Ahmed Hamed – 100 Key Advices from The Qur’an – P2

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of acquiring an understanding of who is thirtieth and not flightless, as it is the only way to avoid legal consequences. They emphasize the need to apply these advice in one's daily life and teach and advocate for their actions. The importance of acknowledging and believing in Allah's actions, not letting things happen to one's capacity, and avoiding mentioning anyone's name or social media presence is emphasized. The speakers also advise on managing one's anger and restraining it, as well as practicing these advice to achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. While he was hobby hedge main, my brothers and sisters Welcome again to our learned in daily platform on the series a beautiful journey 100 key advisors from a deck are on

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our journey is to acquire, apply and advocate the advisors from the Quran and Subhana Allah These are so profound and powerful that each advice can actually transform our lives. So we proceed further with the advices from the Quran in the session to

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the advice comes from

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Surah Al Baqarah surah number two Ayah number 264 where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, Yeah, you hola Lena amanu la Toba filou sada corticon bill money, one other, all you who have believed, do not invalidate your charities. With reminders. Again, we put this in perspective of three A's as an action plan, we need to acquire this understanding that whenever we do any kind of charity, it is absolutely discouraged. And it is absolutely not worthy to remind it to people. And this is the understanding which we need to gain in our lives. Because at one point or the other, we do pay charity will hamdulillah within our own capacities. But we need to ensure that we should never, ever

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remind people about it, we need to apply this in our lives in a practical sense that whenever we do any charity, and we do so Subhanallah sometimes we bring a thought in our minds, and we sometimes also, you know, boast and remind people about the favors that we have done towards them. And this is something which Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying that Allah will invalidate your charities with reminders, you know, the charity that goes with the reminder with the favors that you are trying to proclaim and trying to you know, show your son on others Subhanallah This is something which is completely disliked. And the the the major failure is that it actually invalidate your charity. So

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no one wants to pay charity and, you know, lose rewards, so panela so in order for us not to lose our rewards, we need to ensure that we do not remind people about it, and we need to advocate it as well after applying in our lives. We need to advocate it we need to teach and preach people that whenever you do any kind of charity, don't remind people about it. Don't boast and don't show pride on those acts. Because if you are sincerely doing for the sake of Allah, it is between you and Allah subhanaw taala and he is the best one to reward you for that charity. The next advice comes from suitor to law karasuno number two is number 275. with Allah subhanaw taala says we're 100 the law

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who will be our well how to Rama Riba. But Allah has permitted trade, business commerce and has forbidden interest usually rebar. So a lot of blazer, he is giving this command for us to first and foremost as always acquire this understanding what is permissible and what's not. We as Muslims are driven with the principles of Islam, and we need to ensure that we always do things which are permissible and that is trade, business, commerce, and we need to be away from something which is haram which is forbidden and not permissible. And that is usually of any kind. We need to prevent ourselves in that and that is the application part. Once we know that it is completely forbidden in

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Islam, we need to apply in our lives by not getting closer to it not getting involved in it by any means or capacity. And we need to also preach it to others as well that how severe this sin is that where a lot of briza will end his Rasool will wage a war against that person who gets involved in Riba in interest in usually melara will always protect us from that.

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The next advice comes from Surah Baqarah Gan surah number two or number 280 where Allah subhanahu wa tada he says we're in karna doros ora t

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Phone phone have the right to Ella, me, Sarah, what does a duck ooh hi Rhonda come in Colton Tyler moon and if someone is in hardship is in problem is in challenge, then let them postpone the debts, the debts, you know, until a time of ease comes into that. But if you give charity, then it is better for you is you only know that again we need to acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters, that whenever we give debt, you know, you know a credit to anyone, you know, for her, to our brother to our sister to our loved ones to our friend to whoever we need to ensure that when they are in difficulty, we should give them time to repay, postpone the payback, you know, time,

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give them comfort level and ease. So that they can actually not get into more difficulty. So, the beautiful command comes and this is this requires application, our practice, you know, at some point or the other again, we have we might have given or we will give the, you know, loan a soft loan to, you know, anyone, we need to ensure that when we want it back, it should not become hard for them. At the same time, it should be, you know, something which can delay a matter if you're not in problem, it is always better. And if you are capable, if you are not in need of that payback. Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying, if you give this as a charity, then that is better for you. And this is

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something which is highly rewardable Subhana Allah, and we need to advocate it again, to people out there, that if you are able to give people a chance, give them time give them and provide them ease. And you know, comfort in terms of paying the debt back. And if the best option would be that you actually forgive it, and you treat it as a charity.

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The next advice comes from Surah Al Baqarah surah number two Ayah number 286, where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, law you can live Allahu nutzen illa wasaga Allah does not charge a soul except with that with that, within its capacity, meaning Allah subhanahu wa gyla he gives a beautiful formula. And that again, we need to understand it in the context of three A's as an action plan, we need to acquire this understanding that whatever happens in your life, whatever challenge problem, obstacle, difficulty or hardship that you go through, it is something that you and I can bear Subhanallah this itself is a relaxing point for many of us, we need to ensure that Allah is not

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going to put a burden which we cannot bear. So we should not be worried that you know, things are so difficult that I'm not able to bear it anymore, and so forth, so on and so forth. We need to ensure and believe in Allah subhanho to Allah and His words, were Alice is law ukulele for law, who enough son in law was Aha, a law does not put a burden on you which you cannot bear this is the understanding and the belief that we need to have, and we need to apply it in our lives. Whenever we have a problem, a difficulty or challenge, we should deep down in our hearts feel that this is something which I can bear. This is something that is within my capacity, this is something that we

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that I can actually handle insha Allah with the help and mercy of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And that is how you can actually deal with the problem. None of us can get away from the problem, but we can actually deal with the problem with sensible approach and we need to advocate it to others as well. There are a lot of people who gets into depression who gets into you know, a sickness and who gets into so many kind of you know, mental blockages, we need to tell them that you look you are going to be tested based on your capacity, the problems or challenges all that you have in your life is something which you can bear and this comes as a relaxing point for every one of us. May Allah

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subhanahu dialler help us to bear and deal with the issues in our life in a most you know, perfect manner. Insha Allah

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another advice comes from Surah to Allah

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On surah number three and number eight, where Allah subhanho wa Taala is teaching us how we need to bring a lot of diseases or a banana to the kulu bonobo in her data in our hub Lana mila donco Rama in Naka tel Wahab Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate, after You have guided us, and grant us from mercy, yourself mercy, indeed, you are the best our my brothers and sisters, this the understanding that we need to acquire, that we need to pray to Allah for us to keep guided, we need to ask this to Allah subhanho wa Taala in a practical sense, to help us be guided. Indeed, the guidance is the most important thing in our lives, my brothers and sisters, it is far superior than any well that we

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might have acquired. It is far greater than anything that we have in our hands and in our lives. Better than guidance, there is nothing and so we ask a lot that the beautiful blessing that Allah has given in terms of guidance, making us believers in a loss to Allah and His messenger and making us those who are going to insha Allah, Allah to Allah guided, we are again asking Allah by applying this AI in our lives by asking Allah that our Lord, let not our hearts deviate away from the truth from the guidance after You have guided us. And this we want out of the mercy from Allah subhanho wa Taala indeed, without the mercy of Allah, we will be lost my brothers and sisters, it is the mercy

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of Allah that we need every moment of our lives in this world. It is the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala that we would require for us to get into Jannah without the mercy of Allah, none shall enter into Jannah not even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as we know that he himself said that none will enter into Jenna only based on the deeds that he has. We know that there are no one there is no one better than the prophets, little slum himself in deeds, but he himself rude require Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala to gain guidance, to gain gender. And this is something which we need to always keep in mind. The most precious thing in our lives is guidance. So we always, you know, ask

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Allah to keep us guided, and we also need to advocate people, you know, there is no guarantee of your guidance that you will be guided always forever until you die Subhanallah therefore, we need to advocate teach and preach people and let them understand that the idea is that we require the help of a lot to be guided and that's the reason every Salah we say a dino sirata Mr. Team, every Salah every rocker, you know we we say this to panela asking a lot to keep us on the straight path on the guidance. So, the advice that comes from Allah subhanaw taala is to ask Allah for keeping us you know on the on the guided path on the path that is pleased by Allah subhanahu wa taala

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another advice comes from sudo to Allah Emraan surah number three is number 92 where Allah subhanho wa Taala is is loan to knowledge burrata to ficou mimma to a boon wama to FICO Minh Shea in for in Allah hobby here, Eileen. A loss of Hannah who dies is never will you attain the good pi t albear reward until you spend in the way of Allah from that which you love. And whatever you spend, Indeed, Allah is Knowing of it. My brothers and sisters, we need to acquire again this understanding. You know that Allah Subhana Allah is teaching us a lesson that in our lives, we will never be able to attain piety and goodness, until we give up that which we love the most. Understand the formula of

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life my brothers and sisters that this request call for action, applying this in our lives, meaning that there is no price without sacrifice. There is no price without sacrifice, no gain, no pain and no gain some handle on this is the formula of life. So we need to ensure that we give up that which we love the most for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is how

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We can actually attain a gerbil attain goodness and you know a reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala and we need to advocate this beautiful advice as well to others and let them also understand for you to achieve better you for you to achieve goodness and righteousness, you need to give up that which you love the most. When you give up that which you love the most for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah will pay you back with that which is much better than what you have paid or what you have given for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala so this is a beautiful understanding and advice that we need to have. We need to apply it in our lives and

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advocated to others as well that we need to ensure that we give up that which we love the most for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala another advice comes from Surah two lm Ron surah. Number three is number 103 where a lot of Buddha he says what LC mu b hubballi la he Jamia 124 roku and hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided Subhana Allah, we need to acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters that we need to hold the rope of Allah, the Quran and the Sunnah is the rope of Allah. The the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet says Islam is the rope of Allah, we always need to have this understanding that this is the rope of a love, to which we

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have to cling tightly, we need to firmly you know, hold the rope of Allah subhana wa Taala. And we need to ensure that we apply this in our lives by holding it tightly and do not become divided. Don't be divisive, Subhan Allah Allah, Allah is a gives a command of Allah, Allah says, voila, the pharaoh Rocco,

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meaning that do not become divided. You see, there is a difference between the love and the farakka. You know, the love is a difference of opinion. You're your own brother, your own sister, your husband or wife or parents or, you know, anyone can hold the difference of opinion. But to have a division is something which is absolutely not not acceptable in Islam. Therefore, my brothers and sisters, we need to apply this strongly in our lives. In this time and age that we are living, there are so many divisiveness that is going on, we need to ensure that we reconcile each other and hold fast to the rope of Allah subhanaw taala cling to the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet

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salallahu alayhi salam, so that we may, we may respectfully have the difference of opinion, but we will never divide ourselves. And this is the need of the hour that needs to be advocated, promoted and preached out to the oma of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we should never, ever, you know, become divided Subhanallah we should always hold ourselves to the rope of Allah. And always, respectfully we may have the difference of opinion, but we respect we tolerate we we always show gentleness and kindness towards each other, and we treat each other better with respect and that is the value of Islam and that's how we are holding to the rope of Allah subhanaw taala my

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brothers and sisters, the moment the moment we become divided, we become weak the moment we become weak, we will not have any value and recognition in the society. So the need of the time is the advice comes from a lot of but there is a word tassimo be hubballi la he Jamia wala tougher Rocco and hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. This we need to acquire, apply in our lives and advocate and preach it to others so that people also learn the importance of holding to the rope of Allah and that's how we can avoid divisions in the oma of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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another advice comes from Surah Allah imraan surah number three is number 134 where a lot of Buddha is a he says alladhina you akuna fissa rah rah II welcome we mean alloys. Well, phenol and in

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a lot of blazer, he says

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A beautiful idea, who spend in the cause of Allah during ease and hardship, and who restrain anger and pardon and who pardon the people Subhana Allah, so many pieces of advice, just in one ayah we need to acquire this understanding my brothers and sisters that we have to spend in the way of Allah in both during the time of ease, and during the time of hardship Subhana Allah, the, the limits could be different in different times, but we need to ensure that we should not just, you know, you know, spend during the time of ease, but we need to also spend during the times of hardship, and that is what Allah subhanho wa Taala is giving us an advice, you know, Subhana love, and we actually

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apply this in our lives, by paying or by spending that which we love the most, during our ease in hardship. Subhan Allah, Allah will give us something which is far superior than what we could spend, and Subhanallah This is something which we also need to understand a lot of beleza he says, and who restrain anger Subhanallah we know anger is the cause for so many conflicts and disputes and differences. Subhan Allah, once we control anger as a prophet of Islam, he he advised to the Sahabi again and again, you know, don't get angry, don't get angry, don't get angry, the losses, the consequences, the damages, that happens, post anger actions are absolutely detrimental. And this is

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something which is which is not, you know, a worthy SubhanAllah. So, we need to ensure that we control our anger we need to manage our anger. And we need to see that the results of the anger are always or most most of the times are negative Subhana Allah and also we need to ensure that my my brothers and sisters, V pardoned people, you know, forgive people, if they have falter if they have done something wrong. Just forgive people Subhana love and you forgive, Allah will forgive you. When you are kind to people Allah will be kind to you. When you show mercy to the people, Allah will show mercy to the people to to you Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah is a he is saying, and who pardon the

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people, the people, they are blessed when they forgive others for the sake of Allah in our lives. Some of the other times some of the other people might have wronged you might have insulted or humiliated, you are done something unfair or unjust to you. Just forgive them for the sake of Allah and you see the quality of your heart, the weight of your heart, it becomes so light, it becomes so calm and comfort and you will feel that you don't have any wrong or ill feeling for each other. And this is how we may prosper in our lives.

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So we need to advocate this as well. SubhanAllah once we apply, as we said, we need to advocate that we need to spend in ease and hardship. We need to advocate that we need to restrain you know, our anger and we need to ensure that we advocate others as well that you know keep pardoning people keep forgiving people and Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive you.

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Another advice comes from Surah Allah imraan surah number three Ayah number 159 where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says Fabi ma rahmati min min Allah healin tele whom Allah subhanahu wa taala is seeing a very powerful AI where a lot of blur is is indicating how the treatment of the prophets Islam towards the Sahaba is and how our treatment also should be for Bhima Rama to mean Allah healin tala whom why no koonta fogden will even be known for do mean holik for US foreign home was stokfella home wash, where a home filled for either as ASME assumpta fatawa Allah Allah in a law in Allaha you Hubble mutawa Killeen a lot of people are saying so by mercy from Allah. Mohammed says Islam, you

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were lenient, you were kind with them, you were gender with them. And if you had been rude in speech and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you so pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter. And when you have decided then rely upon Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Indeed, Allah loves those who rely upon him Subhan Allah, my brothers and sisters, we need to acquire this understanding that we have to be merciful to people, we have to be soft and gentle towards people. And we always need to make our speech gentle, not rude, you will find that those people who have a rough tongue, who have a, you know, very harsh tongue and harsh heart, the people to work, you know, around them will not be there for long. And on the opposite side, if you see people who are gentle, who are soft, who are kind and not rude in speech, there are so many people who get along with those kinds of people Subhan Allah, so we need to ensure that we are merciful to

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each other and lenient and gentle towards each other. In terms of our speech, as well in terms of our heart as well have soft corner has not done the the good feeling for your brothers and sisters who had a lot. And we need to pardon people as mentioned in the earlier verse, as well. And we need to ask a lot forgive people as well. And we need to also ensure that we consult people, you know, there is a higher in the mushara in the consultation that is always hair from Allah subhanaw taala. So you need to ensure that you consult from those whom you think that are knowledgeable and wise, this is important for us to progress and grow in our lives. Also, a lot of galerija is saying that

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when you have decided, then rely upon Allah, after you have done your due diligence, your own survey and importance that you have verified, then rely on Allah subhanho wa Taala don't get into doubts and depression upon your decision. Indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala he loves those who rely upon Him, we need to apply this in our lives, my brothers and sisters, these are the formulas for success. These are the advisors that helped us to be able to please Allah subhanho dialer and also these are the advisors that will help people to get closer to you. They you will become beloved to people as well. When you are lenient and merciful towards them. You when you are soft tongue when you are not

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harsh in heart, when you basically pardon people and you ask Allah to forgive people, when you consult those who are knowledgeable,

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and and wise, and you actually, you know, take a decision and you're firm on it, and then you rely on Allah subhanahu dialler that's how we basically also advocate these beautiful advices from the Quran to others as well so that they can also take benefit from it. And they can also become those among whom, you know, a lot of it is a says and Indeed Allah loves those who rely people Allah indeed loves those who pardon others or not indeed loves those who are soft and kind and, and lenient towards each other and those whose speech is not harsh.

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Another advice comes from suta to the island Moran surah. Number three is number 191. where Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, Alina yes Guna la te amo la coruna y la Junu be him way at faac Karuna fee Han sama. watty will RB or abana Maha Allah tada Botha Allah Subhana Kapha Tina Bodnar who remember Allah while standing was sitting or lying on the sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, saying, Our Lord you did not create this aimlessly Exalted are You above such a thing, then protect us from the punishment of the Hellfire, my brothers and sisters, this beautiful advice that we need to acquire is that we need to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala while

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standing and sitting in line Subhana Allah, a lot of binaries that should be remembered in our lives and meaning to allies inviting our attention to give a thought to the creation. A lot of Buller is is asking us to reflect on the creation of the heavens in the earth Subhanallah one of the powerful ways of recognizing a lot of Bonanza is by reflecting on the creation of the heavens and the earth and allowable There is a saying our you know, that he did not create this aimlessly. Everything has a purpose. Everything is so beautifully structured and has a function in itself to panela we are asking a lot of binaries to protect us from the punishment of the Hellfire my brothers and sisters

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this we need to acquire

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Have a you know as an understanding applied in our lives in a practical sense and advocate it to others Subhanallah there are a lot of benefits that we can actually gain out of this by remembering Allah while we are sitting while we are standing. So, wherever we are, for example, we are, you know, driving for the for that matter walking for that matter, traveling for that matter, whatever we doing, in terms of, you know remembrance of Allah, we need to remember Allah while we are standing was sitting or lying on our sides, even on the beds, if we are relaxing, we can remember Allah Subhana hudaydah also, we need to make a point and practice this formula of reflecting on the

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creation of the heavens and the earth. And we would Marvel we would, you know, praise the majesty of Allah subhanaw taala as how powerful creator he is, and also we understand it very clearly and advocated others to as to others as well. that nothing is created purposely purpose Leslie you know, everything has an aim, everything has a purpose, everything has a goal, everything has a meaning attached to it. SubhanAllah by acquiring this knowledge, applying it to, you know, in our lives and advocating you to others, we will be able to become those upon whom Allah subhanaw taala will shower His mercy.

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Another advice comes from sudo to Allah Moran surah. Number three is number 200. where Allah subhanahu wa Tyler, he says,

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Yeah, you helina armano spirou wasabi, no warabi to what Taka La, La La come to flee Hoon, all you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah be conscious of Allah, that you may become successful. A lot of ERISA is giving so many pieces of advice in this very Ayah where a lot of is giving an attention to us as believers to persevere, to enjoy patience and to remain on sobor Subhanallah we need to ensure that we also you know, be conscious of Allah subhanaw taala if we do all these things, once we perceive you, when we enjoy when we remain stationed and when we are conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala these are the techniques or the tips for us to be

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successful in our lives, my beloved brothers and sisters, let us adopt apply, act on these beautiful you know advises of the Quran and advocated to others as well. So that together as a team oma, we may prosper, we may grow, we may become among those whom a lot of beleza will be pleased with in this very well so that we may attain the success of this life and the hereafter, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us the wisdom, the help the you know, understanding of practicing on all these beautiful advises, we ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to give us the ability to advocate this these beautiful advices from the Quran to the whole of humanity as well. We are here today and in

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

100 Key Advices from The Qur’an – Part 2/7

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