Shocking Secrets of 7 Spiritual Hearts

Ahmad Saleem


Channel: Ahmad Saleem

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The spiritual heart is important in bringing joy and health to individuals. The heart is seen as a gift from the creator, and the use of the word "the heart" in the title of the book is highlighted. The segment also touches on the idea of personal distraction and the potential for personal distraction in the book's title.

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Bismillah Nura,

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Allah subhana wa Tada in Surah off he says that I want to be like him in a straight line rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in Luffy that Inca the raw demon God Allah Hoban, oh Lucas, our who I share he, indeed

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in NA indeed V Vatika II this Quran la vichara it's a reminder for us, but not for everyone. There are certain conditions that have to be met in order for you and I to be able to actually heed the reminder of the Quran. Oh Allah, what are those conditions? Lehmann? Can Allah hold on?

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It's a reminder for those and those people will be able to benefit those who before they arrived at the doorsteps of the Quran.

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Cannon gonna hope

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he had already rectified the state of his spiritual heart and he was ready to receive the guidance from it. Lehmann cannula who called you before you came to the Quran, you had a heart that was functional. Now when you receive the revelation when we are inspired by it, then it has a profound impact on us.

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And the man can Allah who can one

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second condition, a sama when Quran is being recited, we pay attention to it, attentively listen to it, whatever is being mentioned, what who was Shaheed I II this person or his heart is also present in the moment, not that you are physically present and your mind is wandering in 1000 places while Quran is being recited or it is being explained. All of these three conditions must be met prior to us benefiting anything related to Quran Allah subhanaw taala he mentions the word can

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win which Ducati ha and all the other driven derivatives of it

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in more than 132 verses in the Quran.

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And if you may remember, we had mentioned this earlier that there are multiple ways of doing Tafseer of the Quran.

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Within the Tafseer, you can have the seer which is chronological, or you can have something which is called tafsir al Mau Dori thematic tafsir we look at the thing. We look at the theme of rule. We look at the theme of love. We look at the theme of ULb heart from the Quran. And we say trying to figure out what Allah subhanaw taala is telling us in the Quran, about our hearts.

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So Allah talks about a diseased heart. In the Quran. Allah talks about a sound heart in the Quran. Allah talks about hearts that are blaming verde. They're blameworthy. They're not something good. And he also talks about praiseworthy hearts. Allah talks about the qualities that the heart can inhibit and install be installed in it, such as Yaqeen, or the opposite of it. Go for

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So we are talking about the spiritual heart. We're not talking about a mandala, the piece of flesh that you and I have as the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it's a really, really weak narration, but it has a profound meaning, which is everything in this world has a heart.

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Everything on the face of this earth, ie the living things, they have a heart, ie he's referring to the physical heart, that everybody has a physical heart, but we are not talking about that physical heart we're talking about. caliber Rowhani the spiritual heart.

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Now in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala. If we were to look at various different types of hearts that are mentioned, you will find that there are seven various different types of the Quran as Pharaoh's Abadi he mentions in in his Kitab in his book, that there are seven different types of Quran. So if we were to look at all of these 132 verses, and we were to say, Okay, can we categorize these verses into the types of heart and what they're discussing? You will come down to seven different types of hearts that are mentioned in the Quran, Allah subhana

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Allah says

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in surah Snehal He says, For Levine Allah You mean ona Bill harati Paluma home. Moon Kira. For those who don't believe in the Akira, they have a heart that is in denial, or denying heart or the heart that is in denial is as follows the body says, Hi the call will capture.

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This is the heart of a Kaffir.

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Why? Because he sees everything. He sees the creation of Allah, He sees all the signs, he sees the signs within himself.

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And that's why he chooses to deny. And the word Kafeel comes from Cafe era.

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Before Islam Cafe used to be a farmer,

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a cafe used to be a farmer. That's what the Arabs knew a Kaffir as what is the job of a farmer to take the seed to dig the hole to hide the seed under the ground and to cover it. Similarly Kaffir or global homeunion Kira, when do you do in car when you recognize something and you say, I'm not going to listen to this. That state of incar he recognized? So in Cofer, there is the recognition of truth. But then the option of saying I'm going to use my choice and free will and I'm going to deny.

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And that's what a Kaffir is he hides the evident truth covers it up with his desires with the diseases of the heart and does not allow it to penetrate in his heart. May Allah protect us from that.

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The second heart is the heart of ammonia filled. The second heart is the heart of ammonia ethic. Allah subhanaw taala says, fee oh no be him.

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Further down woman Lahoma at all blah, they have a diseased heart, in their heart is a disease to Allah increase them in their disease. This is the heart that wants to have Iman, but it is infected with a disease. So the Eman cannot find any station or any solid ground to sustain and grow itself because it's filled with so much sickness. May Allah cure our hearts yet.

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Then you have the heart. And this is a Manasa who is erotic ID or harmony, or II. He whether he is a true man I felt in a sense he was never a Muslim. He's just pretending to be a Muslim, or he was a Muslim. But now he's finding it hard to obey Allah subhanho wa Taala and he's using excuses of Neva to cover up his sins.

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Then this third type of heart is heart of a Muslim who is a sinner. So this is a person who submits he doesn't have Nefab in his heart, but he's a sinner. He falls prey to his desires. This heart Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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For what you learn, live, see it Hulu boo home means the Karela Allah subhanaw taala says you have to move to those hearts that have hardened Arsia their sins have hardened their hearts

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and they're not able to take heed from the zip code of Allah. When Allah reminds us in the livina Armineh why middle slyly hurt when Allah tells us things you are living and all those verses don't hit us? Because as the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that when a person when a person Yeah, I mean Mohammed has say, Oh, really Marcia when a person does mouse here.

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Allah subhanaw taala places KNOCK KNOCK satin, like there's a dot A placed hackday acetyl l boo Musa until the heart becomes completely black, so no light can penetrate in it.

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May Allah Illuminate our hearts from the light of the Quran Europa. So this is those people who are Muslims. But man their hearts have become so hardened you know if you tell them brother it's time for Muslim because again inshallah we'll pray later

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well, I'm not in a state that I can pray right now. They'll make some random excuses. We all have seen those things. Right? Or we're doing something I you know what, it's okay. I just don't pray.

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Subhan Allah, you say La Ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah.

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And you say you don't pray

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May Allah cure our hearts? Yeah.

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Then the next Heart

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is a heart

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of the special people of Allah

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also panel with tido Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Men hace muy bien, ye but what

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we call being Mooney whosoever was in all kashaya of Allah subhanho wa taala. Kashi of Ramadan, the word has Shia

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is when we recognize

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the absolute value of the person that we're dealing with. For example, if you happen to have a meeting tomorrow with whichever company you work in your CEO, there's a state that your heart is going to be in which it was not yesterday before you had the meeting with your CEO. If you were to have a meeting with the head of state of a country, there is this feeling of ah, this feeling of Granger that fills your heart that I'm about to meet a very important person. Similarly, Hashimoto Anila Hill method will Allah cashier is the state of our heart when we come to a recognition of Allah's makan.

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And Allah has cuddle the Quiddity of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada and that is where Allah subhanho wa Taala says will not bother Allah.

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No matter how much we try to fill our hearts with the cadaver with the absolute value of Allah we will never be able to.

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That is why Allah subhanaw taala says if the entire trees were pens

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and the entire world's oceans were inks and Miss Lahoma who and who to bring the second Earth and right even with those pens and all those inks, nine Fe that Kelly matwork the the praises of Allah subhanaw taala would not end so this is a heart that has this amazing awareness of Allah subhanaw taala man Hashem mon belabor this state of his is not just in front of people.

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It's also hidden. The second meaning of it is Allah is not visible. So his first year is of Allah subhanaw taala through his SIFAT because Allah is laid for him was yeah because when Mooney and when he comes back to Allah, this person comes to Allah subhanaw taala he comes with a heart that is Muneeb another unit who means that every single time this heart gets distracted away from Allah subhanaw taala it brings the person conscientiously brings him back himself back to Allah. That is Rajan Mooney, Ibrahim Ali Salam wa Muneeb that every single time he would get distracted with anything in the world he would force his heart back to Allah subhana wa Tada. May Allah grant us

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that hearty on

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the next Heart is the heart that is filled with health of Allah subhanho wa Taala where Allah subhanaw taala says

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in a

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mean on a levena either

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indeed believers are those when Allah when the word along

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is mentioned, either luckier Allah when a law's name is mentioned,

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what do you let own OBO whom their hearts they start trembling

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from the recognition they have of Allah subhanho wa Taala and whose name has been mentioned.

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what either to liegt die lay him

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to and when the verses of Allah subhanaw taala are recited on these believers, the hom e ma mana, it increases their hearts with iman Allah hummus in Iman and

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then you have a heart that is an aware heart. It has ever it's ever conscious of Allah subhanaw taala it is the heart that never forgets Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is why Allah subhanaw taala tells us in these verses, he prefaces it in Surah sharara with the first thing that distracts us the most yo Mala on that day there is no one young No Oh, no money or children are going to benefit on that day.

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ultimate source of my distraction and your distraction.

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don't come fitna, you're allowed your children are a test.

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Then Allah says, who are going to benefit on that day, a man dull

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except the one who was occupied with his family who was occupied with money, but he had one quality.

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One beautiful quality lamb and at Allah, that this person came to Allah subhanho wa Taala because we'll be selling him with a sound heart.

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His heart was never in his children. His heart was never with his money as some of the Allama they say, when you remove the love of dunya from your heart, dunya is yours for taking, because it's no longer in your heart and it's in your hands.

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And sha Allah, if Allah subhanaw taala gives us Sophia.

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In the month of Ramadan, insha, Allah, whatever we're going to do, the hot tubs that we're going to do in any other forms of interaction that I may have, we're going to focus on trying to understand the seven different types of heart in the entire month. Because the command of Ramadan, when Allah tells us to fast, it's first.

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The first thing the command is addressing is not my physical body. It's my spiritual heart.

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When Allah says fast, right, for men, Shahida men commercia Raphael, you assume this command whosoever sees Ramadan, then he shall fast. This command of fasting

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is not for my physical body. As much as we may think that Ramadan is all about physicality. We've talked about it in detail in our Monday night reflections, but it's about my spiritual state. So I think it is it's great that if we can connect the month of Quran with understanding a theme that is so important for us in this month, and the idea is that we'll put together you know, a package where you're able to understand it from the Quran, and from the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, and trying to bring some examples of ourself asylee Hain how they implemented this particular quality or any of these seven qualities in the light Allah