Ahsan Hanif – Tafseer As SaDi #07

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the historical significance of the worship of Jesus as a punishment and the importance of providing clear explanations for teachings. They stress the historical significance of Jesus' use as a national system and the importance of obeying commands. They also touch on the historical significance of Jesus' teaching and encourage people to examine it for their own needs.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen On October 2018. What are we doing the Illa Allah Allah the Minashi to Allah ilaha illallah wa the hola Shakira illa Allah wa hola hola. He didn't know what you're doing in the Vienna Muhammad Abdul horror Surah Mustafa Amin Allahumma salli wa salam American, I'm Dakota, so the commandment, or the or the or sabe Ultramarine bad. So today's the seventh day in our reading and commentary of this book of the CRTC rule Karim Rahman vtct Colombian manaan morphemes to notice that there's zero Saudi by the shahada romantic, Manasa Saudi, who died in the year 1376 of the Iraqi mahalo Tada. The raw material was here. And we today begin

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from the very beginning of the 27th jewels of the Quran, which is in surah 230 at verse 31.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah he was he was heavy at mine. La mafi la know when he shave you know anyway Do you know a little Halloween column only for him? Oh, Laffy Taffy according to Allah. Powder Oh bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim

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Bismillah R Rahman

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all FMR autoboca A Johan Mohsen Ibrahim said then what is your business or messengers?

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Oh Lu two in

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They said, We have been sent to a wicked people

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in almost ala

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Linaro sila Lane Yuja. Rotten.

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We are going to unleash upon them a shower of stones of clay Musa who I met and I and our big animals reefing. Especially specifically marked and kept with your, with your Lord for the transgressors

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for Allah.

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Okay, and if he I mean, I mean,

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we brought forth the believers who are in the city,

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Wi Fi, oil, are they eating muslin, but we found it we found any only one household of Muslims. What a rock Nafi

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turning, letting you know your whole food and lie the bed.

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And we left it as a sign for those who fear the painful punishment.

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It will owe him said to them, then what is your business or messengers? That is was your purpose and what do you want? Because he felt that there was messengers whom Allah had sent for some important purpose. We mentioned yesterday that received the recovered yesterday, the story of Ibrahim Ali salatu salam, the angels that Allah azza wa jal sent to him. In the form of humans, they came for two purposes. The first purpose was to come to Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam and to give him the glad tidings of a child and the child was his hack or his son. And so they came and they gave him and his wife Sarah, the glad tidings of a child. And then they were going to go after the to the people of

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Luth because Allah azza wa jal sent them to bring down the punishment of Allah azza wa jal upon the people of load, and to extract loot, and the believers were with him from the area. So after Ibrahim Ali salatu salam receives the glad tidings of a son. He says to him, I know you didn't come just for this purpose. You didn't come all this way just to meet me. So what is your true purpose? Where are you going next, and this is similar to the verses that we've already covered in surah. Hood. They said we have been sent to a wicked people, namely the people of Lord who had done evil deeds associated others with Allah rejected their messenger and committed shameful deeds that were utterly

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unprecedented, unprecedented, to unleash upon them a shower of stones of clays, specifically marked and kept with your Lord for the transgressors. That is, each one is marked for specific for a specific person, because they had transgressed and overstepped our bounds and this is the statement of a number of the scholars of the Center for Intersil. Allah azza wa jal says Musa women and the Arabic that they will marked meaning that those people that were going to be destroyed and pelted by those stones and the punishment that descended upon the people

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have loads the they will mark by name, they will mark by name. And that seems to be a something which is not only specific to this, but similar to it is the ratio that you find in some of the books of Tafseer concerning the army of the elephants. And the time or just at the time before the birth of the prophets of Allah Allah was sent them in the army of elephants was destroyed also with pebbles and clays, that they were also marked by the individual means. And so Allah subhanaw taala, mark them for those people because Allah azza wa jal knew them to be transgressors.

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But our him started to argue with them for the people of loot, in the in the hope that Allah might ward off the punishment from them. But Allah said, obrah, he sees your pleading for value, a decree of your Lord has gone forth, rarely there is coming to them a punishment that cannot be averted. We brought forth the believers who were in the city, but we found it only one household of Muslims, namely the household of load apart from his wife, for she was one of the doomed and the exception of the wife is mentioned also in the Quran management is particular telling, but as we know, the stories of the Quran complement one another. And so Allah azza wa jal sometimes mentions his wife as

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being a disbeliever. And sometimes he just speaks generally about the household of Lord. So the wife of Lutheran salatu salam didn't believe, and she disbelieved and as we mentioned, when we did the zero Surah Hood, a number of generations of tfcu, to say that she was the one who went to the people of the town or the city, and told them about the guests that are now coming to see Ruth. They were angels in the form of humans, but they were extremely handsome, and beautiful. And so she went and told them that these men have now come, and they're in our house. And that's when all of the people of Luth gather towards him. And so she was accepted, she was an exception to the safety that was

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given to the family of loot. And we left as a sign for those who fear the painful punishment so that they might learn a lesson from it and know that Allah is Severe in punishment, and that His messenger and his messengers are honest and trustworthy and trustworthy.

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While the story includes of wisdom and rulings, the wisdom and ruling seen in the story include the following. It is why is wise the Allah tells his slaves the stories of both good and evil people, so that they may learn from their stories and the fate of each group. The author having a thought after finishing the story. Now these two prophets of Rahim Allah taught him a tsunami is going to give us a number of benefits, a number of wisdoms that we can extract from these two stories, the first of them, he says, is that Allah azza wa jal in the Quran doesn't just give us the stories of the pious and the righteous, but Allah gives us the stories of the evil also. So you have both stories in the

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Quran. The righteous people are the example for the righteous the evil people as a warning for those people that that turn away from the path of Allah subhanaw taala the virtue of Ibrahim Al Helene Ali Salam, because Allah begins his story with that which sheds light on its importance and how he's paid special attention to is prescribed to be hospitable for the for this is the way of Ibrahim and Helene Isola, which Allah enjoy this prophet at his alma to follow and mentioned here by way of praising enlarge, Georgia mentioned it here, as a way of praise you have the example of Ibrahim Ali Salam, Allah azza wa jal praises him because when those angels came as we mentioned yesterday, he

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rushed to his family and he bought a a fatted calf that should be slaughtered for his guests. On the other hand, Allah azza wa jal tells us and sorbitol calf in the story of Musa and Hardrada human serum that when they came to the people of that town though in hospital, for about AUD format, they refused to give them hospitality. So Allah azza wa jal criticizes them. So that shows that one of the etiquettes of the believer of the Muslim should be a level of hospitality. When you have a guest someone comes to you, a stranger, someone comes from afar out of town, they come and they visit you then it is from good character to give them hospitality. The guest is to be honored in various ways

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in word and deed because Allah describes the guests of Abraham as ordered. In other words, Abraham ordered them and Allah describes the hospitality that he offered them in word and deed. They will also ordered by Allah subhanho Tana, they were honored by Ibrahim because he honored them as guests honored by Allah because they His angels, so the honorable creations of Allah anyway, and then Ibrahim Ali slammed it or no initially that they were angels, but he honored them.

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The House of Ibrahim La Silla was a place that was frequented free quantit

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by passers by and visited as visitors because they entered upon him without seeking permission. Rather, they follow the etiquette of initiating the greeting of celebs. And Ibrahim responded with a more complete greeting because his greeting as indicated by the Arabic word was indicative of a wish that peace be upon them all the time. And this was common in the Arabs, the Arabs, what they would do until very recently, in the morning, they would open up their house the gates to the house, and they will leave them open and what that means it's an indication that if anyone wants to enter as a guest as a traveler, because before like you had hotels on

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restaurants and so on. People needed the hospitality of the people. So they would open up their guests and they would make kombucha like the Arabic coffee so that you can smell it because it's a very strong fragrance that comes from it. So people could smell this from the road, they will know that that means that you're welcome to come in. If you need to come in, you need a cup of coffee, you need to sit you need to rest. You're welcome. And this was something very common amongst the Arabs. And so this is where the author Hamlet Allah He produces this from the same thing, because Allah azza wa jal doesn't mention that they sought permission, they made an appointment, they just

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came and entered. Notice, he mentioned that Ibrahim Ali Salam was was afraid or was upset by the entering upon him and say why you comes not convenient. Who are you You didn't seek permission, didn't make an appointment? No, he greeted them. And he allowed them to come in which shows that he was something which was a common occurrence is prescribed to ask people who come to you or with whom contact takes place to introduce themselves, because there are many benefits. In doing so. We see Ibrahim politeness and gentle Ness in speech.

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As he said, You are strangers to me. Rather than saying I do not know you. The difference between the two phrases is obvious. One should hasten to offer hospitality because the best deed, the best good deed is that which is done without delay, has Ibrahim patient to prepare a meal for his guests. If meat if meat that has already been prepared is offered to our guests, this is not disrespectful in the slightest, where there is an honor, as Ibrahim Ali Sara did that. And Allah tells us that that his guests were honored. Allah tells us of what he blessed his close friend Ibrahim with a grain of generosity as His food was ready to be served. And his house was in a state of constant

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readiness to welcome guests. So he did not need to go and fetch food from the market or from his neighbors. And the like an author derives this that the food was already ready, when the guests came when he presented to them, because it will take a great deal of time to go to a cough to slaughter it, to skin it to cut it up to cook it. I was like I was and I was you talking about. And so this is where he drives it from that it doesn't seem that it took that great deal of time, but rather, it was something that he did very quickly. And you know, he was a word who served his guests, even though he was a close friend of the Most Gracious the man of dignity and honor is the one who serves

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his guests. He brought the food to them to the place where they were sitting at he did not put it somewhere else and tell them to come and have some food, because it's easier for them is better. Once you Speak gently and show politeness towards guests, especially especially when offering him food, brought him offered the food to them and requested them to eat in a very gentle, gentle manner saying Will you not eat? He did not say he did not say you have to eat and other phrases and other such phrases that are not the most preferable. Rather, his approach was that of requesting them to eat. The one who wants to follow his example should use nice words and appropriate to the situation

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such as saying to his guests, will you not eat or please do us the honor of eating with us and the like. If a person is afraid of support for any reason, that person should reassure him and say things to put his mind at rest and calm him down. As the angel said to Ibrahim, what he was afraid of the fear not. And they told him of the of those Glad Tidings after he had been afraid of that. We see the great joy of Surah, the wife of Ibrahim to the extent that she struck her face and cried out loud, which was not usual behavior on her part, law honored Ibrahim and his wife Sandra, with the glad tidings of knowledgeable son

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while he moves

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is also who Isla Phaedra will be so thought in movie in and there is another sign in the story of Musa when we sent to him, we sent him to Pharaoh with compelling proofs. First our bureau me work all as one would imagine.

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But he and his people turned away and he said of Musa, a magician or a madman

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but are hot now who would you dare who found a better fit? Me Well, who am I really.

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So we seized him and his troops and flung them into the sea. And he was to blame. There is another sign in the story of Musa

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and what Allah sent him with the Pharaoh and his chiefs of clear signs and dazzling miracles. This is another sign to those who fear the painful punishment. When Musa came with that with with that compelling proof. Pharaoh and his people turn away, that is a turn away from the truth and pay no attention to it. And they criticized it in the worst manner saying of Musa that he was a magician or a madman. In other words, they thought that Musa was either a magician and what he had brought was Charles Charles Charles turn tree Tarik Charles Henry, that had nothing to do with the truth at all, or he was a bad man who was not to be blamed for what he said or did because he was not saying as we

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said earlier to sort of speaks about all

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lost power over his creation subhanaw taala and from the power that Allah azza wa jal has over his creation has the power over his sleeves, and especially those who disbelieve and turn away and that's why Allah azza wa jal mentioned a number of different nations of the past, from those who rejected the prophets and turned away and how Allah azza wa jal punished them. So we had already the example of the people of loot. Now we have the example of the people of Musa who's Pharaoh, however they especially Pharaoh knew that Musa was telling the truth, as Allah subhanaw taala says elsewhere, they reject the they rejected the science although in their hearts they were certain that

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they were true of wickedness and arrogance. Musa said to Pharaoh, you know full well that none, none but the Lord of the heavens in the earth has sent down these, these signs as clear evidence. So we seized him and his troops and flung them into the sea and they he and he was to blame, for he was a sinner and transgressor who disobeyed Allah. So Allah sees him, the vehement with the vehement grip of one who is almighty, omnipotent.

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What he is also

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worth he then is also lay him morally healthy. And there is another sign in the story of it when we sent against them the devastated when that was devoid of all good

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Mirta Domi che in LA he led ya allah to Kerala.

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spared nothing came upon, but he reduced it to ruin and decay. And there is another side of the story of odd that is, there was another mighty sign among as a well known tribe, when we sent them on the set against them, the devastating wind that was devoid of all good that is there was nothing good in it. That was that was when they rejected their prophet who died he said I'm

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inspired enough nothing it came upon by reduced by reduced it to ruin indicate a lot destroy them, despite their strength and power, which is indicative of his perfect mind and omnipotence for nothing is, is beyond him, who wreaks vengeance on those who disobey Him. As you can see in these verses in these tellings of the stories, two three verses per Prophet because Allah azza wa jal is only focusing on the punishment doesn't speak about the whole story. It doesn't even mention the people the names of the prophets, if he had to have etha mood, doesn't even mention always the names of the prophets because Allah azza wa jal isn't focusing on that particular aspect of the Dawa of

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the quarter of the prophets on what happened what took place, how they will reject to know Allah azza wa jal is speaking about the conclusion. What is the outcome when they tend to when they rejected Allah azza wa jal is power sees them subhanaw taala Allah punish them in different ways that people have loved the punishment is different to the punishment of the people of Earth, and adds punishment is different to the people of the moon, and the moon will be different, every nation according to that which Allah azza wa jal commanded the people of Pharaoh also different.

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Well, if he thermo, there is the law of demand.

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And there is another sign in the story of the mood when it was said to them enjoy life for a little while. phyto one MD or be him for a while that almost occurred to me.

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But they insolently transgressed the command of their Lord. So the devastating punishment overtook them whilst they were looking like feminists that are wooing the man can

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tell seating, they could not withstand the punishment, and could not ward it off.

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And there's another side of the story of the moot when Allah sent slightly how they sell them to them, but they stubbornly rejected him. Allah sent him the she camo as a visible sign, but that only increased them in stubbornness and aversion. So I said to them, enjoy life for a little while, but they insolently transgressed the command of their Lord. So the devastating punishment, namely, that destructive blast overtook them, whilst they were looking on and saw the punishment with your own eyes. They could not withstand days, they could not be saved from the punishment, and could not work it off from themselves.

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Walk out with a man who

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can move fast.

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In the people of North were destroyed by devastating punishment before them. They were indeed a rebellious, rebellious and wicked people. That is a loaded likewise to the people of North when they were rejecting or how they set up, and rebelled against the Command of Allah, Allah stand against them against them the heaven and the earth, pouring and gushing forth with water and drown them all, and did not leave any disbelievers alive. This is the way of Allah and dealing with those who disobey Him

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Bernina herb II

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um, we built the heaven with my inventory. We are still expanding it.

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Well, Rachna have any money. He doesn't

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Um we spread out the earth how gracious is he who smoothed it out one day in color corners Oh Janie come together

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and of all things we created pairs so that you may pay heed

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Fairfield row eel Allah

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moving so free to Allah Valley I'm a clear winner too from him. What did ya Allah He ILA and

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in law

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do not associate with a law or any other god, valuable material warner to you from him. He Allah subhanaw taala says, highlighting his great might, we built the heaven, there is we created it and we built it well, and we made it a roof for the earth and all that is on it with my that is with immense power and strength. And verily We are still expanding it in all directions.

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And we also be still expensive and abundant provision upon our slaves. Allah does not leave any creature in the midst of the wilderness or the depths of the sea, or in the upper or lower realms, but he causes provision to reach it as it needs, and he sends it blessings to suffice it so Roy b to the one who bestows His Generosity upon all creatures, and blessed to be the one who's mercy and encompasses all of creation, is verse, verse 47. Some people misunderstood it to be a verse that speaks about the attributes of Allah, or the attributes of the hands of Allah azza wa jal, because Allah says was sama Bernina Have you eat, and the word eat in Arabic language can be the plural of

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yet, which means hand, but here it means something else. It means miton strength. It doesn't mean the poorer of hand. So some people mistook it to be a verse about the attributes of Allah azza wa jal was not a verse about the attributes of Allah Allah speaking soprano Dinah about his mind and his strength we created the heavens with mighty mid strength. And the scholars of the script of the Quran we have a science in the Quran, hollering more Rossum, Rossum is the script of the Quran. And in the early most half the early writing on the Quran, as you know, it was written without any dots and without any vowels. The original Arabic writing was just the letters devoid of anything else, no

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dots, no foothills, no bombers, no customers nothing, you will just have the words. So one of the ways that they would show to you the difference in them is the way that they would write and that is one of the earliest sciences by the way, just as clear articles back to the time of the companions, the science of Rossum goes back to the time on the students to tab you're in the US to write books on this and how to write the Quran, the script or the book of Allah subhanaw taala. And if you look at this word in verse 47, you will see the aid is written with two years, not one year, two years. And that's one of the ways that they will differentiate to show to you that doesn't mean the poorer

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of and so they add some things in the Quranic script. And it's something which most of us don't need to pay attention to, we read but we don't really stop and look at these small things that you find within the and this is a whole science by the way in and of itself. If you were to study this and look into this and books have been written, that go all the way back to the time of the tambourine as we said unto the Quran. So this is why you have in this particular word, the two years to show to you, that it's not the prover of hands, but what he means is the strength and the might of Allah subhanaw taala

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we spread out the earth that is we have made it spread out for people so that they will be able to do whatever they have to in order to meet their to meet their needs, such as building dwellings, planting, cultivating, tilling the soil, settling and following routes that will lead to the destinations, because the Earth has been spread out. One may think that it may be beneficial in all respects, or it may be beneficial in some ways, but not others. Therefore Allah subhanaw taala tells us that you smooth it out in the best way and he praises himself for that, saying, How gracious is he who smoothed it out for his slaves, as dictated by his wisdom, mercy and generosity.

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And of all things we have created pairs that is two genders, male and female, of all types of all types of animals, so that you may pay heed to the blessings of Allah that He has bestowed upon you, as he had, as he had decreed that on the basis of wisdom, making the pair's male and females male or female, the means of the perpetuation of all types of animals, so that you will raise them, take care of them and look after them and thus attain many benefits. Having caused people to look at his signs, which would lead them to fear him and turn to him. Allah now enjoys that which is which is the purpose of all think of all these things, which is to free to him was meant to work

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It is meant is to flee from that which Allah hates both outwardly and inwardly.

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To that which he loves, both outwardly and inwardly fleeing from ignorance to knowledge from this, from the disbelief to faith from sin to obedience and from heedless, heedlessness to remembrance of Allah and this meaning of fleeing to Allah subhanaw taala is one that is mentioned often in the Sunnah fleeing to Allah azza wa jal fleeing from Allah's punishment, his anger and his wrath towards Allah subhanaw taala Allah's mercy and His reward and his Jana, you free from Allah to Allah, that means you free from that which Allah dislikes to that which Allah loves, fleeing from Allah to Allah as the prophets of Allah Allah was telling us to see in his dua La Jolla men German Lake, there's no

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refuge no escape from you, oh Allah except back to you. And the prophets of Allah where it was salam also in that dua used to make in his in his winter, when he used to ask Allah Azza Allah when they're a little bit of luck coming psychotic will be prophetic, I mean, ergo batik who are becoming, Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from you. Meaning I seek refuge in Your mercy in your reward in your blessings, from your anger from your punishment. Subhana wa Tada. So this is what allows you to do this thing you're free to Allah azza wa jal from that which Allah dislikes from his punishment, free towards his mercy and his reward. Whoever does all of that has done all that

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religion requires of him, he will be spared all that he fears and he will attain all that he seeks. Allah describes turning to him as fleeing because turning to anyone other than him, or was all in all kinds of fear for outcomes and troubles, whereas turning to him leads to all that all that one loves,

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security, joy, happiness and tribe, you are free from everyone you fear except Allah subhanaw taala the more you fear Him, the more you free to him and that is the difference between the fear that we have for Allah subhanaw taala and the fear that you would have of something else you feel someone or you fear a position or you fear an animal or you feel you run from them as far as you can. And what you want to do is create distance between you and that thing that you fear. But the fear of Allah subhanaw taala is a fear that is accompanied by love and by hope. So when you feel Allah azza wa jal you don't seek to come further from Allah What do you seek to do to come closer to Allah subhanaw

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taala you tried to come closer to Allah azza wa jal through good deeds and through that which is beloved to Allah subhana wa Tada. And so the way of seeking seeking safety from Allah's wrath and His punishment from feeling Allah azza wa jal is through his reward and through becoming close to him Subhana wa Tada. And that's why Allah azza wa jal mentions a number of times in the Quran, Allah in odia Allah Now hopefully you can follow me on the idea of Allah there's no fear upon them, nor will they despair because they fear Allah in the dunya. And that fear led them to good deeds and staying away from the haram. So at the time of death and on Yom Okayama they will have no need to

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fear from Allah subhanaw taala barely I have a clear warranty from him. There is a reward that you have the punishment of Allah bringing a clear message of warning that are associated with Allah and the other gods, any other god, this is part of fleeing to Allah. Rather, this is the basis of league team, for a person to flee from any from taking any other gods among the idols, rivals, graves, and so on. Things that are worshipped besides Allah devoting his worship, fear hopes, application and repentance this Lord alone, meaning what is the greatest thing that you flee from when you turn to Allah azza wa jal what's the greatest thing that you should run away from? From ship? From Cofer?

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That's the greatest thing that you can run away from and seek ALLAH subhanaw taala is protection from okay there leak

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leadin Corbelli hem mural was all in Colusa Heron imagine likewise no messenger came to those before them, but they said He's a magician or madmen at our so the balloon call Muto who

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have they the earlier and later generations come to an agreement concerning the accusation. Rather, they are people transgressing beyond bounds.

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Here Allah console's His Messenger SallAllahu Sallam for the rejection of the polytheist, who disbelieve in in him and said abhorrent things concerning him. There are blatantly untrue such views reflect the constant attitude of the evil due to disbelief in the messengers. Allah never sent any messenger but his people accused him of witchcraft or insanity. Las Panatela says Are these views which are which were expressed by the disbelievers both earlier and later generations, something concerning which they have come to an agreement and instructed one another to say, and therefore there is nothing strange in the fact that they agree on this meaningless record as saying it says if

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all of the past nations sat down, colluded, had a big meeting and agreed that this is what we're going to say about all of the prophets, every prophet that came to say mechanization, He's crazy. He's a magician, he's a madman, same thing. All the time. Every single prophet from the time will know how to use time all the way to the time of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and even the basis of their rejection of the prophets will often be the same. Why is the human wise in an angel? How can Allah has wrecked us when we're dead and we're bones in my dust. It's as if Allah is really saying that they sat down despite them being different generations, different nations different languages from different corners of the world. It's as if they all agreed on this approach. And that shows you it. It's fantasy, how false stories, because each one's just repeating the same thing, regurgitating the same thing. No one has a real justification or real evidence against the prophets and messengers of the revelation of Allah azza wa jal, these are just the same

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as that they repeat over and over again. Rather, they are people transgressing beyond balance for their mindset and actions were similar, based on disbelief and overstepping the balance. Therefore, the view therefore, the views that stemmed from their transgression, grip transgression were similar and there was similar why, because in many ways, there are sources one of the same, and that is the bliss. Bliss is the one who was guided them, and he's the one who gave them these ideas. And so, so that's what relation comes with pretty much the same thing is the reality concerning them as Allah subhanaw taala says elsewhere, those who have no knowledge say if only Allah will speak to us or

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some sign would come to us, the people who came before them said something similar, their hearts or, or much, there are the hearts are all much the same. By the same token, the mindset of the believers is similar, because they have submitted to the truth and they seek it and strive for it. They hasten to believe in but venerate and respect their messengers, and they address them in an appropriate manner. Further, we'll learn

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to be mad.

00:31:36 --> 00:31:38

So turn away from them, you are not to blame,

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or that catered for in the claw

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meaning, but continue to exhort them for exaltation benefits to believers, who Allah subhanaw taala enjoined His Messenger SallAllahu Sallam to turn away from those who reject his message and disbelief. So turn away from them, that is do not pay any attention to them and do not rebuke them. rather focus on your own affairs for you. For you are not to blame for their sin, or you're required to do is convey the message and you have discharged your responsibility and conveyed the message with which you were sent, but continue to

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continue continue to exhort them. For the exaltation benefits to believers. exhortation is of two types, the first of which is telling that of which the details are not known. Although is known in general terms through common sense and reasoning. Allah has caused everyone on the basis of common sense, to love good and give presidents to it and to hate you and keep away from it.

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And his laws are in accordance with that. Therefore, all that he enjoys or forbids comes and comes under the heading of exultation. Proper exhortation is to mention the goodness and benefits in wise enjoyed and the harm in which in what is prohibited. The second type of exploitation is to remind the believer to do what is known to them, but they have grown careless, and He dismounted. For that reason, they should be reminded of people repeatedly so that the exploitation will take root in their minds, and they will begin to pay attention to what they are reminded of, thus their energy, motivation and resolve will be renewed, which will make them try to benefit from the exploitation

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and achieve progress. He's the author of Madonna says that when Allah as Richard says, remind the believers for reminding benefits them, he says The reminder is of two types. The first is to remind them about that which they don't know. So that which they ignorant of, or that which they might know, in general terms, because people are created to love that which is good and noble, impure, and to stay away from that which is evil. However, they don't know the details of it. So you teach them and you learn and that's also from the reminder. And the second type of reminder is to remind them of that which they've become heedless of so they knew it, but they forgot about it like all of us

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need a reminder, we need more Quran given more sadaqa pray more often, and so on. These are good reminders because over time people become lazy. People forget people become busy. And so one of the benefits of the hotbeds of Joomla is this to remind people about different parts of their religion, that otherwise they would maybe just forget or they don't give it as much part as they should, especially in periods and times when they're busy. And that's what often the prophets of Allah while he was selling would choose those times and places where the people will be receptive to his message where they would listen. And that's what he'd been mister or the Allah one from his wisdom and his

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knowledge as the self often used to do is he wouldn't narrate to people for a number of days, sometimes we wouldn't teach them then you would only teach them two or three Hadith and stop. They should say OB Misra give us more. He said I do as the Prophet did sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sometimes he would leave us because they feared that it would be too much for us because you give someone too much too much too much unless they formally studying and they want to learn that's different. But otherwise the general people you just keep telling them they just become upset that you always honest you're just talking to us you always reminding us you're always constantly on our

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backs. People don't like that way. So the Sharia says come for the Friday hot

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But that's your weekly reminder. Or sometimes here on there, the Imam finds an opportunity he speaks with someone else's in a gallery setting, like a funeral, for example. There's a reason the purpose for it and then you remind people, but that's also from the reminder that Allah azza wa jal enjoins upon us. Allah tells us the exaltation benefits of believers, because, well, they have a faith and fear of Allah. And they're constantly turning to him and seeking His pleasure allows them to benefit from their minor it makes the exploitation more effective in this case. This is like the verses in which Allah subhanaw taala says, So remind people, it's a reminder, if the reminder or benefit will

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be of benefit, the one who feels alone will pay heed, while the rest will avoid it.

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As for those who do not have faith, and are not prepared to pay heed to the exhortation

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they will not benefit from it. This is like the salty ground that does not benefit at all from the rain, even if their sign

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even if every sign were to come to this type of people, they would not believe until they see the painful punishment with their own eyes.

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Warmer why not go to Jean

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Lally our boys who

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have not created the gene and, and humans except to worship me.

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What do you mean, military's doing what

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we do as

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a signal provision from them, nor do I want them to feed me

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in law, who was

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watching my thing, indeed is Allah Who the provider Lord of Might, the powerful this is the purpose for which Allah created the jinn and humankind and sent all the messengers to call to, to Namie to worship Him alone, which implies knowing him loving Him, turning to him and turning away from all of this, that implies, knowing him for worshiping property depends on knowing Allah. In fact, the more a person knows his Lord, the more perfect his worship will be. This the purpose for which Allah created those who are accountable, he did not create them out of any need for them on his part in this verse, as you know, is the verse that speaks them for the reason for creation of mankind and

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the jinn. Allah is there's only created me and you for one purpose, our greatest, most noble, most important purpose is the worship of Allah subhanaw taala. And everything else is secondary to that and it comes beneath that. So your responsibilities to your family, to your children, to your spouses to your parents. It is all part of the worship that you have for ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada being a person who can bring an income getting a job studies, all of these things for the believer should come under that banner of worshipping Allah subhana wa Tada. That is the greatest and most noblest thing that a person can do to be a servant of Allah. Allah does not want any provision from them,

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and He does not want them to feed him, exalted be Allah, they are self sufficient, who has no need of anyone in any way. Rather, all creatures are in need of Him for all their needs and essential necessities even though even though Allah azza wa jal created us for His worship, Allah has no need for us. Allah didn't create us because he needed us and Allah azza wa jal, even though he enjoined his worship upon us, it's not because he needs that, what he benefits from it or he gains anything from it or increases in his kingdom through it. For other we are the ones that benefit. We are the ones that Allah azza wa jal rewards and has mercy upon we are the ones that Allah azza wa jal

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blesses. So Allah subhanaw taala has read the next verse, He will say Allah is a Razzak. He's the one that provides everyone he doesn't need any one doesn't need anything. He is Almighty, all powerful. And he says, Indeed is Allah who is a provider that is given abundant provision. There is no creature that lives on the earth, but he sustenance is guaranteed by Allah, He knows his dwelling place and is resting place. Lord of mind, the powerful there is the one who possesses all strength in mind, who brought all three entities in the upper and lower realm into being by that power and affirms both apparent and power. By that power and all affairs, both apparent and hidden, are

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controlled and His will is done in our realm, in all realms. Whatever Allah wills happens, and whatever he does not will does not happen. No one can flee from him or escape his authority. By his mind, he causes His provision to reach all the worlds by his mind and strength, He will resurrect the dead after their bodies have disintegrated, and their dust has been scattered by the winds, or they have been devoured by birds and wild animals scattered in the fall rich in the far reaches of the world in this and in the depths of the sea. No one can escape him.

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He knows what the earth consumes of them, Glory beat them to the most strong, the powerful for in early learning of Allah muda nuvem. Miss leathan will be else having him finalize strategy.

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Very those who do wrong have a share of punishment, like that of their count.

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apostle among the earliest among the earlier nations, so let them not ask me tasting it that way levena Cafaro Mee Mee Haman levy you I do so well to the disbelievers from the day of theirs, from that day of theirs which they are promised, there is those who do wrong and reject Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who have a share of punishment like that which was sent upon their counterparts among earlier wrongdoers and disbelievers. So let them not ask me to hasten it. Namely, the punishment for the way of Allah is in dealing with the punish with the nations is always the same. Every disbeliever persists in his disbelief without repenting and turning back to Allah will

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inevitably be afflicted with a punishment, even if it is delayed for a while. And Allah warned them of the Day of Resurrection, saying, so whoa to the disbelievers from that day of theirs which they are promised, for that is Day of Resurrection, on which all kinds of punishment vengeance, chains and fetters are promised that they will have no hopper and no one to save them from the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala We seek refuge with Allah from

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this the end of the commentary of school today yet our praise and thanks for Allah and May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, his family and his companions abundantly until the Day of Judgment, we now come to the 52nd Surah of the Quran and that is Surah door. So

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and Surah board is the surah number this name of Dora and it is the name that it is known and mentioned in the early books of TCM and the books of the Sunnah. And it is a murky Surah according to the vast majority of the scholars of their seal, as reported from him an ambassador of the Allah Hanuman others and ought to be antibiotic and other set is by consensus of the scholars that they've seen. And it consists of 49 verses, and was also mentioned in the Sunnah, in one or two different ways from them is the hydroperoxide Buhari eligibility been wondering about the Allahu Akbar before he became a Muslim. He was one of the prisoners of war on the battle of butter. He was one of the

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people that were captured and imprisoned on the day of budder. And he says that I heard the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, Li companion

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this he heard he said that I heard the prophets of Allah while he was sent him lead the companions in solitude. Maghrib and he read from so poor, he read from Surah to Torah, listen when I had the surah it's when Eman first entered into my heart and he would as we know it from become a Muslim.

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Bismillah here like Manuel,

00:42:38 --> 00:43:02

in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, what to oh, by Mount Sinai, Wakita misto and buy a book inscribe fear of mercial on an unfulfilled parchment, whether it be eating metal Malmo

00:43:04 --> 00:43:29

and by the much frequented house was circle feeding model for and by the canopy of Heaven raised high, while by hitting miss you, and by the sea kept filled in there but I'll be killer while they are, rarely the punishment of your Lord will surely come to pass. Man who mean fear there is no There is none who can avert it.

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your alma mater muchos

00:43:35 --> 00:43:40

Mangalore on the day when the heaven will converse integrate convulsion

00:43:42 --> 00:43:45

What does you know say you're

00:43:47 --> 00:43:49

in the mountains movement and pass away

00:44:06 --> 00:44:09

in the mountains and move the mountain and the mountain move and pass away

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away you know, young man eating animal cat

00:44:19 --> 00:44:22

then Whoa, that then Whoa that Day to the deniers

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a levena V holding a libel on those who amuse themselves with vain discourse.

00:44:35 --> 00:44:40

Young man Yoda or not you learn early Jehan amoda.

00:44:42 --> 00:44:45

On the Day when they are shoved forcibly towards the fire of *.

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32 B, two v one will be set to them. This is the fire which used to we used to deny it

00:45:01 --> 00:45:03

FSC Ron had

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to learn to those two. So is this magic or can you not see?

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It slow her for severe too bureau.

00:45:21 --> 00:45:22

Bureau so

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Nyla Yquem. In Arizona

00:45:31 --> 00:46:12

burn they're in whether you bear it patiently or not, it will make no difference to you, you will be required only for what you used to do. Here Allah swears by these great things that are based on immense wisdom, to the truth of the resurrection and the required of the pious and the this, the pious and the disbelievers. He swears by Mount Sinai, which is the mountain on which Allah spoke to His Prophet Musa had been in Milan and SRM and revealed what he revealed him of rulings. This is pointing out the greatness the great blessings that Allah bestowed upon him and his nation, as the blessings of Allah cannot be appreciated fully or evaluated properly, for they are beyond measure.

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Allah subhanaw taala mentions here the mention of a door and the measure of a Torah zero is the mountain that the Prophet Mousavi salatu salam received revelation upon not taught in Arabic language means a mountain that has greenery in it has greenery that is growing upon its peak, that is an Arabic language or a tool refers to and it's also mentioned in the Sunnah, because when the people of your George and George will come out the nation of Judah module image, and he Saudi salatu salam will be taught by Allah to take the believers and to go to a board to seek shelter in the mountain of thought. And by a book inscribed, it may be that what is meant is a local manifold in

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which Allah has written all things or maybe was meant, it may be that what is meant is the Holy Quran, which is the best book that Allah sent down, containing the stories and knowledge of the earlier later generations. On an unfolded parchment that is open unconcealed pages, the nature of which is not hidden from anyone who is rational and has insight.

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And by the much frequented house, this refers to the house that is above the seventh heaven, that is frequented at all times by the noble Angels everyday 70,000 Angels enter worshipping the worshiping the Lord they're in, then they will never return to wait until the day of resurrection. And it was suggested that the much frequented house is a sacred house of Allah the Kaaba, which is frequented by those who circumambulate pray and remember Allah at all times, and by the delegations who come to it for Hajj and Umrah as Allah swore by elsewhere. Allah azza wa jal says we'll be more than the author who mentioned the Hadith in the sai Hain Bukhari and Muslim about the angels it is the house

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of Allah azza wa jal, the house of Allah in the heavens that the angels come to, and they enter and they worship Allah azza wa jal, they are in and they leave. And then another batch of angels comes, and the first group will never return to it again, meaning every day, a new group of angels visits and visits and visits to show you the immense number of angels that are the question of Allah subhanaw taala. And some of the scholars would have said, No, it's referring to the karma, because the carbon is always frequented with worship, every time especially now turn on the TV. anytime of the day and night this people make him throw off making worship at the car, but it's never something

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which is left empty. And so you have both positions but the more well known position is the first that is referring to the car above the heavens, in by this secure city. Maccha such a house that is the best on Earth. That is a destination for anyone who goes for Umrah or Hajj, which is one of the pillars of Islam without Islam, without which Islam cannot be complete. And that was built by Ibrahim Ismail. And Allah made it a focal point for the people and the sanctuary deserves that Allah that Allah should swear by and highlight of his greatness and sanctity, who is appropriate to it, and by the canopy of Heaven raise high, that is the sky which Allah has made a canopy for all

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creatures and the roof for the earth, from which light is received by the markers and lights of which people navigate and from which Allah sends down rain, mercy and all kinds of provision. And as we've mentioned before, look at the beginning of this surah Allah subhanaw taala is going to mention signs, both of the times that are found within the Quran, science concerning revelation, science concerning creation. And as we've said before, Allah azza wa jal always begins with revelation before creation. Allah begins with the mount of Sinai, which is where Allah revealed the Torah, and then the book, and then the unfurl parchments and then the Karma, these are all signs of Allah's

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revelation. And then Allah Azza wa Jinnah was speaking about creation about the heavens and the season so, in by the sea kept filled, that is filled with water which Allah has contained and prevented from overflowing and swapping them

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Land, even though by nature should over, it should cover the entire face of the earth. By His wisdom dictated that he should prevent it from flowing freely and flooding the land, so that all kinds of creatures can live on the face of the earth. It was also suggested that was meant by MyStore translate here as kept field is set on fire, which will happen on the Day of Resurrection, so become a raging fire that is filled in all its in all its greatness investors with all kinds of torment because Allah azza wa jal says elsewhere will be how to suit JIRA.

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So Jira, and so it comes from the same root word. And sewage rot means that they will be turned ablaze on the day of judgment to season the oceans will run dry, Allah will set them on fire, all of the water will dissipate from them, so they will become dry beds of land because the whole earth will be flat on that day. The fact that Allah swears by these things indicates that they are among the sons of Allah and offer evidence and proof of his oneness and might, and that He will resurrect the dead. And he says, Verily the punishment of your Lord will surely come to pass. That is, it will inevitably happen for Allah does not break his promise for his word, there is no new converted, or

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warded off and there is no impediment that can prevent it. Because no one can resist or escape the amount of a loss out of the Allah. Then Allah describes the describes that day on which the punishment will come to pass on the day when the heaven will converse integrate conversion. That is, the heavens will rotate in turmoil continuously moving in a chaotic fashion and not remaining still in the mountains move and pass away.

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That is they will shift from their places and move like clouds, changing color, then they will crumble, crumble and become like scattered dust. All of that will be due to the immense fear and terrible events of the day of resurrection, and the turmoil and have all that will cause his disturbance to these great entities. So how about people human beings, then will that Day to the deniers The word translated here as well, is a word that encompasses our punishment, grief, torment and fear. The word whale whale, which will often translate in English as well, in Arabic language the scholars will see is different as to exactly what it means. That's why the author brings all of

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the different positions that they had. Some of them said that it's a term of grief. Some of them said there is a term of punishment and destruction. Some of them said that it is a valley in the fire. It is the name of one of the punishments of the fires called Wayne. And so either way, they're similar in terms of meaning that it is a statement that is used to show destruction and punishment. And Allah describes the deniers who are deserving of Whoa, those who amuse themselves with vain discourse that has discourse about falsehood with which they amuse themselves, their knowledge and learning is aimed at the pursuit of harmful types of knowledge, for the purpose of rejecting the

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truth and confirming falsehood. There. These are the deeds of people of ignorance, foolishness, and it'll pursuits, idle pursuits, in contrast to the to the way of the people of faith, who pursue beneficial knowledge, and righteous deeds, on the day when they are shoved forcibly towards the fire of *. That is, on the day, when they are pushed harshly and driven violently towards it, dragged on their faces, it will be sent to them by wherever you can blame this the fire which used to deny, so today it is eternal punishment with which no one no one could estimate or describe. So is this magic? Or can you not see, it may be that this refers to the punch to the fire and the punishment,

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as indicated by the context? In other words, when they see the fire and punishment, it will be said to them by way of rebuke. Is this magic that that has no reality for you? For you can see it? Or did you not see when you are in the world? In other words, do you have no insight or knowledge? And were you ignorant of this matter for which no proof was established for you, meaning that they will be set to the disbelievers when they see the fire is this magic? Because this is how they would often respond to revelation in the dunya. When the messengers would come and the prophets would come in the Quran was recited, they would say it's magic. So no one no one clear man, when they see the

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fire, Allah will say, Is this also magic? Because the meaning of magic is what? That it's false. It's not true, it's not going to happen. And so Allah will say to them on the Day of Judgment, when they see the fire, is this also magic. And so it's a way of rubric for them to use the same reasoning and the same mindset that they had to use it against him on the day of judgment, their response in both cases is in the negative. As for the idea of it being magic, it will become clear to them that is the truth of truths, which is contrary to magic in all respects. As for the idea of them not seeing that is not the case, rather, the proof of Allah was established against them, and

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the messengers called them to believe in that establishing evidence and proof to the effect that made the hereafter and punishment.

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One of the issues that had the most proof and clearest evidence within the law sort of says or do you not see it? Obviously, they will see the file, but just as in the dunya they, even though they saw

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The props are sending them and they heard the revelation and they saw the signs of Allah they ignored them, they were heedless of them. So then Allah azza wa jal is using the way that they responded to his revelation against them on Yeoman PM. Or maybe that the question, so is this magic or can you not see, refers to what the messenger SallAllahu Sallam brought of clear truths of clear truth and the straight path? In other words, was a message brought by Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam magic? Or is a that you could not see. So the extent that to the extent that you were confused, in fact, his message is the clearest and truest of all things, and the proof of Allah has been

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established against them. So when Allah azza wa jal says to them, is this magic? What is this referring to? Is this magic? What what's magic? Either it's the law is really saying to them on the day of judgment about the fire? Do you think that the fire you can see before you is magic, or is rebuking them for the way that they rejected the prophets of Allah while he was selling? Do you still believe it was magic? What he brought to you? Do you still believe that his words is riveted? The Revelation we gave him was magic, and both of these meanings are correct? Allah Azza rebukes them for the disbelief in the dunya rebukes them on the Day of Judgment because now they're going to

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enter into the fire burned there in dies into the fire, so that it may envelope you and contain your physical being from other directions.

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And whether you bear it patiently or not, it will make no difference to you, that is patients will not benefit you in the fire and you will not be able to console one another. punishment will not be elevated for you for is not one of the things of which the intensity, the intensity will diminish. If it is born with patients

00:56:42 --> 00:56:47

that will happen to them because of their evil deeds. Hence the law says you will be required only for what you used to do

00:56:48 --> 00:56:54

in Turkey Nephi Jun two

00:56:55 --> 00:56:57

very The righteous will be a miss guardians and bless

00:56:59 --> 00:57:00

Burkina Bhima

00:57:03 --> 00:57:17

boom well, we'll call him Rob boom either battle jacking, enjoying what the Lord has has bestowed upon them, and the Lord was have saved them from the punishment of the blazing Fire Kulu Ashura boo honey

00:57:19 --> 00:57:20


00:57:21 --> 00:57:29

mon will be sent to them eat and drink with enjoyment as a reward for your good deeds as a reward for your deeds. Taking in

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most food was a word Jana, behold.

00:57:38 --> 00:58:15

There will be reclining on couches, arranged in rows and we will marry them to fair companions with big beautiful eyes. Have you mentioned the punishment of the deniers Allah now mentioned the bliss of the righteous in order to combine encouragement and warning and so that people's hearts may be in a state between fear and hope. Therefore, he says fairly The righteous will fear the Lord and feared his wrath and punishment by taking measures that could protect them against it by complying with commands and heating prohibitions will be a mix gardens that are filled with Long Branch trees, flowing rivers, lofty palaces, and adorned dwellings and bless which includes all psychological,

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spiritual and physical delight, enjoying what their lord has bestowed upon them, that is amazed by enjoying with delight and happiness what their Lord has granted them of indescribable blessings. For no soul knows what has been kept hidden for them of delight. Allah protected them from the punishment of * granted them what they loved and save them from what they fear, because they did what they did that which Allah loves and they avoided that which encouraged, encourages, encourages rough, it will be set to them, eat and drink, that is whatever you desire of all types of delicious food and drink with enjoyment there is enjoying that food and drink with joy, happiness and pleasure

00:58:55 --> 00:58:57

as a reward for your deeds. That is

00:58:58 --> 00:59:38

that is you have attained this because of your good deeds and good work and good words. There will be reclining on couches arranged in rows was meant by the word translate here as reclining is sitting in firmly resting in a relaxed and settled manner. The word translated as couches refers to couches that are adorned with all kinds of adornment such as fine cloth and beautiful upholstery. Be what sort of surreal is a couch that is extended? So strange that you can stretch your legs upon someone like the couches, we have a home, which just places where you can really sit pulled over for your legs, your legs on the floor on the ground. Now, the salaried and that's what a lot of good

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uses the word we're taking in the leaning back, you didn't back and you stretch your legs. So then the most comfortable of positions. So they lean back, they're sitting but they're reclining and the legs are outstretched so they're extremely comfortable.

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Allah describes the crutches as being arranged in rows so as to indicate that they are numerous and well organized and the people sitting on them or together and have

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be treating one another kindly and speaking gently, speaking gentle words to one another, when they have all that, that may delight them, or so Allah with all kinds of physical delights such as, have never crossed people's minds and cannot be described, have delicious food and drink and present gatherings in a beautiful place. There's nothing left except to enjoy physical pleasures with women, without whom happiness cannot be complete.

01:00:26 --> 01:00:59

Therefore, Allah tells us that they will have wives who are the most perfect of women, both physically and an attitude hence ease hence, he says, We will marry them to fair companies with big blue for us is a women's who women who combined beauty and glamour of outward form with the best attitude and character, their beauty would dazzle the onlookers and astound people, and they will be impatient to meet them and long to talk to them. The word translator here as referring to them having big beautiful eyes refers to the beauty of, of eyes, of which the white and black pots are very clear and pure,

01:01:00 --> 01:01:14

while letting them and what about whom glory to whom the man in happens to be him, Be Iman in El Hapana be him to the woman.

01:01:15 --> 01:01:17

Now, normally,

01:01:19 --> 01:01:21

she could

01:01:22 --> 01:01:23

be my guest.

01:01:25 --> 01:01:39

For those who believe and whose offspring follow them in faith, we will cause the offspring to join them and we will and we will not detract anything from the reward of their good deeds. Every person is held in, in pledge for what he earns will then

01:01:40 --> 01:01:43

be back yet you mean

01:01:44 --> 01:01:46

Master who

01:01:47 --> 01:01:57

will provide them with fruit and meat such as they desire. Yet another Nephi Hakka son, la vie Hawala.

01:02:00 --> 01:02:06

There they will pass around a cup of wine which will not lead to any idle talk or sin.

01:02:08 --> 01:02:12

Well to fly lay him Let him know him get

01:02:13 --> 01:02:16

low Maknoon.

01:02:18 --> 01:02:25

There will circulate among them seven boys of theirs, as if they are pearls carefully got carefully guarded.

01:02:26 --> 01:02:30

What I call Bella Bow Bow Humala about me.

01:02:34 --> 01:02:46

They will turn to one another with questions or two in question. Pablo V. Lena was filthy.

01:02:47 --> 01:02:53

They will say when we were living before among ArcInfo kinfolk we were afraid of Allah's punishment.

01:02:55 --> 01:03:01

By men Allah whining now I walk on either but some.

01:03:02 --> 01:03:07

Therefore Allah has Allah was gracious to us and protected us from the punishment of the scorching fire.

01:03:08 --> 01:03:09


01:03:11 --> 01:03:18

mu. Baba Luna do in now who will be walking

01:03:21 --> 01:03:28

rarely used to call upon him before, where he is the beneficiary, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

01:03:29 --> 01:04:08

This part of the perfect bliss of the people of paradise Allah will cause to join them there have a lower cause to join them their offspring who follow them in faith, Allah will cause these offspring to reach their parents level in paradise, even though their deeds were not sufficient to reach their parents level and an increased reward for their parents. Moreover, moreover, that will not detract from the good deeds of the parents in the slightest. This is one of the amazing verses that shows one of the benefits and the rewards of a family being upon Eman, parents and children. Allah azza wa jal says that if the parents as you've not been said to conditions are mentioned here, the first is

01:04:08 --> 01:04:43

that the parents are upon Eman. Parents are believers. And the second condition is that the children follow them in Eman. If in Jannah. The parents are of a higher level they have greater deeds, higher Eman that have a higher level and the children are a lower level. Allah azza wa jal raised the station of the children and reunite them with their parents. Why? Because the parents will say that will allow we can enjoy Jana. Once we can't see our children. They're on a different level that are different. And so Allah azza wa jal we reunite them from his mercy and as he been cathedra Allah Tada said, they were children offspring here refers to all your children irrespective of their age

01:04:43 --> 01:05:00

when they died. So even though some of them live to adulthood, they will all for you. They're still your children. So Allah azza wa jal will reunite people with their offspring in Jannah. And Allah Azza dimensions parents first and foremost, and then children because the general principle generally speaking about the general

01:05:00 --> 01:05:36

predictions is that the generation that comes before is better than the generation that comes after. As the Prophet told Hassan Allahu Allah He was saying that the closer the time it gets to piano than there was of people also generally speaking, every generation that is earlier generally speaking is better. And the later the generation, the more distant they are from Allah subhanaw taala. So the Companions better than Toby read the tab even better than that pal tabulating, even though you may have individual cases within all of those generations, where the children are better than the parents. The children are the ones that would strongly Eman, more deeds higher Eman than their

01:05:36 --> 01:06:12

parents, their parents didn't have maybe as much knowledge or do as much good. And so the, some of the scholars said that Allah's mercy will be that it will work both ways. So even if the children have a higher level that Allah azza wa jal will elevate their parents towards them and Allah knows best. But either way, it shows Allah azza wa jal demons, mercy and Yeoman piano for the people of Ghana, that Allah subhanaw taala in every way that will give them some reward and comfort that will give them bliss and blessing. Allah azza wa jal will give it to them. Because some may imagine that the same is applicable to the people of *, and that Allah will cause the offspring of parents who

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join them. Allah tells us that the rulings governing the two realms are not the same. * is the realm of justice and part of Allah's justice is that he does not punish anyone except for his own sin. And He says, Every person is held in pledge for what he earns, so and also will bear the burden of another and the sins of one person will not be borne by another. This is adding a further comment in order to remove any misunderstanding and we will provide them that is we will provide to the people of Paradise from our abundant bounty and provision fruit such as grapes, pomegranates, apples and more types of delicious fruits that are essential for nourishment, and meat, such as they desire

01:06:52 --> 01:07:15

of all that of all that they may request and one such as the flesh of flowers and other kinds of meat. There they will pass around a cup, this is cups of nectar and wine will circulate among them, and they will pass them to one another, and immortal servant boys will circulate among them with cups and jugs, which will not lead to any idle talk or sin. That is,

01:07:17 --> 01:07:51

there is no idle talk in Paradise which is taught in which there is no benefit, there will no be and there will be no sin which is that in which there is no there is disobedience to Allah. As these two things are rolled out. A third manner is proven, which is that they're talking Paradise will all be good and pure bring joy and happiness to hearts and souls. They will treat one another in the best manner, exchanging the best conversation and they will not hear from their Lord anything but that which will bring them the light and will indicate that He is pleased with them and love them. But Allah subhanaw taala doesn't say about the people of Jana, that they will only speak what is good.

01:07:52 --> 01:08:30

Rather he does the opposite and indicates what they want speaking, which only leaves good because that's more eloquent if you say someone only speaks good, can only speak can he also speak evil? Yeah, he can speak evil someone's generally speaks good. Sometimes they speak evil as well. Previously, someone never speaks evil. never does anything which is displeasing to Allah never speaks about anything which there is no benefit and all that is left is that which is good, so Allah azza wa jal negates rather than affirming because in the negation it is more eloquent, doesn't leave any scope for the possibility of there being anything which is not worthy of being in Jannah. There

01:08:30 --> 01:09:06

will circulate among them seven boys of theirs, as if they are pearls carefully guarded because of their beauty, they will go around to serve them and meet all their needs. This is indicative of many abundant blessings and perfect comfort, they will turn to one another with questions about the affairs of the previous world and what happened. They will say describing what brought them to the this place of joy and happiness in which they find themselves. When we were living before in the previous world among our kinfolk for kinsfolk we were afraid of Allah's punishment. That is, we, we were afraid and apprehensive. So we refrain from saying our fear of him, and we corrected our

01:09:06 --> 01:09:39

faults. So this verse shows that the people of Jannah will remember the dunya they will have memories of the dunya because these people are saying before in the world, we lived in the fear of Allah subhanaw taala. So they would have memories of the dunya and Allah azza wa jal would allow them to remember some of that which they did. And Allah knows best how much and how much of it they will remember but the general Hadith and human glioma show that even when it comes to the accounting, people will remember everything that they did in the dunya. Now me and you forget our nature is we do something today by tomorrow, we forgotten what we did, especially the small stuff.

01:09:39 --> 01:10:00

But on normal piano, everyone will remember everything because when Allah holds them to account, they will agree and they will confirm that which is found within their record of deeds. So Allah knows best, however, shows that people have memories and also what it shows is that if there is benefit in just general talk, meaning you're sitting with a group of people, you're reminiscing about things

01:10:00 --> 01:10:33

that you did in your childhood or things as long as there's no harm involved, it's permissible as Job would have been somewhat the Allah one narrated that they used to sit the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and some of them would be speaking poetry, or reciting poetry, and others would be reminiscing of the days or Germania, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would sit with them and he would smile with them. So times, we reminisce and as long as there's nothing haram on, okay for you to remember the olden days, and your memories are sitting with your friends, or your siblings or people that remember, it's permissible, and that's also something which

01:10:33 --> 01:11:06

the people of Ghana will do. Therefore, Allah was gracious to us, and He guided us and protected us from the curse of the squashy fire that is the poetry of severe he rarely, we used to call upon Him before asking him to protect us from the poetry of the scorching fire and cause us to attain bliss. This includes a supplication of worship and the supplication of ASCII. In other words, we kept trying to draw close to Him by doing all kinds of acts of worship and calling upon by all times, rarely is the Beneficent, the Most Merciful, and part of his beneficent adversity towards us is that he calls us to attain his pleasure and reach paradise, a protected us from His wrath in the fire of

01:11:06 --> 01:11:37

*. I look at what these people have given us see, what an amazing lesson that people have Jana, they've seen the dunya we used to fear Allah, we feared Allah and His punishment. So what did they do? What does Allah say? So we turned to him in Doha, so they fear made them do what act caused them to make very bad the worship Allah we do our to Allah called upon Allah, Oh Allah save us from that which we fear see was from your punishment and so Allah subhanaw taala answer the supplications by that good if

01:11:39 --> 01:12:14

there be any mercy or BK BK he knew when imagine, Sophie, so keep reminding them or Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam for the grace of your Lord. You are neither a soothsayer nor madmen, Amir Paulo Nasha Ioan bas will be here Roy Bellman or do they say he is a poet? We are waiting for some misfortune to before him will tell Rob bezel fat in American minimoto Rob bearson Say wait then I'm waiting with you.

01:12:16 --> 01:12:30

I'm debt model home Lambo whom we had a moon common law Hone? Is it the reasoning that prompts them to say this or are they people transgressing beyond balance?

01:12:32 --> 01:12:37

Amir kulula Taco Bell, you may know

01:12:40 --> 01:12:45

or do they say he has made the Quran up himself? Whether they are not willing to believe

01:12:47 --> 01:12:52

failure to be highly thing Miss Lee he

01:12:53 --> 01:12:59

can also do your thing and let them produce a discourse like if they are telling the truth.

01:13:02 --> 01:13:05

Am holy I mean why Rishi in

01:13:06 --> 01:13:16

Baku? On where they created by nothing or where they create themselves the creators a MHADA co semer Where do you

01:13:17 --> 01:13:19

bet you thinking?

01:13:21 --> 01:13:29

Or did they create the heavens in the earth rather they like they lack certainty of faith and my home because

01:13:30 --> 01:13:35

you know Rob became Musa you too?

01:13:36 --> 01:13:43

Or do they possess the treasures the treasuries of your Lord? Or do they rule supreme? Am law Holmes will

01:13:45 --> 01:13:57

stem your own Fe fellow yet demons stem era whom is falling moving? Do they have a means of ascending to heaven in order to listen to those on high?

01:13:59 --> 01:14:02

Then let their listener produce clear proof?

01:14:04 --> 01:14:13

Am level burner to burnin does he have daughters while you have sons? I'm just add your

01:14:18 --> 01:14:18


01:14:21 --> 01:14:26

Or is it that you are asking them for recompense which they find too burdensome?

01:14:28 --> 01:14:33

Am I and evolution label for whom yet to

01:14:34 --> 01:14:37

or do they have knowledge of the Unseen which they are writing down?

01:14:38 --> 01:14:45

Am Muti Duna que the fillerina cafardo moon monkey

01:14:47 --> 01:14:59

or do they intend a plot against you? Are Mohamed Salah Salem, but it's those who disbelieve who will be awaited. A Mullah whom Isla Whom are you Allah Subhana Allah here

01:15:00 --> 01:15:39

I'm usually Gu or do they have a god other than Allah, Glory be to Allah for Exalted is He above having the partners they ascribe to him? He Allah subhanaw taala instructs his messenger Allah salam to remind the people both Muslims and disbelievers, so as to establish the proof of Allah against the wrongdoers, and so that the 14th so that the fortunate will be guided by this reminder, and he tells him that he should not pay any attention to the words and annoyance of the disbelieving polytheists. And what they say to bar people from following him, even though they know that he is the furthest removed, he is the furthest removed of all people from what they accuse him of. Hence,

01:15:39 --> 01:16:22

Allah declared him to be above any of the accusations that they made against him. As he said, For by the grace of your Lord, that is his kindness and favor, you are neither say sewer, a soothsayer, who has a genie with him, he communicates and who brings him some news of the unseen adding to it 100 lies, nor madmen has lost his mind. Rather, you are the most rational of people and the most mature and thinking and the furthest removed from the devils. You are the most truthful of people, and the most perfect indignity. And sometimes they say of Him, that He is a poet who composes poetry. And what he has brought is poetry. But Allah says, We have not taught him the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

01:16:22 --> 01:16:56

poetry, nor could he ever been, could he ever have been a poet. And this is something which the college also you have attributes of Allah while he was certain that he wasn't a poet. And he was even while Western poetry. And sometimes he will recite poetry stand alone where it will send him and he would get the word mixed up, because poetry is all about the rhyme. And the skill of poetry that's used in Arabic language. So he would sometimes mix it up and the Companions would correct him said aloud, he will send them even though at times, he would report me he would recite poetry, and he would like poetry. And sometimes you would read the portrayal Abdullah and Rwanda for the Allahu

01:16:56 --> 01:17:35

Anhu has certainly been founded by the Allah Wang. And sometimes you ask the companions to, to recite some of the poetry of pre Islam. But just because he liked poetry, and he understood some poetry and he could see a few words of poetry to make him a poet, because the prophets are Allahu Allah, some Allah saved him from this so that this accusation that would be made, would be known to be false. We're waiting for Mr. Surfacer misfortune to before him that is, we're waiting for him to die. For then his car will come to an end and we will be we will be rid of him. So say to them in response to these foolish words. Wait, then, that is wait for me to die waiting with you, waiting

01:17:35 --> 01:17:48

for Allah to afflict you with punishment either directly from him or our or our heads? Is the reasoning that prompts them to say this, or are they a people transgressing beyond bounds?

01:17:49 --> 01:18:23

That is that this rejection of you and what they say stem from their reasoning and rational thinking, what bad reasoning is that lead to such a conclusion and outcome through a loss of parameter you can see in all of these verses in this passage, it is question after question of the question. These people that rejected Islam rejected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Quran, why have they turned away? And Allah azza wa jal is asking these rhetorical questions, rhetorical, because the answer to all of them is that they have no power besides Allah, they have nothing to claim besides Allah. But Allah Allah is asking them what is it that you're turning away

01:18:23 --> 01:19:05

from? So this is one of them? What is it that making you turn away from Him? For no doubt, reasoning that concluded that the most perfect of people in reason was insane, and deemed the most truthful of truth as a lie and falsehood is indeed reasoning of a level two, which even the insane will not sink? Or is it that what made them reach this conclusion? Was there wrongdoing and transgression? This is in fact, why is for transgression, for transgression knows no limit. So such words and these are not surprising on the part of the Transgressor who goes beyond or balance or do they say he has made the Quran up himself? There is do they say that Mohamed Salah Salem has made up the Quran of

01:19:05 --> 01:19:36

his own accord, rather, they are not willing to believe for if they believe they will not say such things, then let them produce a discourse like it, you are telling them if they are telling if they are telling the truth, when they say that he made it up for you or eloquent and well spoken arrowed. And you have been challenged to produce something like this, you will prove you will either prove your point or if you fell, you will, you will confirm that is a truth and that even if you all came together humans and jinn, you will not be able to reduce the lack of it.

01:19:37 --> 01:19:56

Therefore you are, you are left with two choices. Either you may believe in it and follow His guidance or you can stubbornly persistent following what you know a falsehood, whether created by nothing or they created where they themselves are the creators. This is an art given against them by presenting the argument that leaves them with no choice but to submit to it.

01:19:57 --> 01:19:59

Or to go beyond the framework of reason and

01:20:00 --> 01:20:36

religious teachings and thus demonstrate how lost they are. To explain further, they deny the Oneness of Allah who reject His messenger, Allah Salam, which leads to denying that denying that Allah created them, but is well established on the basis of reason, as well as religious teaching. With regard to the issue of creation, there are only one of three scenarios may apply, either they were created by nothing in order, or, in other words, there is no Creator who created them. Rather they came into existence without anyone to bring them into existence which is impossible, or they created themselves which is also impossible, because it cannot be imagined that they brought

01:20:36 --> 01:21:13

themselves into existence. Having ruled out these two scenarios, as is clear that they are impossible, it becomes clear that the only answer the only answer is the third scenario, which is that is Allah Who created them, Once that is established, is know that Allah subhanaw taala is the only one who is deserving of worship. The only one to worship should be devoted and it is not right or proper to worship any except him, or did they create the heavens and the earth? This is a question which indicates that they did not do that. In other words, they did not create the heavens and the earth because in that case, they would be partners with Allah. This is very clear. But the

01:21:13 --> 01:21:50

disbelievers lack certainty of faith, that is they do not have proper knowledge or any certainty that would make them benefit from the from the textual and rational evidence and it was these verses verses 35 and 36. On the hadith of Gibreel, even more time from the Allah Allah We mentioned at the beginning of the trip zero the surah. They said as these verses that I had the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reciting Surah, to dawn, and Iman entered into my heart, where they created from nothing, or did they create themselves? Or who created the heavens and the earth, but rather they have no certainty? He says, that is when Eman first entered into my heart. Oh, do they possess the

01:21:50 --> 01:22:29

treasuries of your Lord? Or do they roll supreme that is to these disbelievers for this possess the Treasuries of Your Lord man, the Lord's mercy so that they may give it to whomever they wish and withhold it from whomever they want. So that is why they wanted to prevent Allah from bestowing Prophet upon his slave and messenger Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, as if they were in charge of that of the treasuries of Allah's mercy, where they are too insignificant for that, for they have no power to benefit or harm themselves, or to cause death give life or resurrect, is a who distribute the Blessings of your Lord, is we who distribute their livelihood above them in the life of this

01:22:29 --> 01:23:05

world, or do they rule supreme? That is, do they have authority over the creation and dominion of Allah Bobby's a force and strength that is not so rather they are helpless and weak? Do they have a means of ascending to heaven to heaven in order to listen to those on high that is, do they have the ability to find out about the unseen and this is to those who are high, so that they are told about bearers that no one else those that let their listeners they let the listener who makes that claim produce clear proof, but where will he get that from? Allah subhanaw taala is the law of the earth seed and the seat and he does not allow anyone to learn about the seat except the messengers with

01:23:05 --> 01:23:40

whom he is pleased, who he tells whatever he was, because Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is the best and most knowledgeable of the messengers and their leader and is the one who conveyed whatever he was told about the Oneness of Allah has promised a warning and other matters of truth, whereas the deniers are the people of ignorance, misguided transgression, and stubbornness, Then which of the two parties is more deserving of having their word accepted? Especially since the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has established proof and evidence for what he said, which makes what he said is something very certain, and most truthful.

01:23:41 --> 01:24:16

Whereas they have no established well, they have not established any argument for the claims, let alone clear proof. Does he have daughters as you claim, well, you have sons. Thus you combine two mistakes by ascribing offering to Him and choosing for him the lesser of two of the two categories. Is there any greater disrespect towards the Lord of the Worlds than this because a number of Arab trimas believe this, they said that the angels are the daughters of Allah. So they would ascribe for themselves sons. Because they used to some of them very their daughters alive, they would consider them to be shameful to have daughters. So law is really saying that I'm you given to yourself what

01:24:16 --> 01:24:52

you prefer. You see, sons are better. That's what you get for yourself. But when it came to Allah azza wa jal, your Lord and Creator, you said no, he can have daughters, and he said that the angels are his daughters. Or is it that you are messages Allah celibate, asking or asking you them for recompense for conveying the message which they filed to birds up? There is not so rather you are key to teach them for definitely return. In effect, you are spending a great deal of money on them, so that they accept your message and respond to your call. And you give to though those whose hearts are to be won over so as to establish proof so as an established knowledge and faith in the hearts

01:24:52 --> 01:24:59

of the prophets of Allah when he was selling when he came to Korea, she didn't ask them for money. He didn't say I'm your messenger, so pay me Give me money. Give me

01:25:00 --> 01:25:35

wage rather the opposite the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to be generous he would give from his own mouth, he would pay for people and he would spend on people and he will show generosity towards them. Or do they have knowledge of the Unseen which they are writing down so they write down what they know of that scene and thus gain information and knowledge of which at the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam is not aware, then they oppose him as someone who resists him because of knowledge of the Unseen and they that they have, but is known that they are alert. There are a letter nation ignorant and misguided is the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam who has more

01:25:35 --> 01:26:12

knowledge than anyone else, for Allah has granted him knowledge of the Unseen, that he did not disclose to anyone else. All of this proved to them by means of rational textual evidence that their views are corrupt, and proves in the clearest and most eloquent manner to which no objections can be raised. That what they say is false. Or do they intend by criticizing you, and the message you have brought a plot against you or Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to invalidate your religion and cause you trouble? But as those who disbelieve who will be outweighed, that is, their plot will backfire and is they who will be harmed by it, Allah indeed brought that about To Him be praised. The

01:26:12 --> 01:26:22

disbelievers did not spare any effort in their plot. But Allah supported his Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his religion against them, and cause them to fail to fail or be defeated.

01:26:23 --> 01:27:04

Or do they have a god other than Allah, that is, do they have a God that they call upon and hope will benefit them, fear his heart other than Allah subhanaw taala Glory be to Allah for Exalted is He above having the policy ascribed to him, for he has no partner in his dominion and no partner in his oneness or worship. That is the point of the that is the point of the previous verses, maybe to highlight the forces of worshiping anything other than Allah, and to explain that doing so is false and wrong, on the basis of definitive evidence that what the polytheists follow is false, and that the only one who should be worshipped way too frustrated to to whom the supplication of worship, and

01:27:04 --> 01:27:18

the supplication of asking should be offered sincerity is Allah, the only one who is deserving of devotion and worship, who is perfect in his names and attributes, who possesses many Superleague superlative attributes and beautiful deeds, the Lord of Majesty and

01:27:21 --> 01:27:34

good for since the almighty who cannot be undermined. The one the unique, the eternal, the most great, the most praiseworthy, the most glorious. Were any or Okis femme meanness

01:27:36 --> 01:27:38

is to point to those

01:27:40 --> 01:27:41


01:27:43 --> 01:27:48

if they were to see pieces of the sky falling on them, they would say this is nothing but a mass of clouds.

01:27:50 --> 01:28:03

Further room had further room had ULA who will make the fee use Acun. So let them be until they encounter that day of theirs, on which they will die.

01:28:05 --> 01:28:09

Yo Mala yo Nyan Kayden che and what

01:28:11 --> 01:28:49

sort on day one, they probably will avail them nothing, and they will not be held. Here Allah states that the polytheists who reject the clear truth, truth have turned away from the truth and persisted in falsehood. And that even if our proof and evidence was established to support the truth, they will not follow it. And they will suddenly oppose it and go against it, if they were to see pieces of the sky falling on them. That is if clear evidence were to fall upon them from the sky in pieces. In other words, if large pieces of punishment were to fall upon them, they would say this is nothing but a mass of clouds. That is, this is just clouds piled up as usual. In other words, they do not

01:28:49 --> 01:29:25

pay attention to what they see of signs, and they know they do not learn anything from them. Allah subhanaw taala mentions here the sky falling to them or upon them in pieces, because that is one of the things that they demanded from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they demanded that Allah should cause the sky to fall upon them in pieces, if he's telling the truth. And Allah azza wa jal is saying that even if that were to happen, they wouldn't believe you if they saw that sign until it was too late. And this is something that you find within the Quran we mentioned a few lessons ago, in the story of the people of who that is, when they were suffering from drought and famine, and

01:29:25 --> 01:29:59

then they saw the wind clouds, or what they thought were rain clouds. And so they fought even though that's the punishment of Allah. That's the punishment that they were probably told them promised would come. But when they saw it, they didn't believe they said it's rain clouds, but actually was the punishment of Allah azza wa jal, they came upon them. And Pharaoh when Mousavi Salam splits the sea by Allah's command, and then they go through but it's right and they're saved. Pharaoh comes upon the scene. What does he say? He says is my strength that made this pot make the sea pot doesn't spike things is because of him. And that's why Allah azza wa jal said, as we mentioned in the 200 to

01:29:59 --> 01:29:59


01:30:00 --> 01:30:34

On that illogical set to Musa once he passed by the sea and went to the other side what to kill Bala Raha leave the sea meaning don't strike it again don't let the water come back leave it be because Allah azza wa jal wanted Pharaoh to go into the middle of it and to be drowned. So even when they see the signs of Allah, the punishment of Allah azza wa jal, they still don't believe until it is too late. There is no there is no remedy for such people except punishment and chastisement. Hence, Allah says, So let them be until they encounter that day of theirs, on which they will die, which is the day of resurrection when they will be afflicted with

01:30:36 --> 01:30:59

estimable and indescribable punishment and chastisement. The day when they're plotting will avail them nothing small or great even though in this world, they may be able to survive for a short time by means of their plots. But on the day of resurrection, their plots will come to naught. Their efforts will prove worthless and they will not be aided against the punishment of Allah, as he says, and they will not be helped.

01:31:01 --> 01:31:03

We're in early learning of Allah.

01:31:05 --> 01:31:18

Do leather Lika wala Qin Thoreau whom lay on the moon? Very very those who do not vary those who do wrong there will be another punishment before that day comes but most of them do not know.

01:31:20 --> 01:31:38

was barely HK Mira big F A neck Abby Are you Nina whatsaap Bish B Hamdi, Rob Baker Hina Taku. Be patient with your lowest decree or Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam for value are under our watchful eyes and glorify and praise your Lord when you rise.

01:31:39 --> 01:32:17

Well, I mean, Lady FASEB, who were aided by Ron Luden, and glorify Him in the night and when the stars have said, Have you mentioned the punishment of the wrongdoers on the Day of Resurrection, Allah now tells us that they will be punished before that day that includes punishment in this world by way of killing, capture and expulsion from their homeland, as well as punishment in Alberta and in the grief. But most of them do not know that is hence they persist in doing that which will incur punishment and a severe penalty. Having highlighted the proof and proof and evidence for the forces of what the disbelievers say, Allah then instructed His Messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam not to pay

01:32:17 --> 01:32:22

attention to them at all, and to show patience and accepting the universal religious decrees of his Lord

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by attorney Tim and persisting in doing so. And Allah promised to suffice him as he said, for value are under our watchful eyes. That is, we are watching over you and taking care of you. Allah instructed him to seek help in being patient by remembering and worshipping Him and glorify and praise your Lord when you rise. That is at night. This is a command to pray PM, voluntary night prayers, and the five obligatory, the five daily obligatory prayers based on the fact that Allah then says and glorify Him in the night and when the stars have said, There's at the end of the night, it also includes fajr prayer, and Allah knows best that's the end of the country of Saudi to

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pour our prayers and things are for Allah and May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad salah I sent him his family and his companion that bundling unbundling until the Day of Judgment, whether we come to the end of this year of Surah two tone and the end of today's lesson Baraka law frequent SolarMovie the Muhammad Ali used to be a drain Santa Monica

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