Abu Bakr Zoud – 3 Ways To Correct The Shortcomings Of The Obligatory Prayers

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of rectifying shortcomings in our obligatory prayer, including the use of a stone for Islam's forgiveness after the prayer. They also discuss the importance of praying for the Day of Judgment, specifically the voluntary prayers that come before and after the prayer. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to accept and settle for the direction of their prayers, as they are the ones who will be able to fix the shortcomings.
AI: Transcript ©
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My Brothers and Sisters in Islam, there is no doubt that every obligatory prayer we pray, there are shortcomings in that pray, no one can ever guarantee that he prayed an obligatory prayer 100% according to what Allah azza wa jal wanted from him. So as a result, there is a problem. And what is the solution to this issue? How do we rectify and resolve and correct the shortcomings that take place in our obligatory prayer, and maybe sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us of three things. Number one, something known as such that the cell, the sujood, of forgetfulness, and that has an entire discussion in the books of Elphick in the chapter of a solid. The idea is that if you

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increased something in the prayer of the obligations, or you remove something from the prayer, you make up for it at the end of the prey by doing to suit and that's called, search that assemble the suit of forgetfulness. We'll speak about this later on otherwise, you can revise it in the books of alpha. And that rectifies the shortcoming in the prey. The second matter is the is still a file that we see after the prayer. And the best version of that is to say, a stone for Allah who are to LA. And that is to be said three times immediately after the prayer. And the short version is to say, a stone for Allah three times. In order to hammer home Allah they said that this is still far seeking

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Allah's forgiveness after the obligatory prayer

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is for the shortcomings that took place in the obligatory prayer. So you're asking Allah azza wa jal that he rectify

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the shortcomings that took place in your obligatory prayer. And as a result, this is still far is working towards completing your obligatory prayer. And the final thing is sonnet a Sunon. Especially a sunnah row at the voluntary prayers that you pray throughout the day and throughout the night. Especially the Sunnah prayers that are attached to the form, the ones that come before and after, like official to the to like before and abroad to look at before and to like after, while Maghrib to look at after and abroad and Asia to like it after these sunnah and praise, sunnah neuroactive and generally the voluntary prayers of the day in the night. The purpose is that they rectify the

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shortcomings that took place in the obligatory prayers and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says on the Day of Judgment, that when the servant the believer is held to account for his prayers for his obligatory prayers, if they are missing, if there are shortcomings in this, he asks the angels and he knows, he says to them on guru, Halley, abdomen solidarity, tapa, wha, he says, look into his record, does he have any voluntary prayers, if there is voluntary prayers, they are added to his obligatory prayers, and his obligatory prayers become complete, and he is granted success on the Day of Judgment, Allahu Akbar, even this is the ID, it is good for you to know that every solid of

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obligatory prayer we pray, there are shortcomings and there are faults in it. How do we fix them? Depends, could be such that the subtle if that is required,

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and is still far after the prayer, and the voluntary prayers that you pray throughout the day and throughout the night. So focus my brothers and sisters in Islam, on your obligatory prayer first and foremost, because this is what Allah azza wa jal loves, and this is what he obligated. He only obligated them because he loves them. And he wants the servants and the believers to prove him and to focus on them. And then for the shortcomings you make is still for you pray your sunnah and hopefully your prayer should be resolved on the Day of Judgment. Allahu Allah, we ask Allah azza wa jal to accept from us or some Allah wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germaine

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