Abdurraheem Green – Make up your mind! Decision Fatigue E-Reminders

Abdurraheem Green
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the concept of decision fatigue and the importance of overestimating expectations and reality checks in life. They suggest taking steps to improve one's sleep, avoiding distractions, and making decisions based on their needs and interests. They also emphasize the importance of setting goals and avoiding decisions that affect their personal well-being and privacy. The speakers stress the need for self awareness and transparency in managing decision fatigue.
AI: Transcript ©
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Brothers and Sisters Salam aleikum. Today we have a hamdulillah Roybal, Alameen Allahumma Salli, ala Muhammad, Allah al us was active Salam, really important, really interesting.

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Say it again, really important topic. And it's important because we're all leaders, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that you know that everyone is a shepherd, and they will be asked about their flock. So we all have leadership responsibilities. And with those responsibilities comes accountability, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us responsibility, accountability. And that means that it's upon us to learn the skills of leadership. Because all of us in some way, shape or form are going to be leaders. This is not fundamentally about leadership. But today's talk is about a very important aspect, or dimension, that is really a leadership issue. And that's to do

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with decision making. Now, there's three separate topics around decision making, when it comes to this whole realm of cognitive biases, or

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ways in which our mind gets things wrong, the ways in which we don't make the rational decisions that we really should be making. That's what we've been talking about for quite a long time. And we probably will keep talking about it for a long time. Because there's so many cognitive biases, it's incredible. A lot of the emphasis recently has been on,

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on what you know, it's to do with economics. It's to do with, obviously, it applies to all aspects of your life. But it's to do more with what, you know, economic, the psychology of economics, or, you know, because that's where a lot of the research has been done.

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But as I said, and I'm always mentioning, these things can be applied to many, many different aspects of your life. So what what we're not talking about today is decision paralysis. Okay, so there's one thing decision paralysis, which is, when you, although it's very similar, it's still connected, they're different, but they are actually very similar. So decision paralysis is when you have so many choices, you can't make up your mind, I'm sure you've already experienced that. It's sometimes a lot. Well, and it's counterintuitive. You think the more choices, the better. But often, that's not the case. Often the cases that when you have more choices is actually more difficult, and

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you end up not being able to make a choice at all. And, you know, we've discussed some of these things about the choices we make, why do we choose certain things? Why do we buy certain things. And a lot of it is to do with emotions, it's to do with, we want to feel that we're doing the right thing. And that is something that is going to come into play in today's discussion, which is about decision fatigue, which is slightly different from decision paralysis, very similar to decision paralysis, which as I said, is when you got so many choices you can make up your mind

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is analysis paralysis, which is very, very similar,

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but a little bit different in the sense that this is a byproduct of over analyzing things. And you may not necessarily have lots of things to analyze, right? You may even just have one thing. Okay, so decision paralysis is when you have

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choice paralysis is when you have so many choices, right? And those multitude of choices, leave you confused as to which one should I pick? Analysis paralysis is different. You may only have one choice you been even have much of an option. But you are so deep in analyzing that particular problem. You've failed to take any action in respect to it. And so that you just keep analyzing and analyzing and analyzing this is another problem. And we'll talk about maybe we'll talk about that next week. But today is we're going to talk about decision fatigue, decision fatigue is different. So what is decision fatigue?

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That is really to do with what I believe is one of the most important topics in psychology. It's one of the most important topics in spirituality, it may even be, arguably, the essence of what being a human being is all about. What makes us different from every other creature is willpower. And by willpower, I mean our ability to not give into our whims and our desires, to not give into our impulses, to make conscious, rational decisions, to not give into our impulses, because we want to achieve a long term long term goal or objective. And you could argue that that's really what being a human being is all about. That's what really makes us different. The human beings and the Djinn,

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that dimension of willpower, it's something I've done a course on. I don't mention this very often. But I have a course, The Seven Pillars of willpower, where I have taken years of research that I did on this topic, and condensed it down into what I thought were the very, very key components

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and combined it with my some of my knowledge of Islamic spirituality,

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and gave it a very much in Islamic flavor. It's a paid course that you can access. And I have some videos where I have talked about some different aspects of it. And today, we're going to be talking about some of those things. Because this is really to do with willpower. Okay, so, yes, so decision, this decision fatigue, is really connected to willpower. And one of the first things that you learn about willpower, is that willpower is a limited resource, it is finite. Now, you know, I'm, I mentioned this a lot, because a lot of people really don't know what willpower is. And I've reached the sort of conclusion that I think we should probably use a different term. Because people think

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that willpower is some sort of force, some sort of force of determination, you know, that she through, you know, you hear people say, through sheer willpower, he did this or did that.

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And it's almost imagined to be like some force, like a Jedi force that can, you know, move objects.

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And that you like you have it or you don't, it's not that willpower is just simply your ability to delay gratification, in order to achieve a long term objective. And the stronger your ability to resist giving into temptation.

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In order to achieve a longer term goal is the greater your willpower. And so actually, what willpower really is, is a whole series of strategies of mental and physical strategies that a person can use in order to be able to engage this part, this prefrontal frontal cortex, this pausing planning, thinking part of the brain, and just not to be giving into your impulses. Of course, sometimes it's good to give into your impulses. You know, for example, if a you know, a lion jumps out on of the jungle at you, you probably don't want to spend too much time standing around thinking, um, what should I do right now? Right? So there's times when it's really good to just act

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and not think, because there's reasons for that. But unfortunately,

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our not unfortunately, it's just one of the tests of life, we can say. And one of the things that we need to overcome and adapt to our present environment that our human mind and our human bodies have, have been made in order for us to exist in an environment that is very different from the environment that we find ourselves, or many of us find ourselves in the modern world today. And because of that, there are many things that happen to us, that cause us stress that causes anxiety that depletes our willpower.

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And that ended up causing us making bad decisions, because we react to them as if they are threats to our actual life or is in fact they are not. And also things that made a lot of sense. For most of human history. Like if you find a high fat, high sugar food, you want to grab it and eat, eat as much of it as you can because for most of human history, human beings have

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Been deficient in calories? Well, right now, that just doesn't do us that much good. Because that means you're going to be risk, you know, reaching for Coca Cola and crisps and all sorts of unhealthy things that are going to make you obese and give you heart disease and cause your early death,

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amongst just a few of things to mention that all of that does to you. So I guess you get my point, right? So, but look, this is not a reason for us to, in any way despair. It's a matter of education. And we educate ourselves about all sorts of things. But unfortunately, we don't educate ourselves about this. And this is ultimately, I believe, ultimately, this is what being a Muslim is about. This is what it actually means to be a Muslim. As I said, this is what means, you know, this is what it means to be human. What do I what I believe is that fundamentally distinguishes a human from an animal is the choice, our ability to choice, that limited aspect, and it is limited, in the sense

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that we don't have absolute free will, our free will is not absolute, because we can't will unless a loss, when I tell our wills it, we're still under the ultimate control of Allah. But Allah has allowed us to make choices. And ultimately, of course, from the Islamic perspective, we can choose whether to worship Allah or not. And these choices are the things that upon which Allah is going to judge us the choices that we make other things upon which Allah subhanaw taala is going to judge us. And you know, one of those choices, for example, is about your health. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the two feet of the son of Adam will not move from their place in front of their

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Lord, until they are asked about five things, your, your life and what you did with it. So you're going to be asked, because you had a choice, you had a choice about what you're going to do with your life, you had a choice about how you're going to live your life, your health, you have some choices about your health, you do, right? Your health, and how did you care for it, you will be asked, in fact, you will not none of us, we will not move from our place in front of Allah, until we have been asked about these things, right? Your money, how you earn that money, and how you spent that money, and your knowledge, right? How you acted on it. So

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these are the choices, these are just some of the choices that we have to make that are very, very important. And therefore we have a need to educate ourselves. So let's go back to decision fatigue. One of the things that I'm sure we've all experienced, something that we need to educate ourselves on something that is really, really important for us to understand. So decision fatigue, again, just to remind you is when we are when we have to make a lot of decisions, when we have to make a lot of decisions. And usually this is in a day.

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And the reason being is because once we sleep, and once we rest, and we've eaten and we've you know, recuperate recuperated, these are things that actually restore our cognitive thinking abilities, then, you know, we're able to put that energy, that mental energy back into thinking and pausing and planning and making those decisions. Now, as I've, as I've been saying, again, and again, and again, and again, in these talks, using your brain takes a lot of energy. And that's why we have a lot of these shortcuts that I've been talking about these cognitive biases, these heuristics that we have as human beings, they're there to help us. They're there to help us make quick decisions. So we

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don't have to employ our brain. And actually, I'm not today what I want to talk about as well is not just tell you what decision paralysis is, but I want to go through some really useful strategies that you can implement in order to help you deal with not decision paralysis, decision fatigue. Yeah, in order for you to be able to deal with decision fatigue in sha Allah.

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Yeah, so let's, let's just talk about and so one of the famous

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one of the famous

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research, one of the famous types of research that was done into this issue of decision fatigue was was with a group of judges in Israel. And it was found that the judges generally would the number of people who would be given parole. So these were judges who were on a review board for parole for criminals who are being reviewed to be on parole, and it was found that there were

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was a big statistical imbalance between the criminals that were reviewed in the morning and the criminals that were reviewed in the evening. So basically, what people what they found out these researchers was that there were a large number of criminals who were reviewed in the morning who have given parole, and very, very few, if any, who received parole

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in the in the off in the evening after lunch. And the reason they realized was because of decision fatigue, because this matter of reviewing a criminal to see whether they should be allowed back out into society, obviously took a lot of it took a lot of effort.

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And because also, by the way, of course, the more important and the more significant that decision is,

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the more energy it's going to consume for your brain and, you know, for your, for your emotions, you're going to put much more effort into it. So you can imagine, this is not an easy task, reviewing whether a criminal is going to be allowed to let to be let out early or not. And so what they found was that in the afternoon,

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generally, they didn't, they very rarely approved criminals for parole.

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But in many cases, there was no difference between the actual facts that were being being presented to them. So the reality was that what was happening was that they had just, they were so tired, they were so mentally exhausted. And even I even the lunch break didn't help that much. In the end of the day, when they saw what happened was that by the afternoon, they just, they just defaulted to what seemed to be the safest option. And the safest option is just to maintain the status quo, keep it the way it is, right? Well, you know, they just stay in prison, that's a relatively easy decision to make, as opposed to let them out into society. So this is something that was looked into quite

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deeply. And this, this is an example of this. And there's many, many, by the way, many other experiments that were done about decision fatigue.

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One of them was done by Baumeister who again, he's famous, his book on willpower is I've read it, it's one of the books on which that I use to help develop my course. And he's done a lot of research into this issue of willpower. And this is why this comes under this topic. He did a similar, he did another experiment where basically he, he presented university students with choices, some were just asked to think about them, you know, they were given like think, I think 24 choices, or a various Summit, 2412, whatever. But a number of choices, someone told just to think about it, but others were told to actually make decisions to make a decision about their choice. And they were just

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consumer choices, they weren't really anything to taxing, they were just consumer choices. And then afterwards, in the evening, in the afternoon, these students were given, like a number of

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cognitive tests that really, were there simply to test a person's, you know, thinking ability, and it was found that those people who are asked to actually make a choice across the board, they generally did a lot lot worse than those who didn't have to make choices. And who were just sort of asked to think about it, you know, so again, it was the point demonstrated is the sheer act of having to make a decision is exhausting. And because of that exhaustion, you go on to make afterwards bad decisions, you go on to things that involve your brain, things that involve thinking, and these of course, could be really important decisions, you become more passive, right? You become

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more passive, you become more open to suggestion. Again, brothers and sisters, this is something to think, again, in terms of we've talked about it a lot that being brand washed, how the how we get manipulated as consumers to buy more than we actually need to consume needlessly. So there's many things that can happen that lead us to make bad choices. And some of these choices can be very, very significant. You know, for example, you could be if you're presented with too many important decisions to make and for example, then you're encouraged to, for example, let's say, take up an experimental form of medical medication that could damage your health plan.

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eminently perhaps even, you know, in the wrong state of mind, when you are confronted with making lots of decisions, well guess what you will, you know, very easily make bad decisions. And unfortunately, this is even more true of people who are in poverty. And this was a very interesting study that was done very interesting. Because from the point of view of that,

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that, you know, sometimes people like to think of I don't I, there are some people, and I think, especially, maybe, I would say, in American culture, and that's just because of their, you know, the philosophy of the American dream and the ideas they have of hard work. And, you know, there is this idea that, you know, people are poor, because it's their fault. That actually, when people live in extreme poverty, it becomes a sort of vicious circle. And the reality is, is that because when you are extremely poor, when it comes to money, you have so many decisions, very, very difficult decisions that you have to make, you know, over something that may, for us, for example, be mundane,

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a bar of soap, and they actually did a research around just soap, for example. And that may just be just, you know, we don't even think about that. But for people who are an extremely did a research in India on this for people who are in extreme poverty, you know, it's like a, they have to really think, shall I spend this money on soap? Or should I spend it on these beans, or shall I spend them, then their research, their financial resources are so limited, that they have to make these very, very difficult decisions about many, many different things. And unfortunately, what that does, is they end up making, they will end up making bad decisions. And the reason they will end up making

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bad decisions is because they are just mentally exhausted, it doesn't mean that they are stupid, or that they are incapable. This is common to all human beings, it's just the situation in which they find themselves

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drives them more and more towards this, this this negative state of mind, which is decision fatigue. So okay, so I'm sure all of us, at least if you're aware of it, I'm sure you will now

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start to recognize the existence of decision fatigue in your life. That's the first thing you know, I'd like you to do over the next week, you know, maybe you can examine and think, Wow, am I you know, do I have to make a lot of decisions today? Have I, you know, do I feel really tired from making those decisions. I mean, like I said, once you have awareness of these things, start watching out for them, start seeing if you can spot these things happening in your life, start to see whether, maybe even society.

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When I say society, certain elements of society are creating more challenging decisions for you simply because they want to pacify you. And perhaps even they want you to make inappropriate choices, because it suits their agenda. That's something we should all be watching out for. Okay. So I think that's a good introduction in Sharla, to decision fatigue, right. So what I want to do is, Okay, talk about how can we,

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how can we deal with it? What sort of steps that we can take? Yeah.

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Okay, number one is get some good quality sleep. Sleep is hugely important. It's not about the amount you sleep, it is the quality of your sleep. One of the things that haven't done I do feel Allah has blessed me hugely

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in my life is I just generally tend to sleep really well. I can, you know, most of the time, I don't have a problem going to sleep literally, by the time I put my head on the pillow between me putting my head on the pillow and just being like, totally out of it is is a very short time.

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And, and I do sleep, I do seem to sleep very deeply. I think sort of all things could happen and I just wouldn't be I just wouldn't wake up. And I think that's a real blessing because I do feel very rested. And Alhamdulillah invigorated from my sleep.

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So that I you know, again, you don't want to stress yourself out. If you find that you're

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not getting good sleep. And that's a whole different topic. I mean, we could, you know, maybe you could leave a comment, if that's something that you really like to discuss, I did do a little bit of research into sleep, and how to improve your sleep because I had a good friend of mine who was really suffering from that.

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And I wanted to find if I can help him, but that's not my topic for today how to get better sleep. But it is important to sleep well.

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One little clue that I can give you if, if you want to get to sleep, well, is don't look at any screens at least an hour before you go to bed, don't look at your don't look at your, you know, your phone, or watch TV, don't look at a computer, turn the lights down low, right? Hopefully be in a dim room setting allows your body to wind down bright screens

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imitate daylight, and then your your mind is thinking it's daytime. And it's it takes time to wind down from that. So that's just one of the things that you can do. But so number one, get good sleep, okay, decision fatigue tends to accumulate over, you know, the period of you know, the actual daylight hours. And sleep is a great way of re boosting and reinvigorating your mind and helps you to be able to face things. So

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following on from that tried to make important decisions in the morning, when you're fresh, when your mind is fresh, when your thought process is already fresh. The other thing is try not to make too many decisions, especially important decisions in one day.

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There is a sort of, there is going to be a limit to how many good decisions you can make. So limit them.

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And going back to sleep, sleep on it, you know, you've you know, that's a famous saying, you know, and people often say, Well, you know, make a decision, no, I'm going to sleep on it. That's a really, really good idea. The other thing that we should do, obviously, is enlist a choice advisor. This is something that Allah subhanaw taala has definitely, you know, this is something that we've been told in the Quran, this is something that Allah subhanaw taala has advised us with, is to seek consultation, to seek shorter, to seek advice from someone who can help us to make effective decisions. And this is definitely something that we should do. We should always be seeking advice

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from people who are trustworthy, who are knowledgeable who are capable, and help us to make those decisions. And of course, then we should make salatu esta hora. And this is of course not something you will find in any self help book or any book of psychology, but you will find it in our religion. Because that connection with Allah, that belief that when we are asking Allah, and we are seeking guidance from Allah, and we are seeking help from Allah, Allah will most definitely guide us to the right thing. I just here want to take some time to talk about istikhara. And this could be a whole lecture in and of itself. But so many people are confused about this the horror, they are so

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confused about it, they don't understand what is the horror is, is the horror is not a DUA to help you make a decision. No.

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It's the horror is that once you've made a decision, once you've made a decision, and the decision could be a negative or positive decision, you could decide not to do something, you could decide not to take an experiment or medic medication, for example, you can decide not to get married, you can decide not to get that job, you can decide not to travel. And you can still make istikhara about not doing something right. Or you could make is the harder to take a potentially life saving, but not fully tested medicine. You could make esta hora to marry this person. So you understand you can make istikhara to make this journey. So istikhara can be this way or it can be that way. But at the end

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of the day, you're still making istikhara about a decision that you have made. So before you make istikhara you go through the process of trying to make the decision and what is the normal process of making a decision is you look at all as much as possible, the available information without getting decision. Analysis paralysis, which we'll talk about next week in Charlotte. Allah gives us like, we will talk about it next week. Okay,

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So you make that decision, you consult people, right? Who will help you make good choices. And then in sha Allah, you make your choice.

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Hopefully you make it mostly based on these rational premises, because gut instinct

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is important. But it's not was the right thing. That's why, you know, you make a decision and you make, it's the heart of the beautiful thing about is the hara here is, you are asking Allah subhanaw taala, that if this thing is good for me, then turn it towards me and me towards it, right. And if it is bad for me, then take it away, turn me away from it, and it away from me. And then you do your best to make that thing happen. And if it doesn't happen, then if you still feel like you want to make it happen, you still keep trying to do it until either it becomes impossible for you. Or you just don't feel like you want to do that anymore. So for example, a person may make it harder to

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marry a certain person. And then they propose to that person and that person says, No,

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when you still feel that, maybe there's something else you can do. So you get maybe someone to, you know, talk, when I say proposed to that person, with the appropriate Islamic manners, usually through the, you know, the guardian, or anywhere, I don't want to go into that, but I'm just giving it as an example. So you may, there may be other ways that you could pursue that. You know, like, either it gets to the stage where it's impossible. And that person says, no, no, I'm just not interested, please stop asking me or whatever.

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Or, you know, like, maybe the person says, I don't know, they don't say no, straight out, they say, Well, I don't know, I'll think about it, you know, whatever, right? You get my point. Or that it may just be that, you know, what, I don't know, I don't really feel I want to marry that person anymore. So maybe that Allah will change your heart because you never know what the benefit is, you see, the benefit for you may have just been in the process itself, that could be beneficial for you, the process of trying to achieve something the process of trying to make something happen and work in your life, there could be benefit in that as we may be, why Allah subhanaw taala opened those doors

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for you for a while, because it was that process of making those those decisions and trying to bring about that change. Maybe that was the bit that was good for you. Not maybe for sure. Insha Allah. So this is very important and Alhamdulillah we have this aspect of esta hora

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you know, in our decision process, and Shura, which is obviously seeking advice. One of the things that is really important, again, about making decisions and saving yourself from decision fatigue. And I guess we could bring this up again, in the aspect of this analysis paralysis is you don't get a reality check about your expectations. Like you don't need to overthink everything. Yeah, that and that that's part of the problem is that sometimes we make the decision or what is involved in making that decision something more than it really is we can over exaggerate it. Or we are you know, we have a certain standard that we want a certain standard of expectations. This is very common in

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marriage for example people have sometimes I would say ridiculous, ridiculous expectations that are literally almost absurd.

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So yes, give your expectations or reality a reality check and it can help you another thing which is really good is to make some decisions in life in advance.

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This you know, famous examples of this is Steve Jobs just having one outfit that he wore the whole time. That's one less decision you have to make like he had one color, one turtleneck, one pair like yet more than one pair, but it was all the same color looked all the same. And you know, that's just lets you make one less decision in life like oh, what do I have to wear today? If you don't give yourself options, then you've got less decisions to make. Maybe you just have the same breakfast every single morning. If it's a good healthy breakfast so what that's one less decision that you have to make. Maybe when it comes to shopping, you know you have a certain things that you get every

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The week they're on your list, you know, that's it, you don't have to make a decision about that, right? You set a certain time that you have for exercise for reading. And for, you know, whatever it may be, it is set, it is decided it is one less decision you have to make in your life. And this is one of the beautiful things. By the way, one of the most beautiful things I want to say about being a Muslim about Islam, having been a non Muslim.

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And having come from that darkness of confusion, one of the most beautiful things about being a Muslim, is that so many things are taken care of for you in terms of your ethics and morality. You don't need to have to worry anymore about many things. Should I do this? Or should I do that? If I do this, then what will happen about that? And if this is like this than that, because you know, many things that without the guidance of Allah is already taken care of. This is halal, this is haram. The haram things. That's it, you can't do it. There's no, there's no, you don't need to concern yourself making a decision about that the decision has been made for you already. This is

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haram. And that's it. Decision made? Yeah. In even in terms of what is virtuous, the virtues are known and some things are more virtuous than others. Oh, should I spend my time with this? Or should I spend my time with that? Well, the decision is made. We know what is more virtuous, this is more virtuous than that this is better to spend your time with them that I'm not saying you don't have any decisions left to make, of course you do. And everyone is different. So what may be good for you in terms of righteous actions. You know, you may be someone who loves to pray, who loves to make vicar, and maybe seeking knowledge is not your thing, even by the virtue of seeking knowledge is so

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great. More than even prayer, extra prayers and thicker, but the point being some of these things are going to be in accordance to your own personal preferences. But even the point being that at least we have this very clear delineation, it just means there's a lot less choices for us to make. And that is a blessing in a crazy world where we have so many decisions, and we can end up making so many bad decisions, because of the decision fatigue, to have a lot of decisions made for you, especially about the most important things, and the most significant things in your life that ultimately affect you the most, like seriously, whether you get a black comb or a brown comb, yeah,

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whether you get, you know, a handkerchief that looks like this or like that. You could think about that a lot. And you could put a lot of energy into it. But really, it's not that important. Right.

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But, you know, there are decisions that are hugely important. Right? Should I have, you know, should I? Should I have * with this person or not? Well, no, that's not your wife, or that's not your husband. So no, you shouldn't that's it a lot. So Allah has decided Islam has told you, you know, that is haram decision made, you can't do it, it's not an option for you end off. But if you're not a Muslim, and you don't have those constraints in your life, these are the questions you ask yourself, you may even ask yourself, well, what does it mean even to be faithful, right? If I'm just having, you know, like, like, I could go on and on and on. And believe me, I have been in that

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darkness, and it is the most horrific darkness of being totally lost. You want to make the right decision, but you have no center point, you have no real center point, you have no center of gravity, you're just floating around, almost aimlessly is a horrible, horrible place to be, and Alhamdulillah that the decisions are made for you. And these people who talk about oh, well, you know, like, you know, I like to make my own decisions. It's not a real world, right? This is not the real world, like which real you will make bad decisions and very, very bad decisions. That's the reality because you'll just get exhausted, you'll get exhausted. Our little minds have very, very

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limited capability. And we get tired very quickly. And then when we get tired, and our willpower is depleted, we end up making really rotten choices. So that's another thing Alhamdulillah make decisions in advance. Right? The other thing is, just be aware and I said this

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At the beginning, and let's round it off with this. This is a very important topic, some of the things I talk about are way more important than others. For me, this particular topic, especially for us in this day, and age, is hugely important for our mental health, hugely important for our mental well being. So please take this particular talk today, really seriously. And as well, you know, please share it and spread it because I think this is one of the more important talks that I've given on a practical level, I think they're all important, but from a very practical level of a difference it can make in someone's life today, this is an important talk. So tune into your

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feelings, right? This is one of the things is be self aware. And of course, all my talks for you for this for however long now is all talking about the self awareness. Be real with yourself. Be honest about yourself, this comes back to this thing, be honest with yourself, you're not a Superman, right? You're not a god or a demigod, you're not right. You're a human being with a human brain, and you're gonna get you're gonna make you're gonna get tired making decisions. And the more complex those decisions are, the more important those decisions are, the more tired you're going to get more quickly. And then soon you will start making bad decisions. So be aware of that. create that

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awareness, develop awareness, right of when you're feeling tired, and make important decisions in the optimal state. That's it. Yes, brothers and sisters, I hope you found that really, really useful. I hope you found it very, very beneficial. Have the laugh today's today's podcast, there is a

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swiftly going to be followed by a podcast by some of our sisters called Sisters speak. She was going to be fantastic. And today they are going to be talking about managing emotions. Martial law sounds like

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just the sort of topic I'd be fascinated by. So brothers and sisters, if you can tune into sister speak, which is going to be there's no time there, but it's after this. So until next week, brothers and sisters, I hope you have a beautiful week. Remember, just as a reminder, to like this video to share it to subscribe to my YouTube channel or as well to share a slam and hamdulillah and may Allah bless you and inshallah it takes some time to think about decision fatigue. Don't Don't make too many decisions about that just decide to decide to think about

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All right, so welcome, everyone. It's been a pleasure.

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