Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Signs of the Last Day Series False Prophets Imposters Aswad Ansi and others
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AI: Transcript ©
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim hamdulillah
Al Hamdulillah Hamden cathedral the uban Mubarak confy Mubarak
Nardi he come out your Hebrew buena Jalla Jalla, who are Manuel
wa salatu salam ala. So you will have even Mustafa SallAllahu
Derrida are they you are the, the he was so happy about Alcoa seldom
at the Sleeman cathedral, Yomi Dean Marburg
the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a number of
Hadith, and narrations from Him, we find that
he spoke about a significant number of people that will until
the Day of Judgment,
a significant number that will come one after the other, who will
claim to be a prophet.
Some to try to share prophet hood with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, and those were obviously people that arose at his
time. And then there'll be others who will claim prophethood after
He also spoke, the Hadith actually says that they will be liars. Got
the boon got Zaboo means great liars,
big liars, major liars.
And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in some Hadith, it says
that they will claim prophethood. So we're going to look at some of
these different Hadith and try to understand
what is intended by those heavy so that we have a better idea. And
also one of the benefits of understanding this is to reinforce
the concept which is a very important concept in this OMA, the
finality of Prophethood Mahatma Naboo that the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi. wasallam is the seal of all prophets. We believe in all of
the prophets that came we don't know the exact number, we get an
idea from a hadith of Imam Ahmed's Hadith that's related by Imam
Ahmed in his Muslim that there were approximately 124,000
prophets from the mighty salat wa salam, it's time to Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this time, we don't know the details of
each and every one of them. But our belief has to be in all of
them in this general way.
That whichever Prophet Allah subhanaw taala send, sent we
believe in Him, some we know about and others we don't know about.
The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam himself was unique in the sense
that he was considered to be the last of the prophets as prophesied
by some of the prophets before him. And he, as he himself said,
as well, in a number of different ways. For example, in one Hadith,
he mentioned that
it's like a building that has been constructed a very beautiful
building, and people go around in and they admiring this building.
And then they suddenly see that there's one place where a brick is
missing. And he said that I am that final one brick to complete
the structure.
He said, There is no profit after me learn to be your body. The
other thing which was seen and witnessed by many of the Sahaba,
and in fact, it was also the cause. And the reason for some of
them becoming Muslim, was that he had the seal of prophethood, which
was a small piece of protruding flesh between his blessing
shoulder blades. That is something that was look that was
that was inquired about. And it was something that was being
pursued by for example, Salman al Farsi radi, Allahu and others,
because that was a sign that they had learned from their scriptures,
that this last Prophet will have that seal of prophethood. And when
they saw it, there was no doubt left anymore, and they embraced
Islam as well. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in
numerous different ways. He spoke about Himself being the final
prophet, and that no prophet will come after him. But he did say
that they will be imposters and they will be liars. They will be
imposters and they will they will be liars. So for example, we have
a hadith which is related by Mambo Hari, one of the more one of the
most authentic ones here is Allah takamasa. had Dr. Tiller attorney
have him attorney that were Huma Wahida tune what
you buy the gir Luna curry booming Salah theme Kulu home yes mo
rasool Allah.
So this hadith says that the last day will not occur until two major
major groups will not fight with each other. Both of their claims
will be one. Both of their missions will be on both of them
will be fighting for the same thing but they'll be fighting with
each other.
that could apply to the fitment that we saw during the Battle of
Sofia, and the incident of the camel, which we spoke about in one
of the earlier sessions. But that's not what we want to speak
about today. We've already spoken about that the next part of the
Hadith says until
Allah until the jewels will be sent, the jewels will be sent
close to 30. Now we know only one the jewel, the Antichrist, the
main one. So what is this speaking about? What does it mean by close
to 30, the jewels will hear the word the jewel is being used in
its literal meaning the word the gel, the gel comes from digital,
the one who does a lot of the gel, which is to really confuse and
make things seem like something else. Whereas there's something
else. That's what digital means. And that's one of the most
significant things that the main the gel will do, which is to make
things appear to be different than what they are, and deceive people
in that way. So
people when they lie, that's what they do. The reason why you lie or
people lie is I didn't do this, or I did do this, whereas it's
actually supposed to be the opposite. That's what lying is all
about is to normally tell a tale that is different from the
reality. That's what dying is all about. So that gel is just an
extreme form of that and that's why the jury is called the jewel
is big liar. That's probably what you could say. So he said that it
will be close to 30, the jewels close 30 imposters layers
and the jewels, all of them. But in this one he says that these
ones could loom yes and a no rasool Allah, that he is the
messenger of Allah. Every one of them will claim to be the
messenger of Allah. Imam Muhammad in Abuja, Allah have another
Hadith from Abdullah ignore Amara, the Allah one
this one it says between me and the day of judgment and the final
day there are 30 that Jarls Cathy loves that gel and Guthaben
in a hadith of Allah, the Allah one Which Imam Muhammad relates,
and for him, Thomas ruder the Allah Juan and Toblerone, there's
a similar message in there as well. And in another one, it's a
bit more particular. See, it's like the prophets, Allah Larson
probably mentioned this on a number of occasions. Sometimes he
wouldn't mention it briefly. Oh, there's going to be close to 30.
There's going to be 30. Then in this one, which is the hadith of
Sumatra, he says that the Day of Judgment will not come by until
30. Liars Canada and this word in this one uses the word Canada will
appear. The last of them of these 30. This is an additional piece of
information we're learning. The last of them will be the journal,
the artwork, the jewel, the the one eyed one. So he's also the
jewel. But the reason why he's also the jewel is because he will
also claim some kind of profits profited as well.
Except when he sees and many people will believe him, many
people will believe him.
Until II Saudi Salatu was Salam will come when he realizes that he
Saudi Salatu Salam is descending. This the gel will run and he will
go too
close to Jerusalem. Please collude. And when isa Ali salat wa
salam will get the loot is where the international airport of
Israel is. The Ben Gurion International Airport is in love.
And when he gets there is a risotto sir sorry, salatu salam
will be after the gel, the gel will Siemens and he will tell his
people that quickly
make the subwoofer for solid, make the rows for Sadat. And when isa
risotto song comes closest a solid time Come on, let's pray. And he
started salat wa salam say You liar. You only doing this to
deceive, and then he will kill him.
So in this hadith, it says that he's the last one Imam Muhammad
Bharani have related this and it's mentioned it's also related in
Imam Timothy's book as well. In another one now, it's a hadith
about ignorance Zubayr that between me and the day of judgment
are 30 layers, and out of them will be a sweat unsee the man of
or the leader of Santa and the Sahiba Yamama the person from your
murmur and that is Mozilla.
So in those two he gave the name
and you will see in here how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is to is
able to foretell things and prophecy. Prophets prophesy things
before they even occur. There's a hadith of Abdullah Naramata deal
and says that 30 Liars or more.
So then we he said, I asked, what is their sign?
What is their sign? How do we discover that they're a liar?
So he replied that they will come to you
With a sunnah with a way sunnah means a way. So the Sunnah of the
Prophet Allah Islam is the Prophetic way, the prophetic way
to do something, but they will come with a way and a tradition
that will be unlike the one you're on. So the one you recognize as
the Sunnah, they will come with something else and that's how you
recognize it. You have your own Asana token they will
change your son and your way. When you see them. If you ever come
across them, then make sure you abstain from them and keep away
from them.
In another Hadith is related by Toblerone from Abdullah Under
Armour, it talks about 70 the jobs 70 Cut 70 layers and this one is
Gavin 70
news have numerous Hadith about this as well although half even
100 Rascon and he says that that particular narration is weak. Now
how do we number one how many other the Jarls Katha hubs
imposters liars what's it all speaking about the straight to
make? Get a better understanding of this? So for example, the
Hadith isolated by Muhammad from who they are with a good chain
says that say Hakuna V Almighty in my OMA there will be cars buena de
jure Luna Saba tooway Schroon 27, the gels and Kathy loves big
liars. And out of them there will be four women claimants to this
lie and as imposters what Anahata Munna been wala Anna via birdie, I
am the
finality, I am the seal of the prophets, and there is no profit
to be after me.
So, when we see that there are the Hadith about 30, that may be just
kind of rounding off the 27 figure.
Others have said that it is possible that when you're saying
30, and 70 is just talking about a large number is a 30. That's
enough, it's a large number.
Another way to understand this is that
because if you really count people who have made lives like this
about things or the other, there's probably more than 30. So the way
to understand this is that those who will have significant impact,
who will have influence meaning those claimants to profit, because
you get many crazy people on the street that will claim to be
inspired or profits or whatever.
Right? There's more than 30 of those, if you look in history,
there's more than 30 because any crazy man on the street could be
doing that every day. So I think the way that you might have
understood this, is that when it if you take that hadith of 70,
that takes it more generally, there's big liars, they're not
necessarily going to claim prophethood. But those who will
claim prophethood, and who will be able to convince people of their
prophecy, at least for a short time, and then people will follow
them and they'll get a following. They will be 30.
So when you say 30 means people with some following, not just
people who claim it and nobody believes them.
Otherwise, anybody that calls calls to a way of misunderstanding
without saying where profits but just saying when we're slim, but
this is not the right way, this is the right way. You know, you've
got many people like that, like the botany the rafidah, the Hello,
Leah, all these people that think that maybe Allah has got a body.
There's people who think that it was God, or the Allahu Anhu. Allah
was supposed to be the Prophet. All of these people are liars. So
when the Prophet said, Allah said, there's going to be many liars,
then it could refer to all of those people because they are
lying in the deen. But they don't necessarily claim prophethood for
themselves, those that will claim prophethood will be how many, they
will be about 30 and the last of them will be the jewel.
The Jewel won't only want only consider himself to be profit, but
he will go beyond that as well as some of these others did as well.
Because it seems like it's some kind of intoxication for them to
claim profit to the you know, the power kind of thing for them. And
then when that's not enough, then they say oh, even bigger than that
with God. And that's, like one of them said that, you know, God is
the one who enlivens people and I'm the God who kills people. One
of them said that as well. So it's just this kind of FAD and phase
that people these people go through that it's some kind of a
condition of those maybe some kind of psychological condition or
whatever. That gives them these crazy ideas. If you remember
during it to the Allah one last time, there was a person that he
was dealing with.
From the heritage sites. There was Abner Chua.
We spoke about him. And, you know, the Alona said that you are from
those liars.
Now liberal Cohen never claimed prophethood so what are you the
Alon Mendoza you're one of the lies that according to the wrong
way because of your your misunderstanding, and your
corrupting the idea of the dean to this other idea? Actually, he was
not from the raw food it was from them who loved the idea of the
alarm so much went into an extreme level in the love for the for it
or the Allah one, or for the family of the Prophet salallahu
Salam. Okay, now this
Very famous ones, three famous ones that were dealt with by
two of them appeared in during the time of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam.
And one was dealt with in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam. And the other two were dealt with during the time of Abu
Bakr, Siddiq Rhodiola Juan. In fact, there was a,
a woman as well. So that's three people. And then there were a
number of others as well.
Now today, what we're going to look at so the way is the way
there's one is a sweat lancy
of the unseen tribe of Yemen. Then there's Musa llama from the
Yamama, blue Hanifa tribe, then you've got to lay her, but he
actually became a good believer afterwards. Then you've got
soldier who was a claiming to be a woman prophet. And she teamed up
with some with another claimant first. And then she got married to
Because Mozilla managed to convince her. So although she was
claiming to be a prophet herself first, when she heard Musella,
Mama Cena was very articulate. She, and he kind of made it made
a, he kind of set up the scene in such a way that it kind of seduced
her in a sense, but that's something to be discussed
afterwards. But Hamdulillah, she writes, and then she returned as
And after that, there were a number of others. And then,
probably, there's been so many more since then, as well, during
the birth time, and that there's been a number as well.
We're going to look in to only one of them today, which is a sweat
because he was there during the time of the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, and he was dealt with during the time of the
Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, then we'll look at the other
smaller ones. And then Inshallah, next time we'll be dealing with
musei llama Tala and a few other of the larger ones, in the benefit
of knowing about this is to know history, to know what these people
normally claim and why they will claim certain things so that we
can avoid these things because we have problems in the current day
as well. People who've claimed to be profit, like we have the highs
and we have the cloudiness the Ahmadiyya so that's why it's
important to know about these things. When the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was returning from digital Wada, if
you remember that was in the eighth or ninth year of hijra, the
conquest was in the eighth, the province of the Lord Assam, going
into this Farewell Pilgrimage. After he came back. He didn't
remain for too long in this world afterwards. Initially, he became
ill a new spread about this, then he became better, and then he
became ill again. And then in that second illness, that was to be his
terminal illness. So when this The news spread of his illness, first
two people claimed to be prophets, they thought this is a great
chance that seen the effect of the Prophet sallallahu from the
influence on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the
following, that Allah subhanaw taala had given him and because of
that, they probably felt that's a great way to do this. So to claim
to be prophets,
but in their doing that they did a lot of evil as well.
When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the prophets Allah was
and while he was sick, and in his illness, he was told about them.
This was, if you remember, towards the end of his life, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had sent in
to deal with the Roman army. He had sent the Son of zero the Allah
one Osama, at the head of an army and or somebody that was very
young. The army was prepared. It had gone out to the outskirts of
Madina, Munawwara waiting to leave, and that's when the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam passed away. We were close to declare the
Allah Han had then let that army go because the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam had set it up with Osama or the Allah one at its head. So
after he had done this, this was really like towards the end Rasul
Allah Maha heard about these people. And there's another Hadith
in which it says that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam in this
illness came out of his room. He had a bandage around his head, he
had something tied around his head, you know, because he was
ill. And he remarked, he made a statement in front of everybody.
He said that in Europe a to fear the cure in him in the heaven, for
courage to Houma for an alpha to whom photogra I've seen two gold
bracelets in my hands. I disliked them. And when I blew on them,
they flew away, they disappeared. So this is a dream that he's
speaking about a revision he's speaking about that this is what
I've been shown. But when I blew on them, they disappeared. They
vanished. I have interpreted this vision to be to apos at
Two liars and imposters that I am between them. Two lies that I'm in
between. One is the one of Yemen and the other one is of Yamama
because they're on two different sides, Yemen or south. So this is
where a swaddle antsy, very big man, very powerful man, very
articulate in his speech, you know, very convincing, extremely
inspirational innocence.
Really big man with a very loud voice as well. He became an
apostate when he heard about Rasul Allah sometimes
when he heard of the Prophet sallallahu, some becoming ill, he
became an apostate. And the other thing about this man is that he
was very clever. And he knew many magic tricks. So he could perform
various forms of deceptive tricks that would convince people of
things that he wanted them to be convinced about.
Very wealthy man as well. He was a very wealthy man. And he used to
do these strange things. So people were very people would be very
kind of deceived by him. And they would be convinced that he's
whatever he's claiming to be when you get ignorant people, and you
get a person, a master of arts like this. And this is what he
would do. Some narrations mentioned, some, he reports
mentioned that he had to shaytans Jinn that would bring him the news
of the secrets of people from around the various different
places. So when people would come to him, he would be able to tell
them about things that nobody else knew except them, and they would
be further deceived, and that will be enough to deceive them. What
other reports say is that he actually had this large army of
spies in various different areas, on his payroll, or under his
influence, they would come and give him all sorts of information.
So he was a sucker for information. And whenever people
would come to him, he knows something or the other about them
or their family or something. And then that would be really
convincing for them. So Allah knows best exactly what it was.
But anyway, he used to say that I've got
I've got these, I've got these angels or whatever it is, I used
to call them they were shaytans. One is called Sahil and the other
one was called Shafiq. So it was a very sweet talker as well. He said
he was a probably a very influential Well, he was a very
wealthy man. Initially, what he did was he took over, he already
had an area of Yemen. He didn't have Sana. Sana was the capital,
the big city, but he already had control over a small part of
Yemen, which is the on a corner of Santa. He was also called the dual
Hemara. Or Hamas, some people say that it's because he used to drink
a lot, and he was always drunk to really enjoy his drink. So that
Hummer in Arabic means wine, or intoxicants, or Mr means covering
shroud, he was always covered up.
Whenever he would make a public appearances, a big man, you know,
big heavy set, but he would always be covered up with, with some kind
of hood or some kind of covering over his face. They say that was
very ugly. And he was very dark. That's where a sweat Alon see. The
black man of the dark man is very dark, you know, unnaturally dark
in the area. So very ugly, as well. So you'd always be covered
up. Some say it's not the full PMR. But we'll Hemara. And all of
these could make sense because he had a donkey who he had trained to
follow certain orders. And the training that he'd given them was
that he would say to it, to sit, and it would sit and it would
actually no, he would tell it to prostrate to Allah to its Lord.
And he would kind of go down into some kind of frustration. And then
he would tell you to get up and stand for the Lord and he would
stand up. So when he would show that miracle to people, it was
very strange when he would show that this
this donkeys tricks to be evil. So he did things like that. That's
what it was called a man of the donkey. The donkey won. You have
Yemen, which is in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. So sunnah
is kind of on the north, the north western side of it. Above that is
a place called nudge Iran. Now if you know from the CRO the promise
a lot of sub neuron is where, well, even Yemen at that time was
under Christian rule, because it was under an extension of the
Roman empire through Abyssinia, which was across the channel from
Across the channel from Yemen, in the south, there was a B senior
that was Christian and Abby and Yemen was Christian as well. They
were actually Persians. They were part of
Persian Empire. Some of the remnants of the Persian Empire
were there, and they were called the Obinna urbanite means the
children of these Persians, they had become Muslim afterwards. So
at this point in time, the rulers there was supposed to be the
Persians that Obinna, they call them, these people from Persian
aristocracy, but they had become Muslim fayrouz de la mia, and
there were a few others. However, initially, what happened with
Nigerian, which is a bit in the north, they heard about a sweat
that he's this prophet or whatever it is. So they called they they
sent somebody to him, and they called him to the area he came.
And those of them who some of them had become Muslim, some of them
may have been Christian or whatever, they began to follow
him. So they believed in what they saw.
So he took from them 600 people, and then he went towards Sunnah
the leader of sun out decided
that he would, he needs to protect himself from he needs to protect
himself from this attack by us redundancy. So as well as going up
north, taking people from LeBron coming back down south to take the
main city now sun out, the leader of Santa, he wanted to protect
himself. So the the person who's ruling who was the leader of sun
at the time was called buzzin. So they were actually originally for
under the Persian Empire, not the Roman Empire. I think I made a
mistake. There was a Persian Empire, and he had been the
governor under the prophets Allah Allah is the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam after they'd become Muslim prophets. Allah Salman said, Okay,
you will continue to govern Yemen, so bizarre and died. And the
prophets Allah was appointed his son, shahada to become the
governor of sunnah. So Shahara had, he decided that he'd rather
go outside of Santa and meet a swan on the way and fight with him
outside. Bashar had very few people. So when Assad met them in
battle, Assad managed to,
to destroy and to defeat Shah. So they wrote into sun and Sun came
under password. So the Muslims suffered a defeat. Shahar had a
very beautiful wife, who was now widowed this as well, Annecy. He
forcefully took her under his command, and forced her to become
his wife. So she really hated him. Now, he did this whole thing in
about 25 days, very fast. He did this, after that, he took a lot of
the other areas of Yemen. So his influence was growing very fast.
And he was became, you know, he, he, his influence became very
fast. Sorry, spread quite far. So, you know, drawn in some art now,
then after that, being a prophet wasn't enough for him. So he began
to call himself the Rahman of Yemen, the most merciful, one of
Yemen, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had heard about
him and said, We need to deal with them.
So he sent a signal hubiera to organize some form of movement
there to take care of us with because not only is he claiming to
be prophet, but he's causing a lot of people to come away from Islam.
So face when then all you have to remember us what is a very
informed person in the sense of what was going on. But his pay
stub No. hubiera managed to work underground. And he organized an
underground group of people to overthrow us with the thing is
that there was another person called fayrouz. There in Yemen,
who was one of the Obinna. She was one of the original remnants of
the original family that was supposed to be of the ruling
class, and he hadn't been disposed of. And Assad didn't like him
anyway. So they got a few people together. In fact, in some
narrations, he mentioned that the Prophet sallallahu actually wrote
letters to about 10 Different people in the area, influential
people that were not very happy that you need to do is they were
Muslims. So they were all trying to do something about it. So one
of them was fayrouz a daily me What fayrouz did was he first
managed to go and scope out this palace that is what used to live
in. And this person was a sword was very protective over himself.
So he had guards all over that place. Every room there was a God
placed his guards walking all over the place. It's very difficult.
The this woman that he had taken, she was a sister or a cousin to
pharaohs, adenomyosis cousin because she was from the same
family. So he managed to get through to her and said, Look,
this is what's going on. This is what the Prophet salallahu idea
was, she had been Muslim as well. So this is what the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has ordered that we need to
take care of him. So how do you suppose we can do this? She said,
Well, the whole place is bugged with with, you know its soldiers.
But there is one room that opens up outside. And it's kind of a
broken down place. And you know, that's the only place that doesn't
have anything in there. But how do we get into that? She said, Well,
I can leave you some weapons in there, I can leave you some
weapons in there, you have to get in somehow. And you can take those
weapons and I can lead you to his room. So then he says, What about
how am I going to get in or something. So they plotted
something that maybe send in somebody as a worker or something,
and I will then hide them, or something. So they made some very
had to be some very elaborate kind of plan. So fayrouz, he jumped
over, he had everything planned with pace, that pace had to get
everybody else ready outside all the other Muslims already outside
outside of the city, that when the call would be made, they would
rush in. So all of those that were very close to us would would be
dealt with, after fayrouz dealt with us with himself. So as he had
managed to scale a wall and get in and work martial law, he went
according to plan, he got into that room. And he found the
weapons there, as he had been told. And when he did that, there
was a certain signal that they had to give a certain sign that they
had to give. So then the wife came out. And she said that there is a
God here, but he's not here right now. He's going to be coming back.
So she quickly took him to show him were us was room was, he was
next door to her room. So she stood by the door. And Pharaohs
got inside
us what at that time, Allah Annecy was knocked out drunk, snoring in
a very deep sleep. So Assad managed to get in there. Sorry,
Pharaoh's got in there. And he struck him when he struck him once
sky woke up and a drunkenness or left him in the sign of this
terror that his life is gonna go so all the drunkenness left him.
And it says that he began to bellow like a bull. But he had
been already struck the deadly stroke. So fayrouz finished him
off. And some reports say that the woman came in as well. And she
struck him as well. She held his head until they finish until the
70s head. So he took his head off. Now obviously, he he was bellowing
like a bull they say. So the gods they will quickly rushing to her
she quickly went to the door. And when the gods came, said, What's
the matter with the rock man of Yemen? So she said, he's receiving
revelation from Allah. He's receiving revelation from Allah.
So the the God, He nodded, knowingly is like, okay, no
problem. And he walked away. So anyway, they severed the head, and
managed to basically take this head of this massive body of his,
and then he went outside. And he jumped on the wall, a fragile
time. And he gave out a van. That was the sign for the other people
to quickly come in. So that's when the muslimeen from outside, they
began to rush inside. And in the, in the, in the meantime, the gods
within the gods and men of us, were in great disarray and chaos
because they didn't know what had happened properly. They saw the
leader had been killed and so on. So when the Muslims were able to
storm that place, many of them were killed, some ran away, and
some came back to Islam.
So that's how US was dealt with. Now as soon as this took place.
The news hadn't reached Medina yet. You have to remember it takes
some time to reach Medina. So although although Pharaoh's got
the messenger off to the Prophet salallahu Salam, the Prophet
sallallahu sallam was immediately told by by Allah subhanho wa Taala
that Assad had been killed.
And he announced this to people. This was just before he passed
away. Now the messenger that was sent from Yemen to tell the profit
and loss of this good news, he got there days after the profit and
loss had passed away. But when he got they found that they had
already known about this. So this was a prophecy that the profits
and losses said that they they've come out here you know, before
even getting news from anybody else, the prophets, Allah
mentioned this in a hadith that they have appeared musei Lemma and
a sweat. And when he was killed, he knew about it before the actual
messenger came and told him it. The newspaper came and told him
about him. In fact, it says that the Prophet sallallahu sallam was
told about him being killed a day or five days before he actually
died. But they will not really know until the people come back.
The messenger would come and say, well, he died on this day and they
say well the promises and told us on this day, so it turned out that
the prophecy last summer is actually informed
In them before it actually occurred. So that's a clear
prophecy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam Sunday was actually a
letter that was sent not a person and that letter only received was
received in Medina 10 days after the professor Larson passed away.
So us what kind of his whole mystery was about for four months
very short lived, I will say that was was longer because it went
into a workout of the Alon, Simon and had been bullied had to deal
with him. But this is what Lancey his was only for about for about
about four months or so, then we had more Salem, and there's, he
had a few exchanges with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam where he
finally agreed that okay, let's have it half of you take care of
half, I'll take care of half. And the province had a lot of fun,
despite his generous nature, obviously, he said that if you
asked me for this little stick or this little rope that's in my
hand, I wouldn't even give you that. Because this was not about
giving his worldly possessions over this was about profits,
profits, which Allah chooses, and then there's delay
in the whole ala de la city, it's another one, but inshallah we'll
look at both of those in detail along with the other one that
claimed the woman who claimed to be a prophet. We look at that
later inshallah. But in order just to speak about the rest of them,
just very quickly. Another one was, if you remember, during the
time of Abdullah Agnes Zubaydah, the hola Juan and his brother, he
had to deal with matar during Tamil newspaper who
claimed certain things exactly what he claimed is kind of under
doubt or under confusion, but that was another one. He's he used to
write al matar, Rasulullah matar the Rasul of Allah. And he had
some strange ideas we dealt with that already. There was a prophet
from Addy IGNOU Hadith says that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said
that has zero come at the Jelenia Thalassa. I warn you of three the
germs ya rasool Allah, you've already told us about the one is
the John, who is the biggest of the liars. So who are these three
that you speak about? No. So you said that there will be a man from
a people whose first and last people will perish, and upon them
is the land of Allah subhanaw taala and they will be in a fitna
called the geographer. So this matar was a third coffee had
judged with a soccer fee as well. And a smarter the Allahu Anhu
relates that from the luck of three different types of people
will appear. One will be the cadaver lab will be the urine and
the movie. So one is one of them is speaking about the Casa de
matar. The other one is speaking what had judge which is Who is
this tyrant that will kill a lot of people. Then there's a famous
poet and his, the one his collection is, is actually studied
for Arabic literature in many of the seminaries, madrasahs and
other places, as well as called Medina B. But he actually made
Toba afterwards. So although he claimed something in the
beginning, he made Toba afterwards, and he repented. Then
there was another group that came out during the time of bunu ibis,
meaning the embassy, the embassy time. One of them was during the
time of MacDermid.
And he was actually the leader of the fitna of the the Africans. His
name was booed. He created a lot of chaos, a lot of bloodshed in
Iraq. And he really liked to humiliate the family of the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He used to think that he
knew of the unseen
then during the Khilafah of MacDuffie villa is a person called
Yahia, IGNOU zyk Rawai or Karate, then after his brother Hussein,
and then came his cousin, his uncle, son, so this is like a
family thing, whose name was isa Abner Maha away. And he called
himself the Moderator. So you know, it says in the services
Yeah, you have a death here. Oh, the one who shouted but death
means the one who's covered. Right. Just trying to prove
himself to be have to be proven from the Quran. Yeah, you help
with death here. Like for example, it says in the Quran, Allah
subhanaw taala says, Yet teeming with Muhammad, yet remember this
Muhammad, that after Italia salatu salam, the prophet that will come
with him will be armored. So this Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani. He
said that look, this is the proof of my being the Prophet because
there's not Muhammad. Muhammad was the Prophet sallallahu salaams
name from the maternal side. His mother's family had called him
Ahmed and his name from his father's side from meaning from
his grandfather was Muhammad. So it was referring to him obviously,
but this person tried to use that and you'll see some of the big
things that people will try to use. So there was a great scholar
of India whose name was Marlon artha Allah Shah Buhari. I thought
Allah atta means the gift of
Allah Allah, Allah Shah body. So he said, Well if you think that
your name is in the Quran, Allah Allah, Allah is in the Quran
Zamanian. So am I going to call myself Allah. So these people,
they will use different things to try to prove themselves. So he
called himself the medallion, and that he was the one meant and
intended by the surah. You have come for understand up and go and
warn the people. That's what Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran,
because the prophets Allah said when he'd come back after his
first revelation, he was shivering and Khadija the Allah one had put
this covering over him. So Allah subhanaw taala funnily addressed
him as the mother and the Muslim mill. They bought they were the
second and third source to be revealed. After Acropolis, me
Rebecca the HELOC. Anyway, this one, he managed to overcome some
parts of Sham and he also caused a lot of chaos there. And finally he
was he was killed.
Then another one came out during the life of Moqtada, whose name
was Abu Taha al khair Mati And he's the one who actually took
away the hydro law. So we might talk about some of this
afterwards, in more detail, that he was the one who took the hydro
password from from the wall there.
And you know, that the hydrilla sword was actually transported to
to Egypt for a while, and we'll talk about that later on. So he
used to say Annabella, habila, he Anna, your local Holika were of
near him Anna. So I am by Allah, and by Allah, it is me.
He creates the people and I kill them. I take care of the meaning I
finish them off. Then during the healer for overall the biller
Mohammed ignore ally, a shield colony, who's who's more popping,
known as if not a bit of Iraq, and he claimed actually not just
profit to it, but he actually claimed to be to godhood that he
could actually bring the dead people to life. He was killed and
hanged. And a number of his group, a number of his companions were
also killed. So all of these are such that were not just single
people claiming something, but they actually had a small
following as well. Then, during the Khilafah, of Mattila, there
was a group of Tana Sophia. And in among them there was a young man
who claimed that Ali Radi Allahu Anhu was Rue had trance migrated
into him. So Tana Sophia, meaning they are believers International,
then also means trans migration, or what the Hindus will call
trends. What's the other word? Reincarnation in the sense that
it's more trans migration, the route coming into somebody other
people who believe that nowadays as well reincarnation, that when a
person dies, this is their belief. Some of these Buddhists believe
that as well. That when people die, and when I mean, even us,
that we are our role is somebody else, we just come in the form of
Samson evil person, it means he did evil in the life before
Saraswati come in an evil form, or they come in the form of an
animal. So they believe in this kind of transmigration. So this
person had a very exotic idea of that. He said that the rule of
Allah the Allah one came into him, so trans migrated into him. And
his wife used to claim that the roof of Fatima, the Allahu Ana
transmigrated into her. Then there was another one who claimed that
he was Gibreel Ali Salam. So it looks like they would like turn
the pages of history and, you know, the Sharia and they would
say, oh, Gibreel sounds nice. You know, I do the Fatima sounds nice.
Many people have claimed to be prophets. So we'll do this one.
Now. You know, that might work. All of these were beaten. And
they, obviously the whole point of the first two, meaning the one who
used to think about the who used to think that the rule of Ali and
Fatima, that couple, they obviously were trying to get a
praiseworthy position position as being family of the Prophet
sallallahu ala somebody, because they will probably not from his
family. They tried to say that he had trans migrated into them more
is the dollar dealt with them. During the Khilafah of Mustafa
here Billa. Then, which was in 499, another man appeared in the
outskirts or in the furthest areas of New Holland. And he claimed
prophethood, and there was a people group of people that
followed him as well. But he was also taken care of. He was killed
as well. Then there was another group of people that appeared in
the Maghreb, in the western part of the world, you know, in North
Africa, both men and women. So one of them, he called himself,
law, law, a very, very a perfect name. The reason is that you know,
the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu someone says, which has
Anahata Munna been wala, and be your body. I am the heart termina
bien wala Allah is negative that there is
No nubby by the after me. So he's saying La Nabi Yun, birdie, LA is
gonna be after me. Because the lie we're using it as a negative as a
negating particle. They say no Na is a noun LA is annoying means is
talking about this man LA. So he is going to be after me. Now the
thing is that you got ignorant people I mean, you you know we're
laughing about this today. But imagine the people that followed
them. There must be a reason why people follow. For example, Mr.
Mirza hula Muhammad Qadiani, one of his very famous fellow
followers, was a major scientist that got that achieved the Nobel
Prize. So it's really not about how clever you are. Your
cleverness, and your intelligence and your genius and your mental
acumen needs to be tempered with the spirit of Allah subhanaw taala
with spirituality, otherwise, that prowess you have mental prowess
you have doesn't really, if it's not guided, because at the end of
the day, the ankle is only good if it's guided, right? Because it's
role logic can take you anywhere. So may Allah subhanaw taala
protect us from all forms of deviances Yes, so he was called
Allah and His support was from the Hadith learn to be your body.
That's what used to use. Then there was another one whose name
was Ferrari, he was a magician. He lived in Malaga in Arabic is
called Mala Mala, which is basically Malaga in, in southern
Spain on de Lucia. So now this is during the the Lucien times, Abuja
for Abu Zubaydah was sent to Granada. But this man was from
Malaga. So Malaga is a bit of a distance from Granada. But this
was it was sent as a advocate on behalf of the Emir of Grenada know
of the Emir of Melaka. Malaga to Grenada. And that's where Abuja
forgiveness Zubayr coincidently met him, so Abuja for managed to
kill him. And also with him was another woman that claim to be
prophet as well. What she would say is that the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said learn to be your body. There is no male
Prophet after me if you really want to translate nubby Yun as
male because it's not feminine. It's it's actually male gender. So
it doesn't preclude Lana be yet, buddy. I'm an OB tune. Now in
Arabic you add more buta and that becomes feminine. So Sahil means
magician, Sahara means a female, which your magician. So she's
saying that the Hadith says Lana be your buddy, there is no male
Prophet after me doesn't preclude the female prophet. So that's what
her claim was.
So, you know, you could use the Sharia to whatever you want, if
you really want to, you could use the verses of the Quran to support
some deviant ideology you have. That's why the prophets of Allah
Some said that Allah will raise certain people through the Quran
and put other people down through the Quran as well, because they
may use the Quran in the wrong way to justify certain things. So, I
mean, this is about 27, that we can count until that time, and
then the world has continued since then, as well. So it's really
difficult to decide, because what the professor loves him had in
mind, how big will these jobs be? How much influence they'll have?
You know, he obviously had something in mind, but nobody
asked him exactly. Can you tell us how many followers they'll have?
How much influence they'll have? So there's always going to be
that. But what he said is there's going to be 30, so there's
definitely going to be 30. Then after that, if you look beyond
that, there's people who claim to be other things not profit. But
the next best thing to do after that is to claim who is supposed
to be coming Maddie, and easily salatu salam. So there's people
who claim to be muddy, and there's people who claim to be sorry,
salatu salam,
and Qadiani he claimed first to be Madi, then isa salatu salam. And
then when his grandson who was one of the recent leaders, when he was
asked, that we know that, if, as you say that he was essentially
salatu salam, meaning he is the promise Prophet after the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, when if isa risotto wa Salam is to
come, we also know that the gel is supposed to come as well. So if
you're claiming that your great grandfather was the next Prophet,
Isa, so his name was Mirza hula manconi. But he called himself isa
one time as well. So if you're claiming that he is the one who's
supposed to come, the way is that the jargon? So I remember hearing
a clip of this, his response was very clever. He said, Well, the
eyes that have not recognize him as Jesus will not recognize that
the challenge is true for him either. The gel has also gone come
and gone, and you've missed both of them. So yes, there's a lot of
people have claimed to be Maddie. And then there's also people who
claim to be hobbies. Well, this was earlier on a VC that they they
were, they said
We've seen the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam, whatever. So there's
always going to be claimants like that. But Alhamdulillah we are
very fortunate that Allah subhanaw taala through His Messenger,
salallahu Alaihe Salam, unlike in other religions in this religion,
they have left clear cut proofs, warnings, prophecies, and proper
information that will help those who have at least a bit of
information about the faith to be able to recognize this. Now you're
thinking that when we speak about the journal, why is the journal
going to be some of the one of the worst fitness that you will be
dealing with? The reason is that according to some narrations, he
mentioned that before he will actually appear, people would have
stopped speaking about him. So people will be ignorant about him.
So when he will come, there'll be a lot of ignorance. And he says
that the women will be very ignorant of that time from the
deen. And that's why the men will have some amount of understanding
if they're pious, but the women will be more ignorant. So when his
fitna will come, and he'll be doing his shows and exhibitions or
whatever, they will want to go out. And the men will have to stop
them. Because the fitna will be so great. So that's why it's very
important to know why the all of the all of the narration and the
guidance are there, and we thank Allah subhanaw taala and may Allah
bless Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that has left us this
information, so that we can lead successful lives and at least
avoid these major pitfalls. So inshallah next week, we'll look
into more depth about Musa llama, and Talia and a few others,
because they, there was a lot more
detail about the problems with Abubaker, the Allah one and has
been released. So inshallah we'll look at that in more detail next
time. But you can see how there's a statement in Arabic, which says
that liquidly Sarki 13 Lucky to atone, for anything that is being
dropped, somebody's there to pick it up. So something valuable is
going to be more people will pick it up, something less valuable,
there will still be somebody to pick it up. At the end of the day,
somebody who has nothing or somebody wants to go and recycle
it. There'll be somebody that wants to pick something up that's
been dropped. So with any ideology, you think, how can
somebody believe that but there will be people who have a lower,
you know, brain cell count, lower guidance, they're depressed and
you know, they need something to hold on to and this person gives
it to them, because what will say Lama did was when he married that
woman, and her people said, Well, you didn't give any Maroto you
didn't give any dowry to her. So the MaHA is no more answer prayer
for you guys. You have to make a salad anymore. And the way he
managed to get a lot of followers was that he said okay, whiteness
is permissible for you now, so you made certain things permissible
once you do that. And you know, you show a few things here and
there then there's the black swans they'll they'll take you on but
Allah protect us. Allah Amanda Salama, Minca salaam Tabata,
they'll generally wear a crown Illa Illa Allah who the hula
should equal Allah whole milk Allah Al hamdu Lillahi wa you need
to avoid a coalition in Kadeem, Allah who may or you have a une
Barak medical history Allahumma Yeah, no, no Yeoman, La ilaha illa
Allah Subhana Allah in the Quran I mean a lot I mean, just Allah who
I know Muhammad Amma who? Just Allahu Mohammed, the man who just
Allah who I know Muhammad and Muhammad, Allah Houma Finland or
him nowhere else you know what you know what he's looking at
Allahumma Fiddler now well you already know when he Masha if you
know what he asserted that you know we need to love you know what
he heard you know with your heart you know when he was still caught
you know with the old dinner when he was you know, when you call him
and lo Hakuna Allah you know when you call him an Asana dua, Allah
monk Fela homearama for annum Allahumma Shri Mata Dona Allahumma
Elif Bina Kuruvilla Muslimeen Allahumma Eliphalet Nakuru be him
Allahu Allah have been a carabiner Allah muslim to be Nina Allahumma
thickener Lima Taheebo Ouattara Davina Cody Romney Will Ferrell
one near Allahumma or Shinobi normally Kalia Kalia Allahumma
Selena shenana Cola tequila island for Sinatra for terrain.
Allahu rodinal. Hakka Hakka was going to do better what I didn't
know about Ella Belton was the condition of Allah Allah allow us
to see the truth as the truth and to follow it and to see the wrong
as the wrong and allows to abstain from it. Allah who may know now
although becoming a shopkeeper will help you by the LEA clean. Oh
Allah Oh Allah protect us and we seek your refuge from from doubt
after you have given us conviction. Alohomora Bonilla to
the globe and back data data now will habla Nam Illidan Kurama in a
country where herb Robina indica German or nursing Neomi Laurie
Buffy in Nicola totally fooled me and Allahumma Robina Hublin I mean
as Virgina with the Rio Kurata you know Jana limitata, Ema
Allah Houma in Nana, local Houda were to call alpha for well Hina
Allahu Manana. So local Alpha Anthea Dini with dunya Allah,
Allah who may be known as a Luca Allah who might be known as a
local rideaux Allah who may know nessa Luca rideaux Allahumma
zakenna Hogberg were bombing and Pharaoh narubu in the UK
Hola Houma alumna, Roustan I mean, surely and phocoena Allahumma
alumna, Roustan our isn't I mean surely and phocoena Allah Amata
here Kulu binominal NIFA merlon amenorrhoea while Sen nominal
caribou tuna nominal Haryana for in Nicotero Allah Maha unitil ru
NUMA toffee sudo Allah Herman serene Muslim enough equally
McCann Allahu Mansouri one enough used to be the alarm and so whom
Allah Humann sadhana Allah whom my father nominal Bella, you will
refer to Allah Majid liminal for Aisha mother Hara me now my baton,
Allah Hama, fina Behala, Deacon haram eco was an inner before the
liquor admin Siva Robina Robina Rob Bucha Anna maki masala do you
have in theory yet in Robina what a couple dua
Rubinoff Ilana Well the one in a livina sub Hakuna will Iman will
attend your Anthea Colombina Linda Linda Dina Manu Rob burner in
Nicaragua Rahim. Robison, Elman Sophia. What is our cry? I'm Anna
Motoko. Bella was Shiva Amin colada, Allah Amin and our otter
become an enemy lion federal called Billa Asha, one of Silla.
touchbar were in touch with us the gerbil Allahu Allahu Masha Allah
here aka Amina Illa Illa, Allah Subhana Allah be corroborated by
LC former Saddam an animal sitting on Hamdulillah. The point of a
lecture is to encourage people to act to get further an inspiration
and encouragement, persuasion. The next step is to actually start
learning seriously to read books to take on a subject of Islam and
to understand all the subjects of Islam at least at the basic level,
so that we can become more aware of what our deen wants from us.
And that's why we started Rayyan courses so that you can actually
take organize lectures on demand whenever you have free time,
especially for example, the Islamic essentials course that we
have on the Islamic essentials certificate which you take 20
Short modules and at the end of that inshallah you will have
gotten the basics of most of the most important topics in Islam and
you'll feel a lot more confident. You don't have to leave lectures
behind you can continue to live, you know to listen to lectures,
but you need to have this more sustained study as well.
JazakAllah Heron salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.