Abdullah Oduro – The Quranic Call – Juz 7

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of asking questions in Islam, as it is not allowed to be disclosed to anyone. They also mention a time when a Prophet's statement about wanting to ask a person about their past was not answered, and how it can be difficult to answer questions about the religion. The speaker emphasizes the importance of asking questions with respect and the right intentions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Hilbert of Khartoum and the Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you all. We have reached the seventh just of the Quran and we are going to talk about chapter number five verse number 107, where lots of panna cotta Allah talks about edibles so he talks about the manner in which one should ask a question and it's very beautiful because you know, a lot of times we can get a misunderstanding in regards to how we should seek knowledge how we should ask a question the manner in which we should ask a question in Islam It is not just a free for all you can ask about anything at any time. There is a certain etiquette a lots of kinda went to Alice's after

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all they've been laminate shape on our Jean. Yeah, you had Edina Avenue lettuce Aloo and Usha intubate de la quinta sukham. I, Allah subhanaw taala mentions here Oh, you'll believe Do not ask about things that if it were to be disclosed to you, meaning the answer, it would distress you or you would dislike it, or it would displease you. And this is very, very important.

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When it comes to what kind of questions we should ask and how we should ask. Islam is not prohibiting you from seeking knowledge. But it's, it is prohibiting you from seeking knowledge that is not beneficial at that time, or in that setting. Or in that way. There was a time when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got up and he told people Oh, mankind, Hajj is obligatory upon you, so make it for her Jew. And then a man stood up and said for kuliah, Iman jasola, he asked every year on messenger of Allah, the Messenger of Allah saw some said, If I was to tell you, yes, it would be difficult upon you, and you wouldn't be able to handle it. So we see here some kind of

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love, there is a certain time and way that you ask questions. So if we see, for instance, one time, if someone was to get married, and then the man was to ask his wife, have you had any friends or boyfriends in that in school before we got married, you know, someone converts to Islam, and and someone asked him questions about their past that have no detrimental effect to their current situation, or their future. And this is where if one receives the answer, it can be difficult on their mental it can be difficult on them. Sometimes, many students have knowledge May as secondary tertiary questions, and they don't even know the answer to the basic concept of the issue that

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they're asking all these tertiary issues about. Sometimes we may ask questions of what if this happens, what if that happens? What if this happens, and in your mind, it most likely may never happen? But you're holding someone asking them these questions? These are the kinds of questions in some cases, the scholars call not. They're the ones that go too far and delve into matters that in most cases don't even matter. At that time. The Prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam said, helical matana theorem, that the ones that ask and delve into matters, deep matters, which have no relevance are destroyed, they're destroyed, because a lot of times, they're talking about these issues, and it

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occupies their time. Or if it's an A group of people, it may cause confusion. But when you ask them about a basic issue, whether it's in fifth, whether it's in life, whether it's in relationships, they will not be able to answer the question. So let's not ask questions that may lead to our detriment. Because we are letting our desires take over sometimes, and wanting to just get the answer and not having any goal for applying it. So May Allah subhana wa tada make us of those that learn this religion in the way that it's supposed to be learned. That learn this religion with patience, with honor, with respect, with dignity, with love, and most importantly, with the correct

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intention as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Thank you

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