Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The Ruling Of Testing People With People

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The Sunroof and "we" movement has been a focus on during the Islamist movement, with the speakers emphasizing the importance of testing people for their eligibility and finding out who a believer is. The "offensive" and "offensive words" use "we" movement to describe people and make political positions seem healthy. The upcoming winter conference is a wishful and healthy event. The transcript is not a conversation or interactions between speakers, and the caller is asked to confirm their Medicare number.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Mallanna him

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And Alhamdulillah Hina Madhu who when a stain over when a stock Pharaoh

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when I will be la Himanshu Rudy and fusina

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women say Dr. Molina

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Mia de la who Philomel the nella warming doodling fella hottie Allahu

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wa shadow Allah Ilaha illa Allah Who are the hula surely color

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why shadow and Mohammed Abdullah who are Sulu sallallahu alayhi wa ali was selling them to Sleeman Kathira Amma Babu for in a halal Cannan Kalam ye

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with Halal Houda Houda Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was shadowing more

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to her will coulomb or that certain bit add to what could be the attend Bala to McCullough Galatia 10 Fun knock. Ivan Allahu Taala Jimmy min naughty Jahannam woman she deti

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as we had announced a few weeks ago, we were going to suspend the schema in an Muhammadiyah book today. The book that we chose to explain and to go over it collectively.

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And one of the main goals and one of the main objectives behind choosing that particular book is to connect the Shabaab the Ummah ourselves. To Rasul Allah, He saw the law while he was setting them more than any other human being.

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Because he's the one that we're going to be asked about, we're going to be tested about him. Salatu was Salam. When Mongkut in the chir, come to the individual in his grave is going to be asked, What did you have to say about that man that was sent to you? That's a test an empty Han

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Allah azza wa jal who Allah He is not going to ask you about an Imam Al Bukhari. He's not going to ask you about Ibnu Taymiyyah. He's not going to ask you about an imam Muslim, Al Benyamin bas a shaker robbing her father whom Allah who taught him and and yet what our human level Tyler and want men who

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a person may be asked about those individuals if they oppress them? Someone says something bad about one of those individuals. It wasn't correct. He may be above them. He said something that wasn't true of them about him, then you'll be asked about them. Secondarily, you're going to be asked about Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu it was said.

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So we see a lot of Hulu spreading amongst the roles and the rinks and the lines of the people of the Sunnah. As the Prophet said it was going to happen, Salah love what he said. And as Allahu Taala mentioned in the Quran, it definitely will borrow whom would ban or whom or Badman Dooney lay

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your hood, the Nosara they took the monks in the priests as lords along with Allah and they went overboard and what was collected by Imam Bukhari Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ala he was suddenly mentioned.

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If 12 People from the yahood would have accepted Islam, then all of the yahood would have accepted at least

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Although we know more than 12 people from the hood accepted Islam, we know that for a fact. So what's the meaning of that, that the Prophet salallahu, salam, and Hadith did he contradict himself? We always tell you, there is a plausible explanation. What he meant was if 12 of the Allameh from the yahood accepted Islam, then all of the yahood would have accepted Islam because they blindly follow the leaders and they have Gulu in the leaders. So if they leave and say this is halal,

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they'll say it's halal. If they say this is haram, their followers will say this haram whereas the Muslims, our religion is different than that our religion tells us everybody gets it right and everybody gets it wrong. Except Rasul Allah, He said a lot he was Selim, who always gets it right. And Imam Malik said, there is no human being except that he can be refuted, every human being could be refuted, except the newbie of Islam SallAllahu it was said. So the point here is, he told us all

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Allahu alayhi wa sallam that we're going to follow everything that the yahood and everything that the NESARA did, bar nothing. Anything that you know, the who done the NESARA did or doing the change the religion whatever, you're going to follow them in everything he said to the point that if one of them has relationships with his mother in public is going to be from your own mother who's going to do that showing you the level and the degree have relationships in the street with your mother

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never had eat sad to the point. If they go into the lizard household, they do something really terrible really crazy, really outrageous. You people also wanting to go into elicits hope. So whatever you can think that you hold them in the sort of they did in their religion, and they tried to make it okay in their religion. Then you're going to do the same thing for an example. And there are many things the top of the list as schicke he says the son of Allah rosette is the son of Allah,

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we have in our religion, common with people believe and understand that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is greater from the north of Allah, and even IB Taalib is Allah reincarnate. And other than that, things lesser than that, but nonetheless, they are very high, very high, where our Ummah did the same thing, right homosexuality, that from our Ummah, those people are of the opinion that is permissible, and in an attempt to be politically correct. They can't say and they won't say

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It's haram. But you're holding the NESARA like that. If the holder then Asara were to give a sermon against homosexuality, he may lose his job, he may lose his job.

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If he were to say homosexuality is rejected in the Torah and the Injeel eaten pork rejected in the Torah on the NGO, he may lose his job. The Muslim, our religion is a religion that is clear. So in everything that they do, we're going to do and this is one of the main reasons that I mentioned why we're doing the Shema. 11 Muhammadiyah so that people come to know who was our Prophet sallallaahu Selim that we're not that individual who were Mongkut and Nicaea Salawat to La he was sin Mo who

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Allah Hema when he asks the question, What did you have to say about that, man, that was sin? That man mean, and Mohamed salah, let him send them everyone's going to be asked that question. What did you have to say about that man that will send you don't want to be the one who says hi, hi. I don't know. I heard the people saying something. And I said what they said, No, he's Abdullah and he also Sula he said I set it up. He's a human being. He was born like this. He used to like this used to

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dislike that he ate in this way he wore this he used to laugh in this way. He had a sense of humor. He SallAllahu sallam was gentle, and is he he knows what he's talking about. And his religion wasn't a tech lead. And

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some people answering that question mica Nick here. What do you have to say about that man who was sin? You're gonna say, I heard the people saying something. So I said the same thing. And every time I heard the that, and when they said, Muhammad Rasool Allah, I kissed my thumbs and wiped my eyes Monken Akia Why did you do that? I heard that people say it, so I did it.

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Today, inshallah we're going to deal with this issue. Something that has become commonplace that has confused some of the people some of the people look at this as being the religion. So one of our Shabaab actually two of them, who here right now, asked me that question a while ago and I said, Well,

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do that next week, or the week after that. And here we are today. The topic on the table for discussion is what is the rule in Islam?

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of US testing people, by shares and personalities? What is the rune? Is that something from a set of fear? Is that from the religion? And I want to be more precise here with more precision, because our brothers look who that who have Hulu, this is their religion.

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What is the ruling for me to come to a person? I don't know him and maybe I do know him. But I want to find out where he's at. As you said, if you're not set if he is you, okay, or not? Okay. What is your opinion about the shaker a beer? And depending upon what he says, is going to make me like him or not like, I'm going to have Waylon Barah based upon the answer. Either way, depending upon my stance. If he says he doesn't like him, I'll accept them. If he says he likes them, I'll reject

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them. If he says that he doesn't like them. I'll reject him. If he says that he the opposite. I'll take the opposite position. This is an issue that has caused confusion, confusion. So we want to deal with this issue.

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What is the ruling

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and this issue has branches to it as well for an example. It will be asked Where do you pray at people lakhs people? Where do you pray at the person say I pray at Greenleaf Masjid. Then would that be in the case? I don't like you. With that being the case, you and innovator. But that being the case, you can't get married. And we had this going on today. And the people use it as the religion and Allahu Taala mentioned about the Yahoo. Then Asara will go rowhome Fie Dini, him McCann we have

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to roll. The Yahoo then Vanessa Asara, they were tricked in their religion. They thought that was the religion. They were tricked, and they went astray because of what they used to make up. And the person thinks that that's the religion.

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So I know for an example, Abu Ismail, see that brother right there sitting with the beard right there. I know this brother for years. So I become a person from the Goulet everything chef Roby says everything chef will be the Japanese says everything Muhammad Ali says, I get on that program. I'm gonna tell you, I don't agree with anybody and everything that they say, except the NABI SallAllahu sallam. But by mentioning the names of these three shakes, it becomes sacrilegious with these Goulet

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because I don't believe that they have any anti life with Scheffler beer in anything. I think they agree with him in everything. I would like to hear of one example of what they disagree with him and just one.

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So the point here

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somebody tell those people to stop before we send to them, the Ranga tangs off the chain,

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get ready, get ready.

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Hiring a team one, hiring a team to the heeringa teams off the chain.

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And I don't mean Monkey Business hungering, you know, I mean,

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really marvelous lamb when you pay attention, and Toby who

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are that love Islam, not the regular people walking around here, claiming to have knowledge, or that marvelous slab, contemporary ones of three positions in three mega hip in this issue, our an AMA, some of them say that this thing is impermissible and it's a bitter altogether, Metallica just like that. No explanation. You can't test anybody like that. It's not permissible. And they said it's a bit and you'll see why shower, the second group, or the group who say it's permissible, open just

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like that open, you allow to test people just like that.

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And then the third group, and this is the group that I see as being the one that is in dialogue. They say that the issue has to seal it has some explanation, because if you prevent it, open ended, then we have what contradicts it from the key tab and the Sunnah, and the action of the Sabbath. And if you allow it open ended without any conditions and explanations. Then where do we draw the line because we'll have what we have

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Today, someone wrote for medical school that last name is right, but he's wrong. His last name is right. But he's wrong.

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Whoever loves so and so and so and so and so and so from SP, then there's a sign that he's onset of fear.

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So if you say that is permissible, open ended, where do we draw the line? People are going to walk around, and they're just going to test people as they like.

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Know, the third group, they said, there is some explanation to it, some sealed some details to it. That if you that, if you understand the explanation, then there's no problem whatsoever. So let us begin by saying the third position is position of Al Eman. Al Benny, is the position of an Imam had been seen mean, from those who have died, that you can find on the internet, the clear words when they were asked about it, you can even understand from che from Houthi means cut them. That is not

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to be done at all. But when you look at all of his speech, and you know the knowledge of the man, and from his knowledge is that he knows that some of the self use to test people by people.

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The self, some of them used to test people, by people.

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He knows that.

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But because he saw the fitna that was happening and it started at his time. He said Don't do this at all. Anyway, from those Bulama who were living at it to those two, who said that the third position is the hack that it has sealed explanation is the shaking the death of El Medina, a chef Abdullah, Abdullah Merson at the mercy of our bad, as well as a chef salad frozen, and from short sighted frozen as Kalam as well, when he was asked this question a number of times, he said, Don't do this,

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don't do this. It's not permissible to do this. But when you look at all of his Calam, not just one or two talks over here, you see that he himself also knows that the seller used to test people by other people when there came a need to do so. And they only did it with certain people not with me, I'm a bucket Zaid, as you're going to see inshallah as details as for what is the A dilla of the permissibility of testing people and there is some tough seal is the surah of the Quran called and

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Montana and in China, the word of empty hand comes from this and when Tehila means to test, the name of the surah is among tahina

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so you translate that as testing to test the people and Allah will Tada mentioned and that sir an iron and an incident that has his background he says who Paulo who what the Isla yeah are you are Lavina Amen. Either Jaya Mina to me nothing fun to no one Hoonah we're in Olympia Muna me Latin for Allah Tala G una kuffaar Are you believe if they come to you believe in women, if that comes to you.

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The idea is yeah, you live in

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a very common movement to mahadji Ratan from Torino. Hoonah. Are you believe? If the believing women come to you making Hijra and they come to you, make it Hijra to you then test these women? Test these women? Allah who are known will be Imani hon. Allah knows best as it relates to the E man. And if you find them to be believing women, don't send them back to the non Muslims, because the non Muslims are not halal for them and then allow for the non Muslims. This is allow Prophet Muhammad

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sallallaahu Salam in the community whenever a woman came and she claimed to be a believer that the Prophet would test her salAllahu alayhi wa sallam to be sure that she's a believer. And if she's able to pass the tests, they would take her and protect her and take care of. But if she wouldn't pass the test, they didn't embrace us being a believer. So some of the people who are in the streets as we've mentioned to you a number of times they're begging and begging from different parts of

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Eastern Europe. I don't want to generalize and say all of them are like that because some of them are good people. I have some neighbors from Romania, who are professionals, teachers, and they have solid neighbors and good people, but some of them are problems some of them are a scourge on their community.

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give the community a bad name. Like every group of people like that their African Americans give African Americans last bad me. Pakistanis good Pakistanis a bad name white people good white people bad name. So anyway, someone comes to you looking like a Muslim with hijab. And she says visa be the lead fee sabini lat give me sadaqa feasibility lab. Do you don't have to just give her the money? You wanna give money? You want to be a motor suck. You say it. Okay, I'll give you the money. But I

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have to test you. Tell me what is the name of the prop is wife Salallahu Alaihe Salam because I know you know some words brother, he FISA, Beatty law, men fugly. Shukran a Salam aleikum. I know you know some words, but just give me three names of the Prophets wife, salallahu Salam. And as I mentioned, I saw this, give me three names of the Prophet Why'd she say I don't speak English. Because she doesn't know anything other than those words, those phrases that she memorize, to get

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the money. My man comes to our masjid. And he wants something. He wants to get married to his sister. He wants money from the mischief. He wants help. It comes to the masjid. We never saw this brother before. He's a white brother, for example, a white person, he doesn't really look like the Muslim he doesn't appear to be the Muslim. Because we don't know him. I'm not saying we have the right people in Islam outside of us. Now, sometimes we have to judge on the apparent but sometimes

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we have to use our brains. As the Prophet says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that you'll lie you will not learn. Men have flattened mer retain the believers not stung from the same hole twice. So we've been stung with people came trying to get money for different projects and programs. Anyway, that person comes. We see okay is the English Quran here and it's closed, we say to him, fine, Surah Tehila and go to ayat number 21. For an example. If he's a Muslim, he should have some working

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knowledge of this Quran. He doesn't know where tahina is, but he knows in the Quran at the back there is a table of contents, a table of contents telling you where all of the ayat were all of the serie are. The one who was a non Muslim doesn't know that the one who'd never been with the Quranic doesn't know that. So the person may not know how to find a Toba just like that he doesn't know what number it is, but he reads the Quran. So he knows how to find a surah here or there. So you see that

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guy? He doesn't know what to do. That gives you an indication No. So the chain of the cannon is that the iron allow people to be tested.

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Another daily a little better in a marvelous lamb us is the statement of Allah who Tada in Surah Al Baqarah is at 98 Will Allah wa Tada meet you will call mankind or do when they lie. Well, Mala Cathy he was SULI would you breathe out with me Karloff and Allah. I do want to caffeine. Tell them me I'm Muhammad. Anyone who is an enemy to Allah, an enemy to them and I got an enemy to the messengers of Allah Azza wa taala. He was saying I'm wanting Jemaine and an enemy to Jabril and Mikhail, for

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Verily Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers. So those Olia of Allah that were mentioned the melodica Jabril mica eel and the Rasul if Allahu Taala is their friend, and the other friends of Allah, anybody who opposes them as an enemy to them, and that comes out and you can find out that that comes out then based upon the animosity towards those who were mentioned in these creation that will mention then if that comes out, then you could take a position against those individual because

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the Muslim loves what Allah loves and he hates what Allah hates. So the scholars use that as well.

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Also from the Adela. What is from the Sunnah, and there are other Hadith we're gonna want to make this that long, from the idealize what has been collected by Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim and in Cebu pneumonic rod the Allah Allah who said that the Prophet said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I had to Munna Bogdan and SA. Were either too many herbal and sa one of the signs of the hypocrite is he hates the unsolved. One of the signs of the movement is he loves the answer. So if a person takes a

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position against the Assad against the Companions, these Ollie are not just any regular I'm a bucket of thing from the people.

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Whoever loves our Imam and our kadhi Xikar Allah, that's a deal lab. We're not going to say that with our Houston have done about him. We don't

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go that far. We're gonna go to the creation of Allah, those Allah's creation be it melodica be it Russell, be it big scholars who are the removes of the Sunnah, those scholars they are symbols of the Sunnah. Those are the ones that you can test people with when necessary, and even test them with those people. The answer is going to be insha Allah and we don't make what Allah will Bara based upon the person's statement just like that, depending upon what the situation is. So the point here

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is that hadith in Sahih, Bukhari and Muslim and it's been nomadic Radi Allahu Anhu shows that if someone comes and he has hatred towards the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim, whether they're from the hygiene or the InSAR, and he hates them in his religion, and he knows what he's doing, then as a result of that, you can take a position against him. You can test him with those individuals in a way that is appropriate from the adult from the adult as well as what else Imam Muslim brought,

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and the authority of the Emir meaning Ali ibn Abi Taalib Radi Allahu Anhu he swore by Allah he said I swear by the one that created the sperm, and by the one who split the seed that I heard the Prophet Saint SallAllahu was sending them yeah, it whoever loves you, whoever hates you. It's a sign of me fuck hypocrisy and whoever loves you. It's a sign of an Eman.

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I don't even that'd be thought of as a weenie from the ODI of Allah from the Khalifa regime. There is no companion that has more virtues mentioned about him than I don't even I didn't tell him he's not some regular person is walking around from our crew from our his but it's not a regular person from the ODR of Allah. The reason why he said I swear by the one who created the sperm and split the see the seed is because it was the time of fitna. So he didn't want the people thinking that he was

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making up and fabricating Hadith manufacturing a hadith he wanted them to believe him. I swear to Allah He, I heard the Prophet say this southern lady was salam. And he spoke those words, because they reflect on him positively. So they were those people from the melodic who were against him.

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So I don't even I mean, Tyler was saying, Hey, you can't be against me the way you're against me, you could be against me, when I make a fatwa. That's wrong. And that has happened. It is not my assume, when I take a position with a hawk is not with me. You can you can do that. You could do that. But you can't be against me religiously. Because you don't want to shy and I'm on another side, it's not permissible. So those are some of the adult novel Islam proof. Because the Prophet

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SAW Selim raised his people up and put them out a standard in a plateau. If people have some issues with these people and these creations from Allah azza wa jal after being tested, then you could take a position.

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But nonetheless, the issue of taking positions against people and and the issue of testing people is an innovation. You're not going to find the Companions walking around. Radi Allahu anhu, you're not going to find the Companions walking around saying, What do you think about this one? What do you think about that one? What do you think about this one? And they're asking the companions that and they were Malachi Paul during the time, and they know that they were gonna have to code so they

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never said maybe he's a monastic. What do you think about this one? And what do you think about that one date? You're not going to find that? Because that wasn't what they used to do. And for that reason, the gray Scalo wrote the book shop for sunnah and enameled. Barber Harry's stay with me now. And point number 152 point number 152 in his book and the English translation, page number 96, and Imam and berbahasa as Barbara Hattie said, No to Phyllis lamb, be the attune. What a milliohm for

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you to Hina the Sunnah. He said, testing people and Mana is an innovation. An innovation is a bidder. But today Today will test the people with the Sunnah with the Sunnah, so he called it an innovation pay attention that one

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the Companions didn't do this although they were Malathi

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What do you think about Abdullah even obey have been saloon if the per se is a good man, we love him. Companion say this guy is more than likely. You're not going to find that. Although there were reasons why it could have been presence there would delight reasons for this thing to be there.

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but they didn't do it. So innovation as an emammal berbahasa, he said,

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Who innovated the innovative group started this stuff, like the Jamia and the Tesla. And the Shiai. The people of innovation did this. They wouldn't say to a person about the issue of the Quran being created, not created. What do you have to say about the Quran being created? If you say no, it's not created. You may be in prison, you may be flogged, you may be isolated, you may be ostracized

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the statement, my recitation of the Quran love V, when I say the Quran that's created, I'm not going to say the Quran is created, but my love with the Quran is created. Or I'm not going to say his creative and not created, an imam atman said, the one who says that my love of the Quran is greatest worse than the one who said it's created. So that people will say, What do you think about that? What do you think about this? They started testing the people that people have innovation, they

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innovated this, the Shiai

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they will come in the past and saying, What do you have to say about Yazidi, the son of Malawi or even Abby Soufiane? May Allah wa Taala be pleased with his father and his grandfather were from the companions. As for your XID his he sad is with Allah. And we're not going to get into that discussion in that issue. You see, a hadith shows that he's from the people have an agenda. But he did a lot of things. So the rhythm of the setup for balanced in him and the man is the heavy all of

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those are limma were balanced with him. He did a lot of bad things. But irregardless of the bad things that he did, there is a Hadith from the words of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that would suggest that man is in Jannah. So Inshallah, at least we're going to do is make a walk off. We're going to stop, and I'm going to say hey, Allah knows best. But the she I, even today, if you say you don't like them, or if you say you like them, there'll be against you. If you say you don't like

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them, they'll like you Dr. Zack and nyege that exactly night has his Dawa. His Dawa has some good to it. And his Dawa has what we don't agree with it. Stay balanced. Stay balanced. Just because you don't agree with a person doesn't put him outside of the Sunnah. One, you know, some of these personalities from the.in English, for example, some of these people, we don't necessarily there are some who are clear. We're not on that program of so and so. This thing that he's doing is clearly

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against our Dawa. But there are some people we don't agree with, the way they're going and everything that they're doing and saying, but to say he opposes selling fear you have to be you have to be careful. He opposes he's against the Senate fear. You can't conflate the fact that you don't agree with what he's doing. The watered down down the watered down. He's trying to be on the Sunnis trying to call to the Sunnah, but he wants to please everybody. Don't come and say that person

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opposes the Sunnah. Unless you have clear deal you don't make tough we'll Well he's not clear. So he's not positioned to it. Come on. Yeah.

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Come on. They're already a man of the past, who didn't take positions about the creation of the Quran. Some of them are quiet. And some of whom said the opposite out of fear. Don't come and give a talk we'll and say, This is a proof that he was against the way of the Senate.

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Don't be unfair, don't be unjust, whether call Tom for a deal, if you talk be fair, and just

00:34:07 --> 00:34:34

then is is I don't agree with the path of those brothers. You got those people on the Sunette watershed begin. You have the brothers on the other side, you don't know where they're going, you're going to turn Santa Fe into something we don't recognize. And then you have those brothers who are going that way. And they're outside of Santa Fe, and they're in opposition to Salafi they will go against the school and the principles of Salafi and they themselves talk against a set of here. So

00:34:34 --> 00:34:48

we say you're out there because we're passing out cards, you know, like on a football pitch on a soccer pitch yellow card. Got a red card? Is that easy. Here's a red card, get off the pitch, just like that.

00:34:49 --> 00:35:00

It's not our religion. So in order to put people off in on, we have to have knowledge and we have to have justice don't conflate the two issues. I could give you some

00:35:00 --> 00:35:41

Names about people who were not pleased with their way. But not being pleased with their way doesn't necessitate they oppose the Sunnah. So Dr. Zakir Naik. He was popular a few years ago, piece TV came out, his popularity soared. He may mention in a positive way via XID, Ibn labia, rob the Alon, because of the the fear of the people to share the shy, but that fear that they have in Pakistan, that area, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, but especially Pakistan, because of the effect that they have on

00:35:41 --> 00:35:55

the Sunni people of that area. The Sunni people sometimes give the sons names that are resembling the names of the Shiite relatives or from the Shiite. When he mentioned the z then a nice way the browser's were upset with him.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:01

Many of the people became upset with him, just because he mentioned his Eid in a good way.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:06

Some scholars mitching is either in a good way because of that hadith.

00:36:07 --> 00:36:40

But we're gonna say hey, to say he opposes the Sunnah. Are we on that way of Dawa, saying that there's a resemblance Allah and the God of the Hindus because Allah resisting, not not not we're not going to say things like that. We think that the man manage jihad, but that's not appropriate to make that comparison. As Allahu Taala mentioned in the Quran, Lisa commit to me he she, nothing is like Unto Allah. So in an attempt to try to give Dawa to Hindus, he did that. So what we do is

00:36:40 --> 00:36:45

advise him and we say, Hey, this is not good. Like the one who says like the one who says

00:36:48 --> 00:37:13

I don't accept or I saw double booking. That which doesn't allow me to take everything that they say and attempt to show there's no tech lead and I'm not even backing them up. We're gonna say to that person, hey, this is not the nice way of putting that way that word that concept have edit with the Companions, you got to say that in a better way. Don't throw the Companions under the bus so to speak to make that point.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:19

But to say that that person is against the Sunnah against the Companions, love Allah.

00:37:20 --> 00:37:22

So here, what if Allah

00:37:23 --> 00:37:56

The people came up with this thing of testing people? So the people of the Sunnah were forced the people of the Sunnah, they will force to push this back. So they started testing the people with certain Imams is similar to the word Salafi, and all Hadith. And sunnah. Well, Gemma, you don't find the companion singing that. I said, if here you don't find the companion saying that. They don't say that. Where did that word come from?

00:37:57 --> 00:38:10

Abu Elisa, where did it come from? Don't tell me when people come and say the Companions never says to Santa Fe. Why you calling yourself Salafi? We always tell them the beautiful discussion and discourse and explanation of Al Imam Al bene.

00:38:12 --> 00:38:41

It's not enough to just to say you're from the Sunnah. It's not enough to say you're from Atlas sunnah. People who have snatched and hijacked and Asuna from deobandis and other than that people have snatched and the sooner the Ashara with Allah sunnah. You can't just say I'm a Muslim. What kind of Muslim are you? Are you a Muslim? ackers companions? Are you a Muslim that uses your intellect over the the NUS? Well, we need to know what kind of muslim you are. So when we say Sanofi

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alone, Hadith, something like that, then it's clear where you're coming from. So they were forced to do that, for clarity for began. And this comes from what is known in FIP as Al Messiah and Marisa and masala and Marcela, Al masala and Musella. Those things that the Prophet didn't do sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he didn't do them, he did not do them. But in leaving it off, it'd be a problem. And in doing it is going to be a benefit. This issue comes from the HD had

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taken those a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, those ayat of the Quran mechanische jihad, and they came up with these titles. But the point here is the point here is that companions didn't test who tested the people of innovation.

00:39:34 --> 00:39:48

But Jamia Tesla, the Shiite so the people of the Sunnah, in order to push that back, they started testing people, even an Imam Al Bara Buhari in his book, he's the one who said he's the one who said

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testing people is a bit odd in Al Islam in that particular point, but in another point of his of his book, he said, If you see a man

00:40:00 --> 00:40:12

If you see a man and he's praising Are you are you a Sathyan Abu Bakr Are you a suck the yarn? And he mentioned a lot of names of the rhythm of the Sunnah. If you see a man praising

00:40:14 --> 00:40:15

even marine

00:40:16 --> 00:40:28

Yeah Even Marine, if you see a man praising a shabby and Cebu Malik Al Imam Malik, if you see a man praising and he wouldn't mention all those Imams of the Sunnah

00:40:29 --> 00:40:48

he mentioned first, if you see a man praising and loving, loving, Abu Huraira, loving, and it's about romantic love and the companion who say they've been who they are. But the Alana, he said the no he saw him a sunnah in sha Allah and he's still selling sha Allah.

00:40:49 --> 00:40:50

They said to me,

00:40:51 --> 00:41:04

and Emmanuel barber Heidi said, testing peoples in innovation who innovated in the innovators. What's your position concerning the issue of the Quran? What do you think about your zeal depending upon what you say they would like you or they will hate you.

00:41:05 --> 00:41:17

Then in another place, he said, If you see a man loving Abu Huraira and he said the nomadic will say it will say the multiple buyer, they know that he assignable suna insha Allah

00:41:18 --> 00:41:40

because a person can generally love all of the companions. He may love all of the companions, but he believes al Eman is just an EStatement and he's from the Moto G and he doesn't do any works, but he loves all the companions. So when Mr. Edmund berbahasa He said if he loves these three companions, all the Companions, he's a person of the Sunnah, inshallah.

00:41:42 --> 00:41:47

People, I mean, these issues are not that complicated, really wanting to understand.

00:41:49 --> 00:42:08

So the Imam is trying to make a point. And then he went on after that, and he mentioned all of those are lemahieu like companions, whoever loves Imam Ahmed, whoever loves her Maya wa sallam. Habad Ibnu. Zaid, he mentioned all these people. Al Imam is shabby and Lima Malik. He mentioned a lot of people he said they know that person's purpose of the Sunnah.

00:42:10 --> 00:42:29

Again, in sha Allah because you don't know. The man generally may love the companions. He may love the Annamma. But again, he's on some understanding of Islam. He can be one of those liberal Muslims. I don't have any problem with the companions. I see them as being the best, but I don't think that I'm obligated to follow them in my religion.

00:42:30 --> 00:42:39

The religion is open the Wild Wild West, do what you want to do. That makes him a prisoner of the Sunnah. He's in Atlanta, and Atlanta

00:42:41 --> 00:42:46

now that's the general issue. We'll move on very quickly when he inshallah

00:42:47 --> 00:43:16

someone tested Abdullah Batson from the Companions read the line when the fitness started with Alia and it would not be tolerated the fitness started between Ali and Alia someone came to him and said which she I do you support? It doesn't know the side of this person. He's testing it. Which group were you with? Are you with Allianz group? Are you with Maori as group because they had a misunderstanding Which group are you with? He wanted to know a bit about us who you would have been

00:43:16 --> 00:43:48

a bad said I'm not with it, his group, his she i Those who support him, and I'm not with more I wish she i i am with the she I have Allah and His Messenger SallAllahu Sallam I'm with the Shiite of Rasulullah Salallahu Salam I'm not with that or that meaning I'm with them when they do good and I'm with them when they do good as for this fight, and these controversies, they say the life and this the federal, I'm not with any of that. And this is what we have during this time that people have

00:43:48 --> 00:44:03

the Sunnah and he we have been put to trials and tribulations equity Fila, as you all know, I moved to Liverpool. This Masjid in Liverpool is a masjid where everybody is in there. Every body is in there.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:05


00:44:06 --> 00:44:33

What do you think about going in the masjid that you're trying to raise and elevate the understanding of the people to appreciate the real religion and get rid of day by day week by week different innovations. Take it easy with hikma Take it easy. And then the people of the Sunnah are supposed to be they're the ones who tell him the youngsters like yourselves. Don't listen to him. Don't I might have one against them.

00:44:35 --> 00:44:37

Can you imagine this is the condition

00:44:38 --> 00:45:00

the confusion that's going on in the West? And that's why and that's why I oppose those brothers and I oppose the shifts that teach them this stuff. The shares that develop them and the stuff who have been criticized by Al Imam Abdullah Singh and Abaddon other than Him when they mentioned the

00:45:00 --> 00:45:33

names you've mentioned who they were, everybody knows. Now when I come I say I oppose their shakes and criticize them in this thing is sacrilegious to those people because they have with our bra on the shift. How dare you mention? Hey, I don't have an imam. I have Imams who preceded me to that. A che al Benny. He said that the fidelity chef Revere, he's going overboard in this stuff Sheikh Khaled barely said that long time ago, the same one who they only take a statement. He's the Imam of

00:45:33 --> 00:45:39

Joshua ideal, although shaker B said I'm not that overshare what he'd done other say he's no, we don't have that today.

00:45:40 --> 00:45:44

They get upset sacrilegious, because they fall into this issue.

00:45:45 --> 00:46:16

Shut up the lesson Rift and the sooner the sooner. You say there are three shares who have taken the banner of this stuff, make it the sooner had this empty line and testing each other and the stuff that we have going on? Does that mean that those three shakes are no good? I'm not saying that. Those three shakes have done good in Islam, especially back in the day back in the day of refried your fruit and the pseudo Ria and the cook beer, those people from the dollar of politics, but maybe

00:46:16 --> 00:46:38

the Arcade is okay. They know the meaning of to heat the room will be Oh, he didn't smell SIFAT though he'd have Allahu Taala has an oo here they know that. But their way of implementing that is the main house that is bought in the middle of the commodity and other than those shares specially shifted a bit shift Muhammad a man and Janee Rahmatullah alley,

00:46:39 --> 00:46:51

those shares, they had their follow, but right now what it has become right now. No, so problem, and I'm against it, and I criticize it. And we have our Imams who preceded us.

00:46:52 --> 00:47:22

Anyway, the showerhead and the point here is Abdullah, not Batson Radi Allahu Anhu. He said, I'm not with either one of these groups. And this is what we have to be. You can't be with this group and we can't be that with that group. Green a masjid green a masjid. We don't support everything that green lane Masjid does it's not possible for us to support everything that greening does, because we're human beings. All of us, the administration and the people pray here. There are things that we can

00:47:22 --> 00:47:44

say about many issues like this a lot, many issues, many issues. So don't be one of those people say, I'm with Greenleaf, don't be like that. I'm like, don't be like that. Take the position of Abdullah bison. I'm not with her. And I'm not with Gouda. I have a message of a message either way.

00:47:46 --> 00:47:50

Now, after mentioning that, the chef Abdullah Merson, Allah bad.

00:47:52 --> 00:48:12

And tell him the people when he was asked this question, he said is impermissible to test people by the shares and causing this confusion between and Asuna? He went on to say, and if it was permissible to be done, then we would do it with the likes of a sheikh Abdulaziz Ibn baz.

00:48:13 --> 00:48:54

So you want to test the people then tested people with children of Islam and the amount of the Sunnah, who even the enemies acknowledge the virtual testing with ll Ben immunostain mean, and even bas Rahmatullah Aileen testing with a sheikh mock bill with people those three especially that we agree, as for a whoever loves Apple food and an apple food and an apple for lamb from Rice Street. The last proof is on the Sunnah. And he loves the Sunnah will lie when he does Junoon that is

00:48:54 --> 00:48:57

insanity. Insanity.

00:48:58 --> 00:49:00

Like me saying to you people right now.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:10

I have a lot of love for that young man sitting over there. That little African man over there Nora Dean, may Allah give him Nora and his life and his way.

00:49:12 --> 00:49:18

I say whoever doesn't accept notre Dean, and he doesn't love notre Dean, then he's against a sunnah.

00:49:20 --> 00:49:28

That's insanity. Have you lost your mind? When you may well do in the bathroom. Go back and look for your mind. Man. You lost your mind.

00:49:32 --> 00:49:59

nurudeen He hasn't memorized the Quran. nurudeen. We don't know what Notre Dame is doing about Sinatra. Fajr Noureddine, we don't know what Notre Dame is doing while his mother and his father, Notre Dame, we don't know what Notre Dame is doing behind the closed doors. We don't know we have who's never been about all those issues. But how dare myself come and make him and where do I get that from? And how does my

00:50:00 --> 00:50:06

I mind allow me to say something like that. Tell me about Allah by last you.

00:50:07 --> 00:50:39

Someone who can't read someone who can't read the Quran correctly, someone who, okay he may fit in and we see the fitna that the person has made his group has made that group have made and then I'm going to come because I'm from that his and I say some nonsense like that. It goes to show this insanity that we are the insanity. That seller fear of a shift will the seller fear of a shift from being the center of fear of a shift? Yeah, yellow Jory? What is that selling fear? There's only one

00:50:39 --> 00:50:40

seller fear.

00:50:41 --> 00:51:01

The Salafi is a synonym for Al Islam. What is that? Beyond the Islam of a sheer rubbish beyond the Islam of Sheikh Al Benny beyond? What are you talking about? Islam is one. Someone said, I was selling fear is stronger than the selfie of Al banni SubhanAllah.

00:51:02 --> 00:51:16

That's the understanding of and his beer. The understanding of selfie like that is his beer. Last thing that we want to mention when he villa, the very last thing that we want to mention is the fact that

00:51:18 --> 00:51:35

many of the scholars of the Sunnah many of them, they came many of them a lot, a lot. Anybody who wants to names and examples, send me a text message. I'll send it to you, many of them and the man made many of them. They will say things like,

00:51:36 --> 00:51:52

If a man loves this scholar, that scholar best scholar, then he's a man of the Sunnah. Many of the scholars said that many of them. And this is why I said the issue has details. You can't say is impermissible just like that, because many of the celebs did it.

00:51:53 --> 00:52:21

But the question now is, who did they do it with? That they just pick a general regular guy walking in the street? No. When it came to the fitna of the Quran being created to people this feat didn't slip. The became well known. One was an imam Akhmad who was the Imam of Atlas sunnah when they caught him that is he the only one? No.

00:52:23 --> 00:52:37

They gave him that look of that nickname because of his salah, but in the deen his bad during the time of fitna, another one was a young man. In our culture, we will call him and nobody, Mohammed bin nor

00:52:39 --> 00:52:43

a young man, you don't know him, go back to the internet and put his name in there.

00:52:44 --> 00:53:15

You won't find the scholars saying if you see a man loving Mohammed bin Oh, no, no, he's from a person of the Sunnah. Although his name became well known to students of knowledge because of his motive with Al Imam Ahmed, but he's considered to be like from the unmetered nurse. He didn't have a lot of knowledge. I'm mechanize they said wherever you find love and then the man made. Why? Because he's the Imam of the Sunnah nurse, some regular Muslim who's just struggling,

00:53:16 --> 00:53:50

who's just struggling, and he may be a person of the Sunnah. But the scholars of the past didn't use those individuals. They used individuals who stood up at a time and they push the Sunnah forth for the Sunnah suffered from the Sunnah spread the Sunnah, protected the Sunnah. So I think is it is an injustice, to reduce the sunnah to just regular people. And again, this is what his beard does to you. The religion is the feasts is highly expensive, is Island High, very elevated. But for my his

00:53:50 --> 00:54:21

book, I'll destroy the Sunnah. I'll destroy it just so that I can win. Because when Allah He, if those brothers were really trying to do the right thing, there are too many opportunities that we had to sit with people of knowledge, but they keep the confusion going. And we don't have the time to wait and see what they be saying. And they're hitting statements that are hard, because when they statements come out to the public, that's when we see how ludicrous some of them understand the

00:54:21 --> 00:54:43

religion and what they call to on the day of their aid. And other than that, like I've mentioned, when I heard that thing recently, you people go over there. The winter conference is coming, you go over there, we're gonna be over here. You go over here, we're gonna we're gonna watch you from over here when you go over there. And when you go over there, we see you do whatever you go over there in the corner. And you go over here, we're gonna be here, we see you over there, but and shake falling

00:54:43 --> 00:54:59

falls and said, You go and you go over there. What kind of my head just goes, it's amazing. And those are the father, brother in London, same thing. Those are the father with us, Son when so and so and so, and none of these are the fall they love the fall.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:11

I can I'm fabric, it's a joke. So when he say balancing your religion, turn away from this issue with his people make us

00:55:12 --> 00:55:44

busy you young brothers as I told you, memorize the Quran Inshallah, memorize the Mattoon that easy. Learn your religion in the middle age of this religion, and also educate yourselves secularly so you'll be in a position Inshallah, to be able to take care of yourselves and your families inshallah tomorrow, tomorrow in the future be even inland. So this is what we want to present to you brothers, Inshallah, we're going to open up the door, and the opportunity for any questions that you may have,

00:55:44 --> 00:56:10

as it relates to today's topic. Don't be of the people with a religion that they are upon. They've been tricked and doot. Some people their religion is planting the seeds of hatred in the hearts of the people, against people, the Sunnah, and they think that's the religion. Allah rejected and refuted the yahood and the NESARA. Many times in the Quran.

00:56:11 --> 00:56:24

They said what? No abna Allah he will I bet. They are who they said, We are the sons of Allah and the ones that Allah loves. That's a lie. They made that up.

00:56:26 --> 00:56:35

They made that up. But that was the religion that they thought Allah love them more than everybody else who may make a shift and do an impression, but that was their religion. That was their religion.

00:56:36 --> 00:57:15

What Kalu lens Thomason and narrow Illa Yama ma do that. They say the Hellfire is not going to touch us except for a few days. That's the religion. We may go to *, but we won't be there forever. Tell a man yo tall tuber Hannah coming from Saudi again. This is the wishful thinking. If this is true, tell and Bring your proofs what you're saying is truthful. This is the wishful thinking I Manaea place to be a man or a man he or Lemke tab is not by you, Muslims, wishful thinking, and it's

00:57:15 --> 00:57:29

not the wishful thinking. archetype. I'm Salafi. Now I just go to gender because I say those words, I'm Salafi, planting the seed of hatred in the hearts of Muslims, against people of the Sunnah.

00:57:30 --> 00:58:04

So I know this brother for years, and I know him to be a person trying to price the Sunnah. And then I go, and I get on that stuff. And just like that, between a day and a night, that brother wine No, just because I went somewhere else, he becomes opposite to what I thought he was. Because I changed the venue of where I go when I visit. That's his beer when he has his beer. So anyway, we a lot save you brothers and save us from that. This is a fitness, fitness, fitness. And from the fit of a

00:58:04 --> 00:58:42

fitness is it's easy to slip and fall into that stuff. So I'm happy to say and I say it again. And it's from the netmail of Allah upon me and never drank the Kool Aid hamdulillah now, one day did I drink that Kool Aid? So you guys is hot Ibrahim ole Erma. You guys don't drink that Kool Aid stay balanced on the way of the monkey bar of this Boomer and abahani been bad immunotherapy pay attention to the words pay attention to the tabby to the US so look, the way they were okay when he

00:58:42 --> 00:58:45

very quickly because us guard has to get ready to

00:58:47 --> 00:58:47

go ahead man.

00:59:08 --> 00:59:37

There is a good question in this from the Adela. When we told you we're going to give you some proofs of the permissibility of testing. There are many I added the Parana number of I had a number of a hadith, and the brother brought one. We didn't claim that in this database. We're going to make it still raw. It's the crop and bring all of the Adela. One of the companions. He became upset with a slave girl because while she was watching his sheep, she became negligent and the wolf came and

00:59:37 --> 00:59:53

ate one of the sheep and ran off. When he found out about it. He became very upset and he slapped up. And then he regretted what he did. And he went to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and told the prophet what had happened was Sula. He saw Salam said Where's the girl brought the girl? He said, Who am I?

00:59:54 --> 00:59:59

He said to where is Allah? The girl said over the heavens.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:13

Over the heavens, that he says she pointed is not authentic. She said, over the heavens over the heavens. He said And who am I? She said, Your Rasul Allah. He said, free her. She's a believer.

01:00:14 --> 01:00:28

You're going to be tested with this man, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not going to be tested by other people. You're going to be tested your question, what did you have to say about that man sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

01:00:29 --> 01:00:48

So that's a case where a person was being tested in the RP the for a reason. The prophets are sometimes golden. The objective was not to test her to put her on his spin Him on His Rasul Allah was test was not to test her to become an enemy to her.

01:00:49 --> 01:01:29

No, I didn't. And for that reason, listen to this. I didn't mention this. But because there's an Arabic but shackled Islam, Ibnu Tamia in the memorial fatawa, the big book that he has volume three, page 413, also volume 20, page 164. And other than that, he said it is not permissible for anyone from this woman, to raise any human being up as an example and a test for the Muslims. They love him and they hate this individual. It's not permissible for anyone to do that. That they accept his

01:01:29 --> 01:02:00

statements and they have Milan Barra upon his statements, except for the Rasul of Islam SallAllahu sallam, he mentioned that in many places in Fatah and much more than fatawa it's not permissible for me to make shakoora Be statement the example shaker a piece personality, am I telling people who don't love chakra B don't respect chakra beat chakra BS from our an AMA. So now we're an AMA. And we hear him in his own words, telling people don't go overboard in me, be gentle with people be easy

01:02:00 --> 01:02:17

with people, but we don't agree with everyone that he has talked about, and the way that they've been talked about and how this thing has been created. We don't agree with the support that he gives certain people in the West who are making problems because of the way they're understanding his words. We don't agree with that.

01:02:18 --> 01:02:46

So check in his landable who Tamia because people want to come and say I will send me that I will send made it up made all of this up. Because this Imam said test the people with Al Imam that says hey, Sharon Islamic Tamia is not permissible for anyone to set someone up in this OMA for everybody to take what he sent him as a person or his words not permissible. Now no.

01:03:00 --> 01:03:09

My advice to you brothers and we're going to end here inshallah don't busy yourselves with these are Dude, don't try to read that stuff.

01:03:10 --> 01:03:23

The Radboud is from Al Islam, no doubt. But this is a fitna between the people of the Sunnah. And these are dude in this Qur'an hardens the heart, it doesn't enlighten doesn't bring you close to Islam.

01:03:24 --> 01:03:55

And that's not to say that the redo doesn't have its place we have people who are overboard and extremely rude dude, leave this stuff and turn to those scholars that I told you the key bottle or lemma, who we are much tougher * and the statements, and then the ones we know how to balance. But if you're one of those people, and you want to take what Shaq will say, Allah said for this one, but someone else was against that one and you go after that stuff, it causes you to waste a lot of

01:03:55 --> 01:04:29

time and there's no fixing this issue. It's not a lot of fix in this issue, but we hope Inshallah, that we have enlightened you to certain degree, and I will go my objective here was not to confuse you. It was not to make in dishonor to ourselves. It was just a elucidation for our community. For our Shabbat, our Shabbat had was sung Allahu wa salam robotic and in the beginner. While early he was hobby Jemaine was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. So kinda coloboma. Behind DECA was

01:04:29 --> 01:04:33

shadow Allah ilaha illa and acetic Furukawa tubal Illich

This talk/lecture was given at the Green Lane Masjid on January 18, 2017.

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