01:19:49 --> 01:19:59

the witch of the favours of the Lord Will you deny in them that is in all the gardens are good and beautiful women there is there a good attitude and beautiful in appearance. They'll stay combined inner and outer beauty

01:20:00 --> 01:20:18

Beauty a physical form and of character, fair, one secluded in pavilions, that is, they stay in pavilions of pearls, where they have prepared themselves for their husbands. That does not mean that they do not go out and about in the garden of paradise, as is a custom among the daughters of kings and the like, who dwelt in seclusion.

01:20:19 --> 01:20:25

What day Turkey in fluffin, who during recording in his

01:20:26 --> 01:20:33

the people of those gardens will be Reclining on green cushions and eggs and exquisite carpets Febby a

01:20:35 --> 01:20:36

big woman to get the

01:20:38 --> 01:20:44

which of the favorite of a lot do you deny? Turbo like a small or big deal generally well, it could

01:20:46 --> 01:20:49

best be the name of your Lord, or the Lord majesty and munificence.

01:20:55 --> 01:21:36

To people of those gardens will be reclining on, on green cushions, that is the people of those two Gardens will be reclining or Greek cushions that are placed on lofty seats and exquisite carpets. The words translated here as carpets, as carpet refers to a carpet that is woven in LA in a very elegant, skillful and beautiful manner. Hence, Allah describes it as exquisite, because it's so well made, because beautiful and soft to the touch. These two gardens are of a lesser quality, that the first two God is mentioned in verse 62. As Allah ascribed to the first two, God is a number of characteristics, they did not ascribe to the second of the two, the second two was the author

01:21:36 --> 01:21:38

hematol is not going to make a comparison.

01:21:39 --> 01:22:16

So the reward that's mentioned for the first group of people and the second, second one is lesser than the first they have lesser level. So the author now because Allah as you mentioned, the same type of rewards, they have springs, their fruit, they have reclining couches and so on, but a lot of the authors want to make a comparison to show that the first one is of a higher level and a greater reward than the second, he says concerning the first two in them or two flowing in the mouth to flung springs. And he says concerning the second two in them are two gushing springs. The difference between flowing and gushing is obvious because flowing is more, it is faster, it is greater, and it

01:22:16 --> 01:22:53

is more than what is gushing. He says concerning the first two gardens shaded by spreading branches, but he does not say with regard to the second two, he says concerning the first two gardens in the emoticons of every fruit, but he says concerning the second two, and then my fruits, de poms and pomegranates it's clear that there's a difference between the two descriptions because in the first one he doesn't specify any fruits Allah Israel says men can differ from every fruit. But in the second one, he says fruit and then he specifies dates and pomegranates, he says concerning the first two gardens they will recline on carpets line with Brocade with the with the fruit of the two

01:22:53 --> 01:23:14

gardens within easy reach. But he's not saying that. Concerning the second two rather, he says the people of those gardens will be Reclining on green cushions and exquisite carpets. He says concerning the first two gardens describing the wives and spouses in the in those gardens will be chaste women who restrain their glasses on touch before any man or gin. And he says concerning the second two fair, one secluded and pavilions.

01:23:16 --> 01:23:52

He says concerning the first two gardens is the reward of the goodness anything but goodness, which indicates that the first two quarters are the word for the foremost doers of good and he does not say that concerning the second two gardens. The mere fact that the first two gardens I mentioned before the second two gardens that they are, that indicates that they are superior. From the points mentioned above, we may conclude that the first two gardens are superior to the second two, and that they are prepared for those who are close to Allah, namely the prophets and the strong and true and faith and the elite among the righteous slaves of Allah and that the second two are prepared for

01:23:52 --> 01:24:27

ordinary believers. In other in all of the, in all of the accordions mentioned there is that which no IRC no ear has heard, nor has it ever crossed the mind of men, even though there are two separate levels or two different groups and two different gods in that sense, each one of those people agenda will be pleased and happy as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the person in Ghana and the reward that he receives will think that there is no one better than them in Jannah as mentioned in the context of the of who of the last man ever 22 Jana, he will have the least reward and the process and instead he will enter into gender thinking that there is no one in Jannah better than

01:24:27 --> 01:24:59

me. So Allah azza wa jal will give to every person that which will delight them and make them happy. But in terms of just the categorization, yes, there are higher levels, that the levels of the higher people who are like the, the prophets and the companions and those who reach that level from the ordinary believers that strive and reach that level of we lie that they come closer to Allah subhanaw taala and that is open for every person, every person can reach that level, if they make the effort, and those who don't reach that level allows you to still give them gender, and they will still be happy and they will be enjoying the blessings and the blessings.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:37

Generally, people will enjoy the most comfort, contentment and ease living in the best of boat to such an extent that no one will think that anyone else is better than them than then than him or is enjoying more sublime bliss than that which he is enjoying. Having mentioned the vastness of His grace and kindness, law says, Blessed be the Name of your Lord, the Lord of Majesty and beneficence. That is, how great are the blessings and how abundant the kindness of the one who belongs spending majesty perfect glory and magnificence towards his close friends, this end of the country of sorts of praise and thanks for Allah and the blessings and peace of Allah, the upon the Prophet Muhammad

01:25:37 --> 01:25:50

Sallallahu Sallam his family and his companions bundaleer to the day of judgment and with that we come to the end of the to zero sorta man and of today's lesson BarakAllahu li como Salah Mohammed who are early he also be a drain cinnabar liquid rahmatullah wa barakato

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