Quran Tafseer – Page 74 – Rejecting The Truth Leads To Punishment

Ahsan Hanif


Channel: Ahsan Hanif


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The history and characteristics of the tafsir page are discussed, including references to Quraysh army, the use of wealth and reward, recording actions and statements, and the importance of not believing in any messenger until it brings fire from heaven to Earth. The speaker emphasizes the importance of remembering death and recounts the story of the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam, who used to teach people to remember death and recount the story of the prophet Ali Ali Ali. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding death and patient behavior and self discipline.

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Welcome to another episode of our tafsir page

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by page.

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Today we're upon upon page 74.

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The 4th 2 surah to early Imran.

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In the previous episode,

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we mentioned the statements of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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concerning some of the things that took place

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after the battle of Uhud and in particular

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the battle of what we call Hamra Al

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Asad. And that is as we said that

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after the battle of Uhud, the Quresh

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after they were leaving from Medina on their

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way back to Mecca decided to regroup because

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they realized that they hadn't achieved any of

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their objectives

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from coming to Medina and attacking the city

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of Medina and and the and the people

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of Medina.

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The the companions of the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam himself. And so the messenger of Allah

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam gathered a number of his

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companions, made an army, and he sent them

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to a place called Hamra Al Asad that

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they should go and ward off this army

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of Quraysh if he was going to come

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back to attack Madina once again. The Quraysh

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Allah makes them have enough, you know, they've

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done enough. They don't they can't they don't

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want to go back into another battlefield battlefield

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and fight all over again. And so they

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return back to Madinah. And Allah Azwajal pleases

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the companions of the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

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because of the iman that they showed and

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the determination and the steadfastness that they showed

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despite what had just taken place on the

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battlefield of wahad. And then Allah mentions a

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number of verses concerning those people who disbelieve,

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those people who have nifaq and hypocrisy

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and the way that they see things in

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their perspective, and Allah

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corrects their perspective for us and shows to

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us the reality of their

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Today we begin with the therefore verse 181,

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and that is the statement of Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala

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Allah has certainly heard the words of those

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who sneer

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that Allah is poor while we are rich.

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We shall record everything that they say as

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well as their prophets in defiance, a world

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that is right, and we shall say to

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them taste the torment of the scorching fire.

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This verse comes after the the last verse

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that we took the previous episode and that

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was the statement of Allah azza wa jal

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concerning those people who are miserly and stingy

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and they withhold

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from spending in the way of Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala thinking that they're doing good because

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they're withholding their wealth and keeping it for

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themselves. They're keeping their money where they think

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it is,

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where they think that it's going to continue

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to accumulate and increase. And Allah says, but

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rather that is evil for you. And that

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is because Allah will use that same mouth

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to punish them on your mumqiyam. And we

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mentioned that even for the Muslims, the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wasallam told us concerning those people

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who refused to pay Zakah that Allah will

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use the wealth

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that Zakah was due upon, that they refuse

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to give in the way of Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala. He will use that same moth

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to punish them on yumulquiyama.

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Whether that be livestock animals,

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whether that be gold and silver or cash,

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whatever it may be, Allah will use that

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to punish that person on Yomul Qiyam as

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is mentioned in the sunnah of the Prophet

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

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This verse 181 is similar

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in terms of spending in the way of

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but not from a different angle, and this

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is the statement attributed to some of the

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people who used to live in Madinah from

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the people of the book.

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And that is that they say that they

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said concerning Allah that your God must be

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As for us, we and our God were

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And that is because it is said in

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some of the narrations in the books of

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that some of them heard the people of

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the book in Madinah, they heard the verse

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of the Quran which Allah Azzawajal says,

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Who is it that will give to Allah

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a goodly loan? Or the statement of Allah

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and likewise the statement of Allah

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and give to Allah a goodly loan. So

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obviously as we know in our religion from

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the Quran and from its verses that when

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you give in sadaqa,

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it is as if you are giving a

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loan to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. But it

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is not a monetary loan. It is not

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because Allah needs your money and Allah will

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pay you back in money.

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Rather it is a goodly loan because

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Allah azza wa jal is taking your charity

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that you give to the poor and the

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needy and is multiplying it in terms of

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That is and blessing and so on. And

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that is what Allah aza wa jal is

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referring to in that aspect of being alone.

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Because when you get a loan, when you

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give a loan, you get back what you

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give. Someone gives to you something else or

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in the conventional loan system which is the

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the riba type of loan, you get back

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more than what you gave. You borrow someone

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10, they give you back something some something

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which is more, but they give you back

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15 instead of 10. That is haram in

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But Allah

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says in terms of reward, Allah

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will give you multiple

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rewards. So yes, you gave that £100 in

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charity to the poor and needy, Allah accepted

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that charity from you and increased it in

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reward And he nurtured it in terms of

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its reward.

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And then Allah will give it back to

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you as the prophet said

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that when someone gives sadaqah,

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Allah accepts it with his right hand and

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he nurtures it. Nurtures the Sadaqah and charity

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just the way one of you nurtures a

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newborn animal. So So just say you have,

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for example, a flock of sheep and there's

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a newborn lamb or cows and and there's

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a newborn calf and so on, you look

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after that calf. Right? You will feed it.

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You look after that that child that you

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need to to look after because it's part

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of your livestock, part of your animals that

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you want to therefore want it to grow

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up and be healthy and so on, you

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give extra care and attention. Likewise, Allah does

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with sadaqah, he nurtures it in a way

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in terms of the reward that a person

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will receive.

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So when some of the people in the

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book, they heard

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these verses that Allah is asking for alone

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and someone they said as a way of

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mocking the religion of sneering of looking down

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and humiliating the religion they said, oh, your

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God must be poor. In allaha faqeel. As

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for us, we're rich. Our God doesn't say

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to us give us loans and so on.

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So your God must be poor.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala responds and he says

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we will record that which they say.

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And we will also record the fact that

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they killed their prophets in defiance without any

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and for that they will be told to

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taste the torment of the fire. So Allah

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says that these statements of theirs plus everything

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that they did before Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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would hold them to account for it. Allah

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in verse

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This is on account of what you stored

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up for yourselves with your own hands. Indeed,

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Allah is never unjust to his servants.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says this is as

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a result of what you have done. So

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the torment of fire that you will have

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is because of the statements that you have

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and the actions that you have committed and

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Allah will record all of that down and

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will hold you to account for it and

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this is something which therefore isn't specific

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or unique to the people of the book

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or the non Muslims but even the Muslims

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are included in this That Allah Azza Wa

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Jal records everything that we do, that Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will hold us to account

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for our deeds and our actions and our

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statements and so on. Allah will hold us

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to account

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and therefore we will also suffer

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the repercussions of what we did. If they

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are good, we will be rewarded. If they

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are evil, then we may be punished. And

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so Allah says that this is the reality

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also for those people who made these types

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of assertions and it is

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the worst of manners and etiquette with Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala

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that a person would say something

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in that regard that Allah is poor, that

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Allah is in need, that Allah lives in

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poverty. These are abhorrent terms to ascribe to

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the lord of the creators of the heavens,

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the one who owns all of the treasures

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of the universe. Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Allah

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says in verse 183,

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To those who say Allah has commanded us

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not to believe in any messenger

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unless he brings us an offering that fire

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from heaven consumes,

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say to them, oh messenger, messengers

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before me have come to you with clear

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signs including the one that you mentioned. If

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you are sincere then why did you kill

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them? Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is saying that

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these people

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who say this concerning Allah that Allah is

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poor, that we are rich, that Allah is

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in need, that Allah is in poverty. These

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are the same people who said that we

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were told that we shouldn't believe

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in any messenger or prophet

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until he brings forth charity or something which

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will be consumed by a fire that will

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come from

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And that is a lie because that sign

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is one of the signs that Allah sent

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his messengers from. It is not the only

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or exclusive sign. So for them to say

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that we were told that we should only

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believe if the prophet, a prophet of Allah

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or a messenger of Allah brings this sign,

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that is untrue, it is false.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sent the prophets and

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messengers with many signs. He sent prophets with

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signs like Musa alaihi salam with all of

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his signs of the staff and splitting the

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seas and the locusts and the frogs and

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so on. And he sent other prophets with

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signs like Risa Alaihi Salam of

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curing the blind and the leopard bringing back

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the life to dead and so on. And

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he sent our messenger Muhammad salallahu alaihi wasallam

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with his signs such as the Quran and

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the splitting of the moon and all of

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the various miracles that he was given salallahu

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alaihi wa sallam. Yes. From those signs, for

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some of those prophets was that they would

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be, that their charity or that their offering

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would be consumed by fire. And we know

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that the,

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in the times of the past or the

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prophets of the past, when they would fight

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battles and wars and they would have their

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spoils of war that they would accumulate, they

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wouldn't take from it themselves. But rather what

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they would do is they would gather it

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together and if the jihad and the fight

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or the the fighting in Allah's cause was

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accepted by Allah, a fire would come and

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it would consume the spoils of war. And

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that meant that the jihad was accepted.

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And if no fire came, he meant that

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their jihad wasn't accepted.

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But for this, the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam,

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as the prophet told us salallahu alaihi wasallam

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from the things that Allah gave to him

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as unique to him salallahu alayhi wasalam

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that Allah made the spoils of war halal

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for me and my ummah.

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And so therefore the prophet would distribute that

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wealth. No fire would come and take it,

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rather he would distribute that wealth and it

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would be given to the Muslims. So this

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claim of theirs

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is false in the in the sense that

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it's something which every messenger and prophet must

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bring. It is a sign from the many

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signs that Allah

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sent. It is not the only exclusive sign.

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And then Allah refused his assertion anyway by

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then say to them that indeed prophets came

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before me

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with clear signs

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and with the very sign that you yourself

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are asserting, meaning the sign of the fire

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coming to consume the offering.

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Then why would you go and kill them

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after this?

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And so these people, as we've said before,

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as Allah has mentioned in in in various

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in the passages that we've already mentioned, for

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example, in Surah Al Baqarah, Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala mentioned that these people didn't really want

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to truly believe in the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam, but rather they were looking just for

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excuses and justifications

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and ways of being able to

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evade having to believe in the prophet,

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even though they know clearly from the scriptures

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that they should have believed. They know the

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signs of a prophet and a messenger. They

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know the signs of Allah sends with prophets

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and messengers. They know the signs of revelation

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that comes from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala but

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they chose to ignore everything from those signs

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and instead find ways that they could circumvent

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or change or find a way to evade

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believing in the messenger salallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And that is why Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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in the next verse, he consoled the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam by saying

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If they reject you, then so have other

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messengers been rejected before you even though they

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came with clear evidence, books of wisdom, and

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enlightening scripture. This is verse 184.

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So So Allah ajawajal is saying to the

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prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, don't be disheartened by

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their rejection.

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Don't be saddened by their rejection of you

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because this is the way that they always

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Because if they rejected

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then many of the messengers who came before

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you were also rejected

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We know that the prophet salallahu alaihi wa

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wanted guidance for everyone. That was from the

00:14:02--> 00:14:05

characteristics of the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam.

00:14:05--> 00:14:06

And one of the things that you see

00:14:07--> 00:14:10

from his beautiful character salallahu alayhi wasalam, which

00:14:10--> 00:14:12

is which shows the character that he had

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and the worth and the value of this

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man salallahu alayhi wasalam Because it is one

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of the hardest things to have and that

00:14:18--> 00:14:20

is to constantly want good for others. And

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not just a small amount of good in

00:14:23--> 00:14:23

a small

00:14:24--> 00:14:27

limited way, but rather good that is that

00:14:27--> 00:14:28

is on a general scale, that is on

00:14:28--> 00:14:31

a major scale, that is good that is

00:14:31--> 00:14:32


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over the,

00:14:34--> 00:14:36

over the period of a person's life and

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beyond into the next life. And that is

00:14:38--> 00:14:40

why the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, despite

00:14:40--> 00:14:42

all of the personal harm that he suffered,

00:14:42--> 00:14:44

despite all of the personal attacks that he

00:14:44--> 00:14:47

suffered salallahu alaihi wa sallam, despite the number

00:14:47--> 00:14:49

of his close companions that were killed and

00:14:49--> 00:14:51

martyred by the enemies of Islam. When those

00:14:51--> 00:14:54

people then came to accept Islam, the prophet

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salallahu alaihi wasallam was willing and allowing for

00:14:57--> 00:14:59

them to come into Islam. And he would

00:14:59--> 00:15:01

pardon and he would forgive and he would

00:15:01--> 00:15:04

show forbearance and patience salallahu alaihi wasalam because

00:15:04--> 00:15:06

imagine that the person who comes to you

00:15:06--> 00:15:09

today is the very person who killed your

00:15:09--> 00:15:12

father. He killed your uncle. He killed your

00:15:12--> 00:15:14

son. He killed your spouse. He took your

00:15:14--> 00:15:17

wealth. He took your land. He oppressed you.

00:15:17--> 00:15:20

He injured you. He tortured you. He persecuted

00:15:20--> 00:15:22

you. All of those things

00:15:22--> 00:15:25

have raw emotions. They cause a great deal

00:15:25--> 00:15:27

of harm and pain and that is harm

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and pain that lasts for a lifetime. It's

00:15:29--> 00:15:31

not something that you forget after a day

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or a week or a month or a

00:15:32--> 00:15:34

year. That is something which is raw and

00:15:34--> 00:15:36

it continues with you because of that type

00:15:36--> 00:15:37

of harm.

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And now some of those people are coming

00:15:39--> 00:15:42

to accept Islam, and the prophet sallallahu alaihi

00:15:42--> 00:15:44

wasallam would give them their religion. He would

00:15:44--> 00:15:46

allow them to be Muslims and he would

00:15:46--> 00:15:48

accept them as the as his brothers and

00:15:48--> 00:15:50

he would pardon and forgive and forget and

00:15:50--> 00:15:53

he would honor them salallahu alaihi wasallam. And

00:15:53--> 00:15:54

that is why I said that these this

00:15:54--> 00:15:55


00:15:55--> 00:15:57

shows the quality of the character of the

00:15:57--> 00:15:59

prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam. Because we all know

00:15:59--> 00:16:01

that if someone was to harm us in

00:16:01--> 00:16:02

far lesser ways

00:16:03--> 00:16:04

than the way in in the ways that

00:16:04--> 00:16:07

the companions and the Prophet salallahu alaihi wa

00:16:07--> 00:16:09

sallam will harm, and then that person was

00:16:09--> 00:16:10

to come and apologize,

00:16:11--> 00:16:13

ask for forgiveness and pardon, that would be

00:16:13--> 00:16:15

very difficult to accept at a personal level.

00:16:15--> 00:16:17

That would be something difficult to do and

00:16:17--> 00:16:19

even if we say yes and we accept,

00:16:20--> 00:16:21

for many of us, we would find it

00:16:21--> 00:16:23

difficult to then re engage with that person,

00:16:23--> 00:16:25

to make them a friend, to honor them,

00:16:25--> 00:16:27

to show good towards them. We would just

00:16:27--> 00:16:29

simply say it's okay, it's fine and then

00:16:29--> 00:16:31

just kind of try to avoid them, not

00:16:31--> 00:16:33

really get into any situation with them. But

00:16:33--> 00:16:35

the companions of the prophet salallahu alaihi wa

00:16:35--> 00:16:37

sallam and their role model, the prophet salallahu

00:16:37--> 00:16:40

alaihi wa sallam himself did more than this.

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They would go out of their way to

00:16:42--> 00:16:44

make them feel welcome. They would honor them.

00:16:44--> 00:16:46

They would assist them. They would be with

00:16:46--> 00:16:48

them. They were like brothers to them. And

00:16:48--> 00:16:50

that is how the prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam

00:16:50--> 00:16:53

wanted this type of guidance for everyone. So

00:16:53--> 00:16:56

we see when the Quraysh eventually accept Islam,

00:16:56--> 00:16:58

this is how the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam

00:16:58--> 00:17:00

is with them. When the people of Taif,

00:17:00--> 00:17:02

Taqif, when they come and accept Islam, this

00:17:02--> 00:17:04

is how the prophet is with them salallahu

00:17:04--> 00:17:07

alayhi wasalam. So this was his character. And

00:17:07--> 00:17:09

so when people would reject him, when people

00:17:09--> 00:17:10

would would would mock

00:17:11--> 00:17:13

him or ridicule him, This is something which

00:17:13--> 00:17:16

saddened and grieved the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

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So now they're saying that the signs that

00:17:18--> 00:17:20

you bring are not good enough for us.

00:17:20--> 00:17:22

Rather, we want this specific sign. They are

00:17:22--> 00:17:25

demanding from Allah to send them a specific

00:17:25--> 00:17:27

sign. And Allah has the ability to do

00:17:27--> 00:17:29

so, but it is a test for those

00:17:29--> 00:17:31

people. Because Allah does not listen to their

00:17:31--> 00:17:33

commands. They don't hold

00:17:33--> 00:17:36

sway or authority over Allah that he has

00:17:36--> 00:17:38

to listen to their commands. Allah gives them

00:17:38--> 00:17:40

clear signs that if they were sincere,

00:17:40--> 00:17:42

they would know that this messenger salallahu alayhi

00:17:42--> 00:17:44

wasalam was a messenger from Allah subhanahu wa

00:17:44--> 00:17:46

ta'ala. And if they are insincere,

00:17:47--> 00:17:48

then they will make these false excuses

00:17:49--> 00:17:51

as they are making. And that is what

00:17:51--> 00:17:52

Allah ajazhu jal is saying in this verse

00:17:52--> 00:17:53


00:17:53--> 00:17:56

For in Tabuka, if they reject you, then

00:17:56--> 00:17:58

they rejected those who came before you.

00:17:59--> 00:18:01

All of those messengers came with clear evidences

00:18:02--> 00:18:05

as Zubr with books of wisdom scriptures, walkitabil

00:18:06--> 00:18:08

Munir and enlightening scriptures. They came with all

00:18:08--> 00:18:11

of this. They came with everything that they

00:18:11--> 00:18:11


00:18:12--> 00:18:14

and even so they still rejected them and

00:18:14--> 00:18:16

that is because when a person is insincere,

00:18:16--> 00:18:18

they don't really want to worship Allah ahsawajal,

00:18:18--> 00:18:20

they don't really want to come closer to

00:18:20--> 00:18:22

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala then that is going

00:18:22--> 00:18:23

to be their reality and they're going to

00:18:23--> 00:18:25

reject irrespective

00:18:26--> 00:18:27

of what it is

00:18:28--> 00:18:29

that a person

00:18:29--> 00:18:31

brings forth to them.

00:18:31--> 00:18:32


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in the next verse 185 he says

00:18:52--> 00:18:55

Every day, every soul will taste death, and

00:18:55--> 00:18:57

he will be paid in full only on.

00:18:58--> 00:18:59

Whoever is kept away from the fire and

00:18:59--> 00:19:01

admitted to the garden will have triumphed. The

00:19:01--> 00:19:03

present world is only

00:19:03--> 00:19:04

an illusory

00:19:04--> 00:19:05


00:19:05--> 00:19:07

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

00:19:09--> 00:19:11

says in this verse giving to us the

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and that is that each and every single

00:19:14--> 00:19:15

social to his death,

00:19:15--> 00:19:18

There is no person that lives upon this

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except that they must take death and they

00:19:21--> 00:19:22

must die

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in this world, in this life of the

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Every single human,

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Oliya of Allah, believers,

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everything must die. As Allah ajawajal says elsewhere

00:19:34--> 00:19:35

in the Quran.

00:19:40--> 00:19:42

Everything upon it will perish

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and only the face of your Lord, full

00:19:44--> 00:19:46

of nobility and majesty

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and honor will remain.

00:19:48--> 00:19:49

And that is why even the prophet Isa

00:19:49--> 00:19:50

Alaihi Salam

00:19:51--> 00:19:54

who has of yet not suffered death, he

00:19:54--> 00:19:56

will come down towards the end of time

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as is as is mentioned to us as

00:19:58--> 00:20:00

he is from the signs of yomul Qiyamah.

00:20:00--> 00:20:02

He will come down and he will live

00:20:02--> 00:20:03

for a period of time and then he

00:20:03--> 00:20:06

too alayhi salam will die in this dunya.

00:20:06--> 00:20:08

That is the sunnah of Allah subhanahu wa

00:20:08--> 00:20:10

ta'ala. And that is what Allah is saying

00:20:10--> 00:20:13

in verse 185 of Surah 2 earlier Imran.

00:20:15--> 00:20:19

Every single soul shall taste death. So everyone

00:20:19--> 00:20:21

dies. And that is why the prophet salallahu

00:20:21--> 00:20:22

alaihi wasallam used to recommend

00:20:22--> 00:20:25

that we remember death. He used to say

00:20:25--> 00:20:28

remember the destroyer of pleasures death because it's

00:20:28--> 00:20:30

something which helps you to focus,

00:20:30--> 00:20:31

to reprioritize,

00:20:32--> 00:20:34

to have greater perspective when you know that

00:20:34--> 00:20:36

you're going to die. And the trap of

00:20:36--> 00:20:37


00:20:37--> 00:20:39

is to deceive us about death, that you

00:20:39--> 00:20:41

will live for 70, 80 years, that you

00:20:41--> 00:20:43

have plenty of time, that death won't come

00:20:43--> 00:20:45

upon you suddenly, that you may not die

00:20:45--> 00:20:46

in your sleep, that you may not be

00:20:46--> 00:20:49

struck down by terminal illness or disease tomorrow.

00:20:50--> 00:20:52

All of these different things that Shaitan gives

00:20:52--> 00:20:53

to us and we think that we have

00:20:53--> 00:20:55

plenty of time. And even if none of

00:20:55--> 00:20:57

that stuff happens to you and you do

00:20:57--> 00:20:59

end up living for 70, 80, 90, a

00:20:59--> 00:21:01

100 years, look at how fast that time

00:21:01--> 00:21:03

goes. How much of that time just slips

00:21:03--> 00:21:06

by without us really accomplishing anything good for

00:21:06--> 00:21:08

the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

00:21:09--> 00:21:11

Every social taste death. If anyone was to

00:21:11--> 00:21:14

have been saved from death, it would have

00:21:14--> 00:21:16

been our prophet, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

00:21:16--> 00:21:18

If anyone was to have been saved from

00:21:18--> 00:21:20

that type of difficulty, it would have been

00:21:20--> 00:21:23

the most beloved of Allah's creation to him

00:21:23--> 00:21:24

subhanahu wa ta'ala.

00:21:24--> 00:21:26

And Allah says elsewhere in the Quran,

00:21:29--> 00:21:31

you will die. Meaning your messenger salallahu alayhi

00:21:31--> 00:21:33

wa sallam and they too will die. That

00:21:33--> 00:21:36

is the reality of this dunya.

00:21:36--> 00:21:38

And so the prophet salallahu alayhi was telling

00:21:38--> 00:21:38

me to recommend

00:21:39--> 00:21:40

that you go to the graveyard,

00:21:40--> 00:21:42

that you look there, you listen there, you

00:21:42--> 00:21:45

spend time there pondering over your own reality.

00:21:45--> 00:21:48

Today we bury our parents, our loved ones,

00:21:48--> 00:21:50

the people that are close to us, the

00:21:50--> 00:21:52

members of our community and tomorrow it will

00:21:52--> 00:21:54

be our turn and they will be burying

00:21:54--> 00:21:57

us. Anyone that's been, for example, to Mecca

00:21:57--> 00:21:59

or Medina to the 2 harams there, more

00:21:59--> 00:22:02

or less after every single congregational prayer, they

00:22:02--> 00:22:04

have Janazah prayers because everyone wants their Janazah

00:22:04--> 00:22:06

to be prayed in Mecca and Medina in

00:22:06--> 00:22:07

the 2 harams.

00:22:07--> 00:22:09

And so there you see that reality over

00:22:09--> 00:22:12

and over again but sometimes it is also

00:22:12--> 00:22:12


00:22:13--> 00:22:16

to to to become disconnected from it

00:22:16--> 00:22:18

or to for it to become the norm

00:22:18--> 00:22:20

because you're constantly playing those jazzes. You have

00:22:20--> 00:22:22

to go and you have to understand that

00:22:22--> 00:22:22


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And every time someone passes away, it should

00:22:25--> 00:22:27

be a reminder and a lesson for us

00:22:27--> 00:22:30

in terms of our own fragility of life

00:22:30--> 00:22:32

and its temporary nature.

00:22:33--> 00:22:34


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and you will be paid in full

00:22:41--> 00:22:43

Whatever you earn of good or bad, reward

00:22:43--> 00:22:46

or punishment you will be given that full

00:22:47--> 00:22:49

so therefore what is success

00:22:49--> 00:22:51

what is success and what is failure

00:22:51--> 00:22:55

from an zukh zeeha alin now. Whosoever is

00:22:55--> 00:22:57

removed or kept away from the fire. Entered

00:22:59--> 00:23:02

into paradise, they have been given and granted

00:23:02--> 00:23:03

success. They have triumphed.

00:23:04--> 00:23:06

So the opposite meaning therefore is also true

00:23:06--> 00:23:09

that whoever is turned away from paradise

00:23:09--> 00:23:11

and enters into the fire, then they have

00:23:11--> 00:23:13

suffered the ultimate loss.

00:23:17--> 00:23:19

And indeed the life of this world is

00:23:19--> 00:23:22

just an illusory pleasure. The dunya and everything

00:23:22--> 00:23:24

in it from its mouth, from its beautification,

00:23:24--> 00:23:27

from its adornments, from everything that is contained

00:23:27--> 00:23:28

therein, it is all.

00:23:29--> 00:23:30

It is temporary

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00:23:32--> 00:23:34

And so we gather this wealth and we

00:23:34--> 00:23:36

spend our lives accumulating all of this money

00:23:36--> 00:23:38

and trying to build an empire for ourselves

00:23:39--> 00:23:40

and then we leave and none of it

00:23:40--> 00:23:43

really matters. It's taken by others. It's used

00:23:43--> 00:23:46

by others. It benefits others maybe, but does

00:23:46--> 00:23:48

it really benefit us? Not necessarily.

00:23:48--> 00:23:50

Especially if it was earned in a way

00:23:50--> 00:23:52

that is halal and spent in a way

00:23:52--> 00:23:53

that is pleasing to Allah

00:23:54--> 00:23:56

And so we have to be mindful of

00:23:56--> 00:23:58

the dunya and its temporary nature

00:23:58--> 00:23:59

and the permanency

00:24:00--> 00:24:02

of the next existence of the hereafter. And

00:24:02--> 00:24:04

so the intelligent one is the one who

00:24:04--> 00:24:05

works for what is permanent

00:24:05--> 00:24:07

and not so much for the one is

00:24:07--> 00:24:07


00:24:08--> 00:24:09

as opposed to working for what you know

00:24:09--> 00:24:10

is only temporary

00:24:11--> 00:24:13

and ignoring what you know is permanent.

00:24:14--> 00:24:16

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in verse 186,

00:24:16--> 00:24:18

the final verse on this page,

00:24:35--> 00:24:37

You are sure to be tested through your

00:24:37--> 00:24:38

possessions and your persons.

00:24:38--> 00:24:40

You are sure to hear much that is

00:24:40--> 00:24:42

hurtful from those who have given the scripture

00:24:42--> 00:24:44

before you and from those who associate others

00:24:44--> 00:24:47

with Allah. If you are steadfast and mindful

00:24:47--> 00:24:49

of Allah, that is the best course.

00:24:49--> 00:24:49


00:24:50--> 00:24:52

is saying that this is the reality of

00:24:52--> 00:24:55

the dunya. That Allah will test you in

00:24:55--> 00:24:58

terms of yourselves, your lives, your bodies, and

00:24:58--> 00:25:00

in terms of your wealth. And wealth and

00:25:00--> 00:25:02

life is a test as we know all

00:25:02--> 00:25:04

of it even when it is good it

00:25:04--> 00:25:06

is a test to see how you will

00:25:06--> 00:25:08

respond. If Allah honors you with good health,

00:25:08--> 00:25:10

honors you with wealth will you use those

00:25:10--> 00:25:12

blessings in a way that is pleasing to

00:25:12--> 00:25:12


00:25:13--> 00:25:15

or will it make you arrogant and heedless?

00:25:15--> 00:25:17

And when you have calamity and hardship before

00:25:17--> 00:25:19

you, will that also make you come closer

00:25:19--> 00:25:20

to Allah

00:25:20--> 00:25:22

in your patience, in your ibadah, in your

00:25:22--> 00:25:24

character? Or will it drive you away from

00:25:24--> 00:25:27

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala? And from that harm

00:25:27--> 00:25:28

is that which is external.

00:25:28--> 00:25:30

You will hear harm from the people of

00:25:30--> 00:25:32

the scripture, from the people of shirk, from

00:25:32--> 00:25:35

those around you. They will harm you. They

00:25:35--> 00:25:37

will ridicule your religion. They will mock your

00:25:37--> 00:25:39

prophet. They will mock your scriptures. They will

00:25:39--> 00:25:41

mock the way that you look and the

00:25:41--> 00:25:43

way that you dress and the principles and

00:25:43--> 00:25:45

morals that you have and that you uphold

00:25:45--> 00:25:47

the character that you have, as Muslims you

00:25:47--> 00:25:48

will hear much of this.

00:25:48--> 00:25:49

So what does Allah

00:25:50--> 00:25:51

commend us to do?

00:25:53--> 00:25:56

To have sabr. Be patient, patient upon the

00:25:56--> 00:25:59

harm, patient upon Allah's decree, patient upon all

00:25:59--> 00:26:01

of the evil that comes your way, patient

00:26:01--> 00:26:04

upon the good that comes in remaining steadfast

00:26:04--> 00:26:06

upon the worship of Allah Subhanahu Ta'ala and

00:26:06--> 00:26:08

strong in your iman. Patience

00:26:09--> 00:26:10

is extremely important.

00:26:10--> 00:26:13

And taqwa, be mindful of Allah in every

00:26:13--> 00:26:14

single situation

00:26:14--> 00:26:16

even when it's to do with your wealth

00:26:16--> 00:26:18

or your life or people are harming you

00:26:18--> 00:26:20

by the way that they act or what

00:26:20--> 00:26:22

they say, know that Allah is watching you.

00:26:22--> 00:26:24

You have to behave in accordance to the

00:26:24--> 00:26:26

Sharia. So the Muslim is not the one

00:26:26--> 00:26:28

who's just be just because other people are

00:26:28--> 00:26:30

doing evil and oppression that they're going to

00:26:30--> 00:26:32

respond with even greater evil and oppression.

00:26:32--> 00:26:34

We don't have that concept in our religion,

00:26:34--> 00:26:36

but rather we know as Muslims, and

00:26:38--> 00:26:40

the way that we should conduct ourselves.

00:26:40--> 00:26:42

So even when others transgress

00:26:43--> 00:26:45

and go beyond the limits that have been

00:26:45--> 00:26:45


00:26:45--> 00:26:47

then the Muslim is the one who knows

00:26:47--> 00:26:50

their position because they have sabr, patience and

00:26:50--> 00:26:51

they have taqwa of Allah

00:26:51--> 00:26:53

and if you have those two things, it

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is not easy. And that is why Allah

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says that that is from the most

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asmul umur. It is from the best course

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or it is from the issues of high

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high aspiration.

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And that is because to be constantly

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patient and and constantly mindful of Allah especially

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in those times of difficulty is not something

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which is easy, but rather requires a great

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deal of self discipline of turning to Allah

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of dua, of trusting in Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala and Ibadah. May Allah

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to the end of today's episode.

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to the end of today's episode.