Ahsan Hanif – Quran Tafseer – Page 35 – Importance Of Honesty

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The historical context and importance of Islam, including orphanages and the clergy community, is discussed. The difficulty of keeping up with financial and cultural activities and the importance of patience and perseverance are emphasized. The importance of physical appearance and the Sharia is emphasized, as well as the need for people to practice sexuality and avoid embarrassment. The importance of following laws and not allowing old people to take advantage of sharia is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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You're gonna shave on

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cinematic mental life will Brocato Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen will not be able to do Turpin will or Glenna Illa Allah Vani mean, worship Elijah Illallah who are the hula Shakira who either hula Valina will fit in, or should do another billionaire Muhammad Abdul Rasulullah Mustafa Al Amin Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala abductor sadaqa Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Ultramarine and my bad Welcome to another episode about the seal page by page and inshallah to Allah today we are on page 35 of the Quran. And that is in the second Joe Soto Bacara. So Allah subhanaw taala. In the previous episode, we said that the ending of the previous or the

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last verse that we covered in the previous episode is connected to the first verse on this page. And that is why we took the first portion of, of this verse, verse 220, and the previous episode, so we're going to continue inshallah to Allah from where we left off, which is towards the very beginning of this verse, but not exactly at the beginning. And that is the statement of Allah subhanaw taala, although we love him in the shape on the regime, was a loon at our near term. They asked you concerning the orphans, the one of the things that we've noticed so far in Surah Al Baqarah, one of the things that Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the Quran are the questions that

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were posed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then how Allah subhanaw taala responds to those questions that will pose to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Sometimes those questions are posed by Muslims by the Companions by the Allah who are ineligible in other times, they were questions that were posed by the non Muslims, maybe by the Jews or the Christians or the Orisha of Mecca or some of the other non Muslims. And in each case, Allah subhanaw taala answers the prophets of Allah what it was salam with revelation on the Quran. So from amongst those instances is this instance here? What are a number of the Muslims asked concerning the orphans and their property. Now

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the orphans as we know they have a position or a special position and place in our religion, because it often is someone who has lost one or both parents. And so therefore, they are naturally at a disadvantage in terms of their upbringing, in terms of their custodianship in terms of people looking out for their welfare and their well being. And so Islam has given a great reward, and has afforded a great status to those people who can take orphans under their care and look after them. And the general way that that is done is not just to simply give money or to provide for them because there is only one aspect, but rather what he means keyfinder to refer to the team is to

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actually look after the orphan meaning that you bring them in into your household. So you look after their not only their financial needs, but their physical needs, that emotional needs, all of the things that you will do for your own child, you give towards this orphan, boy or girl as well. And that is why the prophets of Allah what it was, Selim told us that about the reward of the orphan or the one who looks after the open, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that me and him will be or me and her will be like this in Jannah, and he raised his two fingers. So Allah or your Salah means they will be close in station and position to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in

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And that's because these people, usually an orphan is a child, because once they reach adulthood, they're no longer considered to be an orphan. And so that child, especially if they don't have anyone to look after their needs, look after the interests sometimes the orphan has inherited money from the deceased parent or parents. And so therefore, there are so many different issues that are required in terms of the upbringing and the one by one well being and care of the orphan. One of the verses that Allah azza wa jal revealed in the Quran spoke about how you should be careful when it came to the welfare and orphan. So sometimes the orphan not every offer has to be poor. Sometimes

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the orphan can have money their parents were wealthy, or they were relatively comfortable and so the orphan child inherits from them. Allah subhanaw taala said also in the Quran, in the Lilina coluna and while the Tamil Waldman in MA Kulu Nephi Bocconi him Naira was a US known as a Euro, Indeed, those who devour the wealth of the orphans unjustly indeed they only devour into their bellies, a portion of the fire, and they will be given the punishment of the hellfire and the next life. In that verse, Allah azza wa jal warns against taking the wealth of the orphan unjustly orphans, a child doesn't really know about money issues doesn't really know how about finances. And so it's

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very easy for the one who is the custodian because they control the wealth. It is under their can their custodianship that they could divert some of those funds towards themselves use some of that money

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take some of that money for their own interests and benefit and so on. And so Allah azza wa jal warned in that verse with the severe punishment for those people who do so, that led them to Muslims at the time of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, the companions are in that situation, are looking after orphans of being extremely careful, because they didn't want to have even the slightest amount of doubt, when it came to the issue of the wealth of the orphans. But that made it very difficult for them on a daily basis. So when it came to the food, they would separate their food from the food. And often I buy this with my money, and I buy that with their money, clothing, drink every

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aspect of their life, they will try to divorce or separate financially. And as we know, when you're living in one household, and you're you have children, and you have orphans, and everyone's together, it is extremely difficult to keep that so you can't eat from them. Because that says, well, and I can only eat from this because that's right, but for my money, and you only get from that because that's for me, and so it becomes very difficult to do. And so some of those companions, they came to the Prophet SAW Allah when it was still him, and they asked him concerning this, and that is why Allah azza wa jal responded and he says, pulling the slack will let him clear. Allah

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azza wa jal says it is good to set things right for them, or to hide the tomb ICWA NuCalm. And if you combine their affairs with yours, then they are your siblings. They are your brothers and sisters, meaning that it's okay you don't have to go to that extent. What Allah azza wa jal is warning against are those people who intentionally try to take the money of others and devour it and justly, that's the people that Allah azza wa jal is warning against, but the fact that you're living together and you share things, you know, I live in a household. So what I do in terms of paying for my food and my drink and for other things, the other issues of the household, everyone benefits from

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it. And so sometimes I may, there may be a certain, a certain as Allah azza wa jal says, a certain combination of events and certain mixing between finances, but it is done for the good of all of those people in the household. That is something which Allah azza wa jal says that therefore it is okay. And Allah azza wa jal then goes on to say what Allah who we are and then we'll move see them in a Muslim. Indeed, Allah knows those who wish to corrupt from those who wish to improve, those who wish to do good and rectify, Allah knows their intention, and those who in their hearts that is corruption and evil, they want to steal, they want to take the wealth and justly and so on Allah

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azza wa jal also knows them and their intentions as well. And so as long as you have the piety of Allah subhanaw taala, as long as you're looking after the affairs of those orphans in a just unbalanced way, that Allah azza wa jal knows the intentions of people. Well, oh sha Allah Hoonah unethical, Allah says, And had he so willed, He could have made you vulnerable to he could have made things difficult for you, if he had wished. subhanaw taala in Allah Aziz and Hakeem, he could have made you vulnerable to indeed Allah azza wa jal is almighty and all wise

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in the next verse, verse 221, of these next few pages, these passages of surah baqarah and are going to speak about a number of rulings. So we've already had a number of rulings that we've discussed so far in this dose of Surah Baqarah. We've had rulings with regards to fasting and with regards to Hajj and certain other issues in the festival, Allah azza wa jal has mentioned. And these are also a number of pages now that will speak about rulings the next two or three episodes, much of it will be to do with different rulings. And Allah azza wa jal doesn't give us a comprehensive set of rules for each and every single issue. But Allah subhanaw taala highlight certain issues and points towards

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them. And often it is these issues that are extremely important because in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Kurdish the Arabs, generally, in pre Islam, these were issues that they would greatly fall foul of, they would have a great deal of oppression and transgression with regards to them. So for example, the orphans are often oppressed in that culture. The women are often oppressed in their culture, divorce was used as a way of oppressing people in that culture, culture and so on and so forth. So Allah azza wa jal mentioned a number of rulings. In verse 221. Allah subhanaw taala mentions the ruling of marriage and the marriage of a Muslim to a non Muslim

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and in particular, someone who is not from the People of the Scripture from the Jews and the Christians. They have their separate ruling that Allah azza wa jal will mention in a verse that comes in a different salt in the book of Allah subhanaw taala butthead Allah azza wa jal says, Walton the whole machinery karate hut, you mean? Well, I'm a minute on how you room mean mostly karate what oh RJ but do not marry adult trusses until they believe do not marry the women who idolatrous who are polytheists worship other than Allah azza wa jal until they believe a believing slave woman is better than the one who is an adult trust, even though she may please you. Allah

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subhanaw taala and this is a general principle in our religion, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us in the Hadith that many of us are familiar with, that when a person looks for marriage, they look towards a woman's beauty a woman's world

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A woman's lineage a woman's religion, choose the one with religion the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you will be successful. Here Allah azza wa jal is saying that that is a general rule that we have in our religion. And so the woman who may be a slave, but she is a Mina. She is the believer is greater and better in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala than the one who is a disbeliever. She's a polytheist even though she may be more pleasing to you in terms of a beauty, in terms of a lineage in terms of a wealth, and so on and so forth. Because ultimately, as we know, in our religion, the most important thing for us is Islam. It is to please Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And the same goes the other way as well. It's not just the men, towards the women, but likewise for the women and the men as well. Allah azza wa jal says Wallah to give homage to the king. You know what I mean? On how you mean Moshe Khumalo Aaron Jabba calm, Allah subhanaw taala says,

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And do not give you a women in marriage to idolaters until they believe a believing slave is certainly better than $1 to an idolatry, even though he may please you. And so likewise, the ruling is the same whether it is the woman that wants to marry the man or the man who is seeking marriage from the woman.

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And that is because Allah subhanaw taala is saying that ultimately, when it comes to marriage, if it is the man who marries a woman who is, for example, worshipping idols, worshiping other than Allah subhanaw taala, making that type of shift, the woman will become the mother, the wife becomes the mother, the mother gives a lot of tarbiyah a lot of time that she spent with the children, and therefore a lot of those children's and they practice the children's beliefs and their practices, and their habits and customs and so on will come from her belief system and from her culture as well. And if it is the woman that is marrying the man and he's the one who's the idolater then he

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she will have to listen to him because he will have a certain level of authority in the household and a certain level of authority over his children as well. When and as they are born. So Allah subhanaw taala says stay away from this, because this is something which Allah azza wa jal has forbidden. Allah subhanaw taala says, Hola, que una Elan now, for indeed those are people that call to the fire one La Jolla de rue in Elgin naughty Wilma, Pharaoh TB evening. What Allah calls you to Jana, and forgiveness by his leave. One of the lessons that we take from this therefore, is that Allah subhanaw taala is telling us that everything that Allah azza wa jal ordained or legislating

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the Sharia, even if it is something which our souls find difficult to accept, or our temptations and desires find it difficult to accept. It is better for us in the long run, because Allah azza wa jal ultimately wants us to arrive in Jannah to attain Jana and his pleasure Subhana wa Tada. And so therefore, patience, perseverance, that level of determination is extremely important when it comes to aspects of worship, and aspects of dealings and aspects of relationships is extremely important to remember what Allah subhanaw taala wants ultimately for the believer, and that is that Allah azza wa jal wants Jana, whereas shaytaan and the people will follow his path, the one for you the fire,

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and that is the promise that shaytaan made, that he wouldn't be skyed all of mankind except for the sincere chosen streams of Allah subhanaw taala those people who accept Eman and those people who worship Allah azza wa jal in the way that he has ordained and legislated and so this is something which Allah azza wa jal is mentioning here. Yes, the dunya prospect, it may seem more appealing to you, in some occasions or at some times to marry that woman or that man was a non Muslim, may be more appealing to you may you may think that it's better for you in one way or another. That person may be wealthy, they may have certain privileges or the lineage may afford them certain positions

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and certain favors within society. But Allah azza wa jal is saying that a slave, even though a slave with someone who is owned doesn't have any wealth that they possess doesn't have anything to their name that they can claim is theirs, that person because of the Eman is still better. And so Allah azza wa jal puts down this principle for us and this is not a verse, Therefore, that says that you should marry slaves or believers, that it's encouraging the type of marriage No, but Allah azza wa jal is laying down the principle that a man is more precious and more valuable in the sight of Allah subhanho wa taala. Will you be you are Yachty Hedy NASCI la Lomita the Quran? Allah azza wa jal

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says, He makes his messages clear to the people so that they may bear them in mind and to understand these principles, to understand the karma of Allah azza wa jal and the wisdom behind them when and where that is possible is something which is extremely important. In verse number 222, Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Then continues and he speaks about another issue. Another question that was posed to the prophets of Allah what He was saying

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them and that is the statement of Allah azza wa jal in verse 222, West Luna Cardinal Mahi they asked you a Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about menstruation. The

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as we know menstruation is something which Allah azza wa jal has ordained upon the female slaves Allah subhanaw taala the women, Allah azza wa jal has ordained this upon them and that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Hadith of the federal hajj when he was making hydrated his wife, Aisha Radi Allahu Allah, and she entered her monthly cycle while she was in the state of Islam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her, don't be upset for this is something which Allah has decreed upon the daughters of Adam. So this is something which Allah azza wa jal has decreed for women. The sum of the cultures in an Iran Medina, were of the position this was their

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belief and their custom, that if a woman entered her monthly cycle, you had to completely stay away from it. You couldn't really mix with her, you couldn't sit within each with her, you couldn't share the same food or the same vessels and utensils. So they would be extremely strict. And as we know, a woman enters a monthly cycle every month, for 56789 days a month, she's upon that monthly cycle. So every single month, they will go through this. So some of the Muslims the unsolved the Medina and some of the Muslims when they entered into slam, they do not know is this the same ruling for us as well in Islam? What these people do have the Scripture and other religions or do we have something

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different? So Allah azza wa jal replied and he said, on who factors you don't need nice feeling mafia yield, Samus duration is a painful condition. So keep away from women during it meaning keep away from having marital relations with them. And so what we know them from the Quran and from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from his own practice and life. Because as we know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a number of wives, he had daughters and so on and so forth, is that the only thing that Islam forbade, in terms of the union between man and woman between marriage is that they don't have marital relations during that period of time. As for

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sitting with them, traveling with them, eating with them, sharing utensils with them, everything else is something which is permissible, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would spend time and be intimate with his wives, but he wouldn't go to the end of that, which is to have full on multiple relations. And so that was the only thing that Allah azza wa jal has forbidden. And obviously for the one that's menstruating, the woman that's administrating, there are certain rules that she has to abide by as well in terms of not being able to pray and fast and touch the Quran and so on and so forth. Both of those things are known But here Allah azza wa jal is speaking in a

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specific context, and that is marital relations don't have marriage relations. Everything below that and everything else is something which Allah azza wa jal has allowed, while takanobu

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own and do not approach them until they have become cleansed for either Tata Herman, to name in Hazel and Morocco Mala and once they are cleansed, you may approach them as Allah azza wa jal has legislated. And what he means by cleansing is the also the bath the ritual bath that the woman takes after her monthly cycle has finished and when we say menstruation multi cycle also included in that is the postpartum bleeding that takes place after childbirth. These times Allah azza wa jal has told us to stay away from women in terms of marital relations, until that woman takes her ritual bath of purification of cleansing. Then Allah azza wa jal says it is not permissible for you to continue to

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have those relations with them as Allah azza wa jal has ordained, and Allah subhanaw taala says at the end of this verse,

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in Allah your head would be in over your head, and multiple healing. For indeed Allah loves those who frequently repent to Him. And Allah Azza delivers those who frequently keep clean and purify themselves. Allah subhanaw taala loves these two things. Allah Azza delivers those who continuously make Toba they tend to Allah when they make a mistake when they commit a sin when they have a moment of forgetfulness that people are constantly making still far as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported in a single sitting he will make a step farther and say stop for Allah 70 times. And it is said in the narration as in the narration of women Amara, the Allahu Anhu man that

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sometimes 100 times a day, he would make his still far and he would say Allah homophily were to barely in the interweb Rahim he will ask Allah to forgive him and to show his repentance upon him even though as we know, the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam was forgiven for all of his sins, past and future, but it is something which he did to continuously seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala and it's still far and Toba is amazing. And there will be verses that we will speak about that inshallah Tana in more detail for him Allah azza wa jal combines that element of the internal or the, the purity of the heart, the internal cleansing of the heart, which is what Tobin is still far

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is, it is us asking Allah azza wa jal to purify our heart from the sins and

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The disobedience that we accumulate the internal purification and cleansing. Allah azza wa jal says, And he loves those who outwardly, externally purify and cleanse themselves as well. And they are the people who make tapa Hall. They are the people who began to keep themselves clean. And as we know, in our religion, there are a number of things that we do in order to maintain that cleanliness. So for example, when we pray, there are certain things that we do beforehand in the way that we go to the bathroom or chronicle Milan, we leave ourselves in the way that we make Moodle also, all of these things are so that we purify ourselves and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, for

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example, used to use the miswak the truth stick, that he would use and cleanse himself his mouth with frequently and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, more than not that it would be difficult, too difficult for my ummah to do, I would have commanded that they use the miswak with every window around the beginning of every window, or in the Hadith at the beginning of every sada and so to be in a state of purification, the prophets of Allah, Allah, he was telling us to love perfume, used to love smelling good, looking good and clean, and having purification within himself. So Allah Allah, he was telling me this is therefore from our religion. And so to have internal

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purity and cleanliness, with external purity and cleanliness, both of those things are beloved to Allah subhanaw taala because some people focus on the internal and they forget the external, they don't dress very cleanly, they don't smell very good. And the people who are people have a bad and people of worship and so on. That's something which isn't a good state to be in. And the more likely cases that people focus on the outward appearance, but in terms of the inner state, the state of the heart, they are neglectful and HEDIS when it comes to issues of the heart and issues of of repentance and seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala Allah azza wa jal invested 23 He then

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says, and this is an extension of the previous verse, Nisa harmful Welcome to Healthcare calm and she don't work at the moment the footsie come, your wives or your field. So go into your fields whichever way you like, and then something good ahead for yourselves. Allah subhanaw taala says that it is permissible for the wife and the husband to have intimate relations as they choose. And please, with the two or three exceptions that are mentioned within the Sharia, for example, as we just mentioned in the previous verse, that they avoid the times of menstruation, those certain things that are mentioned in the books are fake, two, or three, four or five exceptions that are

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mentioned in those books. That is what you have to stay away from everything else is permissible. And it is said that again, some of the companions of Medina would look at the people of other cultures. And they would say that they say, if you do this, for example, or if you approach your wife in this way, or you have these types of intimate relations with your spouse, that this is what will happen. And if you have a child, you're all of these superstitions that people have in terms of these things. And Allah azza wa jal said, No, it was all permissible. Allah subhanaw taala has made all halal, with the exception of those two or three things as we mentioned, and the details of them,

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because I know that this is a problem that we may have young children and other members of the family watching. So I don't want to be too explicit, but they are found within the books effect. And so the onus is upon you and me, us to act when we come to that stage in our life will go into marriage to man, those rulings as a person should before they embark upon anything with with regards to something which Allah azza wa jal has legislated consenting.

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Allah subhanaw taala. Then in verse 224, Allah azza wa jal speaks about another issue, another ruling, and that is this time the ruling of taking an oath in the name of Allah subhanaw taala. Allah azza wa jal says in verse 224, whatever the journal Allah or botany Emani come about rule water taboo to slip from obeying and nurse wala who sent me on. I mean, I look at all of these issues that Allah azza wa jal is mentioning here Allah says subhanaw taala. Do not allow your oaths in God's name to hinder you from doing good. Being mindful of Allah and making peace between people. For indeed Allah hears and knows everything. The

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the verse here speaks about taking an oath, an oath is when you invoke the name of Allah azza wa jal upon something so you say for example, by Allah, I will go and do such and such a thing or by Allah, I will not do such and such a thing, the invoking of the Name of Allah subhanaw taala. For a command or for an action that you're going to do, or for some stimuli that you're going to make that is considered to be an oath, that is considered to be an oath. And in Arabic, the word for an oath is Yameen, or a man which is the plural and so Allah azza wa jal holds a Manickam. So Allah subhanaw taala says Do not allow your oaths to be a reason to hinder you from doing good. All of these issues

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that Allah azza wa jal is mentioning whether it's to do with divorce, whether it's to do with looking after the the orphan

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And whether it's to do for example, women's women and their rights and their place and so on, or when it comes to dealing with oats, all of these issues, the Quraysh and our have generally had issues with each one of them for the believer, he understands or she understands that these are things that Allah subhanaw taala legislated. And Allah azza wa jal knows best because he has infinite knowledge and wisdom, wherein my salvation and my betterman lives. And so therefore, I will follow the commands of Allah subhana wa Tada. So here, Allah azza wa jal invest 224 is seen that sometimes people take an oath, even though what they took an oath was not the best thing to do, or

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they make an oath, and there is something better that they can do in the piece of the oath that they meet. So therefore, your oath should not be a reason for you to stay away from doing what is better and more pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala, or what is better in terms of your relationships with others. So for example, someone comes and says, that I want you to reconcile between me and my wife, me and my friend, me and a family member, and who said, By Allah, I will never get involved. You make an oath by Allah, I will never get involved. And then you realize that actually, it would be better for the family, for the community, for that friendship, for the Brotherhood of the community,

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amongst the Muslims. And so it would be better and you're one of the few people that has the ability to go and deal with the issue. You're taking an oath by Allah azza wa jal that you wouldn't do. So maybe you were upset, maybe you were busy, maybe whatever the issue is, but you know, now that it is better, Allah azza wa jal says, Don't let the old stop you from doing what and that is from the beauty of the Sharia. Rather, what you do is you expect for the oath, given the expiation, and then go and do as as you should, and help those people do the act of worship that is closer and more beloved to Allah subhana wa Tada and that is exactly what the prophets of Allah wherever he was

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still limited himself subhanaw taala in the hadith of of Musa Shani Radi Allahu Allah subhana Bukhari, a group of the ash ideen, which is the tribe of Abu Musa, or the Allah Who and they came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they originally from Yemen, they came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they wanted to go on an expedition, but they will put it in have animals, horses, camels, animals that would they could ride upon and go in fourth into this battle. When they came the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to them by Allah, I don't have anything for you, and I won't give you anything. I don't have anything the person who didn't have extra

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animals that will spare to him. So he says, I don't have anything and I won't give you anything. So they went away. After a while the prophets on Allah wa lucidum someone came, and he gave him a flock of camels or a herd of camels or a flock of or some type of group of animals. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called back Daschle in that tribe. And he said, Look, I found some animals for you take them, they took them. And then they said, how can we take this now after the oath that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam just made, so they went back and they said, O Messenger of Allah, you made an oath. And now you've given us these animals. The Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam said, By Allah, I don't make an oath, and then I find that something is better than the author I made, except that I will expect from my oath and do what is better. And that is what Allah subhanaw taala is saying, Here, we will take the final, or the next verse, even though it is the first verse on the next page, because it has also to do with the issue of votes. And that is was 225 in which Allah subhanaw taala says, now you know, Kamala, who beloved with Imani come wala key, be Monica sabot Guru bukem Hola, hola. Hold on Haleem. He will not call you to account for oats that we have uttered unintentionally, but rather he will call you to account for what you mean in your

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heart. For indeed Allah azza wa jal is most forgiving and forbearing. It is common practice in some cultures, that people take oats as part of their normal speech. People are always saying well Allah, He by Allah to Allah, He put some people in their normal everyday speech, they always invoking the name of Allah subhanaw taala as an oath, and they don't mean by it an oath, but it's just something which they do in their speech. Allah azza wa jal says that those types of oaths are not the author of Allah azza wa jal is referring to, because that person in the heart didn't intend to take an oath. So someone says, Yeah, you know, by Allah and went and did this and by Allah, but you do that

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by Allah, and they don't actually mean an oath that I will definitely do this. It's just part of the way that they speak some people in their cultures. This is just the way that they converse in the way that they speak. Allah azza wa jal says, those types of oaths, Allah subhanaw taala will not hold you to account for the oath that you will be held to account for is the oath that your heart has made a true and firm conviction upon a true intention that you truly made an oath in the name of Allah azza wa jal for that purpose and that is, this is from the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala upon His creation, that Allah azza wa jal knows that certain people, the nuances of language, the way

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that the speaker converse, makes them speak and say certain things in this way. Those things are not intentional. They're not meant to be literally taken. They are just simply expressions that people have

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have as part and cost of the speech. And so Allah azza wa jal says that is not the old Salah is referring to when we speak about the rulings of taking an oath and what he refers to an expansion and so on. So that type of wealth is the oath that you had the intention in your heart that I'm taking this oath in the name of Allah azza wa jal by Allah I will fast on this date by Allah, I will make a T calf this year by Allah next year I will go for her these are some oats that you take in your heart because you truly intend to do those actions. Those are the ones that Allah azza wa jal says that we have the rulings for in our Sharia in terms of expansions and other things as well. And

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with that inshallah Tada we come to the end of today's to proceed class and inshallah Tada in our next lesson we will continue with the next page with laterra BarakAllahu fecal masala and Amina Muhammad what are the early he was happy he brain was said on body compliment Allah He was

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he coffee

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