Abu Bakr Zoud – What should you do If tomorrow was the last day on Earth?

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The transcript appears to be a conversation between multiple speakers discussing the meaning of Islam. The speakers are discussing various topics such as the origin of the word Islam, the meaning of "has" in Islam, and the meaning of "has enough." They express confusion and frustration over the lack of thought and knowledge about the topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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If tomorrow was the day of judgment, what do you do? What are you supposed to do? They don't also last all Allahu alayhi wa sallam say, if they are comedy sir, was he at the Vatican fasciola failure Greece There are also lots of Allah Allah you know send them say you me authentic hadith, that if the hour was happening, let's see, let's see the hours happening. There is the sun and the moon they collide a junior as jumps will come out either. One day the new moon cannot and Is this the Stiles lost its color and they're falling. Let's see all these events took place. What are we supposed to do now besides send them says if the owl was to happen? Anything your hand was a seedling. You had a

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little plant a seedling vasila is a seedling meaning not a seed, but a seed that has already grown into a small plant. Nobody saw Selim said if you had that in your hand, it reset. Put it in the floor, bury it in the earth. What does that mean? Meaning do a good deed. do a good deed even if the hours being established, worship Allah, do a good deed. Don't run around in chaos, all anxious and worried. What am I supposed to do?

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Heather This is what is destroying us because we're not thinking as believers. We're not reading the Word of Allah. We're not reflecting over the word of Allah. So people in all sorts of kills. People are confused.

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