Ahmed Hamed – Is It Essential For Us To Know Our Creator

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The speakers in this episode of a podcast address three questions related to the creator, the creator's guidance, and the guidance of God Almighty. They emphasize the importance of knowing one's purpose and acting in a right way to achieve their goal of life. The speakers stress the need to be grateful to God, not just know him, as it is the fundamental command of our father's eye to fulfill the command of Las reminded, and emphasize the importance of knowing the Lord in order to fulfill the command of God Almighty.
AI: Transcript ©
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forgives us,

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we come at

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim, Allah Allah He was happy adjumani RO Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, where Allah mu n Allaha fuhren Helene Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, San Juan de him Aya Tina Phil FRP Wolfie unforseen had to be gentle hum, unholy Huck, our lamea theme Arabic and hawala. coalition Shaheed rubbish roughly sorry, we're silly, unreal world, aka melissani. Yes, Who told you? Do you have viewers? Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Welcome to the another episode of no your Lord. In the last session, we dealt with the subject does Lord exists under the program, know your Lord. And we dealt

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it based on reason, logic, rational science and the Scripture and proved Alhamdulillah that God does exist. In this episode, we shall deal with two essential questions and that is, why and how do we know our Lord?

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These two questions, why? And how do we know our Lord are very significant? Because the person who asked this question shows that he's interested in knowing Allah Almighty in knowing his Lord

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and he would also reason why does he need to know Allah Almighty.

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So these two are very important questions, and in this episode inshallah, we shall deal with them in detail. The first question that is, why do we need to know our Lord

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is number one

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that he has created us. The first reason why we need to know our Lord is that we have been created by the Creator and that is the reason we need to know him.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in the Quran, in surah mulk surah number 67 ayah number two, Allah the helical monta will hayata li Abu youcam. Amara, Allah says he has created life and death, so that he may test us who is best in conduct. It is a law who has given us life. That is the reason number one, we need to know our Lord.

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If you don't know our Lord, then it would be definitely

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illogical. Because if you don't know, the one who is close to us, like for example, is it not important to know your parents? Is it not important to know your children? Is it not important to know your beloved once

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the most important of all, the creation? It is important to know number one, the creator, the one who has created us. So this is the first reason why we need to know him. The second reason why we need to know

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our Lord, is that

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we need to understand our purpose of life. How can we understand our purpose on the face of the earth without knowing the one who sent us? Allah subhanaw taala he did not send us aimlessly purpose Leslie he has made us a purposeful creation or meaningful creation. Allah Subhana Allah says in surah momineen surah number 23 at number 115 Allah subhanho wa Taala says that we have not created you aimlessly And do you think that you will not be returned to us? Allah subhanaw taala asked this rhetorical question that you are here with a purpose. Allah subhanaw taala he says that you are here with a purpose and you will return back to me now what is the purpose

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That Allah has created a last season three variado surah number 51 is number 56 Allah subhanho wa Taala says, One Mahalo to Elgin, well, INSA Illa, Leah Boone, I have not created, and I have not created the Djinn and the men except to worship me. This is the fundamental purpose of our existence in this world. And how do we know this purpose without knowing him? That is the reason we need to know our Lord so that we may understand our own purpose of existence on the face of the earth.

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The third reason why we need to know Him is because we need to do good, we need to act in a right way. We need to follow the guidance

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and who can guide us better, who can take us to the path which is designed

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by God Almighty, other than God Almighty himself. We cannot have our own guidance. As we have limited intelligence, we have limited wisdom. It is God Almighty, who knows us best as He is the Creator. He will tell us about our guidance. And therefore, in order to know the guidance in order to receive the guidance, we must know our Lord Allah subhana wa tada says, In surah baqarah surah number two, at number 185 Allah subhanho wa Taala. He says, Shahada Ramadan under the lucilla field or on hudl leanness, verbena, Amina Luda, wolffer, Khan, Shah, Ramadan, the month of Ramadan, it was the month in which Allah has sent the Quran as a guidance for the whole of humanity and as a

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criterion to judge right from wrong. So the third reason why we need to know God Almighty is to receive His guidance. Point number four. Why we need to know God Almighty is because we need to do good on the face of the earth. The good

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is a relative term, what is good for me may not be good for you, or what is bad for some people may not be bad for others, who is to decide what is good and bad. Who can decide what is good and bad. Who can say that alcohol is good or bad, who can say

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in the time of turmoil in the time of confusion, people they think they think alcohol is good. But some people they say that it is prohibited. So who is to decide what is good and bad for the people. It is God Almighty. It is God Almighty Who will decide what is good and bad. So in order to understand what is good, we need to know God Almighty, Allah says in the Quran, in Surah, zomer surah, number 39.

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And number 41, Allah subhanaw taala says and we have revealed this book to you,

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in truth, for instructing mankind, for instructing mankind. So he who takes benefit from this benefits himself and the one who stays away, he harms himself. So this is another reason why we need to know Allah Almighty is that we must do good, the good as defined by God Almighty. Otherwise, we'll be in chaos.

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The other reason why we need to do why we need to know our Lord is we need to abandon bad as we said, the bad for some may not be bad for someone else. So who is to decide? The best judge? The best one to decide what is bad is our all loving creator, our Lord Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is the reason Allah subhanho wa Taala out of his tremendous mercy. Elias sent Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a guide for us to follow in all areas of life. Allah subhanho wa Taala that is the reason he says in in the Quran in surah, Hadid surah number in Surah Surah number 59 is number seven, last pennant Allah says in Surah hush surah number 59 at number seven, take what prophet has

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given you and leave what prophet has

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has prohibited you. So we need to have the standard set by the Creator, what is good and bad? And that is the reason we need to know Allah Almighty. The last reason why we need to know, God Almighty is that we need to be grateful to him. How can we be grateful to him without knowing him? If you don't understand if you don't comprehend the power, the glory, the greatness, the mind, the wisdom, the grace, the bounty, that Allah subhanaw taala has, how can we be grateful to Allah subhanaw taala and this is basically very important for us to be grateful to God Almighty, for he is the one who has given us countless blessings. Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in the Quran, in Surah Surah

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number 16. At number 18 Allah subhanaw taala says if you were if you were to start counting the favors, the bounties, the blessings of Allah, you will never, you will never be able to count them.

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v. The creation will never be able to count the great blessings, the bounties, the favors, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given us so in order

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to be grateful to Allah, we need to know him. These are the reasons why we need to know our God, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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More importantly, it is the fundamental command from our Creator to know Him in various places as we have covered some portion of it in the last episodes.

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The command of a loss panatela as mentioned in Surah Baqarah surah number two at number 235 Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Why Allah mu and aloha or furuno Halim and know Allah subhanho wa Taala, who is often forgiving and most merciful. So in order

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to fulfill the command of Las panatela we need to know him. Don't go away. We will come back after a break and we will discuss the second question. That is how do we know our Lord Stay tuned.

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