Ahmad Saleem – Muslim Legends #2 Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Karim al-Khattabi

Ahmad Saleem
AI: Summary © The Spanish-led invasion of Morocco was driven by a desire to build a tree into a colony and establish that it was more of an invasion. The French army ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately ultimately
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah neuro

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so we are in sha Allah carrying on our discussions. And as you mentioned, as we mentioned before, the topic for our series is called legends untold These are stories of individuals who have lived in the past.

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It is a family program so we're going to try to keep the stories even if the stories happen to have some incidents that you know may not be kid appropriate, we'll try to communicate that in a way that it is appropriate and acceptable to everyone over here in Sharla. So if I was to tell you

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there was a conflict or there was a battle that took place what's the battle

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What do you mean the war

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Yeah, so it's too far two sides, fighting for a cause fighting for a piece of land. They be fighting for freedom, somebody is taken over, they're fighting for their freedom. Right? They could also be fighting to take over other people's lands, right? Those are all forms of battles. So if I tell you that a particular battle took place

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I'm not going to tell you the timeframe. And here was the

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the numbers on both sides. battle number

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the number of people

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And the number of people on side two or 23,000

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What's the first number

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300 side one side 220 3000 Okay

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and the

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from side one

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so on 300 People

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actually ended up winning

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oversight to

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and within six months after that

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there was another battle

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and side one

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had 3000 People

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side two

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had roughly 40,000 People 39 something 40,000

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And side

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ended up winning again

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when do you think this type of a battle took place? Side one being Muslims side the two

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people who were not Muslims What time do you think a battle of such nature would have taken place?

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Give me a timeframe yeah

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there are wild guests are like are you just

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why? Why? 1969

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Okay, okay.

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2058 It's a battle from the future. That's amazing. Love it. It's a battle that is taking place in the future. We have future knowledge about it. This battle took place in 2015 Mashallah amazing. Someone else mighty am

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now, you want to guess.

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Anybody else? When do you think about it like that? Where most were so powerful?

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What, 100 years?

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last 200 years?

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Not last 200 years?

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Okay. Okay, roughly around 300 years ago. So what else to tell you

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that the person who wants battle he died in 63 That's why I was really amazed that you said 1969.

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Okay, the person who led this battle. He actually died in 1963. We have records

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of his audio transcripts of him giving speeches. We have records of video footage on black and white. Those cameras

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And we have pictures of his.

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And these battles took place

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when he won,

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okay, right after World War One and before World War Two, okay right after World War One. Now, what's really fascinating about this individual as we get to know about him a little bit, Charla

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is that

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about this person. And if we do not know the timeframe, many of us are going to think that this person lived centuries and centuries ago. Many of his kids are alive today.

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Let that sink in.

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Maria malha Bobby, she's still alive is his daughter. She's still alive today.

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Many of the people who participated.

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last battles are still alive today.

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They're around, there was one person in Morocco, who was 16 at the time of the battle, and they have video footage of his interview

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where he interviewed and he told about this particular individual, right? So many times talked about it in history that you know, that sometimes these amazing things happen right next to us.

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And we may not be aware of them. This particular person has named Kareem, I'll have Bobby, actually Mohamed Ibn Abdul Karim al Bobby, his name is Mohammed Ibn Abdul Karim al Bobby. He was born in 1918 82. He was born in 1882. And he passed away in 1963.

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Born in lgds, Morocco,

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which is an area towards the present in Morocco, and it's close to the sea. And

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yes, he died. Yes. And he died on sixth of February 1960s. In Cairo.

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Now, many of you are not old enough on this question. The few that might know this, let's see who can answer this. The older ones who is credited in the modern day history

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to have invented guerrilla warfare.

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So if you read modern day history, who do they say that oh, this is the father of guerrilla warfare. Somebody who invented you know what guerrilla warfare is where you don't attack the army, you attack a portion and then you come back and recover. Come back and you go, and you'd be the small, small, small, small, small attacks and you create chaos within a big screen because your numbers are so small, so you can attack them, holy, you can attack you can go, you know, full on. So only way you can do it as you attack them inside. It's like

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some of the prominent people or fear seated against major nations in the world was who cheated in Vietnam. He defeated the American army.

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Guerrilla warfare, okay, their numbers were not big, but a lot stronger power. And they use it use warfare to cause such chaos and fear that the soldiers would be walking in the middle of the jungle and they were so afraid that anybody can attack them.

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Right? So did Mao as well as Che Guevara.

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So Che Guevara, Che Guevara, is that how you pronounce it? No, I'm pronouncing it wrong. Yes. Probably Che Guevara. So, Che Guevara, he, he actually

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is credited to have invented guerrilla warfare. But what's really interesting is in his last trip to Morocco to to Egypt, when Abdul Karim Al katabi was in Egypt at that time, he actually went and he credited and he said that I actually learned to defend my country through your inspiration. He actually met Abdul Karim al katabi. And let's talk a little bit about him now. That's our topic for today. So I'm gonna cut even hook Bobby who was a young young boy at that time 1882 He was born in a small tribe in a small town of Algeria and Morocco. His dad Abdul Karim Mohammed, Mohammed was his name Mohammed Al katabi. His dad, Abdul Karim al katabi, was a judge in the city did and they were

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from a particular tribe, a very known tribe, according near the coastal areas of Morocco, and they were called with dulce or with a od od girls and there's another name for them, which is what is

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so there's different pronunciations they have for them. So he was from that particular tribe and

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He ended up going to one of the big universities of that time in Morocco, Jamia Tyrolean, which is the oldest

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Institute out there in Morocco, then he actually went.

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And he was fluent in Spanish and Arabic.

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Actually, when he was he studied Mining Engineering. He was an engineer. He knew how to build mines, and you know, the engineering related to mining and stuff like that. He learned all of that. And then he came back after he finished.

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Now on his way back, because he was fluent in Arabic, and he was fluent in Spanish, there is a Spanish enclave. So enclaves are basically these cities within you, which is run by a different country. So if you ever ever look up on the map of Emirates, United Arab Emirates, right in the middle of the United Arab Emirates, in the middle of it, you're going to see a small portion that is controlled by Oman.

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A small portion that is controlled by the Sultanate of Oman, in the middle of the Emirates. So like the entire country, similarly, right in the middle of Spain, right at the coast is a small city called Manila, Manila. So this city because it's in an Arabic land, they spoke Arabic over there. So as he was coming back, they said, you know, why don't you just become a kadhi? Because you have studied shehryar, your Spanish because you're fluent in Spanish. And now you are also, you know, you've studied engineering. So you understand the Spanish culture. We have a Spanish city over there, and we are running whole bunch of things out of that city, why don't you just work for us? So

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he started working for the Native Affairs Department back then. Now, soon, he realized that when the war ended,

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towards the end of the war, in 1915, he used to work for the Bureau of Native Affairs, and he realized that, by the way, he also taught Hispanic, he taught in the Hispanic Arabic schools, there were schools that were teaching Arabic, to to the Spanish people, and there were schools that were teaching Spanish to their people. So he actually taught in that school language too. Now, what's really interesting about him is that he is in the middle of all of that. He realizes that these people, he realizes that these people are the Spanish people, they have ill intentions, they're not going to leave our country.

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So he realizes quickly, Spain, and France, they are here, and they're going to take over our country. So he put up and he started putting up this fight. And he said, There's no way we're going to allow a foreign force somebody from a different country come and take over. Imagine if somebody comes in take over Canada, right? You wouldn't want that. Right? So everybody's having their life and they're living in this beautiful country of Morocco.

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And then from nowhere, the Spanish people they start, they decided that they're not going to leave.

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So that's where

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Abdul Karim Al had Bobby his actual thought process and his conflict with the Spanish authorities begin, he decides and he says, You know what, I'm not going to do anything with the Spanish people, although I speak fluent Spanish, and he went back to his hometown at that time in reef in HDR, and in January 1919. You know, he was alarmed by the appearance of Spanish agents that came to the tribal territories and decided

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to her and invade their lands. At that moment, he said, you know, what I am going to defend. So the tribe got together and in 1920, his father Abdulkarim, together with those brothers, they the father AbdulKareem, with brother with his mother and his brother, they both decided that they're going to put up a fight, they're not going to let Spain Spanish people take over their their village and they put up a fight and they actually started defending themselves. Now, during the process of that defense, his father of the AbdulKareem he passed away in 1920. So in 1921, is the fall of 1921.

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The Republican of reef so Abdul Karim al katabi, with the effort and the insurgence of these people, the Spanish people trying to invade his village, he said we cannot fight alone we have to put together some form of a group that is collectively defending. So, at that moment, he formed something which was called the Republic of reef reef means the coral reef all know that the areas that are close to the coastal regions, so

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was it was an independent republic. People, people

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All started the villages, the tribes, they started connecting and they started going in. And what's really interesting was the Spanish and the French people, they could not take this. So they took it on themselves and they said, We're going to dismantle, we're going to dismantle the entire Morocco region. So when I say the entire Morocco region, you have to understand, I do not have a map, otherwise I would show you. But think of it all. You know, if you ever look at a map from Libya, all the way down to Mauritania. They colored the entire two colors. And France said, we're going to take the pink color, and they said we're going to or the green color, they divided the entire so so

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you're talking about Libya, you're talking about Tunisia, you're talking about half of Morocco, the other half of Morocco, Morocco, all of these countries, perfectly Muslim lands. And this is we're talking about 1920. Right after the World War. They said, Oh, these guys are Berbers. They're illiterate people. We are a sophisticated society. In the name of democracy, we are going to go and invade these lands. They have no business being there.

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So they split up these countries and the Spanish people they being at odds with none other than Abdul Karim and Bobby in 1921.

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What happens is that the efforts of

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Abdul Karim al katabi And he started building something which was called the guerrilla leadership, which means he started building the small, powerful battalion, all throughout the entire Moroccan region. And the Spanish people, they were extremely scared about that. They were like, if their armies are going, they have no idea when they're going to be attacked. And it could be an attack of 10 people or it could be an attack by 50 people we don't know.

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So they were terrified about that. So at that point, what happened is Abdul Karim sent commander to the general at that time, which was Manuel Fernandez cell vettery. This person selected this person

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he was known as a person who didn't care about lives he just wanted to kill.

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And he the warning that AbdulKareem said is there is a river that river is the river of Kern, you know not haram Kern, do not cross the River of No haram Koran. And if you do,

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you would have declared an open war against me. So So Mohammed bin Abdullah Karim, he sends this message to the Spanish,

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he doesn't care. He collects an army of 60,000 people.

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And he crosses the river.

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So how many people do you cross with 60,000? Okay.

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And what happens is in June 1921,

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Muhammad Ibn Abdul Karim Allah katabi, he says, We can't take this anymore. So there is by the Oberon mountains, again, this this, this is a lot of fun when we have Google Maps, and I can actually show you these mountains, but just you know, think along, there's a mountain, it's called a brand, right? And there are people there. So by the Oberon mountains,

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there is a battalion

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that is hidden.

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And an army camp of 23,000 soldiers is set.

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Now, what the Spanish people did to take over the entire Moroccan area is they they created 100 army, enclaves and checkpoints, entire region. So imagine, you could not travel anywhere in Morocco, unless and any road you would travel, you would meet a Spanish checkpoint or a Spanish, you know,

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barracks or any of these things, you would find them there. So around the entire the 60,000. They were all scattered. And there were 23,000 that particular location, and there were around 40,000 that were scattered, but they had a

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which was called Anwar.

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So at the Ablon mountains, they had around 23,000, they had an wall which is another city coastal city because it was right off, they could come from ships and get on a dock please.

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What happens is, he attacks

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II 100

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Imagine the entire Moroccan region being defended by only 300 people against the Spanish

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I wouldn't call it colonialism because colonialism means that they're trying to build a tree into a colony and establish that it was more of an invasion. Right? That's a nicer way to put it. Oh, we were colonizing it. We were, you know, a collateralizing. It we were advancing the states. No, no, there weren't. They had vicious agendas. So here's what happens is, he goes with 300

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and enters this massive

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1000. And within six hour, he takes control control over the entire camp.

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a lot of people just because of the fear of these 300 people, many of them died. There's varying accounts of how many people were killed. But bottom line, Around 1000 people were killed. And in some accounts, 200 Some accounts 400 varying accounts, but most of them just ran. They could not take it there was just so afraid, psychologically, they were so afraid of these 300 people. Now what happened was a delicate email hit Bobby Muhammad Ibn Abdul Karim Allah katabi, he was having this challenge, right? How do I convince? How do I convince my nation

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that we need to stand up against the invasion of Spain? How do I convince them?

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The only way to convince them is if I have a victory of such nature, which Allah provided him. So what happens is quickly, his army goes from 300

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to 3000. People, and he says, We're not going to stop right here.

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Our next stop is their bigger camp. And everybody's like, are you crazy? Have you done the math? It's 40,000 people, according to the, you know, according to the least estimates, it's 30,000. People, let's take 30 If you want. You know, these numbers are very varying, but they were huge. Like mathematically, it doesn't add up. You have Spain, they have cannons, they have airplanes. They have air force, they have artillery, they have guns.

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And he only has 3000 People who are not even trained as soldiers, people who just have this inside of them that we need to defend our country. That's all they got. And believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah is going to protect us. And that is the most powerful thing we take away from the story is that no matter what happens in our lives, we understand that Allah subhanaw taala will always protect us if we stand up for the right cause so do you have these 3000 people they go into this battle of unwell

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the Fernandez what he does is he gathers more troops he sends me as everybody that is in different barracks is in different checkpoints all of you we need to be at unwell and

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the battle begins the battle begins and and it's really fast don't realize the you know it's oil battle happened here Great. Okay, but what actually happened in the battle is even more fascinating. The battle begins And subhanAllah

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the entire battle how many people do think died

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give me a give me a number. So 30,000 Let's let's go with the number 30,000 30,000 Spanish 3000 Muslims in Morocco how many people do think died

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how many do you think of the Spanish people died

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out of how many

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out of 30,000 Pretty close

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Mashallah. Pretty close, actually. 22,000.

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That's that's pretty close. You're a good guesser. Man. I can't ask you next time. You kill this event in the one shot so much. I love it. That's good. That's really good. So the total casualties here's what happens, right?

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Total casualties right. So a number of people that died were around 20,000. And they were 4000.

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Extreme, like severely injured. They needed medical help.

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And they were around 570 that were turned into prisoners.

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Now how many of you think were the shahada, the mark of the Muslims?

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Muslims Muslims are 3000 How many things they lost?

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Let's see if you can guess. Muslims were 3000 How many do you think from the 3000 Muslims

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15 No, it's in the hundreds.

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that's a good one.

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No, arrays, arrays? Yeah

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More, more.

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500 Okay, so 500 500 Muslims were Shaheed at that time 600 were severely injured. And there were no prisoners.

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None of the Muslims were prisoners. Now the 570 prisoners that were actually taken, they were taken back to the city of God. And oh, yeah, by the way, I forgot to tell you the bigger part of the biggest part of that story. The biggest part of that story is that the person and will Fernandez, it was such a bad defeat, that many of his own army people, they actually saw him

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that many of the people in the army, they actually saw him.

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And he committed, he killed himself in the battlefield.

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Take the fact that was defeated by 3000 villagers who had primitive guns. And this is something that took place. Like literally, we're in 2021. This book took place in 1921, exactly 100 years ago from today.

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Okay, so this is so fast. Sometimes we think that you know, Allah subhanaw taala only helps people that were like four.

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But this is somebody right now someone. So finally the Spanish they had no choice but to retreat. So they retreated back.

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And they ended up it was, it was it was a question of, you know, you know, at the hands of Muslims, they could not take this. MashAllah then what ended up happening Long story short, his entire army grew. And it started growing and growing and growing. And basically what happened was, they were around 30,000, reefy, and fighters, so a very big army

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to guess what the Spanish and the French did. They're like, You know what,

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we can beat them by numbers.

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So there was another battle that took place. This was with 30,000 Muslims,

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100,000 soldiers in the Spain, Spanish and the French army.

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And they sent all of these soldiers on ships upon ships upon ships, and they said, We can not submit and to what happens around 1990 in 1924, is

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Abdul Karim mashallah, he keeps increasing.

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And the French, the people in France, they said, We need a strong presence in Spain and France to get together and each one of them committed 250,000 soldiers, this number with the large number of aircrafts artilleries. And they begin something which was called the operation reef Republic.

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In September 1925, the Spanish armies of Africa, so they had Spanish armies within Africa. They all also combined and supported with the Spanish and the French fleet. And they landed at the bay and Abdullah carry and they went straight dozens of mile away from the birthplace of Abdul Karim al katabi, Mohammed Abdul Karim Allah tabi HDR, they actually ended up over there, and they fought.

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And another battle took place. But what happens in this particular battle is that the Muslims do not give up. So the battle goes on for days on end, and the Muslims are continually winning.

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And finally the French, they're like, You know what, it's too much. It's too much effort. Let's get chemical bombs and just bomb the * out of them. So they just brought chemical bombs. They have actually literal footage of these pilots that are sitting and the soldiers at the back that are hauled because they didn't have that time. So what they would do is they would have a plastic plastic paint container, and they will have pictures of these people holding these chemical bombs in the air with their bare hands when it's flying and dropping it on

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the that were there.

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At that point of disagreement, Bobby, he decides and he said

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As I cannot risk the entire nation because this is no longer game, they're throwing chemicals at Muslims. They're not differentiating between who was who's an army who was innocent civilian. And a lot of them were killed. AbdulKareem al katabi. You know, this intense battle lasted 10 minutes

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30,000 versus 500,000 and they could not win 10 months of constant battle. Finally, Abdul Karim al katabi on May 26. Somebody is born on May 26. From our house, right.

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You are Yes. May 26 1926. Abdul Karim

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he surrendered surrenders to the French. There's actually footage of him.

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I was able to pull out from some of the records on YouTube and you know, foot there's a footage of him being arrested. And into like, bend him over in that footage to don't submit and he's like forcing and he's like, No, I have surrendered. But I still have dignity and I'm not going to bend myself forward.

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What do you think that did to him? I just want you guys to understand something. No, they didn't think

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most of them were revolt against him.

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No, they did not do any of that. Yes.

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You have a two guests guests. Go ahead.

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No, they didn't.

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They did not torture him. What were they afraid? They were so you know that like when he passed away? Just so you know how afraid they were? When he passed away? His great

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Spanish people and the French people were afraid to to even walk on the street, where his graveyard is. There were so afraid of his grave in his grave. They were so afraid of him. So what do you think is the biggest leader of such caliber for a colonizing power? That if he settles in another Muslim lands,

00:32:15 --> 00:32:23

the massive everybody's going to be right behind him. So what they did is they literally do you guys have your Google Maps on

00:32:24 --> 00:32:34

their Google Maps. If you take out your phone and look up and have reunion. Actually, let me show it to you guys.

00:32:35 --> 00:32:36

No way.

00:32:38 --> 00:32:40

I G so crazy.

00:32:42 --> 00:32:44

Yeah, it's from Madagascar. So you went to the island? Did you?

00:32:47 --> 00:32:50

Did you know that he was on that island for 20 years as a prisoner?

00:32:52 --> 00:33:00

It still is it still as a French colony? So he was kept on an island. I never thought that I would meet a person who has been to an island of reunion that is such as

00:33:01 --> 00:33:07

that was the they sent his entire family. Other and everyone asked me

00:33:10 --> 00:33:26

this and they said you're not allowed to interact with any Muslim except your family. So one members of his family that moved by a ship and they were sent Dakka Lucha they're all sent to this island of free union. And

00:33:28 --> 00:33:28

what has

00:33:30 --> 00:33:31

appeared from the face of this earth

00:33:32 --> 00:33:38

imagine if you didn't know back in the day you and Google Earth you have reunion as you have no

00:33:42 --> 00:33:42


00:33:45 --> 00:33:54

it's a beautiful place it seems colony right. It's a French colony. Did you find there is actually a street named after him on that island. It is called Rue of the cream.

00:33:56 --> 00:34:05

So there's actually a name, they actually named a street after him in that island. So what ended up happening is there was a ship,

00:34:06 --> 00:34:07


00:34:08 --> 00:34:16

and Australian ship by the name of that was actually visiting the island. The way he traveled by ship.

00:34:17 --> 00:34:18

And they decided

00:34:21 --> 00:34:33

Morocco Morocco to get their independence from Spain, France so that whatever uprising that he took to Chile, they got their freedom. They wanted to use this they wanted to use political bait.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:36

They said let's move him to France.

00:34:37 --> 00:34:38

And let's put him on.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:42

On a ship and

00:34:43 --> 00:34:46

what ends up happening is around 1956

00:34:49 --> 00:34:52

He is on this ship of Australian ship called

00:34:53 --> 00:34:54

ship wants to

00:34:55 --> 00:34:56

is going to

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

the through the Suez Canal

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

out into the woods see the Mediterranean in France from there.

00:35:07 --> 00:35:13

It stops at the port of Aden. It's tops at the stops at the port of Aden.

00:35:14 --> 00:35:21

And it refuels. Over there There is a by the name of Ethel from a tribal file added

00:35:25 --> 00:35:26


00:35:31 --> 00:35:32

who is a political prisoner?

00:35:33 --> 00:35:38

And he's a very influential person for Muslims. And he's on the ship.

00:35:39 --> 00:35:44

So, Abdul Karim Allah tabi he's still on the ship

00:35:45 --> 00:36:12

that were on the ship that were transmitters slash, you know, people who are going to be his accompany, you know, his, they're taking him his envoy taking him to France. They were roaming in the streets and they met at Dell. And he says, Oh, you look like people. Your arrows is like, Yeah, well, this is a French BTS. This is a French, this is a friendship. And what are you guys doing? He's, you know, taking up the caramel katabi And they were just touring.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:14

And they didn't know

00:36:16 --> 00:36:54

any history or for this person is he is a prisoner. We're taking him and he's like, okay, and actually, you can go look up the telegram copy, you can actually see telegram that was sent by an adult to King Pharaoh saying that there is this of Katoomba, which is leaving the port of either September in 1956. It is going to cross this canal and it is really up to the Egyptian people to say, Legend of ours. So King Farooq, at that time, commanded the Commandos, who,

00:36:55 --> 00:37:39

when the ship was parked and docked in the Suez Canal, they went on the ship, freed, a lobby, and they brought him into Egypt, where he was given asylum. And he spent the last life the remaining of his life I think, 16 or 17 years, he spent the rest of his life 17 years of his life in Egypt as a free person, and somebody who was heavily influential. And then, while ago, he actually became the head of the liberation committee of the Arabs of Maghrib of Morocco, he became there and he liberated Morocco while he was still in Egypt. He was not allowed to be in Morocco, France, the French people asked him

00:37:41 --> 00:38:21

well, you know, back then, when Muslims actually cared about other Muslims, the king king Farrokh actually defended and he said, nobody can take up that Kadima Muhammad Abdul Karim Anahata and then Muhammad Abdul Karim al katabi, had six children. Now he had 10 Children, he had six sons and four daughters. Many of his daughters are still this day and his grandkids are in Egypt. They've almost become Egyptians, they have Egyptian nationality, they live there. But again, this is somebody you know, subhanAllah, who died no longer 1963 Like after the independence of Pakistan, any tea that met him are still alive.

00:38:23 --> 00:38:44

And in this history, but more importantly, if you remember the first lesson that I talked about yesterday or last lesson, we talked about why we should study history, and we said we give this the sooner we gave this, you know actually I talked about it in the hot button if I talked about in the lecture, we said that there are principles learn about life.

00:38:45 --> 00:38:58

And one of the the Maxim's or constants in this dunya that Allah wants to teach us is come in Karela Allah but fear 10 kathira how many times does it happen

00:39:00 --> 00:39:08

that there is a small group of people and they will have victory over a large group of people, B is Nila but even of Allah.

00:39:09 --> 00:39:28

The second thing we learned is he was able to have the political understanding and the importance of education. So he would not have been able to fight the Spanish if he had not studied their lands, understood their culture, spoke their language, read their books, was part and parcel of understanding while keeping his identity alive.

00:39:29 --> 00:39:44

Irrespective of him as a colonizing power and made him the GAVI the first character. Number three, what we learned from the story is, no matter the odds against you, if you truly believe in your vision

00:39:45 --> 00:40:00

is going to test you Allah is going to test you once tested twice. But eventually if you said if you're steadfast on that, if you stick and hold on to it, Allah subhanaw taala will provide what happens and I'll go through challenges in

00:40:00 --> 00:40:03

In our lives, what Allah subhanaw taala is looking for is like, are you consistent?

00:40:04 --> 00:40:15

Are you going to see, you know, on the first first sight of the challenge, you're like metadata, oh, I'm done. I can't do this anymore. Are you going to stick to it?

00:40:17 --> 00:40:53

For the younger kids over here, and this is this is for the younger ones over here. It is, it's very important for us to actually and the early ages, spend time trying to understand the you know, read about the, these young these these amazing people, because it should inspire if they could do it, that I can do anything that I want. Never let anybody tell you this is not it's not possible if you do it during those difficult times, where his entire country was invaded by an inner power that was invaded coming in as an invader.

00:40:55 --> 00:41:00

300 people against 23,000 people and he's like He didn't say oh, it's only 300

00:41:01 --> 00:41:02

That can't happen.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:06

Right or even 3000 versus 30,000

00:41:08 --> 00:41:08

The odds

00:41:10 --> 00:41:10

of it

00:41:12 --> 00:41:16

right but he believed in the cause and he moved on

00:41:17 --> 00:41:24

anybody put a give a lesson over here that what do you learn from his story? If five years before solo

00:41:30 --> 00:41:30

What do you

00:41:32 --> 00:41:32


00:41:49 --> 00:42:08

Yeah, not being apologetic that's a really good one right? Being being able to be a Muslim. Keeping your head high. letting letting the world know that didn't do anything wrong. As a matter of fact, you guys don't have a history that you can look up to. You can come and tell me any morality or you can look down upon me. You have nothing against me.

00:42:09 --> 00:42:14

We as Muslims have a way better history than you any given day and it will always be better.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:17

Yeah, go ahead.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:22

Never give up. Masha, Allah, how old are you?

00:42:24 --> 00:42:27

Five, that's what she learned. Never, buddy and what did you learn?

00:42:35 --> 00:42:42

Okay, so she learned she would want to do get some more information about him and be right by by all of them. Yes, there's actually an entire

00:42:44 --> 00:42:47

him. But sadly, documentaries in Arabic.

00:42:49 --> 00:43:15

So she can read the documentary. It's really interesting. You actually get to see the the historical accounts from the Spanish side. People who are I mean, they have articles, they had newspapers that were written in France, that have documented this entire battle, also published as The Man of the Year 1925. Call of Times Magazine, if you look up Times Magazine, his picture actually shows up

00:43:16 --> 00:43:20

to you. So his picture actually shows up on

00:43:21 --> 00:43:39

is in 1925, this used to be 15 cents, Man of the Year. Number seven of the Ricardian katabi, August 17 1925. His picture actually shows up on time magazine as as the person who the entire world at that time was inspired by right.

00:43:41 --> 00:43:48

So with that, we come to an end inshallah. Our next story. Next week is going to be somebody from

00:43:50 --> 00:43:54

our subcontinent. And I think maybe uncle would know him said Hindi.

00:43:56 --> 00:44:34

830. Do you know do you know amateur Hindi? Yes, I haven't said Hindi. So we're going to do with the story of Sheikh Mohammed said a Hindi because what he will and again, I want to choose different different stories. Not every story is going to be warfare. This is more how he used knowledge to change the society. And his society at that time was a very similar Society of what we're living in very pluralistic. Very, everything is good. All religions are good. We should love one another the same thing we're going through, so it'd be very inspirational for us inshallah. Next week's does not collide Subhanak Allahumma we have the Akasha Delilah hayleigh and testuff Rocco Toby

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