Abdullah Oduro – Nightly Reminder 21-04-2024

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary © The use of the "by" sign in Islam is important for increasing submission to Islam and achieving proof of submission. The importance of the "by" sign is emphasized in deemings of Islam, and testing oneself and allowing worship to be part of one's life is emphasized. The three factors that determine success in worship, desire, anger, and negligence, are the most powerful factors for achieving success in worship.
AI: Transcript ©
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We are continuing with the book,

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is the shower of good utterances or translated

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in English as the invocations of God.

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And we spoke about,

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a couple of days ago about the finding

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the middle course between being too excessive in

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the licensing and being too obsessive

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in, the rulings of Islam. So you're being

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too harsh or being too lackadaisical.

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And this is from the signs of.

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This is a sign of veneration

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and making the deen of Allah

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great in one's life.

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Continues on and he says here,

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He says that from the signs of making

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Allah's Allah's deem great, again, he gives another

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is he avoids them by using a method

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that does not undermine his submission,

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does not use any method that undermines his

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submission. And what is his submission? And he

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submits to the ummur of Allah,

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and its wisdoms by implementing it by implementing

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what he or she was ordered or here's

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what Allah ordered.

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And that's the most important part. He said

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that they obey the order and prohibitions of

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whether the

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the reason or wisdom

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behind the ruling

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is apparent to them or not.

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It is apparent to them or not. It

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doesn't matter. They know that Allah has ordered

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it. This is what they're concerned with, and

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that is what is the reason before reason

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for them doing the action,

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that Allah has ordered.

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He says, so if the wisdom of the

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ruling was shown shown to that person

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or made clear or apparent to that person,

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that increases them in their.

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It increases them in their obedience and their

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following and their their,

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income implementation

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and submission to Allah

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to the order of Allah.

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He said, and that does not lead them

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to the to to to totally,

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be void or not to do the action

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at all.

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Rather, he said,

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He says, just as this has caused a

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lot of people that have

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attributed themselves to to Sowwuf and the Sufi

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This is what has happened to a lot

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of them. They're they're there's a group called

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the and

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those have certain,

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differences in regards to how they view the

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deen of Islam and how they implement,

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these particular rulings of Islam.

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When it comes to the orders of Allah

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Subha Ta'ala and the prohibitions

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In orders and prohibitions,

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they're looking for the rulings. And if they

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don't excuse me. They're looking for the wisdom

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behind the ruling. And if the wisdom is

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not apparent to them, that is what can

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compromise their compliance

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in the action or compliance in the implementation.

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Okay? And then he

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He said, for verily then now Ibn al

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Qaym gives an example. He says, for verily,

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Allah has legislated the 5 prayers

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to uphold

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the remembrance of Allah.

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They legislated the 5 prayers,

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to remember him.

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That's what Allah even told Musa in the

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chapter of Taha

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when he says,

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he revealed himself to Musa, he said, worship

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me and establish the prayer for my remembrance.

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And Abduhl ibn Khayim is gonna go even

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deeper here later when he talks about the

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prayer in and of itself. The prophet

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used to tell Bilal. What did he used

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to tell Bilal?

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How did he used to tell Bilal to

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establish the economy?

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k. To

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do the thing or implement a portion of

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the sharia in that which brings us,

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which brings us ease,

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Retreats even.

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Because the dunya is sijun al mumin.

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The prophet said that the dunya of this

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world is a jail for the believer.

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And it is the heaven for the disbeliever

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because it's full of distractions.

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Allah says, you have been distracted by gathering

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things in abundance. In any case,

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the prayer should be a means for you

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to escape and detach to find that serenity

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and succina. And if it is otherwise,

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then it is a satanic influence.

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It's a satanic influence when you feel that

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the prayer is a bourbon.

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Or when you're in the prayer, you start

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to think about other things that get your

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heart that take your heart away from being

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present with

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So he's gonna talk about that in-depth

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But he says here that the prayer is

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a means for you to remember Allah

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and using

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the heart,

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the limbs, and the tongue in a form

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of servitude. And that's what's so magnificent and

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beautiful about the prayer. When you think of

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the salah, everything is being used,

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the hearts,

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the tongue, and the limbs. And these three

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elements are what the scholars say are the

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pillars of.

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That the heart acknowledges,

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and also the limbs are compliant or in

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accordance with what the heart believes,

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and the tongue acknowledges that.

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That is the signs of iman. All of

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that is iman with the scholars,

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Hassun Wajamaa, when they would mention that there

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is iman, that it is.

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Right? That is the statement of the heart

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or the acceptance

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and truthfulness of the heart and of the

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or of the tongue

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acknowledging that by the actions of the limbs.

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And there are many different statements, but they're

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all and all similar

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Then he says,

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He says, in giving everything its due right

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and portion

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of servitude

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for in that which is the purpose for

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the creation of the human being.

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The creation of the human being, the purpose

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of creation

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to Allah

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which is shown

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through the tongue, the heart, and the limbs.

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so the prayer has been placed and legislated

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upon the most complete and comprehensive

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of servitude.

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So when we pray, we know that there

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are many

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forms of wisdom behind it, many wisdoms. But

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generic generally generically speaking, we say the prayer

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is a form of remembrance. If you speak

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to a non Muslim and they say, why

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do you do this? Put your hands here

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or your child or even sometimes ourselves. Why

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do we put our hands here? Why do

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we go in this way? Why is it

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5 times a day? Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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I don't know. I don't know why,

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but I submit to it.

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Well, it has to be a reason that

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that there's 5 times a day. Yes. There

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is a reason. How can you worship God

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and you don't know the reason?

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You see,

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this is where this this question is problematic

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your worship is contingent upon knowledge of the

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reason why it was legislated. And that's what

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Ibn al Qaym is saying. From signs

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of veneration of the religion and making the

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deen of Allah great is that you are

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not concerned with understanding the reason for legislation.

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That is not the reason why you worship

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Allah. In other words, you don't say, well,

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until I find out,

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I'll do it. Or

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or or

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until I find out,

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I will not be totally all in

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with that worship.

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That's important.

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I'll do it because I have to.

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Right? But I'm not going to feel that

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I find a sense of liberation.

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I find a sense of serenity.

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I find a sense of of of of

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of of

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of feeling saved

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when doing this action. And more importantly, I

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find a sense of security

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from Satan

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and the and punishment of Allah if I

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don't do it.

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And that is at a very important distinction,

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especially in a place where there are many,

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many distractions.

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Ibn al Qayyim continues on. He says, he

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makes the heart the center portion and treasures

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of his or her faith.

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He's talking about these different actions of worship

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that it is from the and the the

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and love and shyness and greatness and watching

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monitoring themselves.

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And they make the Tawab, either

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And he makes the Tawab. It is upon

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the best form,

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of Tawab and the most virtuous.

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And all of that is

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the seeing Allah

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seeing the face of Allah

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and the success

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with his pleasure, being that his pleasure is

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the true success.

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And allowing him to get into Jannah. This

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is what he's most concerned with. And then

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says here in his last portion, he says,

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And with that,

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he has tested him, the servant, with following

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their desires,

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anger, and negligence.

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And he has tested him, all of us,

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with his enemy

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being Iblis.

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So Satan

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enters or influences

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all of us with one of these 3.

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What were the 3? Shahwa. What is shahwa?

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Desires. What is?

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And what is,

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Helelessness, negligence. Right? Satan will come to you

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from one of these 3. This is what

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he's saying. And then he says,

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that it is from our

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nature that we have these 3, that this

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will take place. But Satan will try to

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intensify, magnify,

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influence you to be affected by one of

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these 3.

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So it's it's it's it's natural

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self leans towards that.

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Because Satan will come to you with something

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that you love.

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So that thing

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or Satan,

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agrees with his soul and his desires,

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of the slave.

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These three things are that which can take

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authority and overpower him.

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So the limbs will be compliant with that.

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If you are angry and Satan influenced you,

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how are you going to let someone say

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that to you? You have to prove yourself

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online, offline. You have to say something. You

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know it's out of character, but Satan is

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is whispering to you. Right? Because you love

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You love to be honored,

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and you will obtain that honor even if

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it is getting out of what?

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Getting out of character.

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And with life, the one of the strongest

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examples is divorce.

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The man has to prove himself,

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right, or the woman has to prove herself,

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and that anger takes you to a to

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a degree to where you know what you're

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saying. If you just stop and think about

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it, you will probably regret it 5 minutes

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But you have to prove your point.

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Satan is taking over at that time. He's

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influencing you because you love

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You have to be respected

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at any cost.

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That's where the submission in their

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has to come in. So Satan comes to

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him with that, and he says,

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and the the limbs are the tools or

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the instruments or the weapons that are used.

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And there is no possible way except that

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they are summoned.

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So this is the situation of these three

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things being,

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desires and anger and negligence.

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And then he says that these are the

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three things that they are,

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will always be in obedience to the desires

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whichever way that they will be used. So

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in conclusion, ibn al Qayyim was talking about

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that the individual from the sign of the

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greatness of Allah, if we want to make

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the deen of Allah great in our lives,

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we don't directly or indirectly

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can make a condition on our obedience being

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that we have to know the reason why

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it was legislated or why it was legislated

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in that way. Rather, it is just us

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following it.

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We follow, we hear, and we obey as

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long as we know that it is from

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or the authentic sunnah of the

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May Allah

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make us of those that are obedient

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