Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The 10 Nullifiers of Islam – The Polytheists

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the confusion surrounding the term "orthic woman" in the Bible and how it relates to the culture of the world. The speakers emphasize the importance of reading the Quran and finding out who is supposed to be in charge of the situation. They also discuss the use of language to convey information and the importance of avoiding confusion between religion and opinion groups. Finally, the speakers stress the challenges faced by Muslims in dealing with their relationship with their religion and the importance of their religion in addressing issues.
AI: Transcript ©
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mean law man Rahim hamdulillah Hamden cathedral will play even Mubarak and feet. Also the lotto lawyer he was sent Amma Lila and you know I mean why not early he was hobby Jemaine well Elementary Secondary Sunita Hebrew salam ala Yomi Dini from my bottle.

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Column and Mussolini for Rahim Allah Alta Anna and Napa to fadeth Minowa with Islam call min them UK fiddle Mushrikeen oushak, Kofi Kufri him also Hamid hebbal. The third

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Nullifier from the 10 Nullifiers of Al Islam that were mentioned in this book is The not that the individual who does not consider he does not deem

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the poly theists as being poly fears. He doesn't say that the people of Schick Mr. Kane says that they believe is there from the pupil of agenda

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or the individual who doubts they're covered, and they shake

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and the third one

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is he says that their way is okay. That they may have had a religion what they believe is so heinous, okay.

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shackled Islamorada to lay and as I mentioned in this third knocketh it is as if he's living in this society right now. I don't know what the situation was back then. But he must have mentioned this to address something that was apparent Avaya that was apparent back then. But it's as if he's living right now. 2018 we find many people connect themselves to LSM falling into this not where they're quiet quite a few people you'll be surprised at how many they are. They don't say that the machete

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King are non Muslims. They have doubt as to whether they are now Muslims. And that's not a characteristic of a believer, especially in an issue like this. A lot describe the meaning in the Quran is set in normal McMinnville and levena am in Billa he was solely through millimeter taboo. Rarely the believers are those people who they believe in Allah and His messenger and they don't have any doubt about any aspect of the religion. No doubt about Allah no doubt about the Prophet

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salallahu Salam you'll know piano agenda NAR was hot was bottle people have doubt. And this is one of the things many people doubt.

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So when it comes to this issue of people who don't embrace and accept the non Muslims as being non Muslims, especially during our time, there are quite a few people who say that the NESARA and the you hold the Christians and the Jews are our brothers in faith in that they're going to go to agenda and there are different categories of people say that one group of people, they say that because they heard they read the Hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu was sending them in a fecal Muna 15 When

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he criticized some of the companions who are making things a bit difficult on other people, may Allah be pleased with them. He said some of you run the people away from the religion. You pray too long. You're too tough. You're too rough. He said that about my debut Jabba Radi Allahu anhu, who prayed a long time on the people. So some people given Download today. They say, We don't want to offend non Muslims. Now Muslims are offended by that name, Catherine Mushrik they translate as being

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infidel. So they say when you use that word, you're being offensive. So this person says we're going to call them non Muslims yet. So whenever you talk about a non Muslim you don't call them a cafe or Mushrik this person calls them a non Muslim yet, we heard and we read in the Quran, words like meaning MCDA pin Muslimeen, Medusa dipping sloth II mean solid him fat God wintry mean we heard those. We never heard we never read a category of people called not Muslims yet. So we have to go

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and give some Dawa to the non Muslims yet and whoever told you that they're going to have to become Muslims. They're called Kuffar the commerce recall. And that is not a word or description in Arabic on religion, where we are putting people down. Another group of those people are those people who make a wheel a wheel. And this is what we want to keep repeating to you. Although these are from the Milwaukee driverless LAN. Everyone who falls into it doesn't necessarily become a gaffer. The guy is

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making doubt Alon in the environment that we're living in. You have to be politically correct. You're very careful what you say.

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So if you say something that's offensive, they'll say you're preaching hate. So he'll call them the non Muslims yet. So

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He's making an effort not to do something that's going to cause Dawa and Islamic problems. So we're going to put them outside of Islam and say that this not that applies to him. Or the second group, people will make a will from the Quran. They use the Quran. And as a result of that they have doubt as a result of that. They don't say that the kuffar although this position is wrong. And I know quite a few Imams will have this opinion back in America with this group called the American Muslim

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Mission. And if anybody is connected to those brothers, this is one of the main things you have to get down to that community about African American Muslims from this group of people, because a lot of other problems fall into the realm of via worship. When one of them dies, the non Muslims come to the mosque, and they're allowed to pray. So lots of Janaza because they don't see him as being non Muslims. But it's because of, we'll have the Quran explanation as wrong of the Quran in Larina M and

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we'll let ina handle one Asara was sobbing in him and I'm in every night he when he asked why I'm in a Saudi fellow whom Agito whom in the rugby him when I hopeful, and even when I was alone, as Allah mentioned in the Quran, burly those people were the meaning the believers, and those people were Jews. And those people were Christians. And those people were the sabe goon. Anyone who believes in Alana last daily does righteous works, he's gonna get his reward with Allah, and they won't be

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afraid, nor will they be sad. So that person reads that ayat by itself, he doesn't have a lot of knowledge. And he says, Look, Allah said, the believers, the Jews and the Christians and the sabe. In the sabe. On the tips, the color lemma had differences of opinion, who are they in some said they are a group from the Christian say, a group from the Jews, some say they grew from the Medusa. Point being, they were included in that equation. So Allah clearly stated in that is that they will get

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their reward with the Lord, and they won't be afraid, you'll know piano so the person reads that. We're gonna say to him, yes, if you read that by yourself as a new revert, you read that ayat, as a newly practicing Muslim who was born and raised in Islam, you can possibly understand that Allah is talking about the Jews and the Christians. But you have to go back to the tip, see, if you can as a revert, just come and pop up and open up the Quran and start reading, if that have some problems

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where they seem to conflict or they're not clear, can just come and give you see it. You have to go back to see what the rhythm of it to see it said, and is like this. And all of them unanimously said this is talking about the Jews who came before the Prophet sallallaahu Salam, the Christians who came before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Not every Jew, not every Christian. So the point is, the person makes that position. I don't think they're Kfar, who then Asara because of the ayat B

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is said, he made that we'll and again, we don't make tech fear and everybody who falls into things because he may have made a mistake, and gave a wrong interpretation of a particular thing. Like Allah mentioned in the Quran about a bliss and the melodica with Kanalen mana it is to do the Adam have a set you do Illa IBLEES remember when we said to them, and I think about down to Adam, and they all bow down to set a bliss. So some people have the opinion, a bliss was from the melodica

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based on that is a bliss is from the melodica and he refused to bow down. So he uses the Quran to support what he's saying. And you could understand that, but we're gonna say no, that's the wrong interpretation, just like the other ayat is the wrong interpretation about the Jews and the Christians being believers. You have to look at other ayat of the Quran. Can I mean Elgin for foster care and Emery another ayatullah said he was from the gin. And he went away and didn't obey his Lord

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and agenne were created from a smokeless fire. The Midnight echo were created from norm, and the monastic don't have the ability to disobey Allah. So you bring those out to the person who said you can't just take one either by yourself. So the point here is, there are those people who say that the annual keytab are not kuffar, not Mushrikeen because they're trying to do the right thing. They made that wheel and then we have the third, that third group of those people who have extreme

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ignorance. People are not reading the Quran at all they don't know what slang they don't know that al Islam is a priceless commodity that Allah gave to people so NEMA and it's not open for distribution by every unload bucket and Zaid min and last slam is not your property to that degree. Where you put in Islam who you want you take out a slam who you want. It's not like that. Slam. And Allah isn't the feasts.

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This religion is and it's important. So these people based upon their ignorance, they just don't accept. They're our brothers in humanity. God is not a mean God Allah has mercy and this and that. So everybody's going to go to Jana and so forth. So one know if the person does it like that, and he knows what he's saying. Then he goes outside of the deen of Allah azza wa jal, and we have a lot of these liberal thinking people today.

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Quilliam foundation and people who are on that understanding level Islam, Muslim lady can marry a non Muslim man, all of this stuff that they have the basics of the religion, or not comprehended by quite a few of these people. So one individual falls into that, then what happens is he goes outside of the religion of Islam, so not that for many reasons. One reason is, as we mentioned, a tick fear and putting people outside of the religion excommunicating them is not for everybody. It is a hokum.

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Sharia is for Allah, and one of the groups of people that Allah may take fear off, or the Mushrikeen from anarchy tab, and from the NESARA. And there are too many ayat and too many a hadith for the Muslim to be in doubt about an issue like that. It is what the scholar said, well known in the religion by necessity maloom in a dean bit Dora, the bedwin Die who can't read and write knows that the brand spanking new Muslim came to Islam three days ago, he knows I left cover and I came into

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Islam. People would like me to three days ago and cover, they're not Muslims, and today, I'm with the Muslims and like the Muslims. The lady knows that the man knows that. The little kid knows that. So someone's going to come down and say, No, they're not non Muslims with all of those yet. So So hokum shattering. Allah has given this hokum and his Whadjuk lism fuddled upon everybody to make takfeer of who allow me to clear off behind me he him directly. If Allah did that, if Allah did

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that, if the prophet did that, somebody will sell him a number is too many. There's too many Allah has said about them in the Quran, Allah, kefir Alladhina Carlo in Hola, hola. Merci. Fubon Maria. Verily.

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The language love God. Kapha very. They have disbelieved those people who say, Risa ultimacy is the son of Allah. So Allah says that Kufa and you're coming say no, they're not kuffaar

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la CAFR a living in Akkad when Allah has that, if that if that 10 they have disbelieved. They are kufr those who say that Allah is one of three that Trinity allowed me to give up that it makes it bolted. It's not true. To many I

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gotta tell you hold Rosita Bonilla, Wakata to Nosara animacy hula that Colombe FYE U di una cola levena mille Kubla him Khartoum Allah Who and they call it titled bottom rock bottom or Badman, doula? Is the Jew say, rosette is the son of Allah. The Christians say lmsc reasonable money is the son of Allah. That is a statement that comes from the mouths directly. They are competing with those who disbelieved before

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those who disbelieve they're competing with them with the statement of coverage shit. Allah subhanaw taala sent me they'd be destroyed based upon what they're saying. And then the next is said they took the priestly amongst as long as along with a lot of comfort a shake and the person comes and says no, we buddy here memorize Surah three beat Yuna and the livina Kathal Rumina little Kitabi well emotionally Keenum for kin had to whom will beginner so alarming tech fear. He said that the

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machinery code Sikhs, Hindus agnostics, atheists, people wish this were that they were mature to Kin, those who disbelieve from the machinery King and I will keep time we talked about how can I not be non Muslims and Allah established that throughout the Quran and the Prophet throughout the Sunnah. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there is a whiny light again in Surah Al begginer and a lady in a cafe room in Kitabi one we should be keen fee naughty Johanna Crowley Dean fer Avada hula ecohome

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Cheryl Berea those people disbelieved from anarchy tab in the mystery kid. They will be in the Hellfire forever. And then the ISA they are the wait verse of the creation. shuttering, buddy yeah, and you come you say no, they're in Jannah they with the Muslims? Allah said that they are shuttering, buddy yeah, the worst of creation. And you can say no

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Then the agenda so there are just too many items waiting for the carry of Al Islam and the Afghan Allah gave him an intellect history the basics of Islam to clearly see show and indicate improve al Kitab kuffaar And if person doesn't make fear of them then he becomes like them like they should Baba Allah Allah will brava manga Hello whom income for women whom anybody who chooses to be with them

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chooses to be down with them, then you're from them. So if you don't make tech fear of them, then you're from them you become a non Muslim as a result of that, as a result of that. You mentioned another tremendous iron, the Ayatollah mava the slime they call it the iron of Jizya the jizya cartoon Levine Allah you know, nebula he will add me on him, fight those people

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who do not believe in Allah and they don't believe in the last day and I believe us. Well, are you hurry Mona Muharram Allahu wa rasuluh and they don't make haram will Allah and His Messenger may haram

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whether you're dealing in a demon harp, and they do not practice the religion of Truth, Mina lady you know, O'Toole Kitab from those people were given the book, Jews and Christians had to Jizya Tang getting warm side Iran until they give you the Jesus as protection Muslims they pay you just yet. Now this is clearness replete with aspects of the I that clearly show they don't believe in Allah they don't believe in the last day not Allah Allah they don't believe in and they don't believe in

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the last day the way the Quran and the Sunnah described it. They don't make Halal haram haram Halal in Al Islam. In addition to that, as the ayat clearly said, they don't practice a follow the dean of the real religion the religion is something else. As for the Sunnah for had difficult 100 to many i at the Hadith incidents. He told the people sallallahu alayhi wa sallam there is not a single Jewish person, or Christian person, he hears about me, and then he doesn't believe in me. And then he dies

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in that state, except he's going to go to the hellfire.

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Mr. Kane with the Torah, reading some pages from the Torah, the book of the Jews. He saw him and he said, are you weak? Are you in doubt now or not? And look the whole weekend Auntie Abdullah Hapa Are you in doubt now? When you read in a book for when you read the Torah for he said I swear by Allah will let enough CB Yedi if my brother Musa was here, and you people follow Musa and you left me, then you will go straight.

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Because the prophets religion SallAllahu Sallam abrogated Musa as religion abrogated. He says religion abrogated the agenda of everybody the sabihin and everybody Other than that, so it took fear whining is made here on this individual who's falling into this knock at noon, what he's doing. Now the issue about this not that from the Nuwakot of Al Islam is you can be a real Muslim, you can't be a real Muslim. Until you disbelieve in everything that is worship other than Allah.

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Everything that people worship or they take as worship other than a lot you're not a believer until you say what they're doing is wrong and they're wrong. And you really believe in that you lie the love which can't be a real Muslim into you do that.

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Allah commanded in the Quran that we should follow the middle of our folly Brahim called sada Kola for Tebu Meloetta Ibrahim Hanifa. Makana Mila mystery que se Allah told the truth. So when people read the Quran and at the end of the Quran, they want to stop they say Saduak hola hola Salim we say yes, Sudoku Allah, Allah Javi. But don't say that when you're completing reading the Quran, because it's an innovation just like saying Juma. Mubaraka. If this was from the religion was something that

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brings us closer to Allah azza wa jal than it should be done. Prophet Muhammad would have told us about a SallAllahu Sallam and it's not a case of making the religion hard. No, it's a case of that new river. You can respect this and appreciate it. Hey, river, you can't just take the Quran and open up the Quran and just read it out on your own and come to conclusions and tell us all our lives. Our mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, great grandmother's great grandfather's.

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All of them know and will keytab and now face some of them can't read and write our people. We know that and here you come new, reverting you telling us and we'll keep tabs on Muslims in Jannah.

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And it's right for you to take that position. But now he takes a position that can shoot and he says by you saying Juma Mubarak, did you proceed during a month from the Senate for that issue? I need you figure that out on a date and when

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Why is it okay for you to be liberal in the religion? But what the Revert is doing is that okay? This is what I find crazy about our double standards.

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The people who monk care or sunnah, they don't like aspects of the Sunnah because it's not in the image and they didn't know about it. So they have animosity towards that thing. They get upset when they don't know when they get mad. They don't want you to innovate innovate it, introducing the religion something although what you're doing it from the Sunnah. They just don't know it. So they think you're introducing something new, they get mad. But then they turn around and they introduce

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things in the religion on their own and then it's okay for them. No, everybody is equal across the board. So Ibrahim, we have to follow his Mila. He was Hanif and he wasn't from the machinery keen wasn't from the machinery cane. So what did Ibrahim do?

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Ibrahim is 20 Being Hanif and being in the middle of that he was in being an ummah, part of his Islam was to free himself from his people and what they were worshiping. He just didn't hang out with them. I'm a Muslim and you guys are not Muslims. I'm okay you Okay, let's just you know, hang out No. Allow time I mentioned in the Quran cut Kennett, the comb OS Wartune hasenhuttl Ibrahim, when Nadine Amar with follow me told me him in Boorowa men come woman martaba dunamis dunlea kerferd

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become? Well better bein in our bein acumen I doubt we'll ever had to be no black and white that you people have in Ibrahim A perfect example. And Ibrahim is an example for the Muslim ummah. Abraham has an example for Jewish people raise them up. Abraham was an example for Christians who raised them up all three of these P all three of these groups. You haven't Ibrahim A perfect example, when he and those people were believers along with them said to their people, we're not Muslims, we are

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free from you. And we're free from what you worship, along with Allah. And we disbelieving you and there has appeared between us and you animosity and enmity until you worship other than what you're worshiping.

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You can't be on the middle of Ibrahim without taking that position. That doesn't mean to be nasty. Antisocial doesn't mean that we don't buy into multiculturalism doesn't mean we don't want to integrate Prophet Muhammad led with non Muslims. Salatu was Salam in Medina

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don't get the issues confused or conflated, but as it relates to religion, you have to let the Jewish person the Christian person to see the agnostic Yeah, let everybody know. Let come Dino comb. Walia, Dean. You can't just exist like that. Letting them know doesn't mean and nasty doesn't mean that at all, doesn't mean that you can't be sociable and tolerant. You can't be respectful and respectable towards your non Muslim relatives. co workers doesn't mean that but you got to make it

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known people around you you can't mix in to the melting pot like that.

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Allah told us Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam tell us an authentic hadith in Sahih Muslim. So he Muslim men call Allah Ilaha illa Allah wa Catherine Bhima yerba Duman Duni Allah He hurry my motto who were who were he Sabu Allah He to Allah. Anyone who says La Ilaha illa Allah and he disbelieves and what is being worshipped along with Allah, then his blood and his money become haram. And then his he said in his recommend is with Allah, if you make some mistake, then his blood may get shed.

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If he does a mistake and he loses someone's money destroys someone's money. We may take his money from him as a result of that. But he said La ilaha illallah and disbelieved in everything that's worship along with Allah. Now he's a Muslim, that's the point not a Muslim if you don't do that, you're not a Muslim if you don't do that, in the Quran, Surah Al Baqarah Allah will Tana mentioned for maniac food with Tagu to me now he forgot to stump settable or were too lengthy Samana anyone

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who disbelieves in the tile hooked and he believes in Allah has a disbelieve in the toggle. What's the toggle? We'll deal with that more in detail next week inshallah. But the toggle is any and everything that's worshipped along with a lot he's calling for he's happy with it. As for the one who's not calling, told he's not happy with it, we don't say is a toggled or disabled humare. And there's not a toggle to shrimps is not a thought go with the monkey. These things that people

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worship, they're not calling to it. They're not happy with it. But the human beings who make themselves gods, emperors, all that kind of stuff, people who make manufactured Gods statues, things like that. So the idea they said, Anyone who disbelieved in the Torah hood

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And he believes in Allah. So a quality when it comes to a kafir, but toggled, disbelieving toggled, it implies that you have to have both that you hate that thing that's been worshipped and that people were worshiping it, that the bad the to it, that you have booked in them, that you believe it has to be left, it has to be abandoned. It's not permissible. It's not okay for people to do that particular thing. You have to free yourself from them in it. And also, there has to be some Adamawa

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like Ibrahim said, bed, bein and our building a common adapter to wall block ba there has appeared between us in you enmity and animosity

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and Mateen animosity, but I have to make this clear, I have to make this clear. enmity and animosity means you don't placate and you don't acquiesce and smooth over aspects of culture that people are paying. There's a new movie out in America, called Black Panther. Black Panther is a movie that they made from those Marvel comic books, Captain America, this one in that one. So African Americans always struggle in trying to find their place in the world. So they made a movie. All Black cast

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produces all of that big issue in America big debate, big discussion. I write the movie Black Panther, the theme of Black Panther part of that stuff is okay. They're in a country that's in Africa. And they're in control, but they're connected to the ancestors. And this is what happens with a lot of our Muslim brothers and sisters who are not grounded in Aqeedah. We are proud to be where we are from and who we are not apologizing for that for anyone. But Africans, many times I'm

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not sure he called and part of the religion of non Muslim Africans is a connection to the ancestors. I can't be acquiescing in that placate in that I gotta go see black panthers, I gotta go see black panthers. Amen. And people are talking about the dead people from the ancestors answering prayers, you being able to connect with them. When you're afraid when something is going to happen, call on and make dua and make devotion to the ancestors. So the meaning of having confronta of hope is not

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being mean and nasty to people but making it clear. Making it clear. You have a friend who apostate it, you have a friend left this religion and you're close to the child for an example. And you love the child child has nothing to do with the apostate version of the pilot. Are you going to continue to say oh good, yes. Okay, we know. You got to draw the line in the sand. But that doesn't mean that Cleany I'm not saying by any stretch of the imagination. be nasty to people. No, Abraham, totally

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his people who still disbelieve there has appeared between us and you animosity.

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And Allah has said, Kenneth Lacan, US Watson, Hassan de Brahim, you will people have a perfect example in Abraham. So some of you had relatives who cursed the companions. Some of you have relatives who on ship can be really bad. Some of you have relatives or really some of those people outside of Islam because some of that stuff that they do. Now I respect and I understand you have to take care of the ties a relationship and manage fitna, but this thing about acting like everything

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is cookie crunching call with relatives and people doing magic and all kinds of analysis. Got to take a position. And I'm not judging. I'm just saying, here's why we studied in the Norwalk Coronavirus land from the Michigan as well as 20. Is this issue of and Willa Willa Barra, Ibrahim, if you are Muslim Hanif, you have to separate yourself from covering shit. We told you the definition of Al Islam. One of the components is Al Bara two minutes Sheikh Ali, that you have to

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free yourself from shitcan his people can't just be a Muslim. You have to free yourself from Schick and the people of a ship and if you don't have this one hour but there are some problems with your Eman because Allah mentioned to me is concerning that he told the Muslims here Yeah, you are living in EM and all that to tell people that wanna come over here. And it's the Hubble cover al Eman oh you believe who you believe? Oh you believe do not take your father's and your brothers as old?

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Yeah, if they love and prefer coffer over email.

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Your mother, your father, your relatives they want kufr over Eman and we have too many examples with the companions. One way I named him how they fought against their fathers, their brothers and uncles and their sons to establish

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Kenema have a Tauheed

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how those companions Radi Allahu Anhu edge mine used to tell the mothers I don't care you commit suicide 100 times if you want. I'm not going to leave my religion the come Dino come when he a dean. So in order to be a Muslim there has to be this thing about El Walla Walla Bora al Walla, Walla, Bora laget. Turkey me new lot of caffeine and ODM in dueling meaning in Romania. I know that Lika Felisa Milan, ye che just don't do the, with these people. How are we going to this is an amazing

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thing was going on in Palestine and in Syria in these other places. We want to get money from the Muslims, we need money from the Muslims. So we get tired because, you know, we've been asked so many times, give money, give money, get money, so we're tired. We get tired, so we don't want to give money. It's Ramadan, or this issue of Syria. But when it comes to these non Muslims, we've bent over backwards to everything to be politically correct and to defend their feelings. And I'm all about

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not offending people, but not to the degree we bring been the religion. gotta defend them are about what they do, they don't like it.

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And Allah criticized the United Kingdom for that in the Quran. That is the way of the Munakata kid trying to be obedient over here, but with a lot of sensitivity to making them feel okay. Ha, Entomb Jah delta and when Phil hired the dunya for main you jejunal love who and whom yomo Qiyamah. Among your Kunal and even what killer here you people aren't gonna have to call? You were the ones who used to defend them in the dunya always worried always defending them, our brothers there in Jannah.

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They have a religious book, they say that you defend them, who's going to defend them yomo Qiyamah with Eliza JELA, who's going to be there will kill their protected helper. So when this issue is a pretty clear issue shouldn't be ambiguous to any Muslim who has common sense. Our forefathers our grandparents who were under fitrah if someone he knew that your father, your mother, or you his grandson, granddaughter will go and visit him in the country you come from, and then you sit there

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in the living room and tell the guests or your relatives, you know, I believe I know Kitab RnL Jana, the ones right now. They can't read and write, they're not educated, many of them

00:32:29 --> 00:33:00

never been on an airplane in their lives. They're gonna look at you and say What's wrong with you? I don't keytab people will then know and this is why we have in the religion equality, this issue of separating ourselves as Muslims, from non Muslims in many things. Rasul allah sallallahu ala he was sending me mentioned like Yeti foo and Muslim and careful, well, careful Muslim. It is not permissible for a Muslim to inherit from a non Muslim and he can inherit from him. So we're blood

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brothers. You die. They don't get your money. They die. You don't get their money. Now, I'm not talking about the person who sit in there and say, Man, if that happened to me, I'm gonna take that money. I don't care what nobody said. We're not talking about that. We're talking about the hook Coleman LS lamb. Why is that hooking with Allah why because they are people who won't take that money. So difference LUCAM Dino come when he a dean. He said some a lot he was sending in another

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issue a hook them in Al Islam, the thick of an Islam showing us there is a difference between how Allah and Allah eka.

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He says some Allahu alayhi wa sallam lie yoke, tell Muslim, don't be careful.

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If a Muslim unjustly kills a non Muslim, he was wrong. When I talk about a mistake, he committed a crime. And he killed the non Muslim, he is not killed.

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He goes to jail. He gets punished. His family has to pay the blood money.

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But he's not killed. Whereas if he killed another Muslim, an iPhone, I have an eye for an eye tooth for two. If he killed him with a handmaiden. He killed him intentionally he's in trouble. But if he killed another Muslim, he's not killed. I don't want to minimize that it's serious. He killed the non Muslim and to shed anybody's blood is a serious thing. Whoever kills a person can cut it and message me. Like he killed all the people. If a Muslim killed the non Muslims like he killed all the

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people serious.

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So serious, put that on the side. Now we have to do something about this crime you committed? Well, you're not killed, similar to your father. If your father were to kill you. Allah forbid. But if the Muslim father killed his son, that father is not killed. He's going to be dealt with. But if that son killed his father, I for an eye, tooth for tooth because the father is the assault and the son is

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The forest the branch so you don't kill the branch for the Assad you don't kill the Muslim for the non Muslim and add to say this 20 clearly for you and anyone who's listening from the majority mean and the criminals take your words out of context. I'm not telling anybody to go kill anybody. Nor am I saying that for a Muslim to kill a non Muslim is a easy thing. No, I'm telling you about our religion. Our religion, like it will make it hate and hate it. That's our deen and I'm trying to

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bring that to your attention. Allahu Allah will Bara with different kala Salallahu Salam in another situation. Another example another example where the Muslim shouldn't be a person who thinks he were the same. It's not the same What's wrong with you?

00:35:50 --> 00:35:53

Carla sallallahu alayhi wa sallam law yet but Allah Who?

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Men machinery can buy them Osama Mmm. Oh, you fire it up. Mushrikeen illusory me, Allah will not accept from a mushrik who became a Muslim and accepted Islam. Allah will not accept from any of his DS until he leaves the mystery keen, and they go to the mystery mean? Why? Because the two fires can't coexist. They're going to affect you. Which brings me to this critical point, as I say here and don't apologize for you and anyone else is our religion, ready to say that to anybody. And we

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won't accept anything other than that being Islam from these liberal, apologetic, bootlicking people. That ain't our religion. Our religion is balanced, and it has knowledge and has Rama practice the right way. It alleviates problems.

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Although this is the case, the Muslim doesn't inherit from the non Muslim and vice versa. The Muslim should leave the Mushrikeen and go and set up shop somewhere else. As long as we are here we have challenges on the

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Prophet Muhammad coexistence. Salallahu Salam with non Muslims. And all of these are Hadith and these rules and regulations are there. But he's still showed us you can be in a situation where your circumstances dictate and necessitate that you're here. Okay. Well, we have challenges in dealing with these challenges, like multiculturalism, like integration, Islam is not against that. It's not against that. These now Muslims come to the masjid. The schools to see us and the community and

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Islam the mosque. So our children go to the Sikh temple. Our children go to the Hindu temple to the synagogue into the church is Islam against that? Yes, ma'am is against it, if you don't know about it, and you're not a part of it. The non Muslim parents come to the mosque Masjid with their children to supervise. So you go in, there are people there Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, everybody is different. And we live in in a mountain plot. Don't think that all of the people are

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monolithic. And as a result of that, you don't know how to coexist in this society. You know, the challenges. And the religion gives us the ability to meet those challenges the deen of Allah azza wa jal give us the ability to meet those challenges. So this particular chapter Kleinian is a chapter in the fitna that we're dealing with right now, with many of the categories of people connect themselves to Al Islam, as I said, and I repeat the individual who falls into this I mean making

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we'll have an iron ore he just doesn't know he's ignorant, and he just doesn't know that we're not going to make fear of them. We're going to make fear though of the one who rejects those meaning I add that are clear, rejects this concept that no matter what he's just I need that he's not trying to hear and this is what he really believes we put them outside of Islam because he did it to himself. Okay, when if you brothers have any questions, you shallot, you can put any of your

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questions forward concerning today's not the thumb on the walk. Was that Abdul Wahab they just got up there was up do

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you guys have any questions?

00:39:32 --> 00:39:33

guys have any questions?

00:39:34 --> 00:39:45

Okay, however, was on the lows and the Mubarak on an OBE not Well, I had he was IVIG mine was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Chapter 3: Not Regarding the Polytheists to be Disbelievers.

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