Ahsan Hanif – Lives Of The Prophets Prophet Musa As

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses similarities between the Prophet sallali Alayshi wa Sallam and the original Islam, including the importance of being patient and following the commandments of Islam. They note that the Prophet sallali Alayshi wa Sallam gives them the ability to benefit from the Quran, while the original Prophet Murad uses the same kind of thing. The speaker concludes that the Prophet sallali Alayshi wa Sallam is the one who gives them the ability to benefit from the Bible.
AI: Transcript ©
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wa Chateau La ilaha illallah wa la sharika Lahore shadow Nana bnmc Donna Muhammad Abdul Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam Mahabharata he was early he was a he was an amateur Sleeman. kathira Umberto Ignace Takahashi Kitab Allahu taala

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Buddha Buddha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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to Hakuna Matata

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Hakuna Matata Hakuna bonala now

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the lecture tonight is on one of the greatest prophets and messengers of Allah.

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The Prophet Musa alayhi salatu salam

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and when you come to this Noble Messenger and prophet of Allah and you look at him in the light of the Quran, and in the light of the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you see that there is something unique about musante serum, something unique that makes him stand head and above all of the other prophets and messengers before our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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When you look at the Quran, for example, in the Quran, you have 30 different parts 30.

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And you have 114 Sutras, from the beginning of the Quran, from the very first Jews from the very first part, until the end of the Quran to the 30th part of the 30th Jews, you will find that there is no other prophet that is mentioned more than this prophet, the Prophet Musa alayhis salatu salam, right from the beginning of the Quran. Allah azza wa jal begins by mentioning the attributes and the description of the believers. And then he mentions the description of the disbelievers. And then a lot of zildjian mentions the description of the hypocrites. And then after that he gives his first commandment, and that is that mankind should worship Allah alone, the one who created them. And

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straight after this first level of commandment, a lot of that begins to mention the stories of the prophets. So he mentioned the story of our prophet or the Maliki Salaam, the father of mankind. And then straight up to this, Allah azzawajal mentions the story of the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam. So before you've even got halfway through the first use of the Quran, the story of Musa alayhis salam already begins. And it will continue to be mentioned over and over and over again, and different aspects from the life of Masada, his ceram will be repeated and emphasized and brought into the Quran. And this will continue to take place until the very end of the Quran. So even in the 30th,

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Josie, you have mentioned made of Musa alayhis salam in a number of soldiers. So what is doing this over and over again? So when you look at this, you have the Prophet Adam alayhis salam. Now, if you were looking at this, you will think maybe chronologically, after the Prophet Adam alarge, who would speak about the Prophet nor the first of the messengers, or maybe he would speak about the Prophet Ibrahim, because he's the father of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his lineage goes back to Abraham and his sternum. Maybe a lot of Zulu speak about resigning Islam, because the reset chronologically is closer to our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then all of the other

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prophets, in the sense that he was the Prophet that came before our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Eliza whittle doesn't mention any of their stories. And their story is completed in the Quran. The story that a large soldier mentioned and he mentioned it in great detail is the story of the Prophet Musa alayhis. Salam. Why is this?

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Now this is something that's referenced on Musa alayhis salam is not only repeated over and over again in the Quran, and by the way, when Allah repeat something over and over again in the Quran, it's not because Eliza gel doesn't have anything to say, or there's no you know, there's no versus that a lot of xojo can put in its place, but rather there's a wisdom behind it. There's a reason that there's a method

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ology that allows the origin wants us to take and to learn.

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But when you look at the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as well, you will find that mention is made over and over again about the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam. He's mentioned more than the Prophet Ibrahim, more than

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more than the Prophet Risa more than no more than Adam, more than all of these other great prophets and messengers of Allah. The Prophet Musa alayhis salaam is mentioned over and over again. And so it's as if this methodology, but Allah has mentioned in the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has understood the methodology. And so he applies it in the sun as well. So again, and again, you have reference to the Prophet Musa alayhis salatu salam.

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So let me give you some examples of this. For example, a large religion sorry, when it comes to the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you find that the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam is referred to constantly over and over again. For example, right at the beginning, at the very beginning of Prophet one, on the prophets on the long run, he was still them first receives revelation, and the story is well known to all of you. He receives revelation in the cave of Hira and he comes back to his wife, Khadija robiola, Juana and Khadija rhodiola. And her consultant.

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And from that, she says to him, is let us go to my cousin Wanaka, even nofal. Now, what have I even know full was a scholar of the Christian scriptures. And the Christian scriptures obviously include the Jewish scriptures as well. So he was a scholar of the Christian scriptures. And so he goes along with Khadija rhodiola. And how to see what happened. And what aka even nofal here's the story, the incident that took place with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now the point of this story is, is to note what response waterfall gives? What is it that what aka says in return to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? He says, that indeed this angel that came to you mini gibreel alayhis

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salam, it is the very same angel that Allah sent to the Prophet Musa

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that Allah sent to who the Prophet Musa alayhis salam. Now think about this. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is an Arab. He's living in Arabia. The Arabians their lineage goes back to the Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salaam, through His Son is married to his sternum. So if you wanted to make a logical connection to the Arabs, it would be a logical way to say that this is the same prophet that came to Ibrahim, or it's the same Prophet, same Angel, sorry, that came to Ibrahim, or the same angel that came to smile. If you want to look at it from another way, what have I been nofal is a scholar of the Christian scriptures is Christian. And understanding the importance and

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significance of what's taking place. He could have said that this is the same angel that descended upon Risa upon Jesus, it is Salatu was Salam. And that would have made sense for him as long. And chronologically, Risa was closer to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But the wording that he chose, was to mention that this is the same Prophet, the same angel that came to the Prophet Musa alayhis salatu salam. And this is a point to note. It's something which we need to bear in mind. Another example of this

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is the minute when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went on the night journey, and is rumbling around. The profits on the lawn when he was sitting him goes on this slight journey. He goes from Makkah to Jerusalem and then he ascends to the heavens. Now in the heavens, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he passes by different prophets upon each and every single heaven.

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And on the fifth, on the sixth Heaven, is the Prophet Musa alayhis salam. above him on the seventh heaven is the Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam. And Allah azza wa jal goes and he speaks to Allah subhanho wa Taala. From the commandments that are larger, which will give us the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at this time, is the prayer that a large surgeon has made the prayer obligatory upon the Muslims. And at the beginning, the prayer was made 50 times a day, 50 times a day. So every day and mine is not five is 50. Right? So like every half an hour or so, we'll be praying. This was the first commandment of Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and again, the story is well

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known. The prophets on the lower left, he will sell them goes back a number of times, to a large soldier asking him to decrease the number until it goes from 50 to 45 to 40, and so on, until it stays at five and five is then the decrease

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Now this traveling all this, going back and forth that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did, it is between Allah and between the Prophet Musa alayhis salam on the sixth heaven.

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Now think about this. In the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said on the Seventh Avenue passed by Ibrahim alayhis salam.

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But in this incident of the prayer, Ibrahim Alayhi Salam doesn't say anything to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, but rather the prophet SAW Selim descends back to the sixth Heaven, where Musashi Salaam says to him, go back to your Lord asked him to reduce the number of prayers, for indeed your people won't be able to perform this obligation. And in some narrations, he said, For indeed the children of Israel was stronger and more able bodied than your alma and they weren't able to fulfill the commandments of Allah so you won't be able to fulfill them as well. And so it's the Prophet Musa alayhis. Salam, that over and over again is saying to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam Go back, go back, go back, until finally it comes down to five. So again, it's not the Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam, it's the Prophet Musa alayhis salam there is mentioned over and over again. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in another incident, he saw a dream, or gibreel allihies Salatu salatu salam was with him. And in the stream, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that you saw that there will be a prophet who will come, and he will have only three followers, and another prophet will come and he will have only two followers, and another prophet will come and he will have only a single follower. And a prophet of Allah will come with not

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a single person, no followers at all. And then he said something along while he will tell them that I look towards the horizon. And I saw a vast amount of people, a great number of people. So I hoped and I wished that these were my own, that they were my followers. This was my nation being displayed before me. And so instead to gibreel, who are or which oma is this? Who are these the people of? And he replied, these are the people of Musa alayhis salam. These are the people of Musa alayhis salam. So again, references being made to the Prophet Musa, from all of the prophets of Allah from all of the messengers of Allah is not the Prophet rude or solid, I'm sure a lot of the Prophet Ibrahim or

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Isa or anyone else, the prophet Muslim, these are the followers of the Prophet Musa alayhi salatu salam,

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the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when it came to Medina,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to Medina, and he saw that the Jews were fasting on a certain day, and this is the day of Ashura. So he said to them, why do you fast on this day? And they said, because it is the day that Allah save the Prophet Musa. And the day that Allah destroyed Pharaoh and his armies.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, we have more right to this than you. And so He fasted on that day, and he ordered his companions too fast on that day, and it became a Sunnah for the summer. Even until today, we fast on this day of Ashura. Now think about this, we're fasting on a day when Allah azzawajal saved who

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he saved the Prophet Musa alayhis salam.

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Think about this, a lot of xojo saved all of the prophets and messengers from their people. He says, The Prophet knew, and he drowned his people. He said, The Prophet Hoon, and the prophet SAW Allah and the Prophet sure Amen. The Prophet lute. And their stories are mentioned over and over again in the Quran. He says the Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam from the fire, and so on and so on. Yet none of the days that they were saved on is a day of fasting for us, we don't take it as a day of worship. Even when you look at the life of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as a Muslim in this oma

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isn't one of the greatest days for the Muslim the day that Allah azza wa jal gave victory to the Muslims on the day of battle. When a large soldier gave victory to the Muslims on this decisive day, the first time that the Muslims and the non Muslim is met in battle, and Alonso was decreed that on that day, the Muslims would be victorious, and they were victorious. This was a great day for Islam and the Muslims, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said on the day that Obama if today we are defeated, then you will never be worshiped on the earth ever again. And so our solution granted them victory. And so this is a great day at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never took it as

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a day of fasting. Look at the day of the conquest of Mecca for example, the conquest of Makkah is fine even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam conquers the whole of the Arabian Peninsula.

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These people don't arrange his own people who are fighting and battling and trying to kill him for nearly 20 odd years. And they tried over and over again torturing him persecuting him, taking his vows, killing his companions, fighting battles over and over again with him. This is the day that Allah azza wa jal allows him to go back and be victorious over them. And it's such a great and manifest victory, that there wasn't even a battle involved. The Muslim just came and overcame they overcame the origin the disbelievers. their strength was so immense, and so large so we can quantify them victory on this day. Yet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never ordered us too fast on

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that day, the conquest of Mecca. Men are ordered to fast on the day of Islam in orange. Men are ordered to fast on the day of the best day of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or the death of the Prophet son alone while he will send them none of these days that big, like importance for us. They have a direct bearing upon our religion is part of our history, part of the life of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Not a single of these days are we order to fast upon the one day in the whole year, that Allah azza wa jal has ordered us to foster upon upon the turn of His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the day that Allah save the Prophet Musa alayhis salatu salam. And so

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again Musa alayhis salam is given this distinction within our religion is given this honor.

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In another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that on Yom Okayama, when Allah azza wa jal will order that the trumpet be blown. And each and every single person will faint, they will collapse at the sound of this trumpet. And the first one, to awake to regain consciousness will be our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in this Hadith, he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and I will awake. And I will see before me, Musa alayhis salam. Again, notice the Prophet Musa alayhis salam, I will notice him already awake before me.

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And I will see him clinging on to the throne of Allah as the Virgin. So the Prophet Musa is already awake. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that I don't know. Did Moosa collapse at the blowing of the trumpet, or was he saved from this due to his fainting when Allah azzawajal revealed himself in this world? And so the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam is again mentioned,

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again mentioned by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as being someone who's already awake before him.

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Not the Prophet Ibrahim, not the Prophet Isa, not the profit and loss, not the profit or them, or any of the profits early he was salatu salam, again, it is the Prophet Musa alayhis salam. So the question is, and there are many examples of this. So the question is why, why is the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam given such importance? Why is it often his name that has been repeated? Why in the Quran is a history that's always been repeated. And if you look throughout the Quran, you will find that normally when you come to the prophets and messengers of Allah, and there are like many prophets and messengers mentioned within the Quran, and their stories are detailed, when you look at

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their stories, what you find, if you were to pay attention to their stories, you will find that for the vast majority of them, the whole story revolves around their Prophethood their message, when they became prophets and messengers, when they call their people towards a lot towards Islam, when the people rejected them, when they people try to kill them, or persecute them, and then have a large agenda, destroy them, and aided and assisted his profits. This is generally the way that the stories of the Quran go. If you look at the story of the Prophet Musa alayhis, salaam, no other prophet Do you get there are so much detail about your story to the extent that we more or less know

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everything about his life from the Quran. From the time of his birth, the very instant that he was born, until towards the end of his life, and by assumption, his death, no other profit do you have so many stories of the Quran that they actually give you his whole life story? Normally the prophets you will learn about them and they became prophets when they call to the people, when their people rejected them and those people were destroyed. It's all to do with the Prophet on the Prophet Musa alayhis salam. We know about his birth, we know about the way he grew up. We know why he was expelled from Egypt. We know what happened when he got married, and this is all before profited. And

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then when he became a prophet and messenger, and now we call his people and the signs that Allah gave him and then after a large soldier destroys Pharaoh as well, the story doesn't stop but he continues. So what took place between Moosa and the children of Israel, and all of the different trials that he went through with them, until finally they came to the promised land and

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Lars though agenda doesn't mention the end of his life, but we know that that was at the time when the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam passed away. So you have more or less his whole life story. Within the Quran, everything is detail about the Prophet Mousavi. salatu salam. So again, the question is why?

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The scholars of Islam rahima, whom Allahu taala mentioned, that the reason why the Prophet Musa alayhis salam is mentioned over and over again, is because he is the one single prophet that bears the most resemblance to our profits on the long run, and he will sell them and his mama bear is the most resemblance to our oma.

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And so the profits on the long run early he was cinema when I say resemblance, I don't mean physically, or like, you know, in terms of his lineage or anything, what I mean is in terms of the message that he carried, the difficulties and trials that he faced, the punishments that he had to bear with, and likewise is follows the companions of the long run home, when you compare them to the people of Musa and the difficulties that they had to encounter as wrong. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bore with these difficulties, and from the story of Musa alayhis salam, what took place with Moosa and what took place with the people of Musa at the hands of Pharaoh. Then

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this one's the same thing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also mentioned to us.

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And that's why you find that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he speaks about us following the people have the book, that you will follow the Jews and the Christians hand span by hand span, foot span by foot span. So again, there is always a reference being made back to the Prophet Musa alayhi salatu salam and his people. So when you look at the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then you look at the life of the Prophet, Mousavi salatu salam, you will find that a lot of zerwas journal has given him a story in which there are many resemblances, as if Allah subhana wa Taala has told him that the difficulties that that Musa Bo, the difficulties that his people had to

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undertake, your people will have similar difficulties as well. So for example, when we look at the life of Musashi salatu salam, and very briefly, just to mention to you an outline of the life of the Prophet musala salatu salam, the Prophet Musa alayhis, salaam was born at the time of Pharaoh, and Pharaoh, prior to the birth of musante, salaam had seen a vision, he saw a dream. And he saw that there would be a child from the children of Israel, that would come and he would destroy his kingdom. So he asked his advisors, the people around him, what do you interpret this dream to be? So they said that they will be a child, a male child, from the children of Israel, that the pharaohs

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had enslaved these people that they had enslaved, one of them would come and destroy his kingdom. So he decreed, and he ordered that all of the male children should be killed. No male child should be allowed to live. So whenever there was a male child, he would be slaughtered. And this is something which allows dogen mentions in the Quran over and over again. Yaki Luna abna como esta Yun and Isa can they kill and slaughter your male children, and they leave alone your women. And so after a few years of this happening, the people in the kingdom of Pharaoh, they realized that the whole economy was about to collapse. Why? Because he was built upon these slaves. And so if you start killing all

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of the slaves, who's going to do all of the work, who's going to do the manual labor, who's going to tend to the fields, who's going to do everything that their masters want them to do? And so they said to Pharaoh, that if you carry on like this, we won't have any slaves until you'll be destroyed anyway. And so he said, then one year, allow them to live and the next year, kill them. So now he had a 5050 chance. And so we'll learn so until decreed that in the year that there was trivino, killing the Prophet Tyrone alayhis salaam was born, and he was the older brother of Musa. And then the next year in which they will be killing Allah zildjian decreed that the Prophet Musa alayhis

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salaam was to be born. And Alonzo which I mentioned the story at this very first point, at the time of the birth of Musa alayhis, salam, alarms dogen mentioned this right at the beginning, and you don't have already do you have one of the Prophet maybe with the exception of the Prophet Risa, or the prophets that their birth is mentioned. And so learnzillion says, oh, hyena Illa Musa and ordering for the 50 le e FF, e phillium. What are the hafi? Well at zenni in LA to la que la gente luminor masani.

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We inspire to the mother of Moosa that she should breastfeed him, she should circle him. And then when she feared for his life, she should throw him into the river and do my fear and do not despair, verily will return him to you and you will make him from the messengers. Now when you look at this Masonic history,

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Lamb at this point is an orphan.

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And he's been thrown into the river. So it's as if he has no parents. And when you look at the life of a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, His childhood was also a childhood, of being an orphan. In the story of Musa alayhis salaam, you have the family of Pharaoh, who take him in. So when he's thrown into the river, the river goes and it stops from everywhere that he could stop on logic created to stop at the house of Pharaoh. And so the wife of Pharaoh took in the son took in this child, and she made it her son, and a lot of zildjian even made fair, all of this child that's very child that would later come and destroy his kingdom, Allah azza wa jal, peace, love in his heart for

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him, and so they accepted him as a child. And so when you look at this upbringing, that Musa alayhis salaam has his first years was spent in the household of Pharaoh. He was considered to be a Prince of Egypt, he was from the household of Pharaoh, even though he was returned to his mother, as mentioned in the Quran, but he lived in the household of Pharaoh. And so the people, the respected people of that society, the pharaohs, their ministers, their advisors, so one, they came to accept and love Musa alayhis salam, even though he wasn't from amongst them. He wasn't a Coptic Egyptian, he was from the children of Israel and Israelite, yet the people loved him. And when you look at our

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Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. The prophets on the lower end he will send him was also an orphan, in a large region made his people love him, made them love him, to the extent that it is mentioned that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was young after his mother passed away, his grandfather took him in his grandfather, Abdulmutallab, and under McCollum was the leader of his time, he was the same. And so Abdulmutallab,

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his children, the uncles of the Prophet, sallAllahu, Alayhi, wasallam, they knew that there was a certain protocol. So there was a protocol, even with their father because he was the leader of polish. So for example, when I'm done makani would come and he would sit in the shade of the Kaaba, he would have a special carpet or some some kind of mat laid out for him, and he would sit on this mat, and none of his children, his own sons, none of them would be allowed to sit on this mat, not a single one of them, all of them would have to sit around him. This was this place, only reserved for him. The only exception to this rule was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. No other

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grandchild of Abdulmutallab nor the Son of Abdulmutallab was allowed this, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he was only six or seven at that time, he was allowed to sit wherever he wanted. And it was mentioned in the books of history, that once he came and he sat on the mat of Abdulmutallab before

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he came out before he came out, he was in his house. And so his uncle's uncle, so the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam began to rebuke him. They said, get off the mat. And so Abdulmutallab came out and he heard them and he said, No, leave him. Let him be, for Indeed, this child of mine will have a great affair about a blue moon or when he will have a great affair about him. And so he would allow him to sit there. And even when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became older, he was known to be truthful, he was known to be trustworthy, until the very first time that he claimed the profit on when he stood on the mountain of a software and he called the people to him. And he

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asked them, What would you say, if there was an army if I was warning you about an army that was about to attack you? So they said ma Hytner, alika Caliban, we have never heard you tell a lie. So all of them would praise Him. And so he had this statue that a large surgeon gave him and his people loved him, and they had a respected position for him. And this is why he went to Sofia and went to the Roman leader here often. And he was asking about the background of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, is he known to be a liar? Does he have a family that always claims to have profits coming from them?

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And said, No, he's from the most noble of our lineage. And he doesn't have people that have claimed to be prophets before him. And this was a test that Hiroko had to show whether this person was true, or whether he was a fake imposter. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given this love. Likewise the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam, he was given this love until one day as a large soldier mentioned in the Quran, is going through the streets of Egypt, and he finds a person fighting with an Coptic Egyptian, and this man was from the children of Israel. And so he calls out to Mustafa to assist them. So Musa thumbs, and he strikes the Egyptian and through that strike that man dies. Now

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here when you look at the story of Musashi Sam, immediately and this is while before he's a prophet of Allah. Immediately the first thing that he does as mentioned in the Quran is he seeks refuge in

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And he returns to Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says have them in a militia form in a duel Moodle mubin. Verily, this action of mine is from the handiwork of shape one. Indeed he is a misguiding clear enemy, foreigner have been a volunteer enough, see, fulfill leafhopper, Allah foreigner, and then he turned to a line he made two and he said, our law I have oppressed myself, so forgive me. So Allah says, and we forgive him. And indeed ALLAH is forgiving, Most Merciful. So look at this character of musante salatu salam. Even though Musa is known to be someone with a harsh character, he was known to be very tough, he was known to have a very strong character. Yet even so many

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commits to sin and error, he turns back to a larger version, and he repents to him. And when you look at

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our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the profits on the low hourly we'll send them never committed such a sin. But even so his whole life was dedicated to repentance, to seeking forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this was something which he did sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to the extent that he will stand the whole night in prayer, and his feet would have blisters. And he would spend the night praying and crying and seeking forgiveness from Allah. In a single setting, you would seek forgiveness from Allah more than 70 times in a single day more than 100 times. And this was something which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did over and over again, until the

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Prophet Mousavi salat wa salam also returns to a large religion. And so you see another similarity here, that musala Islam even before he's a prophet, he has the natural fitrah he knows that it is only a law that he should tend to. So at this time, when he makes a sin and he makes his mistake, he returns to Allah and he seeks forgiveness, and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well, even before he became a prophet and a messenger, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never prostrate to an idol. He didn't worship idols, even though his family, his uncle's, his people, all of them were worshipping idols. This was something in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam could

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not accept it wasn't something which he was able to do. So naturally, he had this dislike for it. Instead, he would go and seclude himself and he would ponder over creation, he would ponder over the existence of Allah, he would ponder over loss of Hannah hautala. And so Likewise, the Prophet Musa alayhis salam has this fitrah that Allah azzawajal gave him

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the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam at the stage, when he kills us Egyptian Coptic the the punishment of which is if you kill an Egyptian, you're killed in retaliation. And so Musa alayhis salam, he flees Egypt, and he goes to a place called meridian. And by the way, this is the same reason that on Yom Okayama when the people come to the prophets of Allah asking for the intercession, the Prophet Musa alayhis salam will excuse himself, and he will say, enough's enough see myself myself. And the reason why is he will mention this, because I killed a soul that I had no right to kill, meaning I was ordered to kill this person, but he died. And so he will seek to be pardoned from this

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intercession on the day of Roman piano. So the Prophet musala his surroundings went to the people of Mondrian. And at the people of Medina, he sees that there are many people who have the animals, they flock, and they're giving them water. And then he finds warming dooney him or attaining Tilden. There's two women that are standing at the edge. They don't want to go and mix with the men, but they have to wait for them to finish to take their flock and their sheep in order to get them water. And so Musa alayhis salam goes and he offers to help them. And this is the same Musa alayhis salam that had this harsh the strong, this very severe character. Yeah, when it came to doing good, he was

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someone who was very soft hearted. And he was someone who wanted to do good. And this is why when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he made the resemblance of musante salaam, with Amara hottub, rhodiola, one during the end of the life of Abu Bakar the lava and then the people will be asked about who's the next Khalifa should be unstoppable because one of the companions What do you think of armor for micromodal? The next Khalifa What do you think? And so he replied, and he said, How can you respond to a larger within a normal tiama when he asks you why you made are among the one who has the harshest character, why you made him the leader of the Muslims. And so welcome

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reply, rhodiola Anwar bang, he said, Indeed, he only does this because he sees me as being too gentle, as being too soft nature. But you will find when he becomes your leader, that he will have a soft heart. And this was the way that Omar Abdullah one who was as long when people were weak when they were oppressed, when there was some good to be done. He was soft hearted. And so the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam has the same characteristic he sees this woman and he wants to go and help

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them, and he wants to assist them. And so the Prophet Musa alayhis salam also has another great characteristic, which is, which resembles the character of our profits on the lower hand eco center. And that is wanting to do good for people wanting to help people constantly being good towards others. And this is something which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, in a number of Hadith that I've only been sent to perfect the character, and so many other different Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam written, so this is also another resemblance between these two prophets of Allah. So the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam spends eight to 10 years in this space

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called Meridian, and then he marries his wife, he marries his wife in this place called meridian. After fulfilling his eight to 10 years, he is returning, and he is going back, and then a large zoologist shows him a fire at the mount of a tomb. And when he goes to the mountain of a tour, Allah azza wa jal reveals to him, and he makes him a prophet and messenger of Allah. And in this there is another resemblance in the way that the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam received revelation, or received the prophet or the messenger ship, and the way that our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received this messenger, messenger ship as well. Both of these prophets receive them in a mountain, the

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Prophet Musa in the mountain of atone, and our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the cave of Huron, in one of the mountains of Makkah. And so both of them in a mountain, and both of them experienced this and it was an all in all inspiring experience. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after this experience, he became afraid for himself. It was so inspiring for him. And likewise the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam, speaking to Allah, he also becomes all inspired. And so the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam is given this messenger ship here, and here the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam, asks a larger version to make the Prophet higher was a prophet as well, was Maria Harun and

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send with me over along with me the profit room.

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And so the Prophet Musa alayhis salam asks for a lot from a lot of soldiers that he should send with him, a helper. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also had a number of helpers, they were his companions for the Allahumma bone. So the likes of Abu Bakar, the likes of Oman, the likes of man and Ali, all of these people assisted in the spread of Islam and in the messenger ship and the prophethood of our Prophet son alone, or the He will send them. So then Musa alayhis salaam returns, and he goes back to Pharaoh and he calls him to enlarge religion. And again, now you have a resemblance between the two prophets. Both of them are going to a people that haven't received a

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prophet and messenger before. So the pharaohs didn't have a messenger come to them before. And the people of orange never had a messenger and a prophet come to them before. So this is another resemblance between the Prophet Musa and our Prophet son alone, while he will sell them. Both of them had a stature amongst their people. And both of them went and they began to call people with a very soft, beautiful way. So in the Quran, Allah azza wa jal orders muster to go and call the people in a soft way for Ooh la la colina, go and call Pharaoh with a soft speech. And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also spent the first 10 to 13 years, calling the people to Allah with

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speech. There was no harsh actions, there was no fighting those orangey hug all of it was simply calling the people to the way of Allah and they would become amazed at the the patience of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his forbearance and this is why even the people of Medina came to give the Pledge of Allegiance or Aqaba, before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made the hydro. And so they said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in one narration, they said, O Messenger of Allah, if you odorous we will go and kill the leaders of Quraysh in their sleep, because they met the prophet SAW Selim during the night in Mina, and the people were there for Hajj.

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And so they said, O Messenger of Allah, they're asleep, we can go and kill them all. And so we'll be rid of them, all of them. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Look, Mommy, this is something which we've been ordered to do, meaning a large division hasn't commanded us to do this, it is unlawful for us. And so they both spent a great amount of time calling the people to allow the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam, was given nine different types of miracles. Yet, he was given these types of miracles, the frogs and the Locust and the rivers turning to blood, and the staff and the glowing hand and so on and so forth. All of this was given to the Prophet Musa and he used them all

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against the people of Pharaoh. And likewise the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam use them, the miracles that he had the Quran that he was given

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The different signs that a lot as I was just showed him, he used them to constantly speak to the people of the orange as well as the visiting our tribes. So then in the story of Moses after calling Pharaoh over and over again, finally, after all of these signs of Allah have come, Pharaoh concedes, and he says to musar, take your people and go, take them and go. And so the Prophet Musa alayhis salam leaves, and he leaves Egypt and he wants to go away. And likewise the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also expelled from Islam, he left Makkah, and he had to go to Medina, as in the people of Pharaoh wants to go, and they want to destroy Masada, his sternum, and then that is when a

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lot of xojo splits the rivers and the people of Musa go past and Pharaoh and his armies are drowned. Likewise, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the people of operations, were not willing to leave him alone. They weren't happy that the prophet SAW Selim could just leave. So there was battle after battle, war after war, until finally a large region, gave them victory, gave victory to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Muslims over the Quran, and they became victorious. And then finally, in the last few years of the life of the Prophet musante salatu salam, you see that over and over again, the Prophet Musa alayhis salaam is trying to rectify the situation of the

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children of Israel is telling them to take the commandments of the Torah, to obey Allah to take the blessings of Allah to go and fight the people that are occupying the promised land at that time, as a lot of Zoltan mentions in the Quran, and likewise, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before the conquest of Makkah. And after the conquest of Makkah, throughout the Medina and period, he was dedicated to forming the Society of the Muslims, teaching them how to interact with one another, how to deal with one another, the rulings and commandments of interaction, how to pray, how to fast how to, you know, business dealings, all of these rulings and Commandments were laid down at this time

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as well by our profits on the lower legal system. And then finally the Prophet. Musashi salatu salam passes away, as I mentioned in the Quran, oh, it isn't mentioned but it's implied in the Quran as a scholars of Tafseer Rahim Allah mentioned that he died towards the end of this time when they were waiting to enter into the promised land. But he left behind the Prophet you shall be known or Joshua and he was the one who continued the message of Masonic Islam. Unlike also the Prophet, son alone while he was silom. When he passed away, he had the likes of Abu Bakar and Amara, God Allah, who continued the Dawa of Islam. So from this, you can see there's so many similarities from the life of

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the life of Musa alayhis salatu salam. And these similarities are not just for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but also for us as an oma. So when you look at the the persecution and the torturing the punishment that the people of the children of Israel had to suffer at the hands of Pharaoh, and then you look at the lives of the companions of the long run, especially at the beginning period of Islam, you will see so many similarities. And so you will find that from the Muslims, there were those who were killed and tortured, those whose heads were chopped off, those who were there, their families are split, their

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wealth was taken, all of these different types of things that a large surgeon also gave to the people of the children of Israel, these trials that they had to undergo as long and so long as the wizard is teaching the companions of the long run, that they should be patient. Just as the children of Israel had to wait for such a long time, before the law as the original punished Pharaoh, then likewise, the Muslims would also have to be patient. And this is why when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was approached by some companions at the early period of Islam, and they said, O Messenger of Allah, do you not see how we're being persecuted and killed and tortured? Why don't you

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make dua to Allah for us? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Indeed, you are people who are hasty. You are people who are hasty. Indeed, they came before you those who would be split in half and those who skin would be taken off by a metal comb, that they would remain firm. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling the oma telling his companions to take benefit and lessons from those people that have passed on from them is the people of Mousavi salatu wa salam. Yeah, we also need to take benefit and lesson from the people of Moosa in another respect. And that is the way that the people have Mussa, the children of Israel. they rebelled against a

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prophet, and they wouldn't follow His commandments, and they wouldn't follow the commandments of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so Likewise, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned to us that we would also follow in their footsteps, meaning that there would be many from this ummah, who would also not follow the commandments of Allah not follow the commandments of the Prophet.

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So in the long run, he will send them they will be viewable from this oma would also be distanced from their religion. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam again, was warning us about not being like the people of Moosa, who disobeyed a larger version, and who were punished by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So there are many, many different similarities between the profits on the long run, and he will sell him and his companions, and between the Prophet Musa alayhis salam, and between his people. And I hope that what I've mentioned, gives you some insight into this topic. And if you were to research into this, look throughout the Quran, look throughout the soul of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you will find that there are many examples of this, where the prophet SAW Selim is mentioning the name of Messiah over and over again, and how you can exact the different lessons and parables that you can gain and the similarities that you see between the two omens. And this is why the most vast nation after the Nation of Islam of the nation of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the nation of musala, his salatu salam. So the Prophet Musa de salatu salam, in conclusion was a great prophet and messenger of Allah. And he was the one that allows the vigil spoke to directly the condemning law, and he is the one that Allah subhanho wa Taala will

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honor on Yom Okayama as long as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and us then as Muslims are told to take lessons and struck from the life of the Prophet of the life of Masada, his Salaam, and that which a large soldier mentioned from the various stories that he had within the Quran, and ask Allah subhana wa Taala that he gives us the trophy and the ability to go through the Quran to benefit from the verses of the Quran, from the stories that he has placed there and, and that he makes us from amongst those who once we take this knowledge we implemented as well how they will know Allah sallallahu wasallam

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