Adnan Rajeh – Whom we are not 10

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the meaning of " sightless" and its use to describe legacy legacy that has been left behind. They stress the importance of understanding the hierarchy of a legacy, starting at the top, and pushing back on disrespectful behavior. The speakers also emphasize the importance of praising Allah's actions and not respecting his legacy.
AI: Transcript ©
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We assume that the arena is not in keeping with who we are to go and live a legacy of someone else. When we say the word sunnah, and I have to point this out just for general knowledge. The word sunnah is a very versatile word. It's a word that can be used in different ways. Depending on what discipline we're talking about. If we're talking about versus talking about, also, you can talk about this key. It depends on what discipline it'll mean something different. But the organic meaning of it, the Quran, the only time is during the Quran, the word so not amount, but all sudden, apabila camel Rosalina, right, met multiple times. I mean, this is the legacy, this is how it's

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done. This is the norm. This is how it's so when the provider is awesome, says Suniti. He's not saying he's not really thinking about at least this is my understanding of it. And just it's not my personally, it's what I was taught.

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The left hander miss work, you know, he's thinking about anti oppression. That's what he's thinking of. He's thinking about living a life of righteousness, a life where you adhere to how can you adhere to justice and idol? That's what he's, that's his sunnah here. So that's what he left. That's the legacy he left.

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If that is not seen as the legacy he left, and when you say you soon Latina, or Suniti. And you will think immediately of the length of the good Libya. And if that's what you're thinking, if a new system was sent, and you think that that's what comes to mind, the way they look. And you know, the quick, the urgency of praying after celebration, then you don't understand what the word means. I'm not saying that these actions aren't recommended based on his teachings, although he has a lot to say. And that's not what I'm saying. But I'm saying what he says tunity that's not the first thing that should come to mind. That's not the first thing. I'm sorry. If it does this, we're in trouble.

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If that's the first thing that come to mind. The first thing that comes to mind is righteousness. Is that's when he was out of your southwest garden.

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Come out, telling me the fisherman

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and Hindi one of your Autobahn called merval de Ballina. See he is not Allah Allah, He was telling them I

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never got I've said except for himself, for either to deal help them your home level Bobby, he che on youth betta ohata, Yenta Scylla. The moment someone oversteps the moment, there's oppression of any sort, he becomes angry, and he stays that way until it's fixed. Until he brings back the right that was taken away. That's his Sanada. His thought was, that's who he was. That's how he lived, then that's the legacy. And that's what he means here. Very important, very important to understand the hierarchy of his legacy, Allah, His Salatu was Salam, to understand the priority list. And to start from the top of the list, and work your way down, not from the end of the list, and work your

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way up. It doesn't work that way. You have to understand his core values on a usato stamina, what it meant to be with him, and what he stood for, and start with those things. And then as you perfect them, as you become someone whose second nature is to stand by what is correct by and to refuse one of them in any form or shape, wherever it may be. You can move on to other stuff like compassion.

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Like striving for the sake of Allah, day and night, those are the next thing is a line. And then after you do all that for a long time, you arrive, you arrive at the coffee, yeah, and all the other stuff that don't mean anything. That don't mean anything that really don't mean anything he didn't, he didn't. That's not why he came here. He didn't come to teach us this stuff. That's not what he left with that we have to look at. No, that's That's disrespectful to his legacy, Allegan salatu, Salam to the limited restricted just to a couple of appearance things to a few behaviors that don't do anything, when really his legacy was the values and, and the principles that he lived by that he

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held the ideals he held himself too. And what that meant for him or what it did, what he did with them, and how much effort that he had to give in order to keep them going understand how hard it is to live a life of righteous and straight difficult. Oh, it's very difficult to continuously watch for help and refused Ottomans fight it every time every chance you get that's not easy, but he did say that we would learn it so we can later on practice it. So don't take that sunnah and replace it with some other one

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that's not in keeping with his values to take that and put it aside and go look for some other values or legacies to follow know, stick to his legacy. So amazing. There's nothing more important than it and there's nothing more meaningful than it and where we are right now as an OMA is just because we stopped following his sunnah. Yes, because we stopped following the Sunnah the way I just explained it to you, the way you understand it now. That's why we're here. We left too soon now to hear salatu salam not the pieces that you were told about. Not those not this stuff. comes later. It's the other stuff that we forgot about and we left to put it put behind us and move No, we that's

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what we have to bring back in.

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So what we have to make sure

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we adhere to and it's not. It's not in keeping with who he was. When you think about these Hadith, whom we are not, we're not people.

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We're not people who are superstitious. We're not people who refuse to refuse difficulties in life. People who become upset and disgruntled when something bad happens to us from the shackles you know, to manhood, we don't don't do that. We're not people who fail to see the beauty of things and enjoy and sing out the anthem is that we have, we're not people who betray others and ruin relationships between people around us. We don't cheat ever. We're not people who cheat.

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We are not people who will accept oppression from our leaders and we stay away from it and we refuse to be a part of what they do if they continue to behave in that way. We are people who refuse to claim that which is not ours. We are people who refuse to compromise our ethics and mistreat the elderly or mistreat the younger or mistreat our scholars we don't say and we refuse to accept any legacy Aside from his legacy salon. It's like you said and that's where that's what these are Hadith teach. And they're really beautiful. I really think they are I think they're very meaningful, they're worthy of learning and spreading them the understanding of them because because that's

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really what we're looking for you to remember Toblerone. You will feel Oh certainly be center the person and Abdullah hypnobirth. So the Allahu Anhu might call for an abuse of Allah Allah, just like you said them, ladies. I mean, Miami that is in that era, you know, sort of Rasulullah sallallahu insubstantial Muslim foundation Allah Allah Allah just tough to break. So Allah wa salam, O Allah kind of you know, Muhammad Yunus which is like a law

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