Abdur-Raheem McCarthy – The Life And Times Of Umar Ibn Abdul-Aziz 04

Abdur-Raheem McCarthy
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss Omar Abdul Qaeda's actions during his time in Islam, including his involvement in writing the Hadith of the Prophet sun and his focus on practicing the Arabic language. They emphasize the importance of learning to be prepared to benefit from things in the world and the need for a foundation of historical story and teachings from the Bible and Sun airline to achieve success. The speakers also emphasize the importance of obeying the ruler and not rebelling against them.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm gonna mention now inshallah.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah while and he was so happy he won.

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Just two more inshallah things we're going to focus on and Sanatana before we wrap up with a q&a question, one of the questions that keeps coming

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is about the book that I keep mentioning, I have it in front of me in Arabic, and have the version here in English as well in front of me on the laptop.

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And this book is named in English if you want to write it down.

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The rightly guided caliphs and great reviver Omar Abdulaziz, the rightly guided caliphs and great reviver Omar Abdulaziz,

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written by Dr. Ali Celebi. It's a book that was written during the times that we live in. I think one of the best works that's been done Omar bin Abdulaziz

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I'll say it again shut up the rifle he got it Calif. And great reviver Ahmadi bin Abdulaziz.

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The rightly guided caliphs in green MP writing on a map that is easy to book. It's printed by Dada Salaam. And also I believe there's another print by international stomache publishing houses why I was told this but haven't seen it. The one I have is by darussalam. So I'm gonna that's very beneficial. It's rather long, and 733 pages.

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Arabic ones only 300 something pages, I think when you translate, obviously, it gets much longer. So but it's worth the read, because unlike any panel, I was telling, even when I was sitting when I was having lunch with Chef, today, when I was here, I said honestly, I've done a lot of series when it comes to

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the biographies of many of the great scholars of Islam, and we did about Abdullah Mubarak, and we did about fulfillment than others. And it didn't take that long to prepare, very beneficial. But when I came to the, the biography of Omar bin Abdulaziz, I had the basic idea of the story, I knew the basic things. But as I started to study it and see what we can benefit from, I was just, I was blown away. Honestly, the story is, like I said, I keep saying like a fairy tale. It's like it's not real. Once you read an historian and all the things you can benefit. And as I said to the brothers in the first session, for those of you who aren't here, if we really wanted to be just to the story

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of Omar Abdulaziz, I would have to stay with you here in Birmingham for at least a month, 30 days, every day after a show for an hour, then I think we could really cover a story properly. Other than that, it's very difficult, but the book is available. And you can get a very good idea of his life and what you can benefit from it. From the reformed from all the amazing things. We try to cover as much as the important things we can I think that's, that's beneficial to us. But I was even when it comes to his reform and administration is reformed, if you go towards the back of the book.

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And then when it came to the administrative side of things, when it came to the issue of the different, you know, fifth rulings, and, and

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the legislation when it came to the economy, all of these things he did amazing things for, but what we want to end with today, before entering the end of his life, is one of the great accomplishments which doesn't get talked about enough it's important for us to know and that is how he preserved this religion through knowledge, a very important knowledge. And we don't realize how much we owe to Omar Abdulaziz because of this. One of the things that the first Khalifa

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will work with us to decode the Allahu anhu did was to preserve what

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what did he have reserved for the oma

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the Quran

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with the idea for who? Whose idea was it.

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when he saw that the who father were being killed in the battlefield, he was scared that the same thing would happen to the Muslims that happened to the past nations from the Christians and the Jews whose book was lost and was changed. So he said we have to it was already written down. Obviously the Koran

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But it was compiled into what? into one book, obviously, so nothing from it will be lost. During the time that Aziz, he came to the second source of Islam, which is the son of the Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he ordered that it'd be compiled, that'd be written down. And the beginning of the tsunami wasn't permissible to write down the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim, because he didn't want to mix with the Quran, then he gave permission later to for the Sahaba to start writing down. So it was written down some of it during the time of the province of Salem. But most of it was, was relayed obviously, through the memorization through the health model de la hora

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Rosie's to be able to make sure that this wasn't lost as well, he ordered some of the great tablet in to come and to gather, the Sunnah of Rasulullah saw is that um, actually, this was something that his father has started doing a little bit of during his time, as well. But Omar, obviously, he made it into, he's the He's the founder of Nikola Tesla, when as soon as of writing down the sun, in detail of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and what he did, in order to do this, and how he was successful in doing so, he focused on several things. And he, even when it came to the Arabic language,

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he was very, very strict when it came to the Arabic language. And many of the, of the early Muslims, they were strict. He when it came to their children, anybody if they heard him make a mistake in Arabic language, they will punish them. Be careful, don't make a mistake when it comes to Arabic. Because what happens if you start to have weak Arabic, you have weak understanding of the deen and therefore, they will focus on punishing the people and making sure that it wouldn't make mistakes in Arabic language. checklist m t, me or him Allah tala is important. All of us realize this because all of us are very lazy. When it comes to learning the Arabic language, people come to me and they

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say, I can't learn Arabic. Why is you?

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And I have two answers to that. Recently, I was sitting with some brothers, I said, there's two there's two answers. There's an answer that you want to hear. It's not gonna benefit you. And the answer that you don't want to hear that will benefit you. Which one do you want? So I said, Tell us the one that we don't want to hear. I said you don't learn Arabic because you don't want to learn Arabic?

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Is the reality. You don't really want to learn Arabic, you would like to learn Arabic. But you don't want to make the effort to do it. I asked the brother said, How many languages do you speak? Because I know he's originally Pakistani. So he speaks either two or three languages. Depending where mama and Baba are from in Pakistan, he either speaks or do only or he speaks or doing or something like this. So he he was one of the ones who had the three languages along with English. So if you already have three languages, you can add the fourth. And it's not that difficult. You already speak three languages. If you really wanted to do it, you would be more consistent and you would do it.

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During the Arabic language as shekel Islam in Tamia said, he said that it's wajib it's compulsory to learn the Arabic language. Why? He said because you cannot understand the deen properly unless you have the Arabic language. And there's a principle malabu tamala g lbfo wajib, which you cannot complete that was compulsory upon you except with it, it becomes wajib upon you. So it's very important for us as an oma to revive the Arabic language. Before all around the world before the colonization of the Muslim countries. All of the Muslims used to speak Arabic. And you will look through history you'll find even the slaves who were stolen from Africa and taken to America and

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other places around the world. We have proof now that they spoke the Arabic language and they have any even books they wrote. Even some of the slaves who wrote the entire Koran from the memorization. We have some in some of the universities in America, even some of the the Maliki fick from resettlement. Abizaid was written they thought they were afraid they will forget their fifth. So they knew the Arabic language very well during that time, that should be part of who we are as Muslims. So he focused on this and he focused on making sure that the Hadith was recorded correctly. Now how was he so successful in this? First of all, he chose the right person for the job. The main

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people he chose to write down the Hadith he chose the Emir of Medina that time I will Booker even has him. As the moment Buhari mentioned same Buhari, he ordered him to start gathering anything he could find from the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, also Mr. Missouri, as well. Muhammad mushy happens already from the great scholars of Islam. Also abubaker even has him from the great scholars of Islam. So we choose the right party chose the right people to start with this project. Just as I will go to San Diego de la who and who did he choose

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to lead the committee of the ones who gather the Quran, z diminta. But he was the best one for the job. He had the best credentials. He chose him so they choose the right person for the right job. And he after that he ordered them to do to focus on certain things he gave us some advice and how to do it. For example, He told abubaker even has him he told him to focus on gathering the Hadith and write down the head

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Umrah vent Abdur Rahman. Why do you focus on the hadith of Amma? Amma bint Abdulrahman, because she was the most knowledgeable of the hadith of Isaiah with the severe Krabi, Allahu and Houma. She had the most knowledge of the hadith of Ayesha eyeshadow, the Allahu Allah had the most knowledge of what

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of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and what he did in his house, and those things that other people didn't see, which is very important for the oma to know. Therefore, he said, let's face it, make sure they pay special attention to these had the other another example he told them as well. He told our banker he has them and also he told Salim, even Abdullah bin Omar,

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radi Allahu anhu, he told them to focus on gathering the hadith of Omar in hapa. Why? Because he said he wanted to be able to benefit from the teachings of his grandfather, who is to follow in his footsteps. So he paid close attention. And this is a lesson to us that gathering, how do you think gathering the knowledge is not just about gathering It was about acting upon it, because he said, I want to be able to act upon the Hadith. And the things of my grandfather as well. Also, from the things that he focused on, was gathering that which is authentic. And this is an important principle that when you do something from the beginning, you do it right. It's not just about doing it. And

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this is a problem we have as Muslims. It's just about doing things. But do we do it right or not? Okay, we had a course today, what was correct from it? What was wrong? Did you sit down we have construct constructive criticism, what needs to be changed when this next time I come to Greenland, me myself as a speaker, I need to improve 123 I need to be honest with myself, okay, the administration needs to do this, the brothers who are coming need to do this, how many brothers have weapons with them here today? Very little, the brother has his weapon with him, I have my weapon with me.

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But very little of the brothers have any weapons with the brothers kind of into where you need to be writing down and benefiting shadow from the things that we hear is this is the weapon of the of the student is his pin, to write things down, to always be prepared to for what you benefit. So this type of thing we need to always try to improve. So here an important principle of writing down that which is authentic from the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim. Also something important. Omar himself is from the race scholars. He knows the Hadees and he worked together with these other scholars and is an important also an important lesson for us of working together as students of knowledge as as

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scholars to be able to get something proper for the oma and that's one of the great things that he did. Rahim Allah autonoma of gathering the the the sooner and you'll see that so panela how it's spread after that and all the great books of Hadith. We see that we owe a lot to Omar Abdulaziz because of this Rahim Allah tala. In the last days of his life.

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Rahim Allah tala. He was sitting, when he became very ill and very sick. He was sitting with the great scholar of Islam, Raja hit, who will always hear about NTSC and his statement of C, and he asked, What are the people saying about me what's happening to me because he was very ill.

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And he said, they're saying that you must hold. Somebody has passed a magic spell upon you? And he said, No, he said, I'm not muscular. I don't have I don't have magic cast upon me.

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He said to call the servant so and so.

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When this servant came in, Omar asked him,

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Why did you put the poison into my foods?

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Because there's two narrations of how he died. The narration of his wife fall Thema mobiola. We're in Rahim Allah, where she said that the reason he died was because of the amount of fear he had from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the weight of the responsibility of the Calabria was just too much for him. So it wore him out until that was what killed him. That was her opinion. But obviously, from this narration generation, it was clear that perhaps he was poisoned during this time. And he who poisoned him obviously, many of people, but some of them unfortunately, could have been from those even close to him from some of the family members who were not happy with all of the things from the

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junior things being taken from him. And they wanted to obviously get rid of him so they could have the things that they had before him. So they asked him why did you do this? And he said, they offered me 1000 dinars and they would free me he was a slave they said that they will free me and when you look into the story then I ration that even he kept refusing to they were forcing him to do it but he was scared to do it. So they told us look if you don't do what we told you to do, we are going to kill you. So now it's a problem and what's he gonna do so he ended up doing it and he poisoned Omar Abdulaziz Rahim Allah tala. After this. He said bring the 1000 dinars he bought he

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gave it back to the to the to the Muslims. So this belongs now to the Muslims. And he said you are free for loss of Hannah Matata. Go where the people won't find you and look at this. The

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Do you mind somebody who was killing you poisoned you? How many of us would have freed this person?

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Or would you get the revenge we used to have the chance to find out but this is the level of demand, realizing that what Allah subhanaw taala has promised for us in the Hereafter is of a higher status. And that's what he reads from busy man. Rahim Allah tala. He died on a Friday in Reggio and the year 101 from the higit on after a philosopher that lasted for two years, and five months in four days. And he was about 40 years old Rahim Allah Tada. So Paula has such a young age and such a short time as an alpha and what he accomplished, like I said, we've only talked here tonight about a small portion. But hopefully it is an encouragement for us on the road, as we say, can you continue to do

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lectures on other things? I said, I think I will. Because I mean, I really have just been any blown away from his serum. I had some knowledge, but when you look into it's just absolutely amazing. All of the things he accomplished and I think needs to be focused on more hasn't been focused on enough. Something very interesting to mention is

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in order Dean zenki Rahim, Allah tala, all of us know

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his role in what he did for reviving in Islam as well. That one of his shifts who was teaching him, he actually wrote a book for him about the seer of Omar Abdulaziz to be the guidelines for him and his reform, what he would do for the oma. So he actually built the foundation on what he did through the biography of Omar Abdulaziz as well and humbler as we learned today, there's so much that we can benefit from not just that issue of the victory lap bonus, but the even the smaller things in the foundation that we as Muslims here in the West can benefit from so much from his Syrah, and mellow suparna wattana put blessings in what was said tonight, if there was anything beneficial, it was

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from Allah subhana wa Tada. And if there's any mistakes that were made is from myself, and she athon alone was best alone. Adam was solo cinema, but it couldn't be a moment. If there's any questions in general Tana will open up now for q&a and the sisters have questions they send them down with the brothers in Chinatown and Xochimilco.

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If you have the answers to the questions as well, that's beneficial and makes it easier for all of us.

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You have a question?

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You know, the answer to

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And what

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I didn't get an

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called the first part, the second part, I don't know, I didn't get it.

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I swapped classes, they talked to the crown teacher about that, why do you swap your class? I don't know.

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Okay, so he was he said, How can we come here? And they have two classes, they study Quran Mashallah. And they swap classes for Islamic Studies. So he's studying two things, Mashallah. Good stuff. So he started on the path of orbitrap disease, because he used to swap classes well, Mashallah. He told us His children to start with the Quran. And then they go to the Islamic Studies after that. So I'm Lila here in green lane. They're following the same footsteps. It's good. It's a good sign. I'm

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actually just doing some question answers.

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No questions. Anybody else have any questions?

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Brothers asking who was the first person to follow and to leave all the luxury things? His wife she was a shoo in. She didn't hesitate at all was he's asking what was her reaction. Because he said to a very clearly you're going to leave all these, this gold and this jewel that you have, or you're going to have to separate myself from you. You have to make the choice me on this. That was the first thing he said to her. She immediately said, I won't choose anything other than you because she also was pious, she had the luxury. And this is important to realize that you can have things from the dunes and be pious, because Omar before he was the believer. He had the things of the dunya. And

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his wife had the things that the dunya but they decided to leave all of that, to have pure focus on the issue of the failover. He didn't want to have any interference, anything that'll mess up his intention or make him not do his job, you know, 110% therefore, that's what they left it But before that, and after they had the things, they had the nice clothes, they had the jewel he didn't say anything to him, but he realized at that time, he had to focus it so she answered right away.

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Secondly, he said to her, the house, we're not going to live in a palace anymore. We live in a small mud house with the the general population, the general Muslims in the neighborhood. And hamdulillah. She agreed with that right away because she herself knew what was in the alkyne was more important. And she went to assist her husband, Rahim Allah. So she didn't hesitate of that, obviously, if you look at some of the medic as well, was very similar to his father and his implementation as well.

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Yeah, there's several we'll see is if you go to the book that we mentioned, there's we'll see he made to the theory of after him, there was there was a car that he made to, to his children. There's several we'll see as at the end, I mean, we obviously ran out of time. We couldn't we couldn't go into the detail of that. But there are several we'll see as at the end there mentioned on the book hamdallah he wrote it to

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the river was coming after him and his children as well very beneficial a lot of benefit in that

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is even Abdel Malik who was coming after him he wrote to him and then he wrote to his children before his death as well.

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And then he also was senior to the one who would wash him in the cafe and all of these things are at the end of the book where you can find them in detail inshallah.

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The brothers asking him to leaders disobey law can you rebel against them? The professor's I made it very clear that when it comes to obeying the ruler, you hear and obey to the ruler, and even said, When Baba Huck, Waldo Malik first Manuel to if they were to beat you on your back and to and to steal your money, take your money from you, then you hear and you obey. That shows us the importance of being obedient and not rebelling against the ruler. Another Hadith he said another he said that an Elantra cufon bhawan and documented law he boron is unless you see that which is clear Kufa, you have clear evidence from a law from it and he is clear from the Colorado from the sooner the

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discover who knows the discover

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who knows.

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LMR understand things that the general people don't understand. They're the ones who are putting the time to understand this so therefore, it's not upon us to see something and not know the reality of what's happening. And certain things happen and you don't know what's what's behind it you don't know reason why it happened to the scholars look at things differently than the the the general people who don't have that that knowledge of of what is good for what isn't and then obviously for something to be Cooper to implement it on somebody. This is another ruling altogether. So it's something obviously rebelling obviously, the hikma is to advise them as Omar visited secret if you

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can, and from the things which is from the men have you ever had as sunova Gemma, as Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah tala used to say that if I had one do I want to either I knew it was gonna be Mr. javis gonna be answered from a low supine without a guarantee what would you make your way out for

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if you could have something from this dunya you knew would be answered

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Ferrari Lamborghini big house, he said we'll make it for the Sultan. So I'll make it for the ruler. Because if he is somebody who becomes just and he is steadfast in the people and they become just instead of as a follow in his footsteps, he's I will make that do out for the ruler. So it's a very important to understand the fifth of the setup and understand what comes to deal with the rulers. A lot of the rulers today at around I mean they have a lot of issues, we know that we're not going to come and be you know, defend that but it's not from the wisdom of the benefit to go and to talk about them and and say that the coup fall and things like this, it doesn't get us anywhere doesn't

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benefit us anything. And even so even like to be in the reality of one these issues.

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Many times people were debating this and when we were students in Medina,

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about the rulers and things like that. We live in a country that has nothing it's a non Muslim country anyways, we have other issues we have to focus on. So it's not the key thing that we have to focus on. We're not living in those societies Anyways, we're living here it is something important is from Islam, but obviously follow the way the scholars and the advising secret if you can, and if you can't advise them and no way to at least make dua for them the law will guide them in general.

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Very interesting question the brothers asking it and several times I want to mention this but then I would remember it when it wasn't really on on the topics. I didn't mention it that the Heidi says every 100 years.

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Allah sent someone to revive this oma for the oma

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The dean for the oma and the brothers who was it from the last, the last magette did. And first of all, before we say that the scholars mentioned that the correct opinion is that it doesn't have to be one person.

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It doesn't have to be one person. It can be several Mujahideen, it could be a group of scholars or several scholars who actually came and, and revived for the oma.

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The dean for the oma. Many of the scholars say that it was shaping basil for him along the title of this time. I personally believe, obviously, he was one of them. But I believe chef has been here for him a lot is the one who revived for the oma during this time. Why? Because what chef Barney did was very unique chef and best continue what the scholars were doing before him, and he did it in a better way in a more unique way than before. Perhaps Yes, you could say that. But

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chef Advani he, he revived the issue of, you know, talim asuna the greatness of the sooner and also differentiating between what is and what is life. And it'd be before Sheffield, binary, Milan, there wasn't a lot of focus on on on this and no one was authentic or not. People never asked about that. But now it's become something and even us in the English language. What am I Sakina? Don't really know, we're seeing when it What is huseyn? What is the What is life? And we're looking into this because of what your body rahimullah did for the woman? So that's that's what I believe in? Hello. I mean, like I say it can be more than one.

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It doesn't exist anymore. We don't know. So don't look for her.

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The brother has two questions. First of all, he said no, he told me the piety of Fatima even up the width of the Malik the wife of Oman. And he said that, you know, how much effect is the piety of the wife have on the legacy of the husband, as they say in the in the expression that behind every great man is a great woman and this is it couldn't be more true. Look at the scene of the prophet SAW Selim was the beginning the biggest role in the life of the prophet SAW Selim from the time that where he came down to him was Khadija de la vida. And that's what the prophets have said, I'm focused on choosing the pious, the pious wife when he said and he to look for the one who has the

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deen, he mentioned different qualities, you should look for the brothers. The second question, what should we look for? Obviously, it's important that you look for the dean the dean is very important. But at the same time, you have to look for something that people will have similar qualities, similar objectives and goals. From also from the Hadith is to look at the beauty as well. And to look at her and see that was caused you to her nica. So somebody who's attractive for you, all of these things are important, and actually supported a lot on my new TV shows on piece TV, which I filmed recently. And it was with brother john Fontaine, which is called oma building. Actually, I

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did part of that course here in Greenland some some years back. And we talked for episodes 26 minute episodes, about choosing the spouse for it was way in depth, because it's become a problem and a misunderstanding that oma has, but that's in general what I told you obviously, is what you need to look for in general etana and alone as best.

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Berman's almost don't have us.

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He hasn't read me in charge he was paid from from the from the Muslim state he was paid for his job, but he would only take the necessity that you need it. Even they mentioned it was like he would take for his family for the food for the like to dinner or something very similar. Just get the basics. It wouldn't give them like what they were used to before he took much less than what he used to get. So he would take the basics that what he needed, and he wouldn't take more. And that's something that everybody has the right to and that position and he has the right even to more he could have taken much more than he took. It would have been sufficient for his family. But he took just the

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bare minimum in order to get by Rahim altana that's even like when he left is very much a little bit of money left behind when he died right Matata.

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Last question.

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No questions

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are now

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The brothers asking a very important question. He said, You know that we, you know, we've been inspired when we hear about the, you know, hear from some of the things from the story of Omar rhodiola, Juan,

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brisa we feel there's a big gap between us and which is true, no doubt, you know, it says like, it's like a fairy tale type thing. Like, we could never do that. But one of the things we said in the beginning, I was in the first or second session, that if we weren't able to accomplish, we said, 20%, or even 10, even 5% of what he accomplished, it's going to be a great thing for ourselves and for the oma. So one of the reasons why we study these types of biographies is not just to learn but to inspire ourselves as well to any how to continue down the path. I think one of the brothers if there was three things that we could take home from the story tonight that we could start

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implementing on, what would they be? What would you guys say? What would the three things be?

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Three things they want to take home today one,

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I'm not going to put you back in groups don't worry.

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The taqwa

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the foundation, very important to have that foundation that will be prepared for the foundation. And the foundation that Omar was focused on what what was his foundation focused on?

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Everywhere that just says that's it that's later implementable for yourself now? What is the foundation he had? What was he focused on? Was it based on knowledge, knowledge is one of the keys. If you want to get to that level, what is also part of Matata say about the ones who truly who truly fears a lot.

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In my actual law, Herman Abadi, and olema the ones who truly fear a law from his servants or lemma the scholars. Once you have the knowledge once we know Allah, Subhana, WA, Tada. They know a lot, who is Beautiful Names, his attributes, they know who will also know that it has an impact on their lives, do they know Allah, as he should be known. That's why you'll see the implementation. Also, from the foundation they had, it was what

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you should have of the a bother from a young age, the salaat. To forget the hair. The father taught him a lesson right away, you don't play around with this a lot, you have your foundation. That's why I always talk to the brothers and sisters about the importance of this foundation. They say what happens, or your mind gets weak,

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or your mind gets weakened it, we feel it doesn't pull back up, because we know the amount increases and decreases. But sometimes it gets very low and stays low. I always tell this because you don't have a foundation,

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the process of selling he said, I have a lot, man a lot of drama how one of the most beloved actions from a law are the consistent ones, even if they're small, smaller number, but they're consistent. You have to have that consistent foundation of acts of a Bible and worship that you do all the time. Even if it becomes weak. You never leave the salon, you never leave your card of service and mess up the morning, evening I've come you never leave, for example, reading a certain amount of the Quran each day, even if you don't feel like even if you're not feeling the man, it's not you continue to eventually that foundation is going to bring you back up. So having that foundation is very

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important. What else was from the foundation of Omar being in a good environment. Be around the scholars be around the students of knowledge, being in an environment that helps you increase yourself, when you go out and you're by yourself. You become weak. But when you're with your brothers, you remain strong. So these type of things, we can implement them from now. And maybe there's different things that you've benefited from the story that you can go on with it. But these are some of the things and like the brother said it was a very good answer. Michelle male bless him is that foundation of establishing that foundation. That's the key thing that we need to focus on

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benefiting from historical story. Also, one of the things in that foundation was

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what the Quran and the Sunnah and the way of the Sahaba meant to Omar, Abdul Aziz, and the greatness of the Quran and the Sunnah, and the way of the hula, finally this hub in his life, and how he implemented this, we need to have that greatness of the Quran, and of the teachings of our beloved prophecies and the way the Sahaba like we have that Alhamdulillah will never go astray. It's a guarantee.

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It's a guarantee from whom.

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From Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he said, I left behind for you, that you hold firm to never go straight after me the book of a law and as soon as we know from yesterday from a lesson yesterday, he said, I didn't come as soon as it is upon you to follow my sooner and the sooner who qualify Russia Dean, how firm should we hold on to the Sunnah of the prophet of Solomon of the Sahaba Hola, Raja Deen. He said, I'll do I have no I just bite down on it with the molar teeth. And that's what Omar Abdulaziz used to do. That's how he revived the oma. And we want to fix the situation of the oma as Mr. Malik said, and we'll finish with this and chautala a beautiful lesson from Mr. Malik

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Raimondo Tada. He said lennier slowly alcohol oma Illa masala hobby Oh, that it's not going to fix the situation at the end of this oma except for what fix the situation of the beginning of the oma

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Which was the art in the center and the way of the Sahaba and a lot of versatile animal soloists and robotic.

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Exactly everybody for joining us today and we also like to thank the chef for coming over this way and spending some time with us and we hope this will be something that we can all benefit from and we have many more storage units inshallah, in the future and also that we also have the chef joining us again in the future, sometime soon, inshallah. And also for this to be a means of us getting closer to our load, discipline everybody for attending, and hopefully, we'll see you at the next program shala. So, Solomonic supine Coloma, bionic shadow Illa Illa and a sakurako to lay

This talk was delivered at the Green Lane Masjid on March 25, 2017.

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