Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Lessons and Benefits From My Umrah Trip

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of understanding the meaning behind words and the importance of being a good judge of one's behavior. They emphasize the need for people to save money and make up for their behavior, while also emphasizing the importance of avoiding disrespect and not getting into trouble. They also mention cultural differences between the UK and the United States and encourage viewers to share information about a book and use QR codes to read it. They end with a brief advertisement for a TV show and encourage viewers to save money on their tour.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm so glad to be shot

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and then

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I see your book.

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You in the group

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the WhatsApp group

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you're in a group that they announce it

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when they go out

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Before he told

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welcome include this one right

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I said

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that COVID

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better so I said this one is canceled right okay

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smuggle out man Rahim and then Hamdulillah He no matter when a stain or when it's stuck

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when our rules will be law human showed already fusina women see you at the IMA Nina many of the natural phenomena of the nella homing new didn't fella the Allahu wa shadow era in lung law who want to hold on should he

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Why should I do under Mohammed Abdullah who are pseudo Salawat Allah He was salam Walid Sleeman Kathira

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Bowden for in a halal haram Kalam Allah he will heighten who? Hoda Rasulullah he is some number one he was Selena was shadow or more murder fair to her Hakuna Matata 10 begotten? What could be the i 10 de la la Wakulla balada 10 phenom Adam Allahu Tana Jamia men, you Nadi Jahannam we should dirty ha.

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We announced in our last class of the 40 Hadith that

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At, we were going to cancel the two classes that were coming up. So this would have been that second class, right?

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This is not the third Tuesday, today's the second Tuesday since that this is the second Sunday since that time.

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And I think that's why we have, although we have a lot of people who do that, but some of the main students, I don't see them, so wouldn't be fair to move forward. And some of them were Kathy beam, they were writing and taking notes, although they could get it off of the internet. But we wouldn't be consistent with what we said. So that was a mistake on my part. Nonetheless, we take advantage of the time, I was thinking maybe we should do a pop quiz, a pop quiz, from the first Hadith all the

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way to this hadith. And just ask random questions, and ask people randomly what's the answer to those questions? They see how well you brothers are comprehending to see how well you Bo's understanding. So what do you brothers think about that suggestion in that idea? I see people fidgeting and stuff like that, then then down like this, I see you I see you. Yes, I see you. People are biting their fingernails now.

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Playing his fingernails, you know that the security people, the police, when they interrogate you, and these people, they're trained to look for signs that indicate people are nervous. People are not telling the truth, because people's body language speaks against them despite, you know what they're trying to do. So a person is just sitting there normally, and then he is going to be an exam a pop quiz. And he starts to do like this automatic, and the other one is messing with his beard.

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Guys, think about that idea. Are you okay with that? No, the reason why it's not putting anybody on the spot. But the quiz is designed to make sure that you and your j ob it's a tough claim to blame to get you ready, that it makes sure you know where you are. That's the quiz is for. That's what the quiz is all about the information, we know that we have people were sitting here and want the bulk of the data's being here with the melodica and being with your brothers and so forth, and so on, and

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sit in between mother of any shot. But as serious students what I consider most of you are in shallow if not all of you. The quizzes are just designed to see and get an idea of where you guys are.

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To if I would ask you for an example in that hadith that we did last week I even told him when he said that the Prophet saw them light he was setting them said May Allah curse the person who protects and gives refuge to a more deaf or a death with a casserole or Fatah over the dowel? Who knows the answer to that what's the difference between the two? You will my brother what's the difference between a tool

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like cleaning your throat like that

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that system voluntary movement you can't help it what's the diff and then death both of those goals and interpretation

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my name I mean what would you say what would you say?

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Yes but which one that's good job. Which one

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which one which one? mirdif with a Tesla on death Allah's curse be upon the death or the death

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a que

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Yeah, that's it. Simple as that. It is as simple as that. Okay, what we'll do is we won't put you on the spot inshallah. But you guys have to go over all of those ahaadeeth All of those notes. Now I know and that's just last week, the last class two weeks ago, whatever it was a week and a half ago. So what about we we aren't Hadith Number What 36? What about the other 34 Hadith that we've done?

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Okay, Inshallah, we'll suspend that. But we still take advantage of the time.

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Would you like to try one because you're one of my best students. Would you like to try one?

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What we'll do at 20 is I want to make a point about something that happened yesterday in the talk yesterday. It's really important one of the difficult things to

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Who do is to give a hotbar. And there are 4500 people in the masjid like we have here. 5000 people in attendance from the men and the women, elders, youngsters, people can read and write, and some who can't read and write some people English is their first language, some people, English is not their first language, some people can barely understand English, they understand the hook, but based upon the ayat and the Hadith, they understand, but a lot of the hook back goes over their heads. So

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when you deliver a hook, or a lesson, not everybody is going to understand it the same way. So I can't possibly assume even that people understand the Arabic terminology. Even though it has a context you I mean, say something like, for example, when Allah gives you his nor, then you're going to be guided, I can assume that everyone knows what Nora means. So a lot of times people say, Can you please translate all of the words, I can't translate all of the words, because sometimes it's

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just natural, just going to talk natural. But it's not that person's fault that some of those words may go over his head. And as a result of that, the understanding of what's being said may be compromised. So that requires some effort and some cooperation and understanding from me towards you, and from you towards me. So when you talk, you can always get into the nitty gritty details of every point that you're making. And as such, people's understanding may be warped compromise. So I

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want to make a point about yesterday we were talking about the ease of Al Islam, taken from the fact that we find a lot of ease in the act can of fasting. So we have a religion that Allah azza wa jal made things easy for the people. We were praying just now. And the Imam was reading Surah to Joomla. And while reading sudo to Joomla, I can hear a baby upstairs crying, did you hear the baby. So if a person loves his baby, the way we all love our children, you know the cry of the child when the

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child is in distress, and you know, the cry of the child when he or she wants attention. That sounded like the baby was in distress. So from the ease of Ellis lamb is for the man to not read very long, that prophets, Allah who it was set it up, as you all know, he said to his companion, sometimes I come into the prayer, and I intend to read long.

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But then I'll hear the crying of a baby. And then I'll shorten that prayer, because I don't want to make things difficult upon the mother and difficult upon the child. That's the ease of Al Islam as the Rama of the NABI SallAllahu, set it up. Who was our oath, Rahim as we mentioned yesterday.

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So we spoke about the ease of Islam, and we said this, this is what I want to make clear here you shall I don't want anybody to be upset with me, unnecessarily. And I say, our children, we should not force our children too fast during the month of Ramadan when they're very young. And I gave the number the age, like a six year old. Now, there may be someone that I'm sure there is someone from our community who their children at that age are fasting, and they put positive pressure on the

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child too fast. So the child was six and one was five, they fast the whole day.

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And that mother, that father, they see that their children can handle that. Who am I to come now and say, No, you're being too rough, you're being too tough. That's not what I was trying to do. I just threw that out there as a number. If anyone here has a child, who is six years old, and you have tested your child, and you know what your child can handle and what they can't handle, and you're competent, responsible parent, and you're not tough and rough in your nature in the way you are,

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you're easygoing, gentle father or mother.

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And you're doing that given the dream, the, you know, practice to your children, and they don't complain, and they just do that, then you by all means, can do that. You can have them too fast. So I'm not what am I to say that everybody out here knows his situation better than me. I just gave that as a general number. That my children at the age of six, we're not able to fast at that time doesn't mean that your children are not able to fast. So nobody should take my words and go to an

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individual who has his child and fasten at the age of six to say, well, I will Simon say you're wrong. I didn't say that he's wrong. He could be wrong. He may not be wrong. That's not for me. But you have to consider all

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The issues concerning that like

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if that child goes to school, and the people find out that your child is fasting at that age, they can get prevent involved. Now when the dean of Allah when I told him about prevent, when I talked about the law of this land, we're talking about the dean, and the dean of Ellison and the mother and the father responsible for training the children about the religion of Ellis lamb wearing hijab and things like that. But the non Muslims may look at some of that, and say, hey, that's OTT over the

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top. So you as a parent, you have to take that reality into consideration.

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Whether it's fasting weathers hijab, whatever it happens to be, you have to take that into consideration. And it should help you to form your opinion, as to what you're going to have your child to do. This is one of the big challenges that we have living here, the way that we're living, that we have to be careful. So I want to make that first point. You guys are responsible for young children. My six year old children, were not able to fast at that time. So I would be considered to

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be a person who was Chedid. rough, tough, too tough. If I was forcing my children too fast in the month of Ramadan because I saw what they were able to do. And I saw what they were not capable of doing. But I can't speak on behalf of every person here. Allah azza wa jal mentioned in the Quran. As we mentioned, this is not a remember this is in surah, al Qiyamah, Belal in San Juan enough, see he Bill Sierra, each person knows his situation better than everybody else. I know my children

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better than all of you. I know my children better than the teachers. I know my children better than their grandmothers, my mother, their mother's mother, I know my children. And you know yourselves and you know your children. So in our audience is an individual who, like I said, he's from the shower.

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He's from the Sasol he grew up somewhere. He's pretty strong, because he's only eaten camel meat all of his life. And he's drink camel's milk all of his life. And he didn't eat any of this poison that we eat every single day. The air that he breathes, is the pure air where it comes from the fish that he eats out of the ocean is not contaminated.

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He's not even plastic going inside of his body. So he or she is pretty strong. That individual can possibly go to the dentist and get his tooth pulled without having any Novocaine or any binge.

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It goes there and gets a feeling without the doctor shooting him with anything. So he does that in the month of Ramadan. And he holds on to his facts. And then he comes to you. And he says to you because you have to fake you sound that fast. And today I have to fake he says Goobie let What do you mean, you have to fake I got a root canal in the month of Ramadan, and I don't even have a needle. So if I can do that, you can fast we say no. Don't use super impose what you can do on me.

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And don't superimpose what you can do on other people don't do that. When we traveled to El Medina and Mecca, we were telling the people because we always have to tell the people look, some of you are very young that you pumped up and you're ready to make Toba to Allah for what you've done in your life. You're ready to make Tobin you ready to go. But we're not going to judge our 50 group.

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Torre, based upon the youngest strongest person here, we are going to be as strong as the weakest link from amongst us. So we have a lady who's in a wheelchair, and she's being pushed in that wheelchair by her daughter. That's the one we're going to base everybody else on, we're not going to base it on you. So we traveled for 24 hours getting from here to there. When we arrived and Medina, it was 24 hours that we've been traveling, now you are pumped up and ready to go, you're ready to

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leave the airport to run to the harem so that you don't miss any prayers. And if you were to leave us you go, that's going to be problems. So we say to a real event really and really didn't come on in. And what you have to do is you have to have knowledge about the importance of obeying the Emir in the trip.

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You have to have knowledge about the importance of putting your desires secondarily to what the Emir says. And this is why many of you are married and you want your wives to pay attention to what you're saying, and rightly so. And you want your children to pay attention to you and rightly so.

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But when you come

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from the Aggie barnacle. When you come and you go on a trip, it's easy for you to follow instructions and directions, because you're the Emir in your, in your own house. And you know, the employees of people listening to what you have to say. So when you come with the group is easier, but the one who's not married, and the one who is on that knee myself, and I'm in Hach, he gets mad, because he wants the people to do and he wants things to go based upon what he wants. So as it

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relates to the issue of your children want to make it clear, it came to my attention, that someone who has a six year old child that is fasting, and it's okay for that fat, that child to do it, he can handle it, she can handle it.

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Am I saying that the mother and father are wrong Islamically. I'm not saying in the deen, that they're wrong. I'm not saying that. That's not what I meant yesterday. But still, you have to pay attention to those other peripheral issues that are connected to this, like the teacher finding out that that child was fasting. And if that child is asleep in the class, every day, that child was going to sleep as child, what's the matter? The child said, I'm fasting, they bring food for the kid

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at lunchtime child said, Nah, I'm fasting, and the child is wearing hijab, and the child was trying to practice this religion, you have to be careful with these issues. Our Dean says something, but the environment says something else. And before we move on to the next point, in sha Allah, this is something you have to be aware of. And unfortunately, if you are professional, and you're working in a Muslim school, a Muslim school, many times, there's not much that is Islamic about some of the

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Muslim schools event is one of the good things about Birmingham, the level of Islam in the schools in application is higher than it is up north than it is down south and London, other places. That's a good thing about Birmingham, but even Birmingham, you have those issues, have my child told you before, he's in a nursery for three, four hours. And in that nursery, the vast majority of the teachers are Muslims. So that Muslim who's working in that school comes and dresses up as Santa

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Claus comes in dresses up as one of the elves that help Santa Claus. And then the non Muslims who are in the school, the teachers and the people, the directors, we send them mixed signals. So the parent who comes in complains, I don't want my child being exposed to this or this or this or that. That non Muslim person who works in the school will say, but what about Finland? And what about Alanna? If it was not permissible? Why is he dressing up as Santa Claus? Well, the answer is,

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they're not me and I met them.

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There the way we used to be when we were like you, when we were Christians, we did whatever we wanted to do. It didn't have to make any connection to the dean. It didn't have to make any sense. So we drink Hummer, we eat pork, although that wasn't part of the religion of a Seminole Medea, by the way, is not part of your religion, you Christian, those Muslims, who are teachers in that school, they're the way we used to be when we were Christians. They do whatever they want to do. But

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now I'm a Muslim. And things make sense. So don't judge me and my child, based upon what they're doing or not doing. Don't do that. My wife's hijab is not like her hijab, because she grew up on Islam, and it was her culture. So his or her hijab is like that. My wife didn't grow up on Islam like that for an example. So we have to be aware of those issues. If you are part of the personnel in those schools, you have a religious responsibility to give Dawa.

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And also the parents,

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the parents, if you have your child in a situation like that is everybody's responsibility to bring that to the attention of the school, not just one or two families, everybody to give ourselves some strength, and we're speaking from a position of strength inshallah. Second thing I wanted to mention who it is from the trip, some things happen very quickly, I'll briefly talk to you guys about those things. We take this opportunity when we went to hijo went to Morocco recently.

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As I said in that talk yesterday, there was something that happened on the trip that made me say to the community yesterday for each and every one of you up, shift up shift, the youngsters who are learning and studying in Arabia right now, Mashallah. I'd feel personally that Al Islam has a future now. $1 has a future because now this data of a judge with to God the wave of people practicing in the wrong way. It

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Is something's going on. And that's why you don't hear anything from them because they're Tao was always talk about and keep things going on all the time, they have to talk about things. Because it always has to be this effort of making the followers who don't know what's going on. They just want to be on this net. But we always have to make it is us against everybody else. That's the coat thing, US and everybody else. So they always have something for them. They remain this quiet for so

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long. Maybe they got orders from above, because they are changes that are going on in the Muslim world. A lot of that Dawa had to do with politics and their changes going on in the Middle East. Some of these countries are moving away from things that used to be a cornerstone in very important aspects of the DAO of the Sunni and Tauheed. But now things are changing. So they get orders, hey, you people be quiet, stop talking. That's what I think. And Allah knows best. But the point here is,

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and I want to mention this very quickly. On that trip. I met some brothers who I didn't mention them. And I want to mention them right now, because of the incident that happened. It was two incidents coming out of the home. And I was trying to leave the home of Medina very quickly come through the back door. And our hotel was at number 379. And something like that. As I was exiting the masjid, and I just came out of the mystery. I heard someone call my name. I stopped that turned

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around. It was a tall brother. And he was from America. But I can see he really didn't look like he was American look like he was from somewhere else. So we gave me sedans with love and respect, and x and we should name my brother said that his name was Isa, and that he was from Virginia.

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And that was his name. His name was Isa.

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His name was Yusuf Yosef, from Virginia in the United States. And I can see the way he was looking. He was smile on his face. It just wanted to give him the set times. So you're standing here he says, yes. Second question I asked him was, Are you on that stuff? I didn't think he was on that stuff. Because he wouldn't have been smiling. He wouldn't have been calling me low on I said you want that stuff. Right away. knew I was saying said I'm not on that stuff. I said he didn't do that. We

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started talking. I didn't really want to hang out because I wanted to get out of here. I wasn't trying to meet a lot of people. So I gave him some advice. And we hugged each other. And when I hug that brother will law he calls my Eman to go up, it causes me to feel really good because that brother was clearly learning things about the religion that are positive and constructive. Those things where you feel a love for a brother, you meet a brother for the first time. I mean, you you

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meet me for the first time, I should not walk away from you. I'm talking about the people sit in here. I should not walk away from you when you walk away from me. And in my heart. I have negativity towards you and vice versa for no reason. We should be happy that okay, I met another brother. That is another brother that I know he has another source of support. And I have another source of support do maybe financial maybe do arm and we separate like that. So when I parted company from

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that brother and I was walking to my hotel, well Allah He I felt like this is a slam that I remember because I was that kid 2030 years ago, when I studied in that university, that if someone preceded me and they graduated from America, I would be happy to meet that brother like Bilbao Phillips. When Vidal Phillips used to come to Medina, we were raised that brother up and respect and love and honor and that's the case until this day. Why? Because he's a Diwan the Quran. We asked Allah when I touch

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and feel polu Bina really Lavina Saba, Pune, Bill Eman. O Allah don't cause to be in our heart, any animosity and enmity towards those people preceded us in the religion.

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So after mentioned that, that brother Yusuf from Virginia, who is originally from Egypt, but he grew up in America, and he had edit.

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And then after meeting him, I think it was the second day after that the third day, I'm not sure it happened again. I arrived to the steps of where our hotel was, and I heard someone call my name again. I turned around, it was a Somali brother. His name was Mohammed. He was from Canada from Mississauga, Mississauga. He had a nice vibe about himself. Very

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be sociable. That's the vibe of a day, very sociable. Someone who when you meet them, you say, Okay, this brother wants to talk to me. And he makes me feel like he wants to know me. So he said, I just was calling you. I just didn't know you. I said, Are you on that stuff?

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He said, No, not sure hang on that stuff. And so I gave them the similar advice to the other brother. Stay.

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said, if you stay on the Sunnah, and stay sucker free. Don't be drinking no Kool Aid. Stay true to what you're here for study. And go back if you go back and help the dollar and help your family and our community. And after we parted, same thing, hug that brother. And the brother was with me from our group. He was in charge of our group. I said to him, he there's a consistent pattern that I'm finding from the brothers who are studying now. Edit the ROM, test the deer. So I mentioned brothers

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yesterday like Sammy Salem, who I sat with, and I read that brother, I mentioned above 18, meow, I read that brother. But I have to mention that a lot of the brothers like this brother Yacine. Mayer.

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I call him omega.

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But I'm gonna call him the right name, because that's not his name, omega. And people may say to me, I don't want them to get mad at me. What's the last name? Amir? Mooney. Manya. Yes, these brothers like that. And the other brother from Nigeria. What's his name again, hasit. What's his name? Khalid Khalid Hassan, who came here. And you can see him by giving them interview about a book, I think that

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turning the page is something like that. We can't possibly mention all the brothers. But the point I want to make one is listen, the first group of Westerners who went to Medina, the first group, they were exposed to the sun, and they were exposed to a toe heat. And they were exposed to some of those. But they were the first ones who blazed the trail. And then after them, the next generation came myself, people like me. And when we met those brothers, I believe that we had more exposure

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than they did to our data and to the rhythm of the data. So as a result of that, I believe that our generation in terms of information, we're on a higher level, and that's when a set if you begin to take off, and now we have this next generation, these brothers and are mentioning, these brothers are under a higher level than we are. I don't have a problem with saying that these brothers who hear me mentioning their names, these brothers memorize the Quran.

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And these brothers are memorizing the different Pyrrha art. These brothers are memorizing Mattoon, and these brothers are reading this book in that book.

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And as a result of that, I believe they're on a higher level level from the hikma of Allah, and that their future inshallah is going to be in need of those kinds of unsaddle sunnah.

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So as a person who is older than them, some of these brothers can be My sons. I'm older than them. But I'm gonna have a problem with saying the Huck, you will never amount to anything in this religion, until you're willing to take knowledge from a person who's below you and knowledge, someone who is similar to new knowledge and someone who was more knowledgeable than you.

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What's the problem?

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And those brothers are respectful. So I say that you brothers, get knowledge from those guys. And pay attention to those. Yes, it's a learning curve. So they will make mistakes and as they get old Inshallah, they will get benefit from those mistakes. But for me, I say, hey, you know, some of those brothers were refuting they were refuted. They had the reputation bug, you know, the COVID is going around that bug, the COVID. They had the reputation bug. You advise those brothers, those

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brothers mashallah Abdul Rahman Hasson, these brothers are beneficial. There's a difference between a wife someone who's given a talk and not either and between a person who has knowledge and the one who has the Quran in my opinion, is an Ilm.

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They will always the best students in the university because they have all of the duty Linda head, they just have to learn how to bring it together. And some of them are better than others in that.

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So I say to you, once again, I couldn't mention all of those brothers in his head. A lot of them it's a lot of them. Those brothers who came in this third generation, I'm in a WhatsApp group with many of them these brothers Mashallah. He's brothers, you should look

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earned from these brothers learn from them. And I can't fail to mention Chicago Souhei, who's an older person and Hamdulillah. And being an older person, he's also been exposed to one of the Imams of the dunya and his madrasa. And this political set of fear that these people were upon, one of the goals behind it was to put a dent in the mantra of an Imam Al ban, that's a fat, Allah will kind of protect us from that, because his is Dawa was $1 that had Baraka any have broken it. The other thing

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I want to share with you is, I went on a group at one end and that group, we have 50 people in like 90% of them, 99% of them were DESE Asians, men and women. But there was a brother who was from Ghana, and his mother, he was a revert, and his mother was a revert. And I was impressed, super impressed with both of them. Because his mother, he was taking care of his mother, during the journey, she had some health issues, he was pushing around taking care of I will see them walking in

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from me, in front of me holding hands with his mom Dukes.

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And when I got a chance to meet the brother and started talking to the brother, I had to tell them, you know, as a young brother, you just need to learn a lot of things. And mashallah, by the end of the trip, we became like this now, it's one of the benefits of making hydrogen Omura. I don't want to plug any, any business group.

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But I'm telling you, you have to be careful who you go to hygiene, I'm gonna wave because you give your money to some of these people, and they don't care about your hedge or your camera. But the group that I went with, if you go with that group, you're gonna make sure to the best of their ability, that your camera your hygiene is going to be Islamically sound.

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And they're going to make it as easy as possible for you within the religion. And you're going to get spiritual information, and you're going to get benefit from going. And when you go with them. You will be brothers and sisters and friends to the people you met on that group. For the rest of your life, let's the nature of the group. So I met that brother and his mother next Eliza Joan, to guide both of them and to help both of them because I was really impressed with the situation. But

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for the most part, most of them with DESE. Most of them are Pakistanis, so I'm sitting with them dealing with them. One morning, after eaten and Mecca. I was leaving the restaurant, the restaurant was really big. And all of us used to sit over here, but you have to get out over there. I was walking and I heard someone say I will sum up

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and the voice is so sound like an African American. I know my people. I know my people. They said I will summer.

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And it resonated in my DNA, my soul.

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And I looked and sure enough, right there was an old African American brother with his big brother Salim had a beard down to here. And there was another brother sitting next to him and his sister in front of him with niqab with perfect hijab and everything. I say my people

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so you guys don't know you don't understand what I'll be telling you Black Lives Matter and my people you don't understand that. I said those are my people. And I went over there they were gonna get up. I said no stated, and I hugged them and gave them love and everything. I was just so overwhelmed, became emotional, complete with my people. That brother was sitting right here. He said, You don't even know who I am. Do you? I looked at him.

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I said that's brother Celine when I was a little kid, his brother jihad. Nene Rahmatullah Allah He, he was a Muslim, one of the few Muslims where I came from a real Muslim, not the Nation of Islam. I looked at us, and we started hugging. I couldn't believe it. And that's why I was emotional. That I was with my people. I didn't want to leave them, but I had to go. And then I said, who you here with? They told me they were with a group that some of the people had drink the Coulee

00:39:24 --> 00:39:55

for mesh data Rama in North New Jersey, they want to call it like it likes it, hated who hates it, they're on a Kool Aid. People telling you who you're who you're, who you're admitting should be in can be who you can invite to your conference and you can be talking about we are a sovereign country. No one outside of our community should tell us what we shouldn't be doing or not doing. You can advise but don't tell us what to do. And if anybody knows how we used to be when we had some

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AKA, we used to be a group of people who no one's just going to come and tell us

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Hey, let him be the one over you. He's the most knowledgeable, he's the oldest. And that's not even true. We will have enough sense to say with all due respect, that's not true. Me not doing that. But anyway, I started seeing those brothers in the hotel and in the hotel in Mecca, and Hamdulillah. Some will give me Salam and some women, the ones who didn't give me Salam, I guess they would boycott me. Maybe they wouldn't be Mecca, Mecca asking a lot of break my back, I don't know. But I

00:40:30 --> 00:41:00

just felt that there was miskeen I'm not taking it personal. But if they wanted to come and talk to me, that would have been a nice opportunity to, to really chop it up to see on a show them, man you need Come on, brother, wake up, wake up and smell the coffee, wake up. That stuff is Oh. So that was something that happened that I got a chance to rectify and to make peace with some of those brothers. And one of my best friends in jet, when back in the day and in doubt,

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was one of my best friends. We used to travel all over America, his brother at the diamond drop of a dime, you call them up and you say to him, hey, so and so I need to drive from New Jersey and I need to go to California. This brother can drive half that distance without going to sleep Mashallah. And we were close. And then this problem came, and that brother boycotted me.

00:41:29 --> 00:41:42

That brother is closer to me than anybody in this Masjid to me, anybody, all of you, you know, I have love for all of you. We were close. But when that drama came, he dropped me like a hot potato.

00:41:44 --> 00:42:08

But he heard that I was in Mecca. And he came to the class that I was given with my group. And I looked over and it was him couldn't believe it. He's been living in Yemen for something like 1314 years. And after that was over, I saw that he came to me from a give him love. And I gave him love. And we hung out for like that day and we had camels meat and stuff like that.

00:42:09 --> 00:42:38

Can you imagine that? That Dow was responsible for dividing husbands and wives, dividing families, that Dow Dow is not a productive Dow was not a dow of Rama is a Dow but not with the spirit of Al Islam is easier. I mean, my brother for the first time, first time I'm meeting my brother, why should I be mean mugging him? upset with him? I don't know that man.

00:42:40 --> 00:43:12

What I have to do is try to make a relationship that's our deen the Dow was a destructive, destructive Dow and I pray to Allah azza wa jal that those brothers who are still on that nonsense can realize these people were playing you people. The Arab politics playing you, they were playing us out of pocket. And a lot of the leaders who were on that stuff from our own people were playing, you're not playing you wake up and smell the coffee. How in the world are we going to tell these

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people as we did 30 years ago in this country other than this country, but when I met up with the Asians here, Pakistani,

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Bangladesh Afghanis, I would die with saying to these people eight don't blindly follow what an Imam, Abu Hanifa by saying he's the emammal album, don't blindly follow him follow the deal. And then 30 years fast forward, these brothers are blindly following everything that she says who comes nowhere near Imam Abu Hanifa. So we'll make it haram for the four Imams for people to have tech lead of them and halau to make it permissible for them to make tech lead of this person. No, something's

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wrong with that. But moving beyond that, I want to mention this

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20 The fifth of Ellis lamb is crucial.

00:44:02 --> 00:44:09

And when we make hydrogen Umrah, you see when you deal with the people lack of fit makes things difficult in our lives.

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I saw this lack of flick of the religion. You know there's a hadith that the Prophet says Allah Allahu Allah, you send them anyone who makes will do in his house. And then he goes out to Masjid Kuba to pray to rock it. He will get the reward of does anybody know the reward anybody

00:44:32 --> 00:44:59

Umrah a complete Omraam that's why you guys have to save up your dough. You have to save up your cheddar. And you have to go and make Omura there are three bad that that you only can do there. While we were there. If the Zhao came out, we were saved from his fitna while we were there 100,000 prayers for every prayer whether you prayed in the prophet in the masjid or not, because if as long as you want the Haram and you

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right in the local Masjid 100,000

00:45:04 --> 00:45:28

Only then make will do your house in Medina and you go and pray two rakaat you get the reward of performing O'Meara and then you're going to make another Umrah. It's like Paul who Allah, if you read it three times you get the reward of reading the whole Quran it's a third of the Quran. But if you read the whole Quran, you get that reward for right and reading the whole Quran.

00:45:30 --> 00:45:55

So, in order to get the whole Hadith, the Hadith say you should make will go in your house and then go ahead Ethan say that you're outside doing this and you say, hey, let's just go to Mr. Koba and pray. It didn't say that you make will do in your house and then you go. So what happens is a lot of times the pilgrims are pumped up about that. They make well will you go to Michigan, Koba, but

00:45:57 --> 00:46:29

sometimes it's decided, let's not go to Mr. Kuba first. Because logistically is better to go to a hood first, because it's early in the morning, and then going to miss you or hood early in the morning, we got to be out in the sun. So we have to make decisions for the lady in the wheelchair. We have to make decision for this brother who has a cast on his leg. We have to make you know decision for the women that we have. So we're going to base the decisions upon the weakest run from

00:46:29 --> 00:46:36

the group. So we all go this girl with the knee and but some of us can hold we'll do that long.

00:46:37 --> 00:46:42

So when you go to Mr. Kuba to the to the hood, you lose your whoodle

00:46:43 --> 00:46:59

now you lose your Waldo and you get mad and upset because you don't have your will do now. So if you make bulldoze somewhere else, you're not in your house. So the person becomes upset and they begin to say what's going on? And he's made me make her Rouge

00:47:01 --> 00:47:07

they say yeah, if you just had basic knowledge is why the hadith of an Imam and no we the 40 Hadith so important.

00:47:08 --> 00:47:42

Your knee it was that you may will do I'm asking you this question. You made the intention of making will go to go to mount to go to Koba. But that guy took you to Ohio at first so you wouldn't be in the sun. If you go to Masjid Koba first, and you went to the date farm second, and then you went over here third, and then you went over here to Oh, hood, and it's 11 o'clock in the morning and Medina. And now you're sweating. Now my question to you is, you may well do and you went to Masjid,

00:47:42 --> 00:48:02

you went to Mount Ohio, and you lost your will door. Now you go to Mr. Coburn, you make Waldo, my question is, do you get the reward of a homage an ombre? Do you get the reward and it went like that you lost your will do or you don't get the reward? Why you get the reward.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:08

You had the intention. So no reason to jump up and down. Take it easy.

00:48:10 --> 00:48:40

Another situation happened like that. Because of the COVID. You know, it was a lot of restrictions and Medina and Mecca. And I have to give it to the Saudi Arabians. They are experts when it comes to crowd control because they've been doing it for years. So trust me, when you go this way. And then when you're coming out, they seen you around that way they know what they're doing. I saw with my own eyes how people were crushed to death in a stampede because of lack of crowd control.

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But over there with the issue of knowing what you're doing, they were stopping people from going into the Prophet's masjid, right before the event before the before the Juma prayer. You have to get there early. If you get there 510 minutes before they won't let you in. So a lot of people came and the gate was closed. But you can see there was a lot of space. There was a lot of space. But the spaces were there because they didn't want the whole courtyard to be filled everybody next to each

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other. So they will put people in a barrier here, people in a barrier here and there was space. So the people came and we went in, we were going to go in, the guard said no, you can't come in. You have to sit right there. If you're going to stay or go back. I said that's all you got to tell me. I went back and went back up to my room to translate the cookbook.

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But before I went back to my room, the Imam came out of Santa Monica Mara to LA. And then the man got up and started the event that people at the gate started arguing with the police. And then the Imam started giving the hotbar and they were they're arguing with the police and it was going to turn into

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Fight. The Imam has given the hotbar he's talking in the hotbar and you're there screaming and shouting and hollering as a guest as a pilgrim as you guys fit wise, fit wise suit, amen. Fake wise, what do you think about that? What should they have done and why?

00:50:22 --> 00:50:24

What do you think they should have done about that?

00:50:26 --> 00:50:29

Should I have listened to them? Why why why?

00:50:35 --> 00:50:44

So those people were there, the hookah is going now and they're arguing and fighting with the guards and the voices are raised and the man has given the hookah the Hatim.

00:50:48 --> 00:51:02

Clearly they should have just sat down right there. And it's still hookah, because now the purpose of you wanting to get in is defeated. Now you're doing what's haram. Oh, my God, Imam starts to her team starts to hope but what should happen? What should we do?

00:51:03 --> 00:51:18

We should be quiet. So arguing with the, but that's how it is when you don't have flick of the religion. You become very, very intense and narrow minded. And super laser focus on a you have to get inside.

00:51:19 --> 00:51:29

And you don't realize you're competing with the man because you are over zealous about I must get inside.

00:51:30 --> 00:51:36

No, yeah, he just sit right there, if that's what you want to do, because his son was there.

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So don't be one of those people who you're too technical. Now the last thing I want to mention I had a few things, but I want to stop now and was something that I saw that amazed me when we went and we went to get the camels meat.

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When we went into the restaurant, I saw in the restaurant, a group of Chabad

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they Hey, hey, like crazy afros. And when I say crazy, I mean crazy.

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Their hair was crazy, like many of the Chabad

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the hair was crazy. When I saw that, I say, Man, the Saudi Arabians are really bugging out now. They really trip it. But then when I looked, I said those are not Saudi Arabians. Those people come from the west somewhere. We went in.

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And we found out that they were from London.

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Shabad from London. Most of them were mixed race.

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When I saw them, I kind of was like, Man, that's because I have a son who wants to wear his hair like that. And he doesn't know why. Why do you want to hear that? But you hear like that? If he told me something that made sense. I will listen. But I think it's because

00:52:57 --> 00:53:09

he's a follow up. Most alive, does it? So I want to do it. I think that's the answer. Mo Salah dated I want to do, it just won't say mo Salah was something.

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Anyway, when I looked at them and reminded me of my son.

00:53:15 --> 00:53:19

And we began to eat the camels meat. It was so good. I forgot about that, man.

00:53:21 --> 00:53:35

I wasn't worried about that further. You guys gotta get that camels meat, man. We ate that camels meat. We went back to our hotel. Fast forward. The last day there. I was invited to go give a talk.

00:53:37 --> 00:53:54

We went to their hotel. And they all came in. And lo and behold, it was the brothers from London who were there sitting in the thing. And all of them had cut all of their hair off

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all of them.

00:53:57 --> 00:54:18

And people don't cut all their hair off. When they make hygiene ombre. Especially people were making fashion statements. Right. We have a lot of Somali brothers in our class that have afros, which is cool, because they keep it comb is symmetrical. And I always encourage them because it's part of our culture. I say I like that.

00:54:19 --> 00:54:35

We're African Americans. We have afros. Someone wants to wear braids in his hair. You're the prophet had braids, but I wouldn't advise you to do that. Because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to braid his hair when he was traveling,

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and even braid his hair as a fashion statement. He braided his hair so that he wouldn't have to be busy with his hair. He says that Allah who it was salam and Melba Telemental Eman al Bizerba is not grooming yourself. Not being a person who says this in the mirror and you groom yourself. Some men may go and get the eyebrows

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don't like that. They get their fingernails and toenails manicured. They get the beat. I mean, I mean they really be they get that stuff on the mud on a face. You're going in the do has to cucumbers over his eyes and all. Yeah he wouldn't yeah he don't man with cucumbers on our eyes, who's going to make jihad of Islam with cucumbers on his eyes I asked you by the by Allah, His shampoo is cucumber fragrant shampoo,

00:55:31 --> 00:55:39

cucumber who does that? Who goes into Morrison's and says where's the cucumber shampoo

00:55:44 --> 00:55:48

so a brother who has an afro knows what I'm talking about.

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He doesn't cut his hair. So when it's time for high touch, well remember, he wants to take that second one. This doesn't mean you're bad. Some of the companions chose to shorten and some gave it a bobblehead. Rasul Allah may do our three times for the one who shaved everything off. And once for the ones who shave some of it off. So both of them is good. But clearly to shave it all off is better. Now people like me, at my age now, I have a receding hairline, and I'm gonna care about so

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I'm a majority Shala I don't care about that. I'm not gonna go get hair plants. And that was big over the in the Arab world. Some people shaved their head, and they had a steamer head, a lot of men from our Alma hair implants.

00:56:39 --> 00:56:56

Anyway, when I saw those brothers, I was praising them and I told them first thing, you cannot judge a book by its color. You will look at those Chabad and you would think that their moon had a theme, you would think that they were shipped back? No.

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And may Allah bless the leader of their group, a Sheikh Abdullah man,

00:57:02 --> 00:57:17

I will tell you what tour he's responsible for. But I'm not plugging anybody's business from the Masjid. Not the group that I went with, and not the group that he was responsible for by his Group. Were a bunch of Arab brothers who were mixed race.

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Their mother was British or German, or Swedish, Swedish, but the father was Palestinian,

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Moroccan Algerian so the boy grew up and he didn't have Arabic and stuff like that. Some of them were not really practicing and that's why they came and he did a lot of stuff. They was riding quad bikes in Medina, they were riding animals and Medina horses. They will walk in all over during the tour. And I think I was telling him our group, we need to do that with our group, our Shaban who come with our group, so I was really impressed. I was really impressed. And then when I gave the

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talk to the brothers, it was just a nice report. I had to tell those young brothers from London because London is a fitna, if you are living in London, it's a fitna, fitna, Birmingham is a fitna, but not like London. But anyway, the point that I wanted to make was, you can't judge a book by his color. Those kids cut their hair off. And we had mashallah a wonderful time together. So I want to take this time out, to encourage you brothers, to save up your money, make dua to Allah to open up

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the way that you can go we have a brother in our measures right now. He kept calling me for three weeks something almost a month before I left asking me about are you going on his trip clearly wants to go online and write a form.

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Go to Mecca, and make a camera and make hij Alright, if we're going to stop the ad some other things to say but I think that's enough. If you brothers have any questions up to this point about the book, anything came up you want to ask about you could do so now. I didn't come che if not, we'll close this thing out. What do you call that thing? Again? Like here, they say if you want to ask questions, you put your phone and you get what does that call a cute rod? What is it

00:59:14 --> 00:59:14


00:59:16 --> 00:59:17

spell it for me.

00:59:19 --> 00:59:21

QR code? What does that stand for?

00:59:22 --> 00:59:34

Anybody know it people QR code? Anybody know? So those brothers this next generation of blind, those brothers that brothers sad and Musallam

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he brought me a book. And it was because we were discussing things and he was telling me all of these benefits about this island and the connection of this idea that I had and it was from the party from the Quran those things none of us would be able to come to know those things if people didn't tell you about it. So sit in with that brother was a sit in filled with fat EDA was beautiful sitting with that brother. You know Wait

01:00:00 --> 01:00:29

time making riba about people talking this and that you're going to sit with that brother. And he's going to tell you about different things. So I said, Man, listen, Ramadan is coming. And I would like to give some of these classes to my community and to the people. So where can I get all of this stuff from? He says, share, there's a book, I'm gonna get it for you. He got the book, he brought it to me to Mecca. When I opened up the book, the print was too small. I can't read that. Not at this

01:00:29 --> 01:00:52

age. I can't read. It was a little. I was like, Man, you should have kept that book because I can't read it. He said, Nah, shit, come on. He said, at the top of each page of the book, every page, there's a QR QR code. All you have to do is take a picture of it. And they're going to read the book out for you. They're going to read that page out. I say what?

01:00:54 --> 01:00:59

All I have to do is take a picture. And they're going to read it out every you said yes.

01:01:00 --> 01:01:09

And that's why I say these young brothers, they aren't awake. If I give a lesson, I'm still going to write it on a piece of paper.

01:01:10 --> 01:01:12

Those brothers bring

01:01:13 --> 01:01:42

you We call those things again. I pass and he just dude, I play flip, flip, flip, flip. Because we have to be people who are willing to pass the baton. I'm old in in those brothers. You have to pass the baton. And you have to run and they have to get the baton and give it to the next generation. As for what the elders of our community do. They don't want to change the masjid admin. They don't want to change. Like in Africa, the leaders of all of the African countries we come from, he's been a

01:01:42 --> 01:01:46

leader for 89 years. He'd been a media for 50 years.

01:01:47 --> 01:01:50

I look at his audience, we have Africans in this audience.

01:01:51 --> 01:02:20

Those leaders from West Africa Muslim and non Muslims alike. They sit there and they want 10 terms to keep stealing the money. They cared about the people that cared about moving forward cared about the country, that continent there, they'll pass the baton. But we don't do that. And one of the worst places that that can happen is in the masjid cultural messages still speaking the same language when the Shabaab are speaking English. So we say to the elders in these communities to wake

01:02:20 --> 01:02:49

up and smell the tower, the time has come to move over and make room for these young brothers. Okay, when you were going to an actor Phoebe had the cover. When asked of Allah subhanaw taala and you were fucking away. Yeah, can we call him are you able Yoruba ha that was sung Allahu Sena Mubarak. I don't know Bina why the it he was hobby Jemaine Subhana. Allah Houma went behind the cover shadow. Isla INLA and a stock Furukawa Tubu in Santa Monica, Morocco love cricket.

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