Abdur Raheem Green – Love And Hate For Allahs Sake

Abdurraheem Green
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the concept of love and hate, with a focus on the importance of understanding the definition of love in the context of Islam. They stress the need to deal with individuals who believe in Islam and avoid being a Muslim person. The natural tendencies of Islam, including love for oneself, are discussed, as well as the importance of hate and discomfort with certain individuals in the community. The speakers emphasize the importance of love for individuals and actions in the context of one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah forbids you not

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with regards to those who fight you not because of your religion? Yeah. So Allah is saying that with these people, there are certain people who do not fight you because of your religion. There is no harm in you, there's nothing wrong with you. In fact, Allah is telling us that you should deal kindly and justly with them. Because Allah loves those who are just

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this is very important

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that we can see that Allah subhanaw taala straight away from these verses.

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There is a differentiation between those people who are enemies of Islam, enemies of the Muslim fighting against them. There is a difference between those people.

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And the ones who are not like that there are people who may be disbelievers. They are not fighting against Islam, they may even be friendly and kind towards the Muslims.

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So it is very clear from this verse of the Quran, that the way that you treat the second group of people is not the same as you treat the first group of people. However,

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there are some verses of the Quran

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where Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions,

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generally in general, and a general warning not to take those people who are disbelievers as Olia to be careful concerning love for them.

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What does this mean only and when Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about love for the non Muslims.

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What type of love is this, and this is very, very important to realize that love is of different types. And hate is of different types. So there is a type of love

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that is only for Allah and His messenger and for the believers. And it is impossible that if you are a person of real faith, and you truly believe in Allah, and you truly believe in the messenger and you really have Eman, it is impossible that you will have this special type of love for a person

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who does not love Allah who does not believe in Allah who does not believe in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and who does not have your mind it's it's actually logically spiritually emotionally impossible and inconsistent inshallah as we're going to find out inshallah

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Him in surely and fusina women say a tr Molina

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May, Allah Who? Medina Allah.

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wa shadow Allah ilaha illAllah.

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Muhammad Rasulullah began by praising Allah,

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we praise Him we seek His help and we ask for his forgiveness. And we take refuge with Allah from the evil of ourselves

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and from the evil consequence of our evil actions.

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Whomsoever Allah guides, no one can miss guide, but anyone who Allah leaves to go astray, no one can guide and I testify that Allah alone,

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Allah alone

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is worthy of being worshipped.

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And I testify that Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah and

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His servant and his final messenger

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First of all, brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah berikut.

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Very important topic brothers and sisters, Allah and

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a very controversial topic, a very difficult topic, a very, very difficult topic.

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Because it is very much misunderstood. And it's difficult also. Because if a person was to read some verses of the Quran

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and take these verses of the Quran

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and understand them,

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as they read them without looking at the end comprehensively, and without More importantly, my dear brothers and sisters, and this is very important, understanding and comprehending that

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the one who lived the end,

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the one who lived the core, and the one who was the walking core an was Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And so my brothers and sisters, it is what I am going to try to do is to attempt to explain to you this concept,

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and I hope that inshallah it will be one step in the right direction, towards Muslims understanding properly this concept of Alibaba and Alibaba.

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And also, perhaps, for non Muslims to be able to understand this concept as well. So inshallah, what I want to start by doing

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is by reading some of the verses in the Quran,

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and I will just read the translation of these verses.

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And it will only be some of the verses, but I think even from the few verses that I read, you will understand very clearly what Allah subhanaw taala, our Creator, Our Lord is saying in these verses, and then I'm going to try to spend the rest of the lecture contextualizing these

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and putting them in context so we can understand how should we apply this? What does this mean? How do we deal with things that seem to be contradictions in our lives? Because I'm sure that when we read this versus many of us will think, well, this is not how I feel this is not how I am I have so many conflicting feelings on these issues. So let's just read the verses First of all, okay.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the Quran the meaning of witches, there is for you an excellent example to follow in Abraham and those with him. When they said to their people, we are clear of you and whatever you worship besides Allah, we have rejected you and between us and you is emnity and hatred forever, unless you believe in Allah and him alone.

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Are you who believe another verse of the Quran, the translation of it are you who believe do not take the Jews and the Christians for Alia.

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At this stage, all I'm going to say is the word Olia. I will explain what this word means afterwards. Oh, you who believe do not take the Jews and Christians as Olia, they are holier to each other. And the one and the one among you.

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That turns to them is one of them.

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Allah guides not an unjust people.

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In this verse brothers and sisters, Allah is saying that a person who turns

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to the unbelievers, whether they are Jews or Christians, although it does not mention other people of other faiths, it is even more true of the others.

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Allah calls them unjust Valley mon means they are oppressors they are wrongdoers.

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What is the nature of this oppression and wrongdoing brothers and sisters as we will see, this is an oppression of your own self.

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A wrongdoing against your own self. And we will explain why.

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Again, oh you who believe. Take not my enemies. This is Allah saying take not my enemies and your enemies as always

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Take not my enemies and your enemies as only

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are you who believe. Do not take your father's

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and your brothers as Olia, if they love, Cofer, instead of Simon,

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if any of you do so, they are wrongdoers.

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you will not find any people who believe in Allah on the last day, loving those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers, sons, brothers or relatives.

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So, if people are opposed and they are fighting

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against Islam, against Amazon, you will not find a person who has imagine having love for them again.

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Now, many people may be sitting here wondering how this can be, but we will explain it you will see in Sharla that it is all very logical, it is all very reasonable. And in sha Allah by the end, you will understand how this makes a lot of sense, even if you are not a Muslim. inshallah.

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Okay, here's a very important verse.

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Allah forbids you not with regards to those who fight you not because of your religion? Yeah. So Allah is saying that with these people, there are certain people who do not fight you because of your religion. There is no harm in you, there's nothing wrong with you. In fact, Allah is telling us that you should deal kindly and justly with them. Because Allah loves those who are just

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this is very important

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that we can see that Allah subhanaw taala straight away from these verses.

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There is a differentiation between those people who are enemies of Islam, enemies of the Muslim fighting against them. There is a difference between those people.

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And the ones who are not like that there are people who may be disbelievers, they are not fighting against Islam, they may even be friendly and kind towards the Muslims.

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So it is very clear from this verse of the Quran, that the way that you treat the second group of people is not the same as you treat the first group of people. However,

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there are some verses of the Quran

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where Allah subhanaw taala mentions,

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generally in general, and a general warning not to take those people who are disbelievers as Olia to be careful concerning love for them.

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What does this mean only and when Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about love for the non Muslims.

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What type of love is this, and this is very, very important to realize that love is of different types. And he is of different types. So there is a type of love

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that is only for Allah and His messenger and for the believers. And it is impossible that if you are a person of real faith, and you truly believe in Allah, and you truly believe in the messenger and you really have Eman, it is impossible that you will have this special type of love for a person

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who does not love Allah who does not believe in Allah who does not believe in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and who does not have him on it's it's actually logically spiritually emotionally impossible and inconsistent inshallah, as we're going to find out inshallah.

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Okay. So brothers and sisters, these I think this is enough verses in sha Allah, just to show what the warning that Allah subhanaw taala is giving us as taking the people who are not Muslim as earlier. Allah warns us against it severely. And there are other verses These are just some of them but they are strong enough and they are clear enough. These are not verses that are confusing or unclear. They are very clear.

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But now we really must

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Understand what is what does it mean earlier? What is it mean? And voila an algebra. This is very important. So let's examine in sha Allah, the terminology Allah and algebra, okay? And of course the term Allah in Arabic is connected with Wally and Ollie are they are all from the same roots. Wali Olia Allahu Allah they are all from the same root they come from the same basic understanding. Okay? So linguistically, the term Wallah means what a doula who would work a doula. So he is what is important brothers and sisters, when we talk about Voila.

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Which in English could mean loyalty, it could mean protection. It has the connotation of friendship and love, but it is not just love and this is what is important. It is a special type of love. While law is a special type of love. It is a special type of friendship. And this is what is important. Unfortunately, sometimes when you read the Quran

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in translation, you may find that the word Alia is just translated as friends, whereas the term does not the term Olia does not mean friends.

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It is a special type of friend.

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And it's that special type of friend that Allah is warning us and cautioning us against taking a person who is not a Muslim, who is outside our ranks. He even warns us in one verse that if you take them as Olia, they will not fail to corrupt you. They will not fail to corrupt you, meaning they will not fail to turn you away from your connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala that's what it means corrupt you. They will not fail to take you away from your deen if you make them as your Olia. So hope Okay, doing a means it means love and siding means you love them and you take their side, you ally yourself with them.

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Do you understand? So it is not just love, but it is love and allegiance. That is why, for example, a sister, a Muslim woman, according to the most correct opinion, which is based upon the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam that it is impermissible for her or that if she gets married, without the consent of how early this is the marriage is invalid. This is based upon a saying of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So what is the Wali what is the only the Wali is the Guardian, the one he is the Protector. That is his job to God, and to protect and to care for and to care for the interests and

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to advise that person.

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This is what is meant by Wally. And the term Olia is something similar. It is love with siding that you take that person side you ally yourself with that person. implicit in this brothers and sisters, is that you think the way they think you accept their guidance in life. You accept them to determine for you what you should do and what you shouldn't do.

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Now if we understand this, that this type of love this special type of love,

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you can see instantly when we understand this terminology, why and how it's rationally illogical, it's spiritually inconsistent, that you could have that type of special love you could have Wallah for someone who is not a believer.

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as a Muslim, as a believer in Allah,

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your objective your whole objective you have understood your objective in life, your objective in life.

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Well, mahalo Jin will insert iller Leah boon your objective

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Your purpose in life is to worship Allah and you worship Allah How? By making it tobiah of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by by following the guidance that Allah Subhana Allah has sent down and has revealed to us

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in the Quran, and through the example the Sunnah of the messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is supposed to be our guide in life.

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So let's take an example. And someone asked me yesterday about a Muslim,

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going to a non Muslim psychiatrist or psychologist.

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And this is very interesting because again here, what do we find is that it's not like a doctor who is simply prescribing some medicine, the psychologist or psychologist is giving advice and guidance that is very, very close to the heart of the spiritual dimension of the human being.

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How then can we take guidance from a person who is not guided by the Quran, who is not guided by the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. If you take that person as your only meaning, your protector, your ally, your confidence, your guides,

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and you love them with that type of love.

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Allah certainly speaks the truth, they will not fail to corrupt you.

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Because if you love a person, and this is brothers and sisters, really, you find this is this is all about love.

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If we understand the reality of love,

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if we understand the reality of love, what is the reality of love, then we will understand the reality of Allah and Allah Bara we will understand the reality of what does it mean

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to love Allah and love the messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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You know, one share. I wish I had remembered the small little poem in Arabic, he told us this poem in Arabic.

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And he said, he's mentioned this beautiful poem. And, and the meaning of the poem is that

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he loved her, and she loved him.

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And he loved her so much. And she loved him so much that her camel loved his camel and his camel loved her camel. Right? So you get the point is that these guys were so in love, that even their camels loved each other. They were so in love. All right. This is the reality of love. When love is completes,

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completes love. When you love someone completely and utterly. You will love everything they love.

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And you will hate everything they hate.

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The things they love, you will love it, and the things that the things that they hate you and hate it. And this by the way, is how the companions of the Prophet loved Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is how the Sahaba loved Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam because they understood my brothers and sisters, may Allah subhanaw taala have mercy upon you and guide you to the straight path. They understood when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told them that none of you truly believe until you love me more than your father's and your mother's and your children and the whole of mankind.

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know even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that you have not loved you have not completed eemaan In other words, your faith is not pure and complete, unless you love me, meaning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam more than your own self.

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And they understood this.

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They understood this.

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So you find the companions that when they This is how they love Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when they when they understood that the Prophet Muhammad love

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pumpkin. One one companion saw the profit. When he's eating, he used to reach and go for the pumpkin in the stew. Then he loves pumpkin from that time. This is how they love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when even Omar means the son of Omar bin Al Khattab Eben means son, the summer, Omar Ibn Al Khattab you all know who he is, yeah. Abdullah bin Omar is his son, Abdullah ibn Omar was complaining to his dad.

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Dad, why do you love Osama bin Zayed more than me? And Omar Eben alpha tab said, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam loved his father more than he loved your father, meaning that he knew that the Prophet loved zayde more than he loved himself. And therefore I love

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Zaid son more than I love my own son. Why? That's because of his love for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He really meant it when Omar and this is what Omar was confronted with. radi Allahu Allah when he was confronted, and he said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I love you more than my family more than everything except myself.

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And then almost the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No, Omar, your faith is not complete, and kill you love me more than yourself. Now here's something really important brothers and sisters, this is something so important.

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Then Omar, he said, your asuna Allah, I love you more than even my own self. Now. He is where we need to understand something very important in this whole topic of Allah, Allah and Allah Bara

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because what we understand from Omar is that there is a type of natural love, it is natural for you to love yourself more than anybody that's natural.

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It's natural for you to take care of number one, that's just absolutely normal. I mean, it's so normal that you know, scientists have written books called The Selfish Gene that explains the whole of life on the planet, based upon people's genes being selfish, and that we human beings are fundamentally selfish. So this is natural.

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But when the Prophet said to him, Omar know, your faith is not complete,

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then something else had to happen.

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Something else had to happen. It's an unnatural love, not in the sense that it's something bad, unnatural in the sense that it's something you have to think about and you have to impose upon yourself. You have to impose this love upon yourself. In other words, it's a love based upon an intellectual and spiritual conscious choice.

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And the love for Allah and His Deen

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is that type of choice. Why do we love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually, if I told anybody, a non Muslim, and I said, you know, there's this man.

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And he was kind to the orphans. He lived in a time when slaves were existing, and they were treated so badly and he used to free them and he used to look after the poor people, and he was so kind and he was so loving and he was so merciful, even the animals he was kind to them. And and I keep on describing to you the good qualities of this person, you know, you will begin to love this person. You will begin to feel love and respect for this person.

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And yes, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had those type of excellent characteristics, and he was handsome and he was eloquent and he was strong. any single thing that you might admire in a human being, you will find those admirable qualities in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was a leader. He was an arranger. He was an amazing father. He was a fantastic general he, you know, he had all the qualities you could think

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COVID a man

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had those good qualities. But that's not why we love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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that's natural love. It's natural to love those qualities, just as is natural to love for brothers. It's just natural when you see a beautiful woman is just natural to feel, you know, wow, he

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is this is no way he has this problem is too many good looking people in Norway.

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I came through the airports.

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And this huge tool guy, he stops me and customers he starts talking to me and Norwegian I think he must have thought I was a Viking come back or something from I don't know. Right? It's not one of those hats. Right? And, you know, there was this

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customs officer as a female customs officer.

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You know, normally I don't ever want to get stopped in customs. But you know, for a brief moment, I was thinking I should get stopped today, you know, that we, you know, I mean, she was that beautiful, right? Of course. hamdulillah. Right. The point is, that's natural, that's natural. That's absolutely you see someone beautiful, it's natural to feel like that. But now what you have to do as a Muslim,

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it's not haram to feel that. It that type of love is not forbidden. That type of natural feeling is not forbidden. Nor is the natural hates, it's natural to hate something that is going to harm you.

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It's natural, it's normal to be afraid of snakes and spiders and scorpions.

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It's normal and natural to hate someone or something that is bringing harm to you. That's just absolutely natural. But now what is important is how do you respond to that?

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You see, so, now what I could have said is Excuse me, I think you need to search me to that customs lady. No, but you know, what you have to do is you have to lower your gaze, you have to seek protection with Allah subhanaw taala because you don't want to fall into something that is displeasing to Allah.

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You see, so, the feeling that you have is natural, but you have what how you respond to that feeling here is what is important.

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Now, let us take this and apply this understanding to our relationship as Muslims with non Muslims.

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It is natural, and it is normal. In fact, in Islam, we are allowed to marry a chaste woman a man is allowed to marry a chaste woman from the halal keytab

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this is something that Allah subhanaw taala has allowed us in the Quran.

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How do we understand this? If we take these verses here that we talk about? Don't take the Jews and the Christians as your Olia

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Okay, that you should not love them.

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That means if you're going to take this, like that, without understanding properly, you will be married to a woman and you will have to be forced to hate your wife.

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That's the wake up in the morning thing I hate you.

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Right? No, this is just this is not natural. This is ridiculous. Allah subhanaw taala would not have allowed us to marry a Jewish or a Christian woman and then expect us to hate her. No.

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It is not the case. She's your wife. You love her as your wife and that is absolutely natural.

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In fact, Allah mentioned concerning the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I will tell him

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and this is one of the tough seals or one of the explanations you can find in Quran to be that Allah subhanaw taala mentioned you cannot guide those who you love, but Allah guides whom He wills

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and it is clear that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam loved his uncle Abu Talib. It was the natural love that he had for a man who had cared for him like a father. And he wasn't his father, yet he used to look after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and repro further

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Prophet, even over his own sons, this is how diligent he was caring for the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam. But as we know, Abu Talib died, a disbeliever.

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And this is when Allah revealed the verse, you do not guide those who you love.

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So the Prophet had a love for his uncle.

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This is the natural love.

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But he did not take him as an earlier, this is different.

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And so what we have to understand here is that the same thing, we live amongst many non Muslims or non Muslims made amongst us in our lands, and we may find amongst them, some of them are full of hatred and emnity, and with evil intent against us and our religion.

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So then it's going to be natural to hate those people. But even then, in the same way that your natural love, you have natural love, you have natural hate. But just as you have to check how you behave. It's not nothing wrong with feeling that but how do you act? How do you behave? You may hate a person who wants to injure you, and injure your religion and insult our profit and our religion? Yes, it's natural, but and it's also not just natural, it's part of something normal, also something we have to we have to have that type of hate. But how do we act? What do we do? How do we behave? Does that? Does that mean? We can go and slaughter them and blow them up and kill them? Is that what

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the Sharia teaches us? Is this what Islam teaches? Are some people, some Muslims will think yes, this is what we're supposed to do.

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No, no, no brothers and sisters.

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That that is not correct at all. This is a confusion, because just as your love should be constrained.

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How you express it

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by the shittier by the law, the same thing.

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How your hate is expressed.

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Think about this brothers and sisters when Allah subhanho wa Taala

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when he created Adam,

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and he said to the angels, I am going to create a halifa or a successor upon Earth. What did the angels say?

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What did they say?

00:37:51 --> 00:37:58

They said, Are you going to create something Allah that will shed blood and make mischeif?

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When the angel said, Oh Allah, are you going to create something that will shed blood and make mischeif? What do the angels understand about Allah? Do they understand that Allah loves shedding blood and mischeif? Or Allah hates shedding blood and mystery? Which one?

00:38:19 --> 00:38:33

Which one? He hates it right? Because why would they interesting Allah, why are you going to create something that's going to do that because they understood that this is not something that Allah loves, that's implicit.

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So brothers and sisters, this is not something Allah loves. Fighting, sometimes it's something you have to do out of necessity. But Allah does not love that we should fight and kill and shed blood.

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This is not the default position or what the human being should do. And then on top of that, my brothers and sisters, let us really examine the one who lived the core and the one who understood the core end, and I will introduce something to you, which I think is unique in any system of life.

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It may be that some religions

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teach some similar concept, but I am talking about a system of life that is both religion and law.

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That's more than just religion as we understand it. In our secular society. Islam is more than just what people call religion. It's much deeper than that much more profound and much more encompassing than that. There is something very unique

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in the system of Islam,

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and that is that even if you hate somebody,

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and you hate them for the sake of God, you hate them

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for the sake of

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you still have to wish good for them.

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You still have to wish good for them. And this is a you know, this is a very strange matter because when we think of hate, we think of something that had, you know, if you really hate someone you would never want good for them. You just want that person to, you know, to rock to suffer to die to die slowly. I hate you. That's what it means, right? How can you hate someone and wish good for them? No, in Islam.

00:40:37 --> 00:40:44

Even if you hate somebody, you still have to wish good for them. You have to because this is what

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our religion teaches us.

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So hates, even in Islam, it's natural. It's part of the natural human behavior, but the law and the example of our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us directs us that we must always wish and hope and sincerely intend good for people.

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And I want to narrate to you my brothers and sisters.

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I am sure you've heard this story many times, but it is worth hearing again. This is the story of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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When he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given permission by Allah subhanaw taala to leave the work of Tao of inviting and calling people

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to believe in Allah to accept Islam.

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And he was given permission to leave there and to travel to Thai wife.

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And to invite the people to Islam there. When I was asked what you know, she said the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam she asked the Prophet, what was your hardest day? What was your hardest day?

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And a day doesn't necessarily mean a day It means what was your hardest time Yeoman Arabic can mean like not just 24 hours it can be what was your hardest time?

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The Prophet said, the day or the time I went to tie

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What happened?

00:42:32 --> 00:42:34

Why was this such a hard time?

00:42:35 --> 00:43:08

You know, I thought about this a lot. Brothers and sisters, I thought about this a lot. I thought, Why? I mean, you think about the whole of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you can't think of someone who had as many tests as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam Subhana Allah. In fact, when a man came, he said, I love you or messenger of Allah. He said, think about what you're saying, Be careful. He said, Well law he I love you, messenger of Allah again, the prophet said to him, be careful what you say. He said, while law he I love you all messenger of Allah.

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He said, then expect poverty to come to you faster than the water flows to the sea.

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And the scholars explained that, that is because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam faced so many trials and so many tests and so many difficulties. Why Because Allah loved him. And Allah test, the ones that he loves. And the ones he loves the most he tests the most, and the one who got the most test was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So if you love the Prophet, really, you are also going to experience many trials and tests in your life. That's what will happen.

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So think about the life of Rasul Allah, how many tests how many trials think about Khadija dying? Think about the days that they were boycotted, and they were put in the valley in Mecca with Benny Hashem. Two years they were eating food. They were so hungry, they ate the leaves from the trees. Pamela.

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Can you imagine how hard that is?

00:44:17 --> 00:44:19

Imagine the Battle of Ohio.

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Or imagine when his son Ibrahim died in his arms or so many things. You can think very hard, hard tests. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went through and he was praying in the Kaaba, and the court a some of them strangled him so that he was he nearly died, they were strangling him throwing the entrails of the camel on the Prophet while he is praying. This is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went through. You think of all of these things or many others, but yet what the prophet chose as the hardest day was time.

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00:45:04 --> 00:45:05

I'll tell you why I think

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because the Prophet must, I think, I don't know for sure. But I'm guessing that when the Prophet was going to die, he was thinking, this is it. These people are gonna accept Islam. That's why Allah has given me the permission to go to Thai if because they're ready to accept Islam, Mecca, they're not gonna listen. Why is Allah saying giving me permission to go to type, because they're going to accept Islam, they're going to protect the message. They're going to spread this religion. They're the ones and I reckon the reason why it was a hard day is because it was such a disappointment, because as we know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went, and first he went to the leaders

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and the leaders, they turned him away. And then according to some of the books of Syrah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spent 10 days knocking on the door of every single house.

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And no one accepted Islam. And that wasn't the end of it. Brothers and sisters, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he left Ty if the leaders told the street urchins,

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the little boys, you know, the naughty boys to throw stones to throw stones at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they were pelting him with stones and the stones were causing him to bleed so much so low and he was tell him that the blood flow down his legs down his body, and his sandals was was sticking to his feet.

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And according to some of the books of Syrah from time to where the Prophet actually stopped arrest 36 miles

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Can you imagine this brothers and sisters?

00:47:08 --> 00:47:15

Then, when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam stopped arrest jabril

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he comes.

00:47:19 --> 00:47:21

He says, oh, Mohammed,

00:47:23 --> 00:47:30

the angel of the mountains, is waiting for your command.

00:47:31 --> 00:47:43

You just need to say it, give the word and the angel of the mountains will crush this town. Destroy it, wipe it out.

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Brothers and sisters.

00:47:50 --> 00:47:56

What was the response of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. What did he say?

00:47:57 --> 00:48:00

He is the example we have to follow.

00:48:01 --> 00:48:05

He is the One whose life explains the Quran.

00:48:07 --> 00:48:10

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said no.

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He said No, don't do that.

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Because maybe maybe some of their children or their descendants may come to Islam.

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You see brothers and sisters, this is compassion. This is the love the Prophet had for good for the people. He loved for them to reach goodness.

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And really everything we do. Everything the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did was from his desire for the people to know and find out and discover and taste and experience, the beauty and the wonder and the sweetness of knowing Allah. And following his beautiful guidance that he's given to us. That's what he wanted. And anyone who has tasted this, anyone who has tasted this, my brothers and sisters, they will know that it is the best and the most beautiful thing that has ever and that could ever happen to a human being.

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A person may say, I don't need religion. It's like saying I don't need to be in bliss. I don't need to be happy. You everyone needs a slam.

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You know, maybe you don't know you need it. But you do need it. You don't know you have no idea what you're missing.

00:49:44 --> 00:49:48

You know, brothers and sisters if you've never eaten a mango before, right?

00:49:49 --> 00:49:59

And I love mangoes. I think you know mango is a must be a fruit of paradise. It's just amazing. Yeah. Mango, if you've never if I try to describe to you

00:50:00 --> 00:50:06

What is a mango tastes like? What does a mango taste like? What I can say? Well, I can say it's sweet and

00:50:07 --> 00:50:14

it's really nice and it's really sweet and it's delicious. And but what does a mango tastes like?

00:50:15 --> 00:50:30

It tastes like a mango right? It doesn't taste like an orange or an apple or there's just a papaya it doesn't have a mango tastes like a mango and you will never ever know what mango tastes like unless you do what unless you eat it.

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00:50:35 --> 00:51:10

This is, this is knowing a lot this is following his Deen. You will never ever know how sweet and how beautiful Islam is if you don't taste it if you don't live it, but if you do, and if you taste it and if you live it, you know what is the most sweetest and the most beautiful, and the most amazing thing? You know I say it absolutely I don't I say this and I mean it totally. I cannot imagine what I have possibly done in my life, that I deserve to be guided to be a Muslim.

00:51:12 --> 00:51:13

I don't know.

00:51:14 --> 00:51:39

Because it is so amazing. I sit I have sat down with some of the scholars and we talk about Islam and we cry we cry. Because when we talk about this Deen we realize how beautiful his religion is. How fantastic and amazing is the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And if you have tasted this and you have experienced the reality of loving Allah, loving the creator

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of loving the Creator, and the Creator of the heavens and the earth, loving you

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sending his feeling His forgiveness and his mercy and His compassion.

00:52:12 --> 00:52:16

Then you become overwhelmed. Your heart does not have room

00:52:18 --> 00:52:21

for love, except for the love of Allah.

00:52:23 --> 00:52:26

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I don't have

00:52:27 --> 00:52:34

a clean. You know, affiliate is like a close close friend, which is different by the way from Olia.

00:52:35 --> 00:52:37

kirlian is a close, close friend.

00:52:39 --> 00:53:00

There's different names for friend in Arabic, you see, depending on the nature of it. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said if I had a clean, it would be Abubakar, but I don't. Because what he said is that his relationship with Allah is like that. It doesn't permit

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anyone else to have that space, because it's for Allah.

00:53:11 --> 00:53:25

And this is about love brothers. This is about love sisters, the love for Allah, the love for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in love, we love the profits on the low end he was because he bought us this guidance because he suffered.

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He suffered like he did in Thai. Like so many times he suffered for what? so that you could know about Islam. So you could be sitting here today, you can be understanding a little bit more about this beautiful religion, what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam went through to bring us this message and his companions, so we love Him, we love his companions.

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And if you truly love Allah, and you love the Prophet, and you love his companions, logically, rationally,

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spiritually and emotionally, how then can you

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love people who oppose that?

00:54:11 --> 00:54:14

How can you love people who oppose that?

00:54:17 --> 00:54:22

This is a very profound question you have to ask yourself, this is the reality of love.

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And when you love Allah and you understand my brothers and sisters, what is the worst thing in the sight of Allah? What is the worst thing with Allah? The greatest evil and the greatest sin is what should

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that someone that a human being should make something equal with God is the most terrible and awful crime in the sight of God that a human being can ever commit? It's the biggest injustice is the greatest wrongdoing because God is so

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Totally, totally free of being unlike any created thing.

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A lot does not have the limitations or the shortcomings or the deficiencies of the creation. How then will you feel comfortable with that aspect of a person, that aspect of a person that makes should quit Allah. And here is the important thing. You see, you love your if your wife is a Jew or a Christian Brothers, for example, if she was right, of course, you will love her. You will love her beauty, you will love her kindness, you will love that she cares for you, she gives you companionship. But the fact that she is making should quit Allah, that dimension about her.

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You can never and must never love that person in the same way that you love a person have to hit.

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You can't

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you end if you do. And in other words, if you took her as an owner, you took her as that type of friend, then what would be the difference between in your eyes that person and a Muslim? Nothing.

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Then you treat her like a Muslim. And even that person would never feel that there is something missing. There is something wrong. But there is something seriously wrong. They say Allah has a son, the heavens are ready to break asunder. The mountains ready to crumble, the whole earth is ready to split apart the whole universe because of the terrible thing they say.

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terrible thing, insult to a lot to say he has a son, it is an insult. How will you feel comfortable?

00:56:49 --> 00:57:01

That someone says a human being who ate food who breathed they're who Allah created Jesus alayhis salam is Allah? How will you feel comfortable with that?

00:57:03 --> 00:57:13

So the thing here, brothers and sisters, is that dimension, you can love a person for some things, and hate something in that person. It is normal.

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It doesn't mean because a person is a non Muslim, you have complete and utter and entire hate for that person with no possibility to love something about them No. Nor does it mean by the way with a Muslim, there may be a Muslim, who is a sinner, who is you know, who is a fornicator, and a drunkard, and whatever it may be doing many evil things,

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you will hate that person. For the same. You will hate the disobedience to Allah, you will hate the fact that they are transgressing the bounds of the Sharia, causing corruption on the earth. You must hate that aspects of them. But it could never be a complete hate because there is something good in the heart of that person. And that is their tawheed that is the fact that they know this is wrong. And they acknowledge that Allah is one. And Allah is free from mistakes and deficiencies. This brothers and sisters is the key to understanding properly this topic of Alabama and Alabama.

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But this is the problem people they confuse the natural love with this the love that we need to have in the Sharia, or they imagine that there must be either total love or total hate. No.

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And it's very easy that if we live amongst people, and we live in a land, and we build masajid, and they give us freedom to practice our religion, and they are tolerant, and they are peaceful and they treat us kindly. Of course, we will have a dimension, a dimension of love for that goodness in them, but it's not. But also we have to recognize there is a deficiency, a fundamental deficiency

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that they do not recognize a lot truly, they do not follow the guidance. And of course, for some of them, it just may be out of ignorance, they have no idea. So how we would think about them is very different from the one who knows and understands the truth and then still rejects it. It's all of these are different conditions, different subtleties, brothers and sisters. But the point here is that on a fundamental level, and voila, I

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mean, the love with allegiance is for the Muslims

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al Bara which means it doesn't mean empathy, but it means the opposite disavowal

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means you don't ally yourself, you disavow yourself, what do you do from the person who is a disbeliever? You disavow yourself from that aspect of them from their disbelief. This is what is important. And this is the meaning of those verses, brothers and sisters, that we read in the beginning of this lecture. And I hope inshallah, with this explanation Bismillah with the permission of Allah, we have done a lot more I could talk about and I had a lot more notes and a lot more things I would have liked to discuss. But I think that's more than sufficient for now. To understand a little bit more about this topic of Allah and Bara brothers and sisters, I make a recommendation

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to you. It may be that some of you will struggle to understand this. Maybe I have not conveyed the message properly. Maybe I have not explained it properly. I will be honest with you when I was researching this topic, I had some really serious reservations and some serious problems and handler May Allah bless, share he spent more than 40 minutes probably spent a good hour and a half with me on the phone discussing this topic and going through with it in detail. And you know, before I had made to ATO Allah, Allah, I will accept the truth, whatever it is, I just want to follow the truth and follow your guidance.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:52

But even there were some things confusing me but hamdulillah after that, and the discussion with the chef, he sorted it out and I've tried to convey in sha Allah, what I have learned if I made any mistakes, that's from my own ignorance, or something shaytaan put in. If I got it right then it's just hamdulillah all the praises due to due to Allah Subhana Allah, Allah her brothers and sisters salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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