Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Hadith #22 – The Main Pillar of Da’wah

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The COVID-19 crisis has caused a loss of human life and potential deadly respiratory flu. The speakers emphasize the need for everyone to be aware of the situation and offer advice. They also discuss the importance of not making assumptions on prophets and the Quran. The segment emphasizes the need for cooperation between men and their families, avoiding negative behavior, and staying true to Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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And then handling Lahaina do when a stain or when a stock Pharaoh

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when our wounds will be lie him in surely and phocoena Women's Safety at Dr. Molina

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mania team now Philomel de Melo homing you drill fella had the Allah or a shadow Allah era in Allah why the hula is shady Calico why shadow unknown Mohammed Abdullah who are solo who Salawat Allah He was salam ye

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yeah you are living in Amman, duckula haka. toccata he went on to move tonight in LA and tombs me moon. Yeah, you and NASA taco Bakuman Levy, document Neff Sinha he that in Wakanda Minh has Ojha. Well the feminine Houma regering cathedra when he said what toquilla levy to Luna de well Erhan in hola que la cumbre Kiba Yeah, you want to dive in and talk la Kulu Goland said EDA, useless. Lacan

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Lacandon Uber calm while main ut la what else who forgot the FISA falls in our Vemma a my battle for inhaler Cannan Cunnamulla he will hate you know who that woulda Rasulillah his Allah why they he was sending them to meaning to FIRA will shuttle are more fair to her or cooler my death in bed attune or cooler be Danton banana, we'll call a bulletin phenom

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for dealing with today's tremendous Hadith that's on the table. I just want to make a point about what's been going on in the last year and a half, two years with this issue of COVID. And I've mentioned that in our datos quite a few times. There may be people who are in our dose from those people who don't believe in COVID. Are you still coming to the Davos knowing quite well, I believe in COVID. I don't have a problem if you believe in or not believing COVID is real issue. And I have

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a problem with when people like when people who don't have any qualifications, people who have no background when they start becoming opinionated in the public domain, and they start talking to other people from our community. is COVID real? Or is it not real? If you believe COVID is not real, you should keep that to yourself. You shouldn't advise Muslims, about not against getting the vaccine and things of that nature. It's a slap in the face. As I mentioned on a number of occasions.

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It's a slap in the face of the people who have fallen ill with COVID.

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And it is also a biggest slap in the face for the Muslims who we know who have died from COVID people who our eyes have shed tears as a result of their demise.

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That he told her to a person who has love for people who checked out as a result of COVID It wasn't a common flu, it was COVID that COVID had it and they checked down and he died. And we cried as a result of the passing. Like I will share who we're dealing with his book, it Hyson and Halaby Rahmatullah Alayhi he wasn't very old. And I see him as being a mountain of knowledge. And I see him as being an anchor for people who wanted to refer back to him in his knowledge and trying to push

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the Sunnah forth in a set of fear is in my assume Callao Allah, he does he deserved to be, you know, followed unconditionally love Allah He, but it was Mujahid, not several Quranic and he died. And then there are other people who have passed away. Like my friend, I was 21 years old, I became a Muslim. And there was a brother. He was a few years older than me brother, Abdullah Teef, who was in a job and I was with him. He was in Saudi Arabia for many years with my little older sister mahasin

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Her Fila Hola, my main chick down and he died.

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So I say that to say right now that I'm in Birmingham, family members who are very close to me have COVID right now. They have COVID.

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people I know have COVID they have to isolate.

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I pray to lies agenda by his greatest name that they don't die and they don't check out. But I want to ask you guys

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Eyes many of you in this msgid How many of you know someone who had COVID? Who just put your hand up if you know someone who had COVID? That's the vast majority of you. How many of you know someone who didn't have COVID? Or who died from COVID? Put your hand up if you know someone

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I know people who die from COVID. So as I say before you, people I love have COVID people I care about that COVID.

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And then we have people from our community when they say no COVID is not real in the vaccination is not real.

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You actually will lie. I say to you have that position. But it's a slap in the face for you to say that in public and to walk around when Muslims are losing their lives and in our religion is not for every Amer Bucher in Z to talk about issues that are touching public safety and public harm. It's not for everybody to say that it's for the people who have the right to do so.

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I just want to say to the people who have been afflicted with COVID know that it is a trial to you guys from Allah azza wa jal and we pray to Allah is IsaMill album that what you're going through is a Farah cleanse in the headache not being able to eat being crashed out all day long. That sweating all of that what you're going through the trepidation and the fear that you're going to die and check out and what happens to your children if you do die in check out. Fell Yasha Levine Hello Tara

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Coleman selfie him the reaction they often have Wali, Allah sending the Quran that every person from amongst you who has children and you think you're going to die then pay attention to those kids. Gather people around and tell them what you want them to do and what you don't want them to do. You guys are not second class citizens to the white people Arabs no body. You first class citizens people with Tauheed.

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You young you boys take care of these girls.

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Jacobi in the Quran. He was about to die Allah mentioned the story in the Quran

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were you present when death came to your pool? And he said to his son's mother taboo Deulim embody what are you going to wash your bath die die. They say we worship your God and the God of Ibrahim smiles hop.

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I just want to say to those people for my family members law, your Kelly Folau who nevsun levels Aha, Allah doesn't burden people beyond the scope, you have the ability to handle it. So tie up your bootstraps and handle it to the best of your ability. Number two, there is a Hadith for all of us whether you have COVID You don't have COVID The companion Earth man, it'd be abeam is a thuc ifI may Allah be pleased with them. He said I became a Muslim and I was suffering from this pain, persistent

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pain from the day I became a Muslim.

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Just because you become a Muslim, all your problems evaporate. They just turn into birds that are green and fly up into the sky under the arch Allah Allah left. You're going to be trying your family gonna say you bugging you tripping to talking about Islam. People you know

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woman you are married to the man you're married to it's gonna be troubling drama, your job.

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You're gonna turn into birds and fly away into Green Lanterns and you walk around and before you know instance coming from your under your fold, kind of stuff you into. Ain't gonna happen. It will happen with any of us.

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When I say to you guys, listen, there's a dua that this man he said I came into a slam and I had a persistent pain after slam it didn't go away. My hip, my hamstring, my thigh, my tooth, my head. I just kept getting

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migraines. It just was persistent. So I went to the newbie of Islam, Southern LA who it was sent him who Allah has said about him. Yeah, you're living in an austere G. Bula Heever Rasool is the icon Lima you're here Kume Are you believe, listen and obey. Accept the message of Allah and His messenger. His sunnah, when he invites you to that watch will give you life. stay ignorant, all of these things in the sunnah to protect me, and I'm as ignorant as a doornail as ignorant

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it as a bottle of water. What I don't know anything. I'm just like him and things can help me. This companion said, you're also live this persistent problem. Can you please tell me something I can do? Because jam me up. Well Sula told him into less of Allah when you send them that you should say Bismillah he anybody here doesn't know Bismillah I put your hand up you don't know Bismillah I'm teach you right now. Little Man 50 grand your little man you know this you know Bismillah let me you

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good job good job you just gonna say more relaxed, relaxed pump your brakes Bismillah he says say Bismillah and then say seven times my man.

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Put your hand on the place that you have pain after saying Bismillah say seven times. I wudu belie he will call the Ruthie he may Shari My Aged whoa Hi there. I seek refuge in Allah and I seek refuge in the power of the might of Allah from the evil of what I'm finding and when I'm complaining about

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he's having problems breathing he's having problem is chest is chest that you're going to ask him to give me I have a heart attack a stroke last time i Hola arthritis, the period of the girl monthly monthly economic Kamala childbirth. The newbie said put your hand on the part that hurts man. You play soccer, and you tore your ACL whatever. Did you ever put your hand on your knee to make that dua? No one that the Prophet says I'm a man Why do you say men lie yet? Oh wha Yeah, the ballet.

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Anyone who does not make dua to Allah, Allah is angry with him.

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And to move for Quran when Allah, Allah Allahu Allah, Hamid, Allah said, You people I'm poor and in need of Allah. Allah doesn't need any of you. He is honey, everything is with him, Jaime praiseworthy, and yet the person doesn't make dua.

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I want to say to my relatives to all of you guys, brothers, you sisters, all of you Shala it's a Kufa that stuff you're going through being delirious and all that stuff. Hopefully you'll pull out and it'll be on your knee Zan of Hassan that yomo Qiyamah. The Muslim is never pricked with a prick, nothing hurts him or harms and psychologically, physically anything that bothers him. It will be a sign of Kufa, Allah will take off sins and and stuff for him. You'll move piano. So before moving on

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to explain today's Hadith, I want to give a special acknowledgement and a special shout out to my man that I've been knowing since I've been in the UK. This brother has been in America. He's from the UK, and I'm from America. I came here he went there and we both been trying to swim back to our people.

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Brother Abdullah Blum robotic, Robin Hussein Smothers, in the hospital, delirious,

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anything can happen. So I'm asking you brothers make dua for ohm Abdullah bin Mubarak and we make dua from here for her that Allah gives us she fat, we ask Allah buys IsaMill are them to give her she fair and to give all of the Muslims she fat in sha Allah azza wa jal from the sicknesses and from the issues. We come to a tremendous Hadith today whiny after suspending this idea last week. And it is a Hadith that gives us an insight into more information about what we need to understand

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about the prophets and the messengers. So the lotto Allah He was sent ama whiny him and you might end up as Muslims is not enough just to give your child the name is hot. Yeah, cold soon a man TAO Oh, it's not enough. You have to look at those prophets in the messengers of the Quran SallAllahu it was setting them as my aim as being the best human beings that ever walked on the face of the earth.

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When the people write cartoons caricatures of an Mustafa means Allah who it was sent him we get upset. Rightly so. We should get upset when any prophet and messenger on the other hand is being disrespected, and being played out of pocket as a disrespect the prophets and the messengers

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threw out the Bible threw out the Torah threw out the Injeel so it was just not Rasulullah sallallahu it was send them that we get upset about. We get more upset because he's the savior of Benny Adam, He's the master, he's the best he's the heart of the NBN the Russell Salawat Allah He was sin myt but we all know the ayat lannoo Federico urbaine a hadden was solely we don't make any distinctions between his messengers

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unless Allah made a distinction. So the first messenger is ADAM, the first messenger first Nebby Adam, first message that Nora, Allah made that distinction, the best of them Mohammed salah, why did you send them the five best of them, nor Ibrahim Musa isa Mohammed, Allah made that distinction, Salah while he was setting them on all of them, Allah made that distinction. So those are the distinctions that we make. But we don't make this distinction of

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the yahood

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we believe in Musa and Sulayman in the world, but we don't believe in isa Mohammed.

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We don't make the distinction of the Nosara the Christians, we take Musa and we take isa but we don't take I met all of you are kuffaar and I'm going to look at you as kuffaar because the Quran said that

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cat that comb will know. And Rosaleen cat that comb a lot and more saline. Allah says Quran knows people disbelieved and all of the messengers. That's what Allah sang Quran, lot lot. His people disbelieved and all of the messengers have it. they disbelieve in all of the messengers when all of the messages never went to them.

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The only person who went to them were their respective prophets, no went to his people, low when to his people, but Allah established in the Quran, that they disbelieved in all of the messages how, why, how, why simple, because they all came from the same well of Revelation, that same young boy from the same bitter from the same well revelation being divinely inspired with the same message. So when they came, and you rejected your Nabhi, you effectively rejected all of them.

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So today, our Hadith gives us some insight more deeper, further insight from this sunnah, this hadith, how we should understand, looking at all of the prophets and all of the messengers. And that is the statement that the Prophet made. So the lady was setting them keeping in mind that the book that we're dealing with this call at Dawa would do art, the dour. Everybody here has given dollar to something. He's given dollar to the one mostly mean, he's giving Dawa, to Sufism, he's giving Dawa

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to attack fear. He's given a dower to an energy. He's giving Dawa to Saudi centrism. He's giving Dawa to whatever he's giving Dawa to his culture, his mouth at

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and then there's the person who's sitting here that we're hoping inshallah he'll wake up and realize, you have to give Dawa to Allah pull heavy severely add to it, Allah He Allah Sera. Tell them

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this is my way. I call to Allah. I don't call tinny. That's nonsense people on I call to Allah.

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Me and those who are with me. Don't give me any Dawa to anything other than the book and the Sunnah. I don't want to hear about your culture. I don't want to hear about your Eman. I don't want to hear about how you fell into Islam and you follow this group of that group. Don't tell me about Gematria to belief. I'm not here to judge me by my here for that. I'm here to follow what the Prophet brought and all of these Jeremiah 10 People for the most part, they have something from Islam, but none of

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them represent the whole total Islam that the Prophet brought. So Allah who it was set it up so I don't have to follow that you don't have to follow that little kid doesn't have to follow that. Follow the truth.

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So there is Hadith the NABI mentioned SallAllahu it was sending them

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my bath en la Humann began fee omitting cubberly

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in Canada who Hawaii Yun

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Yeah Oh don't be Suniti he or Yakata dune Abby Emery

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for Mannahatta hello from Bardem Hello

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yep, I don't have my life alone.

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You're alone Amala you rode

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your kulula Mala for alone. We have alone a mother you maroon from India headed home be ready for men. Women Jahad Aham baby Sammy He for whom men, women Jahad the home the lb for men. Or they say men what are evatik Aminul Eman habitus del tremendous Hadith

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not just for this class son, just as being a Muslim, where you went in Ellis land. Is your Islam built upon and predicated? A hadith of Allah? Allah Mal, you don't know where they come from where they don't come from?

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Is your is your religion predicated upon hocus pocus? You don't know anything you hear? It's right. But you don't you don't know.

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This is a Hadith for the ages for the ages your lifetime.

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He says Allah Allah while he was sending them. There was never a Nebby that was sent to his uma before me. Imagine is

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man it will catch all those companion sin. There was never any no what was Allah is saying is the truth. Like revelation coming from his mouth? No. Am I sitting here

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getting this information? Well, law he they're not thinking about. What's the score with Liverpool, who got traded.

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They are not thinking about that. Which currency is higher, the pound or the euro?

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The knife. They're sitting in listening to what's coming out of his mouth. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam seeing it as a NEMA to be able to be with Him and to hear this. There was never a Nebby that was sent before me.

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Except that he had from his community. How was he yawn? I know most of you guys on IgM like me, but I learned the word. I looked at the word I kept practicing. How Why do you? Why do you use you're gonna do one? Singular Hawaii. Hawaii. I'm gonna ask you to say it. Just one person.

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Pele going?

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Hawaii man.

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Hawaii. Miami. Hawaii. Good job.

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Man. Hawaii relaxing brief brief brief relax. One more time go ahead go ahead. The job you my man

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Hawaii the job my man all the way in the black man with the black right there. You right there with the beard Hawaii. Good job. You got to look at the optic in your head when you get up don't just say oh, he was calling me and I was ready. I wasn't ready. I want you to get this word in your head in your dome and my man right there to the right what's your name?

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No man I can't be that cross-eyed it I'm looking way back there that brother in the corner right there holding up the rockin not the one coming in looking at the back right is sitting right there scratching his forehead. Yeah.

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l tov. We should

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we should I mean

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all right, just one more my man right here. Good job Hawaii. You will Arab. We from

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Syria. His his pronunciation was the best man. Although he's got the hat on I didn't know your Syria but I know that we pronounced it as Arabic and he Hawaii

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the job he said that there was never an A B that was sent before me when he went to his people except that every Nebby had a Hawaii

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and his Hawaii it

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is the one who

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whatever it may be said they practice it and they did it. Whatever the whatever the Nibi ordered them to do. They followed his sunnah. When he told them leave it alone, he abandoned it.

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He said and then after those Hawaii Yean after they die with that Nebby a Halluf came. A group of people came after them after those people die with

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a group of people came who didn't see that and maybe who didn't live with the NFB.

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And then these people started to say what they didn't do. They were saying what they didn't do, I believe I'm a movement. I'm Salafi.

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I love Allah, I love Rasul Allah.

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But if you look at the actions of the people who are saying that, except the one that Allah made a mosque soon, you will find the second part of this hadith is like him. They began to say what they didn't do, and they begin to do what they were not ordered to do. They introduced in the religion what that may be that Russell didn't bring.

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It happened to everybody,

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when they be brought Tawheed and they introduce the Holo introduce race as the son of Allah.

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And the case of Noah the first Rasul sent to the people, those five men came and may pictures and statues and said, Your people used to worship these statues and Surah Noor. And the people started to make shift can cover with these snom

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The Prophet said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so therefore, anyone from amongst you in this ummah, if you fight against these people, Min Jahad Don't be Eddie. Anyone who fights against this whole loaf with your hand. You did good. Anyone who fights against these people came doing differently from the MBM the Russell Salawat Allah He was cinema whiny Jemaine anyone who comes speaking against him with his tongue. You did good.

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And anyone who comes hating what they're saying and doing hate in his heart, he can't change it with his hand can't change with his tongue. He's in the hotpot of Joomla and the guy is up there given week Hadith

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Bala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam low like mashallah tool falaqa they just given week, I believe that proves ship can cover and you're sitting there in the audience, but you're not going to stand up in the hopper. You're not going to go to him because he doesn't speak English. You just hate it in your heart. And you sound like coming to this Masjid again. This Masjid is wasting my time Cora fat is shit and Hulu

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that's the Hadith of the newbie today's Allah while he was setting up. So as it relates to 22, the Dow and the Duat first thing I want to mention very quickly is as I said at the beginning, this hadith helps us to get a fuller understanding and appreciation. What does it mean to have a man and the prophets and the messengers? A person I believe in a prophecy the messages? I believe in a prophecy the man been lying man I could do it oh sorry, I believe

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by his understanding of the prophets and the messages that Prophet SAW Selim is created from the newer of Allah. Rasool Allah is allah sallallahu Sen Lim gemacht Rasul Allah has a lot he was setting those there in the middle of hype, or sulla. It's a panel with Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam is sitting on the Irish with Allah, all of this stuff. No, this hadith gives us more understanding, what's the understanding, every newbie and every Rasul that Eliza sent to the people, he sent that

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Rosso and that Rasul had and saw that Rasul did not stand up by herself to fight all of his people. You're by yourself giving dollar just to your relatives, your mother, your father, brothers and sisters, the prophets hat and saw at the bar

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you're by yourself, you want to fight your whole family, the home which tonight everybody, you just keep coming and clashing with everybody thinking that the hackers with you because you keep clashing? No, you have to have I'm sorry, the Dow, the Dow of a slam. It means people who are going to help it. And that's why when the prophets Allah love why he will send them stood up in Mecca. He told the people who will help me to spread the resale of my Lord.

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Just get up by himself and then start fighting the people he gave down was secretly to people that he knew I will bucket in the rest of them. You want to help me give Dawa to this? And they say yes, but they concealed their Islam for quite some time before he said, Okay, let's go out.

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So I want to get down all by myself. I want to get

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Now all by myself, I don't want anybody else to share in the dollar

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what is that? That's not what the Prophet was upon Salam it was Senator from those ayat and those are hadith is a statement of Allah Tada without further by now if he coolly met him was Sula enabled Allah which tourney booked our booth, we sent to every group of people black, white, Arab, non Arab in the past we sent to every group of people. There is no Benny Adams that was on the face of the earth, except Allah sent to them a raw soul, every group of people

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and that also said to the people worship Allah and worship Allah alone.

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And don't worship any toggle the toggled any and everything that is worship other than Allah. The tavole does not just the whole kind of levena Kimono be ready man's though Allah, that's not just the cobbled. Tavo does anything and everything that is worship along with Allah will who are robbing and he likes it. So is at several Marina toggled.

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Some people worship Rasul Allah, they make dua to Rasul Allah, they asked him for this is Rasulullah, toggled Hashem Allah, the sun and the moon, people worship the sun and the moon is the sun in the moon that traveled you my man, you know, the target is the one who wants to be worship along with Allah what cathedral mount whom they on an earth right now.

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Down the earth right now people are worshipping them. So this is

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along with the Hadith goes to show Allah azza wa jal whiny, he sent their Rasul to every people, and from those people they believe those who believe and they supported him, they were his InSAR hidden, get out there and making dower by himself. Like some of the people in the stand is how Tao is, the more the more

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is the DOM, the more conflict and problems he has. And he thinks the truth is with him more, as opposed to reflecting and saying, Why am I getting into all of these conflicts with everybody, with the school with my teachers, with my mother, with my father, with my relatives? You have, you'll have conflicts when you give dollar. But the golden objective of Dawa is not to give conflicts. We all got to cooperate. Another example from that, and helping us to get a full understanding of how

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we believe in those prophets and messengers.

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Every Prophet and message every people have one, everyone.

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I want to ask you,

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African Americans, African Americans 2021 Did they get a prophet messengers sent to them in America? They didn't. machiney

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man they did African American. They African Americans in America 2021 was a prophet in the messenger sent to them.

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They know

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you little man Shannyn

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Amir, African Americans, my mother, my father, that a prophet in the messenger gets sent to them. No.

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Who's going to help this Titanic? Titanic from sinking? Who's going to help this titanic from sinking? My man right did African Americans in America was a prophet in the messages sent to them?

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Yeah, you who was that? Prophet Muhammad SAW Allah what He was selling was sent to the creation now.

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I know you know, I know. You're just nervous. You're just nervous. I know. Hey, man, have this water man. Just relax, breathe Great, great. And that when I found out through it to Rasul Allah was sent to the people once he came to the people in Mecca 1400 something years ago he went to the jinn and to mankind now it's our job my brother from Syria, Amir Abu. Is our job and responsibility the Darwin the Duat to make sure that my mother and father here this dial with a correct way

00:34:15 --> 00:34:25

to make sure that people on the bus you go to school with your neighbor they either die with a correct way not this way that our community is projecting

00:34:26 --> 00:34:29

he share his mishap his mess lack

00:34:31 --> 00:34:38

don't want to get off the point but I'll never forget it my my doom to Hagen for them inside the moment.

00:34:39 --> 00:34:41

BBC x one of these

00:34:42 --> 00:34:59

political groups that jump I to see I see how mache the Coral Sea. So when it comes to Tawheed when it comes to the Sunnah, when it comes they wishy washy people wishy washy we don't want that slam. We don't want that rough, toughest slam

00:35:00 --> 00:35:25

No Do we want that wishy washy, you everything is okay. Want the religion of that the Prophet brought with the hikma I did an article that he brought the Insaaf they asked this person from his buta here. What are you going to do? If his Butare it gets the Khilafah in the UK, what's the first thing you're going to do? The person said, we're going to chop the head off of every woman that doesn't wear hijab

00:35:27 --> 00:35:35

is that the Dalit brother that we're trying to spread and I'm not saying his bowtie, I'm here to take a poke at them. This happened. It happened.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:45

This is not what we're trying to do. Everybody he has a responsibility to know this dollar and to be a day.

00:35:46 --> 00:36:06

So this hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam helps us together Ashman IG ma o ser Atmel understanding of the prophets and the messengers we claim we believe in and we love and honor them. Salawat Allah Who said I'm wanting, Allah never left the people except that he sent

00:36:08 --> 00:36:27

someone given them Dawa. Number two, they all came with the Dawa of not politics, not the Khilafah not jihad. That Isla de la is the cornerstone of the $1 Because everything after that, if that let you lie Allah is not there, you're in trouble, you're in trouble.

00:36:29 --> 00:36:48

Another thing that I share with you that he mentioned some allong while he was setting them in the Quran, where if asked of Allah who me fat can be gene lemme I take the Community tab in Wake metal, from Majah calm Rasulullah subdeacon Lima Ma, meno Nabhi what a tongue so Runa

00:36:50 --> 00:37:18

and remember when we gave every prophet and every messenger, a contract, I mean, a lot took from every messenger, every one of them a contract. And Allah said to each one of them Quran if and when you're with your people, and you're giving them down when you're living with them. But if Rasulullah Mohammed comes to you, you have to believe in Him and you have to support him.

00:37:19 --> 00:37:29

According to Mahatma that is free. Allah said to all of them, do you take this as binding upon you, all of the prophets? I said, I do.

00:37:30 --> 00:37:57

So they're given Dawa to allies with gentle Dawa to Allah and they all gave down to the same thing. Five Pillars of Islam and six are kind of an Eman. The Prophet says Allah why do you send the man in the beginning in the hour can have the tomo men, fitna, Tilly, merci de Zhao, every Rasool Cain want is people with the job, the job is coming, the dollars come in.

00:37:58 --> 00:38:32

So when we understand they said the same thing, the same thing. And from what they said is, I mean, it's coming. And if and when he comes, you have to take a back seat. You have to take a back seat, because his shirt, he has got to be nice to your shirt. So the point here is whining. There are a lot of a hadith especially giving us a full illustration of those prophets in the messenger what their job was. He says Allah Allahu Allah, he was sending them, LEM Yakunin a billion, but I thought

00:38:32 --> 00:38:44

Allahu Allah Fie, who met him incredibly Illa kind of Huck Denali, he and your dorm room, Haley, my Allahu La whom, when you invert a home shutter on my you

00:38:46 --> 00:38:54

know, never be ever came ever. Except that was Whadjuk hack upon the Nibi to tell the people the good

00:38:56 --> 00:39:00

of what they needed to know. And they want him of the evil.

00:39:01 --> 00:39:28

So Allah told us the good of what we need to know. Nobody can come and say something is good in Islam, and we don't find Rasulullah talking about it. We're going to say, Hey, I'm going to revert. I know your mother and your father, your grandmother, grandfather, your edge Dad, you guys Muslims before me. But where is that in the Kitab? In the Sunnah? And where did Abu Bakar marksman it? Where did they understand that? Because if they didn't understand that I am not taking it.

00:39:30 --> 00:39:42

So evina be keen to tell his people what to do. I will rustle SallAllahu wasallam. He taught everybody here. This is your job. It's my job to learn, to learn

00:39:43 --> 00:39:50

to learn. So I have a problem. And I have a bone to pick with these Jamaat all of them. And that's why I was mentioning

00:39:52 --> 00:40:00

all of them. I have a problem with them. And I don't want these young brothers being a part of these Jamaat. They make us backwards in this country and other than this country.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:10

People have worked our butt off loving brothers and Hayden brothers dependent upon his Jamaat to talking about we'll never be together like that. Never

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00:40:13 --> 00:40:20

So when I say this, don't get mad at me personally, I'm a revert. Come and show me where this is permissible in the religion.

00:40:22 --> 00:40:58

So in regards to this issue of equality, pay attention. This hadith is telling us be like the Hawaii Yun was to Hawaii. Allah mentioned them in the Quran a number of times with Callery Cebu Maryam Yeah, Hawaii human life carries seven umami male howardena men and sorry Lola color Hawaii human anatomy one subtle luck. And remember when he said blue Mariam said to the Hawaii Yin, that will with him the unsolved the believers, not just believers, but the major believers.

00:41:00 --> 00:41:33

One of the great scholars of Islam and talking down on the Shiite, who cursed the Companions, one of the great scholars and the Imam had been registered at Hanbury. He said if you ask the yahood who are the best people from your Alma they're gonna say the 70 people that went to Mount toured with Musa if you ask the Christians who are the best people from you, they're gonna save the Hawaii yo that will whether it's seven or Marissa, they were with him at the mat ADA

00:41:35 --> 00:41:36

at the Makhija

00:41:37 --> 00:42:04

How many of you heard of the my EDA sorted? Matt EDA? How many of you heard him English? The Last Supper The Last Supper? How many of you heard of that? Now the last supper I ain't telling you to believe in that. But it could be connected. It could be like always tell you hallelujah, hallelujah. And church, black church, they say hallelujah before he cashed the Holy Ghost. Soon as you hear hallelujah, coming out of my mother's mouth, she gave me an act up. You don't want to hear

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hallelujah? Maybe that's Subhanallah maybe when they sneeze, they say God bless you. Excuse me, God bless you. That could be from your hammock. I don't know.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:52

And remember, Rajiv said if you ask the rafidah Who are the worst people to you? Who are the worst people are gonna say the US hub of Muhammad Sallallahu himself. They your whole say that people with Musa and they are the best Christian say the Hawaii y'all. And they were the best from those people. And who do you think of the worst of your own man? They say the Companions he had a hat. He had to he had to allow Isla de Mello to have no religion.

00:42:54 --> 00:42:55

No religion.

00:42:56 --> 00:43:24

So this word how it means your helper. Listen to what the Prophet says sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam. He said nearly Cooley Nabi in Harare. Well, how are we v as Zubair even when he said every newbie had a whitey, some main person supporting them. He said in my Hawaii, it is a Zubair even

00:43:25 --> 00:43:34

when the 10 people promise Jana, I don't have the time to go through his story, but all you have to do is go to his story and look at his mawatha fell Jihad dia

00:43:36 --> 00:43:50

Look how he dealt with his son at the times of jihad against the non Muslims and what he did with his son. And you will see why he's the Russell's how it and still Abu Bakar mousemat and Ali are better than him.

00:43:51 --> 00:44:19

But the prophet had people around him sallallahu alayhi wasallam were of the Align home. They were from the ODR will lie and they were from the old yet. And what was the dean during the time is the D Now what was the dollar to their time was $1 Now, what wasn't the dean of the dollar during that time is not now. Exam of your chef exam of a chef exam of your Jamaat your understanding far away from the religion with your mobile a lot you know you have all of these

00:44:22 --> 00:44:35

excuses why we could do haram why we get and so forth and so on. So this is what this hadith is talking about saying. We have to work with each other. Okay? I'm giving Dawa, right? I'm giving Dawa

00:44:36 --> 00:44:40

Friday I'm going to be on this member inshallah I'm giving Tao right here. You don't give her that way.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:46

You and your wife, you and your wife or die, Ian.

00:44:47 --> 00:44:54

You're giving Dawa to the Chabad not you by yourself. Now her by herself.

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You your wife and your sisters and your wife, sisters and the people close to you

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All of you are giving Dawa.

00:45:04 --> 00:45:33

So a brother calls me and he says, Okay, I'm in Nottingham. I don't want to have my children in music education I don't want they have they say it's mandatory, you got to, it's a non faith school where you say, I say, well, brother, I say, try your best to the best of your ability not to make them go. But if they enforce you what's going to do, you have to keep in mind, you have to keep in mind, you're going to be the only one fighting for that. The other Muslim parents and are fighting

00:45:33 --> 00:45:35

for that. You got to be by yourself.

00:45:38 --> 00:45:49

You're going to be by yourself. So if you come given a hard time, I don't want my kid doing this new satellite. They're gonna say, why are you by yourself? What about flat and your river?

00:45:50 --> 00:45:56

What about these Pakistanis and these Arabs who became Muslims before you? Maybe you extreme.

00:45:59 --> 00:46:30

That's just an example, that if you're going to fight that battle, you got to recognize that hey, man, this is the reality of what you're dealing with. So we're all supposed to be supporters of the Dow. That's the point. So what we find today as it relates to the Tao of the Sunnah, that people have the sun never said if he's on the most disorganized people because the sheer yoke of a set of fears some of them once they have made people to follow that he had that and I can't follow your HD

00:46:30 --> 00:46:53

hat. Because it's gonna make me have problems with this other brother and has nothing to do with us. And I say that all the time because this is why this book was written is what you brothers are dealing with you give Dawa and cooperate with your brothers and your sisters in the people around you. Even if they're not on the right understanding

00:46:54 --> 00:47:26

you make a town with them this the thing about the dean and I finish with this we have in our religion that we have to cooperate no one is on an island by himself. So Allah will try to command us livina am and why middle Saudi had with the was so Bill happy with the wall so this summer, people have to mutually cooperate? The truth not falsehood, let's just be together to be together. I can't be with together with you cursing the companions. I can't be together with you because you

00:47:26 --> 00:47:32

take theory. I can't be together with you because you have Hulu into deer everybody doesn't agree with me. I can't be with you.

00:47:33 --> 00:48:06

I definitely can't be with you. You're cursing the Companions I'm gonna be with you. How am I going to do a podcast with you? I'm gonna give a lecture Mr. How I'm gonna do that. You can curse in the companions. We cooperate on a supper and the truth. Another island the Quran Allah Tada mentioned from McKenna Minar livina am and what the WHA so Bill happy with the wilds will bill and Miranda. And then those people believed and they mutually advise each other. Again with Saba Be patient. It's

00:48:06 --> 00:48:07


00:48:08 --> 00:48:18

Parents once you get what you call that forced marriage, be patient. You married your wife having problems from your family relative, be patient.

00:48:19 --> 00:48:31

And we give advice with an Marhaba Oh, try to make a Scot of people. And the demand of this destroy people. He made a mistake. We're going to destroy him.

00:48:33 --> 00:49:01

And then we have to statement what to believe a tequila when I tie one one if we will do one. cooperate with each other on a beer with tequila. I am not telling anybody here. Let's just get along and ride the train together in the bicycle together. Everything is okay. I'm not saying that. So in conclusion before we open the door for a q&a inshallah whiney the issue of today's dose this hadith.

00:49:02 --> 00:49:14

A lot can be said it also goes to show the different levels of an E man. Whoever makes an umber maruf in a name munkar with his hand he's a movement.

00:49:15 --> 00:49:30

Whoever does it with his tongue. He's a movement and whoever hastened his heart, he's a movement different levels. And whoever doesn't have any inkling no problem than he doesn't have any Eman and that doesn't mean he's a cashier

00:49:32 --> 00:49:41

is one of those many a hadith and at Naropa to NAS Bihar, the no source of the Kitab in the Sunnah and that this philosopher

00:49:42 --> 00:49:59

Jin Salaam and that Al Eman Amen. Leave us from that leave us from that lie man is your statements and your actions and what you believe in your heart goes up with it with obeying Allah goes down with disobeying Allah, you got to deal with all this other stuff that

00:50:00 --> 00:50:10

has us all divided and disunited amongst ourselves. Okay honey if you guys have any questions you can put your question forward right now inshallah the candidate to come shake for the fact Hello

00:50:15 --> 00:50:27

let me ask you a question I want to ask you this question before there's a famous character in America His name is Africa boom, bada boom bada does Bambara mean anything for you African brothers Bambara

00:50:29 --> 00:50:33

it's one of those words African Americans is ticking I go ahead my brother

00:50:38 --> 00:50:41

is a person sitting instead of using his tongue he goes straight to his heart.

00:50:43 --> 00:50:45

No one Hickman Hickman

00:50:46 --> 00:51:08

do it sir be Rebecca Bill Hekmati? One more a little has nit Jaya Jaya de la miletti Asad. Heckman is putting people in place in the right place. What drew Shea from the Helene and Manasa so if you have the ability to stop it, and you hate in your heart, that's low now, hikma. My daughter came in late.

00:51:09 --> 00:51:43

Hi, Sheila, Ruby let someone's daughter came in late. And he stays in the room and says, I hope my wife handles it. No, that's not hikma. He better get up and go deal with his big. So a person can't do anything by hate in his heart. But he jumps up and he starts making in car and he he doesn't have the power for that. They're gonna grab them by his neck and put his hands behind his back and they're gonna blast him because he's African American. And black lives don't matter in America the

00:51:43 --> 00:51:51

police police us differently no brother you need to fall back with that bad attitude they can really put a pellet in your melon

00:51:53 --> 00:51:57

so you need to fall back does need to time to talk like that as a Muslim

00:51:58 --> 00:52:15

but Allah Allah kritischen idea we know that but it's not the time for that and that's what the Prophet taught us so you have to put the situation is right place any more questions that one? Okay we got my man you came in late should you even have a question for the father

00:52:18 --> 00:52:21

all right, man, go ahead. You gotta write on your hot gun

00:52:34 --> 00:53:12

if a close friend of yours is selling and you keep telling them stop doing that and he finds it hard to stop doing it. Should we dis communicate that we shall be disconnected with him? Ask you all Bala who he is not sinning. Who here this hadith. Allah said in the Quran in NEMA Turkoglu from embodying Halluf after Hawaii yawn that came up hello. A group of people listen, listen. Hello often this is is a delille of the men had just said if he that the scholars understood before Hello off or the

00:53:12 --> 00:53:34

people came later. So the self came before the Hello. All of the NBS Hawaii you own who came and then the hollows came after the Hawaii ye and with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam Yeah, Hawaii, yo Zubaydah but not one and the rest of them. And then the Hello came after them.

00:53:35 --> 00:53:54

And some of the hollow or die was salah. They didn't take care of prayer. So this concept said if he is not in the Quran, yes, the word is not in the Quran. But the concept is in that Quran, because the opposite of Hollows is the Senath. The other thing is my brother's asking.

00:53:55 --> 00:53:59

This anybody that hadith said then they will come the hollow.

00:54:00 --> 00:54:09

They will they will say what they don't do, and they will do what they were not commanded to do. Because the people right now

00:54:10 --> 00:54:18

we believe in Allah, we love Allah. But you can find a guy praying so that the Witter every day from amongst us.

00:54:19 --> 00:54:47

I believe in Allah, I love Allah. But you won't find a guy trying to memorize the Kadem of Allah the best speech to get next to he even knows nothing about edge weep the newness Sakon hits him in his head. He doesn't know that's the newness saccade he doesn't know. I love Allah I love Allah. But when it comes to what Allah legislated, he has his wife, our legislated husband Allah legislated. We don't

00:54:48 --> 00:54:59

make a hokum Holcomb Iraqi tabula, so right now every many people are saying what they don't do. Yeah, you live in Amman Lima taco Lulu Mala

00:55:00 --> 00:55:21

At Allen capital McTernan the line to Kulu Mala to follow many people so I say to you brother if you have a friend who's still doing stuff don't cut them off don't cut them off cut him off with fifth and cut them off when that's the best thing to do your voice in his here maybe the voice of salvation

00:55:23 --> 00:55:31

but you being with him may destroy him and you you have to determine that this guy is doing things is gonna get me killed

00:55:32 --> 00:55:47

people gonna roll up on him and get me blasted. I'm gonna have to x no person given Oh Donald should I still be with this guy? I'm dropping him like a hot potato a bad habit. But who is not making mistakes? Hope

00:55:49 --> 00:55:50

from this Mejlis

00:55:52 --> 00:55:53

it was my boy I yield.

00:55:54 --> 00:56:05

I yield the major move. Subhan Allah subhana Colombo are behind the COVID shadow in that era in the stock photo in Santa Monica, Morocco. What happened to my boy are you

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