Hussain Kamani – 40 Ahadith of Imam An-Nawawi 41 – Submission to Revelation

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary © The importance of the Prophet's name is discussed, along with the history and use of names of people in Islam. The confusion surrounding his decency and lack of records on his success is also highlighted. The importance of history and acceptance of Islam's teachings is emphasized, along with the need for history and respect for people in one's life to build one's potential. The speakers stress the importance of history and respect for people in one's life to build one's potential.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al Hamdulillah

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Al Hamdulillah, who woke up was Ramana Allah offer also another CV to receive a Hotmail MBA.

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Early Hill Ischia whilst having like

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a mega

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we start with Hadith number 41

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And maybe Mohammed bin Abdullah Hypno Ramadan last are the Allahu Anhu Ummah or Tala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now you may know how to come Hatay Hakuna Hawa whatever I'm limited to be Hadith when Hassan Sohan Rowena houfy kitab and Pooja be Sneden Sahelian.

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The narration

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is Narrated by Abu Mohammed Abdullah bin Ahmed Abdullah Aastra the Allahu Anhu ummah. He says that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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None of you truly believes until his desires are subservient to that which I have brought him I'm nowhere Abdullah Ali says regarding this hadith we have related in Kitab al Hijjah, with a Saheeh chain of narrators.

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The narrator of this hadith is a great companion of the Prophet of Allah Allah He was salam whose biography we haven't covered before because this is the first narration that Imam No, Allah Yachty is bringing from this particular companion. And he brings his narration towards the end of his book.

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The Companions name is Abdullah bin Ahmed eblasts bin while bin Hashem bin Saeed bin sad bin Salman bin Ahmed bin Hoces bin cat been a monophonic This is his lineage

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his career is honorary title as hear him I'm no we're not with Allahu Allah is stated to be Abu Mohammed and that is the most common Kunia given to him. He was known as Abu Muhammad, wa ala Abu Saeed. Some scholars have said that the honorary title of his was not Abu Mohammed rather it was Abu Musa Abu underside. And some have claimed Mattila Abdul Rahman that his cornea was a blob the ramen

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there is actually a story behind his name and how he got this name was rod the Mushkin Erickson studies that our beloved Hadith narrates that they were a group of companions have a role model Sudha Lhasa Allah Allah He was salam Janaza so a group of companions gathered with the prophets of Allah while he was sitting for the burial of a person. For Cardinal who must book The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked an area of love and Hadith What's your name? Bala, allow us my name is OS.

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He then asked another companions sitting there, who was the son of Osama bin ASA, the Allah one, the narrator of this hadith. He asked him What's your name? He said, My name is awesome. My father named me after my grandfather. My name is awesome as well. So then the buffs that Allamani was Saddam asked a third companion that was there. If an Ahmadi Allahu Allah, what's your name?

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For Thada? He said, My name is Allah OS as well. So you have these three young men who are there, and they were all present for the burial of a person and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam AX asked each of them, what's your name? What's your name? What's your name? And each of them said my name is asked us on pass. So the paths that Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, Am I allowed to obey the law that each of you three will now moving forward be called Abdullah? This will be the name that you will be called by you will not be called by us because I asked him someone who is obedient and that's not a good name to have.

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For Faraj now, what

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dilute urine, smell guna the companion says that we came there with one name and we love that funeral with new names, names given to us by the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. And this was a habit of the buffs that along while he was certain that if he saw a person with a name that had a bad meaning to it, he would propose a changing of that name. He wouldn't force it, by the way, because there are examples that a person would have a name, the purpose of the law, when he was sitting would propose a change that person would say no, one of the greatest scholars of Islamic history and theory, he says that my grandfather was by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and

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the Prophet asked him, What's your name? He said, husband hasn't started hasn't. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said you should change it to Salah hasn't means to be grieved. So helping someone who's has life easier, things are going easy for them. So that person refused. He said, No, I'm going to maintain my name. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't force him to change it. It was his name. He let them keep it. But that tabular, he says after that day, moving forward, all we've seen is grief in our family is sometimes some sometimes the name has an impact on a person. I remember when we were young, there was one of our friends who was very hyper, and his

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name. His parents named him I'm just summit but everyone used to call them Summit. So the parents complained to the chef saying, or the mom, that our son's very hyper, he's always acting out, he doesn't listen and he's just out of control. So our shift said that you should stop calling him summit and start calling him up the summit. And as a young person, I saw this, that they called him by his actual name, I'm just some of which has the meaning of herbal dia servitude, humbleness in there, and his attitude changed. He became a very humble, soft, easygoing person, and Allah subhanaw taala blessed him in his life, Mala continue to bless him.

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Now when it comes to names, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam always preferred that people had good names, the hierarchy in names is that you should the most beloved names to Allah are those that have evolved to a CF of Allah as some sort of a connection, right? To Allah subhanho wa taala. And even amongst those names like Abdullah Abdullah, Abdullah Azhar, some of these are all beautiful names, Allah loves all of them, Man of the Rahim. But out of these names out of the names that have evolved, have Allah attribution to one of Allah's attributes of being a servant. The best are Abdullah and Abdul Rahman. These were two names that were beloved most by the prophets of Allahu

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Allah He was seven.

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Then that after the after these after this category of names of scholars who say the next best names are the names of the prophets, because Allah subhanaw taala inspired these names to those righteous parents of theirs, and Allah only gives the best to his prophets. And you can just imagine the rank and the virtue of the name of Muhammad Ali that the Allah one asked the Prophet that Allah who it was something that if I have kids, can I name them Muhammad, the Prophet alayhi salam said, sure. He names almost all of his sons, Muhammad, not all of them, but a bunch of them. Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad Muhammad, it became a thing. Abu Bakr, Siddiq, it Allah one had a son, he named his child,

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Muhammad, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that on the Day of Judgment, you will be called by your names and by the names of your fathers. So name your children with good names. Don't give them weird names. And by the way, good names is not something restricted to the Arabic language, I want to make that very clear, there can be names that are afforded to the Arabic language, Ibrahim is not an Arabic name. Even though he was not an out of the names that Korea is not an Arabic name. These are not out to be names. But these are beautiful names. There's nothing wrong with having a name in a foreign language. And I was speaking with the students earlier this

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week that when we covered the Hadith on this chapter, that in the subcontinent people have always been very proud and using Persian words as names. There's nothing wrong with it, if the ball goes are good for us, because and for you know, Shanaze you know, these are names that people use, they leave the meanings are beautiful and they use them in good names are not limited and restricted to the out of the language. You know, Islam is not out of the way is not in there in the Arabic language. There's no doubt in that. But Islam is a universal language that accommodates the beauty of all cultures and all languages.

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Who was his mother? His mother's name was writer, bint Mona being been her judge been on Ahmed bin Khalifa bin Saad bin Salman. She was from the women who accepted Islam and also give back allegiance to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Our beloved Amina Lhasa, the Allah one the companion who narrates his Hadith.

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He accepted Islam before his father did. His father actually delayed and accepting Islam in the seventh, or eighth year after Hijra is when I'm gonna be honest with your loved one accepted Islam along with valid and valid and another companion.

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It was his son who accepted Islam before Him and the Father and Son. There wasn't a big age gap between the two. The scholars different opinion on how much age gap there was between the father and son they were both Sahaba by the way,

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And for those of you who don't know, his father Ahmed of analysis has a very unique role in Islamic history. I mean, there are many great things that can be attributed to him many great things. But there was one very special thing anyone know what it was?

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Yeah, the conquest of Egypt. He took his armies and went to Egypt and he was able to conquer most of those lands not through the sort of but through studied, because he was a very intellectual person he was he was a superb politician, you know, and that when I say politician, I don't when you think of some of the ruthless and a liar and a scumbag No, he was a very upright person, and a battle that can be won through words. He wasn't interested in unsheathing a sore for it. And he would always use his his wisdom and use his words. And through this Allah subhanaw taala opened up missa very easy for him.

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I'm gonna be honest with your loved one. He was a very intellectual person, he was known for it. Even before accepting Islam, they say regarding him that the Quraysh they trusted him most with his dad read his farsightedness and the detail, he really paid attention to the detail.

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Even before Makka Moo karma was conquered, before he became a Muslim, he called it

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what happened was that a few years, just two years before the conquest of Makkah, there was a treaty that took place called the Treaty of Arabia.

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So at the time of Davia, I'm not going to ask, what are the Allah who won at that time was not as Sahaba he called it. He said, Guys, this treaty was a big, big loss for us. And all the holiday stuff that they won because the treaty, the treaty was apparently in favor of the operation and not in favor of the Muslims. And I'm gonna be honest, he then draws his very complicated formula. He says, if you consider XY and Z, X, Y, and Z, X, Y, and Z, what you will know is

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one of three things, one of two things will happen in the next three years, either from some miraculous way declaration will be victorious. He said, I'm not going to put my money on that the clinician will be victorious. He said the second thing is, this Kabyle will join the Prophet Muhammad and he will march on Mecca, and he will conquer Macumba karma. He said when he conquers Mocambo karma, he will take revenge on behalf of everyone that had wronged him.

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I'm gonna be honest, he didn't want to be that person who will be caught as a prisoner when Mocambo karma was conquered. So after the Treaty of Arabia, anyone know what he did?

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He did hit it off. He left Morocco. He didn't go to Medina he right he went, he went another direction some nourishment say he went towards Habesha Abyssinia. He went there and then things got a little messy. There's some of his past caught up to him and some things that, you know, things that he hadn't anticipated went wrong, and he came back. This time when he came back, he realized that he didn't have a place in Macau anymore because he was always viewed as a coward since he abandoned Makkah and it's most needed time. And he thought about his possibilities again, and

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he then headed towards Madina, Munawwara and accepted Islam. I'm gonna gonna answer the Allah one says that my calculations were accurate. Two years before he said, I called it two years before I called it that mocha mocha was going to be conquered. Every part of my calculation was accurate, except for there was one part that I didn't factor in. When I made this whole grand assumption of what was going to happen in the next two years.

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I thought of all the possible outcomes based on the knowledge that I had. And the one thing I was absolutely unaware of was the mercy of the prophets of lawlessness.

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So the one possibility that actually happened was the one I never assumed could happen, that he would conquer Mocha, and release everyone. That was a possibility that never crossed my mind, because I had never seen that before. Never heard of it before, and it was likely unprofitable. But that was the mercy of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So there was a very small age gap between Ahmedabad house and his son, Abdullah bin Ahmed and also the Allah one.

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How many years was it? According to one narration, the age gap between the two was 12 years. Ahmed Manassa, the Allah one married when he was young, and his son was 12 years younger than him, according to another rewire, that's narrated by Behati and Chabi. And even a Eunice he actually strongly advocates his opinion and Boehner humara Shalina Center. He says it wasn't a 12 year gap rather it was a a 20 year gap. There was a 20 year age gap, which is still small, by the way. A 20 year age gap is not massive, it's actually still quite small.

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Abdullah binominal and also the Allah one. He was a keen student of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would write down everything that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, one time some of them were senior companions that came to him and they said to him, you need to discontinue writing everything down. Because the Prophet is a human being

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and sometimes you might say things that shouldn't be written down of the law was a young companion when he heard this from his elders. Naturally he submitted and he just continued his writing.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam noticed that he wasn't writing anymore. You know, a teacher always has their eyes on a good student. They can see consistency, they can see devotion, they can see note taking these are things that a teacher notices, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saw this and this young man

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and he asked him that Why did you stop? So Abdullah the Allahu Allah explained that a messenger of Allah The people, they brought this concern and because of that, it just continued the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, right, for in Nila of color in the haka, because indeed I do not speak but the truth even when people may not speak every word of this every word of theirs in a serious fashion, but with me, everything matters right on everything that I say. Because Allah subhana wa Tada mentions in Surah najem. In who are in LA wa Ewing, you have it has not been a revelation revealed to him. That's why Abu Huraira the Allah who won the companion who narrates the

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most narrations, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says my kind of huddled up for the Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mini Illa Allah but I'm gonna read us there was no one who had more narrations of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam than I had, there was no one who had preserved more narration from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that I had then this one person Abdullah bin Ahmed Moussa the last one and then he explains why fading the who kinda yeah EB lb he while he because we he will memorize with his heart I would memorize with my heart maybe we will both memorizing what camera yep to both analog

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and he would write but I wouldn't write he was his hobby he was known for writing down is settling on a sort of less than a lot instead of you Dalek for Athena, who he sought permission from the props that allowed him to write and the props that allow when he was sort of granted him permission, these narrations that Abdullah binominal and also the Allah one gathered

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are actually compiled they were actually compiled into small book. And the name of that book was a safer A sada, a Sahifa sadaqa and it consisted of the narrations that our beloved Muhammad and also the Allah one had narrated, and they were actually passed down from one generation to the next generation to the next generation. And they remained in his family. And there's a very specific son of chain coined to make reference to the narrations narrated from the cipher. Anyone know what that chain is?

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Go ahead.

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Yes, it's a very famous chain in the books of Hadith. I'm a an anomaly been short i Eve IV on Jedi. This refers to that chain of narration which narrates from that so he pasada that book that I'm gonna be an asset of the love and I'm gonna have an asset the Allah one had put together while writing those a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Most of those narrations by the way, Imam Ahmed Rahmatullahi Ali has collected them in his Muslim. Imam Muhammad Rahim Allah Allah has a book called the Muslim ummah Muhammad. In this book in a llama drama Allahu Allah narrates narrations, according to companions, in the before Google existed, what people would do is that they

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would write the same information from different perspectives, kind of like search filters, you guys understand? So what Imam Ahmed did was he put a search filter on his book. So if you as a person, a student, attended a lecture and someone said, the Allah Juan narrated this, but you don't remember the narration all you remember is that you heard the Hadith and you were like, wow, that's an amazing narration. Now, if you wanted to find that hadith about Buddha, Allah one without using Google, what's the best way to find it? You go to a book called a genre book called Muslims. Because the Muslim books compile the Hadith according to the narrator. So if you go to a virus entry, sorry,

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or Allah, but I'm gonna Nasir, the Allah Juan's entry and the Mr. Muhammad, what he will do is he'll have all of his narrations in one place for him to you guys understand. If you go to the entry of Abubaker study from the Allah one, all of Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allah Juan's narration will be in one place regardless of what the topic of the narration is gonna have Salah in there Jihad and there's a cotton there's some in there, you know a lot yet and they're all of it it'll just be based on Narina that's how they actually compile the Muslim collections of Hadith

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the total number of narrations narrated by a beloved 100 and also the hola Juan are around 700 narrations

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you know some scholars they say one of the reason what one of the reasons why

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even though Abdullah but a hominid rasa the Allah one may have had a lot of narrations and even possibly more narrations, potentially more narrations and whatever the other one one of the reasons why he didn't get the same exposure as the hooded or the Allah one did was because of

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Read about the loved one for a period remain in the hot domain. Even after the prophesied someone passed away. And on the other hand, Abdullah, he went into a he joined the the ROSAT. The soldiers, and he was a part a key played a key role in Photoshop and the conquest of Shamp. And later on, relocated to Mr. Because his father was stationed in Michigan, he had also conquered Minnesota as well. So because of this, he wasn't shot and missile, the student body was always going to be limited and restricted in comparison to someone who lived in Mecca and Medina. That was a center you would have new students coming in every season every few months, possibly even every few days, some

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more exposure and a shift, let's say that Allah subhanahu wa taala, sometimes grants to Boulia, to the realm of a person by granting them students who are capable of caring that

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ALLAH SubhanA wa taala, grants to Boulia to a person in the form of students who are capable and competent, of caring that

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right, that's how they're called Boulia is manifested. And imagine the familia of the Prophet sallallahu lucidum. Granted the students who are most capable and most competent in practicing and conveying that teaching of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam word by word letter by letter. It just shows us the acceptance of Bucha of that generation

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of the love and loss of your loved one was known as actually there's one point I want to discuss. Some people they say that

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hadith wasn't written down until 100 years after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away. This is a common argument made by German European Orientalist. They kind of they're not the first people to make it, but they really pushed it far. You know? That Hadith wasn't written for a whole century, and after 100 years, that's when Hadith the writing of Hadith had started. Is this statement true or false?

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It's so false, that it's painful to even address it.

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You guys understand? It's not just false. It's like ridiculously false. Because we have recording of Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam written from the earliest time people assume that the first person to write Hadith was the mambo hottie. 200 years after the Prophet passed away. This is silly. This is

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I asked you to excuse my language. This is absolute nonsense. Absolute nonsense. Hadith was written way before that. And if, if you aren't familiar with the subject, and you've been sucked into this nonsense,

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propaganda that some, you know, Islamophobes in Orientalist have put together claiming that hadith is all just a big myth because it wasn't written down for the first 200 years. If you believe that, I encourage you to consider reading a little bit more on the subject from experts in the field, not from people sitting outside the ring, assuming they know what's going on. And one of the best writers in the English language on this issue is the late Mustafa Azami. Rahimullah Sheikh Mustafa Alameda como la who recently passed away this year.

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I believe it was this year or maybe late last year, it was this year, chef wants to bother me, or ask me to come over LA, such a great writer, such a great writer, Allahu Akbar, Allah reward him for his great efforts. And also chef most of us do, but he has a really good book on the Sunnah. And its its position in the deen. And that's also a very good book. So there are some books actually, this is a subject that I cover. In the Hadith intensive, there's actually a whole day dedicated to discussing this false claim. That Hadith wasn't preserved. Okay, it's a problematic claim. Firstly, because the first part of the claim is that because it wasn't written, it wasn't preserved,

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which is questionable, that claim itself is questionable. In order for the preservation of something, do you have to write it? That's the question,

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do you have to write something to preserve it? And the answer to that is not necessarily things that humanity has always preserved its tradition through the oral tradition, not the written tradition, through practice through memory. These are people who had a great memory and had a great practice. You go to some communities who write everything, write all their history down, they probably will have to dig through archives to tell you what happened on a particular day, 20 years ago, or 100 years ago, and you go to a group of people who have never written a letter in their life, and you go to a small village of a part of the world and they'll tell you their history from heart. You know,

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what's happened there for the past 500 years, go to someone from the Western

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academic world and ask them you know, share your lineage with me for 10 forefathers five forefathers, they'll fail. You know, you go to you go to a part of the world where people can't ride and you ask them, share your forefathers share your history with me, and they'll do it very swiftly without thinking twice without batting an eye. There was a relative of ours my my brother's father in law, that a criminal law who passed away.

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I remember I sit with him, and he had the genealogy of our family down.

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He had it down, but he could tell you everything up to like 1015 forefathers, what their names were who they were

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What they did, and this person had it all memorized. So this claim that everything has to be written is in itself problematic. But that's not a cop out on our behalf. Because the thing is that we don't rely on the written tradition. We don't rely on it, we rely on the oral tradition. But in addition to us relying primarily on the oral tradition, the written tradition was existent. And there's proof for that. And the narrations can be found in the example of Abdullah but I'm going to ask you the Allah one who used to write is a very clear proof. Now some people they claim that it wasn't possible that the Sahaba would write down Hadith that is impossible, that the Sahaba would write

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down Hadith. You ask them, Why is it not possible that the Sahaba could write down Hadith? They will say the reason is because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade the Companions from writing down Hadith.

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You guys understand? The prophets of Allah who Allah He was selling what did he do?

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He forbade them from writing down Hadith. Is this claim true or false? Did the Prophet that a lot of them forbid the Companions from writing down Hadith?

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It's true. Sure, it's actually true. It's so true. How do you it's it's authentic NARRATION The Prophet says that I'm told the Companions do not write down laughter to one me, don't write from me. So it seems like a very problematic situation because one narration is saying what?

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Right, as we have the narration of Abdullah phenomena, and also the other one, and another narration is apparently saying what?

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All right, so what do we do right or right to the Sahaba right or not? So the scholars have explained this issue and they've provided many times you had multiple Rukmani Allah prolong his life, in his book on Hadith and Sunnah has addressed this issue thoroughly in great detail. And he explains that the prohibition of writing Hadith was not harmed, it was not general, it was actually cos either it was caused to a word or two people. What that means is either was specific to a time the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will tell the companions that one revelation is actively coming when the Quran is coming, don't write at that time, don't write Hadith at that time. Because

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there may be a claim someone might assume that the Quran and Hadith were mixed.

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You guys understand? So at the time of the revelation of the Quran, don't write Hadith at that time. Another interpretation was developed with money gets in, he gets a few of just two very easy ones. He says that the prohibition wasn't to everyone, it was to a group of people who were allocated as Kuttabul Ye, who were allocated as being the people who would write revelation. And because these were people who would write the Quran, it wasn't appropriate that they would also write Hadith. Therefore, someone claiming that the Quran and Hadith were mixed, and it's all, you know, diluted down, that's another explanation. And like this, he provides multiple explanations to this idea.

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And the most clear proof that this provision is not um, it's not general, is the narration of the profit or loss, I'm towards the end of his life. Okay, whenever we have narrations that conflict, one another, one of the things that we'll have to do mighty thing try to do is I try to establish timeline

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by establishing a timeline.

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Once they know what the last narration was, they can build a picture based off that, because that makes sense to you. So for example, sometimes what they'll do is they'll say that the earlier narration was

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the earlier narration was

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it has to be contextualized. Sometimes they'll say that, or sometimes they'll say it was a temporary permission, something that we call it unless there was some sort of abrogation that occurred. So these are they try to create a timeline. And the last one of the latter narrations from the Prophet systems life is that at the end of the prophets life, that prophecy lesson would give this very profound, famous speech. And at the end of it, that people they sent a messenger of Allah you know, one person came and sent a messenger of Allah I have bad memory. Can I have it written down and the Prophet ism said book to bully Abbey Shah that write it down for him? Right, and therefore giving

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permission to write down Hadith because what was shared was the Hadith of the Prophet a lot isn't. Anyway this is a discussion in itself of itself and can be studied in its place

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of love with a hominid and also the Allah Juan was it's a hobby known for his a brother and his worship. He was a devoted, dedicated worshipper. He was a half of the Quran, who would fast regularly praise the law regularly and read the Quran regularly. There is a narration that

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of the love and honor and also the Allah one would pray the 100 excessively in what fast excessively for Shaka whoo, whoo hoo Illa rasool Allah, his father complained about him to the Messenger of Allah whose father who was a

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savvy, he complained to the Messenger of Allah regarding the son that this guy here is a little too hardcore. He's overdoing it. Ott over the top

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for following a horror sort of loss of Allahu alayhi wa salam in the Ionica alayka. Haka. The Prophet also said to this young, of the love and loss of the loved one that indeed you

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eyes have a right over you. And then he said indeed your family has a right over you and did your body has a right over you. So Stan and sleep as well pay 200 per family get a little rest during the night.

00:30:14 --> 00:30:28

So laughter fast but also to have thought as well don't fast continuously everyday you're fasting of the whole year which some have called Some don't do that fast a little and Britain we've thought a little do a pre balancing yourself. The pops that a lot of it was said them said

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some ferrata the yam and militia the first three days of every month

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that was originally with the Pepsi loves him suggested this young person fast three days of every month for God in new teeth to act from indelicate. He said a messenger of Allah but I can fast more I'm young I have energy three days that's Childsplay So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Okay, follow me Sal you Roger office Yamaha Allahu La Soma Avila and so me that he kept going back and forth with the profit seeking more days and more days. And to finally the prophets of Allah who had even said himself to him. There is no fasting, no model of fasting that is more virtuous than the model adopted by Satan. That will Danny Sinha, and what model of fasting was that?

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He would fast one day and he would do if not one day, if not many, he wouldn't fast one day. So one day he would fast can I assume Yeoman we used to so we will use the Yeoman he would fast one day, and he wouldn't fast one day follow up with Abdullah and the Dalek of love and honor and loss of the loved ones and accepted that teaching of the Prophet a lot of Psalm that that commanded the Prophet of Allah and he spent his life practicing that one day on one day off. Similarly, his father complained that my son reads too much the hydrogen he reads too much Quran

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so the Prophet Allah honey was Saddam said, finish the Quran once in a month fisherman we the entire Quran once a month. He said in neuticle Africa I'm in that eco messenger of Allah I have the ability to, to read more than that. So the prophets of Allah Allah has sent them fundamentally Roger who they kept going back and forth until finally the pumps that a lot of them said that Takara houfy column and seven that do not read it in anything less than how many days seven days, or fill it in a column in comes in one narration, he said no less than five days while feeding biotin in one narration, the opposite Allahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, that and this is the machinery via

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fear column. In fact, if that do not read it in less than three days, so one of the ways is seven, one realizes five and one of your biases three

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of the love and outer Nosov the law one made that his practice he will finish the Quran every three days, always reading, however,

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Lama caboodle when he became old, can he afford he would say, Yeah, late any going to Kabul to roof sutra Rasulullah sallallahu.

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When he was when he became old, and his body became weak, and he wasn't able to dedicate himself like he did when he was younger. He would say only if I had accepted the concession of the Messenger of Allah, where he said to read it once a month, I should have accepted that. And then you know, that way it would have been easier on me to do when I'm at this age. And it teaches us that when the Sahaba committed to good deeds, they committed for the long haul. It wasn't just a matter of a few days when they committed they fully committed. He had many students from amongst the Sahaba and also from rock star being amongst his great students from the top of your own were the likes of say that

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Ben will say you pass him to Muhammad Ottawa, I will set them up in Abdurrahman, homemade min Abdurrahman, ASAP and Taha crema and so on.

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We discussed earlier that our beloved eminent rasa, the Allah one participated in many of the expeditions alongside the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during his lifetime.

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There was one he was very proud of, of participating in those battles. And in those expeditions. There was one particular battle he participated in. And he really regretted it. He didn't like it at all. And he regretted it. And he used to make Toba to Allah and Mikus Defarge Allah for participating in that battle. And what was that battle? It was the Battle of Sofia, between Allah the Allah Juan and while we are the Allah one, because his father was very close to my Allah, the Allah one. His father insisted that he joined the battle and fight by the side of

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why we got to be alone one

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and he would always say Mali, what is the theme? What What was I even doing there? And Safin Amalia Willie Katara Muslimeen what would i What was I going to get out of fighting against my brother, my fellow brothers and fellow Muslim and the reason why he went was because he remember the Prophet said a lot of what I'm saying abarca they'd be obedient to Your father and his father was putting the pressure so he went, he said malleable if you tell me what am I going to get out of killing believers? Allah Hila was it to any myth to Kabbalah? hada the ASHA is in it. He said by Allah, I wish I had died long

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Long before this battle even took place, I had no desire to take part of it 10 years before somebody a full ama Allah Hema verb to feel happy safe in Walla on to be happy Rome in Walla Walla Walla are made to be salmon. He said, I fought I participated in the battle, but I did not achieve my sword. I did not cast my arrow. I did not fire any my Sarena arrow, my spear of fire any arrows meaning I participated, I was there with the people I stood there, but I didn't kill anyone. I didn't harm anyone I didn't participate at all.

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Loaded to Neelum

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overload any other shaitan minha I wish that I had never attended any of it. Well, I still feel Allah azza wa jal on Delica tubidy and then he would seek repentance from Allah. Ask Allah subhanahu wa Donna for forgiveness. There are many narrations from him. One of his narrations that I wanted to share a very beautiful narration, and it applies to us

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in a very serious and real way. He narrates a Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where the prophets of Allah while he was salam said, in the Allahu Allah could be bought and Allah Allah you have to believe in desire and yet as your humaneness that Allah subhanahu adatta will not, you know, overnight, spontaneously, remove knowledge from the people.

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It won't happen that you wake up one morning and all of the knowledge of the deen is gone, that won't happen. When I can, you have to be the who is competent when I'm rather Allah subhanahu wa Tada will take away the knowledge from this world by taking away the scholars. You know, there are very few people in this world who have the ability to benefit from someone while they're alive. While there are opportunities available. Most of us only know how to cry. Once the opportunity has passed by.

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That's the situation that we're in unfortunately, in earlier today, at the seminary there was we were talking about the chef Ahmed who came over to the seminary, Malcolm X Maha Maha long. And we were talking on the side and he was saying that the whole world talks about Malcolm X Rahim Allah and how great of a person he was in his struggles. But towards the end of his life, no one wanted him anymore. The Muslim community had abandoned him completely. Like he was saying that last part of his life he spent absolutely alone, you know, just in isolation.

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During that time, while he was alive, no one wanted to align themselves with him. And he had his grievances against the Muslim community because of the division and because of the discrimination that the Muslim community had, in particular when dealing with someone who was African American.

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But when that time passed, the world couldn't forget him. The world can't forget him. I don't know if the world will forget him. You know, he's embedded himself through his sacrifices in the history of this nation. And if Muslims were to ever talk about the history of Islam in America, and they skipped the story of Malcolm X Rahimullah, their story and their narrative would remain incomplete. It wouldn't be a complete story. So very few people have the ability to benefit from something while it's present in front of them.

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Most people all they know how to do is cry when it's gone. Oh man, so unassociated was gone. But well, let's share those with you. Did you benefit from them? You didn't, you actually didn't benefit from them. I know for a fact you didn't benefit from them. Because I saw with my eyes. You just acted like they weren't there. And when they left, all you did was cry. You know, the example of a good teacher, a good mentor, a good friend, everyone, all they know how to do is cry, and good spouse, once their spouse leaves and then they cry, rather than appreciating their spouse while they actually have them or appreciate their kids while they have them. Or kiss their mother on the

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forehead while they actually have her. Because she's gonna leave the people around, you're gonna leave? And will we be that group of people that all we do is cry in remorse over the loss of opportunity? Or do we actually make something out of it?

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And unfortunately, the people don't last don't don't measure up too good when it comes to benefiting from the opportunity. I wish we had a parenting seminar in our community. Actually, you tell the brother Brother, you know what, there was actually a parenting seminar yesterday. All right. And that guy says, Oh, I didn't hear about it. How do I know and I would have traveled across the world for it. Don't you have a duty to at least know about what's going on in your muster too? How about you hang around after Joma salon for 15 seconds rather than rushing out that back door? And you'll hear a brother making that announcement that this week we have a parenting seminar I'm just giving

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an example. You know, this is the state of our community unfortunately.

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Hot either let me call him on it the other NASA Oosten jehlen until a time will come well they will remain no scholars, and people will take ignorant folk as their leaders for Su those ignorant people will be asked regarding the dean for FOB radio, Amon. They will give fatwas they will give rulings without any knowledge at all.

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follow whatever you do, they will be misguided and they will mislead others to this is a very powerful narration from a blob and underground so they're the one

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he passed away during the Battle of Hara during the time of his battle in the year 63, after hitting on some C 65 After hitting some C 68 after hit.

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Some scholars are saying that he passed away in MCCA others say in life, not during not when I say during the Battle of Hara not as an active combat in himself, but just during that time. This this is when he passed away. Some say he passed away in Macau, some say in five other say in in missile. It was in Egypt that he passed away.

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Now we come to the actual Hadith. We talked about the Narrator Now let's talk about that.

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You'll notice at the end of the Hadith Imam no outline YALI engages in some some of the discussion, some technical discussion regarding the authenticity and chain of the narration. Scholars have held different views of the authenticity of this particular narration. Many scholars have deemed it to be weak. Here we see from him now we're gonna hit the law here, Ali's discussion. After quoting the Hadith, he views it to be authentic. And while quoting it, he says it away now hopefully Kitab Hoja but it's not in sight and that we narrate his book, incredible hood Kitab alhaja and the skateable Hajah he's referring to is a book written by a will fuck not sort of new Ibrahim Al MK the SIA

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Shafi. He wrote a book called he was a great scholar of 40 Zahid who lived in Damascus, he wrote a book called alhaja to Allah tatical Mahajan. alhaja to errata radical Mahajan. And in there he in this book he talks about sort of the deen and the Allied of Hadith and Sunnah and so on. So in there, he says that we have stated the, that this particular narration is authentic.

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The summary of this hadith, and the lesson from this hadith is very clear. It's actually just a simple one liner. Just as the Hadith itself is there really isn't a need for a lengthy discussion even though we will have some discussion. The province of Allahu alayhi wa sallam is saying, now you may know how to come Hatha Hakuna Hawa, huzzah. AntiMagic to be here, that you cannot be a complete believer until you have complete submission to Revelation

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until you completely submit yourself truly become subservient to that which I have brought to you. Until that doesn't happen. Your Eman is incomplete.

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This isn't something foreign, even if we were to accept this narration to be weak. Let's run with that scenario. Even though we're going to stick with him. I know he's positioned that it's authentic. But let's run with a scenario that it is weak. Even if the Senate has read the maternal side, this is a this is a this is a concept that the scholars of Hadith use. Sometimes the chain of narration might be weak. But what the narration is saying is absolutely in line with other narrations and other verses of the Quran. You guys understand? Okay, for example, the Hadith agenda to data for Diamond Omaha, that Jana paradise lies into the feet of your mother, feet of mothers.

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Okay. Now this narration some of that is questionable. He's just nourished and authentic or not.

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Regarding the chain, there's a discussion but there is no discussion regarding the text itself because what the text is saying is absolutely right. That through serving your mothers, you will find paradise. Similarly, a doula will we'll call it a brother that dua is the essence of religion. The chain of this hadith is questionable. But the essence of this hadith what it's saying is not questionable. Everyone agrees that this hadith is corroborated by other verses of the Quran, and other Hadith that have similar meanings. So for this particular Hadith there are many verses of the Quran that speak a very similar message for example, in Sudanese up verse number 65. Allah azza wa

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jal says find out what up because you know in a heart that you hotkey, mukha female shares or Avena Han sama IG two three and four cm hydrogen McCullough data when you suddenly move to schema that they have not believed until they present their differences to you until they bring their corals to you. And until they fully submit to your your ruling regarding their corals and they they they lower themselves when you send him with a steamer that fully submit themselves to your verdict. Similarly Allah subhana wa Tada says in Surah zap verse number 36 Well my current minion well I mean I think either of Allahu wa rasuluh amor on a Hakuna Allah human fear Ottoman Amity him that is not

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appropriate for a believer to believe they have any say in a matter after Allah I'm going to soon have spoken

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there's nothing else to say it's done a lot though. It just says and sort of Muhammad, verse number nine, that he could be unknown Khadi Houma Anza Allah Fatah him out of them and that is because they dislike what Allah had revealed that for Allah subhanho wa Taala nullified their deeds, all of their deeds were gone. Their deeds were washed away.

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This hadith teaches us the lessons of lesson of true obedience. You know, this is a very sore issue. Unfortunately

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In the culture and time we live in,

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it may be hard for for us to accept. But arrogance is at its peak. People are so arrogant, you know? And the amount of props that we give to our own intellect

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is silly. And it's actually disgusting. You know, we assume that because my brain can't understand it, because it doesn't make rational sense to me. It just can't exist. You know, just this week.

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I was I was speaking with some friends. And they were telling me that, you know, we've always known that in history, people have done this and even in modern time, anything that doesn't make sense to them. What do they say right away.

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It's not real, it couldn't be true. The story of Hassan Murad was a vision, the story of Musa and how there was a vision, the story of the splitting of the chest of the Prophet sallallahu, wasallam was a vision, because these are all things that are very hard for the human mind to understand. When we claim as a sunnah, that these things are all from them, it is often to be sent along, it was to them, correct a little humbleness in yourself. There's nothing wrong with saying that there are certain things that are beyond me. You know, sometimes, when I'm speaking, when I'm sitting on a panel, and asked a question, I take a lot of joy in saying, I don't know.

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It just makes me feel better. It makes me feel and not just being dubious, and saying, I don't know what I do know, you know, it's something I don't know, all the say, I don't know. And this, not only does it not make me not only does it not make me feel bad, it actually makes me feel good. Because I know that now by not saying bye bye. I know by now, because I said I don't know, I'm not accountable with Allah subhanaw without it anymore. And Revelation, in its essence, is that part of the journey of the human being where the mind actually ends, they are some of some aspects of revelation that the mind might be able to grasp or you know, get a hold of, but Revelation, it shares with us a lot

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of the labor the matters of the unseen if you're gonna say everything in this role that you can't rationalize, is a vision and an idea, not a happy thought and a reality. That Mirage can't be true because a human being can't do that. Therefore it should have been it was a dream and a vision. It wasn't a reality. If you're going to make this claim, then how are you going to explain everything about the hospital? Allah azza wa jal sesor, or the asana Mala I know right? What are some what I assume? Semi?

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You know that no AI has ever seen it? No, I know, no ear has ever heard of it and no heart has ever comprehended the reality of Africa. Most of the Quran is all talking about literally matters of the unseen. Is that right or wrong? Most of the Quran is talking about things that the human mind can understand. Does resurrection after death, some rational tune anyway?

00:47:47 --> 00:47:47

Yes or no?

00:47:49 --> 00:48:20

Well, no, yes or no? Not really rational. Is it? Like really? Is it? Does it make sense to you? That once something decomposes, does it just come back into existence? Again? You have bread, you have food, it decomposes? Does it make sense for this to come back into existence? No. Allah azza wa jal says, I'm going to do that. Do you believe in? Or do you do and God of it? You know, if you can't humble your intellect in front of Revelation, Then religion, is it for you? I'm not talking about Islam. What did I say? religion in general isn't for you. You know.

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And I want to make it very clear, because some people they assume that because

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because of these sorts of discussions, that somehow Muslim scholars and Islam is copping out of having an intellectual discussion. We aren't copping out, you know. And if you believe that, Islam and Muslims in our history have copped out of having intellectual discussions, you haven't read Islamic history, you know, the scholars are all for our tradition is all about its its detail. And the academics, you know, scholars have always been willing to engage. And if you don't believe me, go and read the works of Ross and you go to read the works of, of masala, you go and read the works of, you know, to be in whoever it is that you like, you know, go pick up their books and go read

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them. And after reading a few pages of nausea, tell them you don't have a headache. After reading a few pages of allottee. Tom, your head isn't like spinning. We're all about the detail, by the way. But

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if the mind can't comprehend the end result, our claim is that there are some matters that you ask Allah for guidance in today, you may not understand it tomorrow you will write today because the human no human mind has the ability to Esau and encompass everything. You know, there is a mathematical formula I may not understand, do I just deny the result of it? If I'm told by an expert that this result is accurate? I don't deny it. I just keep working that formula again and again, until I figure it out. And if I can't figure it out, I go to someone who doesn't want to say Hey, first, they can include them, let alone can you help me walk? Can you help walk me through the

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process of this formula so I can figure out what's happening here. I've been told the answer. You know, in some examinations, they do this. They give you the formula. They give you a question. They give you the answer and what do they explain? What's the question?

00:49:55 --> 00:49:59

Explain the process. Now because you can't explain the process does that mean you deny the

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A question altogether? That, you know, there's no question on this paper, it's actually white. No, you can't do that, you know, it's a very silly and foolish thing to do. Secondly,

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I find a lot of Muslims struggling a lot. When it comes to submitting to Revelation, first thing, that was the first thing. But in addition to that,

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accepting, let me start again, let me start, let me start the second statement again.

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The scholars when they introduce, let me turn a third time. I'm trying to think of how to phrase this because there's, this is one of those issues that I'm very passionate about. And I can talk about this issue by the way, I kid you not for weeks, months without getting tired, because there's so many perspectives of this, I find this to be a very real issue. So let me use this perspective. Alhamdulillah I've had the opportunity to travel in America for our purposes, college campuses, masajid camps, speaking with youth, adults, many platforms, and from a diverse range of Muslim groups and ethnicities within the within America. So this is not like a indo Pak issue or an Arab

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issue, or a Caucasian or African American issue. This is a very broad issue. And what's the issue as Muslims in America, we are obedient, loyal to the Quran. Alhamdulillah that's good. So far, but hamdulillah Allah allow that to remain with us.

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skeptical of Hadith

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in denial of the Folk AHA This is my summary of this land and many of the Muslims living here were very low to the ground if someone says something about the Quran, the Muslim community flocks there's a fear class happening everyone floods good thing, you know, there's a body in the community, everyone flocks, that's a good thing. You know, we're going to learn Arabic so we can do a Quran intensive, everyone's going to flock so you know, everyone's flogging because they're really excited about the Quran. This is awesome. It's really good. I'm in favor of it. By the way. The problem is the second two parts. The second two parts, what are they? They're skeptical of Hadith if

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you were to tell someone that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says this. I'm not sure about that. I don't know how I feel about it. That by only magic to be your Eman is incomplete until you fully submit to what I have brought to you.

00:52:08 --> 00:52:19

I remember once I was in Chicago, and like I said, I'm very passionate about this subject. I was I was in Chicago. And this young lady came to me once we were doing a youth session and she said to me, that

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I go to high school. And one of my professor said to me, that the Quran does not explicitly say anywhere that women must wear a headscarf

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is this true?

00:52:37 --> 00:52:38

So I said to her,

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if you're asking me does the Quran say in very clear words, women who put on a headscarf the Quran doesn't say that.

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So she said, My professor then said because it's not clearly stated word by word very explicitly in the Quran, therefore, it's not fun. So I said, I might agree with the first statement. I'm not saying that hijab isn't in the Quran, I'm making it very clear. That's not my statement. What's what's Where did I agree with her? She's saying the Quran doesn't say word by word very clearly, women need to wear a hijab once they reach age and maturity. Is that not in the Quran? on that level? I agree. The Quran doesn't say it in that way. Okay.

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But I don't agree with your conclusion because their conclusion was because the Quran doesn't say it. It's not a part of the dean. And I said I disagree with that. She said how? I said well, because I never claimed to know Mr. ever claimed that the entire deen is based off verses of the Quran. When we talk about a dilla Sharia the sources of our religion, we don't say of Quran and walk away after that there's more to it. What else are from the other luxury? The hadith is from that Allah, you know, you study the Hadith and see what the hadith is saying, you know, there's ma there's the answers to Hassan, there's I'm gonna handle Medina as the Maliki I have, you know, there are so

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many, Adela that we go through the whole slur list of them of principles and avenues that we need to study in order to understand what our Dean wants us. Okay. And the last part of it, which is this really problematic issue, that people are in denial of alcohol, the hateful Kahan you know, you say that Imam, Abu Hanifa, Allahu Allah, He said this or even Malik Imam Shafi, and he said this, that like,

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like a little smirk on their face, it's very hard to find someone in our community, who is confident and is willing to say that I, you know, I have no issue with claiming that I follow the Maliki method where I follow the humbly method, people are very shy, you know, and I think it's a result of the last 2030 years of America, where people were shamed into being believing that the mother here were all just propaganda and agenda, and it was all just false. And somehow the mother had the folk Aha, in this man, these masters of Islamic law, were at crossroads with Revelation, and therefore admitting that you follow a particular school of thought was not a sign of consistency, even though

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that's exactly what it is. It's not a sign of consistency, in principle, rather, it's you giving preference to a human mind over revelation. This is just so problematic. This assumption. It's if

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I'm passionate about the first issue. I can't tell you how passionate I am about, like the second issue, you know, about this denial, because there's a lot of assumptions. It's a very loaded statement. You know, it's a very loaded statement, but inshallah maybe another time we can discuss this issue that people have with football in our community. I'll just tell you this, some of the leading scholars in the world that I know that I have known, have never been apologetic or have had a problem with claiming that they that they abide it to a fifth. You know, I look at some of my friends in America, who are senior and very prominent Shia Hamza Yusuf, very proud Maliki Imam,

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Zaid, very proud Maliki, you go to shift will lead the Sunni very proud humbly, my dear friend, Chef Yasi would adjust across the street, you know, in Valley Ranch, very proud Saturday, you ask him, he says open the Amish Afeni. You know, these, these scholars and these are on a mA and I give their names because these are people that are familiar to us. They weren't shy didn't have any problem with saying that they follow their particular method. Now let's come back to the issue at hand that I was trying to phrase multiple times. The issue is that people have a very tough time accepting Hadith as a source of authority. And the reason is because in our mind, we think of Quran being

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revelation. And Hadith being this orphan child sitting in a parking lot.

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You guys understand? That we need to have pity on and accommodate when and when the reality is. Historically, whenever scholars have introduced Hadith, they have used the following structure. They say, why he is of two types. Why he Mutlu? Well, he laid them out to do the recited revelation, ie the Quran, and the underside of Revelation, the Hadith, the Sunnah.

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And the, in the, in the, in the, the genius thought behind this particular structure was that Muslims always viewed Hadith as a form of revelation to

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right, I quoted the is sort of nudged him in who Allah Yun, you have. And someone can ask, no, there are a million questions that can then come up that what about this? What about that? What about this? What about that because there are many objections brought against Hadith. I would like to address them but today's class isn't for that. Here another time. Another place another class, where we can go through objections brought against Hadith.

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multitude of money. In his book on the authority of the Sunnah, he writes that there are three major objections that hadith rejecters commonly rely on. There are three major objections that hadith rejecters commonly rely on. And I won't go through them now but if anyone wants to read them, you can go there and find them. For example, He says that

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for example, he says that one of the reasons why they say that we don't need Hadith because the Quran is self explanatory. The Quran says that my ferrata Phil kitab. Eman Sheikh, that everything has been included in the Quran, you know, so we don't need a hadith to explain it. He explains how that's a faulty statement. And that's a misreading of the of the ayah. And there's a question of what that Kitab even means is some scholars that say that Kitab refers to the book that consists of do not look at another Quran itself. You know, that in the book of dt Allah has written everything my photographic having been shaped, so that's what a peanut But anyway, he addresses these issues

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thoroughly and extensively. Again, I encourage chef Mustafa Azzam, his books on this issue as well, we have a hadith intensive that we do. I haven't taught it online yet, but I'm assuming maybe at some point, Inshallah, that's something that needs to be done so that this, these discussions can be on and they can be available to people.

00:58:40 --> 00:58:42

True obedience.

00:58:43 --> 00:58:46

This is where the command of your Imam is

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not only true obedience because you're forced but out of honor. You know, people who say that the Sunnah wasn't necessary, they have a lot of explanation to do of why the Sahaba did what they did. They're gonna have to re explain the whole life of Abdullah bin Ahmed at the Alon one, because his entire life was a search for the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam imitating that, acting upon that. Why were scholars preserving these words for so long? You know, Allah subhanho wa taala. He favored this ummah by not only preserving the Quran, the father of the Quran, but also the Maharani, the meanings of the Quran, and the meanings of the Quran, are all embedded within the Hadith. No

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other religion has added such an extensive body of preserved information like we Muslims have, rather than abandoning and in every deviant group that has ever come in the history of Islam that will come until the Day of Judgment Mark my words, they will always base your deviance off of quoting an abstract verse of the Quran, while avoiding the Hadith like a plague.

00:59:47 --> 00:59:59

You guys understand that? They will choose a verse of the Quran that's vague. They will then apply a context of that verse, impose their logic on that verse. And in that article, you will constantly see there's no mention of Hadith anywhere. And it

01:00:00 --> 01:00:21

tell you as a rule of thumb, anyone who claims new ideas while is avoiding the Hadith actively and discrediting Hadith and discrediting the Motley Fool and the Sunnah, avoid them. That's not a, that's not a healthy and safe place for you to be, you know, be in a place where you are surrounded by, I'm more willing, I feel more confident knowing that the context of a verse

01:00:23 --> 01:00:40

is what it is, and is what's being claimed to be based off of the understanding of even Ibis or the Allah one that makes me feel good. I don't feel happy knowing that the only reason you claim that this verse means this is because what it feels like saying that, sorry, how this feels like saying that, you know,

01:00:41 --> 01:01:15

I don't trust you enough. With all due respect, I love you. If I don't trust you enough to say that I'm going to rely on your understanding of a verse that's not backed by any Sahabi or any family or any person from the earlier generation. On the other hand, if you've been even Masuda de la Juana rib now busca de la Juan tells me that this verse means this, I can sleep at night and I can follow that verse in that meaning and understand that verse in that meaning without any hesitancy at all. And that level of loyalty is needed. That level of loyalty is gone, unfortunately, to that early tradition, to that early generation of the Sahaba and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and

01:01:15 --> 01:01:38

we are good and now to June and now Judy says Kulu money the Mahabharata Allah azza wa jal welcome you Africa love you I'm ready for the Allahu botton, everyone that any person that claims that he loves Allah that refuses to be obedient to Allah and the messenger than his claim is false. Look, and then he says regarding the true essence of,

01:01:40 --> 01:02:09

of obedience, later beside the atonement in the arm habit, Allah azza wa jal, Allah MIA for the Buddha, we call to Habermas, that anyone that claims that he loves Allah but isn't willing to be obedient to Allah. He truly doesn't love Allah and then he quotes his beautiful line of poetry for foreign wife aka mu Africa to feed Jamila. While you answer the what are called Daily mood mood to some Anwar Titan. He says that if I was told by my beloved to die, I was die out of obedience,

01:02:10 --> 01:02:49

while plutella mud mud to summon water out and walk altogether and Moti al Anwar marhaba and because you are the one who told me to die, I would say to the angel of death, welcome, come and take my life through obedience. And he says some scholars the very famous line 1000 Either one Taha who, that you you disobey Allah that you claim you love him in the heart Elif is the money Ijebu in or in the heart allometry field trc Shani Oh, they are different words for that second part, that this is a very random thing that you claim you love Allah but you don't obey Him. This is a very absurd statement, a very absurd claim. No kind of humble cause saw the tabula Tato If your heart really

01:02:49 --> 01:02:59

clicked crave the love of Allah and His messenger, you would obey him in the Mohave Valley when you hit boom oto because love brings obedience. Love brings obedience.

01:03:02 --> 01:03:18

Now in this, in this hadith, you have nowhere to hunt Allah here Ali, quoting the Prophet salallahu Salam brings the word hello, Hatha Hakuna Hawa, who Saba and imagined to be and I translated However, earlier as WIMS some have translated as desire what is Hawa actually meet.

01:03:20 --> 01:03:30

So, the scholars they discuss they say produce law could however, be marginal muhabba Well, mainly McLaughlin, that the word Hawa comes in the meaning of love and inclination

01:03:32 --> 01:03:40

for your coffee Hill may live in a happy with it. So, it can mean any sort of inclination towards good could be called how a inclination towards bad can also be

01:03:41 --> 01:03:42

howa as well.

01:03:44 --> 01:03:52

He then says, we have an example of how are being used in a positive context to the positive like

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam discussion with the Companions regarding what should be done with the captain's with the battle above it.

01:04:00 --> 01:04:23

He sought companion he sought the shooter from the companions of a walker so they got the Allahu on said they should be let that we should let them live and take a compensation for their ransom. You know, they can teach our kids or teach our community members or give some wealth that they have wealth, and oh my God, Allah wants that they should be sleep. So regarding that, regarding that narration that words are for Hello. So the lesson Allahu Allah He was sort of my father Abu Bakr,

01:04:24 --> 01:04:36

for how Allah suit allah sallallahu it was at a macro level, which means that the prophets of Allah who it was said Amala he was inclined towards that opinion, which was proposed by Abu Bakar has a different view. Lavon

01:04:37 --> 01:05:00

Mullaly, according to the law era, when discussing the word hella, he says May lunacy he Soumya behavior and who Yeah, who saw people who fit dunya that when a person is inclined for something they call it Hala. Their whims, their desires, it's because it's that feeling it's that experience that motivates you to do things. Either do good in the world, or do good in the aka you're not

01:05:00 --> 01:05:04

But each method are mutually exclusive. But you know, it motivates the person's desires.

01:05:05 --> 01:05:12

Desires are good, by the way, but you should never be only guided by your desires and I'll talk about that in a moment. Okay.

01:05:13 --> 01:05:15

He then says, regarding this

01:05:18 --> 01:05:31

as far as legally when we talk about the word holla what it means is Malan Nuptse, Isla Philippi. Maya after the shadow, well, I'm either Wafaa al Hawa alHuda. For who because Zook that Jana asleep when

01:05:32 --> 01:06:05

he said generally, the Hawa because of satanic influence, will not be in agreement with Revelation. Usually, your how your inclination, your desires or whims will take you down a path that isn't what you're supposed to be doing. You know, your heart will say, let's skip Salah that inclination. Let's just party it out that inclination. Let's just cut this person out because I feel angry right now that inclination. That's the that's the hook. He says, However, sometimes what happens is your haha will match Buddha. What does that mean?

01:06:06 --> 01:06:37

What Allah wants you to do? When that happens when your heart desires what Allah wants you to do, he says that that's the moon or not, I knew what more can you ask him Allah subhana wa Tada. And there's a lot of the pups that Allahu Allah He was sort of, that I'll encourage every one of you to make, if you make this dua in sha Allah, in sha Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala will make your holla your whims and your desires in line with what Allah wants from you. You're going to read it in sha Allah. Very beautiful blog Allahumma Habib Elaina Eema

01:06:39 --> 01:06:40

was a yellowfin tuna.

01:06:42 --> 01:07:02

What curry Elaine l COFRA Woelfel Zuko while ACCION wa jalila mineral Rashidi, very beautiful, prophetic and the words that these two are actually found in the Quran ACARA Ha ha, isn't the words that these are also found in the Quran, the RRB poet says

01:07:03 --> 01:07:44

cannot legally be forgotten that my heart has different inclinations scattered inclinations. First touch mat mudra Atka aligner aligner wire, but as soon as my eyes saw you, all of my desires and women's rather than than being scattered, they became collected, they became collected kind of the Colby who are on fire Rakatan first stage Maha Mudra artcle I know a wire fissara pseudonym I'm going to ask to do and now that my goals in life had become one after seeing you and falling in love with you, that people who I was jealous of yesterday today they're jealous of me.

01:07:45 --> 01:08:26

fissara Yeah, suddenly man couldn't to answer the who was still to molal what Mussatto mood system Olaya and the day you became my master Oh Allah I became the master of the world. The people saw value in me, well suited to modal whare Mozilla to the Nasod on Yahoo Medina whom I left behind the world, for I left behind for people their world dunya who Medina whom their role in their religion, I left their affairs for them shuffled on behalf Becca Yardeni. Wanniassa because I became occupied on your love all my world and all my orthodox speaking to Allah subhanahu McDonogh.

01:08:28 --> 01:08:46

There's one last discussion I want to have because someone can ask that if we are supposed to submit ourselves to Revelation. How do we get there? If the completion of our deen is submitting ourselves absolute total submission to Revelation, how do we get there? Regarding this call, the other Maliki says

01:08:48 --> 01:09:14

in the RVL, more Alpha three, l sorry, Xia worried herba that there are four things that will bring you to submission and obedience. If you find one of these four, you will be a little inclined. If you're able to establish two of these four more inclination but if you can establish all four, you will have complete reason for its total submission. What are these four things? He says the first thing

01:09:17 --> 01:09:18

is that

01:09:21 --> 01:09:46

Julbo naffaa Number two Duff or LeBron number three, Jamar health. Number four Jamal. These are the four things. So he sees that these are the if you're looking to obey someone, the first thing you need to see, if you want to be able to love someone and obey them. The first thing you need to see is does this person's teachings bring benefit to my life? It's a question. If you can establish that this person's teachings bring benefit to my life, you will be one step closer to loving that person.

01:09:47 --> 01:09:59

That's why asking yourself what value does assume that bring to you. What value does Islam actually bring to you? This is a question. You know, sometimes I'm at home and I tell my kids that they can't do certain things. And rather than just telling them that they can't do it, I try to explain to them why they can

01:10:00 --> 01:10:10

What value does it bring? What value is there in following Islam and not speaking out to your parents not shouting and not screaming and throwing stuff? What value does it bring to you? And I was telling my son that you know,

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not as a scholar, but as a person. Do you see that your family members respect your father? Do you see your my cousin's? Do they respect me? Do my parents respect me? Do my siblings respect me? He said, Yes, yes, yes. I said, well, one of the reasons why they respect me is because I'm able to respect them. If I stopped respecting them, they would stop respecting me. And in life, if you want to grow, you have to be able to respect people in order to be respected in return. So you have to know that what a person is offering you brings benefit. The second thing is, you have to know that what the person is stopping you from if you do it, it'll bring harm to you. If you drink alcohol, if

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you consume wine if you become an alcoholic and drink beer and intoxicant. The Quran is telling you not to do what the hadith is telling you not to do it. But if you engage in intoxicants, will it harm you? It will. So now you see that the Hadith in the Quran, the deen is not trying to hurt you rather, it's looking out for you. Good looking out, as we'd say, glow, right? Good looking out, you know, it's telling you to do things that are beneficial, telling you to stay away from things that are harmful. And the last two things, you look at the person who's teaching it to you, you know, there is a natural inclination to someone who has good character, because they embody their

01:11:25 --> 01:11:30

teachings. If a person teaches you something and doesn't do it themselves, you chalk that up to hypocrisy and you leave them

01:11:31 --> 01:11:43

Did the Prophet of Allah practice what he did himself? You know, I'll give you an example. I tell you guys, you know, there's this thing that we eat in our in our DC culture. If they say it's good for your health, it's called kala.

01:11:45 --> 01:11:46

What do they call it? is gold.

01:11:49 --> 01:11:58

Bitter going, right, it's very bitter. Someone says it's good for you eat Canola is good for you. But they don't eat it themselves. What do you think yourself?

01:11:59 --> 01:12:18

You know, he tells us to eat canola eats cookies himself. Right? Look at the scam. When a person does what they say, you know, this person's worth it. There's someone that talks about investing in cryptocurrency but hasn't invested a penny themselves. Does that sound genuine to you guys? Not really, right? I mean, this person is making money off something, you know, while they're not doing it, themselves.

01:12:19 --> 01:12:51

And the last thing he says is that when you see a person with beautiful features, that's also a source of inclination and he said if you bring all of these characteristics together, you will find they all exist in the teaching of the Prophet of Allah and he said, You know, so the best thing for you to do is just submit your heart and your knifes and your soul to Revelation. And as you might know, we're gonna have to lie it is closing off this book, Hadith number 41. We only have one Hadith left and that'll be on next week class and we'll be finished with the 40 Hadith class that we started over a year and a half ago. Mr. Mehra flyleaves. Wrapping things up. He's saying that if

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there's anything that you can take back from this book, it's to submit yourself to Revelation. If you can accomplish that you've accomplished a lot from the world. But if you haven't accomplished that, the journey is going to be uphill as far as it goes with you practicing your theme. So we pray that Allah subhana wa Tada makes us from people who understand the value of this Deen, who trust the Quran, trust the Sunnah and Hadith and love the folk AHA and your Allama who dedicated their lives to codifying this Deen for us in creating principles and creating consistent outcomes and it's not haphazard our practice of the dean. We pray that Allah subhanaw And what that allows us to become

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loyal to Revelation and that our hearts not feel any reluctance or any grievance or any sourness or bitterness when it comes to stepping on our intellect and humbling herself in front of God Allah Allah, wa sallahu wa

01:13:43 --> 01:13:45

salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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