Avoid This Mistake On The First Night Of Ramadan

Abu Bakr Zoud


Channel: Abu Bakr Zoud

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The speaker discusses the confusion surrounding the Hadith of the messenger sallali Alayhi wa Sallam, which claims that individuals who get up on Sunday night will receive a token for their actions. The speaker warns that missed Sunday night can result in a missed reward, and advises people to pray every night to obtain forgiveness.

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Brothers and Sisters in Islam, I want to draw your attention to something very important. It is a mistaken understanding that many people fall into during the month of Ramadan. And that is related to the Hadith of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in where he said, Hmong comma Rama Vana, Iman and ratty seven or federal level Mata cardamom in Zambia. We all know this hadith. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Anyone who gets up the nights of Ramadan, so he prays overnight at Terrell, we help them lay

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out of Eman out of faith, believing that this is something Allah legislated and seeking the reward from Allah azza wa jal. The result is Allah Who will forgive him for all his previous sins, Allahu Akbar grand prize. But the mistaken understanding is this, that people believe some people believe that the first night of Ramadan is the night after fasting. So they fast the day. And then they pray that night believing that's the first night of Ramadan. That's wrong. In that case, you will miss out on this grand reward. The first night of Ramadan is the night before the day before the day. So if the moon is sighted, Sunday night, then after all we had the first night of Ramadan is Sunday

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night, your previous night and then the next day we're fasting. And so that's why this is something that we must correct and preach and teach this Brothers and Sisters in Islam, even if you missed it in German in the masjid, no problems. Pray it at home. Because if you pray at home or pray in the masjid, the main thing is that you pray every night Salah taraweeh so that you're included in this grand reward that Allah gifts the believers at the end of Ramadan. We ask Allah azza wa jal to grant us forgiveness and acceptance and a good understanding. Allahu Allah wa sallahu wa salam O Allah Allah Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germaine