Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Hadith #15 – The Appearance of Defects

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various topics related to the use of the word "the" in various context, including the origin of the statement about the use of the word intentions, the loss of friends from social media, the history of Islam, and the importance of trusting others and protecting one's money. They also touch on issues such as the loss of friends and the use of hikes and bull volumes to avoid embarrassment, the influence of Islam on politics, and the problem of women being decepted by men. The speakers emphasize the need to educate people and avoid false accusations and rumors, and emphasize the importance of protecting one's money.
AI: Transcript ©
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you been when you get back from Cameroon?

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See you pleasant surprise mashallah

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as my main routine

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Smilla mana Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen and hamdulillah they haven't interferon what type D BAM Mubarak and fi or Salawat Allah He was set mo Isla in the beginning I mean

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why the it was hobby as mine. Bounded Finn Hallo Kurama Cunnamulla Haven Houda Houda was soo live salaam wa watashi wa salam was shorter more de facto ha la coulomb desert in bed attune. What could be the Eitan Bula Bula Bula teen phenom. We come to Hadith number 15 In the book of a chef Heidi Hudson and Halaby I will hide if a shammy Rahmatullahi Thailand he wrote me tin wasa

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and is a Hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu it was said NEMA was talking to his companions and a Bedouin cane and a companions who still love it when the Bedouin would come in order to ask questions because the breadwinner would not hold back. Due to the course harsh nature. They just got to the point and other people benefited as a result of their questions. Whereas some of the companions will have higher and they will be shy and they won't want to ask about certain issues,

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connected to sensitivities, sensitive issues, but the Bedouin will get right to the point. So the bedroom came in he interrupted the profits on the lawn while he was sending to me say out also law. When is your milk piano? intelligent question? So I continued to talk and he ignored them, which was not from his sunnah. If you ignore someone who's speaking to you as a sign of disrespect, it's a sign of political edit. And the Prophet was sent with edit and a clap Allah mentioned in the Quran,

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when Nicola hold open of him, you and a high level of law, he said about himself. So the law while he was setting them, that he has been sent to perfect good manners, he was the best person in his edit. So someone spoke to him and he ignored them. Some of the companions said, or Sue, I didn't hear the man. That's why he ignored them. That's what they thought amongst themselves. Others said he heard him but he didn't like the question. He didn't like that question for people to ask, When

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is your piano? So if someone asked him that question, sometimes it will answer some Allah when he was setting them. And sometimes he would say something that was hidden and Pearson into the point. And he will say to the person, what have you prepared for it? Not when is it? What have you prepare for? Are you ready for it? If it came, so it's going to come? And it's going to happen? An unexpected. So when it is, so they said he didn't like the question, and he continued to talk. After

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he finished the discussion. And this is the Hadith today. He said Aina ora, who is settled when inside, where's that person waxed? About? The hour? Where is yet another one of those Hadith and I always mentioned this to the community. Anytime the Prophet asked a question, who was this? Where is that? What's your name where you come from? Anytime he asks a question. It means he's not housing nozzle. He's not omnipresent. He doesn't know that in the middle, right? Allah doesn't ask the

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question how when why? Allah already knows anybody has two angels. There are many melodica Allah's Elbasy or a semi. Aleem. Sula is not like that. So we have to kill this stuff about this Aqeedah that some of us have relatives have and it should have gone in coffee. Why don't people just go to the church or the synagogue or the temple or something like that? And you know, support worshipping monkeys and things? I'm not calling to that. I'm seeing the pure toe he definitely slam there's no

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room for that nonsense. Where is the one wax me about the hour? He said Here I am Yato so lot he told him something Allah why didn't he was salam a that will see the Omer either do the ITIL a man if untethered is SA if the Amana is lost, then we for the our? The Amana and I think that most of us will Hamdulillah we know

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This word is one of those important words in LA slang. from Somalia. You can Asian, African Muslim, you know, and you're keen to look cool and known as sub L A jab al Kitab shrimps. You know those words, from the words Muslims know is a man.

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When he's yomo piano, he said, If the trust is lost, then wait for the sign. You'll move cameras close when people lose the Amana? The man sejarah salah, and how would it be lost? The amount of how would it be lost? He said that we'll see the Amaroo era really early if the wrong people become responsible for things if the leader of the Muslims is not the right person, the one who's given the hook but is not the right person. The one who was the one either were killed over the girl is not

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the right person. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam met the people are like 100 camels, you can barely find a camel that suitable to ride. So for all of the people, competency is always an issue. The A lot of people in the community a lot of people from Benny add them but what's the word for every 1000 People that have been created? 999 are in the hellfire and only one goes to Jana.

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So it's an issue of competency and I will say this to you brothers right now.

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young brothers Millennials young sisters, you know when it comes to picking a friend and choosing a friend, you have to take your time and really weigh up who you're taking as a bosom buddy. You know they have and then let's land our religion. You have the hubby the one you love. You have the refrigerator you have the saw him your companion is someone you go with you come with you eat with them. But the Khalil Khalil, the bosom buddy, your homie, your right hand man. And when you tell

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your secrets to

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that's the manner you will give them your trust. Tell them your secrets. You let them know your inner thoughts all that you have to take your time in choosing people who are going to represent that position because you'll move Qiyamah the Quran tells us that most people who we take as friends we're going to regret their friendship you'll know Kiama not one I have two three I had the low tide I mentioned in the Quran, Allah who you will marry them bow to whom the bow, a duel 1113 the alleles

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the friends, the bosom buddies, your MO Kiama are going to be enemies to one another, except that the ones who have took off from amongst them. So his friend started making Kiba he advised them and he called them out with that is friend supported to cave is a minor. He encouraged him and a bit of a Taqwa encouraged him on the good deeds and so forth and so on. Like I mentioned, I act

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that the person will come yo Mookie, I'm and he's going to say Yahweh let the tourney lemma Fulani heavy Allah Oh wow I wish I didn't take him as my friend.

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Oh how I wish I didn't take him as my friend. Because he didn't stop me from doing things he participated encouraged me let me go so it's not one I had to I had the I had my with the Prophet take all that time out. SallAllahu it was set him to give all of those examples of the good friend and the bad friend, the good companion and the bad companion. You have to look at who you're taking as your companion. During this time, the man has lost people like 100 Camus, you can barely find one

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suitable to write one suitable to be a good friend. Also Allah says Allah Allah he was sending us to seek refuge in Allah and His do I love him in me I will be coming. I do Mac him. I know who called bow and you know who toorani were called boo. You're Annie. The Mini has nothing definite with a mini se attend a DA Oh Allah I seek refuge in You from a friend who doesn't like me. He's makin he's treacheries I seek refuge in You from having a treacherous friend Rasul Allah would never have a

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treacherous friend. His best friend was able bucket from the only Avila and the neuroma from the OD of Allah and then no Ceman and the other seven people promised Jana, he made that dua for you and me, be careful. Be careful. His eyes look at you and you think he's happy with you? But the Hadith said his heart despises you. If something bad happens to you. He has Shemitah Shemitah in Arabic is rejoicing when something happens. That's negative too.

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Someone so the point here is be careful. Y'all may get federal woman he was me he will be wasa he better he were Benny, be called Emery and men whom young may even Chattanooga. You mean, y'all know Qiyamah every body is going to run away from his

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wife, from his brother, his mother, his father, his child, his friend, everybody is going to be concerned about his own self and they're going to want to give as Ranson people around them. So the point here is the social media. That's the friend who sees you and you think he likes you. But he wants your destruction he despises you. Those friends, you guys, sisters, brothers, young people are getting on the social media. Those unnatural friends in this de Muslim has a min hatch, how to

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choose friends and with the people that he knows they is the Khalil his man is only and then there's the Stata, the friends, the people he knows that guy who's going to be your homeboy your ride or die guy, you better check him out. Tell him your secrets.

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Some of those things that only you expect him to know he goes and tells other people because the man is lost. So this hadith of Whitey the chef ideon Halaby, Rama to lie I'm a tremendous. The Amana when we talk about $1 and the Duat giving Darwin the call us this time that the man has lost the man is lost and that the person who sit in before the people is talking nonsense, even weak Hadith he's lying. He sees you the people who should have come Cofer. Instead of teaching them the religion with

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slam, he's teaching shitcan Cofer. And then there is a person who knows the Huck but he wants fanboys he wants to please people so he you know plays with the truth. The Amana, people get before you when they tell you Allah said this Prophet Muhammad said that some love Allah when he was seven and it's all week, IDF. It's not even real.

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It's not even real. But Hadith that I told you about a few minutes ago, that the Prophet SAW refuge sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the friend who he looks as if he likes you, but does he hate you? Some of the scholars will this Lam said that hadith is weak. And some said that hadith is authentic is that so from the Amana? They call it the Emanuel Aimia. The scholastic Amana is that when I use that hadith I come and I tell you some say this authentic, some said is not authentic. You go back

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and you check in and you make a decision. But we have people who come before us and they tell them this week Hadith caught our fat for the religion. If you say yeah, where'd you where'd you? Where'd you? Where'd you the 1000 times, then you will find the white then you'll find your keys and you'll find happiness. Get it here with that stuff, man. And just teach us the religion of Allah slab. That's the Amana. So the Amana as I see here, in our community has been lost. There are institutions

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not green lane or hamdulillah and inshallah they will masajid that are responsible for collecting sadaqa from the community. So in a manner there are people who count that money. There are messages where maybe people they take that money, a man with the manner they're supposed to be taken care of charities for the needy Muslims around the world. People take that money will law he it happens. So the man is many angles. You have a sister, younger sister, you have the eldest brother, she wants to

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get married. You're not helping the situation that's an Amana your father die. The money left behind the things that he said to do. All of those are miners. Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had in a manner and we have an amount of when we say we follow him a lot tool Rasul Allah he's still alive while he was sending them yet a you heard Russell building my own Ziller II make him a bigger when I'm tough Alpha collector Isata ya Raso go and speak about what your Lord revealed to you. And

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if you don't do that, take care of that. Amana. You have not released his message so many times the Imam it may get up and he doesn't say hot but alhaja in Alhamdulillah doesn't have to say this, the Sunnah. But you find a lot of the hotel bar that people have hoped but they say in the hopper that they begin about Rasul Allah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam. billiger rissalah We're at Dell, Amana. He relieved the message and he took care of the Amana is from that if you hear people saying that all

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the time all the time.

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Fine. So he had an A minor from Allah to get before his people Quraysh who would look at him like a madman. And he was by himself. And he got up and he said that he, Lola

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and then Allah ated him with what he needed. No one killed him. No one, you know did away with him. What happened with him was what aligns with the creed. So everybody he has an A manner, and a man of taking care of your prayer every day. The Amana has been lost. Because in any given missed messages, you'll find, I wouldn't say the vast majority. But there are a lot of Muslims who are in the masjid and even at any given time. The five prayers in that day were not me. On that day, not yesterday,

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not the day before because we struggled May Allah make it easy for us. Maybe he got four or five what his wife she didn't get it navigate Fajr the Amana? Yes. So this hadith the chef called it the appearance of defense, the appearance of defects in the dour and the Duat shave it and hide it was a person who traveled all over the globe traveled everywhere giving down a lot right not to lie me. There's defects he saw he knows and he saw these a hadith and he put them here for us to 40 Hadith.

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They are defects. We are annual Hadith Inshallah, this Masjid is the markers of annual Hadith I did. And I don't mean jumeriah a group like I don't mean that stuff, and then become a Muslim to join any clique or any group. But I'll leave. Well, Malik and Imam, Imam Shafi and Imam Abu Hanifa was upon as Imam Abu Hanifa said in the Sahel Hadith for women 30 If the hadith is authentic, then that's my method that's what Imam Abu Hanifa said. So when Allah Hadith we have in a manner everybody hear you

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on the way of the set if you try to be on a Sunday night just Qalam but you're trying and perfection is with a lot you got to take care of the manner of the part in that knowledge with those people around you. So as it relates to a man as well anything a man is important in this religion. So the chef brought it from what Allah will type I mentioned in the Quran concerning the man in there many many many I got for men I mean meant for and I mean, I mean combined for an amulet baba, baba fell,

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you are delivered to me in a magneto wali Attila roba. If you people collectively gave your trust to each other, and you take trust, and I borrow that money, you pay it back a man. I have a secret. Here's my news, a man. I'm about to travel. Can you look it on my family, a man his father died. Do this in this in this manner.

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You in business with someone so in a manner, the guys working for you, you weren't a man, a man a man. We are here with these people and we as citizens of this country, it's an Amana, you call the person who lives with the Muslims and the non Muslim we call them stop men from a man and stop men. He's a person who the Muslims are responsible for protecting him and not arming him. These are rules and regulations. We're here. We say to anybody, every Muslim who comes here, don't break the law,

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the rules and laws, those universal rules and laws that go with our religion. Don't break any of those laws. The laws that don't go with our religion, I don't have to accept LBGT near I don't have to, I don't have to take the vaccine. I took the vaccine. I don't have to take the vaccine democracy and so forth and so on. But as for this call, we can come here and do what we want to do. No, there isn't a minor responsibility we are.

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So Allah azza wa jal auditors, when you people take and give a manners than the one who was Tuchman, teman he's the one who the trust has been left with him. Allah has said, Let him give that trust back and then I'm free a lot. Another is tremendous. ayat. Allah mentioned the Quran in retinas.

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Retinol man it is what it will be what zhiban for Burning Man, nah Yamuna, was fucking A minha Wilhemina in Santa Fe, New kind of illumine Johanna, verily We, Allah said, He, the royal we, we offer this a man of the trust to the heavens, to the earth and to all of these mountains. Allah said to the heavens, the earth in the mountains take care of the Amana and the heavens the earth and mountain say no

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And they became afraid of that responsibility. Allah said Benny add them. They took responsibility for the Amana and Benny Adam is ignorant and oppressive. Varun, very volume. Volume volume is the opposite of hikma. Heckman is putting things in a proper place. Putting things in a proper place. Allah is Allah Hakeem, you know who to give money to? Who to give three children, five children, no children, two sons, five boys.

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Who told Allah good man who's rich, who's poor halau haram, Allah know you al Hakim, you will be Hakeem. I'll be Hakeem. If you know when to talk, how to talk what to say what not to say. When it be mad when not to be mad when to disengage, when to engage. That's hikma.

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So the greatest form of hikma is the Tauheed of Allah worshipping Allah properly. The worst form of bull volume the opposite of hikma, Vaughn putting things in the wrong place. So the person worships other than Allah as well. So the end of the I said that mankind took responsibility for the ability for the miner, and he was oppressive, he lost it.

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The meaning of the man in this ayat is the religion the Shetty on a lot said to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, you will be responsible for the Haram and the halal, what Allah commanded what He prohibited, you will be responsible for that. That's from the knowledge of Allah. How did it happen that your job to get into those details? Allah has said in the Quran to Benny Adam, and to Asha to help and Missamma bene refer Assam for so why are you people greater than the heavens and

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the earth? That you can't believe in Allah and worship Him alone? And you think you know everything, when it doesn't make sense to you, you become arrogant. And all of you have problems. everybody here, everybody here and you're going to come and say, hi, Why did Allah

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offer the manna to the heavens and who were you? Who are we?

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So the real Muslim is the one who was humbled and this is why 20 And Sahih Muslim Abdullah at my school said that the Prophet says of Allah why he will sell them lie yet Khalil Jana min, can you tell the mythical varietal in Kibera? Anyone who has one speck of arrogance won't enter into the Jannah. is haram for anyone with one speck of arrogance. He doesn't know his position, asking questions acting like so what we who you?

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So Allah offered it.

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And they say no. And they were afraid. Many items said okay, we'll take it. And Benny either that means he has to make allow her to allow haram haram. He's in charge of a government. You know, and this is just an example. I don't want anybody to get upset. But you know, Nigeria, Western Africa, Nigeria, is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of resources. They have more money than the Middle East, more resources, more potential for money in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia,

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Kuwait, all that. They have oil, they have copper, they have all of that stuff in Nigeria. But it is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. It's not being run properly. Most countries in Africa like that. Most countries where we come from like that, corruption, you can practically kill someone and get away with it. Where we come from, you can kill them, and the popo know you killed them. Because you're gonna break the judge off with some dope. So Nigeria, this is not against

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Nigeria, is an example. Nigeria has become a country in America. Nigerians have more PhDs than anybody else in America. Nigerians are smart people have a lot to offer. But look at all the corruption.

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That's a sign of the Amana Dean loss where the people live in in the dirt in the dirt, dirt poor and the rich and the disparity between the two groups is like night and day, but people don't care. The Amana and I don't want any Nigerian to get upset with me anything like that. I'm not a hush puppy fan, anything like that. There's this guy named hush puppy made all this money. And then that becomes synonymous with Nigeria Nigerians Allah. We have a mountain Nigeria. We have Olia, Nigeria,

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we have Muslim on Muslim at Nigeria are good people. But when things are mismanaged, big problem. The guy giving Dawa and he's saying in this country, he's a cashier. Let's kill this one. Let's kill that one. Where's the man? What are you talking about me? What are you talking about? But let's not travel too far. Everybody here. You have children. That's an MA

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ANNA that's in a manner and sometimes we slip up and sometimes we just not cognizant as it relates to the Amana Allah will try to mention the Quran yeah you are living in Manu lie to hula wa Rasool what a whole new magnetic man to the moon are you believe Don't be treacherous and try to trick Allah and trick His messenger and don't, you know lose the Amana that you all are responsible for and you know what you're doing when the Prophet conquered MyKad when he too many examples the Amana

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Rasul Allah conquered Mecca sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the year of the conquest, Mecca

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when he conquered Mecca, there was a man by the name of Earth man had been palha from the kuffaar Quraysh. His family was responsible for the key of the Kaaba and was honorable. They will go and open up the door of Aqaba.

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When they want to clean the Kaaba dignitary, they there was a big thing.

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Prophet Muhammad came to Mecca shut everything down. It's a new program. No one makes to walk around the Kaaba naked anymore. No Cafe can make to walk around the cabin anymore. Knock all of these idols down la isla hate Allah has come like the ISA Jaya and he was a consultant in Barcelona canas Orca. So with the Prophet read, he went to Mecca. He got off his camel. He went inside of the masjid inside of the Kaaba. He prayed to rock gods in the Kaaba beat. I was watching them, people watching

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them, they saw was there. He looked around the Kaaba was all kinds of craziness, to have pictures and images of Ibrahim making sure doing divination with arrows Rasul Allah race that stuff. So Abraham didn't do the stuff. He took his stick starting back in all of those idols down with a stick. He didn't come in with a big bazooka ak 47 atomic bomb, the young brothers, that's what they want to do. We got to go get him a relax right now. It's not time for that. Now was the time to

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educate the people. Now's the time for all of us to get ourselves together.

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Who you're going to go and attack them with me and my two sons and I sit in the laws whether it's like David and Goliath,

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David and Goliath, you bring in a slingshot as well, like the Palestinians not making a joke, let them want a stone rocks at tanks and guns.

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doesn't allow them to want that. So it was so like came and knocked that stuff down with a stick. And he said tell them read the ayat. The truth has come and falsehood has disappeared. falsehood is ever fading away. It always fades away.

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When that happened, the Prophet took the key from that man, Doha or mandible Tala was a cashier. When he came out of the Kaaba, Allah revealed the ayat and Rasul Allah read it in Allah Moodle coming to a duel Mr. Natty either Allah, whatever attempt to bring a nasty anti Kumu Bill Adam in Allah Nam convenient Allah Cana Surya symbol Sierra Verily Allah orders all of you to give the Amana back to people who deserve it give them back their trust. And if you judge between the people judge

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between them was justice it is a Namur that Allah what he's done for you he's all seen or hearing Prophet Muhammad gave that key back to that non Muslim man, the moon my Muslim man went told his people and everybody saw it, the people became Muslims. Hamid takes care of the Amana

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when the Prophet lectus Allah Allah why do you sell them?

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They knew he was an honest person a good person, they left with him all of their money all of it whoa, he was like I don't want to say the bank. But he was like the treasury of the people Mecca. But so like everybody's money, everybody's stuff. And then he had to make Hijra he could have taken all of that stuff and bounced rolled out and justified it the way these Jamaah to justify his brutality I mean the tech theories these people justify madness robbing the bank because they stole

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our money.

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They have pillaging Muslims land lands so we robbed the bank he talking about. Some people are so petty at the job where they work where they work directly job phone company wherever he takes toilet tissue, like every every day every week. Yeah, we take it toilet tissue. Man they took my forefathers as slaves they owe me money. 40 acres and a mule. Are you serious man 40 acres and a mule.

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That justification you're stealing. Prophet Muhammad says Allah what He was sending them at the manor in a minute Tameka what at the convent Kanaka. Anyone who gave you an Amana? Give it back to him. And don't be treacherous towards someone who's treacherous towards you. They gave you a man

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Give it back and the one who doesn't give you your mana back Don't you be treacherous so the province has said of them he could have made hatred and taken everybody's stuff but what would the people have said they would have said look at Muhammad he ripped us off he robbed us so for one nine but what he did what kind of Darwin's that

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look at them they're heavy on the infrastructure they're lying and getting money they robbing the banks they still in our community but so left and even the toilet you stay behind and it's from the virtues of it you know you have to have courage to be the only one stand behind they'd be mad just kill you because they might run so left bucket.

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I will hasten I'd even be taller if everybody in your stuff. This was all a man a man a man a man.

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So the man in the deen of Allah tremendous a coin volta praise the believers. He said in the Quran will let you know whom the Amana team ID him around sort of me known believers. They are those people who take care of the Amana and they take care of the trust a manner in trust listen, they go together a manner and trust the promise. The Prophet says some Allah why do you say love? The latter.

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I attune monastics ratha either had defecated where either one either

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were either too two minute Kana.

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That is the sign of a hypocrite. If you lie, if he talks he lies. It's a sign of the hypocrite number two. If he promises I'll be the I'll do it. I'll see you I'll this I'm gonna do it that he breaks his promise and why.

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And if you leave a trust with him, he loses the trust. He doesn't take care of it. It's not important to him. So Pinilla they come to the neighbor and they say to the neighbor, your neighbor, we can really have a walima we don't have enough chairs, forks, spoons, whatever. We need some pitches, whatever the neighbor, look out for him break them off, okay, they have their property. They break the chairs, they lose stuff, they don't think say the neighbor don't really kick nine

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it's in a manner. They gave you food in the plate, send them that plate right back. That's what happened with the promise of cellular. One of his wives sent a plate of food to his house when he was in the house of Isha. She opened up the door and saw the servant with the food. He became jealous and knocked it out of her hand and fell down and broke. Or Sula came and took a plate from I Isha to complete from Ayesha and sent it back and said your mother has become jealous she became

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angry and he managed to be held he handled it but you see how he replaced that pleat?

00:32:53 --> 00:33:25

So we take this stuff from the neighbor from our brother borrow the car, man you borrowed the man's car. You don't have license you don't have insurance. Come on you come on. So the point is the point here is he sets up a law while he was selling them law e mana lemon law a man at a level when Dena the man law was the law who he has no faith. The one who doesn't take care of the Amana. He's done man. He's the man I don't care how screen selfie, whatever the Sunnah, whatever, you don't take care

00:33:25 --> 00:33:28

of the Amana your wife is in a manner.

00:33:29 --> 00:33:39

Everybody here when a father married you to her and expect you to be much shit did like that and inspect you to be rough and tough like that. You feel like you will honorable.

00:33:40 --> 00:34:07

The same way. You are going to take your daughter and marry her off to the next cat down the line inshallah you expect certain things. That's the manner that sister was married to the brother, the man Don't be telling you, girls and your sisters and your friends, all the secrets and problems and the deficiencies of your husband What's wrong with you? Why don't we just why don't I just sit right here? We just start talking about deficiencies of our women. Who does that?

00:34:08 --> 00:34:26

Prophet told the Companions Allah Allah, why are you sending them around the ALLAH and he said don't let one of you describe what he does with his family to someone else as if they're looking at them in the street having relationships. There are some women who say may get into those details that's in a manner that is in a manner

00:34:28 --> 00:34:59

as it relates to the man at 20. I mean, a lot can be said concerning the Amana, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa it was sending them when he used to travel. He used to say to the person who was traveling and this is as soon as someone's going to travel you will say a stone the Allah Dean. What a man Attica wah wah team, I'm telling you about a rollout to go to Cameroon to get married, right? So the Prophet was saying, I leave Allah responsible for your deen while you're true.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:04

Evelyn, and to be responsible for your man,

00:35:05 --> 00:35:35

your manner that you leave in here, your wife, your kids, your money, your business. And me, Amanda, you're taking care of why you're going. And I leave and asked a lot to be responsible for the Hawaii team of your affairs, the last of your affairs because the last thing that you do is the best thing. Everything in Islam, very bad that will be judged based upon the last thing that you do. So the fact that he will say that da shows his significance, it's important that he will say that Salah doesn't

00:35:35 --> 00:35:36

listen to what he ever done here

00:35:38 --> 00:35:42

that you hold, as the Prophet said, alayhi salatu salam, the

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Sunnah and a man can block him ship Brumby ship run with Orion bedarra You're going to follow the Jews and the Christians and everything that they did hand span by hand, spam, arm spin bounty, if they go into the lizards hole, you're going into the lizards hole. If one of them has relationships with his mother in public, you're going to do that to that degree. They may ship we may ship they went overboard in Raisa Rosaire we go overboard in Missoula and other people. Their women got out of

00:36:17 --> 00:36:25

control, and they became feminist that happened to us. They left them in Hajj that the prophets and the messengers brought this happened to us.

00:36:27 --> 00:37:03

And one of the issues with Benny is right here with the yo hold is the issue with the Amana. They are an AMA lost the Amana and the umana people supposed to be trustworthy a community lost trust the Amana but there is one I want to share with you about the amount of the yo Allah mentioned about the yahood in the Quran. Were Eman and little keytab the men in men will be pin taunting you a de vache women who men and men who will be de nada now you are de la ilaha Doom Talia he

00:37:04 --> 00:37:09

barely could be unknown Kalu laser Allina Phil Medina Seville

00:37:10 --> 00:37:22

for your coluna line Kevin omiana Moon from anvil keytab are some people who if you left them an Amana you left them a whole treasure

00:37:23 --> 00:37:54

hole second floor of the masjid I know, part of the culture that I grew up in is that and this is why crying doesn't pay. And we want all our Shabaab our African American brothers and want to be stereotypical here our Asian brothers, a lot of our Shabbat don't have anything going for them. They want to start practicing and they were in the streets. Man is better for you is better for you to start practicing and slowly get your life together and get out of those streets because crime

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doesn't pay. I never ever ever, ever heard of never saw never met someone who was in the streets making a lot of money. And then they got locked up and have to get locked up locked up. They say here take care of my money. You you you until I get out except those people stole the money.

00:38:14 --> 00:38:34

That's how it is. That's why people hushpuppy that's our hushpuppy got jammed up. Because he made all these hundreds of millions of pounds. He got this money. And one of the guys were jealous. I might give you the money. I mean, the people got him in trouble, greed, the Amana? Not that that's there. But the point here is the point here is

00:38:35 --> 00:38:45

the problem won't be in the streets at all. The ISA from Avalokitesvara. But those people if you left them a whole treasure,

00:38:46 --> 00:38:51

a whole treasure upstairs all gold or gold,

00:38:52 --> 00:38:55

precious metals, diamonds, platinum.

00:38:56 --> 00:39:03

If you left that with him as in a manner when you come for it, and rookie type Jiu Christian will give it all back to you.

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And from them as well is the person if you left him with one dinar one, he won't give it back to you unless you stood over him and you demanded it. And that's because they say the yahood we don't have to do right by you and let it people.

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And I saw that from the Muslims and African American community, Arabs, Pakistanis and stuff like that Asians, they will come to our community in America. With all the drama that we have. We need Islam and total heat and all of that. And instead of giving us Dawa, they will open up liquor stores they will open up stores selling liquor, they will open up stores selling pork and all of that someone that's all of the things that kill us.

00:39:50 --> 00:40:00

And then they say I remember became a Muslim. I would go to them and say these are my people. They're not your people. He's my people. I'm a Muslim, but these African American my people were killed.

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linum the people will say they're not Muslims, we don't have responsibility. That's what they do who said they will who will say if the pork if the pig or something dies, you can't give it to your brother, but you can give it to the Gentile that's in the Bible right now. You can sell it give it to the Jintao. That's not our religion. Prophet Muhammad said as I mentioned earlier, give the amount of back and don't be treacherous to the one treacherous towards you. I had to have the Quran

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I had that we have to be fair we have to be just so when concluding equity free Lang

00:40:41 --> 00:40:50

want to say to our brothers who are on the sunnah to get focused. We dropped the ball with this thing that has happened

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with our dollar taken in embracing the fights of other people of other lands and all of this stuff. I don't want to go too far into that but the Amana let's get back on the set out in sha Allah azza wa jal and take care of our responsibility of delivering this message in a way the people comprehending shot lines with junk for verily if people take this religion the correct way Allah's help is the okay brothers you guys have any questions two minutes shot

00:41:23 --> 00:41:27

any questions that can intercom shape? Do you guys have any questions

00:41:33 --> 00:41:33

and in the country

00:41:35 --> 00:41:38

okay then have a was Allahu wa salam robotic

00:41:39 --> 00:41:50

when I'm at an a beginner or had been what Khalili he Subhana wa Khalili. He's kinda with the island Nabi SallAllahu he was setting them cinematic around to lay over the cattle.

00:41:52 --> 00:41:53

What time is the event?

00:41:57 --> 00:41:58


00:42:04 --> 00:42:06

How are you my brother? You okay?

00:42:07 --> 00:42:08

Where have you been?

00:42:09 --> 00:42:11

Did you go back to Africa.

00:42:12 --> 00:42:14

You've been here how you

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