Ahmed Hamed – Top 10 Reasons To Prove Allah Is The True Almighty God Part 1

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The hosts of Islam quest discuss the reasons behind people not believing in Allah's name, including forgetfulness, arrogance, and fear. They stress the importance of having a clear understanding of who Allah is to avoid rejection and emphasize the need to be dependent on the God who gives them life. The title Islam is highlighted as the source of the "has the power" or power of the creator, the Lord, and all-important people.
AI: Transcript ©
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Open your eyes to the world often day. Believe not the lies that they always say. Look for the truth and swallow your pride for things that you thought didn't exist that you might find below that we are living.

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim. While earlier he was happy Jemaine are also Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim in any anila La ilaha illa budoni tema, Salah, Lizzy Cree Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. rubbished rally sorry, we're certainly angry while you open the terminal Sani Yahoo only your viewers Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh meaningly the peace, mercy and the blessings of Allah Almighty we upon all of you.

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Welcome to the program, Islam quest.

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inshallah, in today's episode, we shall take up a very important question which prevails in the minds of many, those who do not believe in Allah Almighty? They say, what are the reasons or what are the proofs to prove that Allah Almighty is the true God?

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First of all, let us take some background study about this disbelief or this rejection. There are two primary or essential reasons for people not to believe in Allah Almighty as a true God. Number one is ignorance. People, they do not know who Allah Almighty is, as a result, they conclude that Allah Almighty is not a true God. They do not study they do not know they do not understand. As a result, they reject Almighty God Allah the Most time and this is so unfair. This is so unfair for those people who do not get educated, who do not understand who do not know who Allah is, and in rejection, rejection On what basis if a person knows and then he rejects, that's a different story.

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But by Allah, if somebody studies honestly and fairly, he will never, he will never, ever reject the truth of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He will never ever denying that Allah subhanaw taala is the true God, He will never deny that fact. So the primary reason why people do not believe that Allah Almighty is a true God is because they are ignorant. The second reason why people don't believe in Allah Almighty to be the true God is because of their arrogance.

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People sometimes they know who Allah is, but they're still denying, they still deny because of their arrogance, because of their pride, because of their ego. They deny Allah Almighty

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and this is again, so unfair, on the part, that they are arrogant, against whom, against Allah Almighty.

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They reject the truth of Allah subhanaw taala because they are arrogant. Now, if a person switches off the light, and a person who closes their eyes, how can there be light for these people? If the person is ignorant? How can he understand who Allah is? And if a person is arrogant, he is not fair. He is not honest. He is not truthful. He is not sincere. How can then it be possible

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for them to accept Allah Almighty to be the true God? However, in this episode, we shall take again, an attempt as a reminder for people to reflect

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that Allah Almighty is indeed the true God.

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There are basically countless reasons to prove that Allah Allah

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Mighty is the true God. However, in this session, we would take a look at the top 10 reasons why Allah Almighty is the true God.

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The first reason why Allah Almighty is the true God is because he is one and unique.

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There is no one

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in the creation, who is just one in nature, and unique as well, except the Creator, Allah Almighty.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is one and unique in his existence. He doesn't share

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his definition. with others, he doesn't

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take any advices from others, he doesn't have to, because he is one and unique in his existence. Allah subhanaw taala he does not take any suggestions before he takes an action. He just says boom, fire can be and the things come into being. Allah subhanaw taala is one and unique in his existence. Number one,

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Allah subhanaw taala is one and unique in his lordship as well. There is no one there is no one who sustains the entire creation, there is no one who sustains and provides to the creation. There is no ultimate provider, other than Allah who is one and unique in his lordship, in controlling, in owning, in protecting in safeguarding. Allah subhanaw taala is one in unique in his lordship,

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as Allah Subhana Allah says in Surah Fatiha surah number one and number two, Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. Allah subhanaw taala is the Lord of the alameen. He is the Lord of the entire creation, what we see and we would what we don't see, Allah is the Creator, He is the Lord, He is the Sustainer he is the provider, he is the controller, he is the owner of everything that exists. Allah subhanaw taala is one and unique in his names and attributes. There is no one who has the beautiful, the most beautiful names and the most perfect attributes except Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanaw taala is one and unique in his divinity and in His Lordship, there is no one who shares any

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portion, any part with a loss pantalla there is no one who get associated with Allah subhanaw taala that is the reason we say if you really want to know who Allah is, know his names and attributes, know his divinity and that will lead a person to worship Him alone. So the first reason why Allah Almighty is the true God is because he is one and unique in all these things. The second reason why Allah Almighty is the true God is because he is absolute and eternal.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is absolutely independent. He is not dependent on you, me and the rest, but we all are dependent upon the Creator. He is absolute, he is a Samad. He is absolute and he is eternal.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala being the Creator, being our Lord, He is the God who always who always gives us but doesn't take from the creation and that makes him the true God. So the second point, why Allah Almighty is the true God is because he is absolute and eternal. He is independent and eternal. If you compare any person, any deity that you might worship, compare that diety compare that God or so called God with Allah subhanaw taala who is a someone who is absolute, who is eternal.

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And you would realize that all the things, all the people that you might think that is God or the form of God or the God incarnate, the all are dependent with the creation, the quality of the

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Creation, the nature of the creation is that we are dependent. We are dependent on the greatest and the most supreme force and that is Allah Almighty. But Allah subhanaw taala, he is by himself. He is absolute, and he is eternal. That is the second reason that proves Allah Almighty to be the true God. The second reason, the third reason, the third reason why Allah Almighty is the true God is because he is all powerful. He is all powerful. There is no one who is more powerful than Allah Almighty.

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You may bring any deity, any person, any part of the creation, that will all be powerless in comparison with Allah Almighty, Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says it's renewed surah number 24. Number 45. As well as in Surah, Baqarah. in so many places, in Allah, Allah Galician, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the has the power over all things. He is the one. He is the one My dear brothers and sisters, who who has the capacity, who has the capacity and the power and the authority over all things, and that makes him to be the true God. Obviously, the creator, the Lord, our God must be powerful, so that we may approach him, he shouldn't be weak, he shouldn't be powerless, as those

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who are worshipped by the people

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are powerless as the law gives an example. Instead of hedge, Suren between the two, I am number 73. Allah Almighty sees you harness all mankind. Here is an example for you. Listen to it very carefully, to whom you worship besides Allah, to whom you worship besides Allah, they can never create a fly,

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they can never create a flying,

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even if all of them get together for this purpose. And if

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the fly snatches something from them, they have no power to release it back. so weak are those who worship them, and weak or those whom they worship.

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These all are just names and the people think and assume they are gods. But indeed, the reality is, Allah Almighty is the true God because He is all powerful. That is

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the third reason why Allah Almighty is the true God. We will continue with other reasons. Among the top 10 reasons why Allah Almighty is the true God. After a short break, don't go away. We'll be right back. Below that we

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