In this 4 part series, Sheikh Abdul Wahab Saleem speaks of primary concepts pertaining to the Purification of the Soul. Watch and learn some of the practical ways of purifying your soul.
Abdul Wahab Saleem – Purification Of The Soul – EP01

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The heart is the root of problems and loss of progress, leading to negative emotions and health issues. The importance of effort and purifying one's soul is emphasized, as it is the result of a lack of productivity and knowledge. The heart is designed to be the root of problems and is the root of success, leading to political approaches and success. The importance of finding a way to manipulate the heart to achieve goals is emphasized, as it is the root of fear of loss and loss of progress.
AI: Summary ©
Salam hamdulillah salatu salam ala rasulillah hamdulillah Hamza newer Fini Rama who carefully omens iida
ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajmeri la melanoma and for now and founder of Mr. Adam Tanner was he dinner alemania Kareem
by the grace of a lot of other Kota Allah we come together today
to discuss
a matter
to which last prophet alayhi salatu salam and Allah subhana wa tada himself give immense importance to in his book
as the origin
and his in his sin is salatu salam.
And that being
the topic of
the heart, and that'd be the topic of the heart. When you look at this key to knifes, that's the title of the
the class here purification of the soul, usually the Redeemer the discuss the concept of the soul, period, and they also discuss the concept of the heart.
The concept that we are due to discuss in this series of lecture lectures is the concept of the heart. What exactly is it?
Their heart needs to nourish itself?
What exactly is it that corrupts an individual's heart?
What is it
that one needs on a daily basis on a weekly basis on a monthly basis, to keep his heart rejuvenated
and alive?
Because the last panel with Allah in the Quran, and the prophet Isaiah salatu salam.
A lot of times when he speaks of an individual, he might be lying physically, but he says is dead.
As the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, in this hadith methodology, Guru kurata, came as
the example of the individual that remembers his Lord, and the example of one that doesn't do such
is the example of one that is alive and another that is dead.
So they are those hearts that are absolutely dead.
So the concepts that inshallah Allah will be discussing in this series is mainly pertaining to the heart.
Now, before we get into the series, though, however, we need to look at what exactly is it
the ultimate test key is all about.
First thing is the fact that this gear,
this gear, comes from the word zeca.
Which means, essentially,
to grow larger,
and to go to Europe mirror.
So when you say this here, the signs of this kilter trying to see is that it's that fun, or that science
in which a person learns how to have his soul grow closer to a loss of handle data,
and how to have that same soul become pure, of all the illnesses that are pertaining to a soul. So that's what in essence, this year has done. That's where the relation of the root word comes into play, as well.
Then, you need to look at how Allah subhanaw taala used the word deskey and
how Allah subhanaw taala used the word leschi in the Quran, because that will give you an understanding of what a loss of heterodera means by a desk here.
So if you look at the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala times he tributes North this year to himself.
And other opportunities, a loss of handle data attributes the word death here to his slave.
And other times you'll find him attributing it to a last prophet alayhi salatu salam.
So all of this has reasoning to it, a lot of data says
he is
the one who has purified his soul, verily has become prosperous, victorious.
So Allah subhanaw taala is over here trying to say is that an aspect of this year
also entails the fact that an individual himself will have to put effort into purifying his soul.
So it doesn't just come like that you have to put effort into
the magic Hulu, live demo, but it wasn't for hardship. Every single individual, as opposed says, will it become a leader, great, sad.
And Judas trophy want to become generous, then this will lead
to poverty because it's difficult to be generous.
So it requires difficulty or incurring that difficulty on the part of the slave. That's why I'm also penultimate over here, he tributed to the slave, he said, but flemons, aka
prosperous is the one that purifies his own soul.
You have to sit by yourself moments in the day ponder
all of the moments that you disobeyed and lots of parallel data.
You have to sit by yourself.
For as you walk the street, you have to watch what you do. When you have an opportunity to take a gaze and a glance, stop yourself requires effort
on this latest part, and then a loss of parallel data also says he says
we don't have a good credit.
If it wasn't, now lots of penalties, attributing it to surface it What if it wasn't for the grace of the loss of kind of dialect solely and his mercy mesenchymal, none of you would have been able to purify themselves.
rather a loss of Hannah Diana is the one who purifies the soul of every pleases.
That soul that is currently evil that are that continuously drives an individual to sit
away from bliss.
Alive is the one who can solely give them feel to an individual to protect his heart from such and protect his or her soul from such. But at the same time, as we said earlier, there has to be effort on the part of the individual as well.
If you want a loss of talents to fit, you've got to work for it.
You got to work for it.
And it doesn't stop there. As we said the last panel data also tributes it to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam.
And that mean in the virtue of loss of panel dialysis with men and welcome so the cotton to
take profit is salatu salam from the wealth so that as in the cat,
you purify with with them with this is the cat that you took from their money when they came behind also, you purify
them, because this is a cat that you took from them, but a lot of paradises. In other words, if we use the key about the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, he said, he recites a party in his arm our worst is, and at the same time, he purifies your souls for you.
So that leading us to another concept and that is the fact that an individual also has to have someone that he looks to, to help him purify the soul.
Someone that he loves to, to help him purify so
the so how bad he always used to look at the Prophet alayhi salatu salam whenever a man is no, you know, that's how he came to the Prophet send them he said, You know, when we meet your prophet of Allah,
it's as if we're, our demand is at the pinnacle.
And when we go away from you, our demand starts to grow.
The profit center
said if you were to be on that stain state
that you are on when you meet me, plus effect Komodo melodica virally, the angels
would have shook your heads because it's a really high state of email that you're on.
So you might be at the pinnacle of your email. And that's when you meet a person of piety.
Another you might be really low.
And that's the reason why you have to continuously go towards the programmer and the to act. And that's what he said that when you look at the incrementally that an individual should be doing, he said, amongst them is intermingling the examples, which is the example of nourishment.
The example of which is the example of nourishment, just as you need your food, your dream here, you know, all of that your nutrition. Similarly, you need to meet the people knowledge.
Similarly, you need to meet the people that call the good also that you so you can be nourished, and the more a person does this,
the more an individual does such,
the more and more period you'll find in his heart, and his soul and his mind. That's why a lot of panel data talking about the profits or sort of the most, the purest of human beings, so use that money purifies your souls for you
knew how to do that. Similarly, the inheritors of the profit center, they also know how to do that maybe not as well as the profit, but they still know.
So we should make it happen on a weekly basis, we are a monthly basis,
you owe it to yourself, brother, he owes yourself says that you come to the rescue
all the time,
which the prophets have already said them when he said he's about to be
wherever you go by the gardens that hadn't been grazed during
the set to the profits of these gardens have had an unprofitable lots of lives in the provinces in
the circles of knowledge. So you have to massage it all over, especially in a place like Toronto.
A lot of lessons, you go to other cities all across North America, you don't find as many
circles of knowledge. So since you have that, you owe it to yourself, Brother, you only do self sister to come and take advantage of these.
Also, that you can lead a life of an individual that is working towards purifying themselves and a soul.
So as we said, there's different aspects to it. The first of those is the individual himself should be working towards helping his own soul, purify your purified and also making gradual loss of panel data to have that and then looking to guidance from the people of knowledge on how to do search,
and then looking to the people knowledge for guidance on how to do search.
And then we want to discuss another concept and that is the concept of why is it that it is extremely important for an individual to
focus on his or her heart?
The answer is very simple.
The answer is because of the fact that a loss of Paradise and allows prophet alayhi salatu salam, he laments importance to the heart in the light of the sun, but some of the brothers Come on this side. So my neck doesn't get strained on one direction.
In this
in a similar role for the last panel Dallas is very this this the gaze, the site will also and also the hearing, and thereafter last panel on dialysis wonderful ad.
And also the heart couldn't look like every single one of these camera angles, and individual will be taken to account for them.
the sicknesses or the problems or the illnesses or the calamities of the hearing
there are many
that which does not please a loss of battle data
from people as a loss of animal die that says
that purchase or barter level,
Elaine speech
and the river and the Sahaba they explained the speed speech to mean what?
every day. And then we try to explain to ourselves, what exactly is it
that is wrong with this music?
What's wrong with the dear brother dear sister?
It's hard
to explain this verse over here to mean that it is referring to music louder it means speech.
And the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, he said, towards the end of time, there will be people from my nation
is the head noodle How do you know when
there will be people that will try to justify
and Heidi,
still to wearing their garments?
When Phil and Xena
fornication, they'll try to justify that it's
there's nothing wrong.
And then the Prophet said, let me continue to sell my house, and also instruments that are used for music. So music isn't a long shot, no doubt about it.
Why is it the need? Then we lie to ourselves and try and explain away all the Hadith about which the prophets are seldom in which the prophets are sent and talked and spoke about music, which
I believe who you believe anyways,
who you believe
the mobile ad levels will be the language
to not put your opinion forth in front of the opinion of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam and it's in the last panel data loss as
well I have a PhD.
I'm a doctor.
How many doctors
who is a doctor?
I'm a doctor.
I'm a physician.
I'm a physios use you
got a distinction so difficult. You can't even pronounce it.
You might need to physically do it.
But the reality is, you don't know anything about the deen of Allah subhanho wa.
You don't know anything about the philosophy. So keep it quiet.
When I come to your office,
and I seek help, in how to fix my body didn't tell me what to do.
But since you didn't take those four years of your life, or those six years of your life and study the Dean of a lots of data, then chill, relax, is not a business. Really. That's why it's so
funny. Tony went
on an excursion. And one of us have that. He went in the state of major ritual impurity.
And he had a wound on his head
or his head.
So he asked us, some of the others. We asked them
ltg do you do you find an excuse for me for making versatile because if I was to make muscle, it's extremely cold
and the wood will get wet and the chances are I'll die. said no, you got to pre
release the real amount from amongst us.
So he made it to the shower.
Yeah, he did. He took a shower.
And when he took that shower
he went back home.
And on the way home, he prayed to Allah, he died, he passed away.
Whereas in this kind of a situation for those of you that know, the movies enough
so when they came to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, they explained to him such and such to police or prophet of Allah,
the prophets of Allah, he said, What do you think you would like? So you still have a hobby? Can you do my so have our like, glowing stars? What do you think he said?
He said,
they've killed him.
Allah subhanaw taala do the same to them.
She found very nice for virally. virally, the cure of ignorance is that you ask?
The cure of ignorance is that you ask to do and
and who do you ask? Ask the people of knowledge, if you didn't know, and if you don't know.
So when you have
a problem, when somebody's opinion, it's
a field that you may have studied for 20 years or 15 years, or you've been working on for all your life, that you will have a problem when you start repeating about things that you don't know about. That's what I'm about to share with a lot of us to say that
he's to say that
I disputed and argued with the layman and the man.
And he beat me.
And when I disputed
with people of knowledge, they weren't able to beat me.
Why? Because there's certain primal principles that
you just won't understand.
That's what he's trying to say, on the chatroom. Certain things you just won't understand this is to become a doctor, you have to do pre med.
And if somebody starts explaining to you how to do surgery, and you haven't even been through pre med, it will be difficult for him or her to explain.
A lot of times you have somebody asked the question.
You have somebody asked a question. And
the speaker begins, you know, starts to answer that question. And he gives a couple of prefixes before he answers the question.
And the person that's asking the question, he says, get, you know, cut the slap, Get to the point.
He can't get to the point. Because the point requires a lot of prefixes.
You're going to have to hear the whole answer for you to understand why he says what he says. Why she says what she says.
So coming back to the verse here in the summer when bussola would further kulu
verily you're hearing
and amongst hearing
is eavesdropping.
That's a sin. Hara
last prophet alayhi salatu salam and said
minister Maria hadisha como garyun su una.
So wherever listens to the speech of a group of people
and they don't like for this individual
to listen to the speech.
So they feed Eric on the Day of Judgment. smelted iron will be poured into this individuals in because he listened to people when they didn't want him to listen.
But he listened to people when they didn't want him to listen. It's a simple thing. But this is the reward and recompense for such an individual well, and also the game
and then a loss of parallel data gets
to the heart
and also the heart as an even the actions that an individual
Has within his heart a loss of data we'll be asking about that when he has something called limited,
doing backbiting with the heart.
So, not only does an individual have to purify his tongue, his hearing, his eyesight, rather also an individual ally same over here has to purify the heart could look like every single one of those things can add homeschooler an individual will be taken to account for even the heart.
In positively and negatively,
if a person has great intentions or lost profits have a low head even sitting them said near to meeting committee, but it was said that he said
that the intention of a believer which is even further out that his actions, so the person has been intense hilger rewarded for that. But if a person has evil, intense,
may not be rewarded rewarded for that, but it will turn into action sooner or later if he doesn't purify.
And another Hadith last prophet alayhi salatu salam said,
in the field just as virally
in the body is a piece of flesh,
either solid, or solid. Whenever this piece of flesh becomes pure,
and reformed, the entire body along with this piece of flesh becomes reformed as well.
And he continued, he said, whenever it becomes corrupt, the entire body along with this piece of flesh also becomes corrupt.
So over here, again, the prophet alayhi salatu salam stresses the importance of an individual taking his heart to account. Because if this heart becomes reformed,
then the body becomes reformed as well, because the heart is the place that individual things
are is what leads all the rest of the body faculties to do what they do.
So if one can put his efforts towards the formation of this heart,
then the rest of the body in turn will also become reformed. That's why whenever you have a problem, you have to go to the root of the problem to fix it. And the root of the problem over here is the heart.
Do you not see that? Between COVID and iMac is the heart.
If a person says the statement of cover
when he is dragged into it,
or she's dragged into it, forced into it
and his heart is at rest, what happens is your character
is not.
So it is the heart again and again the lost profits loss and loss of Hannah Medina, do you not see reverse where a loss of data says your man and for men whenever you know, on that day, not well, nor they don't know children will help an individual 11 with the law to convince me except an individual that comes to a loss of panel data and brings along with him. He seems heart seemed from what
saved from the calamities of art
saved from copper, because that's where the not
from an individual leading a life of desires, because it starts with an art
malaria murder would have been well, nor children will be beneficial on that day.
Eliminate the law of abundance or even certain individual that brings to a loss of panatela a pure a saved heart.
So here we are.
Allah subhana wa tada and the last prophet alayhi salatu salam surely did put a lot of emphasis on this heart surely did.
So now we have to look to the heart
because a lot of emphasis on the heart.
And it is also important for an individual to look at the heart because if he looks to the heart and he's able to
To figure out the mechanism and the way the heart is designed, it gives him the opportunity to see to have a political approach with his heart.
there's times where your heart is longing for loss of pedal that I make me a loss of pedal data make our hearts those hearts.
there's times
where you have your heart, far away from the loss of handle.
If you understand when that occurs, then it becomes easier for you
to deal with the heart in the correct manner. And that's what
he used to say, in any heavy shower.
We really these hearts of yours
has a moment in which it desires,
the worship of Allah subhana wa, and it longs for lots of
what you know.
And there are also times when the heart has
no longer longs for loss of pedal time.
And it turns away
from the worship of the last pedal,
there are those times.
Insert continued, he said, Phil, we do have.
So then take advantage of it
with the ruha in the the barrier.
Student take advantage of your heart.
When you know it longs for loss of
Ramadan is here.
A lot of our hearts longed for a loss of data.
And you don't know. And I don't know.
When after
these moments of longing for a loss of panel data, the heart would long again
in this room is telling you over here, that when you have this feeling, this gut feeling that you want to be closer and closer to a boss or panel data take advantage of this feeling.
Because you don't know when this feeling is due to come back again, or even if it will.
And when it becomes difficult
for an individual
to worship a loss of kindness.
When you find your heart
away from a loss of pedal,
give yourself a break.
Give yourself a break.
But again, most of us were always on break.
So I don't want anybody going home and thinking that I don't feel like it. But I didn't pick up the
social way.
Most of us are always at a break.
What he's trying to say here is when you done your quota of worship of Allah subhanaw taala that
you've set yourself some limits and you've already finished that.
They do overdo it. And that's why they'll do
so give you the hearts rest sometimes.
And that's when they will begin to comprehend. But Allah subhanaw taala entrepreneur, but again, this doesn't go for an individual that has never even exhausted, exhausted his heart in the worship of a lost pet or looking
for the long
standing the night in worship
and then she can't worship anymore. She has a string that she reclines on so that she can continue to step
so it's not a word to one of us necessarily that Tony membership last panel data at all are merely
and here's the profits. A lot of you've seen them when he says in
He said he had to go shop
for either
one of you should stand only the amount of time that he finds himself
ready to do so.
But the problem is most of us don't even stand the night.
And whenever he gets tired,
then let him go and take a rest. So we say after we shall retired, assume that at least half of them have been put to practice.
it's not.
So when I say that, what did you learn? Same over here with them have ended badly and whenever your heart doesn't really feel a tune to the worship of Allah subhanaw taala they leave it off. What he's trying to see is if you are from those people that are actually worshiping Allah Subhana Allah, look at the example of our dear prophet alayhi salatu salam
worshiping the night, standing up the morning
and explaining the ashram
to the people
standing up the morning
and planning for excursions, standing the morning,
discharging the Arby's
at night, worshiping the loss of panel data to an extent that his feet began to swell.
And when they asked the prophets of the Lord and he was said to them,
why is it that you do that?
Or profit of a loss of life? Who was the greatest of beings, everything before that he had committed, which he had, had been forgiven.
everything after that he had committed which he hadn't as well. was forgiven.
He said, I felt a coup Should I not be
a faithful slave of Allah subhana wa tada
Should I not be a faithful slave of Allah subhana wa Tada.
So, here's the example of Xena, the daughter of the Prophet Solis. Here's the example of our dear prophet alayhi salatu salam again, the best of creation works in Omen Kalam terracotta, lumen cantelli denisa, who look tomato
better than you more perfect than you or profit of the loss of a lot of similar services.
more perfect than you learn terracotta it My eyes have never seen
anything more beautiful than new women have never bored
you been created free
from every every defect
can the Doctor kamesh the show, it's as if you owe profit or loss of the lottery system
have been created just as you pleased.
We're in the universal era Mr. Robot will be one
through as a cab says cab to the face of the profits are suddenly said they're really the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam
is a light and he's saying this to the face of the Prophet sallallahu. So that will be you seek to illuminate your own life with here is the example of the prophets of the letter etc. Is there someone who seeks to illuminate his life which
is there.
So when he is saying what he's saying he's not referring to necessarily one of us, or most of us at least.
He's referring to those people that have exhausted their lives in the worship of lots of panel data and that's why it's a little, a little delicate and so
give yourself a break. But if you're always in a break
So when we understand that
we then look at
another Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim discussing the sea concept of how an individual can have a political approach with his heart, he knows how to manipulate his heart in the right way.
And that is this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam where he said, for
every slave of the last panel has something called a shipper, which is like a rancor, a bitter period
when he wrote in fatawa, and for me shiver, and every bitter period that a slave of a loss of handle data goes through, is only there for a little while.
For him,
it's either either
way, my innocent, it's either at this point, that the heart will begin to become inclined towards a better
and innovation, or the heart at this point, will become inclined towards the center.
So when you recognize
your heart,
and you recognize when exactly is it that you should walk come through bitter, part bitter portion,
every now and then we complain to ourselves, and we say that my iMac is really low. That's what the profits are sometimes talking about.
When you recognize
when that occurs, that's when you can manipulate your heart and have a political approach with the heart
and lead to a son of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam,
there are certain segments of the profits of the lion citizen that are not so tired.
So that point an individual can use his heart and also occupied in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala by doing something that is not as tired.
When we visited a cousin that sick this time, in this manner, you get to fulfill the Sunnah of the Prophet settler by doing something good, and occupying every single one of your moments of life,
which is good because you only have a few months.
Let's What are more important, he says in these beautiful statements, then mohila affiliated with the Illuminati, they need
to come up in
the idea
of an individual in the ear of a child
would feel solid, even the Murthy MD lay soft and janazah until the individual dies.
It's alluding to the fact that all you have between your entire life is like come up.
It's like that which is between an event and a salon a very small portion of time.
A very small portion of time indeed.
And that's why I live six entire years it says about themselves. I did nothing but study. And when I when I say nothing but study I really mean
six entire years of his life. All he was doing was walking around with a book in his hand and that's how he reached where he reached he only died when he was 45 years old. And there is not a world probably that has this book.
Since entirely reducing
the when
I would
feel a jolt of slumber.
I will just recline on my book
and then continue onwards.
Then you should go to sleep.
Even just
to calculate
you yourself think about what the prophets of Allah incident needs to do in his life. Just to calculate
You think he used to get a lot of time to sleep? And it's sort of Sarah.
How good is the night? I mean, you know, you can have Baraka but you know,
when you think he's to have a lot of time to sleep
Tell me
if you send me
a third of the night in prayer,
if you send me the third
of the night in prayer,
how many hours is that? somebody tells me I'm going to do the math, whereas the mathematicians
four hours,
four hours
if he's reading sorted Baccarat
at nighttime,
that in and of itself, which is sometimes to be just to look at
that in and of itself is how long?
About three hours?
And he was praying Harmon How many
of you 911 13
risotto sir.
What do you think here, Tennessee,
he had time to sleep.
Because he recognized this principle that all you have in your life. The example of it is the example that which an individual has between a lab and to a salon. And that's where you start off with that in your ear. And you finish off.
And you're done.
So, when you recognize
the shivah,
the bitterness that a slave of lots of panel data goes through time to time, they will be able to manipulate your heart to direct it to assume minutes later on this heart.
That's why as I said, a lot of us always complaining to each other and say my event is weak, you invited me to wait for you to bring it back to where it used to be is to do something good to maybe your Eman is weak. So you can't pray that
maybe your dad is weak, you can't pray or
maybe your email is weak. You can reach to me too much for
a week, to an extent that you can even give soda if you have some money.
Or just smile with your brother.
see some nice words to your parents.
These days, they don't require that sort of strength. Of course, it depends on person to person.
So for you to purify your heart now and bring it back to that same level, we need to know how to manipulate your heart and have a political approach with your heart.
So this way, if you were to do these actions that are easier on your soul, and on your mind, you do that and slowly, you bring yourself back to that same state where you can now go back and pray the night and prayer.
You can now go back and you can now go back and sit for hours and read the article. Because you've always been cleaning your heart in other ways.
Because we really the hearts the last prophet alayhi salatu salam and said,
in a polite manner.
At the very least really the heart. They become rusty, just as iron becomes rusty.
And then they ask the Prophet solara instead of imagining what exactly is it that brings these hearts back to life or profit? Salam
when they asked about it, so lesson two, what exactly is it that brings these hearts back to life he said, the cool note he said remembering death constantly
thinking about the fact that life is extremely short
and also
I think the Quran
also reciting the Quran.
So the point of the matter here is that the heart sticking become rusty.
They can become rusty. And that's why the relevant they divided the hearts into three different types of hearts.
The first of those hearts
is a slave or a city. About which Allah Subhana Allah says in the Quran, yeah, woman, a man
in lemon law have your views early on that day.
No have
no children, will be of any benefit to anybody.
Except what,
except that an individual that brings
a saved heart and we talked about the saved heart earlier on.
We talked about the saved heart, the same saved heart received from the sicknesses of the heart hasn't been jealous
your peers,
the profits of our cylinders at the belly come down.
Barely. The sicknesses of all the nations before you has slowly made its way to you as well.
And what did he say? The Prophet says he spoke about hazard in China, hatred towards one another.
And jealousy
and jealousy.
So amongst, you know, the sicknesses of this heart or jealousy, a lot of handle data when he says concilium is trying to say Silene from this concept of jealousy and hatred towards one another.
Amongst the understandings of the word city also is led by
a lady.
What's the deal is basically
the heart or a bitter heart.
Does that make any sense?
no one will be benefited by their children and their wealth except the one that comes with a bitter heart.
How does that make any sense?
doesn't make any sense? Who has to make sense of it for me?
You came from thorncliffe
I guess.
What does that mean?
A piece of art. You have another understanding
of the word saline which means bitter.
So how do you make sense of this in the context of this verse, we lost a panel on dialysis on that on that day.
Nor money nor children will help it individually except the one will comes with a bitter heart.
That doesn't make any sense does
so make sense of it?
You know,
try though.
Very good time but no, it could mean that as well. Yeah.
Kind of
enamel engineers refer to it
was amongst
the main people who taught the science of it this get to the
human heart if it has to be
said that saline means over here bitter and what it's trying to see
is bitter.
Because of the immense amount of fear that he has at the loss of Hannah Montana,
as will be another theme when he was walking down
by a short by the beach, he saw from a distance a furnace of fire, he's
and when he saw this furnace of fire,
recited the verse he said is our auto
mechanic buried syndrome is a euphemism was a pharaoh.
The way this fire as an Hellfire sees the people that will be entering hellfire. From a distance
they will hear for this fire,
the type of sound you hear
when you're really close to fire,
any whistle
so it will be out of nothing out of the fear of a loss of panel data because he had 100 sitting
under the fear of a loss of panel data, he fell unconscious.
When he said this verse, He fell unconscious, he couldn't take it, he saw the fire in the furnace. And he heard this verse, He put one to one together and out of the fear of a loss of handle down he couldn't take it he just fell unconscious.
And that's what the Quran should be doing to one of us, of course, not falling unconscious, but it should be leading us to the fear of a loss of handling.
Unless our hearts hearts are extremely hard, because the last panel dinette calls in or ever you go to the depths. You come to this class, you go to the lookbook and you're seeking to be admonished by the lecture by the shape
Do you not remember the last panel what it says in the coupon? conject mohalla
they really added Manish Minh has come from you from your Lord for you,
artist and also at the same time he cures that which is within
the hearts
so here is an example of a person who really had an adversity as in the one that is bitter out of the fear of a loss.
So this is amongst the explanations.
The word Columbus city
and Culver City.
With that being said we're gonna take a quick break for so long and sad now Mohammed didn't rally early he will be here tomorrow.