Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The Virtues And Tears Of As-Shaam 01

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The Prophet Muhammad's actions and predictions have been discussed, including his deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive deceptive
AI: Transcript ©
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And then Hamdulillah he led who who when I say you know who when I stopped Pharaoh who were now the biller, Himanshu Rudy and fusina

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woman said Dr. Molina

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may be now falam of the Navajo woman you didn't follow her the Allahu

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ye shadow Allah Eva inland Allah Who are the hula surely Calico

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Why should you know Mohammad Abdu rasuluh who Salawat Allah He was sit down with me and he

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yeah you will live in Amman topple Allah haka to karate he went to move tonight in our and tombs remote. Yeah you had NAS it took over a Bakuman levy Hala Takumi Neff sin Wahida tin wahala de minha. Zhou Jaha are both firm in Houma returning cathedra when he sir what top law levy to set a luna be well or ham in Allaha Cana La Cumbre Kiba

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Yeah, you will lead in top la ha Kulu colon sadita Useless, locum Amala calm we have Phil knocking the new Buckham main YouTuber in our solo who fucka FERS falls in Albina. A my Bible that just transpires released to this weather right here. And that is as we're dealing with this issue of the virtues of a sham and the area which is known as a sham which includes Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, pie, some Arabia, and Iraq. All of that area is important for the Muslim because there are so many

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issues that are connected to a sham and the DR of a sham. We should know right now in this weather right now is similar to the weapon a sham and that the people over there are cold and the people over there not only cold but they are faced with some serious challenges and some serious obstacles. So Muslim he has to always remember that the deen of Allah Tala is an all encompassing Deen. We are not Muslims just when we come to the masjid. We're not Muslims only when we make the Nikka the

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marriage we're not Muslims only when we welcome the baby. But the Muslim is a Muslim walking down the street. The Muslim is a Muslim when he gets in the car the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa ala it was sentiment as we taught in our class to Shema and then mohammedia when he sat on his camera was hoarse as when he said Bismillah and then he said different to ours, depending upon whether he was going to be in Medina whether he was going to travel, so that I in Adeem in the law, he al Islam,

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the ayat Lacan, Dean will be in Dean, that's just not your, the you to use your religion to me is my religion. The religion to Allah is Al Islam, not a good translation for the dean. The dean is the life of the Muslim to you is your life. And to me, it's my life. So everything about our religion and everything about our life, it has been systematically codified. So everything we need to know about how to sit here, how to dress, what to wear, what not to wear, eat, what not to eat, what to

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say what not to say, everything has been codified in our religion. So when we get situations like the weather, whether it's hot, or whether it is cold, remember, I gave a hug about this one time about complaining is one of the characteristics that is the filter of Benny Adam, everybody here he has this disposition where his fitrah makes him want to complain, as Allahu Taala mentioned in the Quran in Santa Holika hello and either mess so who shall jutsu wherever Mr. will hire men who are

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bending Adam, all of us have been created, we have been created. And we are a group of people who are in haste, especially the youngsters from amongst us. If evil or bad touches him, he starts to complain. And if good were to touch him, he got wealth. He received money after not having money. He made a come up. Now he's not going to give them money now. That's the nature of bending Adam. You mentioned sallallahu alayhi wa, ala he will send them to Sleeman Kathira in Ebner Adam in a Saba who

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burden Karla has a Savile who Haru Karla has the son of an Adam, the son of Adam, all of them. They are those types of people who, when it's too hot, they say Oh, it's too hot. And when it's too cold, they say Oh, it's too cold.

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That's the nature of Benny Adam. So the companion of the Prophet sallallaahu, salam, Abu Huraira, in describing our Nibi, he said, anytime that people put in front of him some food, no matter who made it, his wife, a man, a woman, food that he was used to food he wasn't used to, he never would complain, sallAllahu, it will set it up. If it pleased him, he would eat it. If he didn't please it, he will take it away. And as we mentioned, on that day of the hotbar, Woe unto the parent, the man,

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the father, the mother, Woe unto the wife, the husband, all they do is complain, you don't want to marry a lady that all she does is complain. You don't want to marry a man, all he does is complain, you don't want that. And the parent, one of the quickest and easiest ways you can kill and suffocate and destroy the spirit of your child, the growth and development of the child is to be one of those parents who has nothing good to say about your kid with a problem. And we don't see that from the

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profits. On the lending side, we see the opposite of that, as an exhibit, nomadic said, and he was young, taking care of the Prophet all those times. So the lady who said to me said, I took care of him for 10 years, from the age of 10 to 20. Never did he scold me and say to me, why did you do this for something that I did? Or why didn't you do that for something that I didn't do? Then maybe you Salalah what he was saying was balance.

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So don't be of the people will complain. Because right now in a sham, I have a jacket I brought from America is more than enough and handy. Because I had to go to Canada, it was 45 degrees below Celsius. 50 degrees below Celsius. You take a hot cup of coffee or tea, you throw it in the air, it freezes before hits the ground. The grid for the electricity in Toronto, shut down the city, all of that technology in Toronto, Canada, all of that technology. They lost electricity because it was

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that cold. So the grid in Pakistan few years ago, it was so hot, the grid broke down and people died in the heatwave up anybody here dying. Right now right now, this storm that we have, there are Muslims on the East Coast, people who live on the east coast of the UK, they have been evacuated from their homes because there are floods in the East Coast. All of us are going to go back to our homes tonight Inshallah, and we're going to have hot chocolate, we're going to have tea, we're going

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to have all kinds of meals. So we can put on clothes, we can put on long johns, thermo socks, boots, this to deal with this inclement weather. Those people who have a sham, they can do that, although as you're going to see, they may be better than all of us because where they come from, they're better than us. As the Prophet mentions, the lady was Senator. So the Muslim and living his life and living his life, we don't even have to look as far as Shan from amongst us, there may be a person

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who is homeless, who knows, from amongst us as individual who was living in a situation that's not his best, you know, the best situation. So don't be of those people who always complain, but instead, look at the people who have been given lesser than you more.

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They're less fortunate than you and don't look at the people who have been given more than you. If you do that, you'll be a person who will be shacking. You'll be grateful what you have, and we have a lot to be grateful for. We have a lot to be grateful for, like many of our good wives, many of our good children, like many of our good husbands, like many of our good parents and stuff like that. So we asked Allah who taught it to me because of those people from the shack eating, not from the

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people from the caffeine, the caffeine, the word Cofer Kaffir, it means he covers up and he conceals the name of Allah. He rejects that Allah created him and Allah deserves to be worshipped so that people want to shine right now. They have been dealing with quite a few issues for quite some time. And due to a number of geopolitical economic reasons, factors and variables, this ummah has become desensitized to their reality. Some of you youngsters who are here, you young people right here,

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because the people in Palestine had been subjugated to the volume of the yahood for all of these years, since you've been breathing from the day you opened up your eyes and you can you can understand only an Abbey and from that day until right now, all you known is that Palestine has been occupied, not only occupied but the people who live there had been subjected to some of the hashes.

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behavior that Benny Adam could do to another Benny either,

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so we become desensitized. Whenever

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Fact if someone were to go to Mecca and they were to attack Mecca right now, the whole Ummah would be up in arms and we'd be appalled and rightly so. Someone attacked Medina, the whole Ummah would be upset. And because of the lack of knowledge and the emotions that control a lot of our community members, especially our youngsters, if Mecca Medina were to be attacked La hawla wala Quwata illa Allah, because the ragdoll very, are the response of that from the Muslims is going to be a problem.

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Because we're not the type of people who are going to take it easy and be calm and handle the situation the way that Kitab I'm assuming is telling us to handle it by weighing the benefits and the harms and then determine what will we do.

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So we pray to Allah Tala not to allow Mecca Medina or any of the lands of the Muslims to be attacked. But because Palestine has been in this situation has been in for so long, we desensitize It is the third most important messaging to the Muslims more important than greeting message, more important than any messages and as hard any messenger you can think of. And those maps that we get are the calendars that show us the big masajid in the world, like in Indonesia, and in Pakistan, and

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in Qatar, and in Kuwait, wherever you go. Bake the muck This is the third most important messages. So therefore, it becomes imperative and incumbent upon every Muslim wants to learn his religion to know about what was said about Shannon, and it is a lot a lot. Second thing that I want to bring to your attention is why did they destroy the people in Cheyenne the way that they're doing it right now in this corny, hypocritical Western dunya. Always talking about human rights, always talking

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about being barbaric, always criticizing the Muslims trying to put us on the backfoot making us defensive, making me responsible to answer why does ISIS do what I'm getting them to do what ISIS, I don't have anything to do with ISIS.

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But why they attacking those people the way that they're attacking them, when the world should have come to the rescue of those people, instead of using these phrases that they used to use and these buzzwords that they used to use in the media. And the media is talking about things like there is a human, a meltdown of humanity, and Syria. And we're not trying to hear those words. They call them sexy words in the meat. We're not trying to hear that, get in there and do something about it. But

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dunya collectively, why did the dunya sit back and not say anything, they sat back and they didn't say anything, because right now as I speak, they're drilling for oil in a shed. And they make money off of the Shan and the rich people the powers to be right now. Those people that Dick Cheney's, and the people like that in the Rothschilds, and I ain't one of them, people, I'm into the Illuminati, but it's documented as reality. Russia, all of them, they are willing to sacrifice the lives of the

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Muslims is hold on that they had to do it in order to make money. And that's what capitalism is all about. So I don't know, when the Muslims are going to wake up and smell the coffee, and stop being so juvenile and immature, and incompetent. And still arguing about all of these crazy issues, crazy issues, our Shabbat our youngsters, people in our community, we have some big fish to fry, stop overdoing these issues that they are important because everything in the deen the life of the Muslim

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in Ellison is important. But are you and I were going to argue about pointing our fingers. And we're losing our lives all over the place. Our children have to be educated the media is against us, policies are against us. And all I have to do to give when I come here, all I can give when I come to sit before this blessing. Audience inshallah is

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when the winter conference comes, you people go over there, and we're going to stay over here you go over here, we're going to still be here, you go over here. We're going to see you over here. You want to see us over here and the shift solid, we'll send you over there and we will be here. You stay over there. And we're over here. And I say that for 30 minutes, is that all that I have to give to our community?

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So I'm not encouraging anyone to start reading about politics and tried to become a political Muslim, but we have to wake up and smell the coffee. And we have to stop being the people who are into this thing about share, worship and all this kind of stuff. Learn your religion, but be a person who's realistic the reality on the ground. We got a big fish to fry.

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Our communities are in a mess. We're in a hot mess right now.

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And that our lives and the lives of our brothers

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could be destroyed and all I'm sensitive to is who's a Braley who's a whiny to bleep. He said if you know, and guess it's important to be on the Kitab in the Sunnah according to the standard dogma, and Allah downplaying that or biting my tongue for no one about that token on the side of my neck, you have to be on the correct Islam.

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But even with that being the case, the one who knows his religion, he knows how to look at these issues. Yes, I have to be on the hook. But I went to a funeral the other day. And you people in Birmingham, you people on a higher level of existence in Ellis land than many of these communities across this country.

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Take it from me, I travel across the country. I'm at the funeral the other day. And in the funeral, the females of the dead person, they're all wearing black. When you come to the masjid, they have the dead person inside of the door of the masjid in the foyer where everybody could come and look at him and get a view. And before the janazah salad starts, the man wants to get up and give a eulogy. So chef, so and so who died. He's been in this country for 45 years, he was a doctor and he did this

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and he did that. Amen, we don't have eulogies in our religion. We know how to welcome the baby and we know how to bury the dead. We don't give eulogies and this What are you talking about? If you would only see, then you'll be able to appreciate what you have doesn't mean we should just sit and be calm and okay with where we are, because we will have to do better. But the point here is the point here is if you truly have knowledge of this key tab and this sunnah, and really what the

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renowned MA from the companions were upon, then we weren't known at the time of the funeral, when you see mixing between men and women, when you see move karate, when you see things that are bad gets to religion, it is not the time to start blowing up the spot because it is a funeral.

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And that doesn't mean you're mania. That doesn't mean you're apologetic. That doesn't mean you're acquiescent. That means you have some hikma. Now, obviously, some people do some things that are clearly wrong, you're going to have to say something. But when our relatives died and things like that is not the time to get down and blow up the spot. Because you got Dawa, you got knowledge of the Kitab and the Sunnah. So you know the best way to deal with that. People are mourning right now

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people not listening to you right now. That's the point I'm trying to make, that things are going on around us. When we have knowledge, we know the amount of energy and concern to give it and how to deal with it. But to act as if we are a group of people who are oblivious to our surroundings and what's going on.

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Sham is being raped, and people are being murdered. You saw the images, I saw the images, kids being blown up and buildings for one item holes in the bodies because they've been shot left, right and center. And the world has nothing to say. And all I have to offer is to come to our community and say to you, you will move Teddy and you will this new that and you're wobbler and you're that that's all I have to offer.

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We will deliver with a sickness right now in our community. So we have a lot to talk about honey as it relates to a shine, brothers sisters. This has everything to do with our deen and a lot can be said. Let me first begin by saying that again repeated. reiterate, this repetition is from the Kitab of the Sunnah, and it shows the importance of the issue. When you say it all the time, the ummah of this religion, especially the de floon the realm of this religion never left any stone unturned.

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Everything has been explained for you in your deen. Everything has been explained to you for you to practice Ellis Lam correctly. So the scholars came and they wrote books. And usually it was the scholars of Hadith. And sometimes the raccoon, or the historians, but usually the scholars of Hadith. And they wrote a book they wrote the books telling you the history of different places in the world, different places in the world. Like the great scholar of Alice Simon emammal, Hamdani

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wrote his book, he tabel blue, Dan, the book of the countries, why did he write that book? So that when you read a hadith, when you read an ayat of the Quran, and something is mentioned, like Noah's Noah, Noah Salawat, Allah He was sent me who I need, his ark stopped at a mountain called Judy, Judy, where is that? We never heard of that word that any man would tell you that in Turkey and it's in this pot and this was what used to happen in this other civilization was these types of books

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are, are invaluable for the Muslim the student of knowledge, or you understand things the wrong way. That's why the Scholars

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Pain. What if you lie? And they explain certain Bukhari and Muslim normals books of Bill Hadid.

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They explain who that companion was and who this was, so that we will know how to verify the authenticity of the Hadith. You know, one of the things we're going to come to Inshallah, is the fact that the Prophet sallallaahu Salam praise the people of Hashem in that area and told the people go to that area. And then they said, What about Yemen? He said, also go to that Yemen, go to that Yemen as well. Someone said, What about Niger? What about negitive Rasul Allah turned away. They

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said, What about nudged? He turned away? What about ledged? He said, he didn't encourage the people to want to niche. He said, That is the place where the two horns have a shape bond exist. So the people who are nasty, rough and tough, Ill intolerant towards Wahhabi ism,

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you know, the Wahhabi ism, they call your wobbler.

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People intolerant towards that, they take that hadith and say Niger is Arabia,

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because there's a place in Arabia called Niger, so please connect. So they say Look how the prophets, Allah Salam warned about these Arabs, or these a RABs. And then therefore, we get proof as to why we shouldn't follow and listen to them, when they tried to determine when Ramadan is going to begin and when it's going to end. We shouldn't listen to them, because this is the place of fitness. But that's not the niche that was being referred to in this hadith. If you go back to the book

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Kuttabul bill, Dan, you will find that he said, this niche is a land that is elevated, higher than the land of Almudena where the prophet lid SallAllahu wasallam. And this narration along with all of the of the narration shows you that the implied the meaning of mentioned here is Iraq and Iraq. So you're able to go to that book to know what the issue was talking about, and like the ignorant people, so our religion is like that. And the reason why I'm bringing to you this issue this

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information, I always do it every opportunity is to let you know the importance of holding on to the knowledge of the scholars while they're living by not the scholars, the scholars as a buzzword.

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That scholars, the scholars, the buzzword, share glow in the dark, he said he said, Where's the de Lille, Chef cited photos and said, I don't have to take what a chef thought Solomon fools and said,

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I want to take what Allah said, What is missing? If you give me the deal, a chef son falls and said, That's not a deal for me. It's not a deal for me and share had been bad sin. That's not a deal in our religion. And Mukalla Allahu Allah rasool Allah who call a Sahaba to lace a bit Tim with mal en Munna spoken, Rafi Boehner Rasool E. We're bein

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Al Faqih remind me when time used to say that over and over right that in his books, knowledge is not knowledge is Allah said this and that Quran, the Prophet said that is authentic sunnah. And the Companions understood this from those two issues, those two books, those two sources, and there is no ambiguity about that. He said, he said knowledge is not you telling me that some shift came and said something if the key says something in opposition to what the Prophet said sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam. So I am not downplaying. Instead, I'm lifting up the scholars in the snap, but the right way. The ship said the ship said

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it's part of the problem that we have. So those dilemma, they came in, they wrote books about almost every important Islamic country or city,

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Baghdad, everything you can then Bukhara, Samarkand, Egypt, whatever you can think of. And obviously, the books that have been written the most, the books that have been written about as it relates to cities and countries are the books that have been written about those three main places in Ellis lab, like the book, bar, Mecca, Ban Emanuel FACA. He, in which he brings all of the history of Mecca, dating all the way back to Adams time and what was mentioned Salawat to La he was cinammon

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who Ali about Adam, than Adam came down at Mecca and this FB Live because there's no clear delille but he brings those lacerations, Adam was the first person to build the kava

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and how the whole thing happened with Ebrahimian smile and so many other issues about the days of the Arabs. And then Imam Abu Omar Eben Shebaa, he has a book called Tyrion Medina, the history of Medina.

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The history of N Medina, everything you need to know about El Medina and other people wrote about Mecca another people wrote about in Medina. And then we had this issue of a sham, when many scholars came in a row like the great scholar, imam in a sack, and he has a book called Tyree, the mosh, the history of Damascus. And that book talks about the history of the city. And the history of every single scholar who had come into that city stayed into that city and left that city. And it's more

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of a hadith book, so that you can know who the Nigerians were, who they took from, who they gave and took from them. What did they say what people said about them, but the point is, it shows the virtues of these places. So the great scholar of Al Islam, Al Eman, Abu Hassan Ali bin Mohammed a robbery, he wrote a book called for the ill a sham, what demonstrate the virtues of a sham the whole place, and Damascus, Damascus, when I became a Muslim in 1986, started studying in Medina started

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hearing and reading about the trilemma of Al Islam that came from a sham. I envisioned myself one day traveling to that area Beirut, traveling to Damascus, we have a lot of Somali people who are exposed to domestic because that's one place that Somali people went to.

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I never thought in my wildest dreams, that Damascus will be the mess that is today. reduced to rubble, in many instances, highly unstable. It's not a place you want to go and visit. It was one of those places where the students who can't get into Medina can't get into Becca can't do the same can't get into the heavy Gulf States. Okay, go to Egypt, can go to Egypt, go to Syria. But now we wouldn't tell anybody in his right mind to go to Syria, because your life will be on the line. So it

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is an important place. And that's why it was mentioned in the book of Allah subhanaw taala a number of issues concerning this place. So what we want to do right now, before we even get into the Mini, a Hadith of the Prophet, Salah Salem, many of which have a lot to do with your IP than what you have to believe in. Like the thought the fundamental Surah like the issue of a digital like your moon Qiyamah the Masha when people are raised up and they brought together on this earth, they're going

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to be raised up in that area of a sham. That place is important. Some of the marvelous lamb, they said that bacon muck this and that area is more virtuous and better than Mecca and Medina. And the reason why they say that is because Mecca and Medina, it is what it is both of those two cities, those towns because of the messages that are there, the messages that are there. As for the land around that town, those towns it's not much to say

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not much to say. Medina actually there was a volcano in Medina that the Prophet SAW Selim used to call it the lie beater of an Medina

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when he told the people, the demarcation of the Herma, the

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the Herma Medina is haram, what's that word again haram.

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The boundaries of the what is in Medina when he mentioned what it was from this mountain to that mountain, he called it the mountains in the area of the volcanic ash, the volcano not much concern in the land, or hood is important. Why? Because of the battle that happened there. But prior to that, what was prior to that battle, or who does not like Kilimanjaro, or who does not like Mount Fuji before their battle, but after their battle, it became something because of the battle mech is

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the same way it is the messaging that is special, and some of the other things that you do outside of the sacred precincts of Mecca, lightens that if an Arafat and so forth so on. Whereas in a sham in a sham, that was the place where most of the Ulama most of the most of the prophets and most of the Rasul that's where they came from Southern Guatemala, he was sent everyone at him, and that's where they are buried. So Allahu Taala mentioned in the Quran, from the meaning I act in which Sham

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is mentioned Subhana Levy asstra The other de Lena men and messages that are haram in

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messed them up. So Larry Barak now who may know the year who made it, and know who sent me ruble SEER

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Lorien, to Allah Subhana Allah glory and to him who took his slave and Mustafa SallAllahu. I mean, he was sending them from the Sacred Precinct, the Sacred Precinct. He took him from the Sacred Precinct, in Mecca. And he took them to Mr. De Uppsala, to those sacred precincts. And in mash ups, he showed them from the Ayat of Allah in that land that is blessed.

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He called it a blessed land and the same ayat that he mentioned, the Masjid Al haram in Mecca.

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So that's one of the is that Allah refers to a Shem another one of those eyes is one of the smallest suras and the last answer is of the Quran. Surah Quraysh li la fille Quraysh. This is talking about what the Arabs used to do in Al J. Leah. They would travel from Mecca, and they would take the goods and the Prophet did this sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they saw signs before he became a Nubian mineral soul that this is a special person. And they used to talk to his uncle, I will tell him, and

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he used to tell them something is special about this young man, you have to protect them. This is not a normal young man. And that's because and beta luctus in that area of a sham they had experience with and Naboo they had experience with and why he be Arabs didn't have that experience that those people had over there. So they saw all of those signs of the prophets of Allah he was sending them. They had read in the Torah, they read in the injeel. The way he was the things that

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were happening from the Martin Jesus SallAllahu it he was it he was seldom. So he was taken from there, and he was taken to bake them up this way. He went to the different stations going up to the heavens, we went all the way to the Montana, the city to Montana, and Montana, we met with Allah subhanaw taala. And Allah spoke to him directly from behind a veil from those eight, so there's two eyes, he used to travel sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from Mecca. And they would travel to a sham in

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the winter in the summertime. And they would sell their stuff to those people. And then in the wintertime, those people would travel to Mecca, and they would pay homage to the gods of the Arabs and the idols of the Arabs and they will sell their things. So it was a pivotal practice and important practice of the Arabs, the Arabs of Mecca, they're the cousins and the relatives of the Arabs of a sham, the different people, but yet they're still the same the Arabs, those whose over

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there more wider. And those over here in Mecca and Medina in that area, they were darker. And they both had their special qualities they mixed with the Romans, as a result of that they had a certain way in their culture. And these people didn't mix with anyone, and they had a particular way with their culture. So Allahu Taala mentioned that issue in the Quran. The second ayat, or Surah, had to deal with mentioning a sham. Another I had plenty of what Allah Huhtala mentioned is sort of an NBA

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sort of an NBA. I in number 71 when he was talking about Ibrahim, the allele of Allah and his nephew lo Salawat Allah He was sent me wanna Hema sort of Ibrahim or lnbf I at number 71 He mentioned Tabata, Cotabato and Ajay now who a little thing out of the lady Barack Duffy ha. Well, I mean, we saved Ibrahim and we saved along with him his nephew Lot, and we brought them to the blessitt land,

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to the blessed land. So just as in Surah, Al SRR, we Allahu Taala call the land of a sham, bless it, beat them up this, this is according to the Morpheus 16 of the Quran. There is a consensus of those MUFA sitting that Ibrahim went to that area. Luke went to that area, and that was the area where he made hijra to be saved, and Ibrahim is 20 for your information. He traveled to many places and was traveling at a time when traveling wasn't that easier. So Allah Tada said that Ibrahim by himself he

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was in Omaha and Omaha. He traveled to Iraq. He traveled to Egypt. He traveled to a sham all over that area. Doing what? sightseeing?

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No, he wasn't sightseeing. He

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He was building monuments and establishing the dour calling the people those areas to La ilaha illallah and as a result of that, he was called a Amma and Amma by himself, and we've been commanded to follow his Mila, the MILA the Tauheed and the middle of El Hanafi are to somehow so that I in a certain NBR 71 is the third place in the Quran that mentions the issue of a sham. Another one is 20 a certain era of Surat and Aarav Ayat number 137 Allahu Donna mentioned with our wrath no Coleman,

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Coleman livina Callister by phone, you start our phone number Shatta

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Wale, Makati Baja and let the barrack Nephi Allahu Taala said we cause a group of people were weak and oppressed in the earth They will weaken, oppress wherever they found themselves. They were being oppressed by their enemies. We opened up for them and we sent them to this blessed land. Again, that was the blessed land of a sham. There are other places in the Quran where this blessitt Lamb was mentioned. As for the Sunnah, had death, well, our heritage, but we're gonna save for the Sunnah,

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the specific things that the Prophet said SallAllahu wasallam, about this place. But before we deal with that, we want to mention two of the companions Abu Dhabi

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and Sandman and Pharisee. Both of them have tremendous stories and manufacturing not being an Arab but being from Persia and embracing Islam, after being exposed to Christianity and Judaism, and Zoroastrianism

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when he came into Assam, looking for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam embrace this land, Abu Dhabi preceded him to Al Islam, a Buddha was one of those companions who was Zahid that he was turning away from this dunya and he was praying he was fasting. So the Prophet SAW Allah he was setting them put both of them together in the same house and made them as brothers. If one of them dies, he wouldn't inherit from the other one.

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That's how it was at the beginning of Ellis lamb before the hijab came down. That man came from Medina and this one this one came from Mecca. And you're from Medina. Rasul Allah saw southern with Pierre, you together and you became brothers, not just in the deen, what if one of you die, the younger one had the right to inherit from you that was abrogated later on. A lot of things happened with Abu Dhabi, and Sandman and Pharisee. A lot of incidents a lot of beneficial Hadith. Now, it's

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not time to get into all of that, but one of them one of those incidents that happen intriguing, interesting and important

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is when Abu Dhabi traveled to a sham.

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And Abu darda is the narrator of the Hadith.

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That is a Hadith and kotse were Allahu Taala say get a baddie in the haram to buena and an FC * to vein Maha Rama for that avant, it's in the 40 Hadith of an imam. And no, Allah said, Oh, my service, I've made oppression haram and myself, I'm not going to oppress any of you. And I made it between you haram. So don't oppress one another. I will die as the companion and never anything Hadith,

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Abu Dhabi's al Lani, one of the tabbing in from a sham, he heard that hadith from Abu Dhabi,

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when I will go to die wanted to teach the people this hadith. If he was sitting the way you're sitting like that, he would get into the position of the shotput out of respect for the Hadith. attached here to the law, he will sit on his knees, and then he would narrate that hadith. When the students saw him doing that they would not read the Hadith the same way. I will either it's a whole learning he did that. And the Imam May said, as it relates to the people of a Shime and all of the

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knowledge that they have an Hadith because they have a marvelous man.

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And Imam atman said, this hadith is the Ashraf Hadith of the people of a sham. And if we go back and we read that hadith, in sha Allah shall alter the way we deal with those people who are close to us, from our relatives, and those people who are close to us in our religion. I don't think many of the Muslims are really read in this hadith as it relates to how we deal with each other.

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Volumes not permissible. Anyway, the point is about the day I was there.

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I wrote a letter to San Manuel Pharisee and said to him, hello, I'm gonna come to Sham. A blessed place you have to come Sham is for you.

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Prophet Muhammad said this Prophet Muhammad said that he said this. He said that because he encouraged the people you're going to see. In the end of time, find yourself in a sham. If there's anywhere you're going to travel to, he said, find yourself in a sham.

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So I will third day I wrote that letter. Sandman and Pharisee said to Abu Dhabi,

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in an Arab lad to cut this who

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were in Burma, you cut this hole in Santa Ana law. He said the land that a person lives in, doesn't make him sacred at all. If you live in Mecca, Medina on bacon macness living there doesn't make you sacred. He said what establishes the sacred nature of a person is his actions. So Abdullah had, he came from Mecca, came from Mecca, Abdullah Adam obey Me no solo, the chief of lumen Africa when he was in Medina, and a shine was Hercules and shine was Caesar in Sham was all other people. So it was

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not the earth that makes a person religious or irreligious because you came from here you came from there, you have some virtues. So good thing you came from there, as the Prophet mentioned about the people the Shang. He said Salah it was Salim that Shang is the software to erode soft Portola, him and Irby. It is the best place in the earth to Allah, clear delille that make scholars saying Shem is better than everywhere else, because the Prophet said it was the software to suffer to Allah. Men

00:41:42 --> 00:41:50

are the he is the curious place. And he said about the people of Hashem, they are the best of the people to Allah.

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A that first set the angle sham for the higher FICO, if the people have a sham become no good, and there is no good in this ummah. He used those people as the measurement. So my point here with this Abu Dhabi, Sandman and fantasy issue, equity villa is we study about the virtues of people coration averment Quraysh. And we study about the virtues of this place in that place in that place. But as and Mustafa told us sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Allaha, la Yun guru in us already come when I

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either am why they come, when I can know young guru Illa Kulu. Because Allah Allah Allah, Allah doesn't look at your pictures and where you come from. It doesn't look at your shape your *, he doesn't look at that. He doesn't consider that. And he doesn't look at your money, how much money you've been given by him. But what Allah looks at, and what Allah considers is, what was your net? And what was your actions? What was your name? And what's your action? Why do I mention that?

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For my students who come to these classes that I give all the time, you can scream selfie all you want. But that was said if he and said it philia doesn't make you sacred, doesn't make a sacred. What makes the person sacred is the way he behaves, the way he carries on the way it carries the message in the way he carries himself. So don't get twisted with these issues that are from the removes. And this is the nature of our Ummah today that the minaret has to be very big, the member

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has to be massive, the Masjid itself has to make a statement. But inside of the structure of the masjid, inside of the home of the Muslim, inside of the heart of the Muslim, we are like empty vessels in many instances. And we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make us people of substance. People understand the Dawa of the prophets of Salaam and the way that he was able to transform that environment that he came from and the people that were with him or the Allah and whom because they

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were a different nature altogether. But we had the ability and we have the potential to duplicate and to be like them to replicate what they were upon and what they were like Radi Allahu Anhu was something Allahu Allah He was sent. So when I was asked to do this program, I said it's a lot of information how you guys want it to be done. That brother shop said do all of it. I said, Well, it's a lot of a hadith about a shot. I want to just to give that introduction today in sha Allah. And

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then next week, we're going to deal with not all not all, but many of the things that are connected to our Kedah and connected to the virtues of this piece this place in the people of this place. Now the instructor mentioned before I forget, there are some ignorant foolish people who have no knowledge about Hadith, no knowledge about Islam. They reject that sham has any virtues and their motivation behind saying that is racism or

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Racism around study.

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Be a hadith of a shaman his virtues are matura they have shahada, they matura some of the scholars say they mutawatir they reached a level of at tilaka because so many Hadith and so many Nigerians, and it reminded me about something that happened recently with a hadith that went around. That caused some people to have some kind of double take concerning this hadith. I don't know if you guys heard of the Hadith, but I'm sure some of you have, because we all deal with social media. On one

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level, one number, the Hadith where the Bedouin man came to the Nibi satellite, he was sending them and he told the prophet, I've never had headaches, I've never get headaches.

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When people saw that hadith, you read that text message.

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The man came, there are multiple narrations. The one that went out in social media was the narration where the prophet was asking him, but there are other narrations Other than that,

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where the man was bragging, and he was saying, I never had a headache. Never.

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So the Prophet SAW Selim said anybody wants to see a man of the Hellfire, then look at this man.

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Social media, you put that hadith out there. I'm a burqa. Zaid from the Muslim social media, everybody has the right to comment. doesn't pray. He's coming. He's on Muslims like us. So you know, he she comments

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and says, I have a problem accepting this hadith. I can get my head around this hadith. What does that mean? But does that mean? I don't get headaches that mean? I'm gonna be in the hellfire. I reject that hadith. And how could the Prophet sallallahu Sallam expose the man just like that and say, Here's a man from the Hellfire because he doesn't have he doesn't get headaches? Just like that. Do you think that the one who was a Rama to all of the worlds would put someone in the

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Hellfire just because he doesn't get a headache, which is beyond his ability.

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It doesn't have anything to do with having a headache not having a headache.

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So it's shocking that our community or group of people, we can come in we can say there are no hadith of a sham and his virtues. And the man doesn't know what he's talking about. Just like the one comes in, he says this hadith I reject it. Why do you reject it at least viscoelastic about it. Well, that leaves is not indicative of sickness al Bukhari Muslim who would tell me the underside merger. Are those the only books with a hadith ah, what about the hadith of Ibn Eban his book where

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this hadith says the most notable Imam with this hadith is what about all of those other books of Hadith when you talking about

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but the meaning of the Hadith and Cleany is what I mentioned that narration that came with a man who stopped brag, he used to brag that he was an individual, as if he was in control of getting sick and not getting sick. And the Prophet saw someone was trying to get this woman to understand, you know, people from my ummah, they have trials and tribulations and the trials and tribulations that they receive. Some of them, it comes in their health. So they get headaches, and they get fevers, and

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they hit their feet in the toe and they totally, they break their legs, they break their fingers, they get to fakes, they get migraines, they get this, they get that, and when they get those things, it is a cathartic for them. So that takes off the sins that they made. So if you are person you never get sick, then you don't get that far and also the fact that you're bragging like that indicates you're a person of color. And the Prophet SAW Selim said that the person who has one iota

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of Kibber he won't enter into the gender the shade love that cayenne is no you're please know your position and respect our religion. Don't let the masjid and don't let it slam be a free for all. Everybody has the right and he's liberal and he's free to have his opinion. I accept I reject just according to what I fill in what I think. Okay, when inshallah Tada next week, we're going to deal with the Hadith, because if we were to start those Hadith, I didn't want to discontinue them wanting

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to finish the whole lecture with all of the ideas to bring those issues to your attention. Hi, that was Allah Allah who will send them robotic I didn't the beginner. While early he was hobby edge mine was selling

This lecture/talk was given at the Green Lane Masjid on January 13, 2017.

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