Abu Bakr Zoud – The Haram Will Never Satisfy You

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © In the conversation, the speakers discuss the importance of having strong personalities and strong desire for alcohol. They explain that individuals who drink a handful of alcohol will not be sufficient for their health and their desire will never be satisfied. The speakers also mention that individuals who drink alcohol will not be sufficient for their health and their desire will never be satisfied.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rahim Brothers and sisters in Islam, Al Halal

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will always be enough and sufficient for a

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Well Haram, no matter how much you do

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of it will never ever be

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sufficient and enough for a person,

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And there is a story in the Quran

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that beautifully

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expresses this matter. Allah Azzawajal He says,

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Allah told us about the story of Dawood,

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Palut and Jalut.

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Palut was the Muslim King, he was the

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Muslim ruler, and he was going to enter

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the Holy Land, Jerusalem,

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with the army that he had. Among the

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army was Dawud

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and they were going to fight Jalut and

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the army of Jalut.

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So Allah

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says that when the army began to move

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towards Jerusalem,

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he gathered his army and he said to

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Allah is going to test us with a

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river, There's going to be a river that

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is going to come, everyone is thirsty, everyone

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wants to drink from this beautiful river that

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looks so fresh and it looks nice and

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So Allah

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that Talut said to them

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The test here is that anyone who drinks

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from it is not from my army anymore,

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Then it is haram to drink from this

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has made it forbidden.

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And whoever does not drink from it except

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a handful,

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then he will be from my army and

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he has passed the test.

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So there is a river. It is not

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allowed to drink from it. Allah

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wants to control

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their desire for this water. So he made

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it forbidden. No one's allowed to drink from

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it. The only exception is a handful.

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Anyone who drinks a handful from the river,

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then he would have succeeded, and that would

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be halal, and he's able to join

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that army and continue with Tawlut until they

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reach the blessed land. Now, the idea is

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this, Allah said

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Many of them drank

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as much as they can except a few.

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A few only drank a handful. Now the

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beautiful interesting thing here is that, Abin Abba

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said, those who drank more than one handful,

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their thirst was not quenched.

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And those who drank one handful,

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sufficient at what is halal,

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Allah satisfied them and quenched

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their thirst. Allahu Akbar SubhanAllah and so brothers

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and sisters in Islam this is the principle

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in life when you take what Allah has

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made halal for you in this worldly life

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there will be Barakah in this and it

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will be sufficient and enough for you.

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And when you take what's Haram from this

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worldly life, you will never get enough of

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it and you will never be satisfied.

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Look at the people for example that get

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married in a halal way. 1 wife, 2,

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3, 4, and that would be enough for

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him, and he doesn't desire more.

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Look at on the other hand, when a

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person commits

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a 1, 2, 3, 10, 20 and he's

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never enough.

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Look at the person who suffices with halal

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When you take halal money there is enough

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barakah in this and by the permission of

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Allah it's enough for you and those that

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acquire their wealth through Haram means

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Wallahi 1,000,000,201,201,010,000,000

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is never enough for them they will continue

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to run after that which is Haram

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and they are never satisfied.

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Look at the person who drinks, for example,

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if you are to eat and drink what

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is halal,

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you are

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sufficed and that would be enough for you

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there's Baraka in that, but the person who

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goes towards Al Haram

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look at those that sit in the bars

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and drink alcohol, a forbidden beverage,

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they drink 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 cups

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a night,

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and they are not satisfied.

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So brothers and sisters in Islam, Al Haram

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is enough for a person, well haram no

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matter how much you take from it will

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never satisfy you. And that's why Nabi

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will make a hadith

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a dua. He makes a dua, and he

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He would say

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Oh Allah, make

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what is lawful, sufficient and enough for me

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instead of the Haram

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And enable me through your grace and through

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your mercy

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that I depend on no one except you.

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