Abu Abdissalam – Is Smoking Really Haram? #01

Abu Abdissalam
AI: Summary © The conversation covers smoking and its negative impact on one's life, including the requirement for reward and compliance with laws. The speakers also discuss the definition of "verbal" and its relationship to sinful behavior. The speakers explore the use of "verbal" and its fruit, while acknowledging the need for fear or love. The conversation ends with a brief advertisement for a program on smoking.
AI: Transcript ©
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Below Ross manga Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa ala Mambo, Athos. natali, Laila amin, but an early he was off to here to mine as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh I'm your brother. I bought this Salam speaking to you live from the blessitt city of Mecca. That is my cat and makara and today we're going to speak about a very important topic actually, which is when you know a lot of people they ask this question is smoking Really? Haram is smoking really haram? Now, before I begin I just want to make sure that you guys can all hear me so let me know in the comments below. Let me know in the chat chat box below whether you can actually

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hear me perfectly fine and also where you're watching from I always love to know where you guys are watching from.

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Let me just have a look we have Robbie our cache of says Salaam Alaikum brother Wiley como Salaam monniera. Mon Sol Faruqi gives a thumbs up.

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Robbie is from Australia. Mashallah. Michigan, Michigan. monniera Masha Allah, Shah Hina says a salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Yes, we can hear you from Wales. Safina Bertie Assalamualaikum can hear you well. hamdulillah Kenny says we can't hear you. Clear watching we can't hear you clearly watching from the US. Whereabouts in the US.

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assigned to topics as salaam alaikum Salaam we can hear you perfectly I am from the UK. Let me know which city you guys are. are watching from it's always really interesting to know where everybody is now. Yesterday Oh monniera originally from Croydon, Ma sha Allah, Masha Allah.

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Okay, so let me know which city you guys are from. Also, I wanted to say that yesterday when I was going live, we had a little bit of a lip sync. delay.

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Is the audio better today than yesterday? Can you hear? Is there a gap between the video and the audio today? The technical team seem to have well they said that they fixed it. So hopefully Oh, there you go. Someone just said I'll Friday father says Salaam Alaikum brother your audio and video is not in sync. Oh, Robbie says Melbourne Michelle. I've actually been to Melbourne I was in.

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I was in Melbourne for very long time ago. Very long time ago. Yeah, I was in Melbourne. It was a really, really long flight. I think I left on Wednesday and ended up arriving in Melbourne on the on the Fridays because of the timezone and the long flight. Juanita says yes Alhamdulillah robbia says no monniera says audio is fine. I'm not sure what you're referring to rob br Hemet says something, I believe in Turkish which I don't really understand.

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And I don't have that translate function. So on the studio computer, I can't translate on the fly later on. I can have a look.

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So it's not it's not the same. Okay, please make off myself, my family my last pantalla make it all good.

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Give give you both good in this world of the next army. Okay, so I will try and fix the sink a bit more. In shorter life is still not fixed. So let's talk about smoking. Alright.

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Smoking is a very interesting

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And but you know, it's a fiery topic. A lot of people it's quite controversial. Some people say that smoking is micro, and other people they say smoking is haram.

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But before we delve into this topic, let's talk about what these words mean. Now, it's important to understand that when the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam when he was given the Koran, and he came down with the Sunnah of you know his answer now

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that the that he made it very clear that this Koran, or this Deen of Islam covers our entire life. Okay. So it has in it everything that we need to know about life in terms of the rulings. So

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you know, anything that we do, falls into one of five rulings. So anything falls into one of five rulings right. Number one is what is known as wajib. And some scholars say farbe

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Why'd you been fourth basically mean? This thing is obligatory, right is obligatory, it's mandatory, it's necessary. So the definition that a lot of scholars give

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is that the wajib is something that is obligatory is something that if you do it, you will be rewarded by Allah. Of course, if you do it for the sake of Allah and fulfill all the conditions, if you do it, you do it for the sake of Allah and fulfilling all the conditions, you will be rewarded. Okay? And if you do it,

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if you don't do it, then you will be liable to sin. Okay, so that's why, and an example of wajib is, of course, that we must

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pray five times a day. Okay? The if a person does it for the sake of Allah correctly, then he is he's rewarded for that. And if he does not do it, then he is liable to sin. So that is category number one, worship. Now some scholars, the majority of scholars say there's no difference between father and worship, right for done worship are exactly the same.

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Some LMR, the the Hanafi scholars predominantly are a hammer home Allah, they said that the difference between a father and a wajib is that a fourth masaba to be DeLeon, Qatari, while wajib matheba, Tabby delina avani right, that the difference between fourth and wajib, that they're both the same in terms of their, you have to do it, they're both obligatory, but for the slightly higher than wajib in the sense that according to the Hanafi scholars afford the something that is, you know, it is established by a clear cut, you know, evidence, clear cut piece of evidence, whereas

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wajib is established by something that is less than clear cut,

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you know, evidence, all right. So, but in essence, they're both the same even with the Hanafi scholars, by him, I will love that with that they all agree that wajib is something and a font, that is something that if you do it, you get rewarded for it. And if you don't do it, you're liable to punishment, you're liable for sin, it's sinful not to do it. The opposite of that is haram. There is a complete polar opposite of that. So what does that mean? haraam is of course,

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just make sure that I am still online, okay? I am still online. haraam is the polar opposite of that. So haraam is something that if you do it, you are liable to sin. And if you refrain from it, if you don't do that thing, which is haram, for the sake of Allah, you will be rewarded for it. So for example, a person

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he drinks alcohol, if he does it, then he will be sinful. And if he doesn't drink alcohol, then he and he and he doesn't drink it for the sake of Allah, then he will be, you know, rewarded for that. Okay. So that's how, and of course that's sinful. Then you have musta had, okay, most to have what's the had, some people call it sooner, but muster have means recommended. So this is the level below while Japan felt. So booster hub is something that is recommended. So if you do it, you're rewarded. But if you don't do it, you are not punished for it. Okay, muster hub. So an example of something that is most the hub is wearing white, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, it'll be so mithya b cube

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will be up that were white clothes, right? So if you do it, it is rewarding. But if for the sake of Allah, of course, and if you don't do it, then there's no sin upon you, it's perfectly fine.

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The opposite of that is macro, right macro, if you do it, you are not sinful. But if you refrain from something that is macro, for the sake of Allah, then you are rewarded for that. An example of that is looking around in your prayers. So imagine you're praying, and you're looking around with your eyes like this. It's not harder,

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according to the stronger opinion, but it is macro. It is disliked, macro means disliked, it's hated, it's dislike. So if a person,

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you know, looks around in his Salah, he's not sinful. But if he refrains from looking around in his Salah, and he looks at his price place of prostration, according to the majority of scholars,

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he looks at the place of prostration, then he is rewarded for that, right? Because he's not looking around in his press. And that so that's what macro means. That if you do it, you are not sinful. But if you refrain from doing it, then you get rewarded. And then in the middle is mobile,

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mobile, you know, doing it and not doing it is the same, right? You don't get rewarded. You don't

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get punished in and of itself for doing that thing, which is more about as an example, wearing blue clothes, right? If I wore a blue, I don't know, blue clothes. Generally speaking, there's nothing wrong with it. It's not haraam. It's not macro. It's not wajib is not Mr. hub, therefore it is what mobile driving a car could be mobile. Now,

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this is these are the five rulings, right. These are the five rulings that we have, number one wajib and for number two

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