Ahmad Saleem – Prophetic Home 05 The Bedroom of Nabi

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The speakers discuss the importance of having a good sleep habit and the concept of "hasn't sleep" as a source of rest. They also talk about the use of "hasn't sleep" and the use of "hasn't sleep" to describe a state of being in a realm that is different from real life. The conversation also touches on the use of "untken" actions and the importance of fulfilling desires and interests in publicity and publicity. The speakers also discuss the use of "untken" actions and the concept of the mod, which is based on mood. They encourage attendees to participate in future sessions and remind attendees to attend the session.
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Sarah Aiken Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh who has some level hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah what? Rubbish Raisa anyway, Sydney, Amerigo, Hello love that Emily zaniewska Holy BarakAllahu Li from everyone that is not here yet. But soon they will be Insha Allah, may Allah subhanaw taala make it
a very successful session today we ask Allah subhanaw taala that he accepts it from us and grants us the ability to be sincere.
While they consider what happens Allah He or Barakatuh, HK, I hope you're doing well on YouTube, and whoever's here, which is gonna give some time for people to join. As we are waiting, insha Allah, if you're logging in and you are connecting with us, please do let us know where are you coming in from? Where are you logging in from. So it gives us some perspective. And also it gives us you know, an understanding of which part of the world you're in. And do let us know how you have been using this program to implement various things in your lives. I am super excited because as we come to the closer as we can come to the end of these sessions, we might have another session next week. And
that might be it until we do something for Ramadan. If Allah subhanaw taala gives us Sophia. But in any case, I do want it to thank you. And I really wanted to generally thank everybody that has been joining in logging in. For me, it has been like a dream that I used to have that one day I'll do a session similar to this. And again, I've been contemplating, I remember walking into a studio once and this is like COVID time and telling them like you know, I'm thinking of a program like that, what do you think they're like, that would be great. And then Subhanallah you know, I never ended up doing the things with the studio and Allah subhanaw taala opened up this door, and we're doing this
sessions together over here, why they come sit down when I haven't Alicia. And if you can, if those of you that are here, if you could know before we start, do share this link, whether you're on Facebook, or you are on Youtube, wherever you are, please take a take a moment and share it with your friends and family before we log in. Because today's session is very important. It touches every single aspect of our life and it touches every person's life, which is the bedroom of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, and I want to talk about some important aspects that usually don't get discussed. And I hope that you know, we're able to fulfill that. Anyhow, I'm going to begin but if you have,
take some moments, share this with your friends and family and let other people know. That would be really, really, I would really appreciate that insha Allah. Now before we begin,
we stopped last night last time. And we talked about the living room and we talked about the importance of the living room and we talked about how important it is to have a foundation where you know, we are perpetuating, or are those foundations are based on education and every you know, your living room becomes a source of educating one another and permeating the knowledge that we learned and sharing those experiences with one another. Now, today is the bedroom. Right? Before you have a living room that is filled with children and family, you need to have a bedroom right? And bedroom is probably one of the first things that we establish. Now, in today's topic that we're covering, I
wanted to talk about a very important element and this is this is a concept of something called sleep. What is Allah subhanaw taala tell us about sleep what is the last point that I tell us about sleep? Right Allah says wa jal no no Macomb Sebata Allah subhanho wa Taala has created your GNOME, your sleep, a source of rest, it's rest for you. Rest from what what are we resting from? Oh, I am not sharing. None of you are saying that I'm not sharing the screen. How come? Now I am.
Right? Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah says, What's your Elena Noma comb Sebata Allah has made your GNOME, your sleep Suba 10 A place of rest. This is where the word subbed in Arabic language you know cept or Saturday the plate that you know so we work work work and the Jews used to work and they will take rest on Saturday. So Allah Sivanna that is saying it's almost like your sleep is your perpetual daily weekend like everybody goes to work Monday to Friday and we want to take some rest and we want to sleep right? That is our rest your rest my rest. It is all dependent on what it is dependent on you and I being able to sleep at night. Imagine those people that are not able to sleep
like I'm aware of. I was aware of an individual who you know for the longest period of time due to sickness was not able to
I doubt he was not able to sleep. Imagine what would happen if you were to come into your bedroom and you're not able to lie down on your bed. Right? So sleep is the sunnah of Prophet of Allah subhanaw taala from eternity onwards that it gives you this disconnect from your real life and you can go into this rest mode, recharge and reconnect and get back.
And what did Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam do during those moments is something that we're going to cover in sha Allah in our sessions today. Now.
Imam Ghazali Rahim Allah, he had a beautiful thing he used to say that, you know, Imam Al Ghazali used to consider sleep as a witted as an act of devotion. So use, what do you mean? Like why would you consider sleep as an act of devotion. And for him, he would say that a lot of times when I go to sleep, Allah subhanaw taala has his ways of communicating, are you not like informed beforehand, but like you don't things would solve in his head. So when he would go to sleep, he would be thinking about a masala he will be thinking about things. And then you know, he'd go to sleep and he'll see a dream or he'll see things. And this is the state of Alia, for them sleep is something that was very,
very dear to them, because it allowed them to be in a realm that was other than the realm of this universe. So they were able to sometimes get answers, they were able to see things they were able to get the right direction, and Subhanallah many things like that many times, you'd have individuals today, in our day and age that have seen for example, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the dream, like just yesterday, somebody is, you know, not yesterday, I think like a couple of weeks ago, somebody said to me, somebody was talking to me, and they were, you know, there's there's a case that is happening. And for, you know, this sister, she had decided that she's no longer going
be a Muslim. Imagine this for a second. This is not a made up story. This was somebody that I trust, and he's a chef who called and he is asking for some advice. And he tells me that somebody called him up and said that they had made a decision
that they're going to leave Islam.
And then this lady, the sister, she goes to sleep, and Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he comes to her dream.
And he tells her, and this is somebody who was alive today.
Why are you leaving? The ocean of purity for the pond of filth that you have. So the context was that she was having some issues with, you know, her spouse and whatever. And, and she had decided that I don't want to do anything with my husband and I also want to leave Islam, but Rasul Allah comes in his dream and tells him don't leave Islam, just leave your husband. Right and, and so sleep was ways for the seller for Salah Hain and the pious people in the past, to rectify their Messiah in their issues. So it was very very dear to them. They looked forward having said that, they did not sleep like you and I sleep today when we go to sleep. You need like 10 alarms to wake us up. Right?
We don't do that. They slept because they had a purpose in their sleeps. So what are some of the Sooners of sleeping?
What are some of the Sooners off? Leave him not her. It was a story of if I said him that I'm made a mistake. But again so the sister sees and the promises of them says leave him like leave your husband. And you know what, don't leave Islam. Anyhow, tell me some of the Sooners are sleeping those of you that are online right now just start let's find let's see if anybody recalls some of the Sooners of sleeping I have not put all of them so I have put a few of the Sooners here. And the next slide but before I do that I wanted to get some comments from people. What are some of the Sooners when we when it comes to sleep? What was the sunnah of Prophet sallallaahu Selim when it
came to sleep? Let's see. Let me receive what comments I know there's a delay. So I understand that and I'm going to give you guys some time to respond to that sleeping on the right side. Excellent. So how you sleep prophets Allah Allahu Allah, you send them used to sleep on the right side. He used to sleep on the light side, something really interesting a lot of people may not know that when Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
I was just reading that in this book today. Shemitah Tirmidhi it said that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he would sleep for the long so he would he would he would you know if he was sleeping for the night so this was not the sleep that he would have at
After he would have prayed to hedge and he would go back to sleep. This was asleep where he is leaping from you know, he has prayed arratia And now he's going to sleep so that he can wake up for Fudger that sleep he would use a we sad. So he would use we sad we sad is basically like a takia or a pillow. So he would use a pillow when he would sleep. Now when he would wake up for tahajud and go back to sleep, then he would use his arm as the pillow. Right? So he would curl up his elbow and he would place his his face on the elbow as in terms of like the elbow and the hand over here. And he would use that and then he would go into
he would go to sleep and wait for Bilal Radi Allahu Allah to come and say, yeah rasool Allah, a Salah, a Salah, or he would wear for that wait for the Adhan. Yes. So So let's see, some of the people are commenting. Let's see that. So number one, H K sleep on the right side. Yep, sleeping on the right side. That is one of the centers, we talked about it. Next one, make a device specific, specific before sleeping. Those of you that are looking for doors that you need on specific moments, tons of apps available on Facebook, I'm not going to or not Facebook, on your app stores, whether you're on Google or Android, there are lots of apps available. So please feel free to use the app
that works for you. There is no right or wrong app just as long as you know the app has some references and you know where they're getting their ads from, you should be fine inshallah. So sleeping to us now, next one is putting your right hand on the face. Yes, putting your right hand, but that was in specific, I already told you about that. Not every single time he would go to sleep. That was when he would go to sleep after he would have woken up from the hydrate. So he has waken up for 400 And now he's going back to have that gap between
the two Salas
okay, I don't know what happened here. Let me just give me one second. Oh, my light just dimmed.
Okay, that's better. Okay, great. Next, sleeping after a show sleeping after salata Russia. Now I understand that living in certain parts of the world or Asia sometimes it's 11 o'clock or 12 o'clock that does not mean you sleep till Russia so what people have said is sometimes it's actually nice that you go to sleep in Asia, but you know, it's sometimes nice that you go to sleep at nine o'clock or eight o'clock because if you're living in a country where Russia is in Norway like 12am at night, it really doesn't make sense to be awake for that long so sleeping after Asia preferably but if you're living in countries that are in the polar ends then use your common sense and sleep you know
where you should be sleeping so maybe after
sleeping and we'll do this is very good. Yes so sleeping and Google will do what is sleep we know sleeping and will do and Hannah and said the same thing, which is that you know you you go to sleep and you are in the state of Ohio. Now. Anybody else?
Let me see what others I have. Okay, next one, wipe your bed. I am horrible at this one. Okay, and I'm being honest like you know, this is one thing
Okay, here we go. She you know Zi Rahim has like summarized everything for us. Right knees slightly bend the or bent, read surah Mulk reading Surah Al Mulk that is the Sunnah AYATUL kursi reading it of course he does be
doing some DSP and then dusting the bed three times so that is wiping your bed three times reading the for call
call who Allah Who whether there is stroke for four or three calls or my with attain call who Allah who I had sorry, call out a little bit further poorhouse verbenas. In any case, if you're reading Quran, it's fine. But reading those doors at cars and then blowing into your hand. One is blowing and another narration and said, you know, to like kind of like something between a spirit and a blow where you go like, like that, do you not like spinning, but you're also not blowing it's something you know, NFS defense, so you're going like
something like that. Then you rub your hands and then you wipe all over your body all the way. Now what is that? What is that doing? Right you are you have read something and now you have blown that protection, that aid that whatever you want to call it. Now you've blown it on your hand. Now you've rubbed it over your body.
Now over here something really interesting, right? A lot of people they will read the Hadith like that, and they will come and they will say this is it. Like you are not allowed to do anything other than this when it comes to the
Using eye X and Quran and verses from the Quran to be able to protect and rub onto your body, if you do anything like that, that is utter VEDA. It's not from the sunnah of Prophet sallallahu sallam. Sure that is one school, but we should realize that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whatever he did for us, when he did something that was basically a minimum performance level that he taught us that okay, there's something called reciting Quran, there is something called reciting your do as you do the cards, you blow into that now that blowing into that is not confined to the action of just bed. So you can read something else, you can read it and kursi and you can blow on to your
children, you can read it and see and you can blow unto yourself. Now I find a lot of people this is very strange. You know, you'll find somebody who's like, oh rasool Allah never blew into himself. Don't do that. No, there was a preference there is a precedent to for an action, which is permissible, just because he did not do it does not mean we can't do it. So we have to understand that like in our shared era, when it comes to house when it comes to wearing clothes, when it comes to wearing hats, things are MOBA things are permissible, then share the outcomes and it puts them at the category of it is funneled. It is Monday job recommended. It is watch it but as mandatory. It is
recommended it is MOBA, it's allowed. It's my crew. We don't like it, it's haram.
But I mild clothes actions initially, they are by default in the category of MOBA. And if Sharia applies to it, then it moves them left and right depending on the inference or depending on the reference that you know you are using. Now. For some somebody wants to read ITIL courses or read some Quran they want to blow on themselves. Yes, Rasulullah didn't do it. But does that mean that act itself is a bit odd? No, because we do so many things in our lives that are not directly related, but we're still doing them doing lectures, that is not from the sunnah of Prophet salasar He didn't hold lectures, but we're doing them why are we doing them because they're also it's
beneficial. And that's the way people have evolved in terms of their education. Now, other people are saying some other comments over here. So it's reading Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar 33 times reading the last three or two Sutras of Surah Baqarah 100%. So all of these what are they a reminder of
what is profits and Allah is hidden trying to remind us by the way, one of the Sooners, we forgot is Netflix. Netflix is a great sunnah that people have adopted nowadays, which is before going to bed, a lot of people a lot of a lot of us you know, one of the Sooners so now basically means an actor becomes a habit. So a lot of Sooners that nowadays people have is, is Netflix thing. So you know, you come down and you're like, Alright, I'm about to hit the bed, let me just do some Netflix, which is fine. If you're watching something beneficial or if you're watching something that is not haram, but at the end of the day when you do go to to sleep and when you're about to close your eyes, then
just you know, remember try to remember Allah subhanaw taala in those moments, and that would be much more beneficial to us.
Okay, now next part, behind closed doors. So what would happen during the life of Prophet sallallahu Sallam behind closed doors, when I talk about closed doors, we're talking about the bedroom of Prophet sallallahu sallam, something really interesting, the collision of cultures. So what happened was
the Jewish people living in Medina, they were very conservative when it came, when it came to how they would enjoy one another in a bedroom. So husbands and wives, and the relationship between a husband and a wife, they were very, very conservative. As a matter of fact, they would have like, you know, they would have references and they would have their a Hadees Hadees that you and I have, they will have their own references and their own verses and their own fatwas that would say that, Oh, you know, you can't do this. This is haram. This is haram. This is not permissible. So what happened was that the unsolved they weren't out of tribe, the oath and the hustle, Raj, they were
living and they got used to a lot of the cultures of the Jews because of the intermingling and sometimes inter marriages. So the culture of how you fulfill your desire, the sexual desires, the * and what would take place in a bedroom that was heavily influenced by the Jewish culture that was heavily influenced by the Jew Judeo some Christians, but
predominantly, the Jewish culture and religion. And, and by default, people started taking that as the correct way to do things.
Now, what what would happen is the people of knock on the other hand were very, very liberal when it came to such situations. So in terms of like them, fulfilling their desires with their wives and the wives fulfilling their desires with their husbands, there were a lot more experimental, they were a lot more open culture, their culture was influenced by no other religion and they had evolved, you know, so like, they had a lot more flexibility when it came, came to what was acceptable and not acceptable.
So, The Clash, The collision of cultures happened at the time of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, when the Sahaba they came, and they married the muhajir, the qurayshi Sahabas, they married into the unsolved and when they married into the unsolved the wives, what unsightly woman, they were not accustomed to certain things that demo hygiene or the people of Quraysh were accustomed to, you know, with their wives. So they started like arguing and they started saying, No, this is not I'm not going to do this for you, I'm sorry, this is not acceptable. I don't find this comfortable. And then at that moment, Allah subhanaw taala, he revealed those verses where Allah says, And he said,
Oh, come healthful comfort to HERSA calm and nourish it.
So in specific there were three or four stories mentioned. That's not the purpose of the lecture today. But if you look up the Tafseer of this particular IR, you will find all the three or four story references that you find one is your mother, the other one and other stories. In any case, Nisa, oakum parcela calm, this is something really interesting that you're Nissa your your wives are like farmland for you are a farm land like there are a source of creating the next generation. So approach them conceptually as you please. Now, a lot of people today and I want to talk about this, because
this verse has been misquoted so many times. So people read this and they say, oh, contextually, as you please, that means there is no restrictions and boundaries in Islam, we can do any type of fulfillment of pleasure with a wife, whether it is you know, we are talking about
you know, *, or whether we are talking about any form other forms of fulfillment. So they use this and they say, Oh, that means everything is allowed, and they will use that including *. Right, and that's also allowed. And that's not the purpose of this hadith. That's why if you that's not the purpose of this ayah if you go and read the Tafseer of this is very explicit, that that's why Allah Subhana Allah repeated the verse here, Nisa, competitor Lacan fat to how to thakeham ie the place where you would be having the enjoyment, ie the * should be not *, but it should be, you know, through the proper * channel, any other form of pleasure
is not going to be acceptable. So this is something that is important for us to know because a lot of people are confusing this today.
Now Rasulullah Salallahu Salam, when this verse came down, it made it a lot more easier for Sahaba and the Sahaba, yet to accept various forms off of enjoyment in the bedroom. Now I'm going to talk a little bit more about that. But I want to talk about this culture, of
lack of fulfillment of desires, whether it is on the wife's part or the husband's part, because we don't talk about this much.
But if you were to type just the word kissing or kissing, or if you were to look up something like you know, cobbler or something like Arabic words for that, you'd be surprised at how many times those words are used in our shooting eye books like if you do an online search on that it's going to be something really fascinating for you to see that you know, so much discussions were around how we fulfill our desires, you will have Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam people asking you know sort of law can we fast can we kiss while fasting Rasul Allah himself would you know kiss his wives during the fast especially the times where you know Rasul Allah was not allowed to have relationships like you
know, * relationships with his wives. It was noted that he would constantly be engaged in forms of foreplay, he would be engaged in forms of of kissing during those days and that would all take place in the bedroom of Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wasallam sometimes those
Moments of affections will also permeate outside the bedroom. So it would be during the time that he would be eating food, or it would be the time that they would be, you know, having showered together. In any case, this this, this whole concept that people have, you know, French kiss is not something absurd or something unique for the Muslims, it's something new that, you know, the French discovered that's not something, you know, like sometimes like, you know, people get credit for things like French kiss is not something new for Muslims, like, you know, Muslims.
If you think about it, there are a Hadees and I don't want it to I did not want to go into a lot of the details of this. But there literally are a hadith that exist that if you
like, I'm just giving you one example where the you know, the Hadith that says the Rasulullah sallallahu sallam was it was with Aisha Radi Allahu anha. And he comes to Aisha the Allahu Allah and he says, give me your tongue. And then he sucked on her tongue. Like the amount of explicit information that we have on how the soul Allah fulfill the desires, and how his wives fulfill their desires with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is fascinating. And sometimes our conversations in our bedrooms, or our our relationships in our bedrooms, are in need of a spark. And there's nothing wrong in fulfilling those through an Halal Avenue. As a matter of fact, some of the element
they have said that when a person he fulfills his desires in a halal manner, which pleases Allah subhanaw taala. And when he is involved in an act off *, he gets sadaqa so the Sahaba they were really like doing like hygiene. How can that be a sadhaka? That is a sadhaka because the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, if you were to do this in a haram winter wouldn't matter, wouldn't you be getting a sin? And then this harvest, they said, Yeah, Rasulullah Nam would be getting a sin for it. He said, so if you do it in a halal manner, then you get sadaqa for it.
Right. And, you know, so that was something really interesting for us, you know, for me, at least, that you know, we do need to invigorate our you know, personal lives when we talk about these elements. And and to talk about these in an open setting. Today's session is not about our private relationships. I just wanted to touch upon that. Those of you that do want and have interest, you know, shoutcaster buddy has a very, very good series called like a garment, I would definitely, you know, ask you to go and register and, and go through that because I've heard a lot of good I have never taken it but I've heard I've heard a lot of good you know, from people that you don't
sometimes their marriages have been saved when they go through go through what they went through that course.
So fulfilling our desires through the halal manner is something that is really really acceptable and also recommended now, now we get into some of the other things well, so what was the night sort of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam who's gonna tell me what was the night sort of gonna be set off center? Like what did he wear when he went to sleep? What What was the thing that was very common for W SallAllahu wasallam to where when he would be sleeping who's going to tell me that
that a C protection from IBLEES yeah hi che mentioned said Yeah, seeking protection from Bliss before going to sleep. So what was the the
night suit of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
prophets Allah said and what did you wear before you go to sleep
peppery what is that?
Body Capri Capri. Somebody saying he worked properly yes yes he would cooperate for sure. What were the company
let's let's let's get more detailed. What were those corporate What did he where was those? What were the details of those company?
I don't know something's happening with the colors of my organized better now. Okay, what were the Capri who's going to tell me
he used to sleep shirtless beautiful. Ali. Ali knows one thing right Prophet sallallahu Sallam he used to lead asleep shirtless. So he said Allah why do you say lemon he would go to sleep he would be shirtless. He would not wear a shirt on except if it was summer. And if it was sorry, sorry, except if it was
winter, and if it was winter, then Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have other forms, you know? So he would be in the last half. He would he would have the half of Aisha Radi Allahu Allah. So he would wear the new half of eyeshadow the Allahu Aina and he would share that half with Aisha the Allahu anha before going in again
into the bed.
What else?
That happened Robbia strieby. I mentioned that he used to wear something called the ribbon. So yes, that's definitely true. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would have an under cloak or a turban, or the Houthi, or whatever you want to call it. Is are in Arabic without in Arabic. There's multiple names for it. WOZA, like there's so many names for it in different cultures, but in any case, it's called without so he would wear that
he SallAllahu Sallam would not have a clock Why is the something's off with my light? Sorry, guys. It just increases somebody's either there's a gin who's playing with my light?
It goes brighter than it goes lower on its own. Okay.
Is this better? Yeah, I think that's good. We're good.
Okay, so he had an underclock. Yes.
And, and he would sleep shirtless. Now, the fact that he would sleep shirtless was something really interesting because he would, there are mentions the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would sleep shirtless, and Aisha Radi Allahu anha would feel the warmth of the skin of the visa Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and they would enjoy that they would enjoy that. What something really interesting is that you know, the, you know, speaking of the shirtless like, you know, Prophet sallallahu Sallam he used to have a shirt on you know, on top, when he sell Allahu Allah you sell them he passed away.
I shut up the Allahu anha she kept the clothes of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, she kept those clothes for herself. So habas they would come and they would ask I show the Allahu anha Can we see the clothes of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam Can you give us the clothes of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam so we could remind ourselves and they would come and they would kiss and they would smell the clothes of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, Asma bint Abu Bakr Radi Allahu anha Shiradi Allahu Anhu uma she mentioned that after the life of NaVi Salah Salem, I shot at the Allahu anha she gave me those clothes, she gave me those clothes, and when she gave me those clothes, what happened was, every single time we would
have somebody who would become sick, so every time somebody would become sick in our house, we would take those clothes we would dip them in water and then we would pour that water on that person and that person would get cure from the baraka of the blessed body of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam that these clothes had touched. Imagine Subhan Allah
so Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam his night was suit was something very, very simple. He would have an under cloak or the heavens kind of like what we would have during the
kind of like what was there for Amara so when we go for Umrah we were those things that you know that that Iran that we were the bottom part, it would be something similar and then he would have Rasul Allah would sleep without a shirt
what was the bed of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam made from let's see. Let's see who is going to tell these answers what was the bed of Nabi SallAllahu Sallam made for for those of you that are watching this if you are on YouTube if you are on Facebook, if you are an owl who does Facebook if you're in my Facebook if you could just kindly do this one favor it helps the algorithms and other people it lets them know that there is this class happening so if you can like and you know you're already commenting those questions or having a conversation but if you can like and share it so what happens is that you know other other people can actually benefit from it more and you know, this message can
go on to a lot more people a lot more people can benefit. So if you have not liked the video and if you have not shared the video please do so while you are doing this so other people can benefit because then in their algorithms and triggers and say oh there's somebody liking this video you should go and check this out and other people can log in and they can benefit inshallah okay palm leafs great. So Rasulullah sallallahu salams bed was made of palm leafs it was actually not made of palm leafs. What was there was it was built so it was a tanned leather and it was filled with dried palm leaves. So it was tanned leather and the thing was filled with with Yes, so it was barks and
skins it no not necessarily barks. So it was leather. Exactly leather encasing and palm leaves. That's the one. So zero for mine. It was a leather case and in casing palm leaves in it so it was filled with family so it was not something very, very comfortable. I have actually sat on something like that when we went to HESA
When we went to AXA and we were studying there, you know they had this type of information like this type of these leather sofas and they would use these till this day and what they would do is during the hot weather they would come and they would sprinkle the leather with water and the water you know, it would it would loosen up the leather a little bit and you would sleep on it and it was something very, very, very uncomfortable. You could not sit on it for a long time. Rasul Allah used to sleep on it. Was there another type of bed that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had, who's going to tell me that was there another bed that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had other than the bed
other than this leather casing? Because he had, you know, so many wives. And not every house he had the same type of a bed. So Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam used to have different types of beds, was what was another type of wood? Yes, there was another bed that was made of wool. It was a wooden bed, not a wooden but a wooden bed. It was made out of wool.
And that bed was in the house of Hafsa or the Allahu anha. Yes, so the next one is not not a rug.
So it was a blanket, a woolen blanket that was built that was folded and the Hadith that is mentioned in Chennai illiteracy were once have seven Tabby Bakker have served in trauma Radi Allahu Anhu uma what they said is they they they she decided that you know, Rasul Allah would have his, his bed folded his his wool blanket folded twice. So she said, why not I provide Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam some comfort so I fold it four times so it'll be a lot more comfortable. So that tells you that the blanket or this woolen blanket was very big that she was able to fold it four times and Rasul Allah did not recognize it, that it was folded four times because when Rasulullah sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam got up next morning, he turns to her and he says, What did you do to the bed? And she said, yeah rasool Allah, I folded it four times, then Prophet sallallahu Sallam he says, return it back to its original state for because of this extra comfort that I received. I was not able to get up for Fajr Oh, sorry, I was not able to get up for Salah not Fudger I was not able to get up for Salah right? Now today you have a whole industry that is focused on selling the most and the best and the loftiest and the most comfortable bed you can get so you can get the best sleep of your life. Right think about it. You are you have companies their ultimate goal is to sell you the 25,000
or 50 $15,000 bed which is going to solve all your problems, actually your problems are not going to be solved by that bed. Your problems are something that are beyond those beds because we are entrenched so much in this dunya that that love of dunya in our hearts is so so deep that it just it almost makes it impossible for us to lift ourselves into our spiritual state.
May Allah grant us the stability to truly connect with Allah subhanho wa Taala and only take from this dunya that would suffices us
he also used to have a bed that was made out of Hasley it was made out of a rug it wasn't you know something like a rug. And it was I showed you before where the dried palm leaves were intertwined and connected. Those palm leaves are connected and he would sleep on it. And you know when before Rasul Allah would sleep on it, it was an extremely hot day. They were you know, kind of we would assume that Obama, they would come in they would sprinkle water on it and those leaves would kind of become a little bit softer. Once that was all allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sleeping and when he turned his side or oh my god Allah Who and he saw the marks of those date palms on the skin
of Nabi SallAllahu, wasallam and Omar have started Omar Abdullah and started crying and he says Jada sorta Hola, que sera, el Kisara, those big big you know, giants of those times the superpowers they are sleeping in this amazing they are sleeping in these comforts and you being an abbey of Allah are sleeping in such state and he could not take that state. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he reminded on one of the Allahu Allah about the transient nature of this dunya. And this dunya is just temporal. You and I are going to live for 60 7080 100 years, compared to 1000s of years the person would have lived in his grave that we're going to live in our grave before the AMA and then
the life of eternity that we're going to have
So that was the bed of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa, Salam.
Next part.
What were some of the tools that Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam would use to make wudu? Who was going to tell me that? What were some of the tools that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make wudu what were the Voodoo tools that he had?
I know that there is a delay. So I am going to give you guys some time to type. I understand that it takes you know, it takes a while. I don't know why this delay is there. But apparently there is a delay. So we have to figure that out why the delay is there. There's something off today. I have no idea what's wrong with my camera. But hopefully
it fixes Okay, miswak Yunus, masha Allah Yunus Yes, so one of the tools that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had for wudu was a miswak.
So he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before a clay pot.
a clay pot and miswak his clay pot, the clay pot of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It was made of clay it was made of metal. And that clay pot has a name who is going to tell me what was the name of that clay pot? That clay pot has a name? What is the name of that clay pot?
Yeah, so it was a pot without handles? Yes, but that pot without handles has a name.
Those of you that have been joining my Instagram lives, you know what that? You know, you know what that is? For those of you that have not been joining, then then you know, for those of you that wants to join on my regular daily classes that I do on Instagram for teenagers, I teach my kids in the morning. You can see that ticker in the bottom. That is the information for you if you want to join my Instagram classes that I do online, but going back to the comments
what are
what was that pot called? Who's going to tell me
that pot is called Mud of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This that you see in front over here right now is actually the mood of Nabi sallallahu alayhi salam, not actually there's not the physical one that he had. But you know, I was blessed enough that you know, I was able to find a teacher who was able to give me an e Jazza in the mood of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So this the whole concept of this mod, is that our Sharia and so many rules in our shedding are based on mood of Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi salam,
there are so many rules in our in our setting, that are primarily based on mood. So for example, when we do measurements, when we measure do, what is the amount of food that a woman, you know, the husband needs to provide to his family, it's based on um, dad. So all of this mud is a measurement tool. And what happens is from the time of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam till I got this mud from my teacher, what they do is they take that mud, and they take the shape of that mud, and mud. And they have an E jazz so they have a chain of narrations. And this chain of narrations goes from
Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, to build at the allaahu and to another tab or into another tab or into another tab or into another tab, very sorry to another tab very, and then after that to another person to another person to another person, all the way down to my teacher and from my teacher to me, and this certifies that the amount of water this mood is going to hold is going to be the exact same amount of water that was held by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam would now this was what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam used on a regular basis for his will do. This was the tool that Rasul Allah had primarily for his will do. So think about it for a second. Today how much
water we spend in just making wudu and this was what Rasul Allah used for making his will do now.
I am going to show you something very interesting. So the amount of water that goes in this thing, I hope that I'm able to actually bring this close to you guys.
It's if it's focusing.
Don't think it's focusing.
It's becoming hard. It's becoming hard for it to focus. Okay, I think it's better now. Okay, so
come on.
Here we go. Okay, so
It's around 900 mils 900 milliliters of water. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to pour this in front of you here. So we get a sense of like, this is the total amount of water that Rasul Allah, Allah, Allahu Allah. He was telling us, oh, it's pouring out.
Some of the water is falling, but still, we got it to the top.
Okay, I don't know if you guys can see that it's all the way full. I'm going to pour this back.
So imagine doing Whoo, just with this. Right? Like, where are you going to begin? And if you thought this was interesting, and we'll do was interesting, that imagine doing your whole hustle with something like this. This is quote called SAR of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam This is and again you get an A Jazza in the Tsar and you get an Jazza. This is what he used
for his whistle. So after he would have had relationships with his wife, they would go and all the stories that you hear about Rasul Allah having glycerol and everything that you hear, on average, this was one saw that they will take, and they will perform all of their also with this one, PSA, this four of these four, and that are equal to one SAR, these are measurements that we study in fifth, but it's interesting for people you know, you should be aware of them. So for them that are equal to one star.
Now, this is the star of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, and this is what was used at the time in the past. Let me just get here.
This is what was used in the past, by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to make will do. Now the question over here for you and me is how much water we use. When it comes to our odo? How much water do we use when it comes to our hosel and I'm not saying that you break all your taps in your houses and you know, get rid of all the tabs and lock up everyone and get a water container and just do your will do from those water containers. That's not what I'm saying. All I'm saying is going green, you know, being conservative with your water, we could start changing things a little bit. Changing our habits just a little bit like tweaking our habits just a little bit enough that you
know, if we were consuming for example.
Exactly. If we were consuming like if you know if we were making wudu on a full tap, just because you want to follow the Sunnah of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, if you were to open that tab or quarter, you will get adjusted for that. That is the purpose of us doing this. So if you're going to your bed, you know that your bed is not in the jungle, you know that nothing is going to be on your bed, no insects are going to all of a sudden fly into your house because your house does not have any insects. But before you go into bed, if you just you know, rub your hand once on the bed with this intention that might now be said Allah who seldom used to rub the head the bed and he would wipe his
bed he would have to wipe his bed because you could have insects that would have cuddled up and warmed into warm themselves into the bed. Same thing goes for the shoes.
When you're putting the shoes on just a subliminal habit you take the shoe, you just wipe it off, you know it just gives you that sense that okay you know you have followed sunnah Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and you know you have followed the Sunnah of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, and and and, more importantly, even if you did not 100% Follow that sunnah as long as you made that attempt Allah subhanaw taala is going to reward you for that attempt in sha Allah.
With that, we come to the end of our today's session. This was
the bedroom of Nabi sallallahu alayhi salam. Inshallah, our next session is going to be our final session, we are going to go into the closet of Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam, and we're going to touch a little bit upon the kitchen of Nabi SallAllahu sallam, we're not going to go too much into the all the different various varying types of foods that Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam had, but we are going to touch on a few of the things in sha Allah related to the food of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And in any case, I just wanted to thank everybody that do show up, I asked Allah subhanaw taala that we're able to do these sessions live instead of virtual, were able to be in the masjid in
the house of Allah subhanaw taala and I'm able to see all the faces I know that the people that are logging in from other parts of the world as you know, I noticed that Aisha is from Melbourne and other
parts of the world for those of you who hopefully figure out some way of still doing those sessions virtually so you can all benefit but BarakAllahu li comb, I have, you know, thoroughly enjoyed myself in the preparation of these these classes and I'm excited that you know, next week is going to be the end or the finale. We ask Allah subhanaw taala the team gives us the Tofik and and the genuine ability to be able to bring in the example of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in our lives and we become the walking role model that he was in our hearts get filled with His love. We ask Allah subhanaw taala that you know that these these little efforts that we do in terms of trying to
understand our Habib sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he Allah uses these
small small efforts of ours, Allah subhanaw taala accepts these and connects us with Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam in the household. On the day of judgment in the beautiful pond of Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam how the coastal and were able to drink that beautiful water. Which Prophet sallallahu Sallam says that anybody who drinks that water, nailed the mountain back there, what about the whoever that that that person is not going to have any thirst after that Insha Allah, Baraka lofi come everyone, Allah subhanho wa Taala bless you have a very, very, very blessed weekend. And I will see you all for one last time before we launch some new series. In sha Allah,
Allah Allah on next Saturday, a sedan wagon or Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh who Subhanak Allahumma or Byham DECA Machado ILAHA. Illa? Anta Mr. Furukawa to buoy Lake, either Lake