Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Abandoning the Quran – Not Memorising It

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary ©
The importance of social distancing during the upcoming weekend is discussed, along with the importance of reading the daily news and taking time out of the day to do things. The speakers emphasize the need for everyone to read the Bible and not minimize the significance of the Sun State. They also discuss the use of the Prophet's teachings in the context of religion and emphasize the importance of memorizing the Quran in order to appreciate and benefit from it. The speakers stress the need for people to read and write the Prophet's words in order to avoid losing their job and position.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Hira Mani Rahim

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Al hamdu lillahi na Meadowhall when a stain or when a stuff federal

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when our rules will be law human chivalry fusina

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Women save the TR Molina

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Mayor de la Hoefler moved in Lella homing dude the little fella had the law

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by a shadow law in Lulla whacked the whole last shirt he got a well I should do a no Mohammed Abdullah who rasuluh who Salawat Allah He was salam who I need to screaming if Iran

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yeah you Halina amla toppled la Hakka to ka t when I to move tuna in our and Thomas me morning. Yeah, you had an asset Dakota Bakuman levy had a document of some why he that didn't work. halacha Minh has Ojha What betheme in Houma returning cathedra when is what Takala levy to set a luna be? Well Erhan in Hola, Canada, La Cumbre Akiva.

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Yeah, you are living in Amman, Tukwila. We're cool two colons studied at UCLA law comm

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we are looking at the new back home, while main Uteri now Hawara Sula, who forgot the Faza falls into our Vemma

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bound for in hydro Cannan Cunnamulla he SubhanaHu wata Allah or even who they are who they are assuming that He is Allah who it was said we shuttle more Martha to her work could limit death it can be the atom what could be the Eitan Bala Tumaco banality infinity. Ivan alota anna jimmy I'm in Nadi Jahannam women should get the

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challah today marks the third Friday. In this she is blessed month of Ramadan, the month of the Quran

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and with it being the third Friday of the month. In this she is fasting we have also hit the monumental point which is halfway through the blessed month of Ramadan.

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We have the evening about another hour to go in order to fast here in Birmingham in the UK, other people in other parts of the world. They have six hours, eight hours, 12 hours, whatever the case may be, but here in the UK, these are the last moments of this blessed day that they have varied the weekly rate of the Muslims, Allah azza wa jal His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has legislated a number of things to be done today and from them is that we pray this a lot of Juma but since the

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Coronavirus, we have not been praying Juma. We've suspended the Juma just as we're going to suspend Inshallah, they're eight prayer because Allah does not burden us beyond our scope and our ability now you carry the falafel knifes, and it was Aha. So we're going to suspend the salah of a tarawih inside of the masjid. And as relates to the read the prayer, we're not going to make the read prayer as a congregation. If there are families that have quite a number of people that are in your family

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1510 12 people, then I wouldn't stop a person from making their aid in that case where they can go outside and shout Allah and maybe make their eat in their backyard, maybe make their aid in another place where you're not going to compromise this whole issue of social distancing. But as it relates to us feeling that there is an obligation or a necessity for us to perform their aid everyone does this a lot of it or eat in his own house. This is something that I believe should be avoided and

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allies Allah, Allah, Allah

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so today is the halfway point of Ramadan and from what we should be doing on this Friday, although we don't pray this a lot of Juma is we send salutations Abom Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allahumma suddenly and I'm Mohammed Allahumma barik, ala Muhammad and so forth and so on.

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Many times you can possibly do it. And a lot of times this is from the Sunon that a Majora the Sooners that have been abandoned by our community. And they are a lot that people just don't sit. And they take the time out to say, I'm just going to see here for the next 1520 30 minutes and I'm just going to say sulla why me he was settling.

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It's not something that is very difficult and in light of what the prophet has given us, Salawat Allah He was sit down who it then it's from his ha cook his rights upon us that we take some time out just to do it, just to continuously sin, the Salawat and the salaams upon him, the Azure of that the reward of that is going to come back to us as the Prophet told us Salawat Allah He was sit down why they in the nahi Allah He has some angels who fly around, whenever they hear the Salawat and the

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tsunami is being given to him. They take it from that individual and they go back and they relate it to the Prophet sallallahu. It was said lemma in a way that Allah knows it's reality, we don't know, but we believe in it. Another one of the sin that we should do on Friday, as the Prophet mentioned something Allahu alayhi wa Salam is that we should read surah Al calf, and this Friday marks as I mentioned already the halfway point of Ramadan. And in addition to that, we should be reading in

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this day sort of Alkaff the 15th Jews of the Quran.

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Also, in addition to that, there are many things, as I mentioned, is that there is an hour on this day Yeoman Juma there is an hour in which if the slave makes dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. Allah will answer his supplication Allah will answer her prayers. Scholars have the life as to the exact time of that hour. But the strongest Pingan and Allah knows best is that the last hour is established in sha Allah and it is at the very last piece of the Friday after Salafi Lhasa, close to

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Saturn, Madrid. So since we don't know the exact hour it is It was late left ambiguous to us just as later to Qatar was left ambiguous we have some signs of it that is in the last

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10 nights and in the ad nights of the last tonight's but we don't know the exact specific date. And that is because we should struggle and strive our level best just to do it as much as you possibly can. If you do it as much as you can all day inshallah not leaving any hour to go by, except that you sent Salawat to Panama and the synonyms, then you're going to get any shot Allahu Subhana wa taala. So we'll continue what we began three weeks ago, as it relates to iron from Surah tell

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Farrakhan that is that Allah subhanho wa Taala has described his servants when he called them the bad man and he gave a number of descriptions that they have. And he also mentioned in surah, Al Furqan, that Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going to come you'll know pm and he's going to complain with kala Rasool

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that messenger is going to say, Yeah, rugby in a coma, who have a Khurana Jorah Verily, my people, my community, my nation, my ummah, they have abandoned the Quran, and they have me hygiene of the Quran. And it is not permissible for the Muslim to make the hijab of the book of Allah to abandon the boycott the book of Allah. I said that there is a sunnah then it's Majora, the Sunnah that is Majora. There are many Sunim that Jorah Prophet Muhammad used to keep his fold open at times and he

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would walk around and he kept his fold like that. Some of his companions, one of them at least used to do it all the time. And when the people asked him about it, he said, I saw the Prophet doing SallAllahu I didn't send them so I'm never going to do it. That's a sunnah that is Majora. There are many, many. The Sunnah of the misac is a sunnah that is Majora. It is abandoned. Many many whether it be in the month of Ramadan, I'm pretty sure that many of you will have seen the video that was

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going around and the text messages that were going around encouraging people to do the Sunnah of

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eating dates and then expelling the seed of the date on the way that the Prophet did is Allah was selling them so as to not spread germs in the vessel in which all of the dates were being held in. So he would take the dates of Allah while he was selling them always with his right hand, always with his right hand. He would eat the date, and then after getting all of the flesh off of the seat, he SallAllahu it was salam would put the date between these two fingers. So I'm sure inshallah that

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people have seen that. That is a sunnah that is Majora. We don't say that this Sunnis were Juba. We don't say that this sunnah right here. If you don't do it, you're not from the Sunnah. But we do say as he told us in an authentic hadith sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that two men and maruf che do not consider anything that is my roof. Anything that is correct. Don't look at as being insignificant. Don't trivialize it, don't minimize it. Because everyone is going to need Allah subhanho wa Taala

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has Rama and every good deed yomo piano. He told the people salAllahu alayhi wa sallam Ithaca not Willow be shocked to Marathi.

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Fear the Hellfire put something between yourself in the Hellfire even if it's half of a date, half of a date. Don't look at half of a date as being insignificant as being trivial. Allahu Taala will take one pound $1 One dinar and he will put it in the scales after person gave sadaqa FISA Bina, He'll cause that $1 to go up to $10 You'll cause it to go up to $700 will cause go up to even more than that. Even more than that. So from the Sunnah, that Allah Jorah of those things that are being

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mentioned to the community in the hopes that people will give life to these Sooners as well. The recitation of the surah of the Quran the chapter known as Al calf and God, the cave, it is a sunnah that is Majora, many people leave it off. And even off this particular sunnah, is in Michigan, it's a problem. It's a big problem, because the Muslims should be and it has to be connected to sort of gaff, whoever reads it, it will cause a light to shine for him and to proceed from him until the

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next Juma and three more days in addition to that, so we can't afford to not read this particular surah and can't afford not to hold on to this particular sunnah. So we go back to sha Allah Huhtala to explain him this whole issue about abandoning the Quran. And the abandonment of the Quran has many meanings. We've dealt with a number of them already. But one that we want to deal with today. Shala is the abandonment of the Quran in the form of what the vast majority of people who are

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listening to my words right now are falling into a lemon Rahima Illa Morahan ahora buena, except the one that Allah had Rama Panem and gave him Tofik and guided him and made him successful in doing this thing and holding on to it from the abandonment of the Quran, is the fact that people do not try to memorize the Quran. The Muslims do not try to memorize the kingdom of Allah. The really weird thing, distressing thing disturbing thing is that if you look at some of the songs that are present

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in every single culture and in every single language that Muslims speak, and the culture that they have, you will find in the music of those culture. And those cultures, the muslims have memorized the words to those songs. And the words many times are words that are not halal. They're not from the Kenny Mata by the bat, those good words that Allahu Taala would take the good word and he raises it up to the sky. And Kenema played me about the good word that is planted firmly in the ground La

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Ilaha illa Allah and those other words that will benefit the human being. The person will memorize all of those songs, but he doesn't memorize it. She doesn't memorize that much of the Quran and then at a time like this, where the Coronavirus is on the scene and we've been forced to pray the sloth of Torah way. Many people don't pray it out of embarrassment and out of shyness of not memorizing that much

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The husband he married his wife, he she thought that he memorized more than that of the Quran. And hamdulillah outside of Corona, he would come in, he would pray in the masjid and hum de la but now he's in the house. He can't leave the family in the prayer. It's embarrassing. He's shy, because he only memorize two or three of the smallest sores of the Quran. And I don't say smallest sir is trying to make them small because the Smallest Surah In Tina Cofer is our Vemma. And these are EDA,

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and is the key less heavy in the scales and is wide and massive and its meaning and its implication. But what I'm trying to say is there are some smaller sorrows of the Quran surah ikhlas poldhu Allahu Ahad you know, those sores, so total acid. Now, if an individual only memorize those three servers, or five servers or seven servers lab, that's no problem. Pray with that is better to pray with those few servers than it is to abandon the prayer altogether. But the point I'm trying to bring to your

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attention is the point of, we should be people who are inspired to memorize the book of ALLAH SubhanA wa at the island so that it will be a validation of our claim that we believe in Allah Azza gentlemen, we love Allah. Then they'd be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked by the man God also like tell me something I can I ask you, I can only ask you, he says, say I believe in Allah and then be upright, and then be upright. So as the Hadith clearly explained to us, the Quran is an argument

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for you or against you, for you or against you never had he said, the Quran will be a benefit for the person who when it comes to piano, the Quran was in front of him. He worked by it, he practice it, practice it, he caught up to it, he defended it, he memorized, he read it, he listened to it and so forth and so on. And some of the other issues that we're going to talk about Inshallah, the one who comes in the Quran has in front of him you worked with, and by that Quran, he believed in it,

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then it's going to be a light for him, you'll move piano, and the one who comes in the Quran is behind him, because he did not work by it and throw it behind him. He neglected it, he didn't memorize it, it didn't read it didn't listen to it, then this individual won't have that light. May Allah subhanaw taala give us his Rockman give us His forgiveness, give us in sha Allah, His fuggle and his son, and his awful Yeoman Qiyamah and May he make the best day of our lives the day that we

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meet him. So as it relates to Brothers and Sisters in Islam, on metal Islam, as it relates to memorizing the Quran and his virtues and its importance. I wouldn't be in our Rasul Salawat Allah He was salam O Allah, He Sleeman Kathira, he never left an opportunity never squandered an opportunity. He never lost an opportunity or let it get by, where if he had an opportunity or a chance to emphasize the virtues of memorizing the Quran, if you had an opportunity to raise up the status of

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those people who memorize the Quran, and to show their superiority, and their virtuals he never left that opportunity SallAllahu it he will it will send them

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he would

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send out a group of people and he will make the Emir from amongst them the one who memorize the majority of the Quran

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he will give the flag of a jihad to the one who memorize the book of Allah he was not really a man the scholars of the Quran and the religion

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then a be use Allahu alayhi wa it was setting him will be visited and then in Medina, by different tribes and different individuals and after they sat with him and learn with him a number of days, he would tell them now you go back and call your people to Al Islam and on your way back, why you have to pray on the way and when you get there. Let the one who has memorized the majority of the Quran from amongst you, let him lead you in the prayer. And then if they are equal in the Quran, then let

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the one who knows the most the Sunnah out of them that Hindi the Quran shown the importance of the Quran and then the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi, wa ala it was seldom the Nabil SallAllahu it was setting them also when he used to have those campaigns in jihad. If a number of people from the companions were martyred and this is from his sunnah, he will look at this situation he will say, which one of them has memorized the majority of the

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Quran, which one of them has memorized the majority of the Quran, and he didn't always know who had memorized the majority of the Quran from the people sometimes he did know and sometimes he didn't. But that goes to show that the community are Shahadat and to Shuhada, Allah, you guys, you this OMA, are the witnesses of Allah. So the community when we know that there are people memorize the Quran, this is something we should come to know about, without making any Koloff without going overboard

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without making it difficult, just natural. So he sallallahu alayhi wa either it was sending them, he would put the individual who memorize the majority of the Quran more than the other people, he will put them first and bury them first in the grave. So these are many of the examples that he SallAllahu it was send them took the time out, to draw the attention of the community directly and indirectly, to the importance and the virtues and the superiority of memorizing the book of Allah,

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those of us who come together to break our fat so we come together at a particular place on a particular day, were 1520 30 Muslims in the same place. The one who is offered to the book of Allah, Annie memorizes, She memorized the most. They are not like the ones who didn't memorize like them. Allahu Taala puts forth the question in the Quran called hallelujah still will let the May Allah Moon will lead in Allah Allah Moon say unto that, are they equal? Those who know and those who don't

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know? They're not equal. Those who know not equal to those who don't know, those who have memorized and they know the song of the Quran, are not equal to the ones who have not memorized. So at any given time, any given place, the one who memorized more than everybody else, that individual provided that he's working by it, he's not making 100 of the Quran, he that individual, that girl, that woman whoever happens to be there given the Quran is hotter than they are the best of the

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people, Earth man even I find, may Allah be pleased with him. He said that the Prophet Mitchison Allahu alayhi wa sallam of documenta LML Quran was a lemma and another narration, Jairo Clemente Quran where Allah, the most superior of the Muslims. In another narration, he said, The best of the Muslims is the one who learned the Quran and then he taught it, he memorized it himself. He learned it himself, and then he taught it to other people. So all of these indications of how the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make test gene and encourage the community to memorize the book of Allah who Subhanallah without and this is from the Sunnah.

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As for the virtues of the Quran, for her death, well, courage

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for her death, well our heritage, there are many virtues Allahu Nasrallah, Hadith ki taba. Allah has sent down the best speech, he sent down a book that contains the best speech. So he used to say the best speeches of speech of Allah the Quran. So with that being the situation in the reality that Muslims should connect themselves to the book of Allah azza wa jal and what was collected by Imam Al Bukhari and the authority of the companion, Abdullah ibn amor even allowed us and the authority of

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Abu Dawood Rahmatullahi LA, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam ala ukar Louisa Abel Quran ekra were turkey. What? Kumar canta to rattle dunya for indemand zilliqa And I eaten Takara Oh Ha and this is a clear virtue of memorizing the Quran. It will be said Yo mukaiyama to the one who is the Sahib of the Quran, you know the word sai hip like the Sahaba saw hip is your companion. I will book it is the soft hip of Rasulullah he sallallahu alayhi wa salam, also, your wife is your Sahiba your

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husband is your side as well. Someone who's your companion, they're close to you. So the Prophet mentioned in this hadith sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it will be set to the side of the Quran. The Companion of the Quran here means the one who memorize the Quran. The Quran is always with him. He is the high mill of the Quran, the half of the Quran, he memorized it. There are some people who say that this hadith is a general hadith is just not for the one who memorized the Quran is for every

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single Muslim. And you'll see why they say that after I explain and give you the translation of the head

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Eat but Inshallah, the strongest statement is this hadith is peculiar. It is specifically for the one who memorize the Quran, it will be said yomo piano, to the person who memorize the Quran, it will be said to him read, read and elevate and read the Quran with Torah to deal with Teach weed. Don't just read it. The way anyone who has not been taught the Quran will read No, there is a correct way of reading the Quran. And there is an incorrect way of reading the Quran. So during the

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lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just to digress a little bit because it's important Jabril may Allah be pleased with him, used to come to the Prophet every night in the month of Ramadan Salah while he was setting them and when he would go over the Quran and rehearse the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will move his lips in order to try to memorize and to concentrate him to focus and to be a diligent student and learning from gibril and Allah Huhtala

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mentioned in the Quran, Allah to Herrick Beeley Sana Colita Jollibee. Mohammed don't move your lips quickly like that. Trying to memorize and going fast like that. Don't do that. So that's a an example of how Allah is telling the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam through the medium of Jabril his teacher I lemme who should be the COA. That's what Allah says Quran. He was taught sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by one who was mighty and powerful meaning gibril He taught him the Quran, he

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taught him how to read and how not to read. And he also taught him what to read as well Salawat to Allah He was said mo Ali.

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So it will be said to the one who memorize the Quran, Yama, Yama, read and elevate and rise up and re with Tajweed and Torah till just the same way you used to read in the dunya. For verily, your last and final resting place in Jannah will be determined by the last ayat that you are able to read. So as I mentioned, some of the people were of the opinion that this hadith is a Hadith encouraging everybody to memorize as much as you can for the Quran. Because if you memorize Jews ama

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it will be set to you read and rise up and read with touch we'd like us to read in the dunya because the last resting place for you in the Jana will be at this last ayat that you're able to read from Jews Amma that is an opinion, but it's an opinion that is merger is the weak opinion. The strong opinion is the opinion of the gym Hall the majority of the cinema and that is this hadith is peculiar, it is special. It is particular it is Haas it is for the people who have memorized the

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book of Allah who Subhanahu wa Taala and another Hadith that goes to show the virtues of memorizing the Quran and engage in oneself and minimum memorizing the Quran there are many is the hadith of I Isha ohm, Abdullah Al who may rock been to a bee Buckler Sadiq may Allah be pleased with both of them. She said that the Prophet says I'm gonna love ya you are and it was salam methyl levy yet Kuru Quran whoo hoo ha if you don't level, my Sephora Turkey rom

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the individual that has read the Quran

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and they memorize the Quran, they will be raised up yomo piano in the presence of the Sephora Tilde key rom the separate Tilde key ROM and that is one of the names of the angels in the Quran is Sephora as Sephora Al Quran Allahu Taala mentioned in the Quran is so often mocha Rama Morpho Eitan muta Hara ba de Sephora Karam Bharara. He described those melodica as being pure and as being honorable and as being obedient. So in this hadith inside of Bukhari, I Aisha, may Allah be pleased

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with her and her father. She said that the Prophet told us Allah Allah who it was Sanema the individual who he has memorized the Quran, he's a half of the of the Quran, he will be raised up along with them and that guy, now that is a virtue.

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To be in the presence of the man that Aika to be raised up in the presence of the prophets in the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whiny edge made to be raised up in the presence of the Shahadat those people were martyred fee CBD law to be raised up in the presence of the lama. These are the people of virtue in this religion that people have virtue in this Deen. So do you get higher than the mullah? Do you get higher than the prophets and the messengers? Salat wa Taala he was sin

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mo I name as mine. And that's a virtue from our ummah. And that the one who has memorized the greatest book that has been revealed by lies with Joe, when you look at all the books that have been revealed, the Quran is mu Haman. And it is greater than the other books and it supersedes the other books that will reveal it can't be tampered with, not from in front of it, not from behind it. It can't be changed the book of Allah until Allah decrees that is taken up at the end of time. So in

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our religion, this man has been blessed in that people will memorize this book, they will be raised up you'll know piano along with the melodica of Allah subhanho wa taala. And that's a clear indication when you have the respect that people will memorize the Quran that they have. We have in this masjid, the half of the Allah the Quran, Allah, he's the head Imam here. Some people when they want to deal with him, they don't have edit, he'll sit to listen to the dispute that they may have

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the husband and the wife, and then they're dirty and nasty and disrespectful towards him and he memorized the Quran.

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He wants to come out of the room to come in order to leave the Salah, and people stop him and don't give him the opportunity to go and do his job do as a viva. And we are not people who have edit. It is from the deen of Allah from the religion of Allah. If there is someone who has memorized the Quran, you should show respect to that individual, you're going to see that inshallah Huhtala as we move forward, from what shows us the importance of memorizing the Quran, the virtues of being from

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the how far off are from those who at least you make it your personal business to make jihad to be committed to the proposition and the idea of memorizing as much as you possibly can, is the authentic hadith that was collected by Imam Muslim

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one the Khilafah and the leadership of El Faro, Mr. The Emir and meaning may Allah be pleased with him.

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Mr. Left a man responsible over Mecca. He was like the governor of Alabama, over the people of Mecca. That man showed up, and he met Omar at another place. Another place him and Irma they met up when Obama saw the man he knows this was his wildly the governor the one who's responsible, he was left as the authority over the people makeup. I'm gonna say Who did you leave and Mecca in your absence? You know, as your deputy to take care of the people. He said I left a man by the name of

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Ibnu observe, able to observe

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Mr. was surprised able to observe isn't it from the My Wiley of the people Mecca. That man used to be a slave or his father used to be a slave. And then they received their freedom but they used to be slaves. They were not even in control in charge of their own time. He used to be a slave. How can you leave a slave over the A Shroff of Quraysh you know, Mecca has some virtuous tribes, right Quraysh and all of the divisions that come from Quraysh Benny Hashem Benny muck zoom, all of them,

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how in the world can you leave an ex slave, a former slave, Imola, over the nobility of courage? You know how these people think as well? The man said, Yeah, Ameerul Momineen. This man able to observe. He is the most knowledgeable of us as it relates to the course on memorized better than everyone and he understands it better than everyone and he also knows the knowledge of inheritance elfa the knowledge of inheritance upon hearing, the reason that caused that man to leave Ibnu HUBZone Ibnu

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Absa May Allah who taught I ran upon him over the people of Quraysh. Amara said, may Allah be pleased with him. I heard

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The prophets say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Allaha. Jatropha behind that and Kitab Aculon man. Well, you had to be a hottie. Allah will raise up some people with this book and put down others, he will raise up that individual that has memorized it and put down others. People have a lot of money. He is an individual who has memorized the Quran, and he may be a person of color. And unfortunately, in America, I think all of you are aware of what I'm aware of in the blessing month of Ramadan of

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the African American man who got gunned down in the street like a dog by a man and his son.

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And his name was Akhmad. They didn't spell it the way we spell it. Allah knows best if he's a Muslim, but that's his name. gunned down like a dog and that's because people of color their blood while people are trying to make America great again, their blood is the blood of second class citizens. You find individual comes into the religion and he is a person of color. He gets raised up over people who are of a different color white people, Arabs or whatever happens the case happens to

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be as a result of the book of Allah. So that's a classic case of how the Quran when it is memorize it raises people up and I know in my own personal life, many people who as a result of memorizing the Quran or Zoom Allah Who time I got a an email today from one of the forefathers of the Quran. He's originally from Ghana. He has none other than the sheer route Kashia Kamini Oh Kashia that is my brother. And that is my teachers. Well, is my teaching the Quran. This brother came from Ghana,

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came to America. And now Allahu Taala has raised his situation raised this situation and that people want him on the Dawa trail. They're asking them come Would you read the Quran for us in our community in the month of Ramadan? Come? Would you be the imam in this place? Come Can you give a lecture here and there? Can you do this? Can you do that? Allah azza wa jal has raised a man why? Because his parents put them in position. They saw the need to cause their son to memorize the Quran

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and as a result of that, I saw hula hoops with Hannah who are to Allah may Allah will Tada protect brother who Kashif and will Kashia may protect the rest of you. The point here is you memorize that Quran with a goal and the objective of worshiping Allah. Don't let the golden objective be so that people can praise you. Because the first three people are going to be raised up yomo Qiyamah the very first three people going to be judged. One of them will be the person who memorize the Quran

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and it will be said to him You memorize the Quran you say yes. And people praise you because you read it. They say that's what you get. But you don't get anything else and it'll be thrown in the hellfire. So don't let the NIA don't let the golden the objective be to be praised. No. Let it be to have Allahu Tada please with you. Another Hadith and there are many is the hadith of Anna Sybil nomadic, that was collected by Al Imam maybe Nomada Rahmatullahi LA and may Allah be pleased with

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all of the companions of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The Prophet said in the law he live in a nice, Allah has people, his people, from the people, millionaires from the human beings, there are a group of people who are for Allah. There, the Allah Allah, they are Allah's people, but companion sejarah sola men whom who are those people, yeah Rasul Allah, He told them sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whom, Al Quran

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will Allah Allah wa ha Sato.

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The people of Allah are the people memorize the Quran. They are Allah's people, and they are the special people of Allah. that hadith is not for every amor burqa in Zaid from the people we ask Allah that make us from His Allah, Allah Allah. But this Quran or this hadith clearly establishes that the actual Allah, the people of Allah, or those people who have memorized the Quran, the companion Abu Musa and ash it may Allah be pleased with what was collected by the Imam Abu Dawood.

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He said that the Prophet mentioned sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the middle aged lady Allah He to either a cramp the shea butter and Muslim what high middle Quran LELO Valley fee will jatheon What a Crom Ville Sol con el moko said he said

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From a person exalting Allah, venerating Allah

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and and from an individual looking at Allah with respect, veneration and fear is that that individual anytime he sees an elderly Muslim who has white, he has great man or woman, you see an elderly Muslim, you should treat them with respect. That's part of having veneration for Allah.

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He said number two, is if you see an individual who has memorized the Quran, you respect them, as long as that person is not going overboard in the Quran, or he's not falling short of the mark. He's an individual is working by the Quran and with the Quran. So when you see him, you respect him in respect to him. It is a way of respecting Allah and venerating Allah. And thirdly is when you see someone in position of leadership. He's in a position of leadership. We respect them. We don't make

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huddled against them. We don't make to Hege we don't agitate the community against them, we don't carry tails against them, we make dua for him. The point here is, when you see and you know a person who memorize the Quran, I'm not encouraging you or telling you let him take advantage of you know, the Hadith said, the individuals working by the Quran, he is not going overboard, nor is he falling short of his responsibility for all what we can see, he appears to be a person who is doing the

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right thing. So therefore, we give him the front seat. Therefore, we give him the first piece of food or we serve him first. And we raise his situation. All of those are examples of the importance of memorizing the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala and being a half of the Quran. And now we come to the last point. And it is a question that comes to us quite often, especially at these times these Manasa that at the time of Ramadan. What about people who have memorized the Quran and then they

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forgot the memorization of the Quran? I know some people like that. I know some people like that I know some people who memorize the Quran and they forgot the book of Allah is a big problem, a big problem. First of all, let me say

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memorizing the Quran.

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There are two types and both of them have their own peculiar ruling.

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One or forgetting the Quran forgetting the Quran, there are two types of forgetting the Quran two situations. And both of them they have their particular rules. The first one is the one who forgot the Quran as a result of old age as a result of senility, as a result of having weak memorization but I have to say, don't let shaytaan make you afraid and no methodical misshaped on your holy fool. OLIO Chapin he makes his Olia afraid by whispering to them all the time. You can't do it. This is

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going to happen. If you do this, you're going to lose your job and he makes you afraid Don't let shaytaan give you a suas. So shaytaan could come and say, Oh, you're not an Arab. Oh, your memory is not that good. You'll never be able to do it. No, no, no, no, you have to push a thumb back. You say I believe in Allah. Allah can make anything happen. Allah can make anything happen. Allah is the One who mentioned in the Quran. Those is that if he wants something to happen if you make jihad, He'll

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guide you to the way he said no Quran will occur. Yes sir. Hello, Quran Allah vicar for Holman. mugdock. We have made the Quran easy to be memorized to be read to be understood. So is there not one who would make an effort he made it easy for you. So all you have to do is take a step to Allah come to Allah and Allah azza wa jal will come to you and he will make it easy ship inshallah. Those people make jihad in the Cause of Allah that didn't know him. Subala those people make efforts in

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our cause. We're going to guide them to our way if you come to Allah walk in Allah will come to you running, running, running in a way that befits His Majesty subhanahu wa taala. And for him as it relates to

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forgetting the Quran,

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if a person is just oh, he had an injury got hit in his head, an injury fell hit his head. So his memory memory is memorization abilities have been compromised, then inshallah there is no problem. In this case. In this case. Allah told the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam subnuclear aka Fela, tensa, Illa Masha Allah, we're going to cause you to read it, we will teach you how to read it and will cause you to read it and you won't accept it and you won't forget it. Except if Allah had you

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to forget. So the Prophet would read sometimes, and he would mix up

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The ISC will read it and some of the companions, may Allah be pleased with them with Salalah what will send them what remind him, they will remind him what happened.

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So, this is what happened with the Nebby. So it can happen with anyone and Miss Yan, and in San comes from this word and the cin to forget, all human beings forget. So if a person forgets, because of that fell out, but sadly no problem. But if a person forgets on a negligence, he never reads it, he doesn't make Mirage out. And I have to say this for the young brothers and the young sisters when the mugger said the Quran, the Doxy just as important after you have memorizes you have to sit down

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and you have to go over it. When we read a turn our way and our homes and our children who are in the Madras of the Quran and the Doxy if they don't make mirages of the Quran, and they get up and they try to read they're going to make mistakes. That's just how it is it's gonna make mistakes. So we're going to encourage our Chabad who are in the Madras of the Quran, you have to make Maharajah the Prophet told the people sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to either do behind the Quran for no assured

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it no who are shut do they happen? Oh come a caller some Allahu alayhi wa sallam to phalut and mill evil fie Oakley ha go over this Quran and revise the Quran because it will escape away from you will go away from you quicker then. And untie camel you don't tie that Camel Up. Kim was going to run off at some point. So you have to make sure I heard that and Medaka with the Quran you have to keep going over it so we have some of the statements I'm finished with this inshallah Imam even serene

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from the bottom of the Quran and from the great Tabby rain. He said that the people of the past meaning the Companions may Allah be pleased with them and the tabby rain. They used to have Kira Hiya, Jaco Hoon they used to hate seeing a man memorizing the Quran and then forgetting and they said that was from the Ag bar al Qaeda was from the major sense, if he did that out of neglect. He looked at the dunya he went after the dunya and then he lost the book of Allah azza wa jal. Another

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example is the great Tabby abhi Abu eylea Rahmatullahi Tala la Abu Alia, he said that the people of the past the tie between and the Companions may Allah be pleased with the the mall they used to see a man who would go to sleep and not take care of the Quran. And he forgot the Quran as a result of being negligent as being from the sins that destroy a person and from the major sins Allah mentioned in the Quran. Women Allah and decree for in Allahu Marysia and vaniqa we're not sure who yomo

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Qiyamah T atma Cara Rob Bielema has shocked me and can to the Sierra Cara Quranic tadka, I got to laugh and Sita were Cadabra kellyo tunes.

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The human being Allah said, whoever turns away from my vicar, my book, whoever turns away from it, he's going to have a life that is restricted and it's going to be problem. He will be raised up the Omo cam and he's going to be blind. He's going to say, Oh my Lord, why did you raise me up blind when I used to have the ability to see it will be said to him? Because my dad came to you and you forgot them. My dad came to you and you forgot them. So today, you're going to be forgetting you're

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going to be forgotten. So that I It goes to show, as the scholar said, and does that mean just AlAnon the reward will be comparable to what you do if you forget about the eye of Allah. Allah is going to forgive you. Yeah. Are you a livina Amendola, Taku, Colombina Nestle Lucha and Sal whom am Fuso whom, oh, you believe do not be like those people forgot about Allah. So Allah caused them to forget about their own selves, their own selves. Last thing I want to mention very quickly,

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is a sunnah that is Majora. The Prophet mentioned sallallahu alayhi wa salam as it relates to the Quran.

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If the slave stands up in order to make the Salah,

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and he does, I see why he uses the miswak before his prayer. And then he starts to pray.

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And angel will come down and get in the back of him and it will listen to him and it will come closer to him and closer to him and closer to him until that angel puts his mouth on the mouth of the one who was reciting the Quran. So everything that this person reads from the book of Allah will go in

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side of the JioFi of the angel go inside of the angel inside of his Joseph. Someone who has wiki man say what's up with that had this this hadith that does that doesn't sound virtuous to me. That's because Allah azza wa jal has not given you the Yaqeen and the north of El Eman. yomo Qiyamah a man of agenda will have the hood rain. And the Prophet said about the hurdle in Salah. Why do you sell them that you will be able to see through the leg of the lady all the way to her bone marrow in this

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dunya that doesn't sound too interesting. But yomo piano is going to be more than interesting. So the milk of a Jana the hammer the Shirov of a Jana, everything in Jana is different than it is here in this earth. So as it relates to this hadith, it is a virtuous Hadith showing the virtues of reading the Quran with a clean mouth. So when you break your fast and you're the one who's going to leave the salon today, Inshallah, when you break your fast, you should gargle your mouth out, get

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the residue, the residuals of your Iftar the data data your mouth, use a miswak if you can use a toothbrush or miss whack, no doubt about the Miss whack because that is what the Hadith said, clean your mouth out out of respect for the Quran. And then you read the Quran. And when you read the Quran, there will be an angel that comes down. Didn't say that your recitation has to be the greatest recitation in terms of the beauty. Like the chef, Abdul Rashid Ali Sufi that we mentioned,

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like Sheikh Mohammed Noreen de su, Danny, they have beautiful recitation Mohammed Al Quran, it doesn't have to be the most beautiful sound, but just the Hadith, the Prophet said that sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, do the miswak clean your mouth out, spit it out, gargle it out, and then leave the salon and that angel will come put his mouth to your mouth after getting behind you and coming closer and closer and closer. And the recitation of the Quran will go inside of him. We ask Allah

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Tala to accept it from us and to accept it from you. Hi, that was Salah Allah who will sell them robotic I didn't know why it was hobby Jemaine and once again 20 Actually brothers and sisters to ask Allah to Allah, why you're fasting, to guide my parents and my family members to Al Islam and to the Sunnah, sent on my lake Gomorrah to Lucha barakato

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