Abdullah Oduro – Taraweeh Khatira 21-03-2024

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the meaning of "naught" in Arabic and English, highlighting the importance of finding the blessings of life and health. They stress the need for a reminder to not forget about the blessings of life and health, as seen in the struggles of achieving goals for Muslims. The speakers emphasize the importance of seeing and witnessing what's happening in the world, especially when it comes to Muslims, and stress the need to remember everyone has a chance to create healthy, long-lasting blessings from Allah's mercy.
AI: Transcript ©
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For Allah subhanahu wata Ana speaks about the blessings that mankind has been given.

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And how we as mankind, even the name as mankind, is evident of our reality. Therefore, the verse itself.

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So, the word mankind in Arabic,

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is translated is what we say mankind, who knows what it means in Arabic, what is an Arabic?

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Ness? Okay? And it also could be

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incense. Right? Who knows what that comes from? It's derived from see the Arabic language. The verbs, the words are derived from verbs. Other scholars say it's the opposite. Some say it's the opposite that verbs comes from words, nouns, and some say nouns come from verbs. So when we look at Insan, what verb does it come from?

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That's that's the noun. That's

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what's the verb?

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As the noun.

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What's the verb?

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What does NESEA mean?

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Forgetful what's the connection with forgetfulness and mankind

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they both forget, forgetfulness forgets and mankind forgets.

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We say forgetfulness, it could be a level of negligence.

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Who forgot firstly

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Adam Alexa,

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LM Alexa. Last month I even uses the verb fantasy. So here when Allah subhanaw taala talks about insane the word insane comes from NESEA which means to be forgetful because naturally we as human beings can be forgetful, neglectful when we have our shortcomings and perform certain sins. But there's also another word that insan comes from some scholars mentioned and that is UNSC, which was mentioned earlier.

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And UNSW means what

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belonging sociability you have you want to be around people, we are social creatures that is that right? So we as human beings are social creatures. And what's interesting about both of these because the Arabic language is very rich, and very intentional. When someone is forgetful about something. Let's say in the situation of you for being forgetful and you perform a sin for example, you get a shortcoming. You've come up short and you've done something that you know you shouldn't be doing. And then you recollect the best form of audience to have is with Allah subhanho wa taala.

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The best form of coming close and having that companionship is with the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Because we will fall short in this process of life and life is a process we will fall short we will make mistakes. So Allah subhanho wa taala, when speaking about this reality of mankind when we are given something and we become forgetful, Allah subhanaw taala says in verse number 10, in the chapter who was in the corner who not mad about the Vaudois and mustard

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if mankind was to be afflicted with not math, and not Mac comes from Nigma the blessings if he was to be afflicted with this, it would be given a good fortune.

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He would say they have a car too I need all the say the evil has gone from me.

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And what's interesting here is

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a small tidbit when I says dabba see ads are on the map, call it the habit car to Annie. He doesn't use the female form of the verb here, because in that which is hidden as the habit, they have an AI that will see ads or theater see at meaning that the effects or the punishment of the evil deeds has left me.

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So what this is saying and then the last month I says Verily he is

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at home for horror, that he is someone that is boastful and bragging, why is this important in regards to insan in his verse, because when we as human beings

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are given something, when we have been given blessings that we are aware of, remember, the blessings that we're not aware of are much more than the ones that we are

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aware of. The sins that we are not aware of, are much more than the ones that we are

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I'm aware of. So that in and of itself is an expression of Allah's virtue, his father, his love for you, His mercy for you, his honor of you as human beings because you're the most noble of creation. So when Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying here when the night man,

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he says, we've given them a taste of research that says, As a Cornell look means taste, if we just given them a taste him or her the taste of this blessings, they will say that the evil has left me but they say it in a bragging fashion meaning that they are not thankful for the state of bliss that they are in

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Wallahi when we look on our telephones, it is important that when we see what is happening in Gaza, when we hear and even see what is happening in Kashmir,

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we here and see what has happened with our illegally Muslims and Rohingya. The Muslims around the world that we don't even see in the media anymore. Sometimes we think if we don't see it, it doesn't happen. And then we're human beings we're busy. But make no mistake, it is still going on.

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This should serve as a reminder for us when we see it we say subhanallah that however aliquot All Glory to Allah subhanho wa Taala there is no power in my except for him. Sometimes we may say what inna

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we may say in not in LA he were in LA he robbed your own Verily We are for a lot into a lot of when we returned, because we've seen a baby that's passed away a human being that's passed away a lot decided to take them.

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But at that moment, we should look in the mirror.

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And we should say look at the blessings that I have.

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The blessings that I have, firstly, the blessing of life, the blessing of health, the blessing of wealth. And each one of these, we could go on for days health, your vision, your breathing,

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your your sense, your intellect, all of that is a blessing from Allah subhanho wa taala, if you will, just to think of one anatomical structure, and see how that helps you in life and without it how you would be by seeing those that don't have sight by seeing those that are sick with chronic long term illness, when you go and visit them. You remember the blessing that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given you

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and you do not become brag for bragging and boastful of your current state. Let's not be drunken and blinded by the blessings that Allah has given us. Because what can happen is, we forget that it's a blessing. And we think it is because of our own agency. My job,

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the intellect that I have in order to get the job or I had in order to get the job, my family, my belongings, again, my health, my wealth, all of this hon Allah is a blessing from Allah, it is literally a father. Following Arabic literally means that which is extra.

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So what is his though Allah subhanho wa Taala is giving you that from His mercy, His love, because we think about our shortcomings, those that we remember, that we remember which are lesser than the ones that we don't, will lie when one sits and says yeah, Allah, I don't deserve this. How many times have we received something and we think of our sins, and we say, well, I don't deserve this. Well, I don't deserve it. That is when you really feel and internalize before of Allah subhanho wa Taala the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala. And it's consistent when one thinks about that. They realize that Subhanallah all the things that I've done, Allah has given me this,

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all the way that I was with my parents, Allah has given me a righteous son and righteous daughter.

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Allah has given me this, these blessings, it is important, as they say, count your blessings because Allah subhanaw taala last month, Allah says, waiting to do netmeds Allah He, if you were to try to enumerate the blessings, you will not be able to encompass them all.

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So that is important for us to remember that when Allah subhanaw taala gives us something, when we sit and ponder over any of our possessions, we should remind ourselves that it is a blessing because just as he has given it to us, he can easily take it away,

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internally and externally. And when we remember that we don't brag off of what we have, internally or externally, and nor do we belittle those around us. So may Allah subhanaw taala make us have a vaccine, which results in being of the shacking May Allah Subhan Allah make us of those that remember his blessings, mentioned his blessings, and allow that to be a means for a healthy, long lasting, rippling effect. Gratitude, just like Kamala Harris was Santa Monica

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So I've been catching

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