Adnan Rashid – Removing Doubts Againts the Rightly Guided Caliphs 01

Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary © The Shia school of thought and belief is discussed, including the Shia's stance on hate and the importance of memorizing Prophet Muhammad's teachings. The shia's influence on politics and culture, as well as their use of slang and language is also discussed. The speakers touch on various disputes and claims made by various speakers on the topic of Islam, including false accusations, false claims, and false predictions. The shia schools' claims to be the best in the area are also discussed. The conversation ends with a discussion of the reasons behind the appointment of Jaysh and the lack of knowledge of his actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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This article Salama.

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This is stored as an under sheet is his great grandfather Molana mini hedge would mean how to Dean has hazard he was a great scholar and a student of Chef Mian as Hussein Devi, his father and grandfather and family's involved in knowledge and our stead of narrow she obtained a degree in history and has been involved in our activities with many organizations and appears on Islam channel. He he debated prominent Christian scholars such as James White, and today his topic is about removing doubts about the for rightly guidance I have this

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Ahmedabad Aldo villa is Amelie min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem II are you Latina Amina or the hula festival Mecca while out of W Tati? Shaitan in the hula comb, or do Moby Alcala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam

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i i utterly man for bulan SAR where I attend the FARC borderland Syrah oh come upon Allah salatu salam

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prespective brothers and sisters, today inshallah we will be addressing a very important topic.

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And that topic is

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doubts about the Sahaba spread by

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sheer school of thought.

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Now, this, let me clarify from the beginning is not an exercise, to spread hate, or to criticize a school of thought, or

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to degrade anyone for that matter. Rather, the purpose of this exercise or this lecture today is to share our compassion or love or mercy with our brothers and sisters in humanity, primarily the Shia brothers and sisters, and then whoever may be interested in the topic.

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So a lot of the Shia brothers and sisters out there think that after some notable drama,

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they hate the debate, or they do not truly follow the other bait. And by extension, they hate those who love the Arab bait, ie the Shia.

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This is a huge misconception spread by many proponents of the Shia school of thought

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we do not hate anyone. We are told to invite people to the wheel Allah subhanaw taala with hikma and Mo a little Hassan, Allah subhanaw taala commanded in the Quran how do we live Nishitani regime's mother in

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law Seville Arabic Bill hikma

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or mo Hassan wa Giada, whom bill will love to hear.

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We will be discussing this issue in relative depth, we will try our best to cover as much content as possible. There's a lot to cover. All ama our scholars have written books upon books for the last 1000 years, many books have been written monumental books, in some case, in some cases, way the scholars of Islam have dealt with some of the arguments or Shabbat or doubts raised by the Shia school. With regards to the sanctity of the companions of the Prophet salallahu Salam there is no doubt that the Shia they do believe in Allah and his and his messenger.

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But when it comes to the companions of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, his disciples

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his direct students, the Shia, and the Sunni are divided

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on this matter, the Shia take one stance, which is

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that most of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam were simply not trustworthy. And according to some, they apostatized for from Islam after the Prophet died, and they were not true Muslims. That's why they showed the true colors after the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam passed away after he died. On the other hand, the Sunday School 100

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So not the ones who are in the majority, who are the majority of Muslims today in the world.

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I would say over 80% of the Muslims today are from the asana to Jama. They are of the view that without the companions of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, there is no Quran and there is no Islam. This is the view. And this view is very consistent with history. For example, think about it. If the character of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is doubted, then who transmitted the Quran from the Prophet, we never met the Prophet. We never see we have we have never seen the prophets Allah so Allah.

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So how did the Quran come to us? It came to us through the companions of the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, they took the Quran from the Prophet, they learned it, they memorized it, they penned it. They preserved it, the protected it and then they gave it to posterity. They gave it to their followers, they students who were tabi own,

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those who learn directly from the companions of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. And then the third rule gave the Quran in its pure form, as it was delivered to them by the companions to their students. And then the chain

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rule reaches us uninterrupted.

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We have about 30 people between us.

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And the Prophet Muhammad, Salah Salem depending on what chain you belong to. So there are chains of memorization, coming directly from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to our day, there are a farz memorizers of the Quran, in Egypt, in Saudi Arabia, in Mauritania, in Malaysia, in Pakistan and India, all over the world, in the Muslim world, people who memorize the Quran and they take authority from the teacher, and their teacher took authority from their teachers. And then the line goes back to the Prophet sallallahu ala Prophet Muhammad uninterrupted. And in this line, as Hubbard was all the companions of the Prophet are the most important people because they are the ones who

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took the Quran. So even the Shia today the Quran they read, is the Quran, that that was standardized, in its current form by

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Uthman been found Rhodiola one one of the earliest Muslims, one of the earliest companions of the Prophet of Islam, and the son in law, the son in law of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam twice, because of man was married to two of the daughters of the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam one after another.

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So he was married to Uncle Tom and Riparia.

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So if with Martin radula unstandardized, the Quran and if the Shia some of the Shia scholars if they believe or Shia proponents, if they believe that this man was a disbeliever, or more third, or even

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someone who was possibly one of the worst people to walk the planet according to the sheer view, then why would you read Quran collected by him? Is the question. If I was told today that the Quran came from Korea, Jamia Matata, right, or coverage, I would be worried I would be worried. Right? And there's no doubt that some of the coverage of Quran the Quran they were readers of the Quran do recited the Quran, okay, and we have reasons to even trust the coverage.

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But imagine if I was to if I was told that the Quran came from Babu, John,

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or the Quran came from Ebola

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or come up in a bit more.

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Imagine some of the biggest enemies of Islam would have, would I have any confidence in the Quran?

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Do I have any reasons to have confidence in the Quran? So how can I share how can I can HeartShare brothers and sisters have confidence in the Quran which was in its current form, preserved, collected, transmitted by Othman been a finally lawan and his committee, part of which was alumina with olive, thankfully.

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So today we will be talking about these issues. And why this issue in particular, we have a text in front of us

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and this text is known as tafa.

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If not a Sharia, this book or this

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Compendium or this encyclopedic encyclopedic book, was written by a scholar named SHA Abdulazeez. When sha Allah when SHA Abderrahim.

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And Shah Abdul Aziz was born in 1745 in Delhi, in a very chaotic times. So in a very chaotic period, this was the period this was a time in the Mughal Empire was in sharp decline in India.

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And about six years before Shah Abdulaziz was born, Delhi, the center of Muslim power in India was devastated by a Persian invasion.

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This invasion was led

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by a man called Nadia Shah who was the ruler of Persia. And he had decided to attack the Mughal Empire because it was already weakened by attacks internally. So, Nadia Shah saw an opportunity to get rich very fast. He had an army and he knew the moguls are not able to confront him, he attacked India and he devastated the city of Delhi, and he became rich beyond his imagination. Beyond his imagination, there are reports that he picked up so much gold and silver and so much

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you know, treasure from daily that they were Campbell loads of these things heading towards Persia, from Delhi to Persia, including the peacock throne, famous peacock throne,

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which had the Kohinoor diamond in it the Mountain of Light diamond, which is today found where where is it found? Where is it today

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Muslims, masha Allah, where is it?

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Where is it?

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In the crown, the crown the Queen of England Where's today Queen Elizabeth the second. The Kohinoor diamond is found in the crown. It is one of the most expensive diamonds in the history of humanity. Because of its size, unfortunately, it was reduced more than half in size by Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria.

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Because it was it was not cut properly. So when they cut it, they reduced it into less than half. Unfortunately, what you found find today is less than half of the coin who diamond and it has a very huge history. And if you want to read the history of this particular diamond, how many hands it exchanged and where it went and how it came and where it came and how it came. You need to read William Dalrymple's book, the Kohinoor diamond he has written recently it was published less than a year ago this book, and the details are there. So cut the long story short part of this plunder. This treasure, which Nadia Shah had looted from daily was the diamond, which was, of course studied

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into the throne, it will call the peacock throne. He was made by Sharjah Han one of the most more powerful Mughal emperors. So he became rich and sharp because he was born six years later.

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In the house of Shabalala. The Hillary who was already an established scholar in de showery Allah was one of the greatest scholars who ever lived in the Indian subcontinent. He produced unique works in India, he pioneered the study of Hadith in India, Hadith sciences were neglected in India. In India, scholars of Islam were mainly into studying logic, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, and Fick.

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In particular, the Hanafi fiqh, right. But the size of Hadith was

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neglected for a very long time, although there were some scholars of Hadith, but they did not pioneer the science of Hadith as did Shall we would love to have this data we refer to Allah Allah. So sha Allah, born in Delhi, realized that there is a lack of the understanding of the science of Hadith in the Indian subcontinent, so when he was a young man, he traveled to Hejaz, he traveled as a young man in his late 20s in 1731,

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The father of chandeliers he is the man we are discussing today. He traveled to hijas to seek some knowledge and he sought the knowledge of Hadith. Within 14 months, he was able to cover chunky volumes of Hadith with scholars, and he took authority from them in Hadith. And he brought back this knowledge to India and subsequently wrote books on the size of Hadith, and commentaries. On Hadith. For example, there's a very famous commentary on that Mata of Imam Malik written by showery Allah, titled onmouseover and almost alpha one in Persian, one in the Arabic language so that he can introduce another view in the Indian subcontinent because the Hanafi school was very rigid, and the

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Hanafi scholars in India were extremely rigid. So he deliberately wrote a commentary on Maka of Imam Malik to introduce the honeybees of India to another view based upon Hadith. So, this was a new beginning in India, and shotgun Aziz, who was also had this hadith says, a scholar of Hadith someone who has mastered the sciences of Hadith for example, El Mirage, Al DARIAH, or a wire and you name it, he had mastered the sciences, because because of his father, so shadowless is born in 1745, was taught primarily by his father, and he talks about his father with utmost respect and an honor. His father was his role model like showery loss father was his role model. So Shabalala put a lot of

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stress in teaching his children he had four sons, the eldest was Abdulazeez, the man we are talking about, and Shaol EULA died in 1762.

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Leaving his son behind, who was at that time, about 17 years old and short the disease upon the death of his father took over from his father and started to teach Tafseer and Hadith in Delhi, while Delhi is under attack on daily basis, monthly basis, every year something new is happening, another armies invading daily because this century, the 18th century was a Chaotic Century for the Muslims of India, in particular, if not for all Indians, definitely. For the Muslims of India. This was a chaotic period. And one of the most important developments took place in the time of Sheldon Aziz, when he was growing up in Delhi, the Shia had gained a lot of influence in the Indian

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politics, because of because of the state that was governed by a Iranian.

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She has, she also had come from Iranian background. And this state was called the state of Ovid. And the capital was luck now, and this is where the she has had accumulated a lot of power, a lot of influence. And they were they were using their influence to change things in Indian politics. And this is why shower your law when he wrote a letter to the king of Alanna Stan Machar inviting him to come to India to protect the Muslims against all these threats to people he talked about, in particular in this letter

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were softer Jang, who was the ruler of Ovid, the Shia ruler of Ovid, and the other one was a Jart.

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leader or jar ruler, Hindu jar ruler, his name was

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Surah Mulk. So these are the two people Cholula complained about in this letter written to the king of Alana Stan mucha abdali. And the letter can be found in

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a collection which is unfortunately it's only you know, do you cannot get it in the English language, but subsequently, we hope that someone will inshallah translate these words into the English language. So Cholula had all done all this work. So I son inherited these problems. When he grew up in Delhi, the Shia had grown in influence, and the general of the Mughal army, the remaining Mobile Army was none other than a man called Najaf, Ali Khan, northern Valley Han. He was the general of the Mobile Army. And he was the most powerful man

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in Delhi, as well as possibly in north India, because he was the general he was the leader of the Mobile Army.

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Thank you.

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not everybody. Han was a problem politically, and he was causing a lot of problems on the Sunday Alama a lot of the Sunday on our being killed or being assassinated in missed

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various circumstances. One of them was miza mother, John John, who was a Sufi, Sufi inclined, Muslim scholar in Delhi, with a large following, he was killed, assassinated in mysterious circumstances. And one thing that was clear about him was that he would criticize the Shia influence growing Jia influence in politics and in theology. So, sugar xizhou was still growing and seeing all the circumstances take place. And he realized because of the political influence of the Shia school, because of the political power, the Shia held in India, the school became very popular among the masses as well, a lot of the people, you see if the ruler belongs to a particular school of thought,

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and he wants to promote it, through his power, his money, his influence, it is easy for him to do so. Right. And it's so happens in history, when an evil called Don't talk about his theory that when people are politically dominated or militarily dominated, it is very easy or very likely for them to follow the culture of the dominator, right, or the culture of the the victor if you like, okay. So, this is what Abel Kulu talked about in his

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book got them as well as a as a social philosophy, what happens when nations are occupied, when nations are dominated, when nations are subdued, they very often follow the culture or the religion or the ways of the dominant power, like what happened during the British Raj, when Britain was governing India, it influenced the people so much that the people took off the mobile clothing and they started to put on British clothing to mix into the powerful circles to get acceptance from what we call assimilation. So, the Indians became anglicised, right they started to dress like the English, they started to speak the English language, they abandoned the Persian language and Arabic

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tradition, even the Hindus back in the day used to learn the Persian language to get better jobs, right. But that had changed now, because Britain had come to power in India, English language was promoted systematically promoted by the government. And that meant the Hindus in a Muslim now had to adopt the English culture and the language and clothing that came with it. And lo and behold, we have what we have today, right. So,

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this this is exactly what was happening and shall because he is growing up in Delhi was worried about this situation, that sheer influence is has entered every single home, if not in Delhi, generally North India, and he was quite worried about this situation. So what he did was he planned to write a book to protect the Sudanese, or to protect the

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opportunity, well, Gemma and the theological sense of

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how can I put it superiority, if you want to call it right, or

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to satisfy them theologically, that your view or what you follow is the Huck is the truth. And any doubts spread by the Shia brothers and sisters can be easily answered. Right. And nowhere did shotgun Aziz promote sectarian violence or killing of each other. Rather, he wrote an academic book

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to clarify the position of the other some notable drama. And then this book was completed in 1780. To be precise, the year was 17, ATC, okay, when shall the diseases almost?

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How old was he if he was born in 1745 35?

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He was 35 years old Oliver Chavo disease at the time at this time, was nearly 35 to 35. Yeah, 1780 when the book was complete, right. So he was nearly 35 years old when he had completed this book. And let me tell you something, something about this book, this book is so powerful.

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It felt as as a thunderbolt on the shores of India in particular, and the Shias of the world in general. Right. So shaken were the shares of India by this book, that some of the rulers who are very powerful with a lot of money, had put aside 10,000 rupees one of them, one of the rules, he had put aside 10,000 rupees, you know what that meant in the end

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In the in the 18th century

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we're not talking about 10,000 rupees Indian or Pakistani today, it's worth nothing. 10,000 is like 100 pounds today, right? Unfortunately, but in the 18th century 10,000 rupees could buy you buy you an estate, you can buy an estate, you can you can buy large chunks of land, possibly a small country with 10,000 rupees, right? This is how much how much money, it was at that time, it was a lot of money, it was a lot of money. If you have seen those silver rupees from the Mughal period in the 18th century, you know exactly what I'm talking about. So 10 grams of silver multiplied by 10,000. Think about it. That's, that's a lot of money at that time. Okay, so one of the Shia rulers, he put

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aside 10,000 rupees for any Shia scholar, whether Iranian, Persian, or Sufi, or Indian, to write a response to

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Israel or Sharia, write a response to it. And 25 responses were attempted

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25 responses. And according to the Sunni scholars, none of them satisfactory enough for them to even treat it seriously. Right. And you can only realize what I'm talking about when you actually read the book, okay. Unfortunately, the book is only available in Persian, the original language it was written in, because it was meant for the elite in India, the elite language in India at the time in the 18th century was the Persian language. So that's why Shah Abdulaziz wrote it in a language that was understood by the elite so that they can not be influenced enough enthusiasm to fall into Shia Islam. Because there are there were entire states fell into sheers. Entire states, one of the states

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is Rambo. Rambo became a Shia state in the 19th century, purely because some women from the state from the royal family had adopted the the sheer religion or the Shia view on Islam. And then they were able to influence the Nawab the ruler of the kings by the love and compassion and the what we call in the quality will do a dying you know, right.

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How would you translate a dime into English language?

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seduction you can call it seduction. Yeah. So some of the rule rulers of this state this state, ironically, you wouldn't believe this. The founder of the state of Rambo, Rambo in his in a region of India called rohilkhand rohilkhand was actually governed by persones baton rulers. Okay. And one of the first rulers of this state was a man called half is Ramadan, half is Ramadan had written a book in a refutation of the Shia because the influence was growing in the 18th century. So he had, he had written a book to refute

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the Shia school of thought. And he wrote a history of the questions as well, side by side in this very book. The book is titled philosophy and sub philosophy and sob, it is a history of the stones. And within the history of the stones, he has put down refutation of the Shia school of thought, right. And then ironically, some of his descendants later on, they ended up becoming here. This is how strong the influence was. This is how some of the powerful elite were turning to the Shia school of thought in India. That's why sharp does, he's realized that something has to be done, something must be done. And he wrote this book called tafa, ethno Sharia, and it was thoroughly researched.

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Chavez is one of the unique features of this book is that he thoroughly studied the books of the Shia school of thought, their major books written by their major scholars, primarily the books of the Shia Hadith. And by the way, before I continue, let me explain the Shia hadith

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is to be found in four books. And they are called a portable aerobar. Okay.

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The four books, right? And what are they all Caffi

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written by

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Mohammed bin Yaqoob, calculating,

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and that is the most important book for the Shia school of thought, the Shia theology, the Shia fig is based upon a coffee, right? It's taken from a book called a coffee. And then there is Malaya roof, okay. There is a list of Tsar and there is a 30. These are the four books of the Shia school. authorial coffee is the most

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important one, and then the Sunni also naughty will Gemma we have Sahar Sita. Okay. Bukhari Muslim without Timothy even my Nasai and even Marja, right? And some even add more Dima Malik. In fact, Shangri La was of the opinion that more Adi Malik should be part of the Sahaja ta not in no module. So, there is this valid opinion amongst all of them on the scene, there Mapa should be given precedence over even Amaya.

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this shows you that she a source of knowledge on Hadith on the ology on Fick is different to the Sunni sources. The Sunni is primarily take the Sunnah, that's what we call Sunnis, ohana, zoonotic all Jamaah. What is Sona? Sona is the tradition of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam which is delivered by the prophet to his companions. So it is the companions of messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam who tell us what the Prophet did said and agreed to. Okay, that is sunnah. What he did said and agreed to. Okay, on the other hand, the Shia school traces back its

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tradition, to primarily to Imams, not even not the Prophet. Listen carefully now, not the Prophet sallallahu sallam, not his companions. Not even I'll even call him. Not even I'll even call him who then two Imams mainly Imam, Mohammed albaraka and Imam, Jaffa Assad. These two imams are the main sources of Shia theology as they claim. And in due course, we will see why that claim is actually not worthy of much attention. Right? When are Shia brothers and sisters again, when I use the term Shia brothers and sisters, this means we want to share our love and compassion and mercy with our brothers and sisters. There are people out there who genuinely want to listen, they want to know the

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differences. They want to understand the differences. And this lecture is a gesture of compassion, mercy, and love. We have no hate to hear, we only have love and compassion to share. So you must understand that this is not an exercise to spread hate and discontent. Rather, this is an exercise of love and compassion and mercy. So please, my brothers and sisters,

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those who are listening, take this lecture in that spirit, not in a spirit of trying to spread

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division or more antagonism between the two communities because there is there has been a lot of sectarianism, unfortunately, especially in places like Pakistan

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where a lot of killing has taken place and we really really we condemn that killing from the depth of our heart we don't want any innocent people dying anywhere on the planet let alone you know you know, we don't even want animals to die let alone let let alone humans are messenger Rasulillah Salam has forbade us from such things. So, this is something to open our hearts towards each other so that we can listen to each other carefully inshallah doll.

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are Shia brothers and sisters in humanity when they claim

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that we follow the other bait

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and the way of the bait is better than the way of the companions of messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, this is a very erroneous idea. It cannot be substantiated in the light of historical evidence, let me very quickly explain what I mean by that. And SHA Abdel Aziz in this book talks about it. In fact, I will talk about it when when the time comes in sha Allah Tala in due course in the lecture. So, this book was written. For that reason, as I have already explained the historical background, a lot of homes, powerful families, a lot of the Indian Muslims had been influenced by Shia school of thought, and Shia philosophy and Shia thinking and she arguments and Shia Shughart

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doubts spread about the sanctity of the Sahaba as harbor Rasool raviolo. A Jain This is one of the reasons why sha Allah wrote a book

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titled Is Allah telefone kala fertile for NEFA shower EULA Mahadasha dalvey. He wrote this book title is Allah Tonka Olav Telefonica removing of the veil

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from DACA, lover of DACA. So he wrote this very powerful book, to remove doubt, a cast accosted by, you know, but she has school of thought in India, from

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the love of aboubaker Ahmed Northman, Radi Allahu Anhu. And then Chao Zhang de diseases son wrote this book to fight naturally, I believe, to fight it, actually, is one of the best treatments in

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the history of Islam of the shield, shield school of thought, you may be shocked to hear this now.

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There are many books that were written before it,

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many books that were written after it, but this book stands as a monument to this day.

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And she scholars tried to respond, respond to it in the 19th century, primarily. And as I said, 25, nearly 25 responses were written on this book, one particular book, I really would like you to read on this topic. And it is written by a Shia historian from India. His name is His name is upto, Abass Redway. He has written

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a book on sharp diseases life is it is a biography of Shabda diseases life. And

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some part of the book is on the biography, the history of the disease, his birth, his education, his circumstances. And most of the book is basically on top five, Nigeria. So to be fair, you should go and read that book as well as to what a Shia historian had to say about this book. And he talks about all the responses written by Shia scholars on this particular book. This book is available online, you can find it utter Abbas Rizvi, and the book is titled sharp disease, okay, Google it and you will find the book in Charlotte Allah. And this book is written on this personality and on this book. So it talks about in detail who wrote the response, where it was written, and what was the

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response to the response. Okay. So, what did Chavez is wanted? What do you want to achieve from this particular book? He made it very clear in the preface that the school the Shia thinking has spread all over North India, and it has become indispensable for me to treat this topic. And for this reason, I write the book to protect the Muslims from any further deviation. So this was a very comprehensively researched book. Now some people prefer min Hydra sunnah of shekel Islam, Ebro Tamia, which was a response to a Shia scholar who had written a book called min harder Kurama when Hardwell Kurama was written by a man called Immanuel matar liberal matar Haley. Okay. Everyone matar

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Haley had written this book for the ruler of Aristotle, the Mongol, who had adopted the Shia school as his way and to satisfy him. aproveitar had written that book and a copy of that book came to shackle Islam in Potamia. So April Tamia Rahmatullah lay, he started to write a response which ended up in four volumes when * sunnah, very rich, a very beneficial and a very powerful book nada, but the slug of that book is different to find Nigeria. That book was a response to a particular scholar tafa is a general treatment of the Shia school and its history. So what does shelters is do in this book, what is his sloop? You will see from the content I will read the content very quickly, so that

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you understand what direction sharp does he took in this regard? Okay, so chapter number one is

00:39:12 --> 00:39:14

about the Shia school

00:39:15 --> 00:39:17

and the Divi

00:39:18 --> 00:39:23

the diversion within the Shia school are not how can I put that not diversion? Sorry.

00:39:24 --> 00:39:25

How can I put it?

00:39:26 --> 00:39:29

What's the word for that? It's completely miss my mind.

00:39:31 --> 00:39:43

Diversity, sorry. That's the word diversity within the sheer school. So there are many many Ferrick. So sharp the disease extensively discusses the history

00:39:44 --> 00:39:59

of the Shia school, when it was formed, how it was formed, who formed it, where did the thinking come from? For example, he talks about the farecard savatya server here are the follows

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in Sabah, this is a very contentious issue among the Sunnis and the Shia. Some of the Sunnis erroneously attribute the entire Shia school to Abdullah bin Saba, which is a mistake. Okay. Like there is a notion among the Sunni is very famous very commonly held notion that there is a volum Ahmed Qadiani died in the toilet. You must have heard this. Have you heard this? Yes, you heard this right. It's a very commonly held view among the Sonny's erroneously let me burst your bubble. It is not true even according to the works of Chef Alama Exxon Eliza here who had written a book titled Alcalde Ania in the Arabic language, and it had been translated into the English language and will

00:40:45 --> 00:41:33

do language in that book Alama he clarifies that this notion that he died in the toilet is actually a fabrication. It's not true. Rather, he gives the reference from Milwaukee Allah Muhammad Qadiani son, who stated that his father died in diarrhea, in diarrhea in the sense that he basically relieved himself next to the bed and he fell on the battery died in that state. So this is how he died. There is truth to that, and we have a testimony of the son of middle of Allama Kalyani, but some people extended that and made the story of the he died in the toilet. Okay, which is we should be we are a people of justice. Some of you will jamaa we must state facts as they are okay. So some

00:41:33 --> 00:42:02

people they attributed the put the entire school in the basket of Abdullah bin saba. No, this is a mistake. Abdullah bin Salman didn't make this year of school. Maybe he was one of those people who came up with some of the ideas thrown out like such as such as cursing the Sahaba cursing the sahaba. He was the first person who started cursing the companions of the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, which was a very audacious thing to do. He had an audacity to start doing that.

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00:42:07 --> 00:42:08


00:42:10 --> 00:42:54

Medalia Z zero here. Well, basil here are camellia Maria Jana here by Ania, Missouri, Mamma mia, Maria, of we dia Fabia. So all of these spirac and diversities within the Shia school. Chagas disease goes into every single one of them, and dismantles it and explains the reasons of his format formation, where where they came from, what were the influences? And what are the reasons for the attribution to certain names, right. So, the second chapter, it goes to discuss how some of the Shia scholars

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scholars, write books, and put webs you know, how, what is the web?

00:43:04 --> 00:43:13

What is the web? Attract, right? What is the Fisher fisherman? You know, those people are the fisherman.

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00:43:17 --> 00:43:32

is called it's called putting the net for fish trying to catch fish, or putting your web. Okay, web is usually done by the spider. Right? Okay. So shorter season chapter two, he talks about some of the ways

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she has she scholars have used historically, and he gives evidences, he's not talking just because he thinks these things are there. He is giving evidences some of the ways some of the Shia scholars have used to attract people to the Shia school of thought. And some of these ways are very deceptive.

00:43:54 --> 00:43:57

Very, very disingenuous. And

00:43:58 --> 00:44:02

as some of the ways as you can see from the

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so sometimes they make a claim against the Sony's and the Sony's are to be found

00:44:11 --> 00:44:16

ignorant of the faith, or ignorant of their own theology.

00:44:18 --> 00:44:59

They realize that there is ignorance there. They start to throw things at you. Because you they know you're not able to answer those questions. They will throw things at you, to attract you towards the Shia school, and Iran. Ironically, some of those views are held by themselves. And this is exactly what shark does. He's writing this book in these into in this huge chapter, and how many ways he calls them Kade Kade. What is the transition of cage in the English language? Trick? Trick plot plot. Kate like Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran indicate the shape Bonnie, can and Eva okay Kate is a plot is a trick

00:45:00 --> 00:45:58

So, shorter reads when he writes in the Persian in the original book, he titles them K the number 1k The number 2k The number 3k The number 456 How many K? How many 107 Allahu Akbar 107 ways plots, tricks, strategies of stratagems used by the Shia scholars to attract ignorant Sunnis today school and you will find many ignorant phonies falling into the trap 1000s fell into the trap when she Abdulaziz was alive and many realize what the * is going on. He decided that he must do something about it. So he spent a lot of his time a lot of hard work to write this book to protect the Muslims and will lie if you look at the headings, the titles, you will know exactly what I'm talking talking

00:45:58 --> 00:46:04

about. Case number one, Trick number one are some naughty Well, Gemma.

00:46:06 --> 00:46:16

They consider Allah subhanaw taala topical wajib particle wajib is what someone who abandons obligations, right? And the details can be read in the book.

00:46:18 --> 00:47:01

Also know the wall Jamaah they, Kate number two, I'm reading them in order right? How shall disease titled them? I'll assume that you will Gemma. They consider God a sinner that God commit sins are God makes mistakes, Allahu Akbar. And then she always talks about this, that they themselves in the Shia books, there are reports that suggest that God makes mistakes, not in our books. There's nothing like that in our books. But sometimes the Shia scholars had twisted some of the some of the reports are found in our books. And they put them across in a twisted way that the ignorant son is are completely baffled. Because they have never Firstly, they have never read that report before.

00:47:01 --> 00:47:14

Most Sundays are like that. Unfortunately, most of these, they haven't read the sources carefully. They haven't if they have read them, they haven't read them carefully. They simply don't know how to respond to respond to some of these

00:47:15 --> 00:47:19

traits or questions.

00:47:21 --> 00:47:21


00:47:23 --> 00:47:25

strategy or plot number three,

00:47:27 --> 00:47:32

under some notable Jama they claim that Allah can do

00:47:33 --> 00:47:38

so the details I'm not giving the details and some I'm giving you examples. For example.

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Plot number 48 I'm reading them randomly so that you know how sharp the disease is talking about these plots used by Shia scholars to bring some reason to shear shear ism plot number 48. He talks about his many Sunni Masha, many Sunni scholars became Shia, you must have heard this claim. You must have like you see a lot of the times Christians using this strategy. Christian missionaries right. Ex Muslim. Yeah. Wow, Allahu Akbar. Yet you see this man on YouTube who suddenly appears from out of the blue out of nowhere ex Muslim comes becomes Christian. You must have seen this before right? There was this guy who recently died of cancer. His name was Nabeel Qureshi, Nabeel Qureshi,

00:48:26 --> 00:48:41

and he used this card so much that some people became sick of it. Even Christians started to criticize him and asked him to stop using this card of ex Muslim because you're not ex Muslim. He was actually called the Ernie.

00:48:42 --> 00:48:43

He was called the Ernie.

00:48:45 --> 00:49:14

Okay, and he was using this card ex Muslim became Christian. And there are videos with hundreds of 1000s of hits. Right. And then likewise, some Shia brothers and sisters have done the same, right. There is a channel called Hubei channel. I don't know if you've seen it. Right. And they have few interviews on YouTube of ex Sudanese. Yeah, excellent. Is became Shia and they are being interviewed.

00:49:15 --> 00:49:35

They're being interviewed. Why did you leave Sunday? School? Why did you come to Shia Islam? And Wallah he one of them. I had interviewed personally, one of those interviews, I can at least talk about one person who was interviewed it. It was a sister who became Shia, okay.

00:49:37 --> 00:49:41

And I met her in Norway, where Norway

00:49:43 --> 00:49:51

I will liver for an event and this sister came up to me and she asked me that she is married to

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a Shia brother.

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00:49:56 --> 00:49:59

her family's not accepting it. So I asked her to leave

00:50:00 --> 00:50:10

Do your family, okay because some scholars even have given fatwa that it is not allowed for a Shia man to get married to a Sunni woman and vice versa, okay.

00:50:12 --> 00:50:18

Why? Because of the problems that may appear in the children, the confusion, it may cause, right.

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00:50:21 --> 00:50:23

this sister spoke to me.

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And she said that I have now married him. And I told her, that Sister, he will try to convert you and you will convert, you will convert she said no way. I will never, ever leave my school. I will never, ever leave the religion of my ancestors, my forefathers as fine, but mark my words. Lo and behold, five years later, that same sister appears on an interview, being interviewed by the bay channel as an excellent thing.

00:51:00 --> 00:51:41

And when I spoke to her, she had no idea about what Sunday school is about. If someone who doesn't know anything about the Sunday school, or Sunday arguments are so new view on Islam, how can you even call them excellent? Right as it so this was it. This is the problem is like Nabeel Qureshi claiming to be ex Muslim. And he was hardly Muslim, right? He was Qadiani he was armory, right. And by the majority of Muslim scholars, their view is that Ahmed these are not Muslims, they can call themselves Muslims, they have the right to do so they can call them themselves what they like, but according to the majority of the Sunni scholars, they have given this fatwa, the AMA, these are not

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Muslims, because of believing in another prophet. In order for you to be a Muslim, you have to believe that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Salatu Salam was the last messenger of God, he was the last prophet of Allah. And if you believe there was another prophet after him, then you cannot be a Muslim is simple. It's not spreading hate, or instigating violence or sectarianism. No, it is taking facts. Muslim scholars believe that anyone who believes in another prophet after Muhammad salallahu Salam is simply not a Muslim by definition. Now those people can claim it is the choice the life they can claim it, but the reality is what I stated, okay, so likewise, someone who had no

00:52:29 --> 00:52:46

idea about Sunni school, or Sunni religion or Sunni view on Islam, and then suddenly you you see them as Shia because they got married to a Shia woman or a Shia man, then it cannot be you it cannot be said that all x Sony. So,

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plot number 48 Shafter Aziz discusses that. This is one of the ways to deceive the sun is that so and so scholar became Shia so and so is called and there is no reality in it. There's no reality. And there are some people like that today. There's there's this person called Johnny, Johnny who claims to be next to me and a scholar, right. And he was confronted by shape of man or families in one of the debates. And you can watch these debates in the Arabic language on YouTube. They are they are called almoner Surat, al menos, radomes, tequila, MNOs, radomes tequila. If you type that almost tequila debates in YouTube, you will get these debates between chef Mano commies and some of the

00:53:30 --> 00:53:57

Shia scholars. And one of them was this man called T. Gianni who claimed to be an extremely and see what happened to him in the debate how he was confronted and in my opinion, completely refuted. So this was a second chapter where she Abdulaziz talks about plots and stratagems of some Shia scholars to attract gullible or, you know, simple Sudanese or ignorant Sudanese, to Shia Islam.

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Then chapter number three is about the predecessors of the Shia, you know, what they were, who they were, where they came from, who started the movement, and what it became from Chapter Four is very, very unique. And this is one of the best features of this book

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chapter four, and it talks about the isnaad

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and the types of isnaad and the sheer books what were the four books I mentioned?

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I'll coffee, Malaya de rue Fergie. allistic czar, a toddy. These four books and mainly report in them come from two individuals right who are there? Imam Mohammed Al Barker, and Imam Jafar sodic. Okay. Now this is what Shabbat is he talks about in Chapter

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For as to who are the people who are narrating from the Imams. So when our Shia brothers and sisters claim that we are followers of the autumn bait is a very beautiful claim.

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Like the Christians claim that we are the true photos of rissalah Salaam, Jesus Christ, yes. So it's an amazing claim. It's a beautiful claim. We are the true followers of Isa salaam, Jesus Christ. And then when you when we ask them, when you say you are the followers of Isa, salaam, where is your evidence for that?

00:55:40 --> 00:56:13

How do you substantiate that claim? And they point to the Gospels. They point to the Gospels. And when we scrutinize the Gospels, we come to realize that they are highly doubtful. We don't reject them in total in totality, we are not extremists. We don't reject them in totality. Likewise, the Shia school and the literature found within the Shia books. We don't reject it in totality, there is truth there. Definitely, there's truth there. But the majority is false.

00:56:14 --> 00:56:23

Majority is false. And this is the point. Sharp disease substantiates supports in this chapter that all of these men

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and if not all, the overwhelming majority of them are either a bunch of liars

00:56:34 --> 00:56:37

or a bunch of heretics, or a bunch of manavi. Kuhn

00:56:38 --> 00:56:44

and if not one of these three things, then McGraw Hill. There are no

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there are hundreds of reports in our coffee. Some one narrates from Imam Muhammad on Barker or Imam jofra sodic.

00:56:55 --> 00:57:20

And is it is unraveling and Rosalyn. Paula abou Abdullah. Okay. So it is narrated from a man that above the law. The question is, Who is this man in the chain? Who is this man in the chain? No one knows. No one even the Shia scholars don't know who the man is.

00:57:21 --> 00:57:48

They don't know when you ask the Who's the man who when a coffee narrated from Mr. Mohammed Ibaka or Imam Jafar sodic yet and he attributes an aeration to one of them. And the man who is actually reporting from the Imams is either unknown, or one of these people for example, a shaman solemn, one of the generators, Hashem Mahakam or Laura,

00:57:49 --> 00:57:57

your these are some of the names right? If these names are not there, then simply you will find Anwar Julian. Okay. Or Colorado

00:57:59 --> 00:58:18

and I'll be Abdullah. Okay. All original. And I'll be Abdullah right. A man said that Abdullah said this another dah dah. Subhan. Allah, Allah Akbar. So if we don't know who the man is in the middle of the chain, we call such reports what

00:58:21 --> 00:58:52

No, monka monka. Okay. Moncada means there is a man missing in the chain. A man unknown is a man missing, as far as we are concerned, a man unknown in the chain is a man missing it there is not one report in Sahih al Bukhari in Sahih, Muslim or the rest of the four, four collections right in all the six books. So Asita there is not one report, which has a man missing in it.

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Bala Raju is not considered, you know, have this to put that report in his collection or regimen yet, or unless they clarified unless they clarified that this is not trustworthy. This report is mancha if the whole this is clarifying that this report is Moncada, we don't need to accept it. It is only there for information purposes, right? But it's not trustworthy. We cannot trust it because the man is unknown. So what happens if the man is unknown? Our testimony, the witnesses are known. That witness is not a witness. Right? So how

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are our Shia brothers and sisters following the r&b If that is the condition, and with regards to the men who are actually mentioned, who narrated from the Imams?

00:59:38 --> 00:59:59

Overwhelming majority of them have been condemned by the Imams themselves. There are contrary you know, first of all, the issue of El Mirage Allah is a joke is a joke in the Shia school, in the sense that there's hardly anything on it. You know, like we have compendiums upon companions, giving us the history of our

01:00:03 --> 01:00:08

All right. We have for example, books written by Roger loss Kalani. I mean,

01:00:09 --> 01:00:33

first of all the young ones is the narrator's in. Yes. The what I say Mr. Rizal, I mean, the history of the men who narrated the Hadith from the sahaba. And then their followers and their followers. We have almost half a million biographies or many, half a million biography biographies preserved to preserve what the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah says.

01:00:35 --> 01:01:26

So, there are hundreds of 1000s of biographies of men that had been preserved for the purpose of preserving a simple report from Rasul Allah. So, for example, a report Lola and Ashoka, Lola and Ashoka Allah Almighty Allah matambi cevok and Dr. Lisara look at this report. Rasul Allah says when we said that if it was not difficult for my OMA, I would have commanded them to do cevok In the coulis Allah with every single Salah right in this very simple report about brushing your teeth. Even this report has a chain and each individual in the chain is known to us by the histories written by our scholars of these men, we know exactly who they are, what they did, where they lived,

01:01:26 --> 01:02:12

and why they are trustworthy. When it comes to Shia Rizal, El Mirage, AL There is no major work like that there are very few books on here Mr. Raja, and even they are very scattered, very contradictory and very problematic. For example, one of them is very famous Reggiano Kashi and Rajala Kashi, you have reports where imams are praising people like shaman, how come a shaman solid and Aurora and then there are other reports were they saying, May Allah curse a sham? May Allah curse Radha and Allah curse the family as Radha for attribute in lies to us. Now we asked them, which was which reports are the right ones? Which reports do we need to trust? Which are the ones where the Imams

01:02:12 --> 01:02:43

are cursing the narrator's away the Imam the saying okay, take reports on them. Subhan Allah Allahu Akbar. So how are we following the ahlul bait? How are you following the Arabic My brothers and sisters? We want to hold on to bait now let me tell you who is following down and bait. We are following the other bait. We the other similar to how we have reports from Alibaba reported in our literature in Buhari there are more reports in Bukhari and Muslim than there are homophobic aroma.

01:02:46 --> 01:02:55

There are more reports in Bukhari from Alibaba. Vitaly Rhodiola one who is the topmost man in the alphabet according to your view.

01:02:58 --> 01:03:01

Then there are from Omar and Abu Bakr Radi Allahu anima

01:03:03 --> 01:03:06

there are more reports in fact, Hodge

01:03:07 --> 01:03:10

Hodge, what is Hutch This

01:03:12 --> 01:03:14

is a pillar of Islam

01:03:15 --> 01:03:15

are you getting bored

01:03:17 --> 01:03:37

I haven't even gone to the to the issues of the Saba yet okay, but this this these details are very important. It's very important knowledge. We all need to have it very quickly Inshallah, we're gonna move on to Ibaka as well in sha Allah talk about defending our worker Abubaker Odilon. According to the then you will know the true value of this book we are discussing today.

01:03:38 --> 01:03:44

So, Hajj is the fifth or the fourth pillar of Islam depending on which report

01:03:46 --> 01:04:02

Rasulullah salami said Boolean Islam Allah comes in shahada, the Allied Isla Muhammad Rasul Allah weicon. Salah VITA is the God will hydrophobia Ramadan or was only Ramadan for Hajj depending on which report but Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam

01:04:03 --> 01:04:05

and the best Hadith on Hajj.

01:04:06 --> 01:04:20

The lengthiest the most detailed Hadith or Hajj on the pillar of Islam is insane Muslim and is few pages right and who is writing?

01:04:21 --> 01:04:22

Who is writing?

01:04:23 --> 01:04:25

No, no.

01:04:27 --> 01:04:41

It is Mr. Mohammed Al Baraka actually Imam jofra sodic it is Imam jofra sodic writing from his father Mohammed Al Barker, and Muhammad Al Baraka rate from job Erbin of the law.

01:04:43 --> 01:04:45

One of the companions also Allah so Allah Azza wa

01:04:47 --> 01:04:50

and it is the best and the lengthiest, Hadees on Hajj

01:04:51 --> 01:04:52

and the most detailed one.

01:04:54 --> 01:04:57

We are the four followers of alphabets, we follow

01:04:59 --> 01:04:59

the alphabet

01:05:01 --> 01:05:06

And when something is authenticated from the Alembic, we do not ask questions.

01:05:08 --> 01:05:15

But among the debate, people who narrate must be learned in the field. Because we don't believe that debate we're

01:05:16 --> 01:06:02

infallible like the Shia brothers and sisters believe that the Imams, imams from the other bait were Masoom they were including people like Imam Muhammad Ibaka and Imam Jafar sada. The reason why we take reports from Imam Jafar sodic and Imam Muhammad Ibaka and Hassan and Hussein and Oliver and Colleen because we know they will learn it. They work hard in learning the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but those who came afterwards, we don't have much information from them because they were not known as magazine, or fuqaha. They were known not known as public teachers. Imam Jafar sodic, was known as a public teacher. He taught. In fact, some reports are there that he was one of

01:06:02 --> 01:06:04

the teachers of Imam Abu Hanifa.

01:06:05 --> 01:06:21

He was one of the teachers of Mr. McCullough, and other Imam. Because of some notable Java Jamaah, the Imams and our teachers or our Imams, they considered them worthy of learning from them worthy of being teachers.

01:06:22 --> 01:06:28

They didn't think they were Muslim. So in chapter four Shabbos, he talks about the isnaad.

01:06:29 --> 01:06:46

The status of the rich are the men who generate from the Imams that are obeyed. And he proves that these people who are narrated from the Ahlulbayt are a bunch of liars or a bunch of heretics or unknown people, unknown individuals, so we can't really trust them.

01:06:49 --> 01:06:53

Chapter by sharp disease talks about Illa yard

01:06:54 --> 01:07:03

geology, the geology and the Aqeedah about a lot about the Quran about Rasulullah, Salah Salem, and how they differ in the mainstream Alesana theology.

01:07:05 --> 01:07:11

Chapter Six he talks about believing in the prophets and prophethood so how the Shia

01:07:12 --> 01:07:29

brothers and sisters and scholars disagree with Allah subhanaw taala Jamaah on the issue of prophethood and what the broad chapter number seven is on the concept of Imam concept of Imam. Okay, Imam is the core

01:07:30 --> 01:07:39

of our differences with the Shia brothers and sisters. You have to understand this here. What is our main difference with the Christians?

01:07:41 --> 01:07:42

Where do we differ

01:07:47 --> 01:07:52

and the last the biggest issue is shark. The big biggest issue is shirt.

01:07:53 --> 01:08:02

Shark is the biggest thing right? Everything else comes afterwards. Shark is the biggest problem. They claim that SRS alone is Allah is God.

01:08:04 --> 01:08:30

Right? He is the third person or one of the persons in the Trinity. And Allah condemns this in the Koran. Likewise, the issue with the Shia brothers and sisters we have is the concept of a mama they have come up with this concept called a mama and there is no evidence in the Quran for the concept. What is the concept that there are 12 Imams

01:08:31 --> 01:08:34

Okay, every single one of them is monsoon.

01:08:35 --> 01:08:38

Okay, and imams are appointed by Allah.

01:08:40 --> 01:09:27

Okay. So these are some of the differences we have. The details are in the book of showery Shabda, disease, five na Sharia. And you have to see what he has to say on this topic. I'm not going to go into that. That's another lecture in itself and we cannot possibly discuss all that. So a mama or a mama is the main issue. So we ask our brothers Shia brothers and sisters in humanity, or we ask them simply to give us evidence from the Quran direct evidence. If the concept of concept of Obama is so important that our salvation or success in the hereafter depends on it. Then we need clear cut evidence. Is there evidence in the Quran Fatah aid? Yes. Is there evidence for rissalah? Yes. Is the

01:09:27 --> 01:09:33

evidence for the sanctity of the Sahaba is the evidence for following the Sunnah.

01:09:34 --> 01:09:39

Where is the evidence for de concept of Imam in the Quran?

01:09:41 --> 01:09:57

There is nothing and all the verses they tried to bring forward have been refuted have been dealt with by shark disease and other people. But shark diseases treatment is very very powerful. So you have to read the book, consult the book

01:09:58 --> 01:09:59

and then

01:10:00 --> 01:10:01

Chapter Lizzie's.

01:10:04 --> 01:10:11

In the same chapter deals with the reports a hadith with regards to Imam Abdullah Festival,

01:10:12 --> 01:10:15

the issue of Imam Abdullah festival mama Bella facile

01:10:16 --> 01:10:20

and he goes on to discuss some of the verses of the Quran as well.

01:10:22 --> 01:10:25

And then chapter eight talks about where

01:10:26 --> 01:10:39

the Shia school has gone against the honor bait. Okay, many matters pertaining to al Qaeda and fic the Shia school has directly gone against the other Bay, and he gives examples.

01:10:40 --> 01:10:41

And then

01:10:43 --> 01:10:51

chapter nine is about thickie matters where the shells have differed with taka length with humans and genes.

01:10:52 --> 01:11:14

He talks about this in chapter seven. Now chapter 10, which is what we're going to deal with. Here chapter 10, sharp villas, E's, deals with the Shabbat, the doubts the Shia school or Shia brothers and sisters, or Shia scholars bring up with regards to the companions of the Messenger of Allah, Allah Salam

01:11:15 --> 01:11:19

in general and in particular against the whole of our

01:11:21 --> 01:11:54

whole of our of Calabar Rashidi. Okay. Worker, Mr. Othman. And then the doubts they bring about Ayesha Allah who and how the attacks the launch against eyeshadow the Elana or other companions of the Messenger of Allah Salam. Okay, so today inshallah we'll quickly we'll go through some of the doubts they raised about aboubaker Rhodiola and responses to them. Okay. So the first out there is about Ibaka radula, Juan, is

01:11:57 --> 01:12:03

that when a boombox speaker of your loved one was on the member, one day, what happened?

01:12:05 --> 01:12:06

Who's going to tell you what happened?

01:12:08 --> 01:12:14

He was on the member. And what happened? Does anyone know?

01:12:18 --> 01:12:32

The grandsons of Rasulullah Hassan, right, they came and they said, Get off the member of our grandfather get off the member of our grandfather. Yes.

01:12:33 --> 01:12:40

So, some of the Shia scholars have claimed that because this was such a boubakeur, rhodiola one,

01:12:41 --> 01:13:17

he simply cannot be the rightly guided Caleb, because Hassan and Hussein who were promised Jenner by the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam who had such a high status came up and they said that this member doesn't belong to you, it belongs to our grandfather get off. Okay. So this is by the way, the report is true. It happened. And I'm going to be talking about the low one. Immediately. He said that I did not teach them this because this is a very funny situation when your children come into the masjid, for example, brothers and sisters today, you know, you have naughty kids. Yeah. No, I'm not saying I will do beloved mother. I'm not saying Hassan are saying we're naughty. They were just

01:13:17 --> 01:14:01

kids. They were children, right. But sometimes you have naughty kids yet. And they hear things at home. Sometimes the dad has said something or mom has said something. And then they come and repeat it in the masjid. Yeah. And then the father is embarrassed. The father was I didn't say this story. I had, I had no influence on this. But I live in a bit, but it certainly didn't say anything like it. It was a natural reaction of these children who were once loved daily by this man called Muhammad Rasulullah. Salah Salem, who was the grandfather, who gave them so much love that these kids is natural. You know, it's natural. If you're if you have a child and you have a very close

01:14:01 --> 01:14:18

relationship with the child, and the child sees someone else sitting in your place. It is natural for the child to say that this is my father. This is my uncle's or this is my you know, grandfather's, this is not yours. Leave it right. This is a very natural thing to do. Yeah.

01:14:19 --> 01:14:19

Nine years old.

01:14:23 --> 01:14:49

Hassan was born in three Hijiri. And Hussein was born in 43. Right? So by this time, they would be six, seven years old. Okay. One would be six. The other one would be seven. By this time, so they were kids. They were very young kids. And this one Oliver metallic Mabel. He said that I did not teach them this. I didn't teach them this. You know what they said? And aboubaker the lawn. He said it's not about them doesn't matter.

01:14:51 --> 01:14:53

Any give them love in return.

01:14:54 --> 01:14:59

But what does this prove this prove does this prove that I'm abakada the Alon was not worthy of Khilafah because

01:15:00 --> 01:15:28

One of the two of the Muslim Muslimeen had said this. No. Firstly, Shabbos his response that they were simply kids, okay. And kids, even if they are prophets, they are still kids. Okay? They cannot become the Imams of the community, even though he saw a Salam, for example, he spoke from the cradle. What did he say? What is the miracle of SRA Salaam?

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01:15:36 --> 01:15:56

what do we say from the cradle? That I am a slave of Allah? And I am a messenger of Allah, I am a sign. Okay. And I will be obedient to my mother. Right? This is what Islam said. But is there any evidence that he is on Islam as a child who was

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leading his community, preaching to his community? Or asking them to listen to him as a child? No, there is no evidence, right? Likewise Hassan and Hussein

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despite what they became later on, they became great Imams right according to the Shia as well as the Sudanese right, but both parties will agree that as a child, whatever statements they may make cannot be taken seriously because they are still children. Okay. And this is what Shah Abdulaziz refers to that there is a Macola among the Arabs a CBU. Sorry, SBU civilian one Oh, Carnaby. Okay.

01:16:43 --> 01:16:53

that a child is a child, even though he may be a prophet, even though they may be a prophet. A child is a child, so that does not apply. The second

01:16:55 --> 01:16:59

objection that she has raised about Ibaka Rhodiola Juan

01:17:00 --> 01:17:03

is about Malik bete Noire.

01:17:05 --> 01:17:07

Malik been aware, you know, what happened?

01:17:09 --> 01:17:42

Anyone knows Mali been aware of was a man who was given responsibility of collecting taxes of a certain place in Arabia called baton, okay. And he was appointed as a tax collector by the Messenger of Allah so salah, but his later actions proved that he was actually a hypocrite, he was a monastic. Okay, who had embraced Islam? Are you listening carefully? This is a very important matter. So you need to pay attention to this right? This is one of the biggest

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action accusations or objections the Shia brothers and sisters are Shia scholars of sheer sheer school levels at Abu Bakar Rhodiola. Okay, and what is the objection that Abu Bakar being the Amir Amuro mini in the leader of the believers, he was in the position to punish Khalid for an action he did, but he didn't do it. He didn't fulfill his job properly. He didn't do his duty properly. You see, the problem here is that when you have made your mind up, that someone

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is a Kaffir mortared. Someone who represents shaitaan someone who is not worthy of your respect and honor. You will find 101 lame excuses to tarnish that person agreed. When hatred is blind and justice is put aside, that you will make any excuses any lame excuses to tarnish the person. And a lot of us are very often guilty of that in our daily lives as well. Whether it's running the masjid whether it's running a household or business or when you are splitting ratha from your your appearance yet what happens all the you know, you know hidden

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you know, evidence has come out yet father has left behind the house. And there are three brothers now one brothers and say oh, you you're ugly. You don't deserve it. Right? Do you have those are no, no, no, no, you are you're short. You don't deserve it. You know, you're too tall. You don't need it. Right. So things like that. I'm giving examples right. So all these things will come out. Likewise, the sheer school is built upon this notion of completely devote divorcing the Sahaba from the picture of Islam as harbor Rasool cannot be Muslims. For the Shia school to be true. You have to understand these things right? As harbor Rasul cannot be Muslims. Because if they are Muslims and

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they're trustworthy, then she our school, by default, by extension, by consequence is false. Right. Do you let me explain in simplified terms, Marissa what

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Ahmed Qadiani

01:20:02 --> 01:20:08

for him to be merci Mahmoud, the Promised Messiah. He said Islam has to die.

01:20:10 --> 01:20:11

You understand?

01:20:12 --> 01:20:16

What is the doctrine of the Qadiani law on a Sunday Salaam.

01:20:17 --> 01:20:25

What is the doctrine? The attorneys, what do they believe he was rested? I mean he was he died. He said, he saw Islam die.

01:20:27 --> 01:20:37

Some of them believe that he survived the crucifixion and then he made his way to Kashmir and he died in Kashmir. You actually believe that he saw Islam out of all places. He chose Kashmir.

01:20:38 --> 01:20:53

He came to Kashmir. He couldn't go to Amazon. He couldn't go to Jani Alaska. He couldn't go to Siberia or anywhere else. He made his way to Kashmir for some reason, and he died in Kashmir. Some of the Qadiani is actually believe that believe it or not in the 21st century.

01:20:54 --> 01:21:31

Okay. And in order for Mirza Ghulam, Mohammed Qadiani to be merci mo Road, ie the Promised Messiah because that's what the claim is. That he will the promise was, he claimed himself that I am the Promised Messiah. I am the reincarnation of Isa. Okay. So for him to be that or he if he's the returner easily Salam, right? Because he's the Promised Messiah right? If he is the returner isa Islam, the real isa has to die. He cannot live because the Quran says Allah but

01:21:32 --> 01:22:27

by Rahu Allah Allah raised him Yeah, maka lu a masala boo. What I can chew Bella whom, yeah, didn't get killed him not the crucified, but he was raised. So for him to be the true Messiah, Risa has to die. So that's why they came up with this doctrine. Isa will father Isa, okay, the death of Eastern Islam. Likewise, the Rebbe of Sahaba. The apostasy of Sahaba was a carved Aqeedah a carved doctrine to substantiate the false theology which was built by a bunch of one African in Iraq, mainly, you know, the Shia school actually originates from Iraq. Okay. Most narrators of the reports to be found in the four Shia books are Iraqi originally, okay, they came from Iraq and who killed Hussein

01:22:29 --> 01:22:30

who killed saying,

01:22:31 --> 01:22:36

you know, you know, sorry, the people of Kufa,

01:22:38 --> 01:22:42

moolah, Barker modulus he, one of the greatest scholars

01:22:43 --> 01:22:50

of the Shia school from Iran, a Sufi scholar who lived in Iran, and 17th century

01:22:51 --> 01:22:55

during the Sufi period, the peak of the Sufi power, he

01:22:56 --> 01:23:46

clearly testifies in his book books as well, that there was not one Syrian or Xiaomi in the army that killed Hussein. Even though Obaidullah bzr was responsible, the issue of marinera Maalik window era that's why you see a cyber Rasool they have to be more turns out the biller somehow the biller they have to be kuffaar for the later shear theology to be true. Okay, because the religion was mainly formed in Kufa. These people were very hostile to the Companions also the lesser sort of in general, even though Abdullah bin Omar Abdullah bin Abbas and Abdullah bins of air three Abdullah as they cried to her say, he said do not go to Kufa do not go to Kufa do not go to Kufa, they will kill

01:23:46 --> 01:24:04

you. They will not be loyal, they will betray you like they betrayed your father and your brother. Do not go to Kufa and unsane insisted on the Allah Juan and Abdullah bin Omar who was the last one to find him in the desert. He cried, and he grabbed his beard and he said, I see blood in your bed.

01:24:06 --> 01:24:08

My nephew I see blood in your bed

01:24:09 --> 01:24:26

Subhan Allah and he left him. These were sincere people who are crying for our sin, not those who killed him and then cried. Because Jacobi in the history of Jacobi was a Shia historian in rates when they Laveen Imam Ali when Hussein

01:24:27 --> 01:24:45

also known as Imam Zaman, our deen when he was carried into Kufa after the atrocity, he saw the women of Kufa striking their cheeks and crying, crying, he said, Why are these people crying? Your coping rates? The Imam said, Why are they crying? They are the ones who killed us.

01:24:46 --> 01:24:48

They are the ones who killed us

01:24:50 --> 01:24:55

by the crime. So as our sole primarily Abubaker Amarnath man they have to be

01:24:57 --> 01:24:59

they have to be kuffaar How do we love him Allah Billa

01:25:00 --> 01:25:02

For the latest year theology to be true,

01:25:03 --> 01:25:17

and if they're not provided the trustworthy that there is no need for Shia Islam. You see the point? That's why all these objections, lame objections as your disease dismantles every single one of them every single major one of them

01:25:18 --> 01:25:22

satisfactorily. So marinera is a very

01:25:23 --> 01:26:09

common objection raised by Shia activists, Shia Dockery, or speakers. You know, one of them did it recently and we responded to it. His name is Amara Trani. And we invited to invited him to a friendly discussion of friendly dialogue, a friendly debate, nothing hostile, nothing sectarian, nothing hateful, a friendly discussion in public sit next to us in front of the camera, so that your audience and our audience can see the reality the truth, if we have the truth, then let your audience follow us. And if you have the truth, then we will give our hand into your hand and tell our is to follow you. Can they be anything more fair than that? Right, he came up and he made a

01:26:09 --> 01:26:54

speech in Mahara not very long ago, that molecule Lovera was killed by Khalid bin believe, who was of course, a Kaffir to them. Right. And Abubaker also endorsed that didn't actually punish college for doing that. And amazingly, they don't mention, almost objection, for some reason. All Shia activists and speakers, they fail to mention ombres objection to Obamacare, when Abu Bakar didn't take action, Omar was of the view that college should be punished, they should be a SAS and I'll explain in due course, why this why Alibhai was talking about this, that once you go into these things, yet, you need to give the details. It's not it's not very easy to go into these matters and

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not give details. Right. So what is the issue of Malik Munawwara so that you have knowledge you have you know, what the issue was Malik Bindo era was a man who was appointed by the Messenger of Allah to collect taxes from both Ah, okay, about ha I don't know what the the pronunciation of the word the word is, actually, but it was it was a short visit for it is Buddha. Okay. In this place, might have been nowhere I was appointed as a tax collector, by the messenger Allah so and some of the Shia scholars and activists they say that imagine someone appointed by the Prophet salallahu salam how can hardly do that to him. And what it call it do highlight when the leader of your love and when

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they were there was a war against apostates. Okay. The Wars of apostasy do you know about that? What happened? After the Messenger of Allah Allah son passed away after he died. So Allah Allah Salam, immediately after that when the Arab some of the Kabyle some of the Arab who are very weak in Islam,

01:27:57 --> 01:28:36

they had apostatize in the Quran points to it will call it your da boo Armineh but areg the desert Arabs, they say we have believed, but Allah says no, you have not yet believed. Only Islam you have only submitted to Islam surrendered, right? So here Allah has pointed this emot hasn't entered your heart yet. Allahu Akbar, as soon as the prophet dites Allah, Allah, that reality came out, and they started to apostatize and the J Chavo. Sama, which is what I'm going to talk about in due course very quickly, the army that was appointed by the messenger Allah citizen to avenge the killing of

01:28:37 --> 01:29:17

Zayed bin Haditha. They've been Hadassah, remember, was killed by the Romans, and to avenge that killing and the killing of other companions of the Rasulillah Salam, an army was appointed by the Messenger of Allah Sana salaam near his death in the last days of the prophets of Salaam, and who was appointed as a leader Osama bin Zayed Osama bin Zayed who was who was still a teenager. He was 16 years old. And who was given the command he was given the command and who was under him. People like Omar, Abu Bakar, and other Sahaba Kivar Saba, and he was still a young lad. Right? So this was to teach them humility as well. The you are big Sahaba you are, you know,

01:29:19 --> 01:29:39

you are the early ones, but 16 years old. Osama is your Amin and Ameren Katara Allah who used to tease him later on, even during his own caliphate. He used to call him army and when Osama used to come to us to say army is here, or here is it because of that Subhan Allah. So

01:29:40 --> 01:29:59

Osama was appointed But that's another issue which we will discuss later. So Assad was Jaysh was appointed and Abu Bakar was sending it out. And some Sahaba said no the Arab they have apostatize they will attack Medina no, you cannot send this army out. And I said I will never keep this army. In Medina or

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held back when the province of Islam had appointed it, it will have to go. But that's another matter we will discuss in due course inshallah. So, Malik Munawwara was leader of this area, and he was appointed to collect taxes zakat, Archer from his people. And when Khalid bin believed was set out by a robot karate Allah one to deal with the the threat of apostasy and the irob, who were planning to attack Medina, he went out and they had one sign call it had told his

01:30:39 --> 01:30:52

his military leaders, people who are under him under his leadership that go to every single town and wait at the Fajr time. And if you hear the other one, that that is the biggest sign that this town is still Muslim,

01:30:53 --> 01:31:10

then we have no hostility against them. Right. But if you do not hear the other, then it is considered hostile territory. Okay, that's a holiday Malik Rhodiola. One, he had told his followers, okay, now in the case of Qatar,

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where Molly been aware of the leader,

01:31:15 --> 01:31:27

Abu Qatada, the companion of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam was appointed by Khalid to go and see the situation. Now, Abu Qatada had testified that I heard the other

01:31:28 --> 01:32:18

but other companions who were there with Abu Khattala they said, No, we never heard the Adan from this town. So clearly, when we took the town, he took the town by force, right. And Molly been aware of was captured. Now Molly been nowhere I had a wife and it is narrated or call it invalid or the lajuan. He took her into his Nikka immediately and consummated the marriage immediately with her. Okay, this was these were two allegations against Khalid bin number one, the killing of Malik bin Nova, who was still a Muslim, according to people like Abu Qatada radula one number two, that taking his wife, okay, into his custody getting married to her and not even giving her time of ADA, you

01:32:18 --> 01:33:02

know, is the what is the ADA is at least a period for a woman right? And once she has had her period, then you can get married to her but he didn't even wait for that. Right. So that would mean Xena. Okay, Khalid is guilty of Zina, not only murder of Mali, but nowhere. He's also guilty of Xena. So these two allegations came in front of our Baka rhodiola, Juan, Pablo Khattala came and he complained to a worker is a call it killed, malignant, malignant nowhere. And he has done this to his wife was there. So American Hatha radula one when he heard this, he said, Oh, Ibaka, you must take action, as we know that Omar was very, very harsh and strict when it came to applying the

01:33:02 --> 01:33:32

Sharia not that Abu Bakar was not when Omar was particularly feared for his stance on Sharia on doing justice. Okay. When Omar heard this, Omar said to worker, you have to do something about this. This is murder and zero. So it guesses his view. Okay. Bob Walker said no, hold on. Let me ask Khalid, what happened because he's the Amin, let me ask him what exactly took place, so that he knows the context. And

01:33:34 --> 01:34:14

this is one of the reports, Amara KyoAni used in his speech, and some Shia activist youth. And amazingly, 230 years ago, sharp diseases talking about this in his book, tough fight Nigeria for a reason, because this is a classic objection on Abubaker. And colloquially, right, but what they do is they cut and paste the twist, and they present the case in front of the gullible, gullible or uneducated or ignorant, so nice, and they get confused. So the details are here. So when you read the reports, all of them put together, you first of all, what you do is you have to do some filtration. Right? You have to separate

01:34:15 --> 01:34:57

lies from truth. So there are reports the first thing a researcher does anyone who is researching a topic objectively, US actually interested in the truth, the first thing you would do is you put you would put 1015 2030 Whatever reports there are, you put the put them together, and then separate the lies, reports that are completely untrustworthy, due to the chains due to the missing links due to some erroneous content, you put them aside. Okay, and then you look at the ones that are authentic. And when you get the bigger picture from the authentic, authentic reports, what comes to light. What comes to light is this When Khalid been bullied, arrested, and this is what he told Abubaker when

01:34:57 --> 01:34:59

Abu Bakar invited him to

01:35:00 --> 01:35:09

To Explain yourself what happened there, and then call it when really, he came and he explained and there are other reports that explain that Malik Munawwara

01:35:10 --> 01:35:19

actually was taught to has celebrated the death of Rasulullah sallallahu when he heard that the Messenger of Allah Azza wa salaam had died, he passed away.

01:35:21 --> 01:35:56

He had celebrated the death Rasulullah Salah Salem and the tax he had collected from his people. He simply returned that he said, The one who was going to take it is gone now so you can have it back and have a party. So this is one thing these reports came out highly varied heard them that this won't happen. And then Khalid bin Willy did not go and simply invade Mali, windowless territory and, and decimate. Everyone know he arrested him. The first thing was Khalid bin Willie's arrested him, took him into his custody and interviewed him. What are you saying?

01:35:57 --> 01:36:10

What have you been doing? And then from the language of Malik benowa as it comes down in authentic reports, he's used words about the prophet like, Roger leuco Yo, man,

01:36:11 --> 01:36:14

so Haibo your companion.

01:36:15 --> 01:36:47

So when someone is talking about the Messenger of Allah salAllahu Salam, like this produto Yo, man, so I have your companion. i He is not my is not my man. He's not my companion. He's your companion. Khalid bin really is when he heard this language from Malik benowa And this is the language of a motor. This is a language of a motor so far been released when he heard this language marinera he immediately he took his decision as the Amira as the leader. And he punished it immediately punished him. Right. So Molly had been aware of was

01:36:50 --> 01:37:00

don't with in that sense, okay. And this is the detail when it came to Boca Abubakar Viola Juan did not take action. As for his wife,

01:37:01 --> 01:37:21

there was a tradition among the Arabs at that time, that the Arabs when they divorced the wives, they kept it they kept them even having divorced them. They kept them in their homes. And this is what the Quran refers to Quran even talks about this out of 11 chatango regimes for one Rahim. What is luck? Luck to Manisa

01:37:23 --> 01:37:24

for Alagna,

01:37:25 --> 01:38:08

Agila jolla Hoonah Okay, so when you have divorced your wives, okay, let them go. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, that when you have divorce your wives, let them go don't like the Arabs keep them. So Malik when New Era reports came that he had actually divorced this woman long time ago, and she was kept as like a prisoner in his house. So when she was freed by Khalid bin Walid Holly been bullied having known that she had been divorced, right. And she was no doubt known for a beauty. He was known for a beauty Khalid been really proposed to her immediately and she accepted and they got married. They got married Simple as that. And her entire period was long over, because

01:38:08 --> 01:38:32

she was divorced by Malik window era, and he was wrongfully oppressively, keep keeping her in her home in his home. So when calling the religion of the Levant defeated Mali been aware of or took over his town, she was already there as a prisoner. So Khalid bin Malik Frieder. And a proposal was given to her and she accepted so called invalid, we married her.

01:38:33 --> 01:38:51

And this is exactly what the details were. And Omar, later on robiola one, he was himself remorseful about his stance at that time because he rushed into it. Okay, how do we know that Omar radula, Juan was remorseful anyone would like to help me?

01:38:55 --> 01:38:56


01:38:59 --> 01:39:13

Thank you. Thank you. If I must still believe that Holly was guilty of those crimes. Omar would never allow Khalid to continue fighting the Persians and the Romans in

01:39:15 --> 01:39:44

the tenure of Omar Macatawa Golan in his reign. Right. But Omar, who was initially very angry with college, and he heard this tone even Abu Khattala came with the complaints. He was very angry and when more research was done into a topic into the matter. Abubaker primarily came to realize that college is innocent. And then Omar also came to realize because Malik been nowhere as brother, who was a point and his name was McMinn been nowhere.

01:39:46 --> 01:39:59

Muslim motormen been aware of was a brother of Malik Bindo era and who was madly in love with his brother. McMahon was madly in love with his brother shop disease rates is quite real.

01:40:00 --> 01:40:49

Well in Arabic which he had stated, or which he had uttered in the honor of his brother, that we are so close to each other, that we can live a lifetime together, but when we have lived together, it feels as when you have left me it feels as if that we have even spent a night together as brothers. Right. So what Tommy was gone mad in, in, in because he was so saddened by the loss of his brother, but he confirmed to America Tom motorman been aware. I told armor that my brother was indeed a more thought He had left Islam. He was a hostile, and Khalid been relieved. Whatever. You know, he did, obviously. Then what follows is that what he did was obviously preemptive action against hostile

01:40:49 --> 01:41:21

powers within Arabia. So this is the detail, which armored ricotta I've heard, and then kept Khalid bin will lead as the leader of the armies in Persia, as well as well as in in Rome. So while it was not guilty of any wrongdoing, and if college was not guilty of wrongdoing, Abu Bakar was subsequently consequently not guilty of wrongdoing. So objection number three, which they bring an important objection against Ibaka Rhodiola.

01:41:25 --> 01:41:27

Objection number three is

01:41:31 --> 01:41:34

JC Osama Sama, which is what I talked about.

01:41:36 --> 01:42:30

So this objection, basically, the Shia school are the Shia scholars, the Shia brothers and sisters in humanity, they bring up this report, which is found in the literature by the way, it is not in the Sunday literature. And according to the Sunni authority, the Hadith by the FARC by consensus, it is Mordor It is a lie. What is the report? Jah Huizhou Jaintia Osama lon Allahu Manchaca lava. Okay, prepare, or make ready or support the Jaysh of Osama JVZoo. Okay, Jaysh J shell sobre, LA and LA and Allah Who monta lava and may Allah has cursed me or Allah curse is the one who goes against it or doesn't support it. Okay? A carnivore would mean whoever remains behind basically, Whoever remains

01:42:30 --> 01:42:31

behind. So

01:42:33 --> 01:43:22

in the light of this report aboubaker He not only delayed it, he remained behind. He didn't go with the logic of Osama. Okay, so shotgun Aziz Ramatu lighly. First of all, he clarifies that in this report, first of all, this report is a lie. It doesn't exist in the Sunni literature, and even Imam Shah testani. He quotes Imam Shafi Stein in the author of Al mill, when they held he states that this was a fabrication made by someone lon Allahu Montecalvo these words are not even there, okay in the Sony books, so this is a lie and check on Islamic Budimir amatola Lay, he even when I checked for my own record, when I read this report and chocolate Aziz claimed that this report is Alliance

01:43:22 --> 01:43:24

model, I went to my sources

01:43:26 --> 01:43:43

and I put this this there, and I realized that Chevron Islam and multi Mia had addressed this these extensively, or this report in his ninhydrin. And he has put different work in in Malaysia nannies and all of them are false. They are lies. Okay, they are untrustworthy.

01:43:45 --> 01:43:46

It seems Time is not on our side.

01:43:48 --> 01:43:56

So when I was telling you that even on this one, one issue, we need to have, can we take the kids out, please, please?

01:44:02 --> 01:44:03

You will have to take the book bits out.

01:44:07 --> 01:44:09

So what do you think

01:44:10 --> 01:44:12

we could go through all of this in one hour? Right?

01:44:14 --> 01:44:14


01:44:17 --> 01:44:42

Because if you discuss a topic, very quickly, you have to, you know, do justice to it, you can't really skim through otherwise it doesn't have because it's been it's been recorded is going online. And if we don't give the details if people don't fully understand the topic, then they are more confused. Really more confused. So give them the details so that they can actually go and do so when I checked this

01:44:44 --> 01:44:59

shekel Islam even Taymiyah had addressed this report and he said these reports, these are all the torque or this particular report is false. It's a lie. It doesn't exist in our books. It is something that she has have made up they have come up with this and

01:45:00 --> 01:45:24

There's no doubt that some of the Shia authorities in the early period they made reports or they forged Hadith on an industrial scale, okay? On an astronomical scale. Okay, this is why you find you know how many reports are there in a coffee in one book? I'll coffee is over 30,000 reports

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all assassin topper together.

01:45:28 --> 01:46:11

All assassin topper together, over 30,000 reports in all coffee. Okay, one book, one book. And that's all of us as a topper together I wonder where all these imports, the Imams Oh Subhan Allah only and two Imams only two Imams mainly hardly anything from Ali Baba with Allah, hardly anything compassion or saying or gentle Adriene it starts with Muhammad Ibaka it goes like this from Muhammad Ibaka you know, from my knees coming out this mominul bucket it goes up like this. And then jafarzadeh goes up like this and then it comes like that falls like this. And then the the Imam that come afterwards, there's hardly anything from them. So mainly two Imams, how did they get so much

01:46:11 --> 01:46:32

information from these two amounts and often contradictory information, something some strange ideas in there. And the narrator's are mostly Iraqi. Okay, Kufa and from bussola. Okay, from Guven, Basra, the very people who were actually guilty of killing Hussein alone, or actually torturing

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the Ahlulbayt. I live in a bit Valley was disgusted by their behavior. Hassan gave Khilafah to Mojave arugula and because of the betrayal, and Hussein was eventually killed by them. Right. And the remaining out of bait were also betrayed. Because they bin Ali Bin are saying Imam Zaid, okay, where does the idea come from? The idea come from Imam Zaid. Zaid was the brother of Muhammad Al Barker. Okay, this is where the car is split

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into two groups. Those who claim the Zaid is the Imam after Imam Lin labin. Others can know it was Muhammad Al Barker. Okay, so zayde He fought baru Amaya, he fought Hashem bin.

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Abdul Malik, right, and the people of Kufa were with him. And then they were not with him. Right, they left him in the battle, right. So Ahlulbayt kept, unfortunately for some reason, going back to them and they kept betraying and everyone warned them that do not trust these people. And then they came up with a religion of their own in the name of Ahlulbayt. Right. So

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Jaya Jaya Osama was appointed. And in fact, when you read the report, authentic report Sheldon Aziza, Allah Allah and I think I will stop after this particular one and then we can continue in another insha Allah lecture, in which there will be a second part. In the second part we will discuss the rest of the the objections on Abubaker and AMR and of man and Ayesha, we will try to put them all together choose the most important ones in one session inshallah so that we can only have two parts for this particular talk for this particular lecture. So let me quickly deal with JC Osama so Osama's Jaysh was actually not prevented by Abu Bakar, the Alwan He in fact, if you read the

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reports, he was one of those people who

01:48:37 --> 01:49:26

went out of his way to make sure that J Zhu Osama actually departs as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam intended and planned even though circumstances had changed drastically, after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam passed away. What happened, the news went out and DRM tribes, the Bedouins the Arab, they were already looking to attack there were rumors that now Medina will be attacked and it will be annihilated by all of these Kabyle the surrounding tribes. And at that time, some people came to Bobak and they said, Do not send Osama with the Army because now circumstances have changed. We need the army of Ibaka said even if there are wild bees, ripping us apart in Medina, in the absence of

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this army, I will not hold his army back and army which was appointed by Rasul Allah, Allah Sana. So how can you actually claim that he was one of those Manta Khalifa?

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Allah Akbar? Where is your sense of justice aboubaker was the reason as to why JC Osama became a reality and it left. In fact, when also Lhasa Salam was in his last days, the army of Osama was in preparation and it was outside Medina and then the news came to the army that

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Rasulullah Salam is taking his last breath. And all of these Sahaba they became very disturbed and they were rushed back to Medina to be with the progress of Salam. And they found also losses and passed away. And then circumstances changed a book and was appointed as the Calif as we know, in in Suceava bodyside. And he was appointed and now aboubaker had come into the position of Rasul Allah says

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he was now in the position of the leadership, he was the leader. So Rasul Allah says Allah Himself was not going with the army he was staying behind, and aboubaker did the same thing. So he was not one of those people who remained behind. Rather, he's the one who sent the army out, and he requested from Osama to leave America behind. Because Omar was his machine. He was his supporter, Omar was needed by Abubaker to seek his advice. So armor and aboubaker did not remain behind rather circumstances I changed. Like in Islam, Chagas disease, he used uses this reasoning that a man who is a child, the rulings that apply to an adult do not do not apply to a child, the ruling of a

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sleeping man do not apply to an awake man, okay, or ruling of a ruler do not apply to a normal lay person, right? And the list goes on. So the circumstances of Abu Bakar had changed from a follower he had become a leader. Now he had to do things differently. So he was not one of those people who went against the army of Osama or kept, kept behind rather, his he had to stay in Medina to take care of the affairs. It was a very, very sensitive situation. So we have to stay behind. He stayed behind with Oman, Qatar when the army was Osama left. And because of that Baraka because of that, obedience to the Messenger of Allah says Allah sending the army out a lot of the Arab tribes, when

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they saw the army passing the territory, they realized that the Muslim was still very strong, very powerful, but then to send an army out in these circumstances, they must be very powerful. So all the intention they had to attack Medina or simply put aside, right, so these are some of the things I wanted to share with you today. In this lecture, in this session, Inshallah, we will return with more in the second part until then, Salam aleikum wa hamdulillah anatomy

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