Adnan Rashid – Defending Sahabah #3

Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary © The shia culture in Nigeria is discussed, including accusations against Omar and the Shia school's shia schools and actions of bribery and fraud by Shia dadage and Shia community. The confusion surrounding the title of Islam is highlighted, with some Muslims not believing and media claiming that the title of Islam is not the title of Islam but rather the title of the book written by the Prophet himself.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahim Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah

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wa Salatu was salam wa sallam BRC

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while he was hobby here already my amine foreman tabia home a son in Iommi, Dean Amar odo Billa is Samir alumina shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Yeah, you alladhina amanu are the fall of SL medica Toyota watershape on in hula Kumara dooby popolo from LA he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Guney and Islam Allah Samson Shahada tienen la ilaha illAllah Muhammadan rasul Allah, Muhammad sallahu wa eata is What had you assume, you know, Dawn, oh, come up on ra salatu salam, respected brothers and sisters, this is the third session on our

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topic, the topic we have been covering in the past two episodes have already been delivered. And this is the third one in the series. And what is the series The series is entered into an introduction to

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tafa. It's not a Sharia. This was a book written by a man called Shah Abdul Aziz had this Halloween, who was the son of shock value la almohadas of the Halloween, both of whom lived in Delhi in the 18th century. So sharp the disease was a great scholar, and he had written this book,

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to respond to some of the Shia doubts raised about the characters of the companions of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu, Sallam and other topics. So it is an overall treatment of the Shia

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ideas, or Shia criticisms of Sunni school of thought.

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So this is one of the best books written on the topic. I believe this is one of the best books in the entire history of Islam, written on the topic? How do we respond to the Shia questions? And the Shia criticisms? Or how do we refute the Shia positions on aqeedah on history on Fiq, on almost every single thing we believe in,

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we have differences with the shear school. And the purpose of writing this book was that in the 18th century, the shear influence had become very prominent. And in in the Indian political landscape.

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A lot of the generals and even the kings, the Mughal kings were directly influenced by Shia thought. And shotgun, Aziz writes in the preface, that they've got a house in India that hasn't been affected by Shia propaganda. So for this reason, I write this book to put the record straight. And by the grace of Allah after this book was written,

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and this book became immediately became a very popular book and hundreds of 1000s of people

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had changed. Some of them even from the Shia side came to the Sunni side. Okay, and those who were considering some of the Shia ideas to be authentic, or to be valid, change their minds completely because they had no idea as to how to respond to some of these questions. That's what was written. So we were talking about specifically some of the accusations or some of the

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objections raised by the Shia school classically speaking on the characters of the companions of the messenger or loss of life.

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In the previous previous episodes,

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we went through the accusations against a worker or their loved one

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and we gave responses today in this session inshallah, we will talk about the accusations against ombudsman Katara de la Hwan.

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And how do we respond to them? On a worker, we covered a number of different issues or a number of different topics, important topics.

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One of the objections against a worker was that a worker actually, you know,

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on the JC Osama sending the army of Osama near the death of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam after the death of the Prophet salallahu salam, Abu Bakar was not as diligent as he should

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So he went against the Prophet,

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then our pokers player, it was taken in a non Islamic fashion, his pledge of allegiance

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was given to him in a non Islamic fashion. Also a worker,

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Roger lajuan did not give the inheritance to Fatima inheritance which was left behind by the Messenger of Allah Salallahu alaihe salam, Abu Bakar deliberately did not give this inheritance to Fatima rhodiola Anna, and the garden of father which came to the province of La Salaam, and the Prophet was managing it, that garden was not given to Fatima in inheritance. So responses are given to these questions, responses were given in the previous previous episode, you may go and watch the previous episode.

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Part Two of the introduction of Nigeria today is part three and we will talk about some of the Shia accusations against American Katara de la one. In fact, these two individuals, a worker and armor

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are the worst characters as far as the shields are concerned

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to the shear over and aboubaker both of them shaping

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or not

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better than how to build the mouth of Allah shaitan.

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To them, they are the heads of copper. And I'm not making things up. This can be found in the classical literature of the Shia school. In fact, some Shia, even curse, Amara boubakeur with others in this Allah in the prayers to this day

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in the modalities

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and this is not spreading hatred. I'm not trying to spread hatred here. These are statements of fact stating facts is not spreading hate. Okay. This is what the aqeedah is. This is what they believe in. And they give reasons for these beliefs to be fair with them. They claim that Abu Bakar and Omar Aerosmith, and Ayesha and hafsa all these people and more Avia

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all of them they deserve our curses for reasons.

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And we disagree with the reasons of course, we believe the reasons are completely

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They have no grounding in reality

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and they are extreme in the hatred towards this hour. As we will see inshallah. Some of these things they claim about this hour are completely made up lies to inflate hatred against them. This is why shocker. Aziz Talalay wrote this book, what I have in front of me is the Roku translation, the original text is in Persian, it is an encyclopedia of information on this topic. Unfortunately, it hasn't been translated into the English language yet it has it has been translated into the language entirely and into the Arabic language partially what we need is a huge a complete translation with footnotes with research in the English language

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and inshallah it will be coming

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So shotgun disease dealt with many topics in this book, today we will talk about the power of your loved one.

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And I will deal with these accusations.

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In brief, basically not at the my my treatment today is not going to be detailed. This is an encyclopedia of hundreds of pages, it is impossible for me to cover this book and what this what this book contains in 45 minutes, it's not going to be the reason why I'm doing this lecture is to introduce you to this book, so that you can go away and read the book. in Persian if you know Persian or in Urdu if you know or do or in Arabic. If you can find the translation and possibly work on translating it into English. It will be a huge

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service to Islam online. Because in this day and age currently,

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a lot of confusions have spread. Most Muslims unfortunately don't read the books. They don't know how to answer these questions. answer to these questions I hear

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shotgun Aziz or de la la systematically one by one response to every single accusation.

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Every single criticism, every single point raised by the Shia school of thought and he completely dismantled it.

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This book

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instigated 25 responses from the Shia school, at least 25 responses.

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So heavy

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was the impact

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or so hard was the impact of this book in the 19th century on the shears, that some of the shears they attempted responses unsuccessfully, they responded they did write books, but when you read those responses, they actually failed to address most of the points raised by shark disease, because there are no responses, neuronal responses. This this is all important this book is.

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So there is a section in the book and the contents when you go you see and you see a section

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matar in

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an hour or accusations against carbon copy.

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Okay, or tan tan is basically condemning or cursing of Omar based upon the following reasons number one accusation against Omar is the incident of care pass.

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You know what that is? Who wants to help me what is the incident incident

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was last day basically last time and he

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basically was

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good. So the province of La Salaam was near his death. Salalah is in the final days of his life on a Thursday, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam.

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He was surrounded by his companions. And this report is inside al Bukhari, okay. And he said to the companions, that give me a pen and a paper

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and an import so that I can write something for you. Right. And

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your loved one who was present at the time he said jasola husband naka de la hospital naka de la la Oh for us Kitab LA is enough. So please do not disturb yourself, do not worry yourself. Other companions. They said no, no, no, let the Messenger of Allah write what he wants to write for us. Because it will be it will be advice for us. Omar said he is not well, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam is suffering he's in pain, so we should not disturb him. The others disagreed Of course and there was noise, there was noise and the Messenger of Allah Allah Islam became disturbed by the noise, and he told the companions to leave his presence. Allahu Akbar, now the Shia school or

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Shia scholarship to pay to Omar rhodiola Juan in bad light. They came up with some theories on this issue. Listen, Omar was deliberately preventing the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the prophet was going to write something very important we took we to this day do not know what the prophet wanted to write some Shia. They claim that the Prophet was going to obviously write that Ali is my successor, okay, or some instructions to that effect. And our prevented that knowing where our profit was going to write. Omar Omar deliberately prevented that. So they read the mind of Omar even though Omar has died on the lawan centuries ago, they still continue to get into the mind of armor and they continue

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to get into the mind of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam evidently not knowing what the prophet sallallaahu salam wanted to wanted to write. So now this is the nutshell This is in a nutshell, this is the accusation that Omar is guilty of

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depriving this oma of important information which could have helped us right. Now, how do we respond Shanker Aziz has written a long article in the book. And to see the details you must go to the book, but I will summarize his responses. Shah Abdul Aziz responds by saying there are a number of things we have to consider. Number one, if Omar is guilty, because the Shia scholars say Omar is guilty because he

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went against Islam in a number of ways, and what are those number of ways? For example, number one, Omar, he

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opposed the Prophet salallahu Islam. The Prophet commanded something and Omar opposed the Prophet. This year, the Shia scholars or scholarship claimed or claims to this day. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as we know in the Quran, does not speak for himself. The Quran tells

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us in Surah kanayama who believe national energy is a lot of

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young people

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in who Allah What do you have, that the progress also speaks from Revelation therefore prophet commanded the companions to do something, and Amr prevented them from doing it. Okay. Another accusation is that Omar was commanded by the prophets Allah Salaam, therefore it was a command from Allah, and whoever not does not follow the command of Allah at another disbeliever Mamma mia combi van de la

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casa road, is the verse of the Quran surah comida, that those who do not follow Allah commands deliberately do not follow Allah commands, then they are disbelievers. So therefore, therefore, for that reason, our deliberately ignored the command of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he became a disbeliever.

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Then another issue about the Sahaba, the companions who started to make noise, because those who thought differently to Omar

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asked the pen and paper to be brought and let the profit right. And the voices were raised the Hadith states, clearly, the voices were raised. By the way, do you know about the studies? How many of you know about the Saudis?

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So why why don't we start by reading our own sources in Sharla.

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You know,

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shuba had

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doubts about Islam.

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And sometimes you doubt these doubts lead to cover, you know why this happens? This happens because of your lack of knowledge.

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Because you do not indulge in studying your sources. You do not know what Islam is seriously, most Muslims are, fortunately, have adopted Islam as a habit

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or as a cultural, you know, comfort.

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They don't study Islam.

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And because they don't study Islam, they easily become victims,

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to doubts, questions, and attacks against Islam. This is very simple, we must understand that we must indulge in our literature, so that we cannot be easily misguided. Now, any Muslim, who does not know his sources,

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doesn't understand them.

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doesn't know how to defend them, and doesn't know where to go.

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To get answers, such as Muslims a sitting duck.

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You're sitting, you're sitting duck.

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For any of the hunters out there, any of the wolves out there.

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Whether the arrow the bullet is coming from the Shia, or from the atheist, or from the Christian, Christian missionaries, it doesn't matter where it comes from. You are a sitting duck.

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So we need to understand our sources. That's why we did these lectures so that you can actually see there are sources that contain answers to some of the accusations and questions raised by others, and you can possibly answer them and put them right, in sharp.

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So the voices were raised in this room, in the presence of the Sava. What happened? The Shia, they say it is haram to raise your voice in the presence of the province of Assam. But why because the Quran says yeah, you're Latina, Latina who can focus on the Nabi sallallahu alayhi Salaam, or who you believe, do not raise your voices about the voice of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Do not be disrespectful.

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So these companions, including Omar, they were being disrespectful to the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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So, this is how the she has

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carved this argument, the story based upon the incident of Kratos

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so what is the response? Your diseases are the law they write pages upon pages in front of me, you know, and I cannot possibly go through all of them, but I will summarize his arguments. He said Firstly,

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when Rasulullah sallallahu uttered these words that give me the pen and paper. Omar was not the only one there were many companions there. Right. Among those companions were who among those companions who

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Ali and above, both of them are present. So if you accuse her of

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being malicious and not

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enabling the prophet to write and advice, a piece of advice for the companions that you must accuse a boss and only have the same. Why? Because they were present.

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Why did it Why did they not obey the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who is more important overall the Prophet brothers? Hello?

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Are you sure? Yes. Right, who is more important?

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The prophet or Omar? Yes tell me the Prophet Luca young brother Mashallah Luca literally is and he knows the answer

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is more important, who did Allah in the Quran to obey?

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who tell me

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the Prophet after Allah, it is the profit now this is where the crux of the matter is, brothers and sisters. When you think of an incident, there are ways to respond to the job the disease does a great job and I will add some few few points for myself as well.

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So who does Allah say we have to obey? Yeah, you're Latina, a to la tierra Sol. We're all in every welcome.

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For interessato Vj ferodo illa.

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Allah in the Quran, Surah Nisa, right over you believe, obey, obey, obey His Messenger and those who are power among you, who are in power among you. And if there is a peraza if there is a dispute for him to be in, dispute in something for

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so then refer back to a line is messenger, so the Messenger of Allah is the ultimate authority alive in front of the companions in that room? Agreed? Yes. Who is present Ali and Abbas? So now our baby boomer said, No, no, don't bring the pen in the paper, the messenger Allah is ill, he is not feeling well. Don't burden him.

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Now there are two options Ali and a boss who are also present in the room, they have two options. They either follow the messenger of Allah, or they follow Allah.

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Apparently, from the reports, we know that no one brought the pen in the paper.

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No one brought the pen in the paper. So if we assume for the sake of the argument that Amr was malicious, or was deliberately tried to prevent the professor salon for giving some important information, what happened to ollie? What happened to our boss?

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Why did they not obey the professionalize salon? Was it scared of armor? Of course not. We don't believe it scared of armor? No.

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In fact, Ari, I believe stood up when our NATO stand up to fight

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in the Battle of

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the Battle of conduct when he was one of the strongest fighters of the courage, he came forward across the ditch and he came forward and he challenged the Muslims for mubaraka

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Is there anyone among you wants to fight me Everyone is quiet, because they know who it is.

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You know, did you watch the beam and McGregor? Did you watch the people MacGregor brothers? Hello? Hello? Yes. Did you watch the fight? The youngsters maybe did imagine imagine if Habib or one of them UFC fighters came here in the must've today. And he challenged you in the masculine you know who he is all of you who you know who he is what he can do, he can break bones, you can snap your neck, he can put you in a lock and he can destroy you in 30 seconds, you know, right? Right. You know, Would any of you would? Would any of you stand up to accept this challenge? Unless you want to die?

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No, right? similar situation they're able to vote cross the bitch is challenging. And all the Muslims are sitting there.

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I even Ali stood up. And he said Yasser Allah as a young man, he said, I will fight him. And the Messenger of Allah says and sit down, sit down, because even the Messenger of Allah knows who it will go this

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and he knows Elisa young child is a teenager. He will be killed instantly. Again, he challenges is there anyone above you? And he stands up for the long run. The Messenger of Allah tells him to sit down, sit down, he sits down again. Again, he challenges no one stands up and who is there at all. Perhaps obey

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Are these big fighters are they but they are no match for him because they know they are not they are not a match for him.

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And then the third time he challenges and Ali stands again, then Rasulullah sallallahu

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allows him to go, it is about the honor of Islam and Muslims go.

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And when he went in front of him the word Emerald said, I know you are the son of a pilot,

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and I don't want to kill you.

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You're a child. You're a young boy, or a young man, go send someone who is of my stature.

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Elisa, my mother called me Hydra. My mother called me lion. And I will show you what a lion can do. So in the world, attacked him cut the long story short Ollie in a very short period. He dealt with several words and all the Muslims are saying that we this is Alabama We thought you think he was scared of our? No, he was in the room. When this incident happened? Where do you put him? What category would the she asked put Alabama with Parliament? Did he not disobey the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam if Obama did? If Omar did? Why do you let off Abbas and Oliver we follow the law. Why? Because our

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brothers in humanity to Shia, they have blind hatred towards America.

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So now it's clear that

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they were in the room.

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Also, if you love someone, if you love someone, and that some someone or the person you love is going through pain is ill?

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Would you burn the more? Or you would you comfort them? So they the Shia brothers and sisters in humanity.

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When I say in humanity, I believe they are our brothers and sisters in humanity. Not in faith. I don't believe we follow the same faith. Okay, we do claim to borrow, we do claim for the same faith. But in reality, when you look at the understanding of the Shia School of Islam is completely different to suddenly understanding on major issues on major issues, even the Quran, even the Quran,

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the Sahaba, the Hadith,

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even Allah,

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we have differences.

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That's why I say brothers and sisters in humanity. So

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in this case, Oliveira with our labor of your loved one is also also to be blamed. In fact, if anything, armor was kind to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he gave us a reason that the Prophet of Allah is in pain. He is suffering, do not overburden him, despite what he said because he feels for us. He loves us so much that He wants to go to extremes in advising us, you know, he would even he would put himself in pain. He would put himself through so much trouble to advise us, but we should be merciful to him. But also laws are so amazing pain. And we should comfort him. It is very possible that Omar will power the law one was wrong in this maybe the other Sabo right? Perhaps they

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were right. Perhaps I'm saying perhaps they were right. That maybe it should be you know, we should give him the pen and the paper so they can write the advice for us. Okay, perhaps, but let me tell you why. armor was not wrong.

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Why I believe armor was right for the loved one.

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What day was it when this incident took place?

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Anyone knows? I said earlier, Thursday.

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It was the day of Thursday. What day did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam pass away?

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Monday. So how many days are between Thursday and Monday?

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We have Friday.

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We have Friday, Saturday, Sunday, three complete days.

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And the Prophet left. He even went to the masjid. He was taken to the member where he made the statement line of law yahood one dasara.

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Big Masada

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May Allah curse you

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That nosara those who make masajid above the grave of their ambia

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the prophets, this statement was made by the prophet of Islam on the member before he passed away.

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So we have clear cut evidence the Prophet sallallahu Sallam advised the companions

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between Thursday and Monday. So why the Shia accused Omar of preventing this Omar or depriving him of important information?

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Why? Why?

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Because they hate

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your loved one. You know when you hate someone, since childhood when you have been conditioned from a very young age, to hate someone, right? from a very, very young age, it is very difficult for you to fall in love with that person. You agree from a very young age, you have been conditioned our omarama a lot, a lot, a lot A lot. Everyone is focusing on what everyone is, you know, it's very difficult to, you know, for example,

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fall in love with that person.

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So that's why reasons had to be called. They had to be carefully crafted to justify irrational hatred towards America to justify unjustifiable hatred towards America. Now it's clear that Omar retort deprived almost anything Why? Because on Thursday to Monday, the Messenger of Allah, plenty of time to tell the Ummah, what he could not write down in that room on Thursday.

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It doesn't stop there.

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In fact, indirectly,

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the Shia school accuses the Prophet sallallahu wasallam of not doing his job,

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they are claiming that Omar had the ability to allow the biller from Alibaba to shut the profit off. So a lot of them, just because Omar said Don't, don't break the pen and paper because the profit is ill, he is going to pay, the profit went quiet, and he sent them away.

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Even though the Prophet was perfectly able to speak, because the Hadees clearly states the Prophet said, leave me he spoke, the Messenger of Allah spoke, he could easily say that I want you to write this, this, this, this this down.

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Or in the three days he had after his illness between Thursday and Monday, the prophet of Allah on the member, he could have said all the things he wanted to say in that room. So in fact, the accusation goes against the Prophet himself. So a lot is it is the prophet who is tarnished in these attacks against Omar. Omar in photography a lot one.

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Another accusation is that number one, he disobeyed the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and a lot has to obey the Prophet. A theologian. Yes, yes brothers. Allah says in the Quran, a to lava deal soon and Omar is away. Okay, if Omar disobey.

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We take a Shia brothers and sisters in humanity back to the incident of davia what happened in Bolivia? What happened?

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In davia

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Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had to agree to a treaty with the Qureshi. And when the treaty was being returned,

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what do the reports tell us? Who was writing the treaty?

00:33:59 --> 00:34:17

similar situation and see how it works out how people deliberately ignore information. If Omar is guilty of what we what he did if your accusations are true and correct, and, and credible. Dan, let's see what Ali did.

00:34:20 --> 00:34:21

When the treaty was written,

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it was set to right. humbug Rasulullah

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sallallahu wasallam. So here's an AMA.

00:34:33 --> 00:34:43

So Haldeman armour who was the man representing the poor he is he said, we do not accept you as a civil law. If we accepted you as a law, we wouldn't fight you.

00:34:44 --> 00:34:47

So right Mohammed bin Abdullah,

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Muhammad, the son of Abdullah, this is the Muhammad we know we don't know, Allah, and then the Messenger of Allah so compared to Ali, and he said to Ali Ali, cross out

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Rasulullah crossarm Rasulullah What did he say? What did he say?

00:35:08 --> 00:35:09

I will not do it.

00:35:10 --> 00:35:11

I will not do it.

00:35:13 --> 00:35:20

So will you apply the same verses to aluminium Italia common law, common law, common law, common law, common law, power law alaikum welcome.

00:35:22 --> 00:35:24

When you apply that verse to him, like you apply to Allah,

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and he was directly commanded by the prophet to do something, and he refused to do it. He said, Yeah, let's go live and not do it yourself to live and not do it will lie he will not do it. You only do it to an extent where and he said, Well, I will not do it I will not cross. Why we have a view on this. We believe he did this out of his love for the Messenger of Allah not to disobey. Not this way. I live in a Vitaly robiola, one loves the Messenger of Allah, and its status as a result of law so much that he could not do it himself. And then the professor, show me where it is. And the Prophet cross start with his own hand rule of law, to compromise, to reach terms with the operations

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to have peace, to have peace. But Ali did not do it. two options. Number one, you make an excuse for Ali,

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that anila with the Prophet, that's why he did not do it.

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Number two, and he was disobedient.

00:36:30 --> 00:36:33

And he was one of those people who the verse is talking about

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copyright law tomorrow.

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If we apply the same standard that she has applied to Omar Ali in this case,

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it would be the same as Omar. So whatever excuse you make for any hair and this incident, made the same excuse or ama

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especially when the prophets Allah Salaam had three extra days to deliver the information he wanted to deliver and he did. He did we believe on the member he gave plenty of advices to his companions, one of the words a lot a lot a lot a lot la casa de Luca MBI, Masada. This was one of his advices.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:24

So this is how we respond to this particular accusation. And will lie there's a lot more detail which I did not cover

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in this lecture, which is my time can you believe in I already spoke about Ameren nearly 40 minutes ago. Can you believe this? So this book is an encyclopedia of information. It contains so many powerful and beautiful points that you can easily I mean, read this book, you can easily answer and respond to all the accusations of the Shia against the Sahaba.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:59

What other accusations they have against all of your loved one that our 11 threatened to burn the house of Fatima?

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no one actually struck Fatima on her stomach and she had a miscarriage.

00:38:08 --> 00:38:13

I'm going to briefly address these points. The details are in the book again. Firstly, threatened

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to burn the house apart Emma is a completely separate issue to striking Fatima rather low and high in the stomach, causing her to have miscarriage there are two different incidents with the shear usually mix up. Okay. The threatening part is not actually the house of Fatima is actually anywhere the dissenters were getting together after bear had been given to Abubakar and the Muslims had united upon the Biafra worker some people did not get by including aluminum with volume and some other individuals. And they were getting together in a place to discuss this and Homer threatened them to keep the Unity he did not threaten for tomorrow the law he could not possibly threaten for

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tomorrow, the Aloha hour the villa tomorrow, Bella Rosa Omar said anyone who will try to dismantle our unity, we will fight them and we will burn the place they get together.

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So she has again using

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the dark lens. You know, when you read someone, you have two options. You can read look at someone through a clear lens and the lens will show you clear clarity. Yes. And then you can make the lens dirty. You can put all kinds of feces and urine on it. And then you start looking at someone through that lens. Are you gonna see feces or urine, right? Yes. So this is the lens of the she asked the use on the Sahaba especially over and over. Everything they did had to be malicious. By default, they will guilty until proven innocent.

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And even if we prove the innocent is still guilty.

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We will not accept any of the

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justifications of the action. So Omar was trying to maintain unity in this turmoil.

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The turmoil was across the seas in Arabia.

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After after the death of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, many Arabian trials at apostatized,

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the apostatized and they were planning to attack Medina, there were rumors. On top of that there was a threat from the Romans.

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And then within Medina, this internal strife, Omar said we will not tolerate it. So this was the point that's the context. Omar ignore threatened Fatah maraga la. Roger, he threatened those who may be thinking of causing division. And of course there was no division 100 allowed us our united in the leadership under the leadership of Abu Bakar to an extent that we have references that it will be parlayed, not only fought for Abubakar Viola won in battles, he accepted me accepted provisions, the booty, the war booty. In fact, one of the sons of Oliver Vitali was called Mohammed

00:41:10 --> 00:41:11

bin Hanafi.

00:41:13 --> 00:41:15

Mohammed bin Hannah via

00:41:16 --> 00:41:25

Mohammed bin Ali, because Mohammed bin Hanafi was over. He was a child from Algeria.

00:41:27 --> 00:42:06

A captive of war called Hannah via who came from Belo hanifa Balu Anika was the tribe of masala, Calcutta masala when he was fought by the army, the worker and he was part of the army. And as his share of war booty he was given this jharia this war captive called Hannah via who bought a massage called Mohammed bin Hannah via. So Abu Bakar Ali were on good terms. This clearly shows that they weren't good term. And he had some vendetta against aboubaker in his heart on his mind, he would have said I don't want anything for you.

00:42:07 --> 00:42:09

You know, Gandhi.

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Gandhi, was Gandhi.

00:42:14 --> 00:42:25

Yeah, Gandhi. I wouldn't call him Mahatma Gandhi. Okay. Right. Gandhi was a freedom fighter against the British Raj.

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In the early 20th century, most people know him. You know, the British imprisoned him. And they offered him all kinds of things, all kinds of things. Gandhi said, I don't want anything from you.

00:42:39 --> 00:43:00

I don't want anything from you. Because of his principles. He was a principle man. He said, You are the enemy. I will not take anything from you. And the British Empire was far more powerful than Abu Bakar. The British Empire, in his mind was far more powerful than Abu Bakar materialistically. materially speaking, materialistically speaking,

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but I don't even have a thought I didn't do that. He actually took all the Presidents all the things coming his way from the lower.

00:43:08 --> 00:43:14

Why are you telling me how he was less of a man than Gandhi, Aldo Bella, Bella, we don't believe that.

00:43:15 --> 00:43:24

There is something wrong with your understanding of Ali and his relationship with Abu Bakar and Ahmed and the rest. So

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at this time, Omar was trying to do that now second accusation that Omar hit Fatima so hard in the stomach that she had a miscarriage well, law he a lot of the Shia, they foster this misconception.

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This lie.

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And by the grace of Allah now some of them have started to come forward. And they have started to condemn those who use this use this argument because they themselves know it's a lie. It cannot be found in any of the Sumi books, and any of the Shia authoritative books. These are some late accusations made by some late Shia scholars against alma mater things life

00:44:10 --> 00:44:14

is like today, in the year 2018. I write a book on

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on behalf of the Shia and in the in this book, I write that armor. In fact, you know what, he struck him out of the lung on her on the head with the sword and she bled and she was treated for this wound and she was injured by oma. Right. It is an accusation. Now if I put it down in a book in 2018, two centuries later, some she has read this story in my book and Oh, look, look look look what amounted to Fatima. Look, look, look. Oh my god. Oh my god. Look how evil Omar was.

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But there is no chain. There is no source to substantiate this accusation and it's so common. It is so common among the Shia. You will be shocked.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:06

That armor. Think about it. Look, use your rationality, use your rationality.

00:45:09 --> 00:45:12

Most of you are some of you may have wives.

00:45:14 --> 00:45:16

If you if you were to

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abuse someone's wife verbally, let alone touching her, let alone pushing her like this. What would be the normal reaction? What would be a normal reaction of a man? someone's wife has been abused verbally on the street.

00:45:39 --> 00:45:46

What do you think would be? It would be anger. It would be possibly a physical fight. Yes.

00:45:47 --> 00:45:54

Most people would fight for the wife to defend her. Right? I can give you so many examples.

00:45:55 --> 00:45:59

You speak badly of someone's wife. You're looking for trouble? Yes.

00:46:00 --> 00:46:02

What if you touch someone's wife?

00:46:03 --> 00:46:04

You might get killed.

00:46:05 --> 00:46:12

If you touch someone's wife, you punch, slap kick, push someone's wife, you might get killed.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:20

Doesn't matter whether the person is a Muslim or non Muslim? Because all people in most cases they love their wives.

00:46:22 --> 00:46:27

Right? You're telling me Ali Baba Vitaly was less of a man

00:46:28 --> 00:46:37

hider The one who fought a battle would the one who killed might have in the Battle of favor the one who fought while shava

00:46:39 --> 00:46:59

you telling me that man having seen what Omar did to Fatima as you claim you liar some of your liars claim and he would be standing idle Can you imagine that you're telling me how to be Lhasa mala Ali was was not a man enough he was not man enough to stand up for his wife

00:47:01 --> 00:47:06

sisters Can Can you please the church take the children out in Sharla outside

00:47:08 --> 00:47:12

inshallah take the children outside system because this disturb is disturbing the lecture.

00:47:13 --> 00:47:21

Okay, so the point here I'm trying to make is that I live in a Vitaly was not a coward.

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And Omar was not

00:47:25 --> 00:47:29

an evil barbarian, barbarian to do that to Fatima de la Juana.

00:47:31 --> 00:47:38

Sisters control the children because they are making noise and I get disturbed because I'm thinking while I'm talking and when there is noise, I cannot think

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if the sisters can take the children outside and get them to go quiet inshallah and they're quiet and come come back and each avatar. Okay. I request that sisters take the Yeah, okay. The chickens are quite dentists. Okay. Okay. So the point I'm making is that Oman Qatar was not a coward. So this is one thing. And I think that point alone in itself is enough to deal with this, this accusation that you are here trying to paint Amr as a hater of Fatima de la Juana, but at the same time, you are condemning Ali to cover this. You are condemning Ali to cover this that Ali was a coward who could not defend his wife, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, the mother of

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Other accusations against the law and one of them is that he did not punish Molly Amitabha for Xena morozova committed adultery in Iraq. And witnesses were established against him and he did not punish him. This is again a lie because when we read the story in detail, we realize four witnesses came forward, three of them witnessed and the fourth one slapped the fourth witness basically could not complete the witness and all four of them were last for slandering movie Robin Sharma. So this accusation against the law one is false. In fact, if anything Omar wanted to carry out the punishment, Omar is the one who told Robin Sharma to come to Medina from Kufa because Mira which was

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the governor of Iraq, he told him to come to Medina with those four witnesses who accused him when they came over said okay, witnesses witness number one What did you see? Number one said I saw this number two sir I saw this number three Sir, I saw this number four wasn't too sure. Number four wasn't too sure. Omar said because of this. All four of you will be last for slandering for slandering and valeera when Shaka was freed because of that, not because not because Omar wanted

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To be free, rather, Amara was very angry with movie Robin Sharma.

00:50:09 --> 00:50:14

Another acquisition a source of hatred is that Omar forbade Mata

00:50:15 --> 00:50:25

Mata Mata is temporary marriage, temporary marriage basically what is what are the Shia schools, they believe in it and they practice it as well.

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Mata is a practice in which a woman can be married for either 10 minutes, over 10 hours over 10 months, over 10 years, depending on the situation. So the marriage can be for 10 minutes, and it can be for 10 years. So it's called temporary marriage. And it was allowed in the pre Islamic times. In the early part of Islam. It was also allowed some of the Sahaba were doing it as hula himself allowed it, no doubt but at the time of Agile wa Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam forbade the practice of Mata until Yokoyama until the day of judgment, he said you cannot do without moatize harassment in the region. So law says I'm only allowed in extreme circumstances three times he allowed it three

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times he obeyed it three times, it was allowed at the time of vodka.

00:51:16 --> 00:51:20

It was allowed, at the time of flavor, and made

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at the time of favor.

00:51:24 --> 00:52:10

And there was another reservoir when the Sahaba had become so disturbed by the distance between them and the wife. Some of them they came to the Prophet salallahu Salam and they said, jasola Shall we castrate ourselves? Shall we castrate ourselves, the man was so important to them, they could no longer take the the, you know, the distance between them and the wife the pain with that and and the urge the sexual urge that there's a Shall we castrate ourselves? And the Messenger of Allah sort of said, Why would you do that? And then the Messenger of Allah, the principle, the lesser of the two evils, he allowed Buddha temporarily, and then at a gentle vada There are reports in Santa Susana

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without the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade vada until the day of judgment, but it was Omar who applied the ruling completely.

00:52:28 --> 00:52:54

Omar had realized some people have still not got the message. Some people still have not got the message and they still indulging in Mata so Omar rhodiola Juan, he based upon the Hadees the commander of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam applied the ruling that Mota is haram until the day of judgment. It is now Xena It was not Xena before like calmer, calmer

00:52:55 --> 00:53:02

wine drinking was allowed in the early time of Islam right brothers? Yes. How do we know Allah says in the Quran?

00:53:03 --> 00:53:06

Yeah, are you under the ramen Ola taka bufala

00:53:07 --> 00:53:36

sakara Oh you believe Do not come near Salah when you are drunk. So in other words, outside of Salah you can be drunk. It was okay to be drunk outside of Salah. But when you come to Salah don't drink Okay, so there was a harbor over drinking in Medina. Wine was allowed in the early part of Islam. It was forbidden in Medina when the verse of Surah majda was revealed to you and Edina hamano in number kamaru one major one Islam one

00:53:38 --> 00:53:46

well one sample resume anomalous shape on fudge study boo boo La La come to fly home or you believe intoxicants are

00:53:47 --> 00:54:11

with other things, the working of shape on the doing of shape on abstain from intoxicants. So that you may prosper. So likewise, Mata was allowed in the early part of Islam and Muslims was gradually growing in demand. And then one was forbidden. Likewise Notah was forbidden and after being forbidden after being forbidden as a sinner,

00:54:12 --> 00:54:20

like however, intoxicants wine after being forbidden, it is haram.

00:54:21 --> 00:54:30

It is from the Kabbalah. It is from the Kabbalah. So when sometimes when you say Mata is actually Xena that she has no no no, no, no, no.

00:54:31 --> 00:54:51

Of course they were doing it, of course, because it was allowed. But when it was made haram stop doing it. Okay, some Sahaba had not gotten the message. So Oman, Qatar rhodiola when he made the decree wide, he said anyone who does not are now we'll be punished with Xena moatize Haram.

00:54:52 --> 00:55:00

Forbidden Okay, so the Shia school has a lot of you know, enmity towards Oman. One reason

00:55:00 --> 00:55:05

Because he is the one who, as I say, laid the SmackDown

00:55:06 --> 00:55:06


00:55:07 --> 00:55:19

completely disallowed it. So these are some of the accusations against Oman, Qatar, among others in this book, shark disease extensively deals with them and destroys a lot of their arguments.

00:55:23 --> 00:56:10

And then we have other companions of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam, who are accused of other things by the Shia school, inshallah I plan to cover Shia accusations against author Manuel de la won an eye shadow, the Allahu Allah and some other companions, and the last of our episode, episode number four in the series, and inshallah I don't think I have time to cover the accusations against a smart and responses to them, and the accusations against Ayesha and the responses to them and the Saba, for example, I'll quickly read some are read out some of these accusations and the responses will be given in the next episode, part number four of the series. So one of the

00:56:10 --> 00:56:19

accusations against Othman is that he appointed oppressive rulers, oppressive governors in the Muslim Empire. One accusation is that

00:56:21 --> 00:56:43

more Juan's Father hukam was kicked out by the prophets Allah Salam from Medina, but postman brought him back. Okay, postman another accusation is that of man used to favor his compound, his relatives, his cousins, and he had given governorships of important provinces in Islamic empire to his cousins, right.

00:56:45 --> 00:56:47

And other accusations are, for example

00:56:50 --> 00:57:32

aasmaan forgave Abdullah bin Omar, aka SAS a case of SAS, you know, when you are punished against a murder, so delivering Omar was not actually punished against a murder. So there are many more accusations like that against us, man. One another accusation or other claim is that Sahaba were they were actually happy by a man being killed, but it was definitely not happy. And we will see how when we talk about this in the next episode, you will see it was definitely not happy with the murder with model of your loved one. And it went to extreme lengths in protecting with Mark Twain extent that he appointed two of his sons, Hassan and Hussein the most beloved grandchildren of the

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promise of Ursula at the door of man to defend him against his murderers. Why would he do that if man had no value for Islam or in Islam, against either of your low on ha, there are many accusations again, I shall have your loved one Ha. She disobeyed the professor Islam by leaving her house to fight even returning in another report is that there is a report in Bukhari that the Son in law pointed towards the house of Isaiah and he said that fitna is there there is fitna there is spectra. Again, this is a lie because when you look at the context, you will see the province of Los Alamos not talking about the house of it rather, he was pointing towards the east also is accused of other

00:58:12 --> 00:58:13

things such as

00:58:15 --> 00:58:59

she, for Alabama, we thought it would be Aloha, and she was jealous of her Delia, etc, etc. So there are many more accusations against the Sahaba as well as Sahaba, which we will cover in part four of our series of this introduction to tophi isn't Australia today we discussed their accusations against Oman, Qatar hora de la Juan and some of the responses. There are more accusations in the book and the responses but for that you will have to read the book, make the offer us that ally enables us to translate this book into English language, it will be a huge service to Islam and Muslims. Thank you so much for this link. 100 in light of anatomy, I will take questions. If that's

00:58:59 --> 00:59:06

okay, inshallah. I have another 10 minutes 15 minutes so I can take questions. Do you have any questions about this? If you want to ask any question

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in the shower,

00:59:13 --> 00:59:56

that is still permissible. Yes. Yes. The brother asked, do the Shia still allow Mata to be practiced to this day? And the answer is absolutely emphatically. Yes. If you go to Iran, there are multiple centers there. Where you connected to Mata Mashhad is a city known for that. And unfortunately, our I don't want to get into grim details. But there's a lot happening in Iran. A lot of the Shia women are leaving here. And because of that, because of the treatment they have received in the hands of men, those who abuse this so called privilege. There is a reason why it was forbidden by loss of Allah and His Messenger, because it's an evil practice. Like common was evil, common, we'll leave it

00:59:56 --> 01:00:00

like that. But it was allowed in the early parts of Islam. So the Muslims

01:00:00 --> 01:00:27

can gradually grow any man and once they are strong enough to resist it was made Hara, right? Like was Mota was one of those things. So it was made haram for a reason but the Shias still continue practicing it is like imagine some group claimed for a wine to be halal. Okay, wine is not clear maybe. So we will keep drinking. We'll keep drinking. So it doesn't work. It's still being practiced Anyone else?

01:00:29 --> 01:00:30

Yes, go on please.

01:00:34 --> 01:00:34


01:00:37 --> 01:01:18

The title. Why did the Prophet cross out the title Rasul Allah from the treaty. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam crossed out this title, because he wanted to make a treaty. The Qureshi is we're making a big fuss about it. They were saying that we do not accept universal law, which was true. The Qureshi did not accept the Messenger of Allah as the Messenger of Allah. So the Prophet realized that maybe it is not appropriate for him to put down is titled Rasulullah because the Qureshi is not accepted. They only accept Him as Mohammed bin Abdullah. So that's why he wrote Muhammad Abdullah, instead of writing, Muhammad Rasul Allah, okay. Likewise, when you refuse to cross it, the prophet

01:01:18 --> 01:01:22

said, you will, you will be in the same situation one day.

01:01:23 --> 01:01:26

So, and that's what happened to Allah.

01:01:35 --> 01:01:36


01:01:37 --> 01:01:42

sisters, can you please, please, please request again, take the child who's crying outside

01:01:44 --> 01:01:50

within the commitments and the purpose of human validation, which will come in leading reading?

01:01:55 --> 01:01:56

I can't hear you Sorry.

01:02:07 --> 01:02:08

Yes, go ahead.

01:02:09 --> 01:02:11

So, people know, of course, very busy.

01:02:13 --> 01:02:16

commitments, would you recommend that people read the Microsoft?

01:02:19 --> 01:02:46

Yes. That's a very, very, very good idea. The chef asking is he asked that nowadays people don't have time to read long, lengthy books. So shall we read an abridgment or a shortened version of this book? That's a very good idea. I think we should have a complete translation. And then at the same time, we should have an abridgment for people to read. Alternatively, you can

01:02:48 --> 01:03:29

read short articles on websites like 12, hour dotnet, 1212, Ashiya, dotnet, there's a website, you must consult is an academic website. There are a lot of these things summarized in the English language on in articles. So there's a website, I recommend, strongly, strongly recommend is twelver. Shia dotnet. Okay, you will find a lot of these articles in there. And even top five nationally, I think you can find it online, translated some parts of it in English language, not all of it some parts, but you're right. I think FSR or motor sir, should be available for people to consult those who cannot read long lengthy volumes, they should start with shorter books, and then make with make

01:03:29 --> 01:03:32

their way up each other slowly. As you know, there is only one

01:03:34 --> 01:03:36

which is called motor certified machinery.

01:03:37 --> 01:03:40

Yes, into English. Yes. Yes. Yes.

01:03:41 --> 01:03:50

No, I agree. Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Just a question. And also maybe a comment to regarding the narration about the ideas or

01:03:53 --> 01:04:50

the innovation I came across, does not specifically state Appendix A. And the paper, right. What it says is like to know how to govern, which is what like, bring or prepare, so that I write for you. And this is not an easy the word up top? This is this. This assumption is that he's asking for some material. Yeah, to know that. Even not being not very explicit. It can be interpreted in each stage for you to write. Yes, yes. And the reason for this is some of the of the communists and enemies of Islam Yes. have also taken this. Yeah. In order to interpret it to other people or to the Prophet can Right. Yeah. That How come people say that person is illiterate, ya know, what happens? I guess.

01:04:51 --> 01:05:00

He was exposed. You have some? Yes, yes. Yes, I understand. Again, you're right. Absolutely. There is no doubt that the professor Muslim did not know how

01:05:00 --> 01:05:21

to read and write the prophets, Allah salam to our knowledge, there's no evidence that he was able to read and write. And this is why we interpret this Hadees in the way that the province of cern is asking them to bring something, because, again, this is clear from sola davia. So today we are who is writing, it is writing the Providence. And even when he says,

01:05:22 --> 01:06:02

I want to cut out, show me where it was all he did, he doesn't know where it is, he could show you. And then they were sure they showed him and then he crossed it out with his own hand. So there is plenty of evidence to this effect, that also last lesson didn't know how to read and write. And these cannot be used in that regard. Because there is no clear cut evidence to the Prophet himself with his own hand ever wrote anything? It would have been well known to the companions If he did, but it wasn't because right reading and writing was like having a PhD. If there was a PhD doctor in the machine, you would know who he is, right? Yeah. Likewise, in the herbs among the others, those

01:06:02 --> 01:06:08

who could read and write, they were like PhD doctors. What was the condition of the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam?

01:06:09 --> 01:06:21

For the Pharisees when they were caught in the Battle of buzzer those of you who can teach my companions to read and write will go free. If the providence of New Orleans right What do you know be teaching them and so?

01:06:24 --> 01:07:03

So it's clear so Lhasa never wrote and he never read a book. Never. He didn't know how to read. He didn't know how to write he was unlettered, not illiterate, we don't call him illiterate. illiterate. literacy is a completely different question. He was unleavened not illiterate because the one who is receiving the Quran cannot be illiterate. Okay. When he said ma Maclaurin Mahara before it means I cannot read I cannot look at book books and read. So Rasulullah sallallahu was not one of those people. And the Quran actually addresses that point. So his companions would have been the first people to acknowledge that that he knew or to read and write, but they are the ones who

01:07:03 --> 01:07:06

acknowledge that he did not read and write. Yes.

01:07:08 --> 01:07:12

When you mentioned that the other group considers him to be

01:07:14 --> 01:07:14


01:07:18 --> 01:07:25

least a Muslim, obviously they're not Muslim. And the brothers asked me when I say

01:07:28 --> 01:07:28


01:07:30 --> 01:07:31

listens to

01:07:32 --> 01:07:33

either way.

01:07:34 --> 01:08:18

The brother is asking when I say she are, are our brothers in humanity. What do you mean by that? Are you actually considering them? kuffaar or their characters? Or there are Muslims who are misguided? I believe that the arm the general masses of the Shia, they are misguided. Okay. And I this This is the view of shape of Islam. We have no Tamia and I believe is the strongest view that the the alarm, the masses of the Shia, they are misguided, right, but they are all among those who have studied and then know the weaknesses of their faith. And their arguments are not Muslims. I don't consider them Muslims. They are deliberately disbelievers deliberately disbelieve that. They

01:08:18 --> 01:08:36

choose to disbelieve, okay, because they know what they believe in is false. But they know for a fact what they believe in this is for example, some of them are not even practicing. You know, the one of the major scholars alcovy alcoy was a chain smoker.

01:08:37 --> 01:09:01

Can you believe shackle bunny chain smoker? Can you imagine shackle bunny? are one of the alama from Egypt over the llama sholazar smoking in front of everyone smoking away like a train? Can you imagine that? Yeah, Allah who he who wrote one of the most important works on El Mirage on our modular bidjar was a chain smoker

01:09:02 --> 01:09:23

and harmony, who is the supreme leader in Iran now has a huge collection of pipes. You know, smoking pipes, shallow hose pipes, you know those pipes, you know what I'm talking about? Have you seen those nowadays people don't smoke in them. He loves pipes to an extent that his collection consists of millions of dollars worth pipes.

01:09:25 --> 01:09:59

He has the largest and the best collection of smoking pipes in the world commonly, he's a pipe smoker. So all of these people, these are the people who cannot accept them as Muslims because they know what they're doing for them is what power is all about power and money is like at the Catholic Church. It's like the Catholic Church. A lot of the Catholic Bishops they don't actually believe in Catholicism, they don't believe in Christianity. They may be atheists, but they just have this uniform and this this office and the money that comes with it. That's why a lot of them are abusing children. Child abuse, you know, scandals in the church. Why?

01:10:00 --> 01:10:01

Do you think this happens?

01:10:02 --> 01:10:41

Is it because of strong faith? Is it because they have faith is strong? Because they don't have faith. So a lot of these people are like that. So my view is that they are brothers in humanity, because they come from other men we come from other, but when it comes to Islam, they viewed Islam is completely different to ours. And this is not an extreme statement. This is a factual statement. This is a fact I don't want you to be iffy about it. No one should be uncomfortable about it because this is what the facts on the ground on the ground are. We have a different understanding of the Quran they do. Okay, so now is completely different to this. They don't follow Sasa they have their

01:10:41 --> 01:10:54

own books. They have Kota bla bla bla bla bla the coffee, a list of Sagar mala Yoruba key, A to Z. These are the four sources of

01:10:55 --> 01:11:33

fic jurisprudence, they tradition. And they had these actually doesn't go back to the Prophet they are these go back to the Imams mainly to Mr. Jaffer. sodic and Mr. Muhammad Al Baraka and they don't go beyond as long as they get to the Imam to them. It is as good as the Quran or as good as following the mushroom the infallibility mom. But even a lot of these reports attributed to imams are lies, amounts, didn't say most of these things. When you see the change, when you study the change, you will see that there are liars and majus sama and heretics in the change. People you cannot trust unlike Bukhari and Muslim

01:11:35 --> 01:11:48

in the change of Bukhari and Muslim we are, we know the people, we know who they are the very moms they were known figures, they were public figures, the characters are known, but a lot of these changes the sheer books have you don't even know the people are?

01:11:49 --> 01:11:56

You don't know who is who some reports even started Colorado in an RV Abdullah

01:11:58 --> 01:12:22

Abdullah, a man said the above the law, the Imam, you know, said such and such kosaka but the question is Who is the man who is the man who is reporting from the Imam you don't know. It could be anyone. It could be Joe or Tom or Terry or it could be anyone you know, so we don't accept it.

01:12:23 --> 01:12:24

My time is up.

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