Adnan Rajeh – Seerah #01 – World Before Prophecy

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the negative impact of poverty on society, including the loss of family members and the rise of " flu season" in the United States. They emphasize the importance of protecting one's identity and reputation and acknowledge the challenges in society that need to be addressed. They also discuss the benefits of addressing these issues.
AI: Transcript ©
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So in short, this will be our final time around doing the sealer.

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This time, every time I've done it the last few years,

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I always add a certain angle to try to go a little bit more deep. I tried to add some depth and sidetrack a bit and talk about more things. In general, I've done this year, there's actually been my 10th time doing it in general, all around. But here's one that we have fourth. So hopefully, if you've attended at least once or twice, then you become quite comfortable with most of the concepts and the basic kind of highlight sort of his life, I think. So that was that which allow you later on, if you want to dive deeper, you can even find a way to do that can show well, if it's something that you're interested in, I believe personally that the see about the prophets of Allah is

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presented as something you should continuously be studying and you're like fighting, I made the comment that I tend to time doing it. The reason is that every time I finish just start somewhere else, or start with a different group or started speaking to a different bunch of people about the same thing, because I don't want to stop talking about it. I don't want to stop learning because when I speak of it, I learned as well. The more time you spend studying is the audience close to them and connecting to him. The more you understand the deen the more you understand the Quran, there's really nothing that you will miss. I mean, if you study the only Islam has all these

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different disciplines. When you study one discipline, you'll miss out on a lot. If you just study field, you're not going to get much of a theology or a sword or a hug or Hadith, you study a hadith you'll miss out on the others. If you study Arabic, that's pretty much what you get when you study to see about the problem somebody sent them, you got it all. The only thing that is similar to is studying studying to see the only thing that is is similar, it's doing that just to the point where it is much more difficult to do, it'll take it take, it'll take literally a lifetime to actually go through the whole process and understand it both. But to see a lot of the problems, I tell them,

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it's easier within you know, every time you've done it, it's taken maybe two years, maybe a bit less something around that. So it's something that is actually doable in a short period of time, you can walk away with the benefits. And then you can do it again and again until you feel very, very much connected and studio. So am I talking about the world before the prophets of Allah, hi, Sophia. I did this last time, but I didn't read it. I didn't want halacha immediately on to his birth, I'm gonna take a bit more time, this time just to talk about

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the social and political scene of that era is very important. If you really want to understand his silanis levels and connect to it, you have to understand how people were living back then. It's like when you're watching a movie, if when you watch the movie, what you don't realize is that the moment people walk into the scene in front of you, they're dressed in a certain way and speaking in a certain accent. So immediately your mind understand, oh, this is medieval ages, or this is the future. This is, you know, in this country, the way they're dressed, they must be from this era. I mean, their 90s or 80s are now a long time ago. So you have context. And that context helps you

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understand what's happening. Obviously, certain things when they're said in the 1930s context in Britain are acceptable, but the same words that they're spoken in 2018 kind of does that make no sense at all, and you would find this movie to be very weird, and it works. And vice versa. No matter how much you extrapolate this, this example, all through the ages, it works. And when I'm telling you the story of the brothels and the license and the same story that the Quran is telling you by doing. This is why this is important, because the Quran is also telling you stories, the one is commenting on the story, just teaching us the Quran is teaching us through a certain era, there's

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a certain social norm that of the time, a political scene, financial scene social scene that existed that the Quran is is teaching us through, if you don't understand that at all, then you will find it difficult to to benefit from the Quran, obviously. And you'll also find it difficult to look him out of Islam to send an understanding because you don't understand because you can't make sense of why is he saying this or why they doing this and why they do that because of this was a different time. Unfortunately, we are the generation of Muslims who are the farthest away from him, both of obviously in time or else we know the next generation will be here and we will be dead. But so

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remember the farthest away from them in time and when their father is away from him and every other aspect of life. Everything has changed so dramatically to the point where it's hard to to relate to these stories. How many of you, you know grew up learning how to ride horses or milk cows or are running in the desert that most people didn't really know especially my generation. That's not what we grew up doing. And I got I got a glimpse of it when I was younger, I didn't do much really I just I didn't do much. I just ran away all the time. But But

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anyways, it was a part of life for a certain period. But still even then it's hard to relate i You weren't taught to use the bows and arrows and swords. This wasn't a part of our upbringing wasn't important. It was essential that people people back then these were in search if you didn't know how to do that. You are literally useless.

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meaning your life was going to be a horrible human to live a horrible life. If you were a young man who didn't know how to use a sword, or a bow and arrow, you better be a poet, or you're gonna be dead when it because it's not gonna be nothing else for you to do, you're gonna be enslaved very quickly, because you have you serve no purpose, you have the same thing. For ladies, it was much worse a climate for ladies, if it was very difficult for women back then we'll talk about that a bit today. Very, very difficult. Once you understand how difficult it was for women in that era, not just in Arabia, but all across the world. When you read the Quran, the Quran seems much more

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beautiful to you. Because when a man is coming and bringing forward

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rulings and laws, we just solidify the rights of women at a time that none of that existed at all, it was very foreign to speak of things like that. But again, we're still far away from that. We don't relate to it. And that's why we read the Quran we don't understand. You're like, Okay, well, that's common sense. Why is Allah saying something that's just common sense to you and me now, this list is not actually it's not publish this to a lot of people who live within that same time, we're living in a different place, he's got to get on a plane and just go east, this as far as just go across the ocean and land anywhere you want. And you'll find that things, a lot of the stuff that

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you take for granted a lot of the norms, a lot of the regular practices and ways of thought that you think are you know, this is common sense. Everyone should think like these Maxim's no one should be arguing these issues, you will find that that's not the case. And these things will be challenged all the time. And it makes sense to you and your standards in what's wrong with everybody. Why are you guys saying this, I can like this, this just people function differently different times in different places. If you understand that, like I just I just gave you a piece of information, if that piece of information becomes a strong part of who you are, you will live an easier life,

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meaning you'll be less upset, you'll be less, you'll have less of a temper, you will be less, you have less racism in your heart less arrogance, you'll have less hatred, you'll be much more open minded and tolerant and accepting that human beings function differently in different parts of the world. That doesn't mean that you give up on on your principles, it doesn't mean that you stop saying what is right and opposing that which is wrong. But when understand that not everyone who doesn't agree with you, is Chavez is pure evil. And especially when you're studying history, history teaches you that because when you look at history, you find that everybody at a certain point did

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something. You didn't have certain practices that were the same. But you're going to say that that whole generation of human beings were evil, all over them were evil. Because it's very hard to find exceptions for certain things very difficult. Maybe you have to study for years to find an exemption of someone who who completely refused the concept of slavery, for example, 1000 years ago, it's almost impossible. You go through the world, everybody accepted it at one level or the other. Because why? Because they're evil. No, because it was just a different time. And the concepts are a bit different. I'm not I'm not defending anyone who's right now, obviously, is wrong. But the fact

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that it happened that I'm gonna give you example, we all drive cars. Most people here came driving cars, right? I can, I can guarantee if, in 500 years, they'll look back at us and say all of them were evil. They drove cars. They literally burned the ozone there. They knew that they were burning, and they knew that they were destroying the world with their co2, co2 emission. They knew that they were burning and they still did it. And they came down to the masjid to make it even worse. They they came to do good deeds by doing a bad thing on the way there. Now all we evil. No, we're not all evil. Maybe we have a blind spots. We do have a blind spot, not maybe we have a blind spot. When it

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comes to the environment. We can't seem to get our wrap our heads around certain things. We're not making good choices regarding the world that we live in the globe, that is an Amana for us because we taking care of this place. So yes, 500 years from now, the look back at us and say that generation, you won't believe that they didn't give me a guy like me sitting in a place like this. Yup, no idea within two years ago, do you believe it, they used to burn coal to the point where they destroy their own atmosphere, and they used to go to domestic doing it as well. And everyone would love What a bunch of whatever. And then we would go on and they will move on. And in their minds,

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and they don't understand how life works. They'll say, Oh, that was a very bad generation. And that's not how it was. We know that's not how it is right now. I know that people aren't going evil they don't You don't hate the environment, you will you love it and would like to do more important. And maybe the some of the choices we're making are the best. Same thing applies for a lot of the mistakes that were done. 500 600 years ago, 1000 years ago, a lot of these mistakes were made. I'm not saying they're right. But they were done in a context that is different than the one we're living in to different cultural atmosphere. It's important to understand that if you don't have the

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ability to, to absorb that and comprehend it, then you'll struggle with the Quran and the Sunnah for a long time until you do until you do. And then once you finally achieve that, maybe some some people need to go get on a plane and go and visit the desert and sit in a tent for a few days. Right? And when they do that, they're like, oh, okay, now. Now I understand why they were very young.

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Right, they're always yelling, and I understand why their lives were like they will, obviously it's a different is a different climate, you it's just not the same. So I'm not saying that you're gonna be able to understand all that from you know the rules that we're gonna give here. But what I want you to do is at least try drawing and delete those of us who have the best ability to put ourselves in other people's shoes and understand their their suffering are the ones who are the most open minded, the ones will be the most successful in life and will be able to go as far as they want. And those who don't or are going to are going to find difficulty. So it was important to try and connect

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to that so we can move forward.

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So what you're seeing up here is a diagram. I'm gonna talk about briefly a certain part of this time, the CLR is explaining to you some of the family lines, it's important to know where people came from, you'll have no idea how little we understand this and how much of an impact it had on how people function meaning what family they came from a group of people that were part of this made the biggest difference in how people we spoke what they did when they stood by you can almost 100% predict who's not gonna listen to the Prophet so I said to them off the bat just by studying the violent abuse definitely he's not going to be okay because either they're a part of a different

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group they're a part of a different alliances, your alliances that ran by you know, per family so this lineage here is Arabs are come from two basic families. All the Arabs lived in Arabia they come from two lineages. One lineage called the Han lineage meaning goes back to a person called the one and another one goes back to a person called I've none obviously not me and it goes back to this person comes from he's one of the descendants of the Prophet isn't I am the son of Ibrahim it cetera so that Nana Yean of Arabs are the Arabs that actually have prophesy lineage in their blood me they know that they come from Somalia, Ishmael was the son of Abraham, they're called nation my buddies

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and those are a certain part of the Arab world. The other Arabs are the funny now the Fulani in what we believe that they we believe that the what is understood from from studying this science is that they go back to someone called the Emer so if you look at the data,

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so yes, you're the one son of a rude or evil now Eber is one of Ibrahim ancestors. So Eber is one of No, there's no slide that will tell me that you're gonna have no grand grandchildren. So either or the person that the Jew the Jewish faith was called after the upbringing comes from Eva is also in school we believe to be who dallisa Because your food, the same word is good. And when you study the lineages that's how it fits the most. Now it could, you know, go back, etc, sit back for a second or come to this moment. So Gohan here, if you look if you go and you study Biblical lineages, you'll find that Eva his son is called joked and JOKT a n which is very similar to the name of Jehovah and

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that's where a lot of the biblical scholars they made those those similes and they looked at like that, so all these names that you look from here and look at that you see right here are names of the tribes that descended from the hunt amongst these tribes, you're going to find dos which is where Ebola came from amongst these

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families are trying to have been played get where how they look, but you know, I didn't even have them I thought you came from you'll find them and SGR and the fall wherever we go. Okay. So all these all these tribes are flooding in. Now, why am I saying that because the honey game and the Nana Hina and Arabia didn't really mix at all.

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They weren't interested in mixing in any form. They didn't live together in the same cities, they definitely didn't marry from one another. And they tried to stay as separate as possible. And there was a lot of animosity, but the animosity was so high that they rarely fought because if they ever fought it would turn into a basically a peninsula warring halves of the of Arabia going to fight so they would keep it they would stay away from one another. Now I understand why. And if you just did that for me, then when I tell you that he brought on a celebrity I'm demo Hi Janine from Cora ish yesterday and you'll you'll jasha dry because whenever he told his story, I was like, okay, good. So

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he goes from Mecca to Medina. Sounds good to me. What was it? No. Do you see oh, 700 you can see them there. I don't have a flicker to show you. But Oh 700 You're in this group as well. Oh, 700 at the Holiday Inn. And the people are backyard they're not. They're not they don't they don't delete their families and tribes don't meet it. There won't be until no, it's very far away. It's too far away. There's no There's no they're not related. And this and you're telling you this group is gonna come and live in the houses of these dreams and they're gonna marry they're gonna

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that was something that the Arabs at the time sit down and talk about, and they would laugh, and they would joke and they would wonder if it actually happened and some of them will come together to see who was true. You're going to ask them is it true? You have

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this mobility in your in your home we'll go to is another name for the people who come from the identity the collection

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you have this mother in your home and you're not even? Yeah, we do have no shame on you. Your grandfathers are rolling in their grave knowing that you put this person in your home, it would be serious about it. All the words that I'll talk to Dan and tell you about the pre Islamic wars all going to happen within families. They were horrible wars that went on for decades, but they haven't in families, because never these two big groups, and we're close just stayed away from one another. Because that's how that's how much animosity there was how much arrogance or racism towards one another that existed. So when they when I tell you what the Prophet SAW, I could have brought these

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groups and mix them together, and taught them to love one another and to respect one another, and to speak kindly about one another. That is something that is literally amazing. It is out of this world. But because we don't understand any of this doesn't mean that you're saying that. When you don't understand the context, a lot of what happened doesn't seem as groundbreaking as it was during the time meaning the same story. If I told you this story was told to Arabs who lived during that time in Arabia, or even not Arabs, people living in or in the region who weren't necessarily ever told that this happened. This is somebody had to see this. They had to see this themselves. They

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couldn't believe that that actually happened. How do you do that? How do you put together people based on faith at a time where it's only based on family and tribes, you don't enter a tribe, if you're not a part of the tribe? This is a given you're not allowed access, you have dies, right? You have to enter with the protection of someone there or you can easily be killed. Because no one cares for you. Why are you here, you're inside a tribe, you have no rights anymore. Unless someone of the tribe is protecting that someone's not too strong, then you're in serious trouble. And they understand why telling the stories of God when there's a food and feed God isn't about your

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protection, you're like, what does that mean? That's something children do? Yes, it may be now, but back then that was how you made sure you didn't get killed, literally killed because there's nothing because you don't know you can't get protected. You don't know people and people don't. And there's no, there's no laws at the time to go over that. So that's just an example of all the other tribes, I'm not gonna go through all of them obviously, just want to give you an idea. The one is one of the basic.

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Right here on the top of the diagram is no high exam, as you know,

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no one has chat, or a cell, how many of the names in English are different.

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Now all the Semitic races come from China or from cell. And that's where the story that we tell kind of lies because they lived in the region that most of the prophecies happened. So when he talked about all the prophets that we know, as far as the Quran is concerned, there's they're from Shem. So learning about them is a part of understanding and learning this lineage is important to understand exactly how people kind of related to, if you look at this, you go down to either you can see is the same lineage, but we know how to use them down to be able to go to them afterwards.

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And there's Tara and there is Ibrahim, as you can see Ibrahim on the left

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upper part of the of the diagram, from the Rocky Mountains to them, we're gonna have issues now either from the national elites. And also from him, we're gonna have these is how everyone is held, we'll have two people of Jacob, which is Yahoo, and Yahoo, all those will come from yellowbrick called the Israelis, and there will be so and from him, all the other mics will come as well. And this, these are just kind of breaking down. So where do the Arabs fit in all of this, so that we're looking at the Arabs that are none again, you see where Ishmael is, Damon's under him.

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That's where all that money come from? From isn't anybody. So there's another diagram that will show you the continuation of that move forward.

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This is the world population during the time of the Prophet of the prophets.

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Birth before he was born, so look at number 600. So the 600 because he was born at 571, right, so the sixth century, so it's even a 600. The most correct number is the middle number. So around 206 million people existed, which is less than the number of people in America today. There's maybe 350 million in America, the whole population of the world was two Oh, 6 million, which is literally nothing. A very, very small number today, what is it today, you can actually go to a world domitor There's a there's a nice website on you can go into tiltable domitor. And it just shows you the number of people who are born and every second and deaths and all these other statistics, which is

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really nice. I always go to everyone as well. Just see the numbers go up and down. But the number is close to

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8 billion almost here. We're coming close to a billion people. Now again, just because it's billion we think, Oh, sounds like million. It was only a letter that we changed. But you you you actually timed it by 1000 fold. So that means there's 7000 million people, right? Or we're coming close to 8000 million. I'm telling you there was 200 million you have 8000 million people on the planet. So the numbers now are staggering the difference in height, but the profit

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So so when I told you the prophets, I said I put together 100,000 people to speak to, in a world that only had 200 million, right? So it was, so let's do the math, we have 200 million, and today's 8000 million. So from 200 to 1000, what do you need to do?

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Two times by 40 4040 fold, right? So we put together 400,000 people, times that by 40. What do you get? You get 4 million. So in our numbers, I used to understand what he stood and he spoke, he spoke to 4 million people only 100,000 At the time, but that's equivalent to speaking to 400 million or 4 million, that's more than the people who go to Hajj every year, you don't have 4 million people go into hydronium, you have less than that, maybe two and a half. But that's the number of people that you put together and spoke to. So these numbers that I'm telling you are irrelevant. Regarding the time that the audit, obviously putting together 100 1000s of people today's easy. You know, maybe

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people in this room have 100,000 followers on one of those silly things that exist online, maybe it's their 100,000 not a big number. It's no big deal. And all you have is 100,000 Obviously you haven't made it, but 100,000 in the sixth century. That's a completely different story. That's a country that that meant something that's why he changed the world on these levels. And that's why the post profits is more on both sides of the story overall change dramatically 30 years. And in 30 years the map completely look different than how it did before he goes on to show you how the map book before he was born. And then if you take you go when you look at the map after he died just 30

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years into it. The math looks different. Everything is different. Well I'll because because numbers mean many different things at the time, because of the different populations 206 million, you had 100,000 people who listen to him that was more than enough to change the world and didn't change as he predicted.

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These are examples of again, this is just stuff from the Wikipedia. inventions and discoveries. So what did they do invented back garden back in the sixth century, they invented matches, they invented toilet paper, these are the great human invention that happened sixth century, not much to show for the time, if you if you take the same,

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the same title, and you jump forward to the 1900s or 1940 or 1950, then you have an endless list of very important things that changed our lives that could finance today that we couldn't live without without the time Oh, the Chinese found out how to use a match. And this group here, they know how they don't talk to other people and this group over here. Oh, they have something new for the horse to keep the horse a bit more obvious. Yes. And um, what does that mean? So there's no like, I know, there's no like buy yet still. No locomotive, there's nothing, no engines, you don't have electricity there. The Industrial Revolution wasn't even a word. If you said something like that. If

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you were to go back at a time machine and just say something like that will take you crazy, probably kill you, this guy's lost their mind or bring you or someone to take care of you. Because you're insane and you have genuine, you would have to remove it something like that. We still do that today, unfortunately. But back then that would be definitely the route to be taken down.

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I just example of homos we didn't have much to show the human the human race was in many, many more senses than crops. In many, many senses, the human race didn't have much to offer. They call it when you studied these these centuries, the sixth, seventh eighth century, going up into the into the mid to 212. To 1200 century, you'll find that what they call it are the the Dark Ages. This is what they call it, they call them the Dark Ages. It's true for most of the roles during this time, we've definitely Dark Ages, and then things change for for Arabia within the next 100 200 years. It was no longer Dark Ages there. But those who tell history don't really care. So they just keep on telling

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you what it used to be it was happening in Europe and the dark ages went on for another 1000 years there. But things changed in the dark ages. But it was medieval ages with a world for the Muslims, it was some of the best times and and some of the most, most important changes happen to the human race within those times in those places. And leader translated to a lot of the change that we see here today, again, a part of our history that we're not very well.

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We're not very knowledgeable. Okay, you can go I just want to give an example. Here's an example of a book called fears and fascination. There was a Catholicism in America. So it's by Thomas Frederick paradox, and it just talks about certain things that were happening in the in the medieval ages. And here it talks about you just talking about filth, just just talking about the fact that people at the time

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a part of the deen was to purify your heart and make yourself as filthy as possible on the outside, make make sure that you stunk as much as possible. And the belief was the more dirty you were on the outside. And the little less you cared about this dunya and the closer you are to God, these were beliefs that were and why if you go and you follow this, you find that during these these years the plague happened. You'll remember that you know, the both the playing it wiped out half of the human population. And the plague only comes in places that are just that have very, very low standards of hygiene and we

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Don't have to play the game anymore for multiple reasons. One of them is that the human the human standards of hygiene has changed dramatically, and to you right now to wash your hands after you eat or before you've eaten after you eat and wear clean clothes, what is obvious, is obvious, I'm gonna go pick up a dirty piece of laundry from in front of the washing machine that's not gonna do that. So you're gonna start fighting if there's no food, good. People used to want their clothes to be dirty. And you would wonder why why would they want to do that? I don't really know, certain things I can't relate to. I'm not saying they're late to everything. But obviously, the way people thought

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back then was different than the way we think now, and Bing and Google is going after assembler.

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There's actually the quote here,

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Eastern Syrian monks. So in Syria, before Islam, there was a different phase. So Etherion monks, were just as concerned with the dirtiness of their bodies had the cleanliness of their hearts mean, they had, they wanted to look like slobs, they want to stink to make sure the clothes that they wore were dirty. And if you study filth in Europe, within the middle evil, medieval ages, you don't need me to coat you anything. Just go and study in any big book of history, there was no one guy that the center of human feces was all you smelled when he walked in any part of London. Obviously today, that's not how London is. But I can, you know, point out a few country of cities in our countries

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with that, that has the same problem today. But but that's how it was back then. Because the concept of cleanliness wasn't really important. So if the human race during these, these, during the centuries didn't really care about the simple concept of just basic human hygiene, they can only imagine how different mindsets work. So when the Quran comes is when the Prophet said it came and said, the whole Sharkoon Iman and cleanliness is half of iman making sure that your body is clean, making sure that your clothing has no need just so you can pray if there's a dress on your clothing you have to make will do every single time five times a day. It was very practical back then, maybe

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to you right now is not as practical. Because you know you're scrubbing every time I got the doctors we scrub out we went to the room we scrub we scroll on down on the outside, every time we move around was energizing. So it doesn't sound as bad at the time when when he said five times to make blue just made a difference. When you met a Muslim. If you were walking around Arabia, when the during the sixth century, you knew when you met a Muslim, because they just looked at a different, they didn't stink as bad. Right? There was some level of cleanliness to their clothing into their, into their exposed surfaces, their hands and their feet and their faces because they cared for that

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most people didn't.

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If you smelled like the cow feces, that means you were rougher, you were tougher, people were more scared of us, they left you alone. Obviously today, if you do the same thing, people leave you alone, but not because it's a different, it's a whole different reason. Usually.

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There's other problems involved.

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But I just try to explain to you how different mindsets were. And you can find this if you if you just study any random history book, you'll find a lot of evidence. So when the prophets came and taught certain concepts, and the Quran came and explained certain things, they were they were breaking, there were issues that a lot of people didn't necessarily understand or like or agree with. And it was definitely not a part of their practice, at least for most of them. I will talk about a group of people that followed the Abrahamic faith, even during the time of the Prophet. It never died off. You see the dean, then look at the people who truly believe that Allah subhanaw

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taala followed the the way the right they never had to completely died off. There's always always people each generation or off the prophets, I said that would have no legitimacy, he wouldn't have anyone to talk to him. And we'll talk about we talked about one of them in Nova, for example of someone who carried that and there are other people that give this to themselves and end this unknown man who actually studied the scriptures so well, that he, he spoke of the will of the Prophet said before he came, and he lived long enough, and the Prophet said to be born. And he was around when the prophets I said it was like 15. And he was seen as a time will come when one of the

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sons of Louisville, which is the Providence, lineage will come in, and it will set things straight again, and will fix your way of life because no one's listening to him. And then he died before the prophets became a prophet. But he died and he died, someone who still believed and still follow the ways and he said, if you go through history, it's always people like that they never died off completely. But the general population have lost their way you can go forward anymore. So is it you know, I'm not sure how clear it is for you. But it's a map of what the world looked like in terms of territory, just before the prophets I send them was born. So to the west, if you can see where

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Europe is in the northern part of Egypt and part of the holy land today, and Syria is the Byzantine Empire that ran that ran the show there. And they're different from the Roman Empire, that the Romans But the Roman Empire is a bit of a different meaning you have to go to the more Western Europe.

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European parties. So there's two Roman Empires and they fought a lot. The one to the east was the one that the prophets I send them would deal with. And they were the Byzantine Empire. The Muslims would later on deal with the Western Roman Empire. Later, when they went and de Lucia, when they entered what today is now Spain ended with the Byzantine Empire that were that were known. If you look to the east, the kind of yellow,

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bigger one disaster, that empire, the Persians basically. And if you look at there, they take a much bigger chunk of the region. And they were much stronger, and they were much older, meaning they've been there for a much longer time. And the wars between the Byzantine and assassinated, empires would go on for many, many, many, many, many years, into centuries. And of course, you know, these, these two super powers were fighting in the land, and the Arabs were hearing about the consequences. Now, why would it make a difference for them, because if you look, there's all these different colors within their Arabic consonants. So this is what I'm more interested in you understanding a

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little bit of all of these smaller kingdoms that exist in Arabia, they followed one of the bigger empires. So if you look at the greenish one down there, and where the where the Yemen is, where the Yemen empire that empire was, at the time, no, they this was a point at a strategic point where the the the Persians and the Byzantines would fight over this land quite often. And every couple of decades, one of them would would would be able to control it. And then another decade, another group would be able to control it, and they will continue to fight over the same piece of land. By the time the Prophet size of them was we had arrived, the diversions ran that part of the part of the

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peninsula. And then you look at the upper two parts, you can see two colors. One is, I don't know I'm colorblind, but they're a bit different one to the west and one to the you want to let them have the right to the left, follow the Byzantine, and they're called the Vasa Sina. Remember, we talked about themselves and at one point, they're the ones who want to know they killed the prophets, that was messenger, right, and how they're going, Oh, my God, they killed him and assassinated follow the Byzantine Empire. That's why moved to happen with the Roman Empire. Remember, I told you about that story. And until that happens, again, also from the same consequence, on the left, right is de

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manera de la. And then we know that they follow the version of Barbie and the middle you have kinder and kinder is give or take,

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what a bit of an independent one, but it's much weaker, it's not as important now, look to that white strip strip when on the left.

00:32:28 --> 00:32:29

Now, it's not an empire.

00:32:30 --> 00:32:32

What is that? That's just

00:32:33 --> 00:32:40

pretty land. That's where no one has really tried to do anything. Why? Because that's where money goes.

00:32:42 --> 00:32:56

And it's just not worth it. For all the political forces movement. Yeah, let's try and run, take take, take him and what has to do might have given take those places about the western coast. Yeah, like is there.

00:32:57 --> 00:33:34

Now let's not get ourselves into that. That's, that's not going to come whenever, whenever you come by the column for these Arabs, it's just be turned into a weakness, things don't work out for anybody. And it's just, let's just leave that that strip there. Just do it for them. So it's really not ruled by anyone. The only authority that existed in that area was the authority of whoever controls the Kaaba, whoever controlled that religious peak control, basically, that strip bullied. And that's what record the sheet that will save will mean, basically, because they, they go in, in the summer to one direction, they go in the other direction, up to Damascus and down to Yemen, and

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then they sell and they buy their goods is because they haven't been stripped that they can use and none of the kingdoms have really come by and all the kingdoms surrounding like, we're not gonna touch this, let's not that's all of us not touch this. Why? Because historically before that,

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they've tried, and it never turns out well, because the moment you've come in trying to access the Kaaba, or you're trying to come close to the areas around the Kaaba, it gets really lucky, all the items that were completely on united and never worked together, suddenly, all have one core has to fight for and you never want to unite and no one wants to the Arabs to unite ever because, because when it came to fighting, they were very barbaric. And they didn't want no one wanted that. So they wanted to keep them in different kingdoms, no one gets along and just leave this leave that religious part for them. That's basically how people thought at the time. So when I ran the karma,

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and it had all its agreements set up, so that it would be able to capitalize financially from that. And other tribes just basically, you know, start or they found some way to make a living, which we'll talk about in a few minutes, you move forward.

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Here's another example of the

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other pre Islamic ages are pretty similar, not exactly the same names, but there's a similar time

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layout England, keep on going. Alright, so the rule is extension. I'm talking about three points here.

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The first one we'll talk about the Roman Empire quickly or the present teen Empire as far as we to what was happening then.

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In Europe, what was happening in what today is Syria, Lebanon, the Holy Land and parts of Turkey are most of Turkey is that the Catholicism was was running the show and religious corruption had entered already. And now, priests, they had changed and manipulated scripture to the point where they were able to influence the political leaders of the land. They made a lot of money for themselves. And they made sure that they kept people categorized in higher ranks and lower ranks, and a lot of just religion was corrupted. If you're going to study the Quran, you'll find you'll find verses that you know that talk about that about those who use religion to eat money without being insulted Tilburg?

00:35:46 --> 00:36:22

Anyone can remember, whoever memorized doba knows that there are a lot of verses that that we'll talk about that you will have enough to Gehenna but have you heard you bubblegum module? Ooh, whoo hoo hoo hoo. Talking about those who took their money took money using religion in a corrupted way, you almost damnit, they're going to be punished for that. And of course, it was. That was a big thing. At the time. Slavery, slavery flourished, flourished in the in the 16th century, the number of slaves would never hire except maybe in the 19, early 1800s, but never vote there more slaves from every race and from every group. It didn't matter where you came from. Everyone subjected to

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this, Arabs in the Romans and Persians and Africans, all alike were were subjected to slavery. And there were more was more than one way. It wasn't just war, it doesn't mean no debt could turn you into a slave. A bet could turn you into literally a bet you could you could bet your freedom on something, lose the bet. And then now you're enslaved to someone. It was literally insane. But this is how things work. And of course, whenever you look at a system that produces slavery, and then continues with slavery, you know, you're dealing with a simple system that is corrupted at its core. bloodsports ever heard the bloodsports that continued well into the seventh century, where people

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would get all together 80,000 people and watch two men fight to death, or maybe let the tiger loose on a guy and see how things go. The guy you know, you've seen Gladiator, not all of it is alive, some of some of this stuff happened, they will take slaves and let them and just and enjoy it, and everyone would have a good time. And it'd be a nice entertainment for the night you take your wife out to watch you people kill each other and go home and you say, you know, it was a romantic nighttime, is how big again, when you think of these things, when you think that that guy is impossible, how would people function like that, but that's how it was. This is what people this is

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what type of entertainment they would produce for themselves. Again, I'm not making this up, you can go up and look it up and study the history. So you know that this actually this is how people would function or heavy taxes. Everything was taxed. It may be I know I know. Today we have an attack as well, but not not as much as today. Well, no, we're coming close, by the way here in Canada, but it's still still it was everyone was specifically the poor. Everything was tax and tax. It was so heavy that you wouldn't you never you were to remain you basically paid. You pay the government and you will live with almost nothing. So they'll have poverty was was sky high, meaning the number of

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people the rate ratio, the percentage of people who are poor, and the empires were was horrible, never poverty enters into slavery, that you're talking about a population that is not educated. Well, a population is not happy, and that will not flourish. So the Byzantine Empire when we were talking to the sixth century, they are at the lowest point of their civilization. They were not doing another issue is when when a question we'll talk about that a few times.

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It's no, I'm not gonna go into details you can go and you can study it from the history books that they teach you here of how women are treated during this during this era within Europe itself, the Sassanid Empire, which is the Persian Empire, today in modern modern Iran and Azerbaijan and Tajikistan, all those countries, they fell under the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire isolated, often parts of Kuwait and an eastern Syria, we were all all part of the Persian Empire, Persian Empire was much stronger, but it was just as corrupt. There, they had a different type of corruption. See, the Romans, the Romans, at least had Catholicism. So there was some there was some

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belief that had some ethical standard that was taken from the Abrahamic faiths. So there's something there was something I think is too hard to ethically, the Persians didn't have the same thing. So a lot of the rulers would claim to be Gods.

00:39:21 --> 00:39:23

How many people here have seen the movie 300.

00:39:24 --> 00:39:26

So you shouldn't have seen 200 You're too young. Wait, if

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you see if you see, all the younger people put their hands on, you shouldn't see if you 100 And you know, you'd less than 21

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waited till after that. It's a very, it's a very difficult one to one and talks about, you know, it talks about the Spartacus and it talks about the Greek and talks about and it shows you that even during those times, there's a very there's * historic, the Persians hide their rulers as gods and that never changed. I continued even during the time of the province, where kissa

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was the name of the of the Persian ruler would be called

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Rob Don't be called God by the people who came and spoke to the prophets, I send them about political issues. And I'll be sent this and won't be that said that. And he didn't mean my Lord, he meant literally who he prosecuted frustated to. So imagine the person standing up and Mike's gonna own it, we said we'd go ahead and say I'm, I'm someone who's worthy of your worship and an indication to spiritually now you'll get back to financially politically understood. But for that to be a spiritual issue is a whole different level of corruption, talking about obscene laws, meaning the laws there was tele hash at the time, the law is actually the advocate and fashion advocate

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Zina, you're advocating certain behaviors that that show no, show no respect between genders, or for families or for human beings. And these, these lines, again, you can go and you can, you can read what these was actually actually taught, because of the faith that were spread. During during that time, social injustice was a big problem, social injustice was a was a huge problem. Because people were were put into groups. And depending on what group you were a part of your own, you were entitled to only a certain number of rights. And if you weren't a part of the right group, then you end up with a part of the the lowest group, you had no rights at all, you didn't have the right to

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anything, literally, now you're going to ownership of your own of your own children, once you you're not your children, you you produce them biologically and they take them away, because you because you have no ownership on them. Because because you have no rights to begin with. So the social injustice characterization was was terrific. India, for example, another part of the world that was ancient and very influential to the rest of the of the older, ancient world, they had severe social injustice, it was much worse than what we saw in Persia.

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And religious corruption was even worse, because the is group or their religious leaders. And then they just categorize people however they wanted. So depending on depending on how how well you did for them, or how much you stood by them, you would get what you wanted. And if you didn't, then you were just as a part of the group of people that just didn't, it wasn't even important that you had a name. It wasn't important that you hide if you were nobody knew who your father was, or you knew where you came from.

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You also have seen laws and they also had horrible, horrific women and oppression laws at the time. Again, I'm not interested in going onto into all the details, but it's important understand that this how the world function, and you're thinking to yourself, What a horrible, horrible time. Well, when what else do you think the Prophet sallallahu sallam was going to be sent?

00:42:27 --> 00:42:33

Guinea whales? Do you think the Prophet Allah is also going to be given the message of Allah? When things were going swell?

00:42:34 --> 00:43:07

Why, what's the point? Everything is going well, we don't need a prophet, we're fine. hamdulillah there's just this everyone's happy that a lot of money laws are perfect. Everyone's taking care of each other. Why do we don't need the province, the province I said I was going to be sent when everything was just about to hit rock bottom. And this acid Empire The the the Persian Empire, and the photos are at the lowest point of their of their existence and civilization as well. Everything was failing, Europe was failing hers, those failed and India was failing. Arabia had been failing for quite some time. So it was not new to them. And everything was just not going in the right

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direction. And the prophets of Allah is I was in them was going to be given the final message hopefully, that after that would be this message was given a lot of the mistakes the human race had made up to that point can be avoided.

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Which is really why we're supposed to study the Quran. Because the Quran just talks about previous human previous nations, and all the mistakes they made, not so that we can enjoy gossiping about these nations. He tells us about the mistakes they made, so that we don't make them ourselves so that we can learn so we don't make the same mistakes. We don't do this wrong and do that wrong, or whatever. You go to the Quran and you find upon talking, nobody saw you. All that is doing is telling you okay, this is what they did wrong. Don't do it yourself. That's the only reason not to rub it in bunnies. So I need space here. Look, what you've done know is so that we don't do the

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same. And it is fun to explain that it was a * of a time and time again. All right.

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There was horrible animosity between fates.

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And I'm going to tell you a story next weekend in sha Allah, about about that is a story that

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capture Bhuj it talks about the hatred that existed for example, between the Jews and the Christians who lived in Arabia, I mean, they're all Arabs, they all came from families that are related to one another, but there was a lot of hatred between them and cause and it's caused some of the most horrific atrocities ever. actions that are that are difficult even explain the violent monster that you can face and and people were persecuting one another based on belief, which made the products that I sent them is life. As someone who was calling to the honey Thea colleagues do away with Brahim

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close to impossible. Because Because religious persecution was something that was just widespread all through the world and and if you've met someone who's from a different faith in

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immediately that someone who is your enemy, the concept of tolerance had not yet been born. The point after that manipulation of Scripture and practice, meaning during just before the product was sent, both Abrahamic faiths in both faiths that goes back to Abraham, whether Judaism or, or Christianity, the manipulation of text, and it come to a point where now there was almost no one from either groups who still believed until he lived the way it should be believed, meaning Christians had spread the Trinity amongst their scripture and amongst their practices. And that was the norm and and Jews had done something similar on their site and manipulating their text and, and

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manipulating the practices that they had. So there were very, very few groups, almost none that you can identify and point out in terms of areas or large populations who actually followed the word of Allah subhanaw taala, the wave of Rahim, Ali Salman, in the form. So the problem, as I said, was being sent at a time where there was no one really to agree with him. Only individuals will fight an event, you'll hear that an individual there. And that's it. And you'll learn that more when I talk to you about that. I tell you the story of cinema just next week, I'll tell you the story of cinema in the 30s. It's very important because that man is someone who was born before the Prophet was so

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nice. And he made some, some trips, to say the least, he travelled a little bit. He traveled through two empires, if not three, during the time that I'm telling you about and his experience and what he went through and what he observed. And what you saw, tells you that the concept of Dehaene the concept of believing in Allah under the way Ibrahim is taught had almost been called Capone was completely taken out. The problem was people at the time, if you go when you study history a little bit more, you'll find that what would people worshipping? Well, it was very, very broad, very broad choice, you had a nice catalog, and what guide you wanted, you just had to tell me what your

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preferences were like, probably do a personality survey, figure out what God's works out for you, between the sun and the stars. In the end the different findings and different types of animals and rocks. Some of the forest team who have lost their way tell stories similar to that, say that we would pick up any, any whenever rock the lights, and we would make it and we didn't like it, we would throw it away and get another one. And we just kept on going from one to the other. We have a lot of stories like that. And people worshipping things they made themselves out of, you know, tomorrow, or whenever they made it out of and they would worship it and they got hungry, they would

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eat it. And they wouldn't because get another one. And the concept itself again, is very, very I don't I know that's foreign to me. I'm pretty sure it's foreign to you as well. That way your thought is very foreign. How could you.

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And when this story was the stories were told, told his famous story, the question came up and it was asked, I let me connect up on did you have no brains that someone finally just spoke? I was like, What are you guys? Like, where was your head? Do you know how I so he smiled

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and ended up and of course we

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got into like intellect that can then be acquitted. And then

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we didn't have guidance.

00:48:07 --> 00:48:14

And that's where this all comes down. Everything comes down to that answer that answer to me as being

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you that's a perfect answer. Of course, firstly, on the intelligence, of course, they they thought things do they have logic, it just didn't have guidance, your brain can only go so far without without the guidance of Allah subhanaw taala with it, it's limitless. And you can achieve anything anything basically, that you want. And I think that's an important point that we should learn can go to the point after that. Okay. So, again, Arabia. So we talked about we talked about Roman Empire, talk about the Persians talking a little bit about India, talk about the Arabia itself. So as I said differently, it's gonna go through one after just to give the final one more.

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Okay, so here's your the basically, to scratch things out that we don't have good evidence to support, I just left the ones that I think are important. So these are the two basic families of arrows. So jot down are the fun over there, the sign of evil, which is good on a setup. And then you have over here, Abraham, and it's made only seven. And that's and those are the two Arabs. And you can see even in the

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on the small map that to the south, all the colony England, and to the Western northern part, all the identity went and they stay separate like that for a very long time. And they rarely they really, they only moved when there were disasters, when and no one's disaster. I've said, for example, when the when the when the dam broke loose, and it was over why people had to move out from the south and kind of go into parts of the north, but they stayed separated. And you knew who you were, and you knew which part of which tribe you belong to, and you stuck with your group and you didn't never you never, by the way, were there people who broke loose on their tribes and said they

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don't like this anymore.

00:49:55 --> 00:49:55

Of course.

00:49:57 --> 00:49:59

There's always going to be variations what were they called the tiny

00:50:01 --> 00:50:02

There's a name for them.

00:50:03 --> 00:50:35

No, they're called a Sonic. It's called sort of look. Now Eric English, I don't know what that means. I don't think there's a translation for it. But we use this word today to talk about someone who's just reckless and just doesn't listen to anybody which is got a proper and these sort of leak word that they just they got on their horses they had and they just did wherever they wanted, whatever they want. He went, he went wherever they wanted to get where they wanted, and everyone hated them, their tribes and tribes and they had gotten their killed basically immediately because they have no you don't have anyone to correct them. But a lot of the signs were people who didn't

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were rebellions against this very closed minded, difficult social system that governed the land based on on blood and race and didn't allow any any openness. And some of them were poets. I remember when I was studying Arabic poetry, the part I enjoyed the most was share of fun was the was the poetry of Assad is the most enjoyable poetry that you'll ever you'll ever actually read. Because you're listening to someone who really was rebelling against everything and his time. And it was a bad time. Oh, sincerity. It was not a good time. Some of these slides later on, later on, became Muslim.

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Some of them became good Muslims. And some of them didn't, for example, there's

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an EVP of Muslim but not really a good Muslim, and he lived on to the time of a pub. And once

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in a long story, I'll tell you, I'll tell you a different time. He wrote poetry. Of course, when you write negative words, you're like, wait a second, you can destroy a person's life. So he wrote negative poetry about a man called is super funny, because you know, is, is one of the Sahaba, who stood by the prophet slicin. And during development. And as the brokens reputation was destroyed, he had to go to our club and tell him, you

00:51:57 --> 00:51:59

know, me, this is what I said,

00:52:00 --> 00:52:01

Why you say this

00:52:02 --> 00:52:32

was at MOCA. And so he told them, yeah, well, I just said things about my father. I've said things about my mother, I've said things about my own self, I left no one everyone I know, I've said negative things about life and told them to ever do it again, you're going to lose your tongue. So we never even ever did again. But the concept was that these things were very again, at the time this this was the norm, and deciding, for example, people who refused that social go back, if you don't mind to

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the other way. Yeah. So there are different lineages that I'm not even funny. Now amongst I mean, we're going to talk about, I've been talking about a few wars.

00:52:44 --> 00:52:49

There's a word called helmetless, whose are the war of missiles. And it happened between

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a bucket of in one and definitely been one meaning what is one of the one of the ancestors of the I've met again, lineage and two big tribes battle and deadlift, they're actually cousins because they all come back and same person. They fought.

00:53:06 --> 00:53:09

They fought because this is the story. This is literally what happened.

00:53:12 --> 00:53:20

One guy, one of the leaders of Dublin had his herd of camels. And he was going by

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one of the houses of the other tribe bucket of wine. And Emad, there it is, his camels got loose, and it went amongst the camels of this man of this leader. So he saw this camel that you didn't recognize. So he killed it. Right, which is, of course, nothing you should do, but he killed it. So the man who owned the camel, he comes back, he's a weak guy from from Buckler going away, and he tells his neighbor who was a lady COVID misuse, and he tells her well, this guy killed my camera. So she screams one other level. Well, I don't know how humiliating that

00:53:56 --> 00:54:00

this man here couldn't even beat him. It would kill my neighbor's

00:54:02 --> 00:54:12

camel I think and put together he'll make camel and you get away with it. So a man called just says who was was her neighbor. He from bucket and wagons very upset. So he goes behind you and he kills

00:54:13 --> 00:54:15

it 40 years.

00:54:17 --> 00:54:18

They fought for 40 years.

00:54:20 --> 00:54:57

For this story that is told you it's very interesting story. I told you. They fought for 40 years. Non stop straight and not alone. But go on and tell them fight. No, no, they brought their allies into it. At least 12 tribes were involved in this war for two years is basically enough for a full generation to live and die. And another one to come in. Wondering why are we still fighting? Because some guy called this just like I told him to kill some distance some guy well, I don't know. But apparently we have to keep on killing them or else we're not good citizens. I'm only trying for for two years. I just thought I was being an example.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:21

War happened between Iraq and the BIA. I also want to add nanny tribes that are cousins, I can't remember the name of the of their, of their father lenders and say that I wasn't gonna be on the same thing. Two people on two horses, and one person beat the other one on the horse. So the one who was beaten, killed the other horse. And then they fought for another 35 years.

00:55:22 --> 00:56:05

35 years, these two tribes would bring all their allies in, and you would continue to fight. And you would imagine the blood counts in 35 years of war, or 40 years of war. Like when we the words that we've seen, how long have they gone for the longest door? See, maybe five, six years tops like full throttle? They? What is it? How can you fight for four years? What type of mentality? Do you need to have to keep on fighting for something for 40 years? And and not say, okay, maybe taking this too far? How about me? Is there anyone reasonable on the other side that we can talk to maybe you just keep on fighting for decades? For a camel or a horse? Or because you were humiliated? The examples

00:56:05 --> 00:56:41

I'm giving you not murder, this humiliation? How dare you say this, now we're doing that, of course, I'm gonna talk about good things, don't worry, it's all negative, meaning the prophets I send them also he was born into a generation of people who had good traits. And we'll talk about those good traits. The problem is those good traits were buried under a very large pile of garbage. And it's hard to see some of these traits, but they were there. And that's why I was when he was, in his upbringing. He was honest, and he was trustworthy. And he had a certain level of generosity and selflessness. He didn't bring this from, you know, he didn't make this up. He took it from people

00:56:41 --> 00:57:20

who he lived with, who also had those traits in them. I mean, this was a communal thing as well. But there was a lot of problems that made me seeing and appreciating these good trades very, very difficult. And he's giving you examples, idols, there are over 360 Different idols, not the small ones, I'm talking about the large scale ones, the ones that if you broke one, you could probably cause any a war. If you kill a horse, you could cause if you break one of these of these idols, these big ones, then you're basically bringing a whole tribe on you the rack and the whole tribe. So these big vitals were a big deal, you have to have people were employed to stand and protect them. I

00:57:20 --> 00:57:32

mean, they had someone who protected the these idols, some of these idols existed all over Arabia, like he says, and now you know, and it was Monday, he finally talked to him. And some of them were all around the Kaaba, and it was gracious job to protect these idols.

00:57:33 --> 00:58:10

That was the deal, right? The idols, and the tribes protected Quraysh, as they went back and forth with their businesses, it was a really sweet deal. Because the tribes gotten nothing out of this deal. They got nothing out of this deal at all. Zero was what your neck gave, you protected, my piece of rock that I left for you wanted to have the Kaaba does not do anything for me at all, and represents nothing, but I'm going to protect your business, and you're going to become rich. And that's why some of the leader of the race were very rich or filthy rich, like really, really reached the point where the numbers that they tell us back then our numbers we find difficult to understand

00:58:10 --> 00:58:17

today. And today, we've heard about the number trillion being thrown around here and there within within the worldwide labor,

00:58:18 --> 00:58:20

economics, political chaos.

00:58:22 --> 00:59:01

Basically, there was really no one ruler. Each tribe had its share who could be the the leader of the tribe, the leader of the tribe was the one who made the decisions, everyone else just did whatever that person said, Each family had ahead, not head of the family that he's he spoke a lot is that he sometimes will receive I mean, there's a few examples of actually women being heads of tribes. And they're only pushing in those examples, which speak on behalf of the family or speak on behalf of the tribe and negotiate on their behalf. And everyone just did whatever they're trying to try and did. Another thing was that Ivana was a big part of life was meaning that a way of making a

00:59:01 --> 00:59:04

living is reading other tribes.

00:59:05 --> 00:59:07

So we're a tribe sitting here.

00:59:08 --> 00:59:44

Yeah, gosh, well, you know, what about, you know, are we short on cash? Okay, let's see, how many guys do we have? What's the closest stripe? How much cash may Hi. All right, maybe I kind of like completely Wait Until 11 Until he sleeps. And then we would go and go read the tribe steal everything that we can get our hands on, including women and children and bring them back and then they would do the same thing the next day. And this will go back and forth for years and years. And the chaos and the chaos and the chaos that would this would cause of course everything families and and relationships and and blood counts is is something that just made it very difficult to live at

00:59:44 --> 00:59:59

the time. So you understand why I tried to come in and close together because if you weren't if you're spread out, if you were weak if you didn't have strong people to protect you, that could happen to you in a millisecond. immediately do a no weak no one to protect your down

01:00:00 --> 01:00:23

Because to that, to the tribes that have nothing to eat and nothing to do, you are, you have you have some wealth, you must have some livestock and your manpower, the worst case scenario, you can be sold as a slave, or you can make it work for them. Again, none of this really applies to me, right? But that was the reality. A lot of people lived during that period in that area.

01:00:24 --> 01:00:44

Financial difficulties, people were very, very important. When you hear the prophets I send them telling someone like I read a hadith last night, and the Hadith was asked What is one of the worst sins? Yes, and ALLAH. So he said, For you a duck to the Weather Tech associate, and you're gonna agree to murder your child because you're scared that you'll eat with you. And of course, we read they're like, Well,

01:00:45 --> 01:00:53

did you miss translate that she tried again? No, he does what he said. Because people were so poor, they would have killed their children.

01:00:54 --> 01:01:11

Because I can't feed her or him. You can do both. But maybe we'll do two males and females, we think you don't do both. But more commonly to females, they would kill their children. Imagine, what type of mind does someone need to have to kill their own offspring? You can say you see right now you're the

01:01:13 --> 01:01:40

murderers, horrible people. Or you can think in your mind, if you're what situation do you need to be in, in order for that action? To make the smallest amount of sense? Because right now, it makes zero sense, no one except someone who was severely mentally ill would do that. But people back then did a continent for a different reason. Because that's how poor they were. Because if you can go for months and months without food,

01:01:41 --> 01:02:01

and there's no prospect, and there's no way for you to actually see to get through, you're waiting for anything, there's nothing is gonna happen, you don't have anything, you're not gonna make any more than starts to make a bit more. It's not saying of course, it's wrong. Of course, our IQ says no, many times, but I don't feel too harsh yet. And we'll add that to our logical minimum lab. Don't kill them because of poverty. Now.

01:02:02 --> 01:02:16

Yuck. And we will program through for provision and them not Google or Yahoo. The problem is, time and time again, in the product, someone will come and say the same thing, do not do this. But if you don't understand what's happening, it's time like, that's how I know you had to take time to understand.

01:02:18 --> 01:02:47

To be honest, today, some people in the world can I just can relate to this very easily. There are people living today in the world, and in situations that are so bad that will relate to this easily. Will tell you Yeah, I can I can. I don't want to do it. But I can totally understand why someone would do it because they don't want to see salary. Because that's how bad it gets. And whose fault is at that point. Maybe the ones who are have a bit too much or more than anything more than what they need, maybe.

01:02:48 --> 01:02:52

Do we have something after that? I think I think I did. Right? Okay.

01:02:53 --> 01:02:56

Socially, it's quite some quite a mess we talked about.

01:02:58 --> 01:03:14

I'm talking about talking about, for example, the relationship gender relationships between men had the ability to marry as many as they want. Women did not have the right to say yes or no to any of it. They own nothing, they inherited nothing. You got really nothing of any of it. Socially, socially.

01:03:16 --> 01:03:41

Rebound was a big part of how people function they vote was was a core reason or a core stood cornerstone in the financial system that they use during that time, where you would just loan sharks, he would give money, and he would make money based on time and they couldn't pay back they were enslaved. And that was even better, because now you own the person that you can use. Now, this is cognitive that you have imagined, right? This is how people would would function.

01:03:42 --> 01:04:23

Alcoholism had made its way into Arabia, like never before see Aaron's work. Arabia wasn't in a place where alcoholism was a big deal for most of history. Why? Well, where did alcohol come from? And need a lot of fruit to make alcohol. How much fruit was there in Arabia, that you were missing something that they would use very often. So it took, it took time in order for alcoholism to become a part a problem with it within the region, but it did it made its way it made its way in there. And falacci zina became something that was bred in the region that also did not exist previously. It is not something that you would find very often because a lot of these the tribes they came from the

01:04:23 --> 01:04:56

behemoth essentially they were taught no normally you don't commit this but because of all the poverty and all the social injustice, Zina became more of a thing at the time, social injustice, oppression of women oppression of the week. A lot of the Quran will talk about earlier Talma about orphans and don't take the rights of horses bins and don't take the money of orphans and we sit around looking at other one who is doing this it was taking well that's how it was at a time where people were in need and the weak lose in the in the struggle is we still it still happens today just hungry. That doesn't happen around us as much so we don't see it as like it doesn't mean it's not

01:04:56 --> 01:04:59

there and doesn't mean that there's not something worth talking about. But the way

01:05:00 --> 01:05:09

First, if you were just something that was disabled, or if they were, you know, Ill in any form or manner, or if they were an orphan, or they were intellectually

01:05:10 --> 01:05:31

behind, these people were immediately mistreated. And they didn't have prospects and didn't have a future and there was no one there to stand for them. It was very rare, rare to find someone like that, who was cared for. That's why the prophets, I said, I want to tell you a story. And a hadith, somebody will say something, they'll say, You will never be punished by Allah, and said, God, I don't know if it will help or delete him. But who can

01:05:33 --> 01:05:45

talk to people who stand by the needy, you give money to the one who's broken, you help the person who can't care for themselves, I need to talk to some dedicated his life prior to prophecy, taking care of people like that, because no one character they weren't really ripped off. And they left

01:05:47 --> 01:05:57

the slavery. And didn't. I'm just going to point that if you were to take time to study that era, this is what you're looking at. And this is what's actually going on.

01:06:00 --> 01:06:14

This is actually what was going on during the during this period within this time. Now, are there any good things that are happening in this area, of course, next time, we'll talk about some of the stuff, I think there's some good traits that they carried, that we don't care that

01:06:15 --> 01:06:50

maybe we don't do a lot of this. And all this stuff, you know, suffer from today, but there are a lot of good traits, good characteristics that they carried, that we don't carry anymore. That made a difference that that that is the reason the problem somebody sent them was the man he was and the reason that people who stood by you later were the people they weren't were able to continue the message. Yeah, and he will after he died because of certain traits and certain upbringing, points and characteristics that they had from their societies or from their communities and from their upbringing that allow them to be obviously Islam came to fix these mistakes and to hold on to stuff.

01:06:51 --> 01:07:00

The only problem is if we if we lose track of the good characteristics that we that we should have held on to the next time we show I'll talk about that a bit more. Again, reminder that next week and show well it's

01:07:01 --> 01:07:13

it's after it's the ominous Friday afternoon. Again, those who find this to be not the right time or object to it. Just send emails to the doctor to talk to the

01:07:15 --> 01:07:34

landlord maybe after overseas etc way to communicate and if the majority have a problem with it I personally makes no difference to me at all and I'd rather I hate change I like to keep things the way they are but I don't mind it if it's gonna help. If it's not then that can be revisited again. So next week control often after a motorbike fight is so popular damage in the

01:07:35 --> 01:07:36

week or so.

01:07:37 --> 01:07:37

Early use language

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