Abu Abdissalam – The First person to enter Hell

Abu Abdissalam
AI: Summary © The segment discusses various news stories and events in different countries, including the first person to enter the Hellfire and the first person to do so. The importance of showing one's deeds for the sake of Islam is real and serious, and recitation of the Koran is crucial. The segment also emphasizes the importance of hiding one's good deeds in public, and provides examples of successful deeds. Viewers are encouraged to subscribe to their channel and focus on their success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are we on the line? Seems like we are

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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa also Li wa salam O Allah Mambo, Athos, Matala alameen wa ala alihi wa Safi h morain Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and welcome to a live. I'm your brother about this and I'm speaking to you live from the blessing city of Mecca.

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Al Hamdulillah. We're here in Makkah, McKellen makara Rama and we're going to talk about something really important which is the very first person to enter the Hellfire and of course

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and you might be surprised who this person is. Could it be a person who worships idols? Actually it's not it's not someone who worships idols.

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And the prophets Isola mentioned this and he mentioned this type of person when he said that this is the thing that he fears most are the sin that this person does. He faced most for this ombre. So what is that? We're going to talk about that in sha Allah very shortly. But before we do, let me know if you can see the stream if you can hear me perfectly fine. And let me know in the chat where you are watching from which city which country? And also what time is that? Because I'm always interested to know.

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Yeah, so we have our right answer. Salam aleikum. Sina says Mashallah. walaikum Salam rayyan. Let me just check what's happening here.

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quite sure how to do this. Now we are actually live on YouTube. On Facebook.

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We're also live on Twitch actually, we're on Twitch. We're on Instagram. We're on a whole bunch of different platforms.

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I can't actually see all the comments. I'm trying to figure out a way of doing that. If I can do that. Yeah. Okay. Yes. So Emraan he says

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he's a salaam aleikum. Yeah, Chef while he comes lamb he says Viva Ronaldo. Viva Ronaldo Ronaldo to do much today.

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Manju didn't come on until quite late. We have Sunnah from Karachi in Pakistan raffia says Somali kumala concerned let me know where you guys are watching from. Let me know where you are watching from.

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Aftab says Ramallah Cobra, la he wabarakatuhu

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aliquam sobre la he wa barakatu Welcome Sam raffia raffia pass him is in New Castle South Africa. I didn't know they had a New Castle in South Africa. Whereabouts is that in South Africa? Is it close to Durban or johannah? Johannesburg or Cape Town? Or where about rebab I think if that's how you pronounce it says u A E. So yeah, let me know where you guys are watching from.

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Oh, here's something really interesting. I've got my screen in front of me and because I'm trying to look at the comments and it's actually actually got

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it's got subtitles and captions live subtitles on Facebook. That's interesting. I didn't know that. That they can do that. Anyway, we have dog Lou luthier Lou fain dark blue Fein says hello from digiovanna Mexico. Or Tijuana maybe Mexico near San Diego. Mashallah. Awesome. That's good to see. Raphael from Canada. Which part of Canada? Ryan I was with a Canadian brother just yesterday. Here in Makkah. We were talking about Canada.

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Riaz is good to see you live. Zach had good to see you on the stream.

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And who else do we have here? We have

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Qasim says isn't it Durban

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hunger Gohan guy re Amina says Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Uk Coventry. 914 Okay.

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I apologize for that. The wrong button. I press the wrong button that

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I'm supposed to press on. We're supposed to press this one. There you go.

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Subscribe. So that's the point. You guys, make sure that you do subscribe. Okay, there you go. I can see actually more comments here, Harun says Salaam Alaikum ruffus is Burlington in Ontario, Masha Allah. So who is the first person

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who will enter the Hellfire, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, I actually read the Hadith because this hadith is really really scary.

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It's really scary.

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Okay. And

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Abu huraira Allahu anhu said, I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, the first to be judged on the day of judgment on the Day of Resurrection, Yom Okayama will be a man who died a Shahid Amata. Just think about that. The martyr in some narrations, the prophesized Allah mentioned that his sins are forgiven, before the very first drop of blood touches the flow. Okay. But yet here in this Hadith, the prophet SAW Selim, he's saying the first to be judged on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who died as a Shaheed as a martyr. He will be brought forward and on Lost Planet, Allah will remind him of the blessings that he had bestowed upon him and the man will

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acknowledge them. Now Allah will ask this person what did you do with these blessings? So, the man says, I fought for your sake, Oh Allah, I fought for your sake until I was martyred. Allah subhanaw taala will say, You're lying. You have lied kidnapped. You actually fought so the people would call you courageous, you'll say oh, you know, they will say Oh, so and so he's really brave. He's courageous, he fought for the sake of Allah. He died for the sake of Allah. And then Allah carries on saying that they have done that they have called you courageous, okay, they have called you courageous, alas, is done.

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And so Allah subhanaw taala has command with regards to him will be issued and he'll be dragged on his face and thrown into the hellfire.

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So the first person is actually someone who's a Shahid but he dies. Without the right intention, he's killed without the right intention. He didn't fight for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah, He fought so that people can call him brave and Oh, he's so brave. He fought for the sake of Allah gave his life for the sake of Allah, To him be dragged on his face and thrown into the hellfire. Next, a man who had acquired and imparted knowledge, Islamic knowledge, or read the Koran and read the Quran Akari will be brought forward and Allah will remind him of his blessings that he gave him and this person will acknowledge that you know, I gave you knowledge I gave you a beautiful voice that you

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were able to recite for on Allah gave you the ability for all of this. What did you do with all this? So the the this man will you know, he he was an island. He was an island. He used to teach people Islamic knowledge, and a car or a car a he was a reciter reciting the Quran in a beautiful voice. And so Allah will ask, what did you do with these blessings, this knowledge, this beautiful voice in the Quran that you are blessed with? He said I acquired knowledge and taught it and recited the Quran for your sake. Allah is of course on the Day of Judgment.

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And Allah subhanaw taala will say to him, you have lied, you acquired knowledge so the people would say Mashallah, you know, he's a scholar, the people would call you a scholar and Ireland and you recited the Quran, so that people will call you a reciter of God and they have done so in other words, you know, all Mashallah sown, so he's so knowledgeable, also, and so he's got such a beautiful voice, he recites the Koran so much also beautifully. In all of these cases, what will happen, a command will then be issued regarding him, and he will be dragged on his face and thrown into the health law protect us from this I mean your next a man whom Allah had granted wealth,

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affluence, he will be brought forward and Allah subhanaw taala will ask him, what are the blessings you remind them of the blessings and the man will acknowledge them? And then he will say what did you do with these blessings? Allah gave you all this

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If I gave you all this wealth, what did you do with all this wealth? And the man says, You know, I, I did not neglect any of the ways you liked wealth to be spent on except that I spent that money. I gave charity and I gave wealth, my wealth in your path for your sake, Allah. Allah says conduct you have light, you did it so that people will call you generous. Oh, so and so he's so generous. He gave so much money for the masjid or he gave so much money for the poor, he feeds the orphans. He does this he does that he built a Masjid. Now he did all these things. You have lied you did this only so that people would say that you are generous, and then a command to be issued regarding him.

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And he will be dragged on his face and thrown into the Hellfire Lost Planet Allah protect us.

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So this hadith is reported in Sahih Muslim brothers and sisters, this shows the importance of doing things for the sake of Allah purely for the sake of Allah and this sin that these people had fallen into what is that sin? This sin is called armeria. Showing off doing things so that other people can see awesome, which means doing things so that people can hear about it, or hear it or a job or a job is like when you is slightly different. It's like when you yourself are astonished. You're amazed by your own goodies. You you become a little bit arrogant, how much a lot I'm so pious. Right? There's a joke that some people they say some of the other month I mentioned this it's a joke in there

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talking about how a man he's praying he's praying his long prayers at night or anytime he's praying along prayer the two other guys they walk in and they see this person said Oh, Mashallah look in the talking to one another. Look at him. He's playing such a long prayer is actually in the daytime, not a night, his plate praying such a long prayer. And the guy who's praying he has them and he's doing this to show off, and then he gets excited the old people are watching. So he actually breaks his pride. He says, Yeah, I'm, I'm fasting as well. Okay, I'm fasting as well. Of course, it's a joke, but the concept itself is really, really serious. When a person is giving, you know, charity, he has

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to make sure that he's doing it for the sake of Allah. And we're going to talk about how we can remove this evil, you know, real, the showing off from our good deeds in sha Allah. In fact, it's so dangerous, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said the thing that I fear most for you imagine is talking to the Sahaba you know, the most purest of people. He said the thing that I fear most for you is a circle huffy is the hidden shark, the Sahaba they said Yara Sol Allah, what is the hidden chick? What is this hidden chick? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, It is Aria, it is ostentation, showing off.

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Allah subhanaw taala will say on the day that his worshippers will be recompense for their deeds meaning on the Day of Judgment, go to those whom you wanted to show your deeds to on in the worldly life, and see if you will find any reward with them. Report by Mama.

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So a person who does any act of worship, he has to be really careful that he's doing this solely for the sake of Allah. But how can we do this solely for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala if we find that we're reciting Koran, or a teaching, or we're fasting, or we're giving charity or whatever good deed that you're doing, and then suddenly you find that it's, you know, you Ria is creeping in and it happens. I don't think that you're immune from the some of the early Muslim scholars said that the thing that I've bought hardest against with my soul was Rhea comes from one angle, you get rid of it. And then it comes up from a different angle. This is a real, it's very, very dangerous, very

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dangerous, and the sins are huge. Right.

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For example,

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the first thing is that via actions of Ria are rendered null and void. Anyone who does an action in which he partners You know, he makes he might do it for a lot and also someone else that action becomes rendered null and void and we'll talk about that in a bit more detail in

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in in Sona Nabi Tao is narrated that the prophet SAW Selim said, a person who acquired sacred knowledge that is normally acquired

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wired to gain the pleasure of Allah meaning Islamic knowledge you do this for the sake of Allah, this knowledge that you normally do for the sake of Allah, but a person who is acquiring this.

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for, you know, in order to secure worldly comforts, will be deprived from even the fragrance of Jannah on the Day of Resurrection,

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you will be deprived from even the fragrance of Jannah on the Day of Judgment, think about that brothers. Think about them, Allah subhanaw taala protect us.

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And likewise,

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john doe Brody, Allah Han, who reports of the Messenger of Allah. So Isom said, He who acts to show off, Allah will disgrace him on the Day of Judgment. And he who does good deeds, so that people might esteem him, you know, raise him in rank, then Allah will expose his hidden intentions before all of people, all of mankind on the death, resurrection that's in Bihari. And

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so when we look at Ria, how do we ultimately cure ourselves of Raya. But before, we can think about how we can cure ourselves of Ria, we need to look at the different angles of Ria, so we look at the different types, or different taxonomies, or the different ways of categorizing Ria. Why, because you can look at it from one angle, you can look at it from a different angle. And when you see that from these different angles, then it's much easier to spot Raya when it comes. So for example, right, the first way we're going to look at here is with respect to the one that you're aiming.

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Right, the one that you're trying to please. The second is with respect to whether this act of worship is in its essence, or in its qualities. And the third type is with respect to the reason why a person is showing off, right? So three ways we're going to look at here, number one, with respect to what the person is aiming. So we can look at this by looking at different levels of Ria, okay, with respect to what with respect to who you're aiming for, when you're doing an act of worship. So the first category in this type of the first type of reaction, in this way of looking at it is, when a person intends only other than Allah, he does the act of worship, purely for the sake of someone

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else, like he wouldn't pray, unless his parents are there. So he gets up to pray, just because of his parents, Allah has nothing to do with this person's act of worship, he's not doing it in any way or form for the sake of Allah. Right? This is the greatest form of Raya. And this person, you know, he's liable for the, you know, really earning the anger of Allah Spano doll and his deeds are in vain, his deeds will not be accepted at all. So this is when a person 100%, he's doing it for someone other than a loss of that his friends, his family, you know, to show off to a chef to show off to his parents, or children or anyone, alright, boss, whatever it may be.

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The second type in this way of looking at Ria is when you're in you do have an intention for the sake of Allah, but that's really weak. But the bulk of that intention is for the sake of someone else. So for example, your friends come, or your parents come to you get up, make window and pray, but you know, you're mainly doing it, because of them, you're not doing it mainly for the sake of Allah, but you're doing it also for the sake of Allah. But that's a little part of the intention, like let's say that 20% or, you know, 10% 20% 25% of the intention is for Allah, the other 75% the other 70 or 80% of the intention is for other than Allah, this person is similar to the previous

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person, but at least he has some intention for Allah subhanaw taala. So he's not like a pure kind of hypocrite if you like.

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But still, this person is not far off. And even his deeds are rendered null and void. They're not acceptable in sight of Allah subhanaw taala and he can earn the wrath, or the Wrath of Allah subhanaw taala the anger. The third type of person here with regards to who you're intending this type of person is, is where he's intending,

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you know, his act of worship for the sake of Allah, and is also intending for other than a lot and these two intentions they are equal, right? It's kind of half half if you like. It's kind of half half this person. Isn't

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tendering, Allah subhanaw. taala is also intending other than Allah is like 5050. And in this case, again, the act of worship is not acceptable in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala. Right the person is he's not going to get rewarded for this.

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So, you know, and in this in these first three types, what you find is that the person doesn't have a strong enough motivation to do this act of worship, you know, by himself, he's doing it mainly because other people are watching. Right or that's equal, that intention, right, so he wouldn't be able to motivate himself if those people were not there in number one, two and three, he would not be able to get that strength to be able to do that action for the sake of Allah, if those people were not look, right, so that's a sign if you fall into number one way is purely for then Allah number two ways, mostly for other than Allah or number three, where is equal is for other than Allah

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is also for lies equal those two intentions. But in all three cases, you can't motivate yourself to do the act of worship in private, to only do it in public.

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The fourth type, and again, here the deed is rendered null or void. The fourth type is where a person he intends Allah, you know,

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that's the biggest part of intention 80% 70% 90% 95% but then there's a little little part of his intention, which is where he is intending other than a last minute,

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like his parents or friends or family or boss, or you know anyone else. In this case, again, this deed, right may not be accepted in the sight of Allah, however, because the essence of his worship is for the sake of Allah. And many scholars say okay, he'll be rewarded in accordance with how much his intention is for Allah. Okay? So Allah knows best, but his reward, of course, will be deficient. And he's also liable to be punished because Ria is a sin, so he'll be sinful and punished for that, that part of the intention which is what is for other than Allah, but inshallah we hope that in this case, his deed is actually accepted in accordance with the level of intention, if his intention is

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for the sake of Allah 95%, then he gets more reward, of course, then if it's like 70%, for the sake of Allah, okay? If it's 95%, for the sake of Allah is more reward than if it's 70% for the sake of Allah, but in this fourth case, you know, the overwhelming majority of his intention is for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. Okay, so that we looked at so the first way of looking at here is what is with regards to who you're intending. And we said either it's number one, purely for Allah, number two, majority of your intention is for other than a lot, and there's a little bit for the sake of Allah, number three is equal. And in all three cases, your deed is rendered null and void. It's

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equal, whether it's for Allah or not for law, number three, your intention, right? Half is for Allah half it for the people watching. And number four, is where the majority of the intention is, for the sake of Allah, but a little put a little part of it is for the sake of other than Allah, in the fourth case, we hope that the act of worship is acceptable, in accordance with the level of your intention for the sake of Allah. Okay. So that's the first way of looking at Ria, in terms of who you're actually doing that deed for the second way, or another way of looking at Ria is with respect to whether the Ria is in the essence of the act of worship, or whether it's in its qualities. What

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does that mean? Right? So let's talk about a man for example, right? Number one is essence of the act of worship like a person. So I'll give you an example. I'll give you some examples. One example could be in the essence of a man and the person who has Riya he shows off in his in the essence of his faith, his very belief is very, you know, being a Muslim that of course, this is a pure hypocrite. Like he doesn't have any belief. He doesn't have that email in the first place. This person will be as Allah says, In al Muna Filipina, the dark Hill is falling in enough, right that the hypocrites are in the lowest level of the Hellfire when a well intentioned Allahu nasira holiday

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interfere and you will not find for them a helper, no one will come to help them will be able to help them if and

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and they will dwell they will live in the Hellfire forever. Okay, so these are the pure hypocrites. These are people who

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aphria they show off in the essence. And in essence of what in essence of EMA,

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another type of essence, right Ria, in the essence of obligatory acts of worship. So for example, like the prayer project or us or *, a person will this type of an example of this is someone who does not pray, okay, he doesn't pray. But when he prays, right when he prays, he only does it. Because, you know, the realizing the essence of the act of worship, he only does it for the sake of Allah, other than Allah, this is Rhea, in what, in the essence of the act of worship, right? prayer and what in the essence of

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obligatory acts of worship, he has a man, it's not real in his, in essence of is a man. So he's not a pure hypocrite, but those deeds, like someone who gives a car or a fast in Ramadan, or, you know, he does hide the obligatory deeds, right? He does that, in the Ria is an essence of these obligatory deeds, he wouldn't do these obligatory deeds, unless people are watching or hear about, Okay, so, such a person's focus is the pleasure of others, above that of a loss, and he says, their judgment and thoughts more than he fears a lot. That's why he's doing it, right. So again, these deeds are rendered null and void, as well. But at least this person is not a pure, pure hypocrite, but still,

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he's, he's is in some serious danger. Okay? The third type of Rhea, Rhea, in the essence of voluntary acts of worship, right. So this is again, Ria, in essence, bahria, in what in the voluntary acts of worship,

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in the essence of the voluntary acts of worship, so here, this person, he does the obligatory acts of worship. And he does this regardless of whether people witnessed these acts of worship or not, but this person, he will only do voluntary deeds when people are looking, when people hear about it, this person does that only when people what, hear about it or see this act of worship, which was not the obligatory once you do that, anyway, he has a man. And you know, he doesn't have read in the essence of his image. He doesn't have Raya in the essence of his obligatory deeds, but he has Ria, in the essence of his scripts, you know, voluntary supererogatory deeds, you know, the ones that are

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most to have, they're recommended to do, he only does them because people are watching, right. And again, this person, he, you know, this is the third, the type of Ria, in the essence of an act of worship. And then you have Ria in the outward of like, in the qualities of the act of worship, right? So for example, right, so let's just summarize that firstly. So we talked about

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Ria, in essence of act of worship, and we said that's of three types reality, a man, in the essence of demand, this person's a pure hypocrite

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Raya, in the essence of obligatory deeds, this person won't do the obligatory deeds, unless people are watching this is, you know, huge in the sight of Allah. And then you have Ria, in the essence not of Eman or not of, not of the obligatory deeds, but of the voluntary acts of worship. So he won't do voluntary acts of worship, unless people are watching this, in essence, like he, he can't produce those actions, he doesn't do those actions except for other than the last one. And then the second category is looking at this way of revenue. The second category of this is

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in the qualities of the acts of worship, not Rhea, in essence, but Rhea and the qualities meaning that this person would do this act of worship, regardless of whether people are watching him or not. But he's bettering, you know, he's improving the quality of these acts of worship,

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because people are watching or people can hear. So and this is a three types right? Number one, Ria, in no in essence, but in the qualities of these acts of worship, whether it's an obligatory worship or whether it's a voluntary worship, whatever, but it's not in the essence, it's in the qualities of these worship. So number one, is that these qualities are qualities without which if a person does those acts of worship, that act of worship would not be acceptable, right? This is rare

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in you know, through a deed, which if you abandon that quality, right, if you

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If you abandon that quality, that deed would no longer be acceptable. I'll give you an example, right? Let's say a person's making widow. But when he makes widow, he washes half his arm, he doesn't wash it all the way to the end.

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But when people come in, he washes it all the way to the end to the end of his elbow, up to an including his elbow. But when people are not there, he wash it like up to half his arm, right? This is real, not in the essence of judo, but it's in what it's inequality, what type of quality, it is an obligatory quality of Voodoo, and in this case, the act of worship will not be accepted. Because it's like,

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the person, he hasn't actually done the act of worship, because the part that, you know, even when he's doing that extra part, he's only doing it for the sake of Allah. So that's not acceptable. Another example, or the second category of this is Raya,

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you know, through something that, you know, it's not in essence, in the quality, but what type of quality is not a quality, which is essential for that deed to be acceptable, but it's a quality that is voluntary, and makes that deed like better, and

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you get more reward for you doing it, for example, when you make will do, you wash your hands, how many times three times, but the first time you do it is obligatory, the second and third time, these are voluntary. So a person by himself, he makes a law. And he'll do it properly, in the sense that he'll at least to the obligations, meaning he'll wash his hands once and you know, gargle, and rinse his nose and his mouth all once. So he won't do Ria, he won't show off. He's not doing that part. But you know, showing off, because he'll do that in private, anyway, as well. But when he's with other people who wash his hands, three times, he'll gargle three times, you rinse his nose three

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times, he wash his face, three times, he wash his arms three times. So the first one is acceptable. But the second and third time, this was done out of real Maria, he would have done the first one anyway, at home by himself. But when he's with other people, he does the second and third wash as well. In this case, the second and third wash is not accepted. And he will be sending, but that second or third wash. Another example is a person who prays and the essence of the prayers for the sake of Allah. But in the quality of it, you know, he does all the obligations and the pillars of the prayer, however, so this is not really the essence or quality that is essential for that prayer

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to be acceptable. But he does Ria by lengthening the Quran that he recites, like when he is by himself, he says in clinical gawthorpe, right. But when he's in public, he starts early for

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me, and he starts reciting the hollow psalter. baugher, because he's leading the prayer. And behind them are lots of people. This is a Ria, in the quality of that act of worship. Right. So this, again, many scholars say that, you know, here, the question is, will his deed be acceptable? No, no, some scholars say yes, some scholars say no, but of course it will be deficient. But many scholars say no, that deed is not accepted. Because Allah subhanaw taala, he has said, I am free from want of, you know, any shriek of any chemical that I don't need any partner. So if you're giving me and someone else, or something else, an act of worship, then I've left it, I've left it. So some

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scholars say that's not acceptable.

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And then finally,

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Ria, which is kind of linked to an act of worship, but it's not directly part of neither from an obligation and either voluntary, but it's kind of separate from it. So for example, going to the masjid early, when he's by himself, he'll go late, but when his friends are here, he'll go early and sit there for five minutes making dot, right. So here, this is also a form of real, but it's not real in the act of worship itself. It's real in a quality that is, and it's not in the essence. And it's not in

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it's in a quality but that quality is not an obligation and it's not a voluntary qualities link to that act of worship. This is a third type, right? So in summary,

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we had Rhea in the essence of the act of worship, essence of Eman essence of obligations, essence of voluntary deeds, by all of those are rendered null and void. And then you have Ria meaning that

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This person would you know he's doing it purely for the sake of Allah, Allah. And then you've got Raya in what in the qualities of the act of worship. And they have three types of quality that is obligatory, like the first panoply Allah Allah, a quality that is voluntary, like the second and third, supine or biloela. When you're in such depth, frustration, or a quality, which is linked to the act of worship, like going to the masjid early, right. So that is with regards to this A second way of looking at here, the first way is who we intend. The second way is whether the quality data realizing the essence or in the quality of the act of worship. And we talked about the different

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types. And then the third way of looking

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at Aria is the reason why someone is showing off, why is this person showing off? And this is also of a number of times. So number one is, he's doing Ria, he's showing off in order to, you know, obtain or acquire or do something that is haraam. So for example, a person who makes out that he's really religious, that you know, maybe he starts teaching people Islam, or, you know, he's giving dour to someone. But his aim is not to please Allah. His aim is to do something haram with that person, like a guy who's doing that to a girl, or vice versa is giving Dawa to her, or vice versa and he's only doing it because he wants to do harm with that person. This is the worst and most

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destructive type of Ria you know, because this person is using an act of worship in order you know that Allah has made an act of worship, he's using that to commit a crime against Allah subhanaw taala right. So this is using acts of worship as a tool for his sinfulness is the worst type of Ria. The second type of Ria or the reason why a person does Ria is to not obtain something haram but to obtain something halaal a worldly thing. So for example, the person he does the same thing is giving Dawa or he's you know, he is giving charity or is teaching or is reciting Quran beautifully or whatever you may be doing, but he does it in order that the uncle gives his daughter to that person

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in marriage. Basically he starts beautifying his voice at home he recites

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you know in our in our calculator but he goes to the marriage interview and you know the the father he wants to test or you know, the guy oh you know how good is this Quran? What are you lead the press so the guy goes on long walk but beautifies his voice why because he wants to marry this guy's daughter now marrying the guy's daughter it may be Highland

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it's but it's to do it through Ria through acts of worship is of course haram and it comes under shook coffee or the hidden shed and it's also prohibited of course but of course it's slightly less you know grave than the previous one where the person is trying to do something haram with an act of worship. Here the person is trying to do halaal with an act of worship and even that is you know, it is unacceptable it is a sin in the sight of Allah spawn a dial and that deed could be rendered null and void okay

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and then finally you've got a type of Rhea Why does a person do it so that no one thinks bad of that person? So for example, everybody's fasting Oh, I have to fast because everyone else is fast. Everyone's praying the night prayer or I have to pray the nightclub with them like sometimes people go on a retreat or a you know camp or something and all the brothers and sisters they get up they pray night prayer. So the person doesn't want to be thought bad of badly of so he gets up and he prays with them. This is also real. He's doing it in order to why so that people don't see him as being lazy in his Deen. Now all of these degrees and ranks of Raya ostentation showing off, expose

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the one who is ostentatious to Allah Roth. Okay? they expose, how do we know? How do we know that we've got Raya, right? There are two big signs number one laziness towards acts of worship, especially when you're by yourself. And number two, that you find yourself doing more acts of worship when people praise. Okay, so these are the two biggest signs of Ria. How do we cure Raya right at the beginning we said that we're going to talk about how to cure Ria because that's the most important part of this lecture. But the first way is the first way to Curia is firstly recognizing that you have real acknowledging it, be afraid of that real

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The first thing, right, because you know, if you don't acknowledge the disease, you won't be able, you won't look for a cure. So the first thing is recognize it. That's why we went into detail about the different types of Ria, the different ways of looking at Ria and the different categories of each way. Why? So that we can understand Raya, we can recognize it when it comes to. Number two, conceal your good deeds as much as possible. Now, this doesn't mean that you don't do good deeds in public. No, you can do good deeds in public, especially if you are doing them in order to encourage other people. However, you should do more good deeds in private

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and try and hide your good deeds. Don't. I'm

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tired that night pray that I did last night. No, it's supposed to hide your good deeds. You know, one of the scholars Yeah. jacoba Yaqoob al McFaul he says that he said that a sincere person is the one who hides his good deeds, like the way he hides his evil deeds. Allahu Akbar. Look how we don't want everyone to know our bad deeds. Right? And that's a good thing. We shouldn't be proud of our bad deeds. Okay.

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But, you know, at the same time, we should be hiding our good deeds as much as possible as well. And you know, it's really sad. That's why the Sunnah prayers, the prophets, I seldom said to do them, where where's the best place for a man to do it sooner press is in his home.

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It's in his home. Why? Because when he does it soon enough prayers in his home, no one can see. Oh, it's less likely that people see, right, that's why when he gives charity, the professor Sam talked about giving charity with your right hand. So your left hand doesn't see.

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Right? doesn't doesn't know about it. So give charity no one knows about it. But nowadays, we have people reading out Oh, I want to plug in my name outside the masjid.

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What is this? I want the wing of that hospital to be named after me? No. Okay, so we got to be careful, we try and hide our good deeds. Now, again, it doesn't mean you don't do good deeds in public. But it means you try and hide your good deeds. All right. And sometimes you can do your good deeds in public, that's, that's fine, especially if you want to encourage other people. But just make sure it's not accompanied with Ria and try and whatever you do in public, make sure you're doing more in private, okay.

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And, you know, always question yourself, whenever you get that rear, try and hit it away, try and fight it, fight it, fight it, and the person who struggles, right, the person who struggles to do you know, he's always fighting that yeah, this person, each other is doing a good thing. Don't think that you're bad. Because the Ria initially comes to, you know, your, it becomes bad when you let that thought sink. So initially, you might think, oh, although people are looking at me, but instantly you you realize, Oh, this is real, and you throw this toe out, and you start to remember being in front of Allah on the day of Judge, okay.

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Now, some people also, what they do is that they stop doing good deeds. So I don't want to do it to show off, but you tell them to pray, you say I know I don't want to pray because of you.

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Know, this is also a trap of shaitan. Right? She thought she told us in all different types of ways to stop you doing good deeds, or to stop them being accepted. And this is also a trap. So rather, what you should do is do the good deed and fight the rear. Don't say, Oh, I'm not gonna do it. Because I've got here No, you're supposed to still carry on doing the good deed, but you change your intention. Alright, that is what the show is all about. That's what you do. When you find

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real uncertainty. Sometimes, a person might be praised in the Hereafter, or sorry, in this world, for a deed that he's done, and he doesn't intend that praise. He doesn't ask for that praise. He doesn't seek that praise. He doesn't want that praise. By he happens to hear it. And when he happens to era, he feels a natural kind of happiness, if you like some kind of pleasure. This does this is not here. As long as the deed when he did it is for the sake of Allah and after he did it is for the sake of Allah and he's not trying to show off but it comes to him as a Buddha of the Allahu anhu narrated that the Messenger of Allah so Allah in essence was asked, he said, he was asked tell us

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about a person who does some good deeds and people praise Him. Will this be considered a showing off? He replied, this is from the glad tidings, which I believe are received meaning in this life and this is reported in Sahih Muslim So no, don't think that just because you get praised that instantly means Ria because you feel good about it. No. Ria is that you're doing it for the sake of other than Allah subhanaw taala or you want

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people to know about Oh, you want that praise, you seek that praise. That is what Ria is all about. So I hope that inshallah clarifies a lot of things. And if there's any questions you can ask in the comments below I'll start to read some of these comments in Sharla

00:45:16 --> 00:45:18

I have some water however I don't have

00:45:22 --> 00:45:23

Okay, let's have a look

00:45:26 --> 00:45:41

on your success I'm used to from Abuja, Nigeria Mashallah rayyan says I'm excited to see you live and reading my comments. can't express my feelings in words my like scepter mean. Sky face he says.

00:45:42 --> 00:45:59

Sky face, Barry says Salaam Alaikum. I'm from Guinea. Conakry in West Africa. Mashallah padrone uses words how is Marc Marquez good Masha Allah 100 love our rule says I love you for the sake of Allah hubback Allah Allah the app attorney female I love you also my brother.

00:46:00 --> 00:46:08

Keep us in your dough as Tarik says, Is your hair of course allowed in Islam? You can check I did a video about

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you know, trimming your hair and whatnot you can try and check that on YouTube.

00:46:16 --> 00:46:17

What else have we got here?

00:46:20 --> 00:46:22

cost three times.

00:46:23 --> 00:46:27

is wearing a bracelet on your arm is it allowed in Islam

00:46:29 --> 00:46:39

is allowed as long as it's not imitating the opposite gender and as long as it is not for men it's not allowed to wear gold and silver bracelets.

00:46:45 --> 00:46:49

Sorry it's not allowed for them to wear gold. It's allowed for them to wear So

00:46:50 --> 00:46:51

Ryan says

00:46:56 --> 00:46:58

mean to your daughter's my brother

00:47:00 --> 00:47:44

Salima says Salaam camera. camera camera Dean says Salaam Halima Elisa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa rahmatullah. Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. Hello to everyone. Once again, I'm your brother, I bought this Salaam if you have not yet subscribed to this channel, or to the page then make sure you do that. Now before you go in sha Allah and also click the bell icon so that you'll be notified first. When I do go live in sha Allah to Allah sallallahu Sallam Oh Baraka, Alana Bina Mohammedan Pilar early, he was up here to my ain a salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh who, I'm your brother, I bought this and I'm speaking to you live from the blessitt city.

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