Ahmed Hamed – What Are The Sources Of Islamic Knowledge

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of Islam as a way of life and how it is a way of life. They explain that Islam is a way of life and that sources of knowledge are the Koran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. The speaker emphasizes the importance of gaining knowledge to empower and learn about Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome to the program, Islam insight, a very special series essentially dedicated for a new Muslim brothers and sisters, how do we commit ourselves to gain knowledge regarding Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him like to know is he just compulsory for him? Somebody told me that a Muslim is not allowed to have relationship with a non Muslim knowledge revives the spirit of Islam.

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Can you have the question from you better? A Salaam Alaikum alaikum. Salaam,

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Brother, what are the sources of Islamic knowledge?

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What are the sources of Islamic knowledge in Islam? You see, Islam is a religion is a way of life. And the last panel to Allah has blessed us with the Koran as a manual for us to live. And an example a practical example of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him to follow to emulate and to copy. In Islam, essentially, there are two sources of knowledge. Number one is the Quran. And two is the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him. Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran, in Surah, Ibrahim surah, number 14. And number one, at least number

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this is the Book which We have revealed to you or Mohammed is the one so that you may take people from darkness to light. So Allah shows the purpose why Quran was revealed, it has been sent down so that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and take people from darkness to light. That's the purpose. So essentially, the source for the Muslim oma, which all the Muslims unanimously have the consensus is number one, or the primary one is the Buddhist Koran. That's the main source. The second source is the authentic teachings of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Allah Subhana Allah has favored us a lot and blessed us with the life and example of Prophet Muhammad peace be wanting a

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lot of my disease into the sewer number 33 and 21 love for the governor la comme si rasulillah he was voted the best example for you, for all of us to follow is in the life of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be one and Alhamdulillah

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the teachings of Prophet Muhammad peace be binding is also preserved. And he is also recorded so widely, that we do not find a single way of life single aspect of life that we do not see a guide from

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everything from cradle to grave, we see that it is there in the Quran, and a deeper explanation in the life of Prophet Muhammad peace be one. So these are the two essential elements that you need to make sure these are the two primary sources to gain knowledge and hamdulillah. Both of them are authentic, perfect and preserved. Furthermore, you need to also realize that there are other authentic literature based on the Quran and the authentic teachings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, that you can gain the knowledge from this supplementary knowledge that you can actually understand, like for example, the scene, if you want to know the interpretation, the deeper meaning

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of one ayah you can go back to the Tafseer the interpretation or the meanings of the rules for art and the most authentic of all which again the Muslim Ummah has unanimous agreement is the field of Nicosia. You see, this is the Tafseer which helps you to understand the Ayat of Allah Subhana Allah, essentially, because it is in the Quran, taught by Muhammad peace be upon him and understood by the companions of Muhammad Sallallahu. The best framework that you need to understand Islam with regards to his sources is that you need to first follow the Koran, teachings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. And keep in mind the understanding of Sahaba the companions of Prophet Muhammad, peace be

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one and that's how you basically empower and learn the essential

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Sources of Islam. So, as Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said, I am leaving, I am leaving two things behind you

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two things, he was very specific to things. If we stick to these two things, we will never be misguided, right? And he said, the Koran and my example, my son, so a person if he would like to be

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in terms of living Islam, from the authentic sources, he must go back to the roots and that is the Koran and the teachings of Muhammad peace be upon him as a supplementary source. He may refer to the Farsi the interpretations and the other authentic Islamic literature, which does not contradict with the Quran, and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad peace. Hope that answers your question. We have a question from you, this brother but how do we commit ourselves to gain knowledge? Yeah, this is panela is a is a million dollar question. How do we commit ourselves to knowledge we see when we know knowledge is important we understand and realize that we have to gain knowledge

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