Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 144 – The Prophets Marriage To Safiyah

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of acceptance of Islam in a culture where sensitivity towards others is common. They emphasize the need for accommodations to achieve goals and emphasize the importance of considering community and the importance of protecting and protecting the community. The segment also touches on the importance of authentic narratives and profitability in achieving goals. The speaker emphasizes the need for accommodations to achieve goals and the importance of considering the community's needs. They also discuss the mother of the beast, a woman who is a devout compressor of the prophets and has strong relations with the Jewish tribes. The segment ends with a statement about upcoming weekend events.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and tibia. These are just a few of the things we offer, alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at Syrah intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, their mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, go to Sierra intensive.com, to register and for more information.

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So as I was saying, Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah, who Allah and he was fbh Marine shala continuing with our series, our study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a syrup to number we had the prophetic biography. So previously, we left off discussing one of the major events of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, which was the Battle of cable. So we were talking about the Battle of thabit, from the life of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. Now in discussing and talking about the Battle of clay, but just to kind of reset and to remind everybody from where we left off, the Battle of haven was in the seventh year, the

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beginning of the seventh year of the profits, a lot of isms residents in the city of Medina. And what that means is, it's the beginning of the seventh year of Hinduism, what's transpired so far and what's important to remember about the overall landscape of Arabia at that particular time, Medina has continued to become more and more further established, as time has gone on. Not only that, but in the sixth year, just a few months ago, the Muslims attempted to go for Umrah to go and visit the Kaaba in Mecca. That's when they were blocked off and cut off by the four h by the Americans. And that became the circumstance in the situation that led to sort of who they be, which means the

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Treaty of who they be. So that's very, very noteworthy. Now after the Treaty of davia, there is a 10 year piece that is brokered between the Muslims and the Quraysh, the Medina ins and Americans, the people of Medina, the Muslims, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the formation makup. Peace has been agreed to peace has been brokered for a period of 10 years. So the Muslims are a lot more stable and established and they have ever been previously up to this particular point.

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Now, it was at this particular time that the prophets a lot a Semite undertaking the huge task of dealing with a very problematic or very troublesome enemy and a very problematic elements. That was not too far from Medina that had caused huge issues to the Muslims and that were that those were some of the Jewish tribes that resided at the place of haber. The reason why they have proved to be problematic is that after due to the treason, that was committed by banana leaf, some of the people the leadership of banana lead had gone to paper. And from there they had rallied the people of paper and the leadership of paper. And that became the brain trust that had formed the

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the allied armies, the United armies against Medina. And they marched on the city of Medina 10,000 strong, and that is what led to what we know as the Battle of the trench, as we discussed and we studied it in a lot of detail. So after the Battle of the trench had been concluded, miraculously, Allah subhanaw taala sent a wind, kind of like a tornado or a storm you can imagine that just completely scattered their army and broke them apart and they started to suffer from discord amongst one another. They started to bicker and quarrel with one another, and they just completely dispersed from there. But that does not change the fact that a lot of the leadership who was involved in that

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situation went right back to haber. So and haber, you still had a leadership you had a force that was still very intense on

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renewing and reviving this assault and attack against the city of Medina. That led to profits a lot he saw him once he had brokered peace with the mccanns with the bridge, now the profits allottee some could properly turn his attention to dealing with this other threat in favor. So as we talked about it the profits allottee some winter again

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Miraculously, the help of Allah subhanaw taala was there and Allah subhanaw taala granted them a very swift victory through haber.

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towards the tail end of the hustla of Taiba, the campaign of Hey, but there is a very notable event from the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And we're going to use this as an opportunity to learn a little bit about the personal life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And also, we'll also use this as an opportunity to learn about some of the key people in the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So towards the end of the battle of Cray, but as everything was settled, and everything was being, you know, taken care of, at that particular time, the daughter of one of the leaders of banana leaf, his name was he a bit knocked up. And nobody who gave him a stub another he

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was a leader, banana lead, and he was the architect of zap. He was the architect, he was the force. He was the one who recruited that's fine and Faber inspiration, everyone together to go and attack the city of Medina in the Battle of the trench. So he had been dealt with and had been taken care of, because after the Battle of the trench was over, he did not retreat back to Haiti, but rather what he did was he went to binuclear Reva, and so he was captured along with with the profits a lot. So went to binotto radar and dealt with them, he was amongst those people, and he was taken care of at that particular time. And he was Delta punishment, that the profits are lovely, some felt

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appropriate at that time.

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His daughter, however, her name is Sophia radi Allahu taala. And so we saved her the Allahu taala. Now, but at that particular time, her name was Sophia. Now, Sophia, she was the daughter of Ava, so she was understood, she was seen to be somewhat of nobility, almost royalty, if you would consider it. And what's mentioned about her is that while her father was still alive at that particular time, she was married to an individual from the tribe. And he was

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generally a pretty, you know, dignified individual.

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He was amongst the people who had gone to fight in the Battle of the trench. And so he did not return back home, he died in the battle in the fighting.

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And so after that particular time, now that her father was no longer there, either. She basically was married to someone else, but forcefully, she had forced, she had been forced to marry another individual from from haber. And was and he was not a very good person.

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She, she recalls her own story, and she talks about the fact about how he was very abusive towards her. And he physically used to abuser verbally would abuser, emotionally would abuser. And she talks about how miserable her existence was. And then she mentioned something very remarkable and very profound. She says that, a few nights before the Muslims actually arrived at paper, she saw a dream.

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And the dream that she saw was that the moon descended down like the full moon was out in the sky. And then it's like the moon became detached from its place, and it kind of glided down and landed in her lap.

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And she was very astonished, but it didn't have like a very scary effect. It had a very calming and a very interesting effect on her. Like, it was very calming. And it was also very encouraging, and very soothing. The experience that she had from the dream. So when she woke up, she told she told her husband at that time, about the dream that she had seen. And she mentioned that for Lata marwaha that he slapped her across the face when she told him the dream. And then he said, as a man as a man named me

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menina Malika yathrib that do you desire, the king of yesterday, yesterday was the old name of the city of Medina and Malik, meaning they're referring to the prophets a lot he said, um, so instead of calling him the Beagle in Medina, like the prophet in the city of Medina, they were referring to him as a king of gifts, because they were being stubborn and they did not want to accept the prophethood of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So, even he from just some of the basic knowledge that he had of the Scripture, understood that the moon is symbolic and representative of a profit.

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And the moon coming into one's lap basically means that this person will have a relationship with the profit of that time. He was aware of this fact from

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Even Jewish scripture in Jewish folklore. And so as soon as you don't, unless you saw the moon come into her lap, he was able to interpret it from what they knew from their tradition, to say that you desire to have a relationship you desire to be close to the king of the etheric meaning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he slapped her across the face very, very severely.

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And in fact, the narration mentions that she had a scar because of that, on her face near her. So she the the wound was actually there on her face. And some narrations mentioned that she had a very severe black eye because of this, that this was just a couple of days before the Muslims came to haber. So by the time the Battle of fable was completely wrapped up, and everything was done,

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that she still had that black eye and she still had a little bit of that scar left. And so her husband of that time, that her husband at that time, who was very just terrible and abusive towards her.

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He, he was amongst the casualties in the Battle of haven. So he died in the battle, okay, but so she was amongst the people who had been rounded up after the battle, okay, but, and they were brought, and at that particular time, somebody mentioned to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that amongst those who have been rounded up and captured a favor, we have the daughter of haven.

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And the purpose of mentioning that was that this is not just an ordinary person. This is she is basically considered like a princess to her people. She's nobility to her people. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was always one to understand and respect the position of people. Right, the famous story of a judgement

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case, that when the wolf to Abdullah case comes to the profits a lot he sent me and I showed you, one of their leaders comes the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam refuses to begin talking to the people and entertaining them until their leader arrives. And he says that, where's your leader, where's a shortage, and until he does not come, the prophets, a lot of them does not begin addressing the people, because he respects the position of the leader. And when the leader does arrive, the prophets, a lot of some makes room next to him for the leader to sit immediately next to the prophets love each other. So the Prophet says, have always understood and respected the position

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of a person amongst their people. That was this cultural sensitivity of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And there's profound wisdom in that profound wisdom in that, because what is the ultimately the goal and the objective, if the ultimate goal and objective is to get people to accept the message to be open to the message to be amenable? If that is the goal and the objective? Are you going to accomplish that by offending them

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by by challenging their sensitivities?

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By defining everything and anything that is important to them?

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Or are you going to try to win them over by showing a certain amount of by being reasonable, by showing a certain amount of reason, and accommodation, and sensitivity, that there are some things that you're saying that we cannot accommodate, that we cannot work with idols? Something we're not going to be able to accommodate you in regards to idol worship. The whole objective here is though hade, establishing the oneness of Allah. But as far as if this is the person that you hold to be of a position of leadership and esteem amongst you, maybe in the lecture, a little extra, more courteous, sort of towards that person, and before talking to everyone else for saying, What do you

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have anything to say, on behalf of your people? What does that cost to me.

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And then ultimately, if that person proves to be problematic, and is not cooperative, is belligerent, or defiance, then the people themselves will understand that at least I gave the person an opportunity, from the very getgo to just completely reject that person, and reject the people and not accommodate them at all, is a very problematic way to go about it. There's a very famous incident from the life of the prophets, a lot of them and I've referenced this earlier much earlier in the Sierra podcasts as well.

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That when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, fetch from Makkah, which we'll be getting to, in not too long in sha Allah, when the Prophet Salamis arrives in Mecca for the conquest of Morocco, or I believe it's even further beyond that, when they come from the 100 meter. But either way, when the prophets Allah when the Muslims are in control of Mecca, and the prophets, Allah disome, arrives at the Kaaba, if you recall, and if you remember, when the Kaaba was renovated, when the before five years before the prophets, Allah vsam received revelation, if at all, when he was 35 years old, because of the flood and the damage to the Kaaba, they were not they did not have sufficient funds

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to construct the entirety of the Kaaba. So what they did was they built the Kaaba as we see it today.

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In the square form, and then there is that little area that half circle on one side of the Kaaba that we call Hatim or hidden is made, right that will go and pray inside of but when you do the off, you do throw off around it. And the reason why you do throw off around it, if you cut through it during your throw off, your thought that circuit would not be valid.

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That circuit would not be valid, because that was included as an original part of the Kaaba. And they were not able to include it. So what they did was they built the Cabela's for walls, and they just put stones or rocks around it to kind of mark the area. And that's the way it had been until throughout the rest of the life of the prophets a lot. Until finally the Muslims were able to reclaim Mecca, and now establish the presence of Islam there and proper worship there. So the prophets of La they said them but remember, prior to the age of 35, during the actual childhood, and the, you know, younger years of the prophets, a lot of them he had grown up seeing the Kaaba with

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that portion included. That was the Kaaba that he had grown up with. So when the prophet SAW something came there, he comments to it shadow, the Lakota saying that my heart desires to return the GABA back to the original foundation and formation of Ibrahim alayhis salam, the Kaaba that I grew up with, where this portion would now be included within the structure. That's what my heart desires. But then he tells her Lola hit done only keeping Islami

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to her that if it was not for how new

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how new, your people are to Islam, you saw each other the logo, it says your people kind of somewhat, you know, jokingly, to her, right, because she's a she as well, right, the daughter of a rocker, it's his people as well. But she's kind of, you know, maybe talking to her like a husband and wife speak, right. And he's saying to her, that if it was not for how sensitive and young New Year people are in the faith,

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where they're still making huge adjustments, not worshipping idols anymore, not doing this anymore, not doing that anymore, then I would have returned the Kaaba back to its original formation, the Kaaba, that I grew up with bots, because right now doing something that drastic, would maybe push them past your limit.

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And the job the objective is to get them to

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accept and embrace the truth.

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And whatever accommodations can be made needs to be made, so that people embrace the truth. So getting back to the story here, I just wanted to derive and kind of really extrapolate this lesson from the life of the prophets, a lot of them, that sensitivity towards the people, right, in an area where we can accommodate them, they should be accommodated. And so Hannah law, right a lot. In our context. We're not talking about a victor, right, or somebody who dominates or is victorious, and somebody who's been defeated. Now we're all on equal footing here in our our efforts, right, but in that context, the profits a lot of them is the victor. He's in a position of power, superiority. He

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very well could have just done whatever it is that he wanted to do. But somehow even in that situation, the prosecution was so sensitive to people. Right, so getting back to it, when he's informed that the daughter of cravenness tub Sophia, who is held in high esteem and I'm regard amongst your people is amongst the captives. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam either had either mahadi he basically calls for her. And when she comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, at that time, basically tells her that I have, I will grant you your freedom.

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I grant you your freedom.

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I go as a gesture of respect.

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I grant you your freedom. And when the profits are lobbyism grants her you know the freedom basically frees her from captivity says you're free to go. She accepts and embraces Islam at that moment.

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I shall do ally the law, Why shall under karasuma

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and she relays her dream.

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She says the reason why it's so readily accepted Islam was because of this dream that I had. And that's how it was interpreted. And today, you display such graciousness and generosity.

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And she embraces Islam.

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And that's when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam proposes to her and basically offers to marry her and she accepts the proposal accepts the offer and

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becomes a wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and becomes a mother of the believers.

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And this is how the this is the story of

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Sophia radi Allahu taala. And her becoming one of the wives of the Prophet of some of the mother of the believers. Now, what's very interesting is that over here, it narrates some of the interactions and, you know, basically what the dynamic of their marriage was. And there's this is something that's very notable

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that after they depart from Cuba, and they're on their way back to Medina, the prophet system has married her, she accepted the proposal, their husband and wife, and so on their way back from Edina as you're camping and stopping at one of the places the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam basically says that we should have a walima we should have a feast to celebrate the marriage of the prophets, Allah listen to Sofia radi Allahu taala. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam basically invites people, he says, everybody come, and let's have olema together, and it mentions that somebody ends up bringing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells bill Allah, the Allahu

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taala, and who to go and get a dish. And then the profits, a lot of these inputs, a little bit of dates, he puts a little bit of, you know, something kind of like butter or cream, the profits a lot he someone has some type of, you know, wheat and barley and things like that, and he puts it into tray, and then the people see it as well. And everybody brings whatever a little bit of food that they can, they can bring some of their rations, and they all kind of put it into the tray together, and they lay it out. And then the entire army of the Muslims, they gather together, and they eat this very simple, humble food together. And this is a celebration of the marriage of the profits a

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lobby, to the mother of the believers, Sophia, or the Allahu taala. And the simplicity, the beauty. The unity with which the marriage was celebrated is really remarkable, as really a lesson for all of us. And in how we should envision and how we should approach I know this is a very, on one side, it's a very, it seems to be a very tired, old subject, we constantly bring it up and talk about it. And it doesn't seem to be making much of a dent in the community. So then we eventually kind of bore of it and we say, Well, why bother? Why talk about it. But on the other side, is there's also the issue of the fact that it's we are seeing the community stray further and further and further away

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from the example of the profits, a lot of human disregard.

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Right, and it's something that we do have to remind ourselves with, and we really have to come back to, and I understand, I'll be the first to say that simplicity is something that's generally speaking, it's relative, right, and it might be different from person to person, but it's something we really have to think about really have to embrace. And I know on another front, there are some people who are very, they're so sensitive to this particular issue and subject that when is brought out when it's brought up, they're very averse to it, and they're very bothered by it. Because there seems to be kind of like a sense of guilting people. And our objective is not to guilt people. And

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is not to just beat a dead horse, the same old subject. Right? But it's really to get us to think and to think critically, to think a little bit beyond ourselves, to think about the world that we are a part of the oma that we are members of right the species that we belong to

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the communities that we live in, but to think a little bit beyond ourselves, and the immediate scope of you know, the the gratification, that those scenarios and those scenes in those situations might bring to one.

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So this was the one he loves the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The next thing is as as they have the Illuminati proceed, they continue back on towards the city of Medina. There's a very beautiful interaction. That's narrated in the book of Sahiba, hottie by Anasazi Allahu taala. And that really shows the chivalry, the gentleness, the the respect, that the prophets a lot of a sudden extended towards the spouse.

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That the type of respect and the type of care and consideration the prophets a lot of them have for his wife. Right. And that very, you know, very, to be very honest, how it was even observable, and how it was demonstrated, actually, because everything the prophets, a lot of them did was for our guidance, right that it was demonstrated in public, so that we would learn a lesson from it, that there is nobody I know some of the Allahu taala who says for HIV, so some of you have read

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that he basically says that the profits or losses

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was writing on the animal, and she was writing behind him. And what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam had done was he had taken a shawl. And he had basically kind of like, draped it from, you know, behind him over her to cover her as well. So that she could rest or, you know, maybe sleep on the back of the processor set on but yet have have like some sense of privacy. Right. So the profits, a lot of them had taken a shot and kind of wrapped it around her be while she was writing behind him. And not only that, but when it came time for her to get when they stopped, and then they stopped the animal. And when they were getting ready to get going again, with the profits a lot he

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said we'll do is we'll do is that when they stopped the animal, he would get off of the animal. And then the profits allowed him would stand there. And one nation mentioned that she would place one foot on the shoulder of the profits a lot of a sudden, and he would hold her hand and she would get down. And then he would have his leg kind of out like you would kind of, you know, crouch down on the ground, she would place one leg on her shoulder, he would hold her hand, and then she would kind of swing our other legs around. And then she would place the other leg on his knee. And that's how she would get down.

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And everyone's heard this unless somebody who's watching this never even gets into Sahaja Buhari.

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And when it was time to get going again, again, the Prophet sallahu some kind of crouch down right near the animal. And then he took her hand and she stepped on the knee, the leg of the profits a lot.

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And then she placed one narration mentions her other foot on the shoulder of the prophets a lot he said on and then got on to the animal. Because Sophia or the good luck with Jenna Anka was a little bit shorter in stature. And so it was very hard for her to climb onto the animal. And so this is how the system accommodated her. Right, this is the carrot This is a consideration that the profits a lot of a sudden demonstrated.

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while we're here kind of and and another thing about it is that when she got married to the profits, a lot of a sudden he saw the markers. I was so black, she still had a mark on her face. And she mentioned that the prophets a lot of them asked her mahabhava Masha, what is this what happened, and then she told him the story about how this individual had struck her.

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Not only that, Sophia or the Allahu taala.

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She mentions, you know, something very, very interesting and very remarkable. And what I wanted us to do was, I wanted us to use this as an opportunity, as we've done previously, as well. To learn a little bit about Sofia or the Allahu taala anhand generally kind of talk about her. So Sophia are the Allahu taala and has a very interesting person. And part of the reason why the prophets A lot of us have extended the type of courtesy and respect that he had extended to her was because she was a direct descendant. She was a direct descendant of Haruna alayhis salam.

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Her lineage was actually traced. And the prophets husband was aware of this because of her father, her father was very public, and very publicly established his lineage, we gave enough thought that he was from the progeny of Harun alayhis salam.

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And so she is from the progeny of a prophet. And the Prophet son was aware of that. And that was part of the reason why he extended the courtesy that he extended to her. This is a daughter of prophets.

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She had mentioned before that she was initially married to Salaam in Michigan.

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And then after he had died after he was deceased, she was married to Canada. Okay, he is the one who had basically struck her. And then he also

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was amongst the fallen, he was amongst those who were killed that favor,

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Sophia or the Allahu taala. And her.

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Something that she mentioned that's very, very interesting is that she says after I had been married to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Because her father, who gave enough time was the one who was the architect of the entire battle of the trench conductor.

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And he was unapologetic. He was also the one who had then gone and recruited by Luca Eva, to turn against the Muslims commit treason, and try to come from behind them and stab the Muslims in the back. He was the one. And even after everything was said and done, and he was captured, he was unapologetic, completely cursing the prophets a lot. He said, I'm

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proud of what he had done. And so as was the order of the day, and the law and the decree that he was amongst those who were executed further tree

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And further treachery.

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And this is his daughter. And she mentioned something very remarkable. She says that ganaraska lies a lot, he said, I mean, I didn't I see Leah,

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Petula Abby was he was Oji for masala laowa abarca Allah Allah Allah Ravi bufala father had Erica Mena she,

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she basically says that before Islam, before I had seen that dream, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was, I have basically made up my mind that he was my enemy,

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that he's the one who had executed my father.

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And after I saw the dream, and I had that experience with the prophets of Salaam, I accepted Islam, the process and proposed to me I became married to him, what was in my heart towards the prophets of Salaam have turned from whatever hatred, mistaken hatred, or misplaced animosity that there was an act turned to love and affection. But the profits along the sun was so sensitive that the profits alleged him after we got married, he sat down with me and he spoke to me.

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And he talked to me. And this is we're learning those lessons in communication that we so often emphasize, right in relationships, she says, The profitsystem spoke to me very openly, and he said, Look,

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you and I both, we need to not pretend like it didn't happen, what transpired with your father, it happened.

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And what had to be done was done.

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But I want you to understand

00:31:40 --> 00:31:42

that your father left no other alternative.

00:31:44 --> 00:31:52

Your father was set on the warpath. As far as he was concerned, there was only one end to this. And that was just massacre and bloodshed.

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And he actually sat there and explained it to me and talked to me and had a conversation with me about it. She says to the point where I assured him that I had no ill will towards the prophets a lot, he said, and I saw the error of my father's ways. Right? So this is also something very powerful and very sensitive, that we see in a personal relationship of the prophets, a lot of them and there's no doubt about the fact that this is one of the wisdoms of the prophets, a lot of isms marriage to Sufi Allah, the Allahu Allah Allah, teaching us that how these relationships can should work and can work. Not only that, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so protective, and

00:32:38 --> 00:32:45

so sensitive about people's past, he himself was the first to talk about the fact that look, your father, and I had this conflict.

00:32:46 --> 00:32:50

And I'd like to talk to you about and have an open conversation with you about it.

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And she uses the word yakka.

00:32:54 --> 00:33:01

Like explaining it to me, the process of doesn't owe an explanation to anyone, but he's explaining it to me.

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But on the flip side, the process is so protective and defensive about anyone else, bringing it up, bringing her past up, or family's past up as a negative point against her.

00:33:16 --> 00:33:22

He's talking to her about it, explaining himself, but he will not allow for her to be taunted in any way

00:33:23 --> 00:33:40

for her to be teased in any way about where she's coming from. And it's a very famous narration. De mama tournament theater from Allahu taala mentions inauthentic narration. And so the Allahu taala who says llama Bella Sophia and have satara the Allahu Allah Allah tala God

00:33:42 --> 00:33:51

that one of the mothers of the believers have started the Allahu taala on her, you know, commented something about Sophia or the Allahu taala on her

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by saying Vince yahudi, the daughter of the Jewish man, four bucket, and it really kind of bothered her. She felt like she was being taunted about her past. Your father his armor.

00:34:05 --> 00:34:07

Yeah, my father was a terrible man.

00:34:09 --> 00:34:15

But that doesn't mean that you can kind of rub it in my face. I wish I had a father like a mother, but I don't.

00:34:16 --> 00:34:18

So it brought her to tears

00:34:20 --> 00:34:30

and the prophets a lot. He says she didn't go telling the prophets a lot. He set up the process and came home as she was wiping the tears from her face. And he said my you Kiki?

00:34:31 --> 00:34:33

What happened? Why are you crying?

00:34:34 --> 00:34:38

And she said that Sophia vinter oma.

00:34:39 --> 00:34:43

She said, palate Lee in the Ebner to your hoodie,

00:34:44 --> 00:34:50

the My dad was such and such Jewish men and enemy of the officer so and so on, so forth.

00:34:51 --> 00:34:56

For common Obi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in nucky. La Ebner to nebby

00:34:58 --> 00:35:00

No, no, you are the greatest

00:35:00 --> 00:35:04

A great great great granddaughter of a prophet of Allah Nabhi

00:35:05 --> 00:35:16

you're from the project even a beat her room is your ancestor. What in the unlucky Libyan Not only that, but your great, great, great, great, great, great uncle

00:35:18 --> 00:35:21

is also a prophet Musa alayhis salam.

00:35:22 --> 00:35:29

We're in Akilah Tatiana be the Tatiana be. And not only that, but you are married to a prophet.

00:35:30 --> 00:35:37

We are the daughter of a prophet, the niece of a prophet, the wife of another prophet. So he might have Quranic

00:35:38 --> 00:35:45

so what is she bragging about them? What is she holding over you? What does she have to boast about to you?

00:35:47 --> 00:35:48

Right, from afar

00:35:50 --> 00:36:16

and then the process and called have settled the Allahu taala Anna, and he said that fear God, be conscious of Allah. Be careful how you talk to people, because in how you speak to people can affect your position and your standing and your relationship with Allah. So be very cautious, very careful, authentic narration. Right. And this is from also the interaction of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

00:36:18 --> 00:36:19


00:36:20 --> 00:36:25

Sophia, the Allahu taala. And not only that, there's another very beautiful narration

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that mentions that the prophets a lot of him when he went for Hajj, and all the wives digital, without which we will study in a lot of detail eventually in sha Allah, that the process of took all of the mothers of the believers all of his wife Sahaja, as well. And

00:36:43 --> 00:36:45

she says that

00:36:47 --> 00:37:01

along the way, my camel, she says, basically sat down, would not cooperate and was being very difficult, would not kind of like obey me. It was getting very frustrating.

00:37:03 --> 00:37:36

And she says that, because of that I kept kind of lagging behind the camera will listen to you would turn around, it would start going sideways, it would just sit down and wouldn't get back up. And then when we stopped and I would try to get it up then it wouldn't get up and I kept lagging behind and people have to kept coming back and helping me and the profits. He loves him after he had to keep turning around and looking for me. And after a while it just became embarrassing, as you can imagine. Right? Hi, Justin Rida just from Medina. jumping ahead a little bit, just from Medina and the surrounding areas. There were 30,002 people who are traveling together to Hajj

00:37:38 --> 00:37:53

and then there were another 100,000 people who would congregate in Mecca. Over 120,000 people perform Hajj. So 30,000 people are traveling together. And Sophia to the Allahu taala Anna keeps kind of you know, having trouble in issues so she got embarrassed.

00:37:54 --> 00:38:01

And she says that my embarrassment in terms of frustration, and the frustration just led me to just break down into tears.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:37

And as I was like kind of writing on the animal and I broke down into tears, she says that the profits allowed him for john to be salon. She says for about a two I started crying for January. So salon, the profit for lobbyism came back around for Jada young several do more EBIT da he will be at the E and the profits all of a sudden started to wipe my tears away with his hand. And then he took a shawl and he wiped, like dried my face, which I'll elaborate on. And now everyone's watching him consoling me. So she said I started to cry even more.

00:38:38 --> 00:38:48

Right I started to cry even more. Walk away and honey. And she says the profits a lot of them kept telling me It's okay. It's okay. Don't cry, don't cry for

00:38:50 --> 00:39:23

me. And she says that finally. And so I started crying. He came back and started consoling me and I cried even more. Then he said it's okay. It's okay, don't cry. And the more he said Don't cry, the more I cried until finally the profits a lot of them said that's it Stop crying. And she said that I stopped crying. Right? So just that interaction between them. But what I really want to highlight aside from the different personalities and you know how things work between between couples and families and loved ones and relationships. What I really, really want to kind of highlight over here is the fact that

00:39:24 --> 00:39:27

the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ultimately

00:39:28 --> 00:39:33

this the the public display, you know, the kind of the public affection, the profits, a lot of them had,

00:39:34 --> 00:39:47

and how the profits and lobbies was not ashamed. He was not embarrassed. He was not ashamed. He was not embarrassed of demonstrating and displaying the affection that he had.

00:39:48 --> 00:39:56

And love and care and consideration for his wife. Right and that was something very really remarkable about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

00:39:58 --> 00:39:59

another narration of Sophia

00:40:00 --> 00:40:25

Allahu Allah. There's lots of very interesting agents, Sophia or the Allahu taala. Mmm hmm. Another narration. She says authentic narration can also lie somewhere I take even the process of was doing etic out from the machine. So I'd say to a zoo Neyland. So I came during the nighttime after the machine kind of had, you know, cleared out and everyone had kind of secluded to their corners. I came to sit with the prophets a lot. He said, I'm going to talk to the prophet and visit with him.

00:40:27 --> 00:40:32

So let's do the math. All right. The prophets a lot of them is doing

00:40:33 --> 00:40:34

arithmetic off. Where do we do arithmetic off

00:40:36 --> 00:40:37

in the sister section.

00:40:39 --> 00:40:41

Now where's there in the lobby of the machine?

00:40:43 --> 00:40:46

Now where's the attic? I've done it's been done in the masjid. All right.

00:40:47 --> 00:40:51

And she's saying I came to visit with the prophets a law they send them

00:40:53 --> 00:40:53


00:40:55 --> 00:41:00

Gonna do now we have a sister in the masjid is burned the place down?

00:41:02 --> 00:41:22

How are those retired as much in them? It's been ruined. Right? Obviously, for somebody who doesn't follow my bizarre manner of speaking I'm being facetious. I'm being sarcastic, right? That the mother of the believers or the Lakota I'm Hakeem in the masjid to visit with the processor. And she sat down with her husband. Yes, it's the profits allowed him to sit with him.

00:41:25 --> 00:41:31

And I sat down and I spoke to him why he mentioned spoke to him, meaning it wasn't just like a drive by like Okay, so I'm gonna

00:41:33 --> 00:41:39

let the fitna be removed from the machine Will I ever be done stuff for Allah right for her destiny like I sat down and I spoke to him

00:41:41 --> 00:41:42

too late and

00:41:43 --> 00:41:48

then I got up the nother narration says the urge to go back home

00:41:50 --> 00:41:53

for karma, Luca villainy

00:41:54 --> 00:41:57

and the prophets a lot of them got up to kiss me

00:41:58 --> 00:42:00

and embrace me before I went on.

00:42:02 --> 00:42:06

Right. This is the chivalry the love

00:42:08 --> 00:42:09

of the process and this is

00:42:11 --> 00:42:12

like invoke scenario.

00:42:13 --> 00:42:16

Right so we like to invoke sooner This is a summer,

00:42:17 --> 00:42:20

right? For Maharaja landing, Milan saw

00:42:22 --> 00:42:28

two young men from the unsorted kind of passed by kind of happened by

00:42:29 --> 00:42:31

for lumber I raw. Yeah. And

00:42:34 --> 00:42:48

so they're just kind of like, you know, it's nighttime is doing their aitikaf it's a month of Ramadan. Right. So there's this kind of strolling by kind of calmly just strolling by. And when they saw the profits, a lot of them with his wife embracing his wife,

00:42:49 --> 00:42:53

they kind of sped up sort of walking by quickly, you know, like awkward like,

00:42:54 --> 00:43:15

they started speed by following obesity. aleris likoma, hey, slow down, can make me coming. Right? And then the profits a lot a thumbs up in the hustle fee. I've been to create this, my wife Sophia. They said Subhana, Allah rasulillah messenger of God.

00:43:16 --> 00:43:52

Like Subhana Allah, like, why would you explain yourself to us? Like, God forbid that we would ever demand an explanation from you. And the prophets, a lot of them said, in the shape on the yejide mean, any other measure of the shape on flows through the human being? like the way the blood flows through messes with a person's head? What Neha shih tzu and Yakuza, loopy Kumar Sharon, and I was afraid that she might try to throw a little thought into your head about what was going on this body, the body and Muslim.

00:43:53 --> 00:44:10

So yes, the lesson is there that the Prophet says and provided clarity and he taught us a lesson that we gotta be careful. She Dawn's gonna try to mess with your head about people. But let's not also forget the context of the Hadith. This is the wife of the Prophet says I'm visiting with him in the masjid sitting down with him, and he's embracing her and sending her off back home.

00:44:11 --> 00:44:18

That's the son of the profits, a lot of Halima rhodiola, excuse me, Sophia, the Allahu taala. She was known as haleema.

00:44:19 --> 00:44:21

Like as a quality like him.

00:44:22 --> 00:44:37

Like she was very, very patient. She was very calm, right, she was very devout. And another thing about her was that she was somebody who was very particular about personal relationships.

00:44:38 --> 00:44:41

Okay, so um, I don't know the Allahu taala and who

00:44:42 --> 00:44:59

he mentions, but Bella, for whom Anjali Sophia and Sophia radi Allahu taala and her to Hindu sub sub. This is after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, while the Allahu taala and he was Khalifa one of the you know, one of the

00:45:00 --> 00:45:15

servants who used to go and kind of help out, Sophia the Allahu taala. And her, she comes to Amaro the Allahu anhu. And reports to him, reports to him saying, Sophia was very observant of the Sabbath.

00:45:17 --> 00:45:19

Like the Jewish observance,

00:45:20 --> 00:45:27

right, trying to basically kind of make like an indirect some type of accusation.

00:45:28 --> 00:45:48

And she says, We're pasilla Leah hood. And she maintains very good relations, very close personal ties with a lot of the Jewish tribes. When the who Botha anyhow, yes, Aloha. And so, the Allahu taala, on who sends for the mother of the believers, Sophia, or the Allahu taala, and how to talk to her.

00:45:49 --> 00:46:00

And we learned from the practice this practice before I even tell you what happens, we learned from this aroma rhodiola Buccellato, some could say that, okay, well, somebody just brings you information, you're just gonna go to that person.

00:46:01 --> 00:46:06

That That seems kind of like you're validating the information the person is bringing, you know,

00:46:07 --> 00:46:33

but there's a bigger objective behind that. Sometimes we're very superficial with our analysis, somebody brings you something. And we're just kind of like, No, no, just dismiss it and don't bring it up to them and don't. But if you don't want anything remaining in your heart, and also you don't know what, what's going to transpire after that. What if that same person goes back and says that are met all the time and found out that you do this, this and this?

00:46:35 --> 00:46:45

And she's like, he didn't say anything to you. He didn't say anything to you. He didn't say anything to me. Oh, I wonder what that means. And the bit best way to kind of squash all of that

00:46:46 --> 00:46:47

is you just talk to the person.

00:46:49 --> 00:46:56

And there's a relationship here. This is the mother of the believers. And the Allahu taala. And who is a swabbing of the prophets a lot. He said, I'm

00:46:58 --> 00:47:43

a devout follower of the prophecy. This is like a mother team. So he says I will speak to my mother and he basically says he asks her and she says I'm except for any level hibou Mundo and Abdullah and the Allahu yo B. Mundo and Abdullah Abdullah Nia, Lago, Yama Giamatti, she says, as far as the Sabbath is concerned, I haven't even observed that day ever since Allah gave me yo Majumdar. So I don't know what somebody is talking about. Yojimbo has a special day to me now. The day of Friday is the day I observed one motherhood. Finally for in the leafy Ibrahima fantasy? Yeah, I do maintain some relationships with some individuals of the Jewish tribes. But I don't do it politically.

00:47:45 --> 00:47:56

He had thought saluja who'd like this person trying to paint a picture of some political alliance I have with them. I do. So why I still have family amongst them. I have uncles and aunts.

00:47:57 --> 00:48:02

siliconera him, wasa who Macedonia rufen.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:39

Right. Even if your family turns is against your faith, you don't oblige you don't forsake your Islam, but you still maintain respectful relations with them. Right? So she says that's what it is so much other than God and then she says to that, that's that the servants that girl who did this, my hamelech Yamasaki. Why would you do that? She says Aleta shavon shavon mess with my head. Like I shouldn't have done it. It was wrong. For Karla has severe severe or the Allahu Allah Allah said, Izzy is hubby for anti hora.

00:48:40 --> 00:48:45

She was a slave prior to this, and Sophia says, Go now you have been freed,

00:48:46 --> 00:48:53

you've been freed. And that's an act of generosity and kindness as a response to an act of like betrayal.

00:48:54 --> 00:49:05

And also, it's wisdom on the part of Sofia or the Allahu taala that you need to go figure your issues out. But in the meantime, in the meantime, I just can't have you here causing problems.

00:49:06 --> 00:49:09

But you should go and fix your issues you should go and solve your problem.

00:49:11 --> 00:49:23

And this is another remarkable story about Sophia on the Lakota line. Now if you know the Allahu taala finally conclude with this, she passed away in the month of Ramadan. In the year 50. After

00:49:24 --> 00:50:00

she passed away 10 years after the prophets a lot, excuse me 40 years after the Prophet sallallahu sallam, she passed away 40 years after the process I'm sure she lived through the areas of Abu Bakar inomata northmont and Alina, the Allahu taala. married and she lived to quite a later time, and she passed away 40 years after the prophets allowed him in the month of Ramadan. And at that particular time, the leader of the Muslim world at that time was more obvious for the lucky 10 I know her janazah was performed in you know at the mercy of the prophets, a lot of them outside the mercy of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and she was buried in

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genital bathia she was buried in the graveyard of Al bathia. Along with the other wives at the process, I'm in the family of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is the story of our mother Sophia the Allahu taala. And so inshallah with that will conclude here for this weekend, English Allah will continue on

00:50:18 --> 00:50:39

May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all the ability to practice everything that we send her, may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to internalize these valuable lessons from the life of the prophets allottee some, and May Allah subhanaw taala make the life of the Prophet system shining, guiding light within our lives. So Hanalei de semana Colombia hamitic Michelle de la ilaha illa Anta a sock for the corner to willick

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