No Matter what you do, you’ll never be able to repay them

Abu Bakr Zoud


Channel: Abu Bakr Zoud

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A man from Yemen and then from Yemen describes a situation where he saw the Allahuorn and said to him, no need to hster. He then describes a situation where he lost weight and power to America and the power of seven times around. He also mentions a woman who was carrying her mother on her dock and says she saw the Allahu on her back.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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A man from Yemen and then from Yemen came to Mecca to perform tawaf. And he was carrying his mother on his dock. You can imagine in the heat in the desert, going seven times around the Kaaba, having his mother on his back. He saw the Allahu anhu. And he said to him, yep, no

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need to do a fatal haka. He said, Oh, please, do you think that I have paid her back for the goodness that she's done with this kind of load on carrying on my back further than normal of the Allahu anhu. He said to him, walaupun cotton Minh Takata this entire carrying of her from Yemen, overweight America, and then power of seven times around the corner. did not even retain one contraction she had when she was carrying you