Ahsan Hanif – Quran Tafseer – Page 67 – Don’t Engage In Usury And Fear Allah
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Santa Monica, Allah he will barakato Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen will Akbar to clean order Eduardo Illa Allah Allah Allah Ameen or shadow Allah either in Allah Who are the hula Sharika, who either will overlay No laughing or shadow under the BRM Mohammed Abdul Hora pseudo Mustafa Al Amin Allahumma salli wa sallam mobile, medical or medical or surgical Mohamed denwa. He was be a drummer in a band Welcome to another episode to see it page by page and inshallah to Allah today we are on page number 67 of the Quran, which is in surah. Two earlier Imran the fourth jokes. In the previous episode, we began with the passage now of sort of to an everyman that
speaks about and discusses in detail the battle, which was the second major battle that was fought by our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in the third day of the Hijra. And that's the battle with the Quraysh came towards the outskirts of Medina, on the battlefield or hurt by the mountain of a hut. And they had a major battle with the Muslims. And we know that a number of the companions were martyred upon that day. From amongst them the famous companions like Hamza are the Allahu and, and most of them even know O'Meara, the Allah why there are a number of others, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself was injured upon the day. So Allah subhanaw taala gave to us a
number of principles in the previous episode, and we still had two or three verses there from page number 66. So we're starting from verse number 130. Today, and Allah azza wa jal in the middle of speaking about the backlog will now give to us a number of principles, a number of important things that the Muslim needs to bear in mind, these principles and these issues are things that will help a believer to remain steadfast in times of difficulty and in times of trial and hardship. It is very common for a person, even a practicing person, that when difficulty and hardship comes upon them, that their priorities now change because of the hardship and their focus shifts, and the
prioritizations change. And because of that, sometimes, it is the case that people become more distant from Allah subhanaw taala. Or they forget about some of the basics and fundamentals that the Muslims should always embody, or that they don't remember and some of the issues that will help them overcome this challenge that they're going through.
And so Allah azza wa jal gives to us a number of principles, the first of them, as mentioned in verse number 113, the steamed of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada are all the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim.
Yeah, Johan leadin M and Ola Khaled riba on the IFM Mudaraba. What duck Allah Allah Anleitung to flee Hoon, O, Yoo hoo, believe, do not consume us URIs, interest doubled and readable, but be mindful of Allah that you may prosper, prosper. Allah subhanaw taala in verse 130, gives the prohibition or the command rather to stay away from the Riba from usually and from interest. And Allah Azza generally says on the iPhone Mudaraba, that is doubled and readable, meaning for example, one of the ways in which usury was done in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that you give someone five pounds, for example, to borrow, but you want them to pay you back six or
seven. And if they can't pay you back six or seven within a week, then it doubles to eight or nine. And if we can't give back me back eight to nine in two weeks, and then go to 10, or 11, and so on, and so forth. So that person who's struggling in the first place to give that five back, because they wouldn't have borrowed that five from you had they had that money, but they only borrowed it because they needed it. And so that five that they find it difficult to pay back in the first place. Now they have to add on another five another 10 or the 15. As time progresses, and so the rich continue to become richer off the backs of those people who are poor, and those people who are poor
just end up living a life of poverty and debt. So Stan came, and he made it something haram and Allah azza wa jal says in this verse, stay away from this Old Believers. The question here is, what is the connection between this verse and the Battle of water, these principles that we want to mention here, and you will find different scholars have different reasons of Allah azza wa jal knows best and maybe all of them are, you know, potential reasons as to why these this verse or these verses are mentioned in the midst of the battle of
Allah azza wa jal in this verse is telling us to stay away from one of the major sins, one of the major sins being Riba. And so one of the principles that therefore we can take and benefit from is they're often in times of difficulty and in times of hardship. One of the reasons as those hardships come upon us is because we're engaging
sins, and especially major sins that we aren't making Toba from. We're attending back to Allah azza wa jal in repentance and seeking forgiveness. But when engaging in major sin, one sin after another, and something like Riba is a good example because it is continuous, it is something which is a continuous sin. So for example, someone may go and drink out on the drink, may Allah Azza see was from that the drink on one night, one evening, but then it's finished. And the next two weeks, they may not drink, and then they may come and drink again, or someone goes on the steal, but the student just once or twice or three times, it is limited in that sense. But someone who's engaged in rebar,
it is constantly something which is continuous, because when that person is saying to that poor individual, that now you owe me double, and then you owe me triple, and that person is going to take them months in order to pay off that debt, then it's a continuous sin that you're engaging in, because you're not just letting them off, you know, forgiving them, it is something which will remain and if you have a number of people that you're engaged within that type of transaction, it is a sin which then continues to multiply in that site in that way and that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam cussed the people who are engaged in the contract of a Riba.
So here Allah azza wa jal is telling us that one of the reasons why major calamities before is because of major sins perhaps that's one reason. Another reason Allah azza wa jal knows best is therefore that one of the ways to overcome difficulties and hardships is to reassess your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala and to stay away from major sins. So if you're someone for example, who's having a major challenge, you having a major difficulty you're going through something major in your life, Allah Azza didn't seem to be were you involved in major sins? Perhaps one of the reasons for the calamity is because of the sins that you are performing as Allah azza wa
jal tells us in the Quran elsewhere, Moussa Kumasi, but in February Makassar, but ad come, every calamity that before Judas because of what your own hands have earned. So Allah azza wa jal is saying perhaps you need to stay away from that. So you give up those major sins you make Toba to Allah azza wa jal repent to Him. That is one of the ways that Allah azza wa jal allows you to overcome. One of the other reasons and Allah knows best is because Riba is a form of oppression upon oppression. You are oppressing that person who is poor and able to pay back by doubling that oppression upon them. That person now has to over the period of weeks and months and years. They pay
you more than what they originally owed you in the first place. Sometimes the interest that is owed becomes more than the original math they borrow. How can that even be fair, someone borrows from me 10 pound brother, yes, they now owe you 25 pounds, which means that the 15 the interest is more than the original sum the 10 that they owe you in the first place. It is a form of oppression administered on the Alpha medulla alpha double unreadable, that is something which is extremely disliked by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada.
One of the things that happened on the day of the Battle of Watford, as we know is that the end of the battle, the Quraysh came to those people were martyred on that day from the companions, and they began to mutually their bodies, they began to mutilate their bodies. So for example, the body of Hamza or the Allahu Akbar was mutilated in a very bad way. And I don't want to go through the details of this because there may be younger viewers watching. But if you go back to the books of Sierra, and you read about what took place on that day, to the likes of Hamza, the Allah one is extremely graphic and very, very horrible in the way that they treated him, Radi Allahu Allah for
his death and he wasn't the only one. They mutilated a number of the bodies of the companions. And it shows therefore the enmity and hatred that the Quraysh had towards these people, towards the Muslims and the believers and the followers of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It is said in some narrations that wants to erase had left and the Muslims who are coming to take the deceased and to bury them, they found the mutilated bodies of their companions and their brothers. And some of them said that if Allah azza wa jal ever gives us victory over the Quraysh, again, we will do to their debt worse than what they did to ours, meaning that if we're ever in that position of power,
were the ones that win, were the ones who are victorious, we will do to them worse than what they did to us and Allah azza wa jal, therefore is saying in a indirect way, that just as riba isn't allowed, because it is oppression upon oppression, you will double up double, that makes it worse, then likewise, if it's not allowed in terms of wealth, that it showed, it's not allowed in terms of a person's body, in terms of the sanctity of the human and the body and what Allah azza wa jal has given to people in terms of their limbs and so on. Oppression therefore, in every way, is something which Allah azza wa jal has made haram. And so therefore just as haram in terms of wealth and money,
it's haram in terms of the way that you end up harming others or the physical harm that you may do towards others and Allah azza wa jal knows best breed the way
It no doubt that these verses speak about the importance of staying away from major sins. And that being a way of staying away from the Wrath of Allah azza wa jal and his displeasure and that is what Allah Azza didn't says in verse 151, what took on narrow Leti or that Lincare feeling, and beware of the fire prepared for those who turn away and reject Allah subhanho wa taala. And so therefore, Zoltan tells us that we should stay away from the fire by staying away from the disobedience of Allah subhanaw taala and from those major sins and instead in verse 132, will be Allah rasool Allah, Allah come to her moon and obey Allah and His Prophet that you may be given mercy. And so Allah azza
wa jal therefore tells us that one of the greatest ways of staying steadfast especially in times of difficulty and hardship, is to stay away from haram, and to continue in obedience to Allah and his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when he turned to Allah subhanaw taala, in times of hardship, in terms of of a bad in terms of difficulty yo from amongst those people who are even more conscious of that rabada conscious of the, the obedience to Allah azza wa jal, your people who are focused in terms of hardship in times of hardship, in terms of your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. So you're going to pray, you're going to make sure that you don't delay your future or your
Russia or you're Muslim, you're going to be amongst those people who ensures that they're fulfilling your other oblique obligatory acts that are upon you, such as giving this account fasting the month of Ramadan, you're going to ensure that you're still fulfilling the rights and responsibilities of others such as your parents and your spouses and your children and your neighbors and those people that are around you. That is what Allah azza wa jal wants. And when you show that level of dedication, it is something which is more beloved to Allah subhanaw taala and Allah azza wa jal may then prolong that difficulty upon you, because by prolonging that upon you you will increasing in
worship, increasing the Riba which when, if that difficulty was to be lifted from you, maybe you will never do, maybe you will stop, maybe you will do less. And so sometimes, even though the difficulty is hard, and it's burdensome to bear, Allah azza wa jal within it is making for you an opportunity, opening up doors and gates for you of worship of goodness of righteousness of earning good deeds and reward.
And Allah subhanaw taala then says in verse 133,
was 30 Oh enameled ferati Nairobi come Majan nothing outdoors. To one audible worried that Neil monoterpene hurry hastened towards your Lord's forgiveness, and a garden as wide as the heavens and earth prepared for the righteous. Allah subhanaw taala says in this verse that we should be some sadly Oh means to rush to hasten. In another verse, Allah azza wa jal will see something similar, but he will use the word sabich to compete with one another race one another, for the forgiveness of your Lord and for Jana, Allah subhanaw taala and this verse is telling us that one of the ways that we overcome difficulties and hardship and stress is that we turn to Allah azza wa jal and
forgiveness, the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala and the mercy of Allah azza wa jal removes all hardship, it removes all stress and difficulty. So a person who is focused in terms of their Ibadah focused in terms of their worship of Allah subhana data focused in terms of their forgiveness and repentance. There are people who continuously turn to Allah azza wa jal in repentance and seeking forgiveness. Allah subhanaw taala honors them and Allah azza wa jal blesses them. And Allah subhanaw taala favors them. Allah azza wa jal says that the people who do this, the people who are mindful of this, the people who are constantly aware of this are the people who are meant to clean the people
who have the Taqwa of Allah azza wa jal, they're fearful of large xojo and they're mindful of Allah subhanaw taala they're conscious of Allah azza wa jal, and Allah subhanaw taala then goes on to describe them. And these descriptions are important, because every single one of us wants to be from the turkey. All of us want to be from the righteous and the pious. Allah azza wa jal tells us elsewhere in the Quran, in Nehemiah Taco Bell Allahu,
Allah only accepts from the pious. So if Allah azza wa jal only accepts from the righteous and the pious. Then likewise we need to be people who aim to be from amongst that elite group of people, those people that Allah favors that Allah loves that Allah subhanaw taala honors and here Allah azza wa jal gives us the descriptions of them, who are the people that are allowed to clean? Allah azza wa jal says that from the descriptions these are not only all of their descriptions, but there is from them. In verse 134, Allah subhanaw taala says
Lavina you own every sunrise? You want, don't
you want curl we mean and
You've all well if in earning nurse Wallah who you're a bull Masini there are those who give, both in times of prosperity and in times of adversity. There are those who restrain their anger and they pardon people. And there are those indeed Allah azza wa jal lives those who do good.
Allah subhanaw taala says that the people of Turkey in over Taqwa are those people who are constantly spending in the way of Allah azza wa jal, the spending times of ease and in times of difficulty, when Allah azza wa jal honors them and blesses them and they have a great deal of wealth they spend for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And when times of difficult when times are hard, when times you know maybe they're restricted in terms of their finances, in terms of their wealth, they're still willing to give and spend in the way of Allah subhana wa Tada. And that is because the Eman and Allah azza wa jal is always strong, irrespective of their materialistic means, irrespective
of the wealth that they have to hand. And so they're constantly people who are spending in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. Just as we see, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they would spend in times of ease and in times of hardship, sometimes they had a lot of great deal of wealth and they were given the way of Allah. And other times their wealth was less so but they will still spend in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. From their descriptions, the terpene is that they are Calvino oil. There are those people who withhold their anger, they restrain their anger, there are people who know how to control themselves. In times when it may be difficult. It may be
stressful, or something takes place that gets their anger or gets their rage boiling, but they're able to contain and restrain themselves. And that is something beloved to Allah subhanaw taala. Because in those situations, the easy thing to do, especially in the position where you're in power, or you're the stronger one will or the person of influence, the easier thing is to show you anger is to become angry, is to lash out, it is to berate other people and humiliate them and harm them. But if you can contain that I'm going to be told it that is a sign of strength and courage. And that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who is the strongest amongst you, the companions that a
messenger of Allah the one who cannot wrestler this, the one interesting matchI at wrestles another, the prophets of Allah who Ali was to know rather than true, strong, or the one with true strength and courage is the one who can withhold His anger at times when it's able to lash out. That's true strength and courage. So it's with your family, with your children, with your spouse, with your parents, with the people that are closest to you. Were the people that you can have some type of rage or, or anger and you can show and bust out or just show that rage to them. And they have very little that they can do in response. That is a true sign of someone who has the Taqwa of Allah
subhanaw taala. But Allah azza wa jal goes a step further, and he says in there, those people will I feel that Annie nurse, and there are those people who pardon others. Because sometimes those people may deserve your anger. They may have done something to harm you. They may have done something which gives you a right to show them your anger. But not only do you withhold that you then pardon and forgive as well. to withhold is one thing to forgive us a step further. I can withhold my anger, pray my heart, I'm still seething and raging and still full of hatred and enmity. But if I forgive, I have let that person go and pardon them for the harm that they have done. And that is clearly a
higher level of Taqwa. And that is something which the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam embody, because remember, we're still speaking about the context of the Battle of word. And as we said in the previous episode, that there will be people from that battle were enemies on that day, who will later on become Muslims, people like Abu Sufyan, people like watching the assessment of HUBZone the Allah one people like how do they know what either the Allahu Allah which made all of them eventually become Muslims? Imagine how difficult that may be? Well, that would be to see the person who was trying to kill you. Only a few months or years ago, the person who killed
someone who's extremely close to you assassinated them. The person was trying to destroy you and kill you and destroy everyone that you know when you love that person or becomes a Muslim. So naturally as humans we have feelings towards those people and enmity that is stored within our hearts. Allah azza wa jal says, You must forgive. Not only must you withhold that anger, but you must pardon and forgive and that is what the believers were able to do, so that they could then embrace people like how to lead and able Sophia as their brothers in religion called the Allahu Anhu Ultramarine and that is what lies within says, and Allah loves those who do good Wallah who your
hibel Masini Allah azza wa jal then continues and he says from also from their, from the attributes these people have Taqwa is
Well levena either fired roofer who shattered our foster home the karula for stock fell we don't know be him mommy funerals don't know but in law Allah will make field zulubet in law Allahu Allah mu Civil War Room yonder moon, there are those who remember Allah and employ forgiveness for their sins if they do something shameful, or they wrong themselves and who forgive sins except Allah. And they are those who never knowingly persist in doing wrong.
Allah azza wa jal says that from the greatest attributes of the people of Taqwa is that they ask Allah azza wa jal for forgiveness then Allah azza wa jal see at the beginning of this episode, we mentioned the verse hasten race to the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala. Allah azza wa jal says to the people of Taqwa those who when they do something wrong, or they oppress themselves, they remember ALLAH, it is Allah who they remember. And so they seek forgiveness from their sins, and they know that God forgives their sins except Allah azza wa jal, Allah subhanaw taala praises these people because every person sins, but the difference between the people of Taqwa and Eman as opposed
to those people who don't have that Oh, who have weakness in it is that the people of Taqwa Eman whenever the sin may remember Allah before the sin so they stop or during the sin and they stop or after the sin and they stop and they turn back to Allah azza wa jal with remorse and regret. And so those people are constantly mindful of ALLAH SubhanA wa the island Yes, it doesn't mean that they are free of sin, because every person sins, everyone has mistakes. Everyone does haram. But these are people who remember Allah azza wa jal, and they then turn to Allah's forgiveness. Some people remember ALLAH, but they won't make Toba. They won't seek a stick file. Some people are reminded of
Allah azza wa jal, but they will continue to persist upon the evil that they did. Allah azza wa jal says here that they remember Allah. They seek Allah's forgiveness, knowing that no one can forgive their sins except Allah. When a mule still will Allah,
Allah moon, and they don't know when we persist upon doing wrong, they live off their sins. And these are the different conditions of seeking forgiveness and Toba to Allah azza wa jal that you turned to Allah, leaving of that sin with remorse and regret and you make the act of Toba to Allah subhanaw taala returning the rights of those people that you may have harmed.
Allah azza wa jal says in verse 136,
Mark FIRA to Nairobi ImageNet or Janna to the GD mu DL and how Hardy the Nephi ha one module will earn meaning the reward for such people is forgiveness from the Lord and gardens graced with forming streams where they will remain, how accent is the reward of those who labor. Allah subhanaw taala says that if those people you fulfill these characteristics, these attributes that Allah azza wa jal has mentioned, then it shows that Allah subhanaw taala will reward you in the way that you want, Allah will give you the forgiveness that you sweat from him, and Allah azza wa jal will give you his ultimate reward of Jannah under which rivers flow and you will remain there in forever. And so Allah
subhanaw taala in these verses, that we've seen the midst of the battle of what
what Allah azza wa jal is telling us how to overcome these difficulties, these hardships these challenges. Allah azza wa jal is telling us to stay away from oppression, to stay away from major sins, to go back to the forgiveness to the obedience of Allah, His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to hasten towards the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala.
To be from amongst those people who spend in times of ease and hardship, to withhold and restrain our anger to forgive and pardon others, and to remember Allah azza wa jal when we sin and to turn to Allah azza wa jal and forgiveness. These are the attributes of those people who if they have them, they are likely to be from the people of Taqwa and if they are from the people of Taqwa that Allah subhanaw taala will give to them his great reward of forgiveness and mercy and the reward of Jannah that He has prepared for the believers. Allah subhanaw taala then goes back to the story of the Battle of God and he says Subhana wa Tada investment 37 But the harlot mean commonly come soon and
fuzzy roof will be from load okay for people to look at the been Allah's ways of operating before your time, traveled through the land and see what was the end of those who disbelieved. Allah subhanaw taala says, and this is in time in a way consoling the believers because they suffered on the devil, from the loss of their brothers and their companions and from the harm that an injury that came to others including the prophets of Allah while he was salam, Allah subhanaw taala. So it's called the harlot when company comes soon. These are the ways the Sunnah in the universal laws of Allah azza wa jal. These are the ways that have existed before you as well, meaning that this is
not the first time that a group of believers have suffered loss in this way. So the first time that a prophet are missing
Jove Allah has been injured. As we've mentioned before in this in the verses of Surah Baqarah. There were prophets and messengers of Allah that were killed by their nations and by their people. And so it's not something which is unique. It is something which Allah azza wa jal decrees from time to time. And one of the benefits or wisdoms behind that so the believers understand, they need before Allah subhanaw taala they poverty before Allah azza wa jal, they shouldn't take for granted that Allah azza wa jal would always give to the victory parada, sometimes the believers win and sometimes they lose that is the Sunnah of Allah azza wa jal, but the different speak is that the ultimate end
and outcome is always for the believers, but during the process, they may have times in which they are defeated, times of loss times of hardship and difficulty. And that is why when there was Sophia and over the Allah who, before he became a Muslim, went to the Byzantine ruler. And one of the questions he was asked by miracle was, who wins in the battles that you have? And he replied Spain and St. John. It's a it's a it's rounds between us meaning sometimes we win, sometimes they win. And hirako commented and he said, and that is how we always is with the prophets of Allah to Allah gives them final victory, meaning that in during the course of their prophethood and their mission,
sometimes they win and sometimes they will lose but the ultimate end will always be for Allah, and for His messenger and for the believers. And so Allah azza wa jal is saying FRC rueful outsource travelled through the land from the okay for karate, but to be mean you will know the end of the disbelievers meaning that ultimately, they suffered loss investment that aid Allah azza wa jal then says
her the Bernoulli nurse you were who the woman with a lot too little monoterpene This is a clear listen to people and guidance and teaching for those who are mindful of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. So Allah azza wa jal says therefore that this is a sign from Allah azza wa jal, a sign so that people can differentiate between right and wrong. People can differentiate between the people of success from the people who will be unsuccessful. This is a clear reminder from ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and it is guidance. And it is teaching for those people who are mindful of Allah azza wa jal. And so the Battle of word has, as we've seen, and will continue to have in the forthcoming episodes and
passages and pages of the Quran of the sword that we're going to take. It has a great deal of lessons and it has a great deal of benefits that we will inshallah Tyla continue to benefit from, but we are going to end our episode here today. And that's because the last couple of verses, they are also inshallah linked to the beginning of the next passage or the next page and therefore we'll keep them together Inshallah, to Allah. In our next next episode from where we will begin from verse number 139. Given the letter Allah, so till then BarakAllahu Li, wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad in what are the ID he will be h marine was set up more Alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato this Mila