Ahsan Hanif – The Life Of Aishah May Allah Be Pleased With Her

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallali alayhi wa sallam is a title given to his mother, not a formal sign, and is not allowed for women to marry their husbands. The speaker discusses the importance of not marry anyone who died, the story of Omar's sadness, and the importance of learning about religion and learning about the Prophet sallam. The segment also touches on the importance of being a good partner and friend, the discovery of the sharia, and the importance of learning about medicine.
AI: Transcript ©
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we'll be learning Korean fusina woman sejahtera Marina Mayor de la la la la la la de la Chateau La ilaha illAllah hula hula Sheree Cara was shadow Nana Bianna wasI Donna Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam Mahabharata Allah He won early. He was so happy he was seldom at the Sleeman kathira

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nostoc Alcala, McCallum, Allahu taala

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Buddha Buddha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Mashallah moody Matata, Hakuna Matata, timbi da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da da, da now

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imagine if someone came to you.

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And they wanted to inform you about a person, a person that you didn't know. And it just so happened that this person happened to be a woman.

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So they started to tell you the different details of her life.

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They mentioned to you, for example, when she was born, and where she was born, they mentioned to you, for example, her name, they mentioned to you the name of her father and her mother, how she grew up the years of her youth, the different difficulties and hardships that she faced throughout her life, how she got married, and how she spent the years of her marriage, and what happened to her in her later years. And then when she died, and where she died, and how she was buried. They gave you a full summary of the biography of this person, this woman.

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And then they said to you that this so happened to be your mother.

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This person that they just mentioned to this brief biography about just so happens to be your mother.

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Imagine how you would feel if you didn't have any clue as to who this person was. And this was the first time that you've ever heard of her the first time that you ever knew anything in detail about her.

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And this woman happens to be your mother.

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This is the example that most of us have when it comes to our mothers. And I'm not referring to our biological blood mothers. But as Abdullah and Ibis are the Allahumma would say, concerning the wives of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, that they are our mothers, not because of blood, or because of lineage, or because of biology, but rather they're our mothers, because Allah azza wa jal mentioned this in the Quran. This is a status that Allah gave them in the Quran. And it's in a verse of the Quran, and it's recited in the Quran. And it's recited by Muslims throughout the world, since that time, until your monthly ama, a status that has been given to these women. They are our

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mothers. yet very, very few of us know anything about them, other than perhaps their names. And even with their names, you probably know three or four.

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You probably know the famous ones Khadija I should have saw, maybe one or two others, but the rest are just a blank. We don't even know their names, let alone anything about their lives.

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These are our mothers, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned and and he said that the reason for the revelation of this verse is that some of the men of Polish, they said to themselves or amongst themselves, that when the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam dies, I want to marry so and so meaning his wife, one of his wives, and another one said that I would like to marry someone so meaning another one of his wives, because that was the custom when a person dies, the woman becomes widowed. And as a person of the community, the society would marry her.

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And so they apply this logic to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so a lot of xojo reveal this verse in the Quran, and be you Ola. Meaning, I mean, unfussy him was Roger Houma to him, that indeed the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has more right to the believers than their own sounds. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has more right to us, to our wealth to our lives to our families. Then we do our songs. This is part of our Eamon and face in the profits on the level and he will sell them what as Roger who mahato

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his wives or their mothers, even though they're not blood mothers, they're not biological mothers. They have the same status. And so just as it is not allowed for anyone to marry their mother, dinner is certainly not allowed to marry one of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In another vessel Lars though which I mentioned this explicitly, Willa and 10 Quito as Raja whom embody Avada. Nor is it allowed for you to marry his wives ever, no matter how many years passed by, after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Never Are you allowed to marry her. And this is why when you look for example, at Aurora, the long run, Omar was fierce when it came to the defense

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of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. During his khilafah, he wasn't there maharam, except for maybe one of them have saw. He wasn't related to them in that way. But because of his position of the halifa. And because of the status that they possessed, it is narrated, for example, that when they would go to Makkah from Medina, to perform a mo for hunch, with a caravan of people, or Marathi, Allahu anhu would instruct that they go in, I don't know what they call them. But one of those things that they have on the camera, one of those like, kind of huts, that has curtains around, it's like a tent that they place on the on the on the camera, and then she sits

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within that. And then he would order them to be at the end of the the back of the caravan. And he would order the other people to go ahead and to leave a gap and a distance between themselves and the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he would leave a couple of companions, either them or hurt him or some of the other trustworthy companions to be just with them. And he would warn the people that if I see you going back, or slowing down, or making any attempt to go back to them, then you will have to deal with me. And this was the defense of our for our mothers, or of your loved one. And so we don't know much about our mothers, the mothers that Allah azza wa

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jal gave us in the Quran. And even though they passed away a very long time ago, they are still our mothers, and they still have this status. And it is still our duty to love them, and to respect them, and to defend the honor of your loved one. And so in today's lecture, we're going to deal with or take the topic of one of these mothers, one of our mothers, and that is Arusha. rhodiola. Juana, the daughter of Abu Bakr, Siddiq rhodiola, one, the most beloved person to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, according to some scholars are the second most beloved person to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, after her father. When revelation would come to the Prophet salallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, it would come to her house, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that not only is she his wife in this world, but she will be his wife in the next life. She was the most knowledgeable, the person with the most understanding of this religion from amongst the women, with no exception, there was no one that came near her knowledge and her understanding of this religion. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam praised in many, many verses of in many, many a Hadith, such as when he came to his companions, and he said that the most complete of women was the wife of Pharaoh, and the mother of Jesus Maria, as he said, and indeed the example of Irish of the

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Allahu Ana is like the example of studied over every other type of food. And the Arabs, they used to eat very simple food, bread, or maybe dates and water was very simple. Studied is a type of food, where you have bread, mixed with meat, mixed with soup. And this was considered to be something which was a luxury amongst them. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described as being this type of food over everything else, meaning she is better than any of the other women from her time, or the Allaha. She was with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he died, and he died in her house, on her day, between her chest, her navel and between her knees, or the Allahu anhu or

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something. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam marry a virgin other than her. And never did he love his other wives that came after Ayesha like he loved her brother, your loved one.

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And so this is our mother,

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the daughter of Tov Abubakar rhodiola. One and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would give her a nickname and he would call it a homie rah

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rah means something

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One who is very light in skin with a reddish tint. And this was due to her beauty. She was well known for her beauty rhodiola and her and her cornea was Omar Abdullah, the mother of Abdullah. Even though she was childless, she never had a child of her own. And once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to her, and he could see that she was upset. And he knew that the reason for her sadness and her sorrow was that she didn't have children. And so he said to her, why don't you take the cornea of your nephew, and her nephew was Abdullah Abdullah, obeyed the door, the son of a small

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sister of the Allahu anhu, much Marian. So she took this cornea, Omar Abdullah, when he studied the life of our shadow, the loved one how we find that there was something unique about her. And that is that when you look at the close family of the profits in the long run, he will send them with the exception of a hustler Hussein rhodiola. And Omar, when you look at the rest of the of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his daughters and the people that were closest to him, such as the for Khalifa, and others from amongst his close family and relatives and friends, you will find that all of them were born before Islam. They lived before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam became a prophet, and then they entered into Islam, after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came with his message. With the exception of Arusha, Ashanti, the long run ha, was born after Prophethood. And this is why she would say that I did not achieve maturity or I don't remember my earliest thoughts and memories is that my parents were Muslims. So even before she was born, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had already come with Islam. And Abu Bakr and his wife, Omar Omar, the mother of Arusha, they had already accepted Islam. And this is also something unique. She was younger than 40 more of the Allahu Allah by a number of years. Some scholars say six others say

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seven, others say eight. by a number of years she was younger than felt the model de la Miranda. It is said that she was born in the fourth year of the Prophet would four years after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received Prophethood. And she was born in Makkah. And as I mentioned that her parents were already they were already Muslims. During her youth era, Chateau de la for the first five or six years, she stayed with her parents. And she was just like any other girl, she would go and she would play with her friends. And then they said in some durations that she enjoyed playing with her friends, and she was someone who enjoyed mixing and the company of other young

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girls her age. But our father was someone who was also very strict. Even from a young age, he was strict with his children. And were because of the long run, how would teach them righteous manners, and he would give them and he would give them Tobia. And so even from a young age, it is narrated that she was given this tarbiyah from Abu Bakar the long run and when you look at her life, you'll find that even after she grew up, even after she became she she she married the Prophet salallahu alaihe he will sell them even when she left the house of her parents. Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah would still come if he saw something wrong, and he would still address her. He will still rebuke or

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he will still be very harsh with her. As reported, for example, that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in the house of Arusha, and because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had a number of wives, he would go to the house of one of them, the one whose turn it was, and the other wives would come and meet with him, because they were mind wives. So for the purpose of Solomon to take one or go one a day, it will take him mind days in order to go through all of his wives. And so in order for them to meet with him on a daily basis, they would all come to the house of whose turn it was, and they would spend some time with him there. And so it happened to be the time of Arusha,

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the turn of Arusha. rhodiola Wanda, and so all of the wives came. And so one of the wives that was there was Xena for the long run. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted to touch her,

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just to touch her. And so she became jealous. And she said, O Messenger of Allah, today is my turn, simply because he wanted to touch him. She became he became she became jealous. And so then Xena became angry. Why are you stopping him from touching? And so Xena Bonanza began to Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in many of these narrations where you find his wives would have jealousy amongst one another. He would remain quiet. He would know and understand the jealousy that they possessed and he would remain silent or he wouldn't interfere too much.

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So he remained silent and their voices became very loud until the time of prayer came. And Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu came to call the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for the prayer. And he said, O Messenger of Allah, the time of prayer has arrived. Take the dust of the earth, and place it in the mouth of these women, so that they quiet down so that you can come and pray. And so the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he stood up and he left the house, when I shall heard the voice of her father, Abu Bakar. She said to the other wives, that now that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has left to go and pray. After the prayer, my father will come, and he will rebuke me for

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what I did. And that's what happened after the prayer. I will book over the long run who came and he rebuked Why are you shouting? Why are you raising your voice in the presence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So even after she became an adult after she was married, after she left the house of her parents, I will back out on the long run, who continued to give her Tobia continued to teach her and to rectify her if he thought that she made a mistake.

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I showed her the Allahu Allah has is well known. She married the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at a very young age. And according to the Hadith in Bukhari, the chin rates herself she married or she made the contract with the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam when she was six years old. And then she remained with her parents for another three, three and a half years. And after the hinge Roman, they went to Medina at the age of nine or 10. This is when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked her to move in with him. And so from the age of six, she was already spoken for. And this was a common practice amongst the Arabs. In fact, if you look at the, if you look at the

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marriage of our Chateau de la Juana, before the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, even married her, she was already engaged, and she was engaged to a man by the name of Jabez,

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who later became a Muslim, but during that time, he was still on a Muslim among, from amongst the people of polish. So she was already spoken for. It wasn't that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the first to ask for her hand in marriage. And this was a common practice amongst the Arabs. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't even ask to marry her. It wasn't his idea, but also one of the female companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a woman by the name of Hola, hackin. She came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after the death of Khadija rhodiola Rhonda. And Khadija died in the 10th, year of prophethood. She came to the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and she said, O Messenger of Allah, why don't you re marry? And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her, who should I marry? And this hadith is in our Bukhari.

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And she said, Who should I marry? So she replied, and she said, if you want a virgin, or if you want a widow, it is up to you choose whichever you want. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked her, who is the virgin? And who is the widow? And she replied, and she said, the widow is soda for the long run, and as for the virgin than it is, for the long run. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her, go to Abu Bakar and his family and asked for their permission, mentioned this to them. And so she went to Abu Bakar on the long run. And when Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu had this, the practice of the Arabs of the ignorant Arabs of jaha Leah, was that you wouldn't

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marry your daughter, to your close friend to one of your close and best friends. They would consider this like marrying a niece or a nephew. And so they wouldn't it wasn't the practice, they wouldn't marry it to the best friends. And so when Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu heard this, he was hesitant, because of this practice that was prevalent amongst them, because of his close relationship and friendship with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he didn't want to marry her to him because of this hesitation because of this doubt. And so holo and back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioning this stuff to him, that this is the reason why he's hesitating. And so the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, rather He is my brother in religion, meaning is not my real blood brother. We're not biologically related. He's my brother in religion, and it is helpful for us to marry. And this hadith is inside her body. And so then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he married her.

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And when you look at the Prophet sallallahu, Allah He will sell them in the marriages that he had. One of the wisdoms behind some of the marriages of the prophets Allah loud he will sell them is that you find that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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Will seldom linked his prophethood to the Hill after all of the four qualifiers are related by marriage to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he married the daughter of Abu Bakr, Arusha, the wrote of Omar hafsa and he married his own two daughters to Earth man proteome confirm and he married Fawlty, Motwani, radi Allahu anhu, much Marian, all of the whole affair are related to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, by marriage, either the prophet SAW Allah marry their daughters, or they married the daughters of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, but when it comes to our shot of the Allahu Allah has specifically, she was the youngest of the companions of

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the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And it was at this age, or because of this young age, that she was then able to become the most prolific scholar from amongst the women, and one of the most prolific scholars from amongst the companions in general. When you look at the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that she narrated, then according to other scholars, she is number four, in terms of the amount of a hadith that she has related. Other scholars would say that you won't pick up a single book of Hadith, except that you will find within the book an aeration for marisha. There has to be some a hadith from Arusha within the book, because

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of the many amount of a hadith that she related rhodiola now, so she married at the age of six to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, but she remained with her parents, and she continued to live them. And this is now towards the end of the years of Makkah. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam allowed the companions to migrate to Abbey senior, many of the companions migrated. And Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allah who also wanted to migrate, he made an intention to migrate. So he got his family, and he set out. And when he reached the outskirts of Makkah, he came across an individual, a non Muslim, one of the leaders of one of the villages outside of Makkah, but he was a man of respect

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and honor. And so he saw Abu Bakar aboubaker was one known one of the things that abubaker was well known for other than his business, and other than the walls that he had was he was a man of influence. And he was a man of poetry. And he was a man of lineage, genealogy. He knew the lineage of the Arabs. And so he was a well known person, even when the prophet SAW suddenly made his role with Abu Bakar. They were passed by individuals during the HR trip, and they would know Abubakar de la one, but they wouldn't know the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So they would say to Abu Bakar, who is this man with you?

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They would say to Abu Bakr, because he was so well known. And Abu Bakr would reply, this is my guide, he is guiding me, meaning that he is guiding me to the straight path, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So abubaker came to this man, or he passed by this man. And the man said to me, are you going Oh, Baba.

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And Abu Bakar said, I am leaving my land. Indeed, my people have oppressed me. And they don't allow me to read to practice my religion. So I am leaving them and seeking another land. And so the man was amazed. And he said, How is it possible that someone like you is exiled from his own land? Indeed, you are not a person who should leave, nor should you be allowed to leave because of your status because of who you are. And so He then took a walk or the long run, go back to Makkah, and he went to the Kaaba, and he went to the leaders of polish. And he said, do you allow Abu Bakar to live? Do you know what he's doing? He's leaving your land. How can you allow such a person of

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influence to leave your land and so they agreed for him to stay rhodiola one. So the point here was that I shared with you along Rhonda was also part of that trip, she was also going to go to abbyson atomic migration.

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Until then, when the profits on the long run, he will sell them did migrate to Medina. And Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu was his companion and the story an incident is one known.

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The profits are low and he will sell them when he left with Abubakar. His family stayed behind. So usma home Roman, he shared the family of Abu Bakar left PSA behind in Makkah, and likewise, the wives of the Prophet SAW Selim soda, and likewise, Fatima and his daughters, they all stayed behind in Makkah, and likewise, the family of zedi been hailed into his adopted son. So Osama bin Zayed Oh my man, they all remain behind in Makkah. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he arrived in Oba and he knew that he reached us safely. He then sent say they've been harissa to go back and to collect his family. And Abubakar the Allahu anhu sent a message with him that Abdullah

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one of his sons should also bring the family level book. So they traveled together. The family will say they've been hired into the family of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the family

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of the long run, they traveled together from NACA, and they made this migration to Medina.

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When she came to Medina, after a number of months, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam moved in with airasia and airasia. The aloha moved in with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. in Medina, he was busy teaching people. And so he was teaching them about their religion, teaching them the halal and haram and many of the verses that were revealed at the incidents that took place in Medina, what to do with the laws of Islam. Many of the people of all the Muslims, especially the Macondo, Mahajan were illiterate, they couldn't read, and they couldn't write. According to some historians, they were only about 12 or 13. People in the

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whole of Makkah, who could teach others to read or write, or who could themselves be classed as being literate, there were very few from amongst them. And this is why you find that the prophets all along while he was selling them at the Battle of butter when he had so many captives from amongst Americans, those who could read and write, he made the ransom that they should teach literacy to the, to the Muslim children, in order to run some themselves. They had to teach the Muslim children how to read and how to write. And so one of those few people who knew how to read and write was Abu Bakar of the long run. And one of the things that Abu Bakar the Allahu anhu was

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known for was the he was known for his poetry. And somehow this is even mentioned, that when has suddenly been established for the long run, the poet of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he would want to write poetry against the enemies of Islam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say, go and recite your poetry to Abu Bakar. And so he would go to Abu Bakar and Abu Bakr would say to him, don't write about so and so. But write about a song. So mentioned this thing. Don't mention that name. And then when the Qureshi would hear the poetry of Hassan, they would say in his his voice, but the words are from Abu Bakar because of the eloquence of the language that he

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had. And so he passed this on to his daughter, our Chateau de la Juana. She was literate from a young age, and Irish rhodiola, and her living with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the house was closely connected to the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So literally, the door of the house of the postal system was connected to the masjid. And so as the Allahu Allah would spend her day, either sitting in the mosque of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, with the other female companions, listening and learning from the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, or she would be within our house, but she could hear the some of the profits on the long route, he will

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send them, she could hear his words, and she could hear the Hadith that he was narrating. And this is why I said to the prophets of Salaam, that the house was so small, and it was so close to the masjid, that if he wanted something, he would just put it in his hand into his house, and take what he needed. This is how close they were, and how small his household sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So I just spent her time learning, seeking knowledge and learning about the religion.

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And then also a number of years later, the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to the prophet SAW Sunday, Monday. And they said, O Messenger of Allah, it is not right that the people come and they take your time and they learn about the religion. But we are wives Don't go Don't get any time. Meaning we don't have any time to learn about the religion from you. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam placed one day a week and he gave them a certain time, where he would just teach his wives. And so this was a time which was specific to them special for them. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would teach them about their religion. And this is why I show

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the long run how became a great scholar. She was young in age, she was able to memorize what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said she was very intelligent and smart, and she would understand what the prophet SAW Selim was doing in his household. And this is why over a bonanza rhodiola one we would say that I have not seen anyone more knowledgeable than Arusha. She was knowledgeable in everything. She was knowledgeable, in fact, knowledgeable in the Quran, knowledgeable in the Sunnah. She was even knowledgeable in poetry, and even in medicine, you would say that she was knowledgeable in medicine. In another generation, he once said to Irish over the long run, that I am amazed by

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your knowledge, and I don't know anyone more knowledgeable than you. And then I look at your knowledge. And I say, for example, that you have, you have an understanding of the religion, and then I think to myself, that that's not to be surprised. That's not a surprise, because you're the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Of course, you

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would have knowledge of the religion. And then I look at your poetry, and I'm amazed by your poetry. But then I remember that your father was Abubakar, a great poet. And so I don't think that it's so amazing anymore. You learnt your poetry from your father. But I couldn't place where you learn medicine from. How did you become so knowledgeable with medicine? And so I showed the long run, he replied, that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during his later years when he became old, and he became ill, that I was the one who would tend to him, I was the one who would nurse him better. And when he became ill, then the different Arab tribes would pass by Medina. And I would go

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to them and ask them for different medicines, what is the cure for this? What is the cure for this? And they will tell me, and then they would implement this, and this is how I gained my knowledge of medicine, or the long run Ha, ha ha, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would teach Arusha these things as well. And this is from one of the wisdoms of marrying Irish over the long run, that she would be not only someone who would possess this knowledge and learn this knowledge, but because of her young age and her youthfulness, then she would live for a long time after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and teach this to the next generation. The Companions would mention

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that even the companions the major companions would come to the house of ash over the long run, and they would ask her questions, even though she was much younger in age, they would ask her questions about the personal life of the Prophet sallallahu. He will send them the way he was in his house, the way he dealt with his wife and his children, things that only the closest people to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would know. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would also take her on journeys. The prophet SAW Selim had a practice that when he would want to go on a journey, that he would draw lots with his wives, and so choose which one he could take with him. And so for

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example, a lot of Ayesha would come, then Anisha would go on one trip Irish out of the Allahu anhu went to the province with the prophets all along, he will send them and this story shows you the wisdom that a lot of Xhosa has, in placing someone in a certain place at a certain time, they went to the Battle of bunny masala. And in bunny masala after this battle, two things happened. One was the issue the incident of the slander, a very short of the long run. And a lot of that was revealed versus concerning this, defending her and freeing her from blame. And the other thing was that when I showed her the alone, one who was returning with a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she

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mentioned that on the way back, she lost her necklace. She had a necklace that was very dear to her. And when the caravan stopped, and then it moved again, she couldn't find this necklace. So she went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and she said, O Messenger of Allah, I've lost my necklace. So the Prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam stopped, the whole army can allow anyone to move. And him and I shall have the long run, he was searching for this necklace. By imagine this is an army that's come back from a difficult battle. They're on the way home. They're tired. They haven't seen their families. They're short on food and on water. And it's actually mentioned in the

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narration, that they had no provisions with them. They wanted to just stop for a short time, and then go and stop at the next place where there was water. They had nothing with them, and they were tired. And so the whole army is stopped, because of the love of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for his wife and short of the alarm rang her over a necklace that she lost. And so the prophets of Salaam stopped the whole army. And so they were searching and searching and they couldn't find the necklace. And I saw the Allahu, and how was it continued to live? And the prophet SAW Selim didn't order his companions to leave. And so they were sitting together in their tent.

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Arusha. The Allahu anhu was sitting and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sitting and his leg was resting upon her leg. And the people of the army were beginning to complain. But other companions. Why have we stopped over just an atlas? We have no food, we have no water, we're tired. We haven't seen our families. We want to go home. And we've stopped here over an Atlas. And so it will work over the long run, who came into that the tent of the Prophet sallallahu it will send them an archer says I knew that he was going to rebuke me. And so he began to say things to him. Why have you stopped the whole army overall necklace, it's only a necklace. People are tired, they have no

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food, no water and you stopped everything, just for a necklace. And he continued to say this, and I shut the alarm when he says that if it wasn't that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that his leg was resting upon my leg. I would have left me his rebuking muscles strong. I couldn't take it anymore.

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The only reason I sat there was because of the lack of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam resting on my leg, and I didn't want to disturb him. And so she remains sitting there. And so the whole army camped there for the night. no water, no food, nothing. In the morning, Salatin first came, and they had no water to make model. And so the companions now don't know what to do. And it was at this time that Eliza Virgil revealed the verses of tmo. How to make them. So Pamela from this one incident of losing a necklace, we gained so many rulings of the Sharia the verses of how to make trium revealed because of this incident,

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and then one of the companions when he heard these verses being revealed, he said to Abu Bakar, this is not the first time that the blessing of the family of Abu Bakar has taught us something about our religion, meaning even in this difficult state of hardship, where we all wanted to just go home, it is because of your blessing and the blessing of this family, this noble family of Abu Bakar in the long run, that Allah azza wa jal revealed, these verses of tmo so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would travel with her rhodiola

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, also, when he was a homodimer, showed the long run, he would eat with him, and he would sit with her and he would talk with her. And I showed her the Allahu Allah is located in a number of narrations that she was someone busy with housework, she would come to have the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she would apply perfume to him, she would mend his clothes, she would clean her house, she would do all of the things that a woman does in the house, or the alarm Rhonda

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showed the law now one of the things that we see from her, from the many from the much knowledge that she possessed is the students that came from her, the students that she taught, and one of the ways that you judge a teacher is by looking at their students and ensure that the Allahu Allah has some of the greatest scholars of the tiberian who are from her most prolific students from amongst them as the famous Tabori over a blue Bay, or the long run. An urbanist debate was also her nephew. He was the son of a smart rhodiola and the brother of Abdullah Isabel, who was born in the 20th century and he died in the year 94. He was a bit from a young age, he spent the majority of his time

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with Irish over the long run, and he would spend his time with her, and he would learn from her and he would seek knowledge from her. And he would hear that Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from her

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wife Elizabeth became such a great scholar that Ramadan, Abdul Aziz would say that I have never seen anyone more knowledgeable than or what a Muslim bale is reported by the scholars, that when they would come into the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they would find people gathered around him, they would find people gathered around him. And then from amongst those people, would even be some of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The Companions would go to someone who was not a companion, but because of the knowledge that he possessed. Because of his studying without a shadow of the law. They would go to him to ask him questions, Rahim Allah

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hota Allah.

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And so he was someone who spent a lot of time with Arusha, rhodiola Juana and he said that he is the most knowledgeable person when it comes to the ahaadeeth a virus out of the lohana. Another of her students, is Al Qasim, even Mohammed Ibn Abu Bakar alkazi. Mohammed is also her nephew, one of her brothers or half brothers, is Mohammed bin Abu Bakar. And he was from the wife to Abu Bakar, the one who married very late in his life. And he was the one that was that wife who did the long run, who went to visit when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam died, he was with her, and that's where he heard the news and that's where he came back from. From her. He had one son, and the son was born

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after his death. So after the death of Abu Bakar, his wife was already pregnant, and then she gave birth to him and his name was passing a Mohammed Abu Bakar also a nephew of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, his father Mohammed died or was killed whilst he was still very young. And he died in the the battles and the battles earlier of the loved one who fought in the fitna that occurred between some of the companions of the long run, so he died. He died whilst he was his father died whilst he was still at a young age. And so he also went and spent time with our HR on the long run. And he spent this time learning from her and taking it from her knowledge, and it has said that he

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is the second most prolific lawyer

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for marriage on the unloved Rhonda madico, the Allahu anhu Malika himolla, the famous Imam, he would say that he is from amongst the most knowledgeable people of this ummah, another great scholar Mohammed even serien, who himself was a great scholar of Islam, when people would come to him and say, who do we go to? Or who do we imitate when we go to lunch? So when we go and perform this journey of Hajj, which scholar Should we go to, and which scholar Should we take our rulings of Hajj from? He will say, go to Al Qasim, even Mohammed Ibn Abu Bakar

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Ahmed Abdul Aziz Rahim Allah who said that if I had the ability to make the halifa after me be al Qasim, then I would do so if the people would accept for me that he could be the halifa to me, then I would give him the healer for for the long run. But when we also look at the students of our shadow, the loved one of the other things that we noticed is that they weren't all men. Normally from the companions, their students are men, other men. And this is because the companions are the one who would travel and the men would come out and study with them. But one of the other unique things that we have about Irish about the law juanda is that she also had a number of famous female

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students, famous, famous Tabitha young, who also studied with her rhodiola Ronda, one of them, for example, was a woman by the name of more either, she became a great scholar of Islam. Another for example, was the name was by the name of Mr. Binti Abdur Rahman. And some of the scholars would say that she was the third most prolific narrator from Arusha, the unlucky one, and this woman I'm wrong. Her grandfather was also a companion of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. In Amazonia once came to Al Qasim Mohammed, one of the other students of Arusha. And he said to her, who should I go and seek knowledge from he said to him, sorry, who should I go and seek knowledge from he said,

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go to this woman I'm wrong, you will not find anyone more knowledgeable than her. And so as you said that I went to study with her, and I found that she was an ocean in knowledge. And so she was also one of the great students of parishad the Allahu

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Allahu anhu lived for a very long time after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam she lived during the fall of Allah Boubacar during the collapse of Rome or during the philosopher's man, and she lived for the vast majority of the kingdom or the rulership of Maria rhodiola, one homage Marian. And I want to just give you one example of her life after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu was about to pass away.

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And he was in he was in his final illness. It was I was tending to him and nursing him. I showed up to LA and I was spending time with him. And he had previously given a shot of the alarm.

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Some of his, he had given it to her, and it was hers, and it belonged to her. When Abubakar, the man who was on his deathbed. And for those of you that have studied the life of poker, you'll know that when he died, he hardly possessed anyone, he had nothing left. And so he said to Anisha, that I want to take back the wealth that I gave to you, that money that I gave to whatever it was the wealth that I gave, I want to take it back and then I want to divide it equally amongst my children. So that when Allah azza wa jal, when I meet Allah subhanho, wa Taala and Yamanaka, Yama, I will have treated you all equally or not given one of you preferential treatment over another.

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This is the right of erasure he gave it to her, it belongs to her. But he wants to take it back and give it equally amongst all of his children. And so Irish about the law has said, it is for you take it back. And so our shadow the loved one who gave her wealth back to her father, or the loved one, and then he divided equally amongst all of his children rhodiola one, then when he died, what the alarm one, she allowed for him to be buried in his house in our house, next to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And then she would come and she would visit this house, she would send celebs upon her father, and upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then we know the

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number of the Allahu anhu was also buried in this house, but from her from her higher, or from her, her pride or from the way she was her piety and her righteousness when she would come to visit the house. After Omar was buried, she would come in for a job, even though he had passed away. But look at the piety that she possessed. She would come back in full hijab, and then she would visit this house after the death of a model the

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model the long run, so she lived for a very long time. She lived towards the end of the philosophy of malaria, and it was about two

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years before more obvious death that she passed away, or the loved one. And she passed away in the year 58 hijiri. In the 17th of Ramadan, when she was about 67 years in age, she became ill. And even though she was ill, when people would come and visit him, they would ask her, how are you, she would say, I am well, and All praise is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala. She never complained about her illness. And when other people would come and enter upon her, they would praise her, they would say, you know, you are the most beloved person to the Prophet, son alone, worthy, you will sell them, you have so many football in so many good trades, the most of them said this about you and said that

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about you. And all the time, she would reply to them that I wish I was only a stone, I wish that allow would turn into a tree. And she didn't want any of the praise that the people had for her towards the end of her life in the final days of illness, of delivering our bus, but the only one who came to visit her. And he knocked on the door and he asked permission, and she refused. And so he would keep coming back, keep knocking keep asking for permission, and she would continuously refuse. So the people within her family, they said, Why don't you let him in. He is one of the great companions of the Prophet Solomon, which scholar of Islam let him in. She said, I know what he

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wants. He's going to come in and praise me, mentioned the good things about me. Try to give me hope. She will say that the prophet will seldom he will say that the boss will seldom said this about you. And that Allah said this and did this. And I don't want this. I don't want him to praise me to my face. But Abdullah Abbas would continuously come you would continuously knock on her door, until finally she relented, and she allowed him in. So he came and he began to praise. He began to praise that he said, You are the most beloved person to the prophets on the long run, he will send them the prophets Allah mentioned that you will be his wife on your multi Yama and so on and so forth, he

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began to praise them. And he said to her, the only thing that is left between you and meeting those people that you love, is for your spirit to leave your body. And then he mentioned that Allah azza wa jal has revealed verses in the Quran because of you the verse of the verses concerning your slander, and these are verses that are recited by Muslims the world over and they will be continued to recite it, they will continue to be recited until yom Okayama. And he continued on and on. And then when he finished, she said to him by Allah, I would only hope that the people could forgive me. I don't want to be remembered. I don't want to be known. Would that to an akuna Nasim and sia, I

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want to be completely forgotten. And this was her piety, rhodiola Rhonda, and then she passed away, or the long run her and she said that I want to be buried with the other wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in about a year. And so I bought a rhodiola. One, prayed over her. In the Moscow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he led her janazah and then she was buried in buckling. rhodiola Randhawa. So this is a brief biography, a brief summary of the life of Ayesha rhodiola Juana and there is so much more information that we can glean from it. I've missed that, as you probably notice large chunks of her life, her time during the life of Abu Bakar and Mr. Smith,

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Mann, and Ali and Maria, there is so much more for us to gain from her. And this is only one of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, only one of our mothers. So how about the other wives and our other mothers? radi Allahu anhu Nijmegen. So this is just an inspiration in Sharla for our brothers. And the whole point of this series is so that we go back and study the lives of these great women probably a lot more and how they will lower the

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